16 Oracle Java Message Service Types Examples
The following examples illustrate how to use Oracle JMS Types to dequeue and enqueue Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) messages.
How to Set Up the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing JMS Type Examples
To run Example 16-3 through Example 16-8 follow these steps:
Example 16-1 Setting Up Environment for Running JMS Types Examples
connect sys;
enter password: password
Rem Create the JMS user: jmsuser
set echo offset verify offconnect sysDROP USER jmsuser CASCADE;ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDECREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;GRANT DBA, AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, AQ_USER_ROLE to jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser;connect jmsuser/&password
Rem Creating five AQ queue tables and five queues for five payloads:
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_text',
Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_bytes',
Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_stream',
Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_STREAM_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_map',
Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_MAP_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_general',
Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_text_que',
Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_text');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que',
Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_bytes');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que',
Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_stream');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que',
Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_map');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_general_que',
Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_general');
Rem Starting the queues and enable both enqueue and dequeue
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_text_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_general_que');
Rem The supporting utility used in the example to help display results in SQLPLUS enviroment
Rem Display a RAW data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_raw(rdata raw)
pos pls_integer;
length pls_integer;
pos := 1;
length := UTL_RAW.LENGTH(rdata);
WHILE pos <= length LOOP
IF pos+20 > length+1 THEN
dbms_output.put_line(UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(rdata, pos, length-pos+1));
dbms_output.put_line(UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(rdata, pos, 20));
pos := pos+20;
END display_raw;
show errors;
Rem Display a BLOB data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_blob(bdata blob)
pos pls_integer;
length pls_integer;
length := dbms_lob.getlength(bdata);
pos := 1;
WHILE pos <= length LOOP
display_raw(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(bdata, 2000, pos));
pos := pos+2000;
END display_blob;
show errors;
Rem Display a VARCHAR data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_varchar(vdata varchar)
pos pls_integer;
text_len pls_integer;
text_len := length(vdata);
pos := 1;
WHILE pos <= text_len LOOP
IF pos+20 > text_len+1 THEN
dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(vdata, pos, text_len-pos+1));
dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(vdata, pos, 20));
pos := pos+20;
END display_varchar;
show errors;
Rem Display a CLOB data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_clob(cdata clob)
pos pls_integer;
length pls_integer;
length := dbms_lob.getlength(cdata);
pos := 1;
WHILE pos <= length LOOP
display_varchar(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(cdata, 2000, pos));
pos := pos+2000;
END display_clob;
show errors;
Rem When application receives an ORA-24197 error, It means the JAVA stored
Rem procedures has thrown some exceptions that could not be catergorized. The
Rem user can use GET_EXCEPTION procedure of SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE,
Rem to retrieve a SYS.AQ$_JMS_EXCEPTION object which contains more detailed
Rem information on this JAVA exception including the exception name, JAVA error
Rem message and stack trace.
Rem This utility function is to help display the SYS.AQ$_JMS_EXCEPTION object in
create or replace procedure display_exp(exp SYS.AQ$_JMS_EXCEPTION)
pos1 pls_integer;
pos2 pls_integer;
text_data varchar(2000);
pos1 := 1;
pos2 := INSTR(exp.stack, chr(10), pos1);
IF pos2 = 0 THEN
pos2 := length(exp.stack)+1;
dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(exp.stack, pos1, pos2-pos1));
IF pos2 > length(exp.stack) THEN
pos1 := pos2+1;
END display_exp;
show errors;
Example 16-2 Setting Up the Examples
Example 16-1 performs the necessary setup for the JMS types examples. Copy and save it as setup.sql
JMS BytesMessage Examples
This section includes examples that illustrate enqueuing and dequeuing of a JMS BytesMessage
Example 16-3 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ
functions to populate and enqueue a JMS BytesMessage
represented as sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message
type in the database. This message later can be dequeued by a JAVA Oracle Java Message Service (Oracle JMS) client.
Example 16-4 illustrates how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ
functions to dequeue and retrieve data from a JMS BytesMessage
represented as sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message
type in the database. This message might be enqueued by an Oracle JMS client.
Example 16-3 Populating and Enqueuing a BytesMessage
set echo offset verify offconnect sysDROP USER jmsuser CASCADE;ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDECREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;GRANT DBA, AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, AQ_USER_ROLE to jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser;connect jmsuser/&password SET ECHO ON set serveroutput on DECLARE id pls_integer; agent sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0); message sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message; enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); java_exp exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197); BEGIN -- Consturct a empty BytesMessage object message := sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.construct; -- Shows how to set the JMS header message.set_replyto(agent); message.set_type('tkaqpet1'); message.set_userid('jmsuser'); message.set_appid('plsql_enq'); message.set_groupid('st'); message.set_groupseq(1); -- Shows how to set JMS user properties message.set_string_property('color', 'RED'); message.set_int_property('year', 1999); message.set_float_property('price', 16999.99); message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000); message.set_boolean_property('import', True); message.set_byte_property('password', -127); -- Shows how to populate the message payload of aq$_jms_bytes_message -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message. -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message type of messges to be operated at -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store. id := message.clear_body(-1); -- Write data into the BytesMessage paylaod. These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's. -- See the document for detail. -- Write a byte to the BytesMessage payload message.write_byte(id, 10); -- Write a RAW data as byte array to the BytesMessage payload message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF'))); -- Write a portion of the RAW data as byte array to BytesMessage payload -- Note the offset follows JAVA convention, starting from 0 message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')), 0, 16); -- Write a char to the BytesMessage payload message.write_char(id, 'A'); -- Write a double to the BytesMessage payload message.write_double(id, 9999.99); -- Write a float to the BytesMessage payload message.write_float(id, 99.99); -- Write a int to the BytesMessage payload message.write_int(id, 12345); -- Write a long to the BytesMessage payload message.write_long(id, 1234567); -- Write a short to the BytesMessage payload message.write_short(id, 123); -- Write a String to the BytesMessage payload, -- the String is encoded in UTF8 in the message payload message.write_utf(id, 'Hello World!'); -- Flush the data from JAVA stored procedure (JServ) to PL/SQL side -- Without doing this, the PL/SQL message is still empty. message.flush(id); -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.clean_all(); --message.clean(id); -- Enqueue this message into AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que', enqueue_options => enqueue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); EXCEPTION WHEN java_exp THEN dbms_output.put_line('exception information:'); display_exp(sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.get_exception()); END; / commit;
Example 16-4 Dequeuing and Retrieving JMS BytesMessage Data
set echo off set verify off DROP USER jmsuser CASCADE; ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser; connect jmsuser/&password set echo on set serveroutput on size 20000 DECLARE id pls_integer; blob_data blob; clob_data clob; blob_len pls_integer; message sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message; agent sys.aq$_agent; dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); gdata sys.aq$_jms_value; java_exp exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE (20000); -- Dequeue this message from AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que', dequeue_options => dequeue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); -- Retrieve the header agent := message.get_replyto; dbms_output.put_line('Type: ' || message.get_type || ' UserId: ' || message.get_userid || ' AppId: ' || message.get_appid || ' GroupId: ' || message.get_groupid || ' GroupSeq: ' || message.get_groupseq); -- Retrieve the user properties dbms_output.put_line('price: ' || message.get_float_property('price')); dbms_output.put_line('color: ' || message.get_string_property('color')); IF message.get_boolean_property('import') = TRUE THEN dbms_output.put_line('import: Yes' ); ELSIF message.get_boolean_property('import') = FALSE THEN dbms_output.put_line('import: No' ); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('year: ' || message.get_int_property('year')); dbms_output.put_line('mileage: ' || message.get_long_property('mileage')); dbms_output.put_line('password: ' || message.get_byte_property('password')); -- Shows how to retrieve the message payload of aq$_jms_bytes_message -- Prepare call, send the content in the PL/SQL aq$_jms_bytes_message object to -- Java stored procedure(Jserv) in the form of a byte array. -- Passing -1 reserves a new slot in msg store of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message. -- Max number of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message type of messges to be operated at -- the same time in a session is 20. Call clean_body fn. with parameter -1 -- might result in ORA-24199 error if messages operated on are already 20. -- You must call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store. id := message.prepare(-1); -- Read data from BytesMessage paylaod. These fns. are analogy of JMS Java -- API's. See the JMS Types chapter for detail. dbms_output.put_line('Payload:'); -- read a byte from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_byte:' || message.read_byte(id)); -- read a byte array into a blob object from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_bytes:'); blob_len := message.read_bytes(id, blob_data, 272); display_blob(blob_data); -- read a char from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_char:'|| message.read_char(id)); -- read a double from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_double:'|| message.read_double(id)); -- read a float from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_float:'|| message.read_float(id)); -- read a int from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_int:'|| message.read_int(id)); -- read a long from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_long:'|| message.read_long(id)); -- read a short from the BytesMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_short:'|| message.read_short(id)); -- read a String from the BytesMessage payload. -- the String is in UTF8 encoding in the message payload dbms_output.put_line('read_utf:'); message.read_utf(id, clob_data); display_clob(clob_data); -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user -- do not plan to do paylaod retrieving on this message anymore message.clean(id); -- sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.clean_all(); EXCEPTION WHEN java_exp THEN dbms_output.put_line('exception information:'); display_exp(sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.get_exception()); END; / commit;
JMS StreamMessage Examples
This section includes examples that illustrate enqueuing and dequeuing of a JMS StreamMessage
Example 16-5 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ
functions to populate and enqueue a JMS StreamMessage
represented as sys.aq$_jms_stream_message
type in the database. This message later can be dequeued by an Oracle JMS client.
Example 16-6 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ
functions to dequeue and retrieve data from a JMS StreamMessage
represented as sys.aq$_jms_stream_message
type in the database. This message might be enqueued by an Oracle JMS client.
Example 16-5 Populating and Enqueuing a JMS StreamMessage
set echo off set verify off DROP USER jmsuser CASCADE; ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser; connect jmsuser/&password SET ECHO ON set serveroutput on DECLARE id pls_integer; agent sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0); message sys.aq$_jms_stream_message; enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); java_exp exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197); BEGIN -- Consturct a empty StreamMessage object message := sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.construct; -- Shows how to set the JMS header message.set_replyto(agent); message.set_type('tkaqpet1'); message.set_userid('jmsuser'); message.set_appid('plsql_enq'); message.set_groupid('st'); message.set_groupseq(1); -- Shows how to set JMS user properties message.set_string_property('color', 'RED'); message.set_int_property('year', 1999); message.set_float_property('price', 16999.99); message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000); message.set_boolean_property('import', True); message.set_byte_property('password', -127); -- Shows how to populate the message payload of aq$_jms_stream_message -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message. -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message type of messges to be operated at -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store. id := message.clear_body(-1); -- Write data into the message paylaod. These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's. -- See the document for detail. -- Write a byte to the StreamMessage payload message.write_byte(id, 10); -- Write a RAW data as byte array to the StreamMessage payload message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF'))); -- Write a portion of the RAW data as byte array to the StreamMessage payload -- Note the offset follows JAVA convention, starting from 0 message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')), 0, 16); -- Write a char to the StreamMessage payload message.write_char(id, 'A'); -- Write a double to the StreamMessage payload message.write_double(id, 9999.99); -- Write a float to the StreamMessage payload message.write_float(id, 99.99); -- Write a int to the StreamMessage payload message.write_int(id, 12345); -- Write a long to the StreamMessage payload message.write_long(id, 1234567); -- Write a short to the StreamMessage payload message.write_short(id, 123); -- Write a String to the StreamMessage payload message.write_string(id, 'Hello World!'); -- Flush the data from JAVA stored procedure (JServ) to PL/SQL side -- Without doing this, the PL/SQL message is still empty. message.flush(id); -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.clean_all(); --message.clean(id); -- Enqueue this message into AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que', enqueue_options => enqueue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); EXCEPTION WHEN java_exp THEN dbms_output.put_line('exception information:'); display_exp(sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.get_exception()); END; / commit;
Example 16-6 Dequeuing and Retrieving Data From a JMS StreamMessage
set echo off set verify off DROP USER jmsuser CASCADE; ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser; connect jmsuser/&password set echo on set serveroutput on DECLARE id pls_integer; blob_data blob; clob_data clob; message sys.aq$_jms_stream_message; agent sys.aq$_agent; dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); gdata sys.aq$_jms_value; java_exp exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE (20000); -- Dequeue this message from AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que', dequeue_options => dequeue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); -- Retrieve the header agent := message.get_replyto; dbms_output.put_line('Type: ' || message.get_type || ' UserId: ' || message.get_userid || ' AppId: ' || message.get_appid || ' GroupId: ' || message.get_groupid || ' GroupSeq: ' || message.get_groupseq); -- Retrieve the user properties dbms_output.put_line('price: ' || message.get_float_property('price')); dbms_output.put_line('color: ' || message.get_string_property('color')); IF message.get_boolean_property('import') = TRUE THEN dbms_output.put_line('import: Yes' ); ELSIF message.get_boolean_property('import') = FALSE THEN dbms_output.put_line('import: No' ); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('year: ' || message.get_int_property('year')); dbms_output.put_line('mileage: ' || message.get_long_property('mileage')); dbms_output.put_line('password: ' || message.get_byte_property('password')); -- Shows how to retrieve the message payload of aq$_jms_stream_message -- The prepare call send the content in the PL/SQL aq$_jms_stream_message object to -- JAVA stored procedure(Jserv) in the form of byte array. -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message. -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message type of messges to be operated at -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store. id := message.prepare(-1); -- Assume the users know the types of data in the StreamMessage payload. -- The user can use the specific read function corresponding with the data type. -- These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's. See the document for detail. dbms_output.put_line('Retrieve payload by Type:'); -- Read a byte from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_byte:' || message.read_byte(id)); -- Read a byte array into a blob object from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_bytes:'); message.read_bytes(id, blob_data); display_blob(blob_data); -- Read another byte array into a blob object from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_bytes:'); message.read_bytes(id, blob_data); display_blob(blob_data); -- Read a char from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_char:'|| message.read_char(id)); -- Read a double from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_double:'|| message.read_double(id)); -- Read a float from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_float:'|| message.read_float(id)); -- Read a int from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_int:'|| message.read_int(id)); -- Read a long from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_long:'|| message.read_long(id)); -- Read a short from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_short:'|| message.read_short(id)); -- Read a String into a clob data from the StreamMessage payload dbms_output.put_line('read_string:'); message.read_string(id, clob_data); display_clob(clob_data); -- Assume the users do not know the types of data in the StreamMessage payload. -- The user can use read_object method to read the data into a sys.aq$_jms_value object -- These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's. See the document for detail. -- Reset the stream pointer to the begining of the message so that we can read throught -- the message payload again. message.reset(id); LOOP message.read_object(id, gdata); IF gdata IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; CASE gdata.type WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTE THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/byte:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_SHORT THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/short:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_INTEGER THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/int:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_LONG THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/long:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_FLOAT THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/float:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/double:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/boolean:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_CHARACTER THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/char:' || gdata.char_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_STRING THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/string:'); display_clob(gdata.text_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTES THEN dbms_output.put_line('read_object/bytes:'); display_blob(gdata.bytes_val); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('No such data type'); END CASE; END LOOP; -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user -- do not plan to do paylaod retrieving on this message anymore message.clean(id); -- sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.clean_all(); EXCEPTION WHEN java_exp THEN dbms_output.put_line('exception information:'); display_exp(sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.get_exception()); END; / commit;
JMS MapMessage Examples
This section includes examples that illustrate enqueuing and dequeuing of a JMS MapMessage
Example 16-7 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ
functions to populate and enqueue a JMS MapMessage
represented as sys.aq$_jms_map_message
type in the database. This message later can be dequeued by an Oracle JMS client.
Example 16-8 illustrates how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ
functions to dequeue and retrieve data from a JMS MapMessage
represented as sys.aq$_jms_map_message
type in the database. This message can be enqueued by an Oracle JMS client.
Example 16-7 Populating and Enqueuing a JMS MapMessage
set echo off set verify off DROP USER jmsuser CASCADE; ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser; connect jmsuser/&password SET ECHO ON set serveroutput on DECLARE id pls_integer; agent sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0); message sys.aq$_jms_map_message; enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); java_exp exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197); BEGIN -- Consturct a empty map message object message := sys.aq$_jms_map_message.construct; -- Shows how to set the JMS header message.set_replyto(agent); message.set_type('tkaqpet1'); message.set_userid('jmsuser'); message.set_appid('plsql_enq'); message.set_groupid('st'); message.set_groupseq(1); -- Shows how to set JMS user properties message.set_string_property('color', 'RED'); message.set_int_property('year', 1999); message.set_float_property('price', 16999.99); message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000); message.set_boolean_property('import', True); message.set_byte_property('password', -127); -- Shows how to populate the message payload of aq$_jms_map_message -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_map_message. -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_map_message type of messges to be operated at -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store. id := message.clear_body(-1); -- Write data into the message paylaod. These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's. -- See the document for detail. -- Set a byte entry in map message payload message.set_byte(id, 'BYTE', 10); -- Set a byte array entry using RAW data in map message payload message.set_bytes(id, 'BYTES', UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF'))); -- Set a byte array entry using only a portion of the RAW data in map message payload -- Note the offset follows JAVA convention, starting from 0 message.set_bytes(id, 'BYTES_PART', UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')), 0, 16); -- Set a char entry in map message payload message.set_char(id, 'CHAR', 'A'); -- Set a double entry in map message payload message.set_double(id, 'DOUBLE', 9999.99); -- Set a float entry in map message payload message.set_float(id, 'FLOAT', 99.99); -- Set a int entry in map message payload message.set_int(id, 'INT', 12345); -- Set a long entry in map message payload message.set_long(id, 'LONG', 1234567); -- Set a short entry in map message payload message.set_short(id, 'SHORT', 123); -- Set a String entry in map message payload message.set_string(id, 'STRING', 'Hello World!'); -- Flush the data from JAVA stored procedure (JServ) to PL/SQL side -- Without doing this, the PL/SQL message is still empty. message.flush(id); -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore sys.aq$_jms_map_message.clean_all(); --message.clean(id); -- Enqueue this message into AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que', enqueue_options => enqueue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); END; / commit;
Example 16-8 Dequeuing and Retrieving Data From a JMS MapMessage
set echo off set verify off DROP USER jmsuser CASCADE; ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser; connect jmsuser/&password set echo on set serveroutput on DECLARE id pls_integer; blob_data blob; clob_data clob; message sys.aq$_jms_map_message; agent sys.aq$_agent; dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); name_arr sys.aq$_jms_namearray; gdata sys.aq$_jms_value; java_exp exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE (20000); -- Dequeue this message from AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que', dequeue_options => dequeue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); -- Retrieve the header agent := message.get_replyto; dbms_output.put_line('Type: ' || message.get_type || ' UserId: ' || message.get_userid || ' AppId: ' || message.get_appid || ' GroupId: ' || message.get_groupid || ' GroupSeq: ' || message.get_groupseq); -- Retrieve the user properties dbms_output.put_line('price: ' || message.get_float_property('price')); dbms_output.put_line('color: ' || message.get_string_property('color')); IF message.get_boolean_property('import') = TRUE THEN dbms_output.put_line('import: Yes' ); ELSIF message.get_boolean_property('import') = FALSE THEN dbms_output.put_line('import: No' ); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('year: ' || message.get_int_property('year')); dbms_output.put_line('mileage: ' || message.get_long_property('mileage')); dbms_output.put_line('password: ' || message.get_byte_property('password')); -- Shows how to retrieve the message payload of aq$_jms_map_message -- 'Prepare' sends the content in the PL/SQL aq$_jms_map_message object to -- Java stored procedure(Jserv) in the form of byte array. -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of -- sys.aq$_jms_map_message. The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_map_message -- type of messges to be operated at the same time within a session is 20. -- Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is -- already 20. The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function -- to clean up message store. id := message.prepare(-1); -- Assume the users know the names and types in the map message payload. -- The user can use names to get the corresponsing values. -- These functions are analogous to JMS Java API's. See JMS Types chapter -- for detail. dbms_output.put_line('Retrieve payload by Name:'); -- Get a byte entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_byte:' || message.get_byte(id, 'BYTE')); -- Get a byte array entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_bytes:'); message.get_bytes(id, 'BYTES', blob_data); display_blob(blob_data); -- Get another byte array entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_bytes:'); message.get_bytes(id, 'BYTES_PART', blob_data); display_blob(blob_data); -- Get a char entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_char:'|| message.get_char(id, 'CHAR')); -- get a double entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_double:'|| message.get_double(id, 'DOUBLE')); -- Get a float entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_float:'|| message.get_float(id, 'FLOAT')); -- Get a int entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_int:'|| message.get_int(id, 'INT')); -- Get a long entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_long:'|| message.get_long(id, 'LONG')); -- Get a short entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_short:'|| message.get_short(id, 'SHORT')); -- Get a String entry from the map message payload dbms_output.put_line('get_string:'); message.get_string(id, 'STRING', clob_data); display_clob(clob_data); -- Assume users do not know names and types in map message payload. -- User can first retrieve the name array containing all names in the -- payload and iterate through the name list and get the corresponding -- value. These functions are analogous to JMS Java API's. -- See JMS Type chapter for detail. dbms_output.put_line('Retrieve payload by iteration:'); -- Get the name array from the map message payload name_arr := message.get_names(id); -- Iterate through the name array to retrieve the value for each of the name. FOR i IN name_arr.FIRST..name_arr.LAST LOOP -- Test if a name exist in the map message payload -- (It is not necessary in this case, just a demostration on how to use it) IF message.item_exists(id, name_arr(i)) THEN dbms_output.put_line('item exists:'||name_arr(i)); -- Because we do not know the type of entry, we must use sys.aq$_jms_value -- type object for the data returned message.get_object(id, name_arr(i), gdata); IF gdata IS NOT NULL THEN CASE gdata.type WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTE THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/byte:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_SHORT THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/short:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_INTEGER THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/int:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_LONG THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/long:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_FLOAT THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/float:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/double:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/boolean:' || gdata.num_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_CHARACTER THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/char:' || gdata.char_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_STRING THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/string:'); display_clob(gdata.text_val); WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTES THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/bytes:'); display_blob(gdata.bytes_val); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('No such data type'); END CASE; END IF; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('item not exists:'||name_arr(i)); END IF; END LOOP; -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore message.clean(id); -- sys.aq$_jms_map_message.clean_all(); EXCEPTION WHEN java_exp THEN dbms_output.put_line('exception information:'); display_exp(sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.get_exception()); END; / commit;
More Oracle Database Advanced Queuing JMS Examples
The sample program in Example 16-9 enqueues a large TextMessage
(along with JMS user properties) in an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue created through the Oracle JMS administrative interfaces to hold JMS TEXT
messages. Both the TextMessage
and BytesMessage
enqueued in this example can be dequeued using Oracle JMS clients.
The sample program in Example 16-10 enqueues a large BytesMessage
Example 16-9 Enqueuing a Large TextMessage
DECLARE text varchar2(32767); agent sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0); message sys.aq$_jms_text_message; enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); BEGIN message := sys.aq$_jms_text_message.construct; message.set_replyto(agent); message.set_type('tkaqpet2'); message.set_userid('jmsuser'); message.set_appid('plsql_enq'); message.set_groupid('st'); message.set_groupseq(1); message.set_boolean_property('import', True); message.set_string_property('color', 'RED'); message.set_short_property('year', 1999); message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000); message.set_double_property('price', 16999.99); message.set_byte_property('password', 127); FOR i IN 1..500 LOOP text := CONCAT (text, '1234567890'); END LOOP; message.set_text(text); dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_text_t1', enqueue_options => enqueue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); END;
Example 16-10 Enqueuing a Large BytesMessage
DECLARE text VARCHAR2(32767); bytes RAW(32767); agent sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0); message sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message; body BLOB; position INT; enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; msgid raw(16); BEGIN message := sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.construct; message.set_replyto(agent); message.set_type('tkaqper4'); message.set_userid('jmsuser'); message.set_appid('plsql_enq_raw'); message.set_groupid('st'); message.set_groupseq(1); message.set_boolean_property('import', True); message.set_string_property('color', 'RED'); message.set_short_property('year', 1999); message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000); message.set_double_property('price', 16999.99); -- prepare a huge payload into a blob FOR i IN 1..1000 LOOP text := CONCAT (text, '0123456789ABCDEF'); END LOOP; bytes := HEXTORAW(text); dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => body, cache => TRUE); dbms_lob.open (body, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READWRITE); position := 1 ; FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP dbms_lob.write ( lob_loc => body, amount => FLOOR((LENGTH(bytes)+1)/2), offset => position, buffer => bytes); position := position + FLOOR((LENGTH(bytes)+1)/2) ; END LOOP; -- end of the preparation message.set_bytes(body); dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_t1', enqueue_options => enqueue_options, message_properties => message_properties, payload => message, msgid => msgid); dbms_lob.freetemporary(lob_loc => body); END;