The DBMS_XPLAN package provides an easy way to display the output of the EXPLAIN PLAN command in several, predefined formats.

You can also use the DBMS_XPLAN package to display the plan of a statement stored in the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) or stored in a SQL tuning set. It further provides a way to display the SQL execution plan and SQL execution runtime statistics for cached SQL cursors based on the information stored in the V$SQL_PLAN and V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL fixed views. Finally, it displays plans from a SQL plan baseline.

See Also:

This chapter contains the following topics:

213.1 DBMS_XPLAN Overview

The DBMS_XPLAN package supplies five table functions.

These functions are listed below:

  • DISPLAY - to format and display the contents of a plan table.

  • DISPLAY_AWR - to format and display the contents of the execution plan of a stored SQL statement in the AWR.

  • DISPLAY_CURSOR - to format and display the contents of the execution plan of any loaded cursor.

  • DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE - to display one or more execution plans for the SQL statement identified by SQL handle

  • DISPLAY_SQLSET - to format and display the contents of the execution plan of statements stored in a SQL tuning set.

213.2 DBMS_XPLAN Security Model

This package runs with the privileges of the calling user, not the package owner (SYS). The table function DISPLAY_CURSOR requires SELECT or READ privileges on the following fixed views: V$SQL_PLAN, V$SESSION and V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL. This function also requires SELECT/READ permissions on V$SQL.

DISPLAY_AWR Function requires the user to have SELECT or READ privileges on DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN, DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT, and V$DATABASE.

DISPLAY_SQLSET Function requires the user to have the SELECT or READ privilege on ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS and ALL_SQLSET_PLANS.

DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE Function requires the user to have the SELECT or READ privilege on DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES as well as the privileges to execute the SQL statement for which the user is trying to get the plan.

The preceding privileges are granted automatically as part of SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.

213.3 DBMS_XPLAN Data Structures

The DBMS_XPLAN package defines a TABLE type.


This type allows for a list of generic objects as input to the COMPARE_PLANS function.


TYPE plan_object_list IS TABLE OF generic_plan_object;

The generic object abstracts the common attributes of plans from all plan sources. Every plan source is a subclass of the plan_object_list superclass. The following table summarizes the different plan sources. Note that when an optional parameter is null, it can correspond to multiple objects. For example, if you do not specify a child number for cursor_cache_object, then it matches all cursor cache statements with the specified SQL ID.

Table 213-1 Plan Sources for PLAN_OBJECT_LIST

Plan Source Specification Description

Plan table

plan_table_object(owner, plan_table_name, statement_id, plan_id)

The parameters are as follows:

  • owner—The owner of the plan table

  • plan_table_name—The name of the plan table

  • statement_id—The ID of the statement (optional)

  • plan_id—The ID of the plan (optional)

Cursor cache

cursor_cache_object(sql_id, child_number)

The parameters are as follows:

  • sql_id—The SQL ID of the plan

  • child_number—The child number of the plan in the cursor cache (optional)


awr_object(sql_id, dbid, con_dbid, plan_hash_value)

The parameters are as follows:

  • sql_id—The SQL ID of the plan

  • dbid—The database ID (optional)

  • con_dbid—The CDB ID (optional)

  • plan_hash_value—The hash value of the plan (optional)

SQL tuning set

sqlset_object (sqlset_owner, sqlset_name, sql_id, plan_hash_value)

The parameters are as follows:

  • sqlset_owner—The owner of the SQL tuning set

  • sqlset_name—The name of the SQL tuning set

  • sql_id—The SQL ID of the plan

  • plan_hash_value—The hash value of the plan (optional)

SQL plan management

spm_object (sql_handle, plan_name)

The parameters are as follows:

  • sql_handle—The SQL handle of plans protected by SQL plan management

  • plan_name—The name of the SQL plan baseline (optional)

SQL profile

sql_profile_object (profile_name)

The profile_name parameter specifies the name of the SQL profile.


advisor_object (task_name, execution_name, sql_id, plan_id)

The parameters are as follows:

  • task_name—The name of the advisor task

  • execution_name—The name of the task execution

  • sql_id—The SQL ID of the plan

  • plan_id—The advisor plan ID (optional)

213.4 Examples

These examples show sample uses of DBMS_XPLAN.

Displaying a Plan Table Using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY

Execute an explain plan command on a SELECT statement:

SELECT * FROM emp e, dept d
   WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
   AND e.ename='benoit';

Display the plan using the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY table function


This query produces the following output:

Plan hash value: 3693697075
| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |     1 |    57 |     6  (34)| 00:00:01 |
|*  1 |  HASH JOIN         |      |     1 |    57 |     6  (34)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP  |     1 |    37 |     3  (34)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPT |     4 |    80 |     3  (34)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - access("E"."DEPTNO"="D"."DEPTNO")
   2 - filter("E"."ENAME"='benoit')

15 rows selected.

Displaying a Cursor Execution Plan Using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR

By default, the table function DISPLAY_CURSOR formats the execution plan for the last SQL statement executed by the session. For example:

SELECT ename  FROM  emp e, dept d 
   WHERE   e.deptno = d.deptno  
   AND   e.empno=7369;


To display the execution plan of the last executed statement for that session:


This query produces the following output:

Plan hash value: 3693697075, SQL hash value: 2096952573, child number: 0
SELECT ename FROM emp e, dept d WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
AND e.empno=7369

| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |       |       |            |          |
|*  1 |  HASH JOIN         |      |     1 |    16 |     6  (34)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP  |     1 |    13 |     3  (34)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPT |     4 |    12 |     3  (34)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - access("E"."DEPTNO"="D"."DEPTNO")
   2 - filter("E"."EMPNO"=7369)

21 rows selected.

You can also use the table function DISPLAY_CURSOR to display the execution plan for any loaded cursor stored in the cursor cache. In that case, you must supply a reference to the child cursor to the table function. This includes the SQL ID of the statement and optionally the child number.

Run a query with a distinctive comment:

SELECT /* TOTO */ ename, dname 
FROM dept d join emp e USING (deptno);

Get sql_id and child_number for the preceding statement:

SELECT sql_id, child_number
FROM v$sql 
WHERE sql_text LIKE '%TOTO%';

----------     -----------------------------
gwp663cqh5qbf   0

Display the execution plan for the cursor:


Plan hash value: 3693697075, SQL ID: gwp663cqh5qbf, child number: 0
SELECT /* TOTO */ ename, dname 
FROM dept d JOIN emp e USING (deptno);

| Id  | Operation           | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |      |       |       |     7 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY      |      |     4 |    64 |     7  (43)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN         |      |    14 |   224 |     6  (34)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPT |     4 |    44 |     3  (34)| 00:00:01 |
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP  |    14 |    70 |     3  (34)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("E"."DEPTNO"="D"."DEPTNO")

Instead of issuing two queries, one to the get the sql_id and child_number pair and one to display the plan, you can combine these in a single query:

Display the execution plan of all cursors matching the string 'TOTO':

FROM v$sql s, DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR(s.sql_id, s.child_number) t WHERE sql_text LIKE '%TOTO%';

Displaying a Plan Table with Parallel Information

By default, only relevant information is reported by the display and display_cursor table functions. In Displaying a Plan Table Using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY, the query does not execute in parallel. Hence, information related to the parallelization of the plan is not reported. As shown in the following example, parallel information is reported only if the query executes in parallel.

SELECT * FROM emp e, dept d
   WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
   AND e.ename    ='hermann'
   ORDER BY e.empno;

Display the plan using the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY table function

Plan hash value: 3693697345
| Id | Operation          | Name    | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | TQ    |INOUT |PQ Distrib   |
| 0  | SELECT STATEMENT   |         | 1    | 117   | 6 (50)     | 00:00:01 |       |      |             |
| 1  | PX COORDINATOR     |         |      |       |            |          |       |      |             |
| 2  | PX SEND QC (ORDER) |:TQ10003 | 1    | 117   | 6 (50)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,03 | P->S | QC (ORDER)  |
| 3  | SORT ORDER BY      |         | 1    | 117   | 6 (50)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,03 | PCWP |             |
| 4  | PX RECEIVE         |         | 1    | 117   | 5 (40)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,03 | PCWP |             |
| 5  | PX SEND RANGE      |:TQ10002 | 1    | 117   | 5 (40)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,02 | P->P | RANGE       |
|* 6 | HASH JOIN          |         | 1    | 117   | 5 (40)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,02 | PCWP |             |
| 7  | PX RECEIVE         |         | 1    | 87    | 2 (50)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,02 | PCWP |             |
| 8  | PX SEND HASH       |:TQ10001 | 1    | 87    | 2 (50)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,01 | P->P | HASH        |
| 9  | PX BLOCK ITERATOR  |         | 1    | 87    | 2 (50)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,01 | PCWC |             |
|* 10| TABLE ACCESS FULL  | EMP     | 1    | 87    | 2 (50)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,01 | PCWP |             |
| 11 | BUFFER SORT        |         |      |       |            |          | Q1,02 | PCWC |             |
| 12 | PX RECEIVE         |         | 4    | 120   | 3 (34)     | 00:00:01 | Q1,02 | PCWP |             |
| 13 | PX SEND HASH       |:TQ10000 | 4    | 120   | 3 (34)     | 00:00:01 |       | S->P | HASH        |
| 14 | TABLE ACCESS FULL  | DEPT    | 4    | 120   | 3 (34)     | 00:00:01 |       |      |             |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
6 - access("E"."DEPTNO"="D"."DEPTNO")
10 - filter("E"."ENAME"='hermann')

When the query is parallel, information related to parallelism is reported: table queue number (TQ column), table queue type (INOUT) and table queue distribution method (PQ Distrib).

By default, if several plans in the plan table match the statement_id parameter passed to the display table function (default value is NULL), only the plan corresponding to the last EXPLAIN PLAN command is displayed. Hence, there is no need to purge the plan table after each EXPLAIN PLAN. However, you should purge the plan table regularly to ensure good performance in the execution of the DISPLAY table function. If no plan table is created, Oracle uses a global temporary table to store any plan information for individual users and preserves its content throughout the lifespan of a session. Note that you cannot truncate the content of a global temporary table.

For ease of use, you can define a view on top of the display table function and then use that view to display the output of the EXPLAIN PLAN command:

Using a View to Display Last Explain Plan

# define plan view

# display the output of the last explain plan command

213.5 Summary of DBMS_XPLAN Subprograms

This table lists the DBMS_XPLAN subprograms and briefly describes them.

Table 213-2 DBMS_XPLAN Package Subprograms

Subprogram Description


Compares each plan in a list with a reference plan and returns the report

DIFF_PLAN Function

Compares plans

DISPLAY Function

Displays the contents of the plan table


Displays the contents of an execution plan stored in the AWR


Displays the execution plan of any cursor in the cursor cache


Displays the contents of the plan table in a variety of formats with CLOB output type


Displays one or more execution plans for the specified SQL handle of a SQL plan baseline


Displays the execution plan of a given statement stored in a SQL tuning set

213.5.1 COMPARE_PLANS Function

This function compares each plan in a list with a reference plan and returns the report.


   reference_plan    IN generic_plan_object,
   compare_plan_list IN plan_object_list,
   type              IN VARCHAR2 := 'TEXT',
   level             IN VARCHAR2 := 'TYPICAL',
   section           IN VARCHAR2 := 'ALL')  


Table 213-3 COMPARE_PLANS Function Parameters

Parameter Description


The reference plan. This plan should always evaluate to a single plan.


List of plans to compare with reference plan. The compare_plan_list is a list of generic_object and each generic_object could correspond to one or more plans.


Type of the report. Possible values are:

  • TEXT

  • HTML

  • XML


Format of the report. Possible values are:



  • ALL


A particular section in the report. Possible values are:






Example 213-1 Examples

The following examples illustrate the usage of COMPARE_PLANS Function.

var report clob; 
exec :report := dbms_xplan.compare_plans(cursor_cache_object(‘8mkxm7ur07za0’, 2), 
                - plan_object_list (cursor_cache_object(‘8mkxm7ur07za0’, 4))); 

print report

The above example compares the plan of child cursor number 2 for the SQL ID ‘8mkxm7ur07za0’ with that of the child cursor number 4 for the same SQL ID. Returns the report in the text format (default).

var report clob; 
exec :report := dbms_xplan.compare_plans(cursor_cache_object(‘8mkxm7ur07za0’, 2), 
                plan_object_list( spm_object(‘SQL_024d0f7d21351f5d’, ‘SQL_PLAN_sdfjkd’))); 

print report

The above example compares the plan of child cursor number 2 for the SQL ID ‘8mkxm7ur07za0’ with that of the plan baseline captured by SPM for query whose SQL handle is ‘SQL_024d0f7d21351f5d’ and plan name is ‘SQL_PLAN_sdfjkd’. Returns the report in the text format (default).

var report clob; 
exec :report = dbms_xplan.compare_plans(cursor_cache_object(‘8mkxm7ur07za0’, 2), 
               plan_object_list( cursor_cache_object(‘8mkxm7ur07za0’), sqlset_object(‘SH’, ‘SQLT_WORKLOAD’, ‘               6vfqvav0rgyad’), awr_object(‘6vfqvav0rgyad’, 5), spm_object(‘SQL_024d0f7d21351f5d’, ‘SQL_PLAN_               sdfjkd’), plan_table_object(‘SH’, ‘plan_table’, NULL, 38), sql_profile_object(‘pe3r3ejsfd’), a               dvisor_object(‘TASK_1228’, ‘EXEC_1928’, ‘8mkxm7ur07za0’)), type => ‘XML’,
               level => ‘ALL’, section => ‘SUMMARY’);

The above example compares the plan of child cursor number 2 for the SQL ID ‘8mkxm7ur07za0’ with each of the plans in the following list:

  • cursor_cache_object(‘8mkxm7ur07za0’): All the plans in the cursor cache that are generated for the SQL ID ‘8mkxm7ur07za0’.

  • sqlset_object(‘SH’, ‘SQLT_WORKLOAD’, ‘6vfqvav0rgyad’): All the plans generated in the SQL tuning set SH. SQLT_WORKLOAD for the SQL ID ‘6vfqvav0rgyad’.

  • awr_object(‘6vfqvav0rgyad’, 5): All the plans in AWR that are captured for database ID 5 and SQL ID ‘6vfqvav0rgyad’.

  • spm_object (‘SQL_024d0f7d21351f5d, ‘SQL_PLAN_sdfjkd’): The plan baseline for the query with SQL handle ‘SQL_024d0f7d21351f5d’ with name ‘SQL_PLAN_sdfjkd’.

  • plan_table_object(‘SH’, ‘plan_table’, NULL, 38): Plan stored in SH.plan_table identified by plan_id=38.

  • sql_profile_object(‘pe3r3ejsfd’): Plan identified by the SQL profile name ‘pe3r3ejsfd’.

  • advisor_object(‘TASK_1228’, ‘EXEC_1928’, ‘8mkxm7ur07za0’)): All the plans stored in SQL advisor identified by task name ‘TASK_1228’, execution name ‘EXEC_1928’ and SQL ID ‘8mkxm7ur07za0’.

213.5.2 DIFF_PLAN Function

This function compares two sql plans, the reference plan and the target plan. This function returns a task_id that can be used to retrieve the report of findings.


   sql_text    IN   CLOB,
   outline     IN   CLOB,
   user_name   IN   VARCHAR2 := 'NULL')


Table 213-4 DIFF_PLAN Function Parameters

Parameter Description


The text of the SQL statement.


Used to generate the target plan.


The parsing schema name default to current user.

213.5.3 DISPLAY Function

This table function displays the contents of the plan table.

In addition, you can use this table function to display any plan (with or without statistics) stored in a table as long as the columns of this table are named the same as columns of the plan table (or V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL if statistics are included). You can apply a predicate on the specified table to select rows of the plan to display.


   table_name    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'PLAN_TABLE',
   statement_id  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT  NULL,
   format        IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT  'TYPICAL',
   filter_preds  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 213-5 DISPLAY Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the table name where the plan is stored. This parameter defaults to PLAN_TABLE, which is the default plan table for the EXPLAIN PLAN command. If NULL is specified it also defaults to PLAN_TABLE.


Specifies the statement_id of the plan to be displayed. This parameter defaults to NULL, which is the default when the EXPLAIN PLAN command is executed without a set statement_id clause. If no statement_id is specified, the function shows you the plan of the most recent explained statement.


Controls the level of details for the plan. It accepts the following values:

  • BASIC: Displays the minimum information in the plan—the operation ID, the operation name and its option.

  • TYPICAL: This is the default. Displays the most relevant information in the plan (operation id, name and option, #rows, #bytes and optimizer cost). Pruning, parallel and predicate information are only displayed when applicable. Excludes only PROJECTION, ALIAS, and REMOTE SQL information (see below).

  • SERIAL: Like TYPICAL except that the parallel information is not displayed, even if the plan executes in parallel.

  • ALL: Maximum user level. Includes information displayed with the TYPICAL level with additional information (PROJECTION, ALIAS and information about REMOTE SQL if the operation is distributed).

For finer control on the display output, the following keywords can be added to the above three standard format options to customize their default behavior. Each keyword either represents a logical group of plan table columns (such as PARTITION) or logical additions to the base plan table output (such as PREDICATE). Format keywords must be separated by either a comma or a space:

  • ROWS - if relevant, shows the number of rows estimated by the optimizer

  • BYTES - if relevant, shows the number of bytes estimated by the optimizer

  • COST - if relevant, shows optimizer cost information

  • PARTITION - if relevant, shows partition pruning information

  • PARALLEL - if relevant, shows PX information (distribution method and table queue information)

  • PREDICATE - if relevant, shows the predicate section

  • PROJECTION -if relevant, shows the projection section

  • ALIAS - if relevant, shows the "Query Block Name / Object Alias" section

  • REMOTE - if relevant, shows the information for distributed query (for example, remote from serial distribution and remote SQL)

  • NOTE - if relevant, shows the note section of the explain plan

Format keywords can be prefixed by the sign '-' to exclude the specified information. For example, '-PROJECTION' excludes projection information.

If the target plan table (see table_name parameter) also stores plan statistics columns (for example, it is a table used to capture the content of the fixed view V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL), additional format keywords can be used to specify which class of statistics to display when using the DISPLAY Function. These additional format keywords are IOSTATS, MEMSTATS, ALLSTATS, and LAST (see the DISPLAY_CURSOR Function or the DISPLAY_SQLSET Function for a full description of these four keywords).


SQL filter predicate(s) to restrict the set of rows selected from the table where the plan is stored. When value is NULL (the default), the plan displayed corresponds to the last executed explain plan. For example: filter_preds=>'plan_id = 10'

Can reference any column of the table where the plan is stored and can contain any SQL construct (for example, sub-query, function calls (see WARNING under Usage Notes)

Usage Notes

Here are some ways you might use variations on the format parameter:

  • Use 'ALL -PROJECTION -NOTE' to display everything except the projection and note sections.

  • Use 'TYPICAL PROJECTION' to display using the typical format with the additional projection section (which is normally excluded under the typical format). Since typical is default, using simply 'PROJECTION' is equivalent.

  • Use '-BYTES -COST -PREDICATE' to display using the typical format but excluding optimizer cost and byte estimates as well as the predicate section.

  • Use 'BASIC ROWS' to display basic information with the additional number of rows estimated by the optimizer.


    Application developers should expose the filter_preds parameter to end-users only after careful consideration because this could expose the application to SQL injection. Indeed, filter_preds can potentially reference any table or execute any server function for which the database user invoking the table function has privileges.


To display the result of the last EXPLAIN PLAN command stored in the plan table:


To display from other than the default plan table, "my_plan_table":

SELECT * FROM table (DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY('my_plan_table'));

To display the minimum plan information:

SELECT * FROM table (DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY('plan_table', null, 'basic'));

To display the plan for a statement identified by 'foo', such as statement_id='sales_query':

SELECT * FROM table (DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY('plan_table', 'sales_query'));

213.5.4 DISPLAY_AWR Function

This table function displays the contents of an execution plan stored in AWR.


This function is deprecated. Use DISPLAY_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY instead. DISPLAY_AWR only works with snapshots for the local DBID, whereas DISPLAY_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY supports all snapshots inside AWR, including remote and imported snapshots.


   sql_id            IN      VARCHAR2,
   plan_hash_value   IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
   db_id             IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
   format            IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TYPICAL);


Table 213-6 DISPLAY_AWR Table Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the SQL_ID of the SQL statement. You can retrieve the appropriate value for the SQL statement of interest by querying the column SQL_ID in DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT.


Specifies the PLAN_HASH_VALUE of a SQL statement. This parameter is optional. If omitted, the table function returns all stored execution plans for a given SQL_ID.


Specifies the database_id for which the plan of the SQL statement, identified by SQL_ID should be displayed. If not supplied, the database_id of the local database is used, as shown in V$DATABASE.


Controls the level of details for the plan. It accepts four values:

  • BASIC: Displays the minimum information in the plan—the operation ID, the operation name and its option.

  • TYPICAL: This is the default. Displays the most relevant information in the plan (operation id, name and option, #rows, #bytes and optimizer cost). Pruning, parallel and predicate information are only displayed when applicable. Excludes only PROJECTION, ALIAS and REMOTE SQL information (see below).

  • SERIAL: Like TYPICAL except that the parallel information is not displayed, even if the plan executes in parallel.

  • ALL: Maximum user level. Includes information displayed with the TYPICAL level with additional information (PROJECTION, ALIAS and information about REMOTE SQL if the operation is distributed).

For finer control on the display output, the following keywords can be added to the above four standard format options to customize their default behavior. Each keyword either represents a logical group of plan table columns (such as PARTITION) or logical additions to the base plan table output (such as PREDICATE). Format keywords must be separated by either a comma or a space:

  • ROWS - if relevant, shows the number of rows estimated by the optimizer

  • BYTES - if relevant, shows the number of bytes estimated by the optimizer

  • COST - if relevant, shows optimizer cost information

  • PARTITION - if relevant, shows partition pruning information

  • PARALLEL - if relevant, shows PX information (distribution method and table queue information)

  • PREDICATE - if relevant, shows the predicate section

  • PROJECTION -if relevant, shows the projection section

  • ALIAS - if relevant, shows the "Query Block Name / Object Alias" section

  • REMOTE - if relevant, shows the information for distributed query (for example, remote from serial distribution and remote SQL)

  • NOTE - if relevant, shows the note section of the explain plan

Format keywords can be prefixed by the sign '-' to exclude the specified information. For example, '-PROJECTION' excludes projection information.

Usage Notes

  • To use the DISPLAY_AWR functionality, the calling user must have SELECT or READ privilege on DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN, DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT, and V$DATABASE, otherwise it shows an appropriate error message.

  • The following examples show different ways of using the format parameter:

    • Use 'BASIC ROWS' to display basic information with the additional number of rows estimated by the optimizer.

    • Use 'ALL -PROJECTION -NOTE' to display everything except the projection and note sections.

    • Use 'TYPICAL PROJECTION' to display using the typical format with the additional projection section (which is normally excluded under the typical format). Since typical is default, using simply 'PROJECTION' is equivalent.

    • Use '-BYTES -COST -PREDICATE' to display using the typical format but excluding optimizer cost and byte estimates and the predicate section.


To display the different execution plans associated with the SQL ID 'atfwcg8anrykp':

SELECT * FROM table(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_AWR('atfwcg8anrykp'));

To display all execution plans of all stored SQL statements containing the string 'TOTO':

SELECT tf.* 
FROM   DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT ht, table(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_AWR(ht.sql_id,null, null,  'ALL' )) tf 
WHERE  ht.sql_text like '%TOTO%';

213.5.5 DISPLAY_CURSOR Function

This table function displays the explain plan of any cursor loaded in the cursor cache. In addition to the explain plan, various plan statistics (such as. I/O, memory and timing) can be reported (based on the V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL VIEWS).


   sql_id            IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT  NULL,
   cursor_child_no   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT  0, 
   format            IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT  'TYPICAL');


Table 213-7 DISPLAY_CURSOR Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the SQL_ID of the SQL statement in the cursor cache. You can retrieve the appropriate value by querying the column SQL_ID in V$SQL or V$SQLAREA. Alternatively, you could choose the column PREV_SQL_ID for a specific session out of V$SESSION. This parameter defaults to NULL in which case the plan of the last cursor executed by the session is displayed.


Child number of the cursor to display. If not supplied, the execution plan of the child_number=0 cursor matching the supplied sql_id parameter are displayed. The child_number can be specified only if sql_id is specified.


Controls the level of details for the plan. It accepts five values:

  • BASIC: Displays the minimum information in the plan—the operation ID, the operation name and its option.

  • TYPICAL: This is the default. Displays the most relevant information in the plan (operation id, name and option, #rows, #bytes and optimizer cost). Pruning, parallel and predicate information are only displayed when applicable. Excludes only PROJECTION, ALIAS and REMOTE SQL information (see below).

  • SERIAL: Like TYPICAL except that the parallel information is not displayed, even if the plan executes in parallel.

  • ALL: Maximum user level. Includes information displayed with the TYPICAL level with additional information (PROJECTION, ALIAS and information about REMOTE SQL if the operation is distributed).


    • Displays the final plan, or the current plan if the execution has not completed. This section includes notes about runtime optimizations that affect the plan, such as switching from a Nested Loops join to a Hash join.

    • Plan lineage. This section shows the plans that were run previously due to automatic reoptimization. It also shows the default plan, if the plan changed due to dynamic plans.

    • Recommended plan. In reporting mode, the plan is chosen based on execution statistics displayed. Note that displaying the recommended plan for automatic reoptimization requires re-compiling the query with the optimizer adjustments collected in the child cursor. Displaying the recommended plan for a dynamic plan does not require this.

    • Dynamic plans. This summarizes the portions of the plan that differ from the default plan chosen by the optimizer.

For finer control on the display output, you can add the following keywords to the preceding format options to customize their default behavior. Each keyword either represents a logical group of plan table columns (such as PARTITION) or logical additions to the base plan table output (such as PREDICATE).

Format keywords must be separated by either a comma or a space:

  • ROWS - if relevant, shows the number of rows estimated by the optimizer

  • BYTES - if relevant, shows the number of bytes estimated by the optimizer

  • COST - if relevant, shows optimizer cost information

  • PARTITION - if relevant, shows partition pruning information

  • PARALLEL - if relevant, shows PX information (distribution method and table queue information)

  • PREDICATE - if relevant, shows the predicate section

  • PROJECTION -if relevant, shows the projection section

  • ALIAS - if relevant, shows the "Query Block Name / Object Alias" section

  • REMOTE - if relevant, shows the information for distributed query (for example, remote from serial distribution and remote SQL)

  • NOTE - if relevant, shows the note section of the explain plan

  • IOSTATS - assuming that basic plan statistics are collected when SQL statements are executed (either by using the gather_plan_statistics hint or by setting the parameter statistics_level to ALL), this format shows IO statistics for ALL (or only for the LAST as shown below) executions of the cursor.

  • MEMSTATS - Assuming that PGA memory management is enabled (that is, pga_aggregate_target parameter is set to a non 0 value), this format allows to display memory management statistics (for example, execution mode of the operator, how much memory was used, number of bytes spilled to disk, and so on). These statistics only apply to memory intensive operations like hash-joins, sort or some bitmap operators.

  • ALLSTATS - A shortcut for 'IOSTATS MEMSTATS'

  • LAST - By default, plan statistics are shown for all executions of the cursor. The keyword LAST can be specified to see only the statistics for the last execution.

The following formats are deprecated but supported for backward compatibility:

  • RUNSTATS_TOT - Same as IOSTATS, that is, displays IO statistics for all executions of the specified cursor.

  • RUNSTATS_LAST - Same as IOSTATS LAST, that is, displays the runtime statistics for the last execution of the cursor

You can prefix format keywords with the sign '-' to exclude the specified information. For example, '-PROJECTION' excludes projection information.

Usage Notes

  • To use the DISPLAY_CURSOR functionality, the calling user must have SELECT or READ privilege on the fixed views V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL, V$SQL and V$SQL_PLAN, otherwise it shows an appropriate error message.

  • Here are some ways you might use variations on the format parameter:

    • Use 'ALL -PROJECTION -NOTE' to display everything except the projection and note sections.

    • Use 'TYPICAL PROJECTION' to display using the typical format with the additional projection section (which is normally excluded under the typical format). Since typical is default, using simply 'PROJECTION' is equivalent.

    • Use '-BYTES -COST -PREDICATE' to display using the typical format but excluding optimizer cost and byte estimates as well as the predicate section.

    • Use 'BASIC ROWS' to display basic information with the additional number of rows estimated by the optimizer.


To display the execution plan of the last SQL statement executed by the current session:

SELECT * FROM table (

To display the execution plan of all children associated with the SQL ID 'atfwcg8anrykp':

SELECT * FROM table (

To display runtime statistics for the cursor included in the preceding statement:

SELECT * FROM table (

213.5.6 DISPLAY_PLAN Function

This table function displays the contents of the plan table in a variety of formats with CLOB output type.


   table_name       IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'PLAN_TABLE',
   statement_id     IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL,
   format           IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'TYPICAL',
   filter_preds     IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL,
   type             IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'TEXT')


Table 213-8 DISPLAY_PLAN Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the table name where the plan is stored. This parameter defaults to PLAN_TABLE, which is the default plan table for the EXPLAIN PLAN command. If NULL is specified it also defaults to PLAN_TABLE.


Specifies the statement_id of the plan to be displayed. This parameter defaults to NULL, which is the default when the EXPLAIN PLAN command is executed without a set statement_id clause.If no statement_id is specified, the function shows you the plan of the most recent explained statement.


SQL filter predicate(s) to restrict the set of rows selected from the table where the plan is stored. When value is NULL (the default), the plan displayed corresponds to the last executed explain plan. For example: filter_preds=>'plan_id = 10'

Can reference any column of the table where the plan is stored and can contain any SQL construct (for example, sub-query, function calls (see WARNING under Usage Notes)


Controls the level of details for the plan. It accepts five values:

  • BASIC: Displays the minimum information in the plan—the operation ID, the operation name and its option.

  • TYPICAL: This is the default. Displays the most relevant information in the plan (operation id, name and option, #rows, #bytes and optimizer cost). Pruning, parallel and predicate information are only displayed when applicable. Excludes only PROJECTION, ALIAS and REMOTE SQL information (see below).

  • SERIAL: Like TYPICAL except that the parallel information is not displayed, even if the plan executes in parallel.

  • ALL: Maximum user level. Includes information displayed with the TYPICAL level with additional information (PROJECTION, ALIAS and information about REMOTE SQL if the operation is distributed).

  • ADAPTIVE: Displays the default plan, and for each dynamic subplan (if stipulated):

    - A list of the rowsources from the original which may be replaced, and the rowsources to replace them

    - If outline display is specified in the format argument, the hints for each option in the dynamic subplan are displayed

For finer control on the display output, the following keywords can be added to the above three standard format options to customize their default behavior. Each keyword either represents a logical group of plan table columns (such as PARTITION) or logical additions to the base plan table output (such as PREDICATE). Format keywords must be separated by either a comma or a space:

  • ROWS - if relevant, shows the number of rows estimated by the optimizer

  • BYTES - if relevant, shows the number of bytes estimated by the optimizer

  • COST - if relevant, shows optimizer cost information

  • PARTITION - if relevant, shows partition pruning information

  • PARALLEL - if relevant, shows PX information (distribution method and table queue information)

  • PREDICATE - if relevant, shows the predicate section

  • PROJECTION -if relevant, shows the projection section

  • ALIAS - if relevant, shows the "Query Block Name / Object Alias" section

  • REMOTE - if relevant, shows the information for distributed query (for example, remote from serial distribution and remote SQL)

  • NOTE - if relevant, shows the note section of the explain plan

Format keywords can be prefixed by the sign '-' to exclude the specified information. For example, '-PROJECTION' excludes projection information.

If the target plan table (see table_name parameter) also stores plan statistics columns (for example, it is a table used to capture the content of the fixed view V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL), additional format keywords can be used to specify which class of statistics to display when using the DISPLAY Function. These additional format keywords are IOSTATS, MEMSTATS, ALLSTATS and LAST (see the DISPLAY_CURSOR Function or the DISPLAY_SQLSET Function for a full description of these four keywords).


Output type, one of: 'TEXT', 'ACTIVE', 'HTML', or 'XML' (see Usage Notes regarding type ACTIVE). '

Return Values

Returns the requested report as CLOB

Usage Notes

Active reports have a rich, interactive user interface akin to that found in Enterprise Manager while not requiring any EM installation. The report file built is in HTML format, so it can be interpreted by most modern browsers. The code powering the active report is downloaded transparently by the web browser when the report is first viewed, hence viewing it requires outside connectivity.


Application developers should expose the filter_preds parameter to end-users only after careful consideration because this could expose the application to SQL injection. Indeed, filter_preds can potentially reference any table or execute any server function for which the database user invoking the table function has privileges.


This table function displays one or more execution plans for the specified SQL handle of a SQL plan baseline.


   sql_handle      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   plan_name       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   format          IN VARCHAR2 := 'TYPICAL')
 RETURN dbms_xplan_type_table;


Table 213-9 DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE Function Parameters

Parameter Description


SQL statement handle. It identifies a SQL statement whose plans are to be displayed.


Plan name. It identifies a specific plan. Default NULL means all plans associated with identified SQL statement are explained and displayed.


Format string determines what information stored in the plan displayed. The following format values are possible, each representing a common use case: BASIC, TYPICAL, and ALL.

Return Values

A PL/SQL type table

Usage Notes

This function uses plan information stored in the plan baseline to explain and display the plans. The plan_id stored in the SQL management base may not match the plan_id of the generated plan. A mismatch between the stored plan_id and generated plan_id means that it is a non-reproducible plan. Such a plan is deemed invalid and is bypassed by the optimizer during SQL compilation.


Display all plans of a SQL statement identified by the SQL handle SYS_SQL_b1d49f6074ab95af using TYPICAL format


Display all plans of one or more SQL statements containing the string HR2 using BASIC format:

FROM (SELECT DISTINCT sql_handle FROM dba_sql_plan_baselines WHERE sql_text LIKE '%HR2%') pb,

213.5.8 DISPLAY_SQLSET Function

This table function displays the execution plan of a given statement stored in a SQL tuning set.


   sqlset_name      IN  VARCHAR2, 
   sql_id           IN  VARCHAR2,
   plan_hash_value  IN NUMBER := NULL,
   format           IN  VARCHAR2  := 'TYPICAL', 
   sqlset_owner     IN  VARCHAR2  := NULL)


Table 213-10 DISPLAY_SQLSET Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Name of the SQL Tuning Set


Specifies the sql_id value for a SQL statement having its plan stored in the SQL tuning set. You can find all stored SQL statements by querying table function DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_SQLSET


Optional parameter. Identifies a specific stored execution plan for a SQL statement. If suppressed, all stored execution plans are shown.


Controls the level of details for the plan. It accepts four values:

  • BASIC: Displays the minimum information in the plan—the operation ID, the operation name and its option.

  • TYPICAL: This is the default. Displays the most relevant information in the plan (operation id, name and option, #rows, #bytes and optimizer cost). Pruning, parallel and predicate information are only displayed when applicable. Excludes only PROJECTION, ALIAS and REMOTE SQL information (see below).

  • SERIAL: Like TYPICAL except that the parallel information is not displayed, even if the plan executes in parallel.

  • ALL: Maximum user level. Includes information displayed with the TYPICAL level with additional information (PROJECTION, ALIAS and information about REMOTE SQL if the operation is distributed).

For finer control on the display output, the following keywords can be added to the above three standard format options to customize their default behavior. Each keyword either represents a logical group of plan table columns (such as PARTITION) or logical additions to the base plan table output (such as PREDICATE). Format keywords must be separated by either a comma or a space:

  • ROWS - if relevant, shows the number of rows estimated by the optimizer

  • BYTES - if relevant, shows the number of bytes estimated by the optimizer

  • COST - if relevant, shows optimizer cost information

  • PARTITION - if relevant, shows partition pruning information

  • PARALLEL - if relevant, shows PX information (distribution method and table queue information)

  • PREDICATE - if relevant, shows the predicate section

  • PROJECTION -if relevant, shows the projection section

  • ALIAS - if relevant, shows the "Query Block Name / Object Alias" section

  • REMOTE - if relevant, shows the information for distributed query (for example, remote from serial distribution and remote SQL)

  • NOTE - if relevant, shows the note section of the explain plan

  • IOSTATS - assuming that basic plan statistics are collected when SQL statements are executed (either by using the gather_plan_statistics hint or by setting the parameter STATISTICS_LEVEL to ALL), this format shows IO statistics for ALL (or only for the LAST as shown below) executions of the cursor.

  • MEMSTATS - Assuming that PGA memory management is enabled (that is, pga_aggregate_target parameter is set to a non 0 value), this format allows to display memory management statistics (for example, execution mode of the operator, how much memory was used, number of bytes spilled to disk, and so on). These statistics only apply to memory intensive operations like hash-joins, sort or some bitmap operators.

  • ALLSTATS - A shortcut for 'IOSTATS MEMSTATS'

  • LAST - By default, plan statistics are shown for all executions of the cursor. The keyword LAST can be specified to see only the statistics for the last execution.

The following two formats are deprecated but supported for backward compatibility:

  • RUNSTATS_TOT - Same as IOSTATS, that is, displays IO statistics for all executions of the specified cursor.

  • RUNSTATS_LAST - Same as IOSTATS LAST, that is, displays the runtime statistics for the last execution of the cursor

Format keywords can be prefixed by the sign '-' to exclude the specified information. For example, '-PROJECTION' excludes projection information.


The owner of the SQL tuning set. The default is the current user.

Usage Notes

Here are some ways you might use variations on the format parameter:

  • Use 'ALL -PROJECTION -NOTE' to display everything except the projection and note sections.

  • Use 'TYPICAL PROJECTION' to display using the typical format with the additional projection section (which is normally excluded under the typical format). Since typical is default, using simply 'PROJECTION' is equivalent.

  • Use '-BYTES -COST -PREDICATE' to display using the typical format but excluding optimizer cost and byte estimates as well as the predicate section.

  • Use 'BASIC ROWS' to display basic information with the additional number of rows estimated by the optimizer.


To display the execution plan for the SQL statement associated with SQL ID 'gwp663cqh5qbf' and PLAN HASH 3693697075 in the SQL Tuning Set called 'OLTP_optimization_0405":

SELECT * FROM table (DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_SQLSET('OLTP_optimization_0405','gwp663cqh5qbf', 3693697075));

To display all execution plans of the SQL ID 'atfwcg8anrykp' stored in the SQL tuning set:

SELECT * FROM table (DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_SQLSET('OLTP_optimization_0405','gwp663cqh5qbf'));

To display runtime statistics for the SQL statement included in the preceding statement:

SELECT * FROM table (
      'OLTP_optimization_0405', 'gwp663cqh5qbf', NULL, 'ALLSTATS LAST');


This table function displays the contents of an execution plan stored in AWR.


This function replaces DISPLAY_AWR, which is deprecated.


   sql_id            IN      VARCHAR2,
   plan_hash_value   IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   format            IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TYPICAL'
   dbid              IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   con_dbid          IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   awr_location      IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'AWR_ROOT'


Table 213-11 DISPLAY_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY Table Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the SQL_ID of the SQL statement.

You can retrieve the appropriate value for the SQL statement of interest by querying the column SQL_ID in DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT.


Specifies the PLAN_HASH_VALUE of a SQL statement.

This parameter is optional. If omitted, the table function returns all stored execution plans for a given SQL_ID.


Controls the level of details for the plan. It accepts four values:

  • BASIC: Displays the minimum information in the plan—the operation ID, the operation name and its option.

  • TYPICAL: This is the default. Displays the most relevant information in the plan (operation id, name and option, #rows, #bytes and optimizer cost). Pruning, parallel and predicate information are only displayed when applicable. Excludes only PROJECTION, ALIAS and REMOTE SQL information (see below).

  • SERIAL: Like TYPICAL except that the parallel information is not displayed, even if the plan executes in parallel.

  • ALL: Maximum user level. Includes information displayed with the TYPICAL level with additional information (PROJECTION, ALIAS and information about REMOTE SQL if the operation is distributed).

For finer control on the display output, the following keywords can be added to the above four standard format options to customize their default behavior. Each keyword either represents a logical group of plan table columns (such as PARTITION) or logical additions to the base plan table output (such as PREDICATE). Format keywords must be separated by either a comma or a space:

  • ROWS - if relevant, shows the number of rows estimated by the optimizer

  • BYTES - if relevant, shows the number of bytes estimated by the optimizer

  • COST - if relevant, shows optimizer cost information

  • PARTITION - if relevant, shows partition pruning information

  • PARALLEL - if relevant, shows PX information (distribution method and table queue information)

  • PREDICATE - if relevant, shows the predicate section

  • PROJECTION -if relevant, shows the projection section

  • ALIAS - if relevant, shows the "Query Block Name / Object Alias" section

  • REMOTE - if relevant, shows the information for distributed query (for example, remote from serial distribution and remote SQL)

  • NOTE - if relevant, shows the note section of the explain plan

Format keywords can be prefixed by the sign '-' to exclude the specified information. For example, '-PROJECTION' excludes projection information.


Identifies the plans for a specific database.

If this parameter is omitted, then the value defaults to the DBID of the AWR repository pointed to by the initialization parameter AWR_LOCATION. In a CDB, if AWR_LOCATION is set to AWR_ROOT, then the value is set to the DBID of the CDB root. If it is set to AWR_PDB, then the value is set to the DBID of the container.


Identifies the plans for a specific container.

If this parameter is omitted, then the value defaults to SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'con_id').


Specifies the location of the AWR repository. Supported values are:

  • AWR_ROOT when the AWR to be accessed is in the root container. This is the default.

  • 'AWR_PDB', if the AWR to be accessed is in the local container.

Example 213-2 Querying an AWR Plan

Assume that you log in as an administrator and issue the following query:

select count(*) from sh.sAleS

You create an AWR snapshot as follows:


You query joint DBA_HIST_SQLTEST to the function output as follows:


         (ht.sql_id, null, '-PREDICATE +ALIAS',null,null,'AWR_ROOT')) t

SQL_ID 2f4cx9qjnqd70
select count(*) from sh.sAleS

Plan hash value: 1123225294

| Id  | Operation                      | Name            | Rows  | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |                 |       |    27 (100)|          |       |       |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE                |                 |     1 |            |          |       |       |
|   2 |   PARTITION RANGE ALL          |                 |   918K|    27   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |    28 |
|   3 |    BITMAP CONVERSION COUNT     |                 |   918K|    27   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   4 |     BITMAP INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| SALES_PROMO_BIX |       |            |          |     1 |    28 |

Query Block Name / Object Alias (identified by operation id):

   1 - SEL$1
   3 - SEL$1 / "SALES"@"SEL$1"