10 Best Practices

1. Use Database Service on Cloud:

Use the Oracle Database Service on Cloud (DBCS) to create a database on cloud. DBCS comes with an in-built HR schema and tables that you can use when you build the HR web application.


Use Oracle Database 21c to use features and functionalities of the latest Oracle Database.

2. JDBC Driver, UCP:

It is recommend that you use the latest versions of JDBC drivers and UCP.


Download the latest JDBC drivers and UCP from JDBC driver and UCP

3. JDK 8

It is recommended that you use the latest version of Oracle JDBC driver, that is compliant with JDK 8.

4. Auto-closeable statements

Starting JDK7, ‘Auto-closeable statements’ has been introduced, that close by default without an explicit catch statement.

5. Use PreparedStatement instead of Statement objects:

Statement in JDBC must be localized to being used for DDL (ALTER, CREATE, GRANT etc) since these commands cannot accept bind variables.

Use PreparedStatement or CallableStatement for any other type of statement. These statements can accept bind variables.