Determining If Oracle ASM Filter Driver Is Configured

The value of the AFD_STATE parameter of SYS_ASMFD_PROPERTIES specifies whether Oracle ASMFD is configured for the Oracle ASM instance.

  1. As the grid user, check the state of Oracle ASMFD with the ASMCMD afd_state command.
    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_state
    ASMCMD-9526: The AFD state is 'LOADED' and filtering is 'DEFAULT' on host 'myhost'
  2. Run the following query on the Oracle ASM instance to determine if Oracles ASMFD is present on the host and display the value of AFD_STATE from SYS_CONTEXT.
    • If the value of AFD_STATE is equal to NOT AVAILABLE, then Oracle ASMFD is not configured.
    • If the value of AFD_STATE is equal to CONFIGURED, then Oracle ASMFD is set up and the Oracle ASM instance can register with the driver.