The Upgrade Checks Overview file has the date that the check was run at the top, indicating the database compatibility setting, the database version, and the operating system of the server on which the AutoUpgrade analysis was run. IN this case, shows DB Compatible 12.2.0, and database version, and operating system Linux.

In the Upgrade Checks Overview file, there is a navigation tree on the left side of the results file for the container database, called CDB1. The navigation shows checks performed on (in sequence), the CDB$ROOT container, the PDB$SEED, and the PDBs. Under each container, the navigation tree shows precheck errors, precheck warnings, precheck recommendations, precheck information notes, precheck warnings, and precheck recommendations.

The topic area of the Upgrade Checks Overview file example shows two report messages for CDB$ROOT, which show the name of the check, whether or not a fixup is available that can be run using AutoUpgrade in Fixup mode, the severity of the issue, and the stage of AutoUpgrade that is being run. The first error is presented with a red banner heading. It shows "Checkname: ARCHIVE_MODE_ON Fixup Available: No Severity: ERROR Stage: Prechecks" The red color and the Severity value indicate that this is a error that must be corrected. Below the banner, text is displayed that indicates what you must do to correct the error. The next message is under an orange banner heading. It shows: "Checkname: UNIAUD_RECORDS_IN_FILE Fixup available: YES Severity: WARNING Stage: PRECHECKS." Below the banner, text is displayed indicating the cause of the warning, and how it can be corrected.