client Commands

Use commands with the client keyword to add, delete, and manage Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning clients.

rhpctl add client

Adds a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl add client -client cluster_name [-toclientdata path] [-targetnode node_name
  {-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_location | -root |
  -cred cred_name} | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]]
  [-maproles role=user_name[,role=user_name[,...]]]
  [-version version]


Table A-2 rhpctl add client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client client_name

Specify the name of the cluster in which you want to create the client.

-toclientdata path

Optionally, you can specify the path to the XML file that is created by the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (specific to the client cluster), which contains the information the client needs to configure its connection to the server.

-targetnode node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in a remote cluster that has no Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_location | -root | -cred cred_name

If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose either sudo or root to access the remote node.

If you choose sudo, then you must use the –sudouser parameter and specify a user name to run super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.

Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the user and password credentials to access a remote node.

-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]

Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.

-maproles role=user_name[,...]

You can specify either built-in roles or roles that you have defined, and you can assign multiple uses to each role. Use commas to separate multiple roles and users.

-version version

Optionally, you can specify the version of the credentials file format, such as

Usage Notes

  • Only clusters running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (12.2) or later can be configured and added as Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients. Clusters running earlier versions of Oracle Grid Infrastructure, and servers running no Oracle Grid Infrastructure, can be managed directly by the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

  • You can only run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


To add a client to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl add client -client ClientCluster3 -toclientdata Grid_home/RHPserver/info

rhpctl delete client

Deletes a specific Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client from the configuration.


rhpctl delete client –client cluster_name [-force]

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to delete from the configuration.

  • You must stop the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client before you run this command or use the -force option.


To delete the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client ClientCluster3:
$ rhpctl delete client -client ClientCluster3

rhpctl discover client

Validates the input provided and discovers parameters on the given nodes, and generates a response file that you can use for configuring Oracle Clusterware.

After completing this command, use to validate the response file and prepare the target nodes for Oracle Clusterware deployment.


rhpctl discover client -image image_name -generatepath response_file_path
  {-responsefile response_file_name | -clusternodes node_list -client cluster_name 
   -oraclehome oracle_home_path} {-root | -sudouser sudo_username
   -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name
  [-arg1 name1:value1...]} [-user gi_user_name]
  [-scan scan_name]


Table A-3 rhpctl discover client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Gold Image which the resulting response file will support.

-generatepath response_file_path

Specify a file path where the response file that RHPCTL generates will be copied. The RHPCTL command generates name of the response file and displays it while the command is running.

-responsefile response_file_name

If you have a partially complete response file and you want it to be completed with reference to the target nodes, then specify the response file name using this parameter.

Note: The response file must include the node list, client name, and Oracle home path.

-clusternodes node_list

Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which you plan to provision Oracle Clusterware (using the resulting response file) in the following format: node_name:node_vip[:node_role][,node_name:node_vip[:node_role]...]

-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the target cluster to be probed.

-oraclehome oracle_home_path

Specify the location of the Oracle home.

-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]

You must choose either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.

If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.

Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the user and password credentials to access a remote node.

Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.

-user gi_user_name

Specify the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation user.

-scan scan_name

Specify the SCAN name.

rhpctl export client

Exports data from the repository on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to a client data file.


rhpctl export client -client cluster_name -clientdata file_path


Table A-4 rhpctl export client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to export.

-clientdata file_path

Specify the path to the location of the client data file.

Usage Notes

You can only run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


To export repository data from a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client named mjk9394 to a client data file, /tmp/mjk9394.xml:
$ rhpctl export client -client mjk9394 -clientdata /tmp/mjk9394.xml

rhpctl modify client

Modifies a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.


rhpctl modify client –client cluster_name [-enabled {TRUE | FALSE}]
  [-maproles role=user_name[+user_name...][,role=user_name[+user_name...],...]]] [-password]]


Table A-5 rhpctl modify client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to modify.

-enabled {TRUE | FALSE}

Specify whether the client is enabled.

-maproles role=user_name[+user_name...][,...]

You can modify either built-in roles or roles that you have defined, and you can assign multiple uses to each role.

When you use the -maproles parameter, use a plus sign (+) to map more than one user to a specific role. Separate additional role/user pairs with commas.


Optionally, you can specify a password to recreate the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client credentials.


To disable a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client named RHPClient001:

$ rhpctl modify client -client RHPClient001 -enabled FALSE

rhpctl query client

Displays the configuration information of a specific Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster.


rhpctl query client [–client cluster_name]

Usage Notes

Specify the name of the client cluster in which the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client resides for which you want to display the configuration information


This command displays output similar to the following:
/rhpctl query client -client mbcluster-13
Site: mbcluster-13
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client Version:
Enabled: true
Host from which RHPC last registered:
Port number last registered by RHPC: 8896
RHP Enabled: true
Standalone: false
Managed: true

rhpctl update client

Updates an image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.


rhpctl update client -image image_name {-targetnode node_name 
  | -batches '(node_name)'} -root


Table A-6 rhpctl update client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to update.

-targetnode node_name

Specify the name of the node on which you want to update the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

-batches '(node_name)'

Alternative to specifying a target node, you can specify batches of nodes.

Note: If you use this parameter for Oracle Database Appliance nodes, then run the command twice, in succession, specifying any one Oracle Database Appliance node for the first run, and another Oracle Database Appliance node for the second run.

–root You must specify this parameter if you use either the –targetnode or –batches parameters.

Usage Notes

You can only run this command from a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


The following example uses the –targetnode parameter:

$ rhpctl update client -image ODA1 -targetnode rac07box1 -root

The two following examples use the –batches parameter:

$ rhpctl update client -image ODA1 -batches '(rac07box1)' -root
$ rhpctl update client -image ODA1 -batches '(rac07box2)' -root

rhpctl verify client

Validates the input provided and creates or completes and verifies the values in a response file that you can use to configure Oracle Clusterware.


rhpctl verify client -image image_name -responsefile response_file_name
  [-clusternodes node_list] {-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath
   sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name} | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]
  [-user gi_user_name] [-client cluster_name] [-scan scan_name]
  [-oraclehome oracle_home_path] [-ignorewarn] [-fixup [-setupSSH]]


Table A-7 rhpctl verify client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image.

-responsefile response_file_name

Specify a response file to be used to provision Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

-clusternodes node_list

Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which Oracle Clusterware will be provisioned in the following format: node_name:node_vip[:node_role][,node_name:node_vip[:node_role]...]

-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]

You must choose either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.

If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.

Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the user and password credentials to access a remote node.

Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.

-user gi_user_name

Specify the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation user.

-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the cluster you want to verify.

-scan scan_name

Specify the SCAN name.

-oraclehome oracle_home_path

Specify the location of the Oracle home.


Use this parameter to ignore warnings during validation.

–fixup [-setupSSH]

Use this parameter to run a fixup script, which automatically applies changes to the nodes to satisfy changes that CVU recommends.

Optionally, you can use the -setupSSH parameter to set up passwordless SSH user equivalence on the remote nodes for the provisioning user.