Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server for an Existing Database

Follow the high-level instructions in this section to install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server and configure it for an existing Oracle Database.

Oracle Restart can manage resources from the same release and releases up to one version lower than Oracle Restart. For instance, you can install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server 19c (Oracle Restart) to provide services for Oracle Database 19c and Oracle Database 18c. Earlier Oracle Database releases can coexist on the same server without being managed by Oracle Restart.
  1. Log in as the Oracle Database software owner user.
  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.

    Bourne, Bash or Korn shell:

    $ ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/21.0.0/dbhome_1
    $ export ORACLE_HOME

    C shell:

    % setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/21.0.0/dbhome_1
  3. Go to the Oracle home and stop any existing database listeners.
    $ $ORACLE_HOME/lsnrctl stop listener_name


    If this command throws an error, reload the listener using lsnrctl reload LISTENER
  4. On the same host computer as the database, install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server, and select Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server (Oracle Restart) as the installation option. See, “Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server with a New Database Installation” in Oracle Database Installation Guide.

    The Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server components are installed in an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Oracle home (Grid home), which is in a different location from existing Oracle Database homes.

  5. Go to the Oracle home and start any existing database listeners.
    $ $ORACLE_HOME/lsnrctl start listener_name
  6. Register the Oracle Database and its listeners for High Availability with Oracle Restart using the srvctl command:
    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    $ srvctl add database -db dbname -o oracle_home_path
    $ srvctl add listener -listener listener_name