describes named PL/SQL collection types accessible to the user.
Related Views
describes all named PL/SQL collection types in the database. This view does not display theCHAR_USED
column. -
describes the user's own named PL/SQL collection types. This view does not display theOWNER
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
Owner of the type |
Name of the type |
Name of the package containing the collection |
Collection type |
The upper bound of a varray or length constraint of an index by |
Owner of the type of the element |
Name of the type of the element |
Name of the package containing the element |
Length of the |
Decimal precision of the |
Scale of the |
Character set name of the element |
Storage optimization specification for VARRAY of numeric elements |
Indicates whether null information is stored with each |
Index by |
Type modifier of the element |
See Also: