14.33 FOR LOOP Statement

With each iteration of the FOR LOOP statement, its statements run, its index is either incremented or decremented, and control returns to the top of the loop.

The FOR LOOP statement ends when its index reaches a specified value, or when a statement inside the loop transfers control outside the loop or raises an exception. An index is also called an iterand. Statements outside the loop cannot reference the iterand. After the FOR LOOP statement runs, the iterand is undefined.






See iterator


An EXIT, EXIT WHEN, CONTINUE, or CONTINUE WHEN in the statements can cause the loop or the current iteration of the loop to end early. See "statement ::=" for the list of all possible statements.


A label that identifies for_loop_statement (see "label"). CONTINUE, EXIT, and GOTO statements can reference this label.

Labels improve readability, especially when LOOP statements are nested, but only if you ensure that the label in the END LOOP statement matches a label at the beginning of the same LOOP statement (the compiler does not check).


  • Example 5-19, "Simple Step Filter Using FOR LOOP Stepped Range Iterator"
  • Example 5-15, "FOR LOOP Statement Range Iteration Control"
  • Example 5-16, "Reverse FOR LOOP Statement Range Iteration Control"
  • Example 5-27, "Using FOR LOOP Stopping Predicate Clause"
  • Example 5-28, "Using FOR LOOP Skipping Predicate Clause"
  • Example 5-10, "Outside Statement References FOR LOOP Statement Index"

  • Example 5-11, "FOR LOOP Statement Index with Same Name as Variable"

  • Example 5-12, "FOR LOOP Statement References Variable with Same Name as Index"

  • Example 5-13, "Nested FOR LOOP Statements with Same Index Name"

Example 14-28 EXIT WHEN Statement in FOR LOOP Statement

Suppose that you must exit a FOR LOOP statement immediately if a certain condition arises. You can put the condition in an EXIT WHEN statement inside the FOR LOOP statement.

In this example, the FOR LOOP statement executes 10 times unless the FETCH statement inside it fails to return a row, in which case it ends immediately.

  v_employees employees%ROWTYPE;
  CURSOR c1 is SELECT * FROM employees;
  OPEN c1;
  -- Fetch entire row into v_employees record:
  FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
    FETCH c1 INTO v_employees;
    -- Process data here
  CLOSE c1;

Example 14-29 EXIT WHEN Statement in Inner FOR LOOP Statement

Now suppose that the FOR LOOP statement that you must exit early is nested inside another FOR LOOP statement. If, when you exit the inner loop early, you also want to exit the outer loop, then label the outer loop and specify its name in the EXIT WHEN statement.

  v_employees employees%ROWTYPE;
  CURSOR c1 is SELECT * FROM employees;
  OPEN c1;
  -- Fetch entire row into v_employees record:
  FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
    -- Process data here
    FOR j IN 1..10 LOOP
      FETCH c1 INTO v_employees;
      EXIT outer_loop WHEN c1%NOTFOUND;
      -- Process data here
  END LOOP outer_loop;
  CLOSE c1;

Example 14-30 CONTINUE WHEN Statement in Inner FOR LOOP Statement

If you want to exit the inner loop early but complete the current iteration of the outer loop, then label the outer loop and specify its name in the CONTINUE WHEN statement.

  v_employees employees%ROWTYPE;
  CURSOR c1 is SELECT * FROM employees;
  OPEN c1;
  -- Fetch entire row into v_employees record:
  FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
    -- Process data here
    FOR j IN 1..10 LOOP
      FETCH c1 INTO v_employees;
      CONTINUE outer_loop WHEN c1%NOTFOUND;
      -- Process data here
  END LOOP outer_loop;
  CLOSE c1;

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