12 Using Oracle Virtual Private Database to Control Data Access

Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) enables you to filter users who access data.

12.1 About Oracle Virtual Private Database

Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) provides important benefits for filtering user access to data.

12.1.1 What Is Oracle Virtual Private Database?

Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) creates security policies to control database access at the row and column level.


Oracle Database release 12c introduced Real Application Security (RAS) to supersede VPD. Oracle recommends that you use RAS for new projects that require row and column level access controls for their applications.

Essentially, Oracle Virtual Private Database adds a dynamic WHERE clause to a SQL statement that is issued against the table, view, or synonym to which an Oracle Virtual Private Database security policy was applied.

Oracle Virtual Private Database enforces security, to a fine level of granularity, directly on database tables, views, or synonyms. Because you attach security policies directly to these database objects, and the policies are automatically applied whenever a user accesses data, there is no way to bypass security.

When a user directly or indirectly accesses a table, view, or synonym that is protected with an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy, Oracle Database dynamically modifies the SQL statement of the user. This modification creates a WHERE condition (called a predicate) returned by a function implementing the security policy. Oracle Database modifies the statement dynamically, transparently to the user, using any condition that can be expressed in or returned by a function. You can apply Oracle Virtual Private Database policies to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, INDEX, and DELETE statements.

For example, suppose a user performs the following query:


The Oracle Virtual Private Database policy dynamically appends the statement with a WHERE clause. For example:


In this example, the user can only view orders by Sales Representative 159.

If you want to filter the user based on the session information of that user, such as the ID of the user, then you can create the WHERE clause to use an application context. For example:



Oracle Virtual Private Database does not support filtering for DDLs, such as TRUNCATE or ALTER TABLE statements.

12.1.2 Benefits of Using Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies

Oracle Virtual Private Database policies provide the important benefits. Security Policies Based on Database Objects Rather Than Applications

Oracle Virtual Private Database provides benefits in security, simplicity, and flexibility.

Attaching Oracle Virtual Private Database security policies to database tables, views, or synonyms, rather than implementing access controls in all your applications, provides the following benefits:

  • Security. Associating a policy with a database table, view, or synonym can solve a potentially serious application security problem. Suppose a user is authorized to use an application, and then drawing on the privileges associated with that application, wrongfully modifies the database by using an ad hoc query tool, such as SQL*Plus. By attaching security policies directly to tables, views, or synonyms, fine-grained access control ensures that the same security is in force, no matter how a user accesses the data.

  • Simplicity. You add the security policy to a table, view, or synonym only once, rather than repeatedly adding it to each of your table-based, view-based, or synonym-based applications.

  • Flexibility. You can have one security policy for SELECT statements, another for INSERT statements, and still others for UPDATE and DELETE statements. For example, you might want to enable Human Resources clerks to have SELECT privileges for all employee records in their division, but to update only salaries for those employees in their division whose last names begin with A through F. Furthermore, you can create multiple policies for each table, view, or synonym. Control Over How Oracle Database Evaluates Policy Functions

Running policy functions multiple times can affect performance.

You can control the performance of policy functions by configuring how Oracle Database caches the Oracle Virtual Private Database predicates.

The following options are available:

  • Evaluate the policy once for each query (static policies).

  • Evaluate the policy only when an application context within the policy function changes (context-sensitive policies).

  • Evaluate the policy each time it is run (dynamic policies).

12.1.3 Who Can Create Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies?

The DBMS_RLS PL/SQL package enables you to create VPD policies.

Users who have been granted the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_RLS PL/SQL package can create Oracle Virtual Private Database policies. As with all privileges, only grant this privilege to trusted users. You can find the privileges that a user has been granted by querying the DBA_SYS_PRIVS data dictionary view.

12.1.4 Privileges to Run Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Functions

You should be aware of the correct privileges for running Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy functions.

For greater security, the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy function runs as if it had been declared with definer's rights.

Do not declare it as invoker's rights because this can confuse yourself and other users who maintain the code.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for detailed information about definer's rights

12.1.5 Oracle Virtual Private Database Use with an Application Context

You can use application contexts with Oracle Virtual Private Database policies.

When you create an application context, it securely caches user information. Only the designated application package can set the cached environment. It cannot be changed by the user or outside the package. In addition, because the data is cached, performance is increased.

For example, suppose you want to base access to the ORDERS_TAB table on the customer ID number. Rather than querying the customer ID number for a logged-in user each time you need it, you could store the number in the application context. Then, the customer number is available in the session when you need it.

Application contexts are especially helpful if your security policy is based on multiple security attributes. For example, if a policy function bases a WHERE predicate on four attributes (such as employee number, cost center, position, spending limit), then multiple subqueries must execute to retrieve this information. Instead, if this data is available through an application context, then performance is much faster.

You can use an application context to return the correct security policy, enforced through a predicate. For example, consider an order entry application that enforces the following rules: customers only see their own orders, and clerks see all orders for all customers. These are two different policies. You could define an application context with a position attribute, and this attribute could be accessed within the policy function to return the correct predicate, depending on the value of the attribute. Thus, you can enable a user in the clerk position to retrieve all orders, but a user in the customer position can see only those records associated with that particular user.

To design a fine-grained access control policy that returns a specific predicate for an attribute, you need to access the application context within the function that implements the policy. For example, suppose you want to limit customers to seeing only their own records. The user performs the following query:

SELECT * FROM orders_tab

Fine-grained access control dynamically modifies this query to include the following WHERE predicate:

SELECT * FROM orders_tab 
  WHERE custno = SYS_CONTEXT ('order_entry', 'cust_num');

Continuing with the preceding example, suppose you have 50,000 customers, and you do not want to have a different predicate returned for each customer. Customers all share the same WHERE predicate, which prescribes that they can only see their own orders. It is merely their customer numbers that are different.

Using application context, you can return one WHERE predicate within a policy function that applies to 50,000 customers. As a result, there is one shared cursor that executes differently for each customer, because the customer number is evaluated at execution time. This value is different for every customer. Use of application context in this case provides optimum performance, and at row-level security.

The SYS_CONTEXT function works much like a bind variable; only the SYS_CONTEXT arguments are constants.

12.1.6 Oracle Virtual Private Database in a Multitenant Environment

You can create Virtual Private Database policies in an application root for use throughout any associated application PDBs.

The CDB restriction applies to shared context sensitive policies and views related to Virtual Private Database policies as well. You cannot create a Virtual Private Database policy for an entire multitenant environment.

With regard to application containers, you can create Virtual Private Database policies to protect application common objects by applying the common policy to all PDBs that belong to the application root. In other words, when you install an application in the application root, all the common Virtual Private Database policies that protect the common objects will be applied to and immediately enforced for all PDBs in the application container.

Note the following:

  • You can only create the common Virtual Private Database policy and its associated PL/SQL function in the application root and only attach it to application common objects. If the function is not in the same location as the policy, then an error is raised at runtime.

  • A Virtual Private Database policy that is applied to common objects is considered a common policy that will be automatically enforced in PDBs that belong to the application container when it accesses the application common objects from application PDBs.

  • Application common Virtual Private Database policies can only protect application common objects.

  • A Virtual Private Database policy that is applied to application common objects in the application root and is applied to all application PDBs is considered a common Virtual Private Database policy. A policy that is applied to a local database table and enforced in one PDB is considered a local Virtual Private Database policy.

    For example, if policy VPD_P1 is applied to the application common table T1 in the application root, then it is a considered to be a common policy. It will be enforced in each application PDB. If a policy named VPD_P1 is applied to a local table called T1 in PDB1, then it is considered a local policy, which means that it affects only PDB1. If a policy called VPD_P1 is applied to a local table T1 in the application root, then it is still considered a local policy because it affects only the application root. This concept applies to other operations, such as enabling, disabling, and removing Virtual Private Database policies.

  • Application common Virtual Private Database policies only protect application common objects, while local Virtual Private Database policies only protect local objects.

  • If you are using application contexts, then ensure common database session-based application contexts and common global application context objects are used in the common Virtual Private Database configuration.

  • Application container Virtual Private Database policies are stored in the application root. PDBs store only local policies. If you plug a PDB into the application container, then the common policies are not converted to local policies. Instead, Oracle Database loads them from the application root and enforces them in the local PDB when the policies access common objects in the local PDB.

12.2 Components of an Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

A VPD policy uses a function to generate the dynamic WHERE clause, and a policy to attach the function to objects to protect.

12.2.1 Function to Generate the Dynamic WHERE Clause

The Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) function defines the restrictions that you want to enforce.

To generate the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) dynamic WHERE clause (predicate), you must create a function (not a procedure) that defines these restrictions. This function is a definer's rights function.

Usually, the security administrator creates this function in his or her own schema. For more complex behavior, such as including calls to other functions or adding checks to track failed logon attempts, create these functions within a package.

The function must have the following behavior:

  • It must take as arguments a schema name and an object (table, view, or synonym) name as inputs. Define input parameters to hold this information, but do not specify the schema and object name themselves within the function. The policy that you create with the DBMS_RLS package (described in Policies to Attach the Function to the Objects You Want to Protect) provides the names of the schema, and object to which the policy will apply. You must create the parameter for the schema first, followed by the parameter for the object.

  • It must provide a return value for the WHERE clause predicate that will be generated. The return value for the WHERE clause is always a VARCHAR2 data type.

  • It must generate a valid WHERE clause. This code can be as basic as the example in Tutorial: Creating a Simple Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy, in that its WHERE clause is the same for all users who log on.

    But in most cases, you may want to design the WHERE clause to be different for each user, each group of users, or each application that accesses the objects you want to protect. For example, if a manager logs in, the WHERE clause can be specific to the rights of that particular manager. You can do this by incorporating an application context, which accesses user session information, into the WHERE clause generation code. Tutorial: Implementing a Session-Based Application Context Policy demonstrates how to create an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy that uses an application context.

    You can create Oracle Virtual Private Database functions that do not use an application context, but an application context creates a much stronger Oracle Virtual Private Database policy, by securely basing user access on the session attributes of that user, such as the user ID. Using Application Contexts to Retrieve User Information, discusses different types of application contexts in detail.

    In addition, you can embed C or Java calls to access operating system information or to return WHERE clauses from an operating system file or other source.

  • It must not select from a table within the associated policy function. Although you can define a policy against a table, you cannot select that table from within the policy that was defined against the table.

  • It must be a pure function. The VPD function must rely only on the application context and the arguments that are passed to the function to generate the WHERE clause. This function must not depend on the package variables.


If you plan to run the function across different editions, you can control the results of the function: whether the results are uniform across all editions, or specific to the edition in which the function is run. See How Editions Affects the Results of a Global Application Context PL/SQL Package for more information.

12.2.2 Policies to Attach the Function to the Objects You Want to Protect

The Oracle Virtual Private Database policy associates the VPD function with a table, view, or synonym.

You create the policy by using the DBMS_RLS package. If you are not SYS, then you must be granted EXECUTE privileges to use the DBMS_RLS package. This package contains procedures that enable you to manage the policy and set fine-grained access control. For example, to attach the policy to a table, you use the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure. Within this setting, you set fine-grained access control, such as setting the policy to go into effect when a user issues a SELECT or UPDATE statement on the table or view.

The combination of creating the function and then applying it to a table or view is referred to as creating the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy.

12.3 Configuration of Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies

The DBMS_RLS PL/SQL package can configure Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies.

12.3.1 About Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies

The Oracle Virtual Private Database policy associates the VPD function with a database table, view, or synonym.

This function defines the actions of the Oracle Virtual Private Database WHERE clause. You must then associate this function with the database table to which the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) action applies.

You can do this by configuring an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy. The policy itself is a mechanism for managing the Virtual Private Database function. The policy also enables you to add fine-grained access control, such as specifying the types of SQL statements or particular table columns the policy affects. When a user tries to access the data in this database object, the policy goes into effect automatically.

Table 12-1 lists the procedures in the DBMS_RLS package.

Table 12-1 DBMS_RLS Procedures

Procedure Description

For Handling Individual Policies



Adds a policy to a table, view, or synonym


Enables (or disables) a policy you previously added to a table, view, or synonym


Alters an existing policy to associate or disassociate attributes with the policy


Invalidates cursors associated with nonstatic policies


To drop a policy from a table, view, or synonym

For Handling Grouped Policies



Creates a policy group


Alters a policy group


Drops a policy group


Adds a policy to the specified policy group


Enables a policy within a group


Parses again the SQL statements associated with a refreshed policy


Disables a policy within a group


Drops a policy that is a member of the specified group

For Handling Application Contexts



Adds the context for the active application


Drops the context for the application

12.3.2 Attaching a Policy to a Database Table, View, or Synonym

The DBMS_RLS PL/SQL package can attach a policy to a table, view, or synonym.

  • To attach a policy to a database table, view, or synonym, use the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure.

You must specify the table, view, or synonym to which you are adding a policy, and a name for the policy. You can also specify other information, such as the types of statements the policy controls (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE INDEX, or ALTER INDEX).

Follow these guidelines:

  • If a view has been created as an extended data-linked object, then Oracle recommends that you apply the same VPD policy on this type of view as you would on the underlying objects of the view.

  • Determine if the base object to which you want to add the VPD policy has dependent objects. If it does have dependent objects, then these objects will become invalid when the VPD policy is added to the base object, and these objects will be recompiled automatically when they are used.

    Alternatively, you can proactively recompile them yourself by using an ALTER ... COMPILE statement. Be aware that invalidating dependent objects (by adding a VPD policy on their base object) and causing them to need to be recompiled can decrease performance in the overall system. Oracle recommends that you only add a VPD policy to an object that has dependent objects during off-peak hours or during a scheduled downtime.

  • Be aware that the maximum number of policies that can be created for a single object is 255.

12.3.3 Example: Attaching a Simple Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy to a Table

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can attach an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy to a table, view, or synomym.

Example 12-1 shows how to use DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY to attach an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy called secure_update to the HR.EMPLOYEES table. The function attached to the policy is check_updates.

Example 12-1 Attaching a Simple Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy to a Table

  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'check_updates',

If the function was created inside a package, include the package name. For example:

 policy_function => 'pkg.check_updates',

Although you can define a policy against a table, you cannot select that table from within the policy that was defined against the table.

12.3.4 Enforcing Policies on Specific SQL Statement Types

You can enforce Oracle Virtual Private Database policies for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, INDEX, and DELETE statements.

  • To specify a SQL statement type for the policy, use the statement_types parameter in the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure. If you want to specify more than one, separate each with a comma. Enclose the list in a pair of single quotation marks.

If you do not specify a statement type, then by default, Oracle Database specifies SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, but not INDEX. You can enter any combination of these statement types.

When you specify the statement_types parameter, be aware of the following functionality:

  • The application code affected by the Virtual Private Database policy can include the MERGE INTO statement. However, in the Virtual Private Database policy, you must ensure that the statement_types parameter includes all three of the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements for the policy to succeed. Alternatively, you can omit the statement_types parameter.

  • Be aware that a user who has privileges to maintain an index can see all the row data, even if the user does not have full table access under a regular query such as SELECT. For example, a user can create a function-based index that contains a user-defined function with column values as its arguments. During index creation, Oracle Database passes column values of every row into the user function, making the row data available to the user who creates the index. You can enforce Oracle Virtual Private Database policies on index maintenance operations by specifying INDEX with the statement_types parameter.

12.3.5 Example: Specifying SQL Statement Types with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure statement_types parameter can specify the SELECT and INDEX statements for a policy.

Example 12-2 shows an how this works.

Example 12-2 Specifying SQL Statement Types with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'check_updates',
  statement_types => 'SELECT,INDEX');

12.3.6 Control of the Display of Column Data with Policies

You can create policies that enforce row-level security when a security-relevant column is referenced in a query. Policies for Column-Level Oracle Virtual Private Database

Column-level policies enforce row-level security when a query references a security-relevant column.

You can apply a column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database policy to tables and views, but not to synonyms. To apply the policy to a column, specify the security-relevant column by using the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter of the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure. This parameter applies the security policy whenever the column is referenced, explicitly or implicitly, in a query.

For example, users who are not in a Human Resources department typically are allowed to view only their own Social Security numbers. A sales clerk initiates the following query:

SELECT fname, lname, ssn FROM emp;

The function implementing the security policy returns the predicate ssn='my_ssn'. Oracle Database rewrites the query and executes the following:

SELECT fname, lname, ssn FROM emp 
 WHERE ssn = 'my_ssn'; Example: Creating a Column-Level Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

The CREATE FUNCTION statement and the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can configure a column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database policy.

Example 12-3 shows an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy in which sales department users cannot see the salaries of people outside the department (department number 30) of the sales department users. The relevant columns for this policy are sal and comm. First, the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy function is created, and then it is added by using the DBMS_RLS PL/SQL package.

Example 12-3 Creating a Column-Level Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

 v_schema IN VARCHAR2, 
 v_objname IN VARCHAR2)

con VARCHAR2 (200);

 con := 'deptno=30';
 RETURN (con);
END hide_sal_comm;

Then you configure the policy with the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure as follows:

  object_schema     => 'scott', 
  object_name       => 'emp',
  policy_name       => 'hide_sal_policy', 
  policy_function   => 'hide_sal_comm',
  sec_relevant_cols => 'sal,comm');
END; Display of Only the Column Rows Relevant to the Query

Be default, column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database restricts the number of rows a query returns that references columns containing sensitive information.

You specify these security-relevant columns by using the SEC_RELEVANT_COLUMNS parameter of the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure, as shown in Example 12-3.

For example, consider sales department users with the SELECT privilege on the emp table, which is protected with the column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database policy created in Example 12-3. The user (for example, user SCOTT) runs the following query:

 FROM emp e, dept d
 WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno;

The database returns the following rows:

ENAME      DNAME          JOB              SAL       COMM
---------- -------------- --------- ---------- ----------
ALLEN      SALES          SALESMAN        1600        300
WARD       SALES          SALESMAN        1250        500
MARTIN     SALES          SALESMAN        1250       1400
BLAKE      SALES          MANAGER         2850           
TURNER     SALES          SALESMAN        1500          0
JAMES      SALES          CLERK            950           
6 rows selected.

The only rows that are displayed are those that the user has privileges to access all columns in the row. Column Masking to Display Sensitive Columns as NULL Values

If a query references a sensitive column, then by default column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database restricts the number of rows returned.

With column-masking behavior, all rows display, even those that reference sensitive columns. However, the sensitive columns display as NULL values. To enable column-masking, set the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_opt parameter of the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure.

For example, consider the results of the sales clerk query, described in the previous example. If column-masking is used, then instead of seeing only the row containing the details and Social Security number of the sales clerk, the clerk would see all rows from the emp table, but the ssn column values would be returned as NULL. Note that this behavior is fundamentally different from all other types of Oracle Virtual Private Database policies, which return only a subset of rows.

In contrast to the default action of column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database, column-masking displays all rows, but returns sensitive column values as NULL. To include column-masking in your policy, set the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_OPT parameter of the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure to DBMS_RLS.ALL_ROWS.

The following considerations apply to column masking:

  • Column-masking applies only to SELECT statements.

  • Column-masking conditions generated by the policy function must be simple Boolean expressions, unlike regular Oracle Virtual Private Database predicates.

  • For applications that perform calculations, or do not expect NULL values, use standard column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database, specifying SEC_RELEVANT_COLS rather than the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_OPT column-masking option.

  • Do not include columns of the object data type (including the XMLtype) in the sec_relevant_cols setting. This column type is not supported for the sec_relevant_cols setting.

  • Column-masking used with UPDATE AS SELECT updates only the columns that users are allowed to see.

  • For some queries, column-masking may prevent some rows from displaying. For example:

    SELECT * FROM emp
     WHERE sal = 10;

    Because the column-masking option was set, this query may not return rows if the salary column returns a NULL value. Example: Adding Column Masking to an Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can configure column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database column masking.

Example 12-4 shows column-level Oracle Virtual Private Database column masking. It uses the same VPD policy as Example: Creating a Column-Level Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy, but with sec_relevant_cols_opt specified as DBMS_RLS.ALL_ROWS.

Example 12-4 Adding Column Masking to an Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

   object_schema         => 'scott', 
   object_name           => 'emp',
   policy_name           => 'hide_sal_policy', 
   policy_function       => 'hide_sal_comm',
   sec_relevant_cols     =>' sal,comm',
   sec_relevant_cols_opt => dbms_rls.ALL_ROWS);

Assume that a sales department user with SELECT privilege on the emp table (such as user SCOTT) runs the following query:

SELECT ENAME, d.dname, job, sal, comm 
 FROM emp e, dept d
 WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno;

The database returns all rows specified in the query, but with certain values masked because of the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy:

ENAME      DNAME          JOB              SAL       COMM
---------- -------------- --------- ---------- ----------
WARD       SALES          SALESMAN        1250        500
TURNER     SALES          SALESMAN        1500          0
ALLEN      SALES          SALESMAN        1600        300
JAMES      SALES          CLERK            950           
BLAKE      SALES          MANAGER         2850           
MARTIN     SALES          SALESMAN        1250       1400
14 rows selected.

The column-masking returned all rows requested by the sales user query, but made the sal and comm columns NULL for employees outside the sales department.

12.3.7 Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Groups

An Oracle Virtual Private Database policy group is a named collection of VPD policies that can be applied to an application. About Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Groups

You can group multiple security policies together, and apply them to an application.

A policy group is a set of security policies that belong to an application. You can designate an application context (known as a driving context or policy context) to indicate the policy group in effect. Then, when a user accesses the table, view, or synonym column, Oracle Database looks up the driving context to determine the policy group in effect. It enforces all the associated policies that belong to the policy group.

Policy groups are useful for situations where multiple applications with multiple security policies share the same table, view, or synonym. This enables you to identify those policies that should be in effect when the table, view, or synonym is accessed.

For example, in a hosting environment, Company A can host the BENEFIT table for Company B and Company C. The table is accessed by two different applications, Human Resources and Finance, with two different security policies. The Human Resources application authorizes users based on ranking in the company, and the Finance application authorizes users based on department. Integrating these two policies into the BENEFIT table requires joint development of policies between the two companies, which is not a feasible option. By defining an application context to drive the enforcement of a particular set of policies to the base objects, each application can implement a private set of security policies.

To do this, you organize security policies into groups. By referring to the application context, Oracle Database determines which group of policies should be in effect at run time. The server enforces all the policies that belong to that policy group. Creation of a New Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Group

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_GROUPED_POLICY procedure adds a VPD policy to a VPD policy group.

To specify which policies will be effective, you can add a driving context using the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY_CONTEXT procedure. If the driving context returns an unknown policy group, then an error is returned.

If the driving context is not defined, then Oracle Database runs all policies. Likewise, if the driving context is NULL, then policies from all policy groups are enforced. An application accessing the data cannot bypass the security setup module (which sets up application context) to avoid any applicable policies.

You can apply multiple driving contexts to the same table, view, or synonym, and each of them will be processed individually. This enables you to configure multiple active sets of policies to be enforced.

Consider, for example, a hosting company that hosts Benefits and Financial applications, which share some database objects. Both applications are striped for hosting using a SUBSCRIBER policy in the SYS_DEFAULT policy group. Data access is partitioned first by subscriber ID, then by whether the user is accessing the Benefits or Financial applications (determined by a driving context). Suppose that Company A, which uses the hosting services, wants to apply a custom policy that relates only to its own data access. You could add an additional driving context (such as COMPANY A SPECIAL) to ensure that the additional, special policy group is applied for data access for Company A only. You would not apply this under the SUBSCRIBER policy, because the policy relates only to Company A, and it is more efficient to segregate the basic hosting policy from other policies. Default Policy Group with the SYS_DEFAULT Policy Group

Within a group of security policies, you can designate one security policy to be the default security policy.

This is useful in situations where you partition security policies by application, so that they will be always be in effect. Default security policies enable developers to base security enforcement under all conditions, while partitioning security policies by application (using security groups) enables layering of additional, application-specific security on top of default security policies. To implement default security policies, you add the policy to the SYS_DEFAULT policy group.

Policies defined in this group for a particular table, view, or synonym are run with the policy group specified by the driving context. As described earlier, a driving context is an application context that indicates the policy group in effect. The SYS_DEFAULT policy group may or may not contain policies. You cannot to drop the SYS_DEFAULT policy group. If you do, then Oracle Database displays an error.

If, to the SYS_DEFAULT policy group, you add policies associated with two or more objects, then each object will have a separate SYS_DEFAULT policy group associated with it. For example, the emp table in the scott schema has one SYS_DEFAULT policy group, and the dept table in the scott schema has a different SYS_DEFAULT policy group associated with it. Think of them as being organized in the tree structure as follows:

  - policy1 (scott/emp)
  - policy3 (scott/emp)
  - policy2 (scott/dept)

You can create policy groups with identical names. When you select a particular policy group, its associated schema and object name are displayed in the property sheet on the right side of the screen. Multiple Policies for Each Table, View, or Synonym

You can establish several policies for the same table, view, or synonym.

Suppose, for example, you have a base application for Order Entry, and each division of your company has its own rules for data access. You can add a division-specific policy function to a table without having to rewrite the policy function of the base application.

All policies applied to a table are enforced with AND syntax. If you have three policies applied to the CUSTOMERS table, then each policy is applied to the table. You can use policy groups and an application context to partition fine-grained access control enforcement so that different policies apply, depending upon which application is accessing data. This eliminates the requirement for development groups to collaborate on policies, and simplifies application development. You can also have a default policy group that is always applicable (for example, to enforce data separated by subscriber in a hosting environment). Validation of the Application Used to Connect to the Database

The package implementing the driving context must correctly validate the application that is being used to connect to the database.

Although Oracle Database checks the call stack to ensure that the package implementing the driving context sets context attributes, inadequate validation can still occur within the package. For example, in applications where database users or enterprise users are known to the database, the user needs the EXECUTE privilege on the package that sets the driving context. Consider a user who knows that the BENEFITS application enables more liberal access than the HR application. The setctx procedure (which sets the correct policy group within the driving context) does not perform any validation to determine which application is actually connecting. That is, the procedure does not check either the IP address of the incoming connection (for a three-tier system) or the proxy_user attribute of the user session.

This user could pass to the driving context package an argument setting the context to the more liberal BENEFITS policy group, and then access the HR application instead. Because the setctx does no further validation of the application, this user bypasses the more restrictive HR security policy.

By contrast, if you implement proxy authentication with Oracle Virtual Private Database, then you can determine the identity of the middle tier (and the application) that is connecting to the database on behalf of a user. The correct policy will be applied for each application to mediate data access.

For example, a developer using the proxy authentication feature could determine that the application (the middle tier) connecting to the database is HRAPPSERVER. The package that implements the driving context can thus verify whether the proxy_user in the user session is HRAPPSERVER. If so, then it can set the driving context to use the HR policy group. If proxy_user is not HRAPPSERVER, then it can deny access.

In this case, the following query is executed:

SELECT * FROM apps.benefit;

Oracle Database picks up policies from the default policy group (SYS_DEFAULT) and active namespace HR. The query is internally rewritten as follows:

SELECT * FROM apps.benefit 

12.3.8 Optimizing Performance by Using Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Types

You can optimize performance by using the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) the dynamic, static, or shared policy types. About Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Types

Specifying a policy type for your policies can optimize performance each the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy runs.

Policy types control how Oracle Database caches Oracle Virtual Private Database policy predicates. Consider setting a policy type for your policies, because the execution of policy functions can use a significant amount of system resources. Minimizing the number of times that a policy function can run optimizes database performance.

You can choose from five policy types: DYNAMIC, STATIC, SHARED_STATIC, CONTEXT_SENSITIVE, and SHARED_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE. These enable you to precisely specify how often a policy predicate should change. To specify the policy type, set the policy_type parameter of the DBMS_RLS.ADD POLICY procedure. Dynamic Policy Type to Automatically Rerun Policy Functions

The DYNAMIC policy type runs the policy function each time a user accesses the Virtual Private Database-protected database objects.

If you do not specify a policy type in the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure, then, by default, your policy will be dynamic. You can specifically configure a policy to be dynamic by setting the policy_type parameter of the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure to DYNAMIC.

This policy type does not optimize database performance as the static and context sensitive policy types do. However, Oracle recommends that before you set policies as either static or context-sensitive, you should first test them as DYNAMIC policy types, which run every time. Testing policy functions as DYNAMIC policies first enables you to observe how the policy function affects each query, because nothing is cached. This ensures that the functions work properly before you enable them as static or context-sensitive policy types to optimize performance.

You can use the DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME function to measure the start and end times for a statement to execute. For example:

-- 1. Get the start time:


-- 2. Run the statement:


-- 3. Get the end time:

   2314319 Example: Creating a DYNAMIC Policy with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a dynamic Oracle Virtual Private Database policy.

Example 12-5 shows how to create the DYNAMIC policy type.

Example 12-5 Creating a DYNAMIC Policy with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'hide_fin',
  policy_type     => dbms_rls.DYNAMIC);
/ Static Policy to Prevent Policy Functions from Rerunning for Each Query

The static policy type enforces the same predicate for all users in the instance.

Oracle Database stores static policy predicates in SGA, so policy functions do not rerun for each query. This results in faster performance.

You can enable static policies by setting the policy_type parameter of the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure to either STATIC or SHARED_STATIC, depending on whether or not you want the policy to be shared across multiple objects.

Each execution of the same cursor could produce a different row set for the same predicate, because the predicate may filter the data differently based on attributes such as SYS_CONTEXT or SYSDATE.

For example, suppose you enable a policy as either a STATIC or SHARED_STATIC policy type, which appends the following predicate to all queries made against policy protected database objects:

WHERE dept = SYS_CONTEXT ('hr_app','deptno')

Although the predicate does not change for each query, it applies to the query based on session attributes of the SYS_CONTEXT. In the case of the preceding example, the predicate returns only those rows where the department number matches the deptno attribute of the SYS_CONTEXT, which is the department number of the user who is querying the policy-protected database object.


When using shared static policies, ensure that the policy predicate does not contain attributes that are specific to a particular database object, such as a column name. Example: Creating a Static Policy with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a static Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.

Example 12-6 shows how to create the STATIC policy type.

Example 12-6 Creating a Static Policy with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'hide_fin',
  policy_type     => DBMS_RLS.STATIC);
/ Example: Shared Static Policy to Share a Policy with Multiple Objects

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a shared static Oracle Virtual Private Database policy to share the policy with multiple objects.

If, for example, you wanted to apply the policy in Example 12-6 to a second table in the HR schema that may contain financial data that you want to side, you could use the SHARED_STATIC setting for both tables.

Example 12-7 shows how to set the SHARED_STATIC policy type for two tables that share the same policy.

Example 12-7 Creating a Shared Static Policy to Share a Policy with Multiple Objects

-- 1. Create a policy for the first table, employees:
  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'hide_fin',
  policy_type     => dbms_rls.SHARED_STATIC);
-- 2. Create a policy for the second table, fin_data:
  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'fin_data',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'hide_fin',
  policy_type     => dbms_rls.SHARED_STATIC);
/ When to Use Static and Shared Static Policies

Static policies are ideal when every query requires the same predicate and fast performance is essential, such as hosting environments.

For these situations when the policy function appends the same predicate to every query, rerunning the policy function each time adds unnecessary overhead to the system. For example, consider a data warehouse that contains market research data for customer organizations that are competitors. The warehouse must enforce the policy that each organization can see only their own market research, which is expressed by the following predicate:

WHERE subscriber_id = SYS_CONTEXT('customer', 'cust_num')

Using SYS_CONTEXT for the application context enables the database to dynamically change the rows that are returned. You do not need to rerun the function, so the predicate can be cached in the SGA, thus conserving system resources and improving performance. Context-Sensitive Policy for Application Context Attributes That Change

Context-sensitive policies are useful when different predicates must be applied depending on which executes the query.

For example, consider the case where managers should have the predicate WHERE group set to managers, and employees should have the predicate WHERE empno_ctx set to emp_id. A context-sensitive policy will enable you to present only the information that the managers must see when the managers log in, and only the information that the employees must see when they log in. The policy uses application contexts to determine which predicate to use.

In contrast to static policies, context-sensitive policies do not always cache the predicate. With context-sensitive policies, the database assumes that the predicate will change after statement parse time. But if there is no change in the local application context, then Oracle Database does not rerun the policy function within the user session. If there is a change in any attribute of any application context during the user session, then by default the database re-executes the policy function to ensure that it captures all changes to the predicate since the initial parsing. This results in unnecessary re-executions of the policy function if none of the associated attributes have changed. You can restrict the evaluation to a specific application context by including both the namespace and attribute parameters.

If you plan to use the namespace and attribute parameters in your policy, then follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure that you specify both namespace and attribute parameters, not just one.

  • Ensure that your policy has the policy_type argument set to DBMS_RLS.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE or SHARED_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE. You cannot use the namespace and attribute parameters in static or dynamic policies.

If there are no attributes associated with the Virtual Private Database policy function, then Oracle Database evaluates the context-sensitive function for any application context changes.

Shared context-sensitive policies operate in the same way as regular context-sensitive policies, except they can be shared across multiple database objects. For this policy type, all objects can share the policy function from the UGA, where the predicate is cached until the local session context changes. Example: Creating a Context-Sensitive Policy with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can create an Oracle Virtual Private Database context-sensitive policy.

Example 12-8shows how to create a CONTEXT_SENSITIVE policy in which the policy is evaluated only for changes to the empno_ctx namespace and emp_id attribute.

Example 12-8 Creating a Context-Sensitive Policy with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'hide_fin',
  policy_type     => dbms_rls.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE,
  namespace       => 'empno_ctx',
  attribute       => 'emp_id');
/ Example: Refreshing Cached Statements for a VPD Context-Sensitive Policy

The DBMS_RLS.REFRESH_POLICY statement can refresh cached statements for Oracle Virtual Private Database context-sensitive policies.

Example 12-9 shows you can manually refresh all the cached statements that are associated with a Virtual Private Database context-sensitive policy by running the DBMS_RLS.REFRESH_POLICY procedure.

Example 12-9 Refreshing Cached Statements for a VPD Context-Sensitive Policy

  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update');
/ Example: Altering an Existing Context-Sensitive Policy

The DBMS_RLS.ALTER_POLICY procedure can modify an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy.

Example 12-10 shows how you can use the DBMS_RLS.ALTER_POLICY statement to alter an existing context-sensitive policy so that the order_update_pol policy function is executed only if the relevant context attributes change.

Example 12-10 Altering an Existing Context-Sensitive Policy

  object_schema   => 'oe',
  object_name     => 'orders',
  policy_name     => 'order_update_pol',
  namespace       => 'empno_ctx',
  attribute       => 'emp_role');
/ Example: Using a Shared Context Sensitive Policy to Share a Policy with Multiple Objects

The DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a shared context-sensitive Oracle Virtual Private Database to share a policy that has multiple objects.

Example 12-11 shows how to create two shared context sensitive policies that share a policy with multiple tables, and how to restrict the evaluation only for changes to the empno_ctx namespace and emp_id attribute.

Example 12-11 Shared Context-Sensitive Policy with DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY

-- 1. Create a policy for the first table, employees:
  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'employees',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'hide_fin',
  policy_type     => dbms_rls.SHARED_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE,
  namespace       => 'empno_ctx',
  attribute       => 'emp_id');
--2. Create a policy for the second table, fin_data:
  object_schema   => 'hr',
  object_name     => 'fin_data',
  policy_name     => 'secure_update',
  policy_function => 'hide_fin',
  policy_type     => dbms_rls.SHARED_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE,
  namespace       => 'empno_ctx',
  attribute       => 'emp_id');

Note the following:

  • When using shared context-sensitive policies, ensure that the policy predicate does not contain attributes that are specific to a particular database object, such as a column name.

  • To manually refresh all the cached statements that are associated with a Virtual Private Database shared context-sensitive policy, run the DBMS_RLS.REFRESH_GROUPED_POLICY procedure. When to Use Context-Sensitive and Shared Context-Sensitive Policies

Use context-sensitive policies when a predicate does not need to change for a user session, but the policy must enforce multiple predicates for different users or groups.

For example, consider a sales_history table with a single policy. This policy states that analysts can see only their own products and regional employees can see only their own region. In this case, the database must rerun the policy function each time the type of user changes. The performance gain is realized when a user can log in and issue several DML statements against the protected object without causing the server to rerun the policy function.


For session pooling where multiple clients share a database session, the middle tier must reset the context during client switches. Summary of the Five Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Types

Oracle Virtual Private Database provides five policy types, based on user needs such as hosting environments.

Table 12-2 summarizes the types of policy types available.

Table 12-2 DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY Policy Types

Policy Types When the Policy Function Executes Usage Example Shared Across Multiple Objects?


Policy function re-executes every time a policy-protected database object is accessed.

Applications where policy predicates must be generated for each query, such as time-dependent policies where users are denied access to database objects at certain times during the day



Once, then the predicate is cached in the SGAFoot 1

View replacement



Same as STATIC

Hosting environments, such as data warehouses where the same predicate must be applied to multiple database objects



  • At statement parse time

  • At statement execution time when the local application context changed since the last use of the cursor

Three-tier, session pooling applications where policies enforce two or more predicates for different users or groups



First time the object is reference in a database session.

Predicates are cached in the private session memory UGA so policy functions can be shared among objects.

Same as CONTEXT_SENSITIVE, but multiple objects can share the policy function from the session UGA


Footnote 1

Each execution of the same cursor could produce a different row set for the same predicate because the predicate may filter the data differently based on attributes such as SYS_CONTEXT or SYSDATE.

12.4 Tutorials: Creating Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies

These tutorials show how to create a simple and a database session-based Oracle Virtual Private policy, and how to create policy groups.

12.4.1 Tutorial: Creating a Simple Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

This tutorial shows how to create a simple Oracle Virtual Private Database policy using the OE user account. About This Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to create a VPD policy that limits access to orders created by Sales Representative 159 in the OE.ORDERS table.

In essence, the policy translates the following statement:


To the following statement:



If you are using a multitenant environment, then this tutorial applies to the current PDB only. Step 1: Ensure That the OE User Account Is Active

First, you must ensure that OE user account is active.

  1. Log on to SQL*Plus as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege.
    sqlplus sys as sysdba
    Enter password: password
  2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate PDB.

    For example:

    Enter password: password

    To find the available PDBs, run the show pdbs command. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command.

  3. Query the DBA_USERS data dictionary view to find the account status of OE.

    The status should be OPEN. If the DBA_USERS view lists user OE as locked and expired, then enter the following statement to unlock the OE account and create a new password:


    Follow the guidelines in Minimum Requirements for Passwords to replace password with a password that is secure. For greater security, do not reuse the same password that was used in previous releases of Oracle Database. Step 2: Create a Policy Function

Next, you are ready to create a policy function.

As user SYS, create the following function, which will append the WHERE SALES_REP_ID = 159 clause to any SELECT statement on the OE.ORDERS table. (You can copy and paste this text by positioning the cursor at the start of CREATE OR REPLACE in the first line.)

  schema_var IN VARCHAR2,
  table_var  IN VARCHAR2
  return_val VARCHAR2 (400);
  return_val := 'SALES_REP_ID = 159';
  RETURN return_val;
 END auth_orders;

In this example:

  • schema_var and table_var create input parameters to specify to store the schema name, OE, and table name, ORDERS. First, define the parameter for the schema, and then define the parameter for the object, in this case, a table. Always create them in this order. The Virtual Private Database policy you create will need these parameters to specify the OE.ORDERS table.

  • RETURN VARCHAR2 returns the string that will be used for the WHERE predicate clause. Remember that return value is always a VARCHAR2 data type.

  • IS ... RETURN return_val encompasses the creation of the WHERE SALES_REP_ID = 159 predicate. Step 3: Create the Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

After you create the policy function, you are ready to associate it with a VPD policy.

  • Create the following policy by using the ADD_POLICY procedure in the DBMS_RLS package.

        object_schema    => 'oe',
        object_name      => 'orders',
        policy_name      => 'orders_policy',
        function_schema  => 'sys',
        policy_function  => 'auth_orders',
        statement_types  => 'select'

    In this example:

    • object_schema => 'oe' specifies the schema that you want to protect, that is, OE.

    • object_name => 'orders' specifies the object within the schema to protect, that is, the ORDERS table.

    • policy_name => 'orders_policy' names this policy orders_policy.

    • function_schema => 'sys' specifies the schema in which the auth_orders function was created. In this example, auth_orders was created in the SYS schema. But typically, it should be created in the schema of a security administrator.

    • policy_function => 'auth_orders' specifies a function to enforce the policy. Here, you specify the auth_orders function that you created in Step 2: Create a Policy Function.

    • statement_types => 'select' specifies the operations to which the policy applies. In this example, the policy applies to all SELECT statements that the user may perform. Step 4: Test the Policy

After you create the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy, it goes into effect immediately.

The next time a user, including the owner of the schema, performs a SELECT on OE.ORDERS, only the orders by Sales Representative 159 will be accessed.

  1. Connect as user OE.
    CONNECT oe -- Or, CONNECT OE@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  2. Enter the following SELECT statement:

    The following output should appear:


    The policy is in effect for user OE: As you can see, only 7 of the 105 rows in the orders table are returned.

    But users with administrative privileges still have access to all the rows in the table.

  3. Connect as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege.
    Enter password: password
  4. Enter the following SELECT statement:

    The following output should appear:

          105 Step 5: Remove the Components of This Tutorial

If you no longer need the components of this tutorial, then you can remove them.

  1. As user SYS, remove the function and policy as follows:
    DROP FUNCTION auth_orders;
  2. If you need to lock and expire the OE account, then enter the following statement:

12.4.2 Tutorial: Implementing a Session-Based Application Context Policy

This tutorial demonstrates how to create an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy that uses a database session-based application context. About This Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to use a database session-based application context to implement a policy in which customers see only their own orders.

If you are using a multitenant environment, then this tutorial applies to the current PDB only.

In this tutorial, you create the following layers of security:

  1. When a user logs on, a database session-based application context checks whether the user is a customer. If a user is not a customer, the user still can log on, but this user cannot access the orders entry table you will create for this example.

  2. If the user is a customer, he or she can log on. After the customer has logged on, an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy restricts this user to see only his or her orders.

  3. As a further restriction, the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy prevents users from adding, modifying, or removing orders. Step 1: Create User Accounts and Sample Tables

First, create user accounts and the sample tables.

  1. Start SQL*Plus and log on as a user who has administrative privileges.
    sqlplus sys as sysdba
    Enter password: password
  2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate PDB.

    For example:

    Enter password: password

    To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command.

  3. Create the following administrative user, who will administer the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy.

    The following SQL statements create this user and then grant the user the necessary privileges for completing this tutorial.

    GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_RLS TO sysadmin_vpd;

    Follow the guidelines in Minimum Requirements for Passwords to replace password with a password that is secure.

  4. Create the following local users:
    GRANT CREATE SESSION TO tbrooke, owoods;

    Replace password with a password that is secure.

  5. Check the account status of the sample user SCOTT, who you will use for this tutorial:

    The status should be OPEN. If the DBA_USERS view lists user SCOTT as locked and expired, then enter the following statement to unlock the SCOTT account and create a new password for him:


    Follow the guidelines in Minimum Requirements for Passwords to replace password with a password that is secure. For greater security, do not reuse the same password that was used in previous releases of Oracle Database.

  6. Connect as user SCOTT.
    Enter password: password
  7. Create and populate the customers table.
    CREATE TABLE customers (
     cust_no    NUMBER(4), 
     cust_email VARCHAR2(20),
     cust_name  VARCHAR2(20));
    INSERT INTO customers VALUES (1234, 'TBROOKE', 'Thadeus Brooke');
    INSERT INTO customers VALUES (5678, 'OWOODS', 'Oberon Woods');

    When you enter the user email IDs, enter them in upper-case letters. Later on, when you create the application context PL/SQL package, the SESSION_USER parameter of the SYS_CONTEXT function expects the user names to be in upper case. Otherwise, you will be unable to set the application context for the user.

  8. User sysadmin_vpd will need SELECT privileges for the customers table, so as user SCOTT, grant him this privilege.
    GRANT READ ON customers TO sysadmin_vpd;
  9. Create and populate the orders_tab table.
    CREATE TABLE orders_tab (
      cust_no  NUMBER(4),
      order_no NUMBER(4));
    INSERT INTO orders_tab VALUES (1234, 9876);
    INSERT INTO orders_tab VALUES (5678, 5432);
    INSERT INTO orders_tab VALUES (5678, 4592);
  10. Users tbrooke and owoods need to query the orders_tab table, so grant them the READ object privilege.
    GRANT READ ON orders_tab TO tbrooke, owoods;

At this stage, the two sample customers, tbrooke and owoods, have a record of purchases in the orders_tab order entry table, and if they tried right now, they can see all the orders in this table. Step 2: Create a Database Session-Based Application Context

Next, you are ready to create the database session-based application context.

  1. Connect as user sysadmin_vpd.
    CONNECT sysadmin_vpd -- Or, CONNECT sysadmin_vpd@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  2. Enter the following statement:
    CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT orders_ctx USING orders_ctx_pkg;

    This statement creates the orders_ctx application context. Remember that even though user sysadmin_vpd has created this context and it is associated with the sysadmin_vpd schema, the SYS schema owns the application context. Step 3: Create a PL/SQL Package to Set the Application Context

After you create the application context, you are ready to create a package to set the context.

  • As user sysadmin_vpd, create the following PL/SQL package, which will set the database session-based application context when the customers tbrooke and owoods log onto their accounts.

    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE orders_ctx_pkg IS 
      PROCEDURE set_custnum;
      PROCEDURE set_custnum
        custnum NUMBER;
         SELECT cust_no INTO custnum FROM SCOTT.CUSTOMERS
            WHERE cust_email = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER');
         DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('orders_ctx', 'cust_no', custnum);
      END set_custnum;

    In this example:

    • custnum NUMBER creates the custnum variable, which will hold the customer ID.

    • SELECT cust_no INTO custnum performs a SELECT statement to copy the customer ID that is stored in the cust_no column data from the scott.customers table into the custnum variable.

    • WHERE cust_email = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER') uses a WHERE clause to find all the customer IDs that match the user name of the user who is logging on.

    • DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('orders_ctx', 'cust_no', custnum) sets the orders_ctx application context values by creating the cust_no attribute and then setting it to the value stored in the custnum variable.

    • EXCEPTION ... WHEN adds a WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND system exception to catch any no data found errors that may result from the SELECT statement in the SELECT cust_no INTO custnum ... statement.

To summarize, the sysadmin_vpd.set_cust_num procedure identifies whether or not the session user is a registered customer by attempting to select the user's customer ID into the custnum variable. If the user is a registered customer, then Oracle Database sets an application context value for this user. As you will see in Step 6: Create a PL/SQL Policy Function to Limit User Access to Their Orders, the policy function uses the context value to control the access a user has to data in the orders_tab table. Step 4: Create a Logon Trigger to Run the Application Context PL/SQL Package

The logon trigger runs the PL/SQL package procedure so that the next time a user logs on, the application context is set.

  • As user sysadmin_vpd, create the following logon trigger:

    / Step 5: Test the Logon Trigger

The logon trigger sets the application context for the user when the trigger runs the sysadmin_vpd.orders_ctx_pkg.set_custnum procedure.

  1. Connect as user tbrooke.
    CONNECT tbrooke -- For a CDB, connect to the PDB, e.g., @hrpdb 
    Enter password: password
  2. Execute the following query:
    SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('orders_ctx', 'cust_no') custnum FROM DUAL;

    The following output should appear:

    1234 Step 6: Create a PL/SQL Policy Function to Limit User Access to Their Orders

The next step is to create a PL/SQL function to control the display of the user’s query.

When the user who has logged in performs a SELECT * FROM scott.orders_tab query, the function should cause the output to display only the orders of that user.
  1. Connect as user sysadmin_vpd.
    CONNECT sysadmin_vpd -- Or, CONNECT sysadmin_vpd@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the following function:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_user_orders(
      schema_p   IN VARCHAR2,
      table_p    IN VARCHAR2)
      orders_pred VARCHAR2 (400);
      orders_pred := 'cust_no = SYS_CONTEXT(''orders_ctx'', ''cust_no'')'; 
     RETURN orders_pred;

This function creates and returns a WHERE predicate that translates to "where the orders displayed belong to the user who has logged in." It then appends this WHERE predicate to any queries this user may run against the scott.orders_tab table. Next, you are ready to create an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy that applies this function to the orders_tab table. Step 7: Create the New Security Policy

Finally, you are ready to create the VPD security policy.

  • As user sysadmin_vpd, use the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure to create the policy as follows:

      object_schema    => 'scott', 
      object_name      => 'orders_tab', 
      policy_name      => 'orders_policy', 
      function_schema  => 'sysadmin_vpd',
      policy_function  => 'get_user_orders',
      statement_types  => 'select',
      policy_type      => DBMS_RLS.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE,
      namespace        => 'orders_ctx',
      attribute        => 'cust_no');

This statement creates a policy named orders_policy and applies it to the orders_tab table, which customers will query for their orders, in the SCOTT schema. The get_user_orders function implements the policy, which is stored in the sysadmin_vpd schema. The policy further restricts users to issuing SELECT statements only. The namespace and attribute parameters specify the application context that you created earlier. Step 8: Test the New Policy

Now that you have created all the components, you are ready to test the policy.

  1. Connect as user tbrooke.
    CONNECT tbrooke -- Or, CONNECT tbrooke@hrpdb
    Enter password: password

    User tbrooke can log on because he has passed the requirements you defined in the application context.

  2. As user tbrooke, access your purchases.
    SELECT * FROM scott.orders_tab;

    The following output should appear:

       CUST_NO    ORDER_NO
    ----------  ----------
          1234        9876

    User tbrooke has passed the second test. He can access his own orders in the scott.orders_tab table.

  3. Connect as user owoods, and then access your purchases.
    CONNECT owoods -- For a CDB, connect to the PDB, e.g., @hrpdb
    Enter password: password
    SELECT * FROM scott.orders_tab

    The following output should appear:

       CUST_NO    ORDER_NO
    ----------  ----------
          5678        5432
          5678        4592

    As with user tbrooke, user owoods can log on and see a listing of his own orders.

Note the following:

  • You can create several predicates based on the position of a user. For example, a sales representative would be able to see records only for his customers, and an order entry clerk would be able to see any customer order. You could expand the custnum_sec function to return different predicates based on the user position context value.

  • The use of an application context in a fine-grained access control package effectively gives you a bind variable in a parsed statement. For example:

    SELECT * FROM scott.orders_tab 
    WHERE cust_no = SYS_CONTEXT('order_entry', 'cust_num');

    This is fully parsed and optimized, but the evaluation of the cust_num attribute value of the user for the order_entry context takes place at run-time. This means that you get the benefit of an optimized statement that executes differently for each user who issues the statement.


    You can improve the performance of the function in this tutorial by indexing cust_no.

  • You can set context attributes based on data from a database table or tables, or from a directory server using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).


Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for more information about triggers

Compare this tutorial, which uses an application context within the dynamically generated predicate, with About Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies, which uses a subquery in the predicate. Step 9: Remove the Components of This Tutorial

If you no longer need the components of this tutorial, then you can remove them.

  1. Connect as user SCOTT.
    Enter password: password
  2. Remove the orders_tab and customers tables.
    DROP TABLE orders_tab;
    DROP TABLE customers; 
  3. Connect as user SYS, connecting with AS SYSDBA.
    Enter password: password
  4. Run the following statements to drop the components for this tutorial:
    DROP CONTEXT orders_ctx;
    DROP USER sysadmin_vpd CASCADE;
    DROP USER tbrooke;
    DROP USER owoods;

12.4.3 Tutorial: Implementing an Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Group

This tutorial demonstrates how to create an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy group. About This Tutorial

This tutorial shows how you can use Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) to create a policy group.

Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Groups describes how you can group a set of policies for use in an application. When a nondatabase user logs onto the application, Oracle Database grants the user access based on the policies defined within the appropriate policy group.

For column-level access control, every column or set of hidden columns is controlled by one policy. In this tutorial, you must hide two sets of columns. So, you must create two policies, one for each set of columns that you want to hide. You only want one policy for each user; the driving application context separates the policies for you.


If you are using a multitenant environment, then this tutorial applies to the current PDB only. Step 1: Create User Accounts and Other Components for This Tutorial

First, you must create user accounts and tables for this tutorial, and grant the appropriate privileges.

  1. Log on as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege.
    sqlplus sys as sysdba
    Enter password: password
  2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate PDB.

    For example:

    Enter password: password

    To find the available PDBs, run the show pdbs command. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command.

  3. Create the following local users:

    Follow the guidelines in Minimum Requirements for Passwords to replace password with a password that is secure.

  4. Grant the following additional privilege to user sysadmin_pg:
  5. Log on as user OE.
    CONNECT OE -- Or, CONNECT OE@hrpdb
    Enter password: password

    If the OE account is locked and expired, then reconnect as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege and enter the following statement to unlock the account and give it s new password:


    Replace password with a password that is secure. For greater security, do not reuse the same password that was used in previous releases of Oracle Database.

  6. Create the product_code_names table:
    CREATE TABLE product_code_names(
    group_a     varchar2(32),
    year_a      varchar2(32),
    group_b     varchar2(32),
    year_b      varchar2(32));
  7. Insert some values into the product_code_names table:
    INSERT INTO product_code_names values('Biffo','2008','Beffo','2004');
    INSERT INTO product_code_names values('Hortensia','2008','Bunko','2008');
    INSERT INTO product_code_names values('Boppo','2006','Hortensia','2003');
  8. Grant the apps_user user SELECT privileges on the product_code_names table.
    GRANT SELECT ON product_code_names TO apps_user; Step 2: Create the Two Policy Groups

Next, you must create a policy group for each of the two nondatabase users, provider_a and provider_b.

  1. Connect as user sysadmin_pg.
    CONNECT sysadmin_pg -- Or, CONNECT sysadmin_pg@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the provider_a_group policy group, to be used by user provider_a:
     object_schema   => 'oe',
     object_name     => 'product_code_names',
     policy_group    => 'provider_a_group');
  3. Create the provider_b_group policy group, to be used by user provider_b:
     object_schema   => 'oe',
     object_name     => 'product_code_names',
     policy_group    => 'provider_b_group');
    / Step 3: Create PL/SQL Functions to Control the Policy Groups

A policy group must have a function that defines how the application can control data access for users.

The function that you will create for this policy group applies to users provider_a and provider_b.
  1. Create the vpd_function_provider_a function, which restricts the data accessed by user provider_a.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vpd_function_provider_a 
     (schema in varchar2, tab in varchar2) return varchar2 as 
      predicate  varchar2(8) default NULL;
        THEN predicate := '1=2';
       ELSE NULL;
      END IF;
      RETURN predicate;

    This function checks that the user logging in is really user provider_a. If this is true, then only the data in the product_code_names table columns group_a and year_a will be visible to provider_a. Data in columns group_b and year_b will not appear for provider_a. This works as follows: Setting predicate := '1=2' hides the relevant columns. In Step 5: Add the PL/SQL Functions to the Policy Groups, you specify these columns in the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter.

  2. Create the vpd_function_provider_b, function, which restricts the data accessed by user provider_a.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vpd_function_provider_b 
     (schema in varchar2, tab in varchar2) return varchar2 as 
      predicate  varchar2(8) default NULL;
        THEN predicate := '1=2';
       ELSE NULL;
      END IF;
      RETURN predicate;

    Similar to the vpd_function_provider_a function, this function checks that the user logging in is really user provider_b. If this is true, then only the data in the columns group_b and year_b will be visible to provider_b, with data in the group_a and year_a not appearing for provider_b. Similar to the vpd_function_provider_a function, predicate := '1=2' hides the relevant columns specified Step 5: Add the PL/SQL Functions to the Policy Groups in the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter. Step 4: Create the Driving Application Context

The application context determines which policy the nondatabase user who is the logging on should use.

  1. As user sysadmin_pg, create the driving application context as follows:
    CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT provider_ctx USING provider_package;
  2. Create the PL/SQL provider_package package for the application context.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE provider_package IS
     PROCEDURE set_provider_context (policy_group varchar2 default NULL);
     PROCEDURE set_provider_context (policy_group varchar2 default NULL) IS
       WHEN 'provider_a' THEN
       WHEN 'provider_b' THEN
      END CASE;
     END set_provider_context;
  3. Associate the provider_ctx application context with the product_code_names table, and then provide a name.
     object_schema  =>'oe',
     object_name    =>'product_code_names',
     namespace      =>'provider_ctx',
     attribute      =>'policy_group');
  4. Grant the apps_user account the EXECUTE privilege for the provider_package package.
    GRANT EXECUTE ON provider_package TO apps_user; Step 5: Add the PL/SQL Functions to the Policy Groups

Now that you have created the necessary functions, you are ready to associate them with their appropriate policy groups.

  1. Add the vpd_function_provider_a function to the provider_a_group policy group.
     object_schema         => 'oe',
     object_name           => 'product_code_names',
     policy_group          => 'provider_a_group',
     policy_name           => 'filter_provider_a',
     function_schema       => 'sysadmin_pg',
     policy_function       => 'vpd_function_provider_a',
     statement_types       => 'select',
     policy_type           => DBMS_RLS.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE,
     sec_relevant_cols     => 'group_b,year_b',
     sec_relevant_cols_opt => DBMS_RLS.ALL_ROWS,
     namespace             => 'provider_ctx',
     attribute             => 'provider_group');

    The group_b and year_b columns specified in the sec_relevant_cols parameter are hidden from user provider_a.

  2. Add the vpd_function_provider_b function to the provider_b_group policy group.
     object_schema         => 'oe',
     object_name           => 'product_code_names',
     policy_group          => 'provider_b_group',
     policy_name           => 'filter_provider_b',
     function_schema       => 'sysadmin_pg',
     policy_function       => 'vpd_function_provider_b',
     statement_types       => 'select',
     policy_type           => DBMS_RLS.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE,
     sec_relevant_cols     => 'group_a,year_a',
     sec_relevant_cols_opt => DBMS_RLS.ALL_ROWS,
     namespace             => 'provider_ctx',
     attribute             => 'provider_group');

    The group_a and year_a columns specified in the sec_relevant_cols parameter are hidden from user provider_b. Step 6: Test the Policy Groups

Now you are ready to test the two policy groups.

  1. Connect as user apps_user and then enter the following statements to ensure that the output you will create later on is nicely formatted.
    CONNECT apps_user -- Or, CONNECT apps_user@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
    col group_a format a16
    col group_b format a16;
    col year_a format a16;
    col year_b format a16;
  2. Set the session identifier to provider_a.

    Here, the application sets the identifier. Setting the identifier to provider_a sets the apps_user user to a user who should only see the products available to products in the provider_a_group policy group.

  3. Run the provider_package to set the policy group based on the context.
    EXEC sysadmin_pg.provider_package.set_provider_context;

    At this stage, you can check the application context was set, as follows:


    The following output should appear:

  4. Enter the following SELECT statement:
    SELECT * FROM oe.product_code_names;

    The following output should appear:

    GROUP_A          YEAR_A           GROUP_B          YEAR_B
    ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
    Biffo            2008
    Hortensia        2008
    Boppo            2006
  5. Set the client identifier to provider_b and then enter the following statements:
    EXEC sysadmin_pg.provider_package.set_provider_context;
    SELECT * FROM oe.product_code_names;

    The following output should appear:

    GROUP_A          YEAR_A           GROUP_B          YEAR_B
    ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
                                      Beffo            2004
                                      Bunko            2008
                                      Hortensia        2003 Step 7: Remove the Components of This Tutorial

If you no longer need the components of this tutorial, then you can remove them.

  1. Connect as user OE.
    CONNECT OE -- Or, CONNECT OE@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  2. Drop the product_code_names table.
    DROP TABLE product_code_names;
  3. Connect as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege.
    Enter password: password
  4. Drop the application context and users for this tutorial.
    DROP CONTEXT provider_ctx;
    DROP USER sysadmin_pg cascade;
    DROP USER apps_user;

12.5 How Oracle Virtual Private Database Works with Other Oracle Features

You should be aware of the impact of using Oracle Virtual Private Database with other Oracle features.

12.5.1 Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies with Editions

You should be aware of how to use Oracle VPD with editions.

If you are preparing an application for edition-based redefinition, and you cover each table that the application uses with an editioning view, then you must move the Virtual Private Database polices that protect these tables to the editioning view.

When an editioned object has a Virtual Private Database policy, then it applies in all editions in which the object is visible. When an editioned object is actualized, any VPD policies that are attached to it are newly attached to the new actual occurrence. When you newly apply a VPD policy to an inherited editioned object, this action will actualize it.

See Also:

Oracle Database Development Guide for detailed information about editions

12.5.2 SELECT FOR UPDATE Statement in User Queries on VPD-Protected Tables

As a general rule, users should not include the FOR UPDATE clause when querying Virtual Private Database-protected tables.

The Virtual Private Database technology depends on rewriting the user's query against an inline view that includes the VPD predicate generated by the VPD policy function. Because of this, the same limitations on views also apply to VPD-protected tables. If a user's query against a VPD-protected table includes the FOR UPDATE clause in a SELECT statement, in most cases, the query may not work. However, the user's query may work in some situations if the inline view generated by VPD is sufficiently simple.

See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the restrictions of the FOR UPDATE clause in the SELECT statement

12.5.3 Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies and Outer or ANSI Joins

Oracle Virtual Private Database rewrites SQL by using dynamic views.

For SQL that contains outer join or ANSI operations, some views may not merge and some indexes may not be used. This problem is a known optimization limitation. To remedy this problem, rewrite the SQL to not use outer joins or ANSI operations.

12.5.4 Oracle Virtual Private Database Security Policies and Applications

An Oracle Virtual Private Database security policy is applied within the database itself, rather than within an application.

Hence, a user trying to access data by using a different application cannot bypass the Oracle Virtual Private Database security policy. Another advantage of creating the security policy in the database is that you maintain it in one central place, rather than maintaining individual security policies in multiple applications. Oracle Virtual Private Database provides stronger security than application-based security, at a lower cost of ownership.

You may want to enforce different security policies depending on the application that is accessing data. Consider a situation in which two applications, Order Entry and Inventory, both access the orders table. You may want to have the Inventory application use a policy that limits access based on type of product. At the same time, you may want to have the Order Entry application use a policy that limits access based on customer number.

In this case, you must partition the use of fine-grained access by application. Otherwise, both policies would be automatically concatenated together, which may not be the result that you want. You can specify two or more policy groups, and a driving application context that determines which policy group is in effect for a given transaction. You can also designate default policies that always apply to data access. In a hosted application, for example, data access should be limited by subscriber ID.

12.5.5 Automatic Reparsing for Fine-Grained Access Control Policies Functions

Queries against objects enabled with fine-grained access control run the policy function so that the most current predicate is used for each policy.

For example, in the case of a time-based policy function, in which queries are only allowed between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., a cursor execution parsed at noon runs the policy function at that time, ensuring that the policy is consulted again for the query. Even if the curser was parsed at 9 a.m., when it runs later on (for example, at noon), then the Virtual Private Database policy function runs again to ensure that the execution of the cursor is still permitted at the current time (noon). This ensures that the security check it must perform is the most recent.

Automatic re-execution of the Virtual Private Database policy function does not occur when you set the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY setting STATIC_POLICY to TRUE while adding the policy. This setting causes the policy function to return the same predicate.

12.5.6 Oracle Virtual Private Database Policies and Flashback Queries

Operations on the database use the most recently committed data available.

The flashback query feature enables you to query the database at some point in the past.

To write an application that uses flashback query, you can use the AS OF clause in SQL queries to specify either a time or a system change number (SCN), and then query against the committed data from the specified time. You can also use the DBMS_FLASHBACK PL/SQL package, which requires more code, but enables you to perform multiple operations, all of which refer to the same point in time.

However, if you use flashback query against a database object that is protected with Oracle Virtual Private Database policies, then the current policies are applied to the old data. Applying the current Oracle Virtual Private Database policies to flashback query data is more secure because it reflects the most current business policy.

See Also:

12.5.7 Oracle Virtual Private Database and Oracle Label Security

You can use Oracle Virtual Private Database with Oracle Label Security, but when you do, you should be aware of security exceptions. Using Oracle Virtual Private Database to Enforce Oracle Label Security Policies

Oracle Virtual Private Database policies provide column or row-level access control based on Oracle Label Security user authorizations.

In general, you must perform the following steps:

  1. When you create the Oracle Label Security policy, do not apply the policy to the table that you want to protect. (The Virtual Private Database policy that you create handles this for you.) In the SA_SYSDBA.CREATE_POLICY procedure, set the default_options parameter to NO_CONTROL.

  2. Create the Oracle Label Security label components and authorize users as you normally would.

  3. When you create the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy, do the following:

    • In the PL/SQL function you create for the policy, use the Oracle Label Security DOMINATES function to compare the authorization of the user with the label that you created in Step 2. The DOMINATES function determines if the user authorization is equal to, or if it is more sensitive than, the label used in the comparison. If the user authorization passes, then the user is granted access to the column. Otherwise, the user is denied access.

    • In the Virtual Private Database policy definition, apply this function to the table that you want to protect. In the DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY procedure, use the sensitive column (SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter) and column masking (SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_OPT parameter) functionality to show or hide columns based on Oracle Label Security user authorizations.

See Also:

Oracle Label Security Administrator’s Guide for more information about the dominance functions Oracle Virtual Private Database and Oracle Label Security Exceptions

Be aware of the security exceptions when you use Oracle Virtual Private Database and Oracle Label Security.

These security exceptions are as follows:

  • When you are exporting data, Oracle Virtual Private Database and Oracle Label Security policies are not enforced during a direct path export operation. In a direct path export operation, Oracle Database reads data from disk into the buffer cache and transfers rows directly to the Export client.

  • You cannot apply Oracle Virtual Private Database policies and Oracle Label Security policies to objects in the SYS schema. The SYS user and users making a DBA-privileged connection to the database (for example, CONNECT/AS SYSDBA) do not have Oracle Virtual Private Database or Oracle Label Security policies applied to their actions. The database user SYS is thus always exempt from Oracle Virtual Private Database or Oracle Label Security enforcement, regardless of the export mode, application, or utility used to extract data from the database.

    However, you can audit SYSDBA actions by enabling auditing upon installation and specifying that this audit trail be stored in a secure location in the operating system. You can also closely monitor the SYS user by using Oracle Database Vault.

  • Database users who were granted the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege, either directly or through a database role, are exempt from Oracle Virtual Private Database enforcements. The system privilege EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY allows a user to be exempted from all fine-grained access control policies on any SELECT or DML operation (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE). This provides ease of use for administrative activities, such as installation and import and export of the database, through a non-SYS schema.

    However, the following policy enforcement options remain in effect even when EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY is granted:


    • If the Oracle Label Security policy specifies the ALL_CONTROL option, then all enforcement controls are applied except READ_CONTROL and CHECK_CONTROL.

    Because EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY negates the effect of fine-grained access control, you should only grant this privilege to users who have legitimate reasons for bypassing fine-grained access control enforcement. Do not grant this privilege using the WITH ADMIN OPTION. If you do, users could pass the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege to other users, and thus propagate the ability to bypass fine-grained access control.


  • The EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege does not affect the enforcement of object privileges such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. These privileges are enforced even if a user was granted the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege.

  • The SYS_CONTEXT values that Oracle Virtual Private Database uses are not propagated to secondary databases for failover.

See Also:

Oracle Database Utilities for more information about direct path export operations

12.5.8 Export of Data Using the EXPDP Utility access_method Parameter

Be aware if you try to export data from objects that have VPD policies defined on them.

If you try to use the Oracle Data Pump Export (EXPDP) utility with the access_method parameter set to direct_path to export data from a schema that contains an object that has a Virtual Private Database policy defined on it, then an ORA-31696 error message may appear and the export operation will fail.

The error message is as follows:

ORA-31696: unable to export/import TABLE_DATA:"schema.table" using client specified DIRECT_PATH method

This problem only occurs when you perform a schema-level export as a user who has not been granted the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role. It does not occur during a full database export, which requires the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role. The EXP_FULL_DATABASE role includes the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY system privilege, which bypasses Virtual Private Database policies.

To find the underlying problem, try the EXPDP invocation again, but do not set the access_method parameter to direct_path. Instead, use either automatic or external_table. The underlying problem could be a permissions problem, for example:

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on "schema_name"."object_name"

See Also:

Oracle Database Utilities for more information about using Data Pump Export

12.5.9 User Models and Oracle Virtual Private Database

You can use Oracle Virtual Private Database in several types of user models.

These user models are as follows:

  • Application users who are also database users. Oracle Database enables applications to enforce fine-grained access control for each user, regardless of whether that user is a database user or an application user unknown to the database. When application users are also database users, Oracle Virtual Private Database enforcement works as follows: users connect to the database, and then the application sets up application contexts for each session. (You can use the default USERENV application context namespace, which provides many parameters for retrieve different types of user session data.) As each session is initiated under a different user name, it can enforce different fine-grained access control conditions for each user.

  • Proxy authentication using OCI or JDBC/OCI. Proxy authentication permits different fine-grained access control for each user, because each session (OCI or JDBC/OCI) is a distinct database session with its own application context.

  • Proxy authentication integrated with Enterprise User Security. If you have integrated proxy authentication by using Enterprise User Security, you can retrieve user roles and other attributes from Oracle Internet Directory to enforce Oracle Virtual Private Database policies. (In addition, globally initialized application context can also be retrieved from the directory.)

  • Users connecting as One Big Application User. Applications connecting to the database as a single user on behalf of all users can have fine-grained access control for each user. The user for that single session is often called One Big Application User. Within the context of that session, however, an application developer can create a global application context attribute to represent the individual application user (for example, REALUSER). Although all database sessions and audit records are created for One Big Application User, the attributes for each session can vary, depending on who the end user is. This model works best for applications with a limited number of users and no reuse of sessions. The scope of roles and database auditing is diminished because each session is created as the same database user.

  • Web-based applications. Web-based applications typically have hundreds of users. Even when there are persistent connections to the database, supporting data retrieval for many user requests, these connections are not specific to particular Web-based users. Instead, Web-based applications typically set up and reuse connections, to provide scalability, rather than having different sessions for each user. For example, when Web users Jane and Ajit connect to a middle tier application, it may establish a single database session that it uses on behalf of both users. Typically, neither Jane nor Ajit is known to the database. The application is responsible for switching the user name on the connection, so that, at any given time, it is either Jane or Ajit using the session.

    Oracle Virtual Private Database helps with connection pooling by allowing multiple connections to access more than one global application context. This ability makes it unnecessary to establish a separate application context for each distinct user session.

Table 12-3 summarizes how Oracle Virtual Private Database applies to user models.

Table 12-3 Oracle Virtual Private Database in Different User Models

User Model Scenario Individual Database Connection Separate Application Context per User Single Database Connection Application Must Switch User Name

Application users are also database users





Proxy authentication using OCI or JDBC/OCI





Proxy authentication integrated with Enterprise User SecurityFoot 2





One Big Application User


NoFoot 3



Web-based applications





Footnote 2

User roles and other attributes, including globally initialized application context, can be retrieved from Oracle Internet Directory to enforce Oracle Virtual Private Database.

Footnote 3

Application developers can create a global application context attribute representing individual application users (for example, REALUSER), which can then be used for controlling each session attributes, or for auditing.

12.6 Oracle Virtual Private Database Data Dictionary Views

Oracle Database provides data dictionary views that list information about Oracle Virtual Private Database policies.

Table 12-4 lists Virtual Private Database-specific views

Table 12-4 Data Dictionary Views That Display Information about VPD Policies

View Description


Describes all Oracle Virtual Private Database security policies for objects accessible to the current user.


Describes all the application context namespaces, attributes, and Virtual Private Database policy associations where the logged in user is the owner of the VPD policy or the VPD policy belongs to PUBLIC.


Describes the driving contexts defined for the synonyms, tables, and views accessible to the current user. A driving context is an application context used in an Oracle Virtual Private Database policy.


Describes the Oracle Virtual Private Database policy groups defined for the synonyms, tables, and views accessible to the current user


Describes the security relevant columns of the security policies for the tables and views accessible to the current user


Describes all Oracle Virtual Private Database security policies in the database.


Describes all the application context namespaces, attributes, and Virtual Private Database policy associations for context-sensitive and shared context-sensitive Virtual Private Database policies


Describes all policy groups in the database.


Describes all driving contexts in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS.


Describes the security relevant columns of all security policies in the database


Captures the VPD predicates in the RLS_INFO column, for unified auditing and fine-grained auditing


Describes all Oracle Virtual Private Database security policies associated with objects owned by the current user. This view does not display the OBJECT_OWNER column.


Describes all the application context namespaces, attributes, and Virtual Private Database policy associations where the owner of the Virtual Private Database policy is the current user


Describes the driving contexts defined for the synonyms, tables, and views owned by the current user. Its columns (except for OBJECT_OWNER) are the same as those in ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS.


Describes the security relevant columns of the security policies for the tables and views owned by the current user. Its columns (except for OBJECT_OWNER) are the same as those in ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.


Describes the policy groups defined for the synonyms, tables, and views owned by the current user. This view does not display the OBJECT_OWNER column.


For the current PDB, displays all the fine-grained security policies and predicates associated with the cursors currently in the library cache. This view is useful for finding the policies that were applied to a SQL statement.


In addition to these views, check the database trace file if you find errors in application that use Virtual Private Database policies. The USER_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter specifies the current location of the trace files. You can find the value of this parameter by issuing SHOW PARAMETER USER_DUMP_DEST in SQL*Plus.

See Also: