Oracle Data Provider for .NET Core Configuration

ODP.NET Core developers can assign application settings in .NET Configuration API, sqlnet.ora file, and tnsnames.ora file.

.NET Configuration API

.NET Core does not support application configuration via .NET configuration files, that is, web.config. Instead, it uses .NET Configuration API in lieu of a configuration file. ODP.NET Core supports Configuration API via the static class, OracleConfiguration, for application level provider settings. The OracleDataSourceCollection class supports adding and deleting net services names, that is, TNS entries. The OracleOnsServerCollection class supports adding to and deleting from a list of nodes where the Oracle Notification Service (ONS) daemons are talking to their remote clients.

All configurations settings through OracleConfiguration should be done before opening any connection in the application. Once a connection is opened, any updates to configuration properties will result in InvalidOperationException; with only exception of trace settings that are still allowed to change during application runtime.

Example 2-6 Code Sample

using System;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

namespace ODP_Core_Config_API
    class odp_core_config
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // This sample demonstrates how to use ODP.NET Core Configuration API

            // Add connect descriptors and net service names entries.
            OracleConfiguration.OracleDataSources.Add("orclpdb", "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname or IP>)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<service name>)(SERVER=dedicated)))");
            OracleConfiguration.OracleDataSources.Add("orcl", "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname or IP>)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<service name>)(SERVER=dedicated)))");

            // Set default statement cache size to be used by all connections.
            OracleConfiguration.StatementCacheSize = 25;

            // Disable self tuning by default.
            OracleConfiguration.SelfTuning = false;

            // Bind all parameters by name.
            OracleConfiguration.BindByName = true;

            // Set default timeout to 60 seconds.
            OracleConfiguration.CommandTimeout = 60;

            // Set default fetch size as 1 MB.
            OracleConfiguration.FetchSize = 1024 * 1024;

            // Set tracing options
            OracleConfiguration.TraceOption = 1;
            OracleConfiguration.TraceFileLocation = @"D:\traces";
            // Uncomment below to generate trace files
            //OracleConfiguration.TraceLevel = 7;
            // Set network properties
            OracleConfiguration.SendBufferSize = 8192;
            OracleConfiguration.ReceiveBuffereSize = 8192;
            OracleConfiguration.DisableOOB = true;

            OracleConnection orclCon = null;

                // Open a connection
                orclCon = new OracleConnection("user id=hr; password=<password>; data source=orclpdb");

                // Execute simple select statement that returns first 10 names from EMPLOYEES table
                OracleCommand orclCmd = orclCon.CreateCommand();
                orclCmd.CommandText = "select first_name from employees where rownum <= 10 ";
                OracleDataReader rdr = orclCmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (rdr.Read())
                    Console.WriteLine("Employee Name: " + rdr.GetString(0));


                // Close the connection
                if (null != orclCon)

Oracle Configuration Files

ODP.NET Core supports the sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora parameters below. These settings can be used in conjunction with .NET Configuration API.

  • BindByName

  • DbNotificationPort

  • Disable_Oobsqlnet.ora

  • DRCPConnectionClass

  • FetchSize

  • MaxStatementCacheSize


  • NODELAY sqlnet.ora



  • RECEIVE_BUF_SIZEsqlnet.ora or tnsnames.ora

  • SelfTuning

  • SEND_BUF_SIZE sqlnet.ora or tnsnames.ora

  • ServiceRelocationConnectionTimeout




  • StatementCacheSize

  • SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCHsqlnet.ora

  • SSL_VERSIONsqlnet.ora


  • TraceFileLocation

  • TraceLevel

  • TraceOption

  • TCP.CONNECT_TIMEOUT sqlnet.ora



ODP.NET Core will look for sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files in the following precedence order:

  1. OracleConfiguration.OracleDataSources

  2. Directory set in OracleConnection.TnsAdmin property

  3. Directory set for the Tns_Admin connection string attribute

  4. Directory set in OracleConfiguration.TnsAdmin property

  5. Current working directory

  6. TNS_ADMIN directory setting of the OS environment variable or container environment variable

ODP.NET Core will look for ldap.ora files in the following precedence order:

  1. Directory set in OracleConnection.TnsAdmin

  2. Directory set for the Tns_Admin connection string attribute

  3. Directory set in OracleConfiguration.TnsAdmin property

  4. Directory set in OracleConfiguration.LdapAdmin property

  5. Current working directory

  6. TNS_ADMIN directory setting in the environment

  7. LDAP_ADMIN directory setting in the environment