11 Getting Started with Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java

How to get started with XDK for Java is described.

11.1 Installing XDK for Java Components

XDK for Java components are included with Oracle Database. This chapter assumes that you installed XDK with Oracle Database and installed the demo programs from the Oracle Database Examples media.


Using the components of Oracle XML Developer’s Kit (XDK) to build software programs enables some powerful but potentially dangerous features, such as external entity expansion and recursive expansion. Refer to Security Considerations for Oracle XML Developer's Kit for information about how to use XDK securely.

For a description of the XDK directory structure, see About Installing XDK.

Example 11-1 lists the main directories under the Oracle home directory for Java (This is the UNIX directory structure.) The contents of the subdirectories are listed individually, after the example.

The bin directory contains these components:


The lib directory contains these JAR and ZIP files:


The jlib directory contains these JAR files:


The jdbc directory contains this lib subdirectory:

         | - lib/

The rdbms directory contains this jlib subdirectory:

         | - jlib/

And, the xdk directory contains this demo subdirectory:

         | demo/
            | - java/
                 | - classgen/
                 | - jaxb/
                 | - parser/
                 | - pipeline/
                 | - schema/
                 | - transviewer/
                 | - tranxs/
                 | - xsql/
                 | - xsu/

The /xdk/demo/java subdirectories contain sample programs and data files for XDK for Java components. The chapters in Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java explain how to use these programs to learn about the most important Java features.

See Also:

Table 1-1 for descriptions of individual XDK for Java components

Example 11-1 Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Libraries, Utilities, and Demos

    | - bin/
    | - lib/
    | - jlib/
    | - jdbc/
    | - rdbms/
    | - xdk/

11.2 XDK for Java Component Dependencies

The dependencies of XDK for Java components when using Java Development Kit (JDK) are described.

XDK for Java components are certified and supported with JDK versions 5 and 6. Earlier versions of Java are no longer supported. Figure 11-1 shows the dependencies of XDK for Java components when using JDK 5.

Figure 11-1 Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Component Dependencies for JDK 5

Description of Figure 11-1 follows
Description of "Figure 11-1 Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Component Dependencies for JDK 5"

XDK for Java components need the libraries in Table 11-1. Some of the libraries are not specific to XDK, but are shared among other Oracle Database components.

Table 11-1 Java Libraries for Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Components

Library Directory Includes . . .



Extensible Markup Language (XML) class generator for Java runtime classes.

Note: This library is maintained only for backward compatibility. Use the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) class generator in xml.jar instead.



Java graphical user interface (GUI) libraries for use when working with the demos with the Java Development Environment (JDE).



Oracle Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers for Java 6. This Java Archive (JAR) depends on orai18n.jar for character set support if you use a multibyte character set other than 8-bit encoding of Unicode (UTF-8), ISO8859-1, or JA16SJIS.



Most of the XSQL Servlet classes needed to construct XSQL pages.

Note: This JAR is superseded by xml.jar and is retained only for backward compatibility.



Globalization support for JDK 1.2 or above. It is a wrapper of all other Globalization JARs and includes character set converters. If you use a multibyte character set other than UTF-8, ISO8859-1, or JA16SJIS, then put this archive in your CLASSPATH so that JDBC can convert the character set of the input file to the database character set when loading XML files with XML SQL Utility (XSU), TransX Utility, or XSQL Servlet.



Globalization collation features: the OraCollator class and the lx3*.glb and lx4001[0-9].glb files.



Globalization locale and character set name mappings: the OraResourceBundle class and lx4000[0-9].glb files. This archive is used mainly by products that need only locale name mapping tables.



Globalization locale objects: the OraLocaleInfo class, the OraNumberFormat and OraDateFormat classes, and the lx[01]*.glb files.



TransX Utility classes.

Note: This archive is superseded by xml.jar and is retained only for backward compatibility.



Classes needed by xml.jar to access XMLType, classes needed to access Oracle XML DB Repository, and XMLType Document Object Model (DOM) classes for manipulation of the DOM tree.



JAXB and Pipeline Processor classes and classes from these libraries:

  • oraclexsql.jar

  • xsqlserializers.jar

  • transx.jar



The visual JavaBeans: XMLTreeView, XMLTransformPanel, XMLSourceView, and DBViewer.



Support for using XML parser with a language other than English.



Application programming interfaces (APIs) for:

  • DOM and Simple API for XML (SAX) parsers

  • XML Schema processor

  • Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) processor

  • XML compression

  • Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)

  • Utility functionality such as XMLSAXSerializer and asynchronous DOM Builder

This library includes xschema.jar.



XML Schema classes contained in xmlparserv2.jar.

Note: This JAR file is retained only for backward compatibility.



Classes that XSQL Servlet needs for serialized output such as PDF.

Note: This archive is superseded by xml.jar and is retained only for backward compatibility.



Classes that implement XSU. These classes depend on xdb.jar for XMLType access.

See Also:

11.3 Setting Up the XDK for Java Environment

You can set up the XDK for Java environment using either an environment variable or a command-line option.

To set up the XDK for Java environment, do either of the following:

  • During Oracle Database installation of XDK, manually set the $CLASSPATH (UNIX) or %CLASSPATH% (Windows) environment variables.

  • When compiling and running Java programs at the command line, set the -classpath option.

11.3.1 Setting Up XDK for Java Environment Variables for UNIX

The UNIX environment variables needed by XDK for Java components are described.

Table 11-2 UNIX Environment Variables for Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Components

Variable Description




Note: A period (.) to represent the current directory is optional.


For JDK 5, set:


Certain character sets need orai18n.jar.


Installation directory for the Java JDK, Standard Edition. Modify the path that links to the Java SDK.


For OCI JDBC connections:




After setting up the XDK for Java environment on UNIX, you can use the command-line utilities described in Table 11-3.

Table 11-3 Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java UNIX Utilities

Executable/Class Directory/JAR Description



XSQL command-line utility. The script executes the oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLCommandLine class. Edit this shell script for your environment before use.



XSU command-line utility



JAXB command-line utility



Pipeline command-line utility



XML parser command-line utility



XSLT processor command-line utility



TransX command-line utility

11.3.2 Testing the XDK for Java Environment on UNIX

A UNIX shell script is provided to test the XDK Java environment.

If your environment is set up correctly, then the UNIX shell script in Example 11-2 generates version and usage information for the utilities in Table 11-3.

Example 11-2 Testing the Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Environment on UNIX

echo;echo "BEGIN TESTING";echo
echo;echo "now testing the XSQL utility...";echo
echo; echo "now testing the XSU utility...";echo
java OracleXML
echo;echo "now testing the JAXB utility...";echo
orajaxb -version
echo;echo "now testing the Pipeline utility...";echo
orapipe -version
echo;echo "now testing the XSLT Processor utility...";echo
echo;echo "now testing the TransX utility...";echo
echo;echo "END TESTING"

11.3.3 Setting Up XDK for Java Environment Variables for Windows

The Microsoft Windows environment variables needed by XDK for Java components are described.

Table 11-4 describes the Windows environment variables that the XDK for Java components need.

Table 11-4 Windows Environment Variables for Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Components

Variable Notes




Note: A single period "." to represent the current directory is not required, but may be useful.


For JDK 5, set:


The orai18n.jar is needed to support certain character sets.


Installation directory for the Java software developer's kit (SDK), Standard Edition. Modify the path that links to the Java SDK.



After setting up the XDK for Java environment on Windows, you can use the command-line utilities described in Table 11-5.

Table 11-5 Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Windows Utilities

Batch File/Class Directory/JAR Description



XSQL command-line utility. The batch file executes the oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLCommandLine class. Edit the batch file for your environment before use.



XSU command-line utility



JAXB command-line utility



Pipeline command-line utility



XML parser command-line utility



XSLT processor command-line utility



TransX command-line utility

11.3.4 Testing the XDK for Java Environment on Windows

An Microsoft Windows script is provided for testing the XDK for Java environment.

If your environment is set up correctly, then you can run the commands in Example 11-3 at the system prompt to generate version and usage information for the utilities in Table 11-5.

Example 11-3 Testing the Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java Environment on Windows

java OracleXML
orajaxb.bat -version
orapipe.bat -version

11.4 Verifying the XDK (Java) Version

You can use javac to check your XDK version.

To see which version of XDK you have installed, use javac to compile the Java code shown in Example 11-4.

After compilation, run the program on the operating system command line:

java XDKVersion

The result is similar to:

You are using version:
Oracle XML Developers Kit - Production

Example 11-4 XDKVersion.java

// XDKVersion.java
import java.net.URL;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser;
public class XDKVersion
   static public void main(String[] argv)
      System.out.println("You are using version: ");