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bufferInterval(Duration) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Maximum time a record can stay in RSI memory before being inserted into the database.
bufferRows(int) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Maximum number of rows the RSI library is allowed to buffer.
build() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Returns a RSI instance configured as specified.
builder() - Static method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion
Returns a new RSIBuilder.


close() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted records are ingested, but no new records will be accepted.
columnName() - Method in annotation type oracle.rsi.StreamField
columns(String[]) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Column names of the database table.


doUpsert() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
INSERT new row or UPDATE if exists.


entity(Class<?>) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
The mapping class annotated with StreamEntity and StreamField.
executor(Executor) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
An instance of Executor.


globalServiceName(String) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
The Global Service Name of Sharded database.


oracle.rsi - package oracle.rsi


password(String) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
The database password.
pushPublisher() - Static method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion
PushPublisher<T> - Interface in oracle.rsi
A producer of items received by the subscriber of Reactive Streams Ingestion Library.


ReactiveStreamsIngestion - Interface in oracle.rsi
The Reactive Streams Ingestion Library.
ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder - Interface in oracle.rsi
The ReactiveStreamsIngestion library instance builder.
RSIException - Exception in oracle.rsi
Represents an error that occurred in the Reactive Streams Ingestion Library.
RSIException() - Constructor for exception oracle.rsi.RSIException
Constructs a RSIException with null as its error detail message.
RSIException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.rsi.RSIException
Constructs a RSIException with the specified detail message.
RSIException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.rsi.RSIException
Constructs a RSIException with the specified detail message and the cause.


schema(String) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
The database schema.
shardingGroupKey() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ShardRecord
Returns the Sharding Group Key.
shardingKey() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ShardRecord
Returns the Sharding Key.
ShardRecord - Interface in oracle.rsi
An orderly representation of a record to be ingested into a table in the sharded database.
StreamEntity - Annotation Type in oracle.rsi
Annotation to indicate a Java class that can be used to stream entities (in the form of rows) using the Reactive Streams Ingestion Library.
StreamField - Annotation Type in oracle.rsi
Annotation to indicate a Java class that can be used to stream entities (in the form of rows) using the Reactive Streams Ingestion Library.
subscriber() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion
Returns a new Flow.Subscriber of this ReactiveStreamsIngestion.


table(String) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Name of the database table.
tableName() - Method in annotation type oracle.rsi.StreamEntity
transformer(Function<byte[], Object>) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
A Function that produces a result from the given byte[].


url(String) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
The database url.
useDirectPath() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Enable the Direct Path Load.
useDirectPathNoLog() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Enable Direct Path NOLOG Statement Option.
useDirectPathParallel() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Enable Direct Path PARALLEL Statement Option.
useDirectPathSkipIndexMaintenance() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Enable Direct Path SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE Statement Option.
useDirectPathSkipUnusableIndexes() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
Enable Direct Path SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES Statement Option.
username(String) - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ReactiveStreamsIngestion.Builder
The database username.


values() - Method in interface oracle.rsi.ShardRecord
The column values of this record.
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