Creating Affinity Between Middle-Tier and Shards

Middle-tier routing allows smart routers to route to the middle tier associated with a sharding key.

You can use the middle-tier routing API to publish the sharded database topology to the router tier so that requests based on specific sharding keys are routed to the appropriate application middle tier, which in turn establishes connections on the given subset of shards.

In a typical Oracle Sharding environment, middle-tier connection pools route database requests to specific shards. This can lead to a situation where each middle-tier connection pool establishes connections to each shard. This can create too many connections to the database. The issue can be solved by creating an affinity between the middle tiers and shards. In this scenario it would be ideal to dedicate a middle tier (web server, application server) for each data center or cloud, and to have client requests routed directly to the middle tier where the shard containing the client data (corresponding to the client shard key) resides. A common term used for this kind of setup is swim lanes, where each swim lane is a dedicated stack, from web server to application server all the way to the database.

Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) solves this problem by providing a middle-tier routing API which can be used to route client requests to the relevant middle tier. The UCP middle tier API is exposed by the OracleShardRoutingCache class. An instance of this class represents the UCP internal shard routing cache, which can be created by providing connection properties such as user, password, and URL. The routing cache connects to the sharding catalog to retrieve the key to shard mapping topology and stores it in its cache.

The routing cache is used by UCP middle-tier API getShardInfoForKey(shardKey,superShardKey), which accepts a sharding key as input and returns a set of ShardInfo instances mapped to the input sharding key. The ShardInfo instance encapsulates a unique shard name and priority of the shard. An application using the middle-tier API can map the returned unique shard name value to a middle tier that has connections to a specific shard. The routing cache is automatically updated when chunks are split or moved to other shards by subscribing to respective ONS events.

The following code example illustrates the usage of Oracle UCP middle-tier routing API.

Example 14-1 Middle-Tier Routing Using UCP API

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import oracle.jdbc.OracleShardingKey;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleType;
import oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException;
import oracle.ucp.routing.ShardInfo;

 * The code example illustrates the usage of UCP's mid-tier routing feature.  
 * The API accepts sharding key as input and returns the set of ShardInfo 
 * instances mapped to the sharding key. The ShardInfo instance encapsulates 
 * unique shard name and priority. The unique shard name then can be mapped 
 * to a mid-tier server which connects to a specific shard.
public class MidtierShardingExample {

  private static String user = "testuser1";
  private static String password = "testuser1";

  // catalog DB URL
  private static String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//hostName:1521/catalogServiceName";
  private static String region = "regionName";

  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

  static void testMidTierRouting() throws UniversalConnectionPoolException,
      SQLException {

    Properties dbConnectProperties = new Properties();
    dbConnectProperties.setProperty(OracleShardRoutingCache.USER, user);
    dbConnectProperties.setProperty(OracleShardRoutingCache.PASSWORD, password);
    // Mid-tier routing API accepts catalog DB URL
    dbConnectProperties.setProperty(OracleShardRoutingCache.URL, url);

    // Region name is required to get the ONS config string
    dbConnectProperties.setProperty(OracleShardRoutingCache.REGION, region);

    OracleShardRoutingCache routingCache = new OracleShardRoutingCache(

    final int COUNT = 10;
    Random random = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
      int key = random.nextInt();
      OracleShardingKey shardKey = routingCache.getShardingKeyBuilder()
          .subkey(key, OracleType.NUMBER).build();
      OracleShardingKey superShardKey = null;

      Set<ShardInfo> shardInfoSet = routingCache.getShardInfoForKey(shardKey,

      for (ShardInfo shardInfo : shardInfoSet) {
        System.out.println("Sharding Key=" + key + " Shard Name="
            + shardInfo.getName() + " Priority=" + shardInfo.getPriority());


See Also:

Middle-Tier Routing Using UCP in Oracle Universal Connection Pool Developer’s Guide