Using the Installation Response File for Postinstallation Configuration

You can use the response file created during installation to also complete postinstallation configuration.

Run the installer with the -executeConfigTools option to configure configuration assistants after installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure or Oracle Database. You can use the response file located at $ORACLE_HOME/install/response/product_timestamp.rsp to obtain the passwords required to run the configuration tools. You must update the response file with the required passwords before running the -executeConfigTools command.

Oracle strongly recommends that you maintain security with a password response file:

  • Permissions on the response file should be set to 600.

  • The owner of the response file should be the installation owner user, with the group set to the central inventory (oraInventory) group.

Example B-1 Response File Passwords for Oracle Grid Infrastructure (grid user)

If you do not have a BMC card, or you do not want to enable IPMI, then leave the ipmi.bmcPassword input field blank.

If you do not want to enable Oracle Enterprise Manager for management, then leave the emAdminPassword password field blank.

Example B-2 Response File Passwords for Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server (oracle user)


If you do not want to enable Oracle Enterprise Manager for management, then leave the emAdminPassword password field blank.

Example B-3 Response File Passwords for Oracle Database (oracle user)

This example illustrates the passwords to specify for use with the database configuration assistants.


You can also specify oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.ALL=password to use the same password for all database users.

The database configuration assistants require the SYS, SYSTEM, PDBADMIN, and DBSNMP passwords for use with Oracle DBCA. You must specify the following passwords, depending on your system configuration:

  • If the database uses Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) for storage, then you must specify a password for the ASMSNMPPassword variable. If you are not using Oracle ASM, then leave the value for this password variable blank.