displays summary information about events that occurred during an Application Continuity Protection Check (ACCHK) workload run.
This view describes the number of times a particular type of event occurred in a session. You can use this view in conjunction with the DBA_ACCHK_STATISTICS_SUMMARY
view. Join the INST_ID
and CON_ID
columns in this view with the INST_ID
and CON_ID
to view Application Continuity protection statistics for a particular instance.
role allows users with no administrative privileges to query this view.
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
Identifier for the instance |
The ID of the container to which the data pertains. Possible values include:
Service name of the session |
Indicates the
Indicates the
Indicates the
Name of the operating system program that generated the trace record |
Name of the module that generated the trace record |
Name of the action that generated the trace record |
SQL identifier of the SQL statement that generated the trace record |
Name of the user call that generated the trace record |
Event type. Possible values:
If an error occurred, this column displays the error code: |
Number of times the event occurred during the workload run |
This view is available starting with Oracle Database 21c.