image Commands

Use commands with the image keyword to add, delete, import, and manage gold images.

rhpctl add image

Use the rhpctl add image command to create an image from an existing working copy and add it to the list of existing images on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl add image -image image_name -workingcopy working_copy_name
   [-imagetype image_type] [-series series_name] [-state {TESTABLE | RESTRICTED | PUBLISHED}]


Table A-24 rhpctl add image Command Parameters

Command Option Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to add.

-workingcopy working_copy_name

Specify the name of the working copy from which to create the image.

-imagetype image_type

Specify the software type. ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle Database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, LINUXOS for Linux operating system ISO, or SOFTWARE for all other software. If you use custom image types, then specify the name of your image type.

-series series_name

If you want to add an image to an image series, then specify the name of an image series.


Specify the state of the image.

Usage Notes

See Also:

Patching Oracle Database for details about how to use this command in the workflow for creating patched Oracle Database software homes


An example of this command is:

$ rhpctl add image -image DB12201_PATCH -workingcopy temp_wcpy_db12201_patch

rhpctl allow image

Allows access to an image by a user or a role.


rhpctl allow image -image image_name {-user user_name [-client cluster_name]
    | -role role_name}


Table A-25 rhpctl allow image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image to which you want to allow access.

-user user_name [-client cluster_name | -role role_name

Specify the either of the following:

  • A user for which you want to allow access to the image and, optionally, the cluster name of the client cluster with the user.

  • The role for which you want to allow access to the image.


To allow access to an image named PRODIMAGE:
$ rhpctl allow image -image PRODIMAGE -user mjk -client GHC1

rhpctl delete image

Deletes a specific image.


rhpctl delete image -image image_name [-schedule timer_value]

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of the image you want to delete

  • Optionally, you can use the -schedule parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:

    If you choose to use this parameter, then you must run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

  • This command will fail if the image belongs to one or more series

  • This command will fail if there are any provisioned working copies based on this image


The following example deletes an image named PRODIMAGEV0:

$ rhpctl delete image -image PRODIMAGEV0

rhpctl deploy image

Deploys an image to a specific node in a client cluster.


rhpctl deploy image -image image_name [-targetnode node_name
  {-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -root}]


Table A-26 rhpctl deploy image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image you want to deploy.

-targetnode node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node to which you want to deploy the image. This parameter is required if the node hosting the home is not a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -root]

If you use the -targetnode parameter, then you must specify either sudo or root to perform super user operations.

Usage Notes

You can only run this command from a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


The following example deploys an Oracle Database Appliance image to a node:

$ rhpctl deploy image -image ODA1 -targetnode racgbox1 -root

rhpctl disallow image

Disallows access to an image by a user or a role.


rhpctl disallow image -image image_name {-user user_name [-client client_name]
    | -role role_name}


Table A-27 rhpctl disallow image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image to which you want to disallow access.

-user user_name [-client client_name | -role role_name

Specify either of the following:

  • A user for which you want to disallow access to the image and, optionally, the cluster name of the client cluster with the user.

  • The role for which you want to disallow access to the image.


To disallow access to an image:
$ rhpctl disallow image -image PRODIMAGE -user mjk -client GHC1

rhpctl import image

Creates an image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

Use the rhpctl import image command to create an image by copying the entire software contents from the specified path to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


rhpctl import image -image image_name {-path path | -zip zipped_home_path} 
   [-imagetype image_type] [-version software_version] [-pathowner user_name]
   [-state {TESTABLE | RESTRICTED | PUBLISHED}] [-client cluster_name]
   [-targetnode node_name [-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -root]]
   [-useractiondata user_action_data] [-schedule timer_value]


Table A-28 rhpctl import image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to add.

-path path

Specify the absolute path location of the software home that you want to import (for Oracle Database images, this is the ORACLE_HOME).

-zip zipped_home_path

Specify the absolute path of the compressed software home to be imported (a ZIP or TAR file).


Do not use this option when importing an image from another platform. This option works only on the same platform, for example, if you are on a Linux platform, then you can use the -zip option to import an image only from another Linux system.
-imagetype image_type

Specify the software type. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ODAPATCHSOFTWARE, for engineered systems (Oracle Data Appliance), or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

-version software_version

Optionally, you can specify the version of the software you are importing.

-pathowner user_name

Specify the user with read access to the files and directories under the specified path.

Note: This parameter is applicable only for non-Oracle database software homes.


Specify whether the state of the image is testable, restricted, or published.

-client cluster_name

Specify the name of the client cluster.

-targetnode node_name

Specify the name of the node from which you want to import the image. This parameter is required if the node hosting the home is not an Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -root]

If you use the -targetnode parameter, then you must specify either sudo or root to perform super user operations.

-useractiondata user_action_data

Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user action script.

-schedule timer_value
Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:

Usage Notes

  • You can only run this command on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

  • When you import an Oracle Database or Oracle Grid Infrastructure software home, the version of the home must be one of the versions that Fleet Patching and Provisioning supports for provisioning and patching.


The following example imports an image:

$ rhpctl import image -image PRODIMAGEV1 -path /u01/app/product/12.1.0/dbhome -pathowner orcl

The following example imports an engineered system image:

$ rhpctl import image -image ODA1 -imagetype ODAPATCHSOFTWARE -path /tmp/ODAPatchBundle -version

rhpctl instantiate image

Requests copies of gold images from a peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


rhpctl instantiate image -server server_cluster_name {-image image_name
  | -series series_name | -imagetype image_type | -all}


Table A-29 rhpctl instantiate image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-server server_cluster_name

Specify a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster from which you want to request images.

-image image_name | -series series_name | -imagetype image_type | -all

You can request copies of gold images from a peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, specifically, by image name, series name, or image type. Alternatively, you can use the -all parameter to request copies of all gold images from the peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning server.

If you choose to request images by image type, then specify ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle Database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, and SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

Usage Notes

  • User actions associated with an image being copied are not themselves copied.

  • Groups configuration of a gold image is replicated in copies sent to peers.

  • Copies of gold images are in the PUBLISHED state.

rhpctl modify image

Modifies the configuration details of an image.


rhpctl modify image -image image_name -imagetype image_type


Table A-30 rhpctl modify image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to modify.

-imagetype image_type

You can modify the software type. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

rhpctl query image

Displays the configuration of an existing image.


rhpctl query image {[[-image image_name [-dbtemplate]] | [[-imagetype image_type]
  [-version version] [-platform platform] [-drift] ]]}


Table A-31 rhpctl query image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name [-dbtemplate]

Specify the name of the image you want to query.

Optionally, you can use the -dbtemplate parameter to display template file names in the default template directory.

-imagetype image_type

Specify the software type. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

–version version

Use this parameter to specify the version of the image software you are querying.

-platform platform

Use this parameter to specify the operating system platform to which the image corresponds.


List the the bug fixes not included in the golden image.

Usage Notes

  • If you use the -version parameter, then the version must have five fields, such as

  • If you use the -platform parameter, then you can use Linux_AMD64, Linux_S390, Linux_PPC, IBM_AIX_PPC64, HP_IA64, Linux_Itanium, Solaris_SPARC64, Linux_LOP, and Intel_Solaris_AMD64

rhpctl promote image

Promotes an image.


rhpctl promote image -image image_name -state {TESTABLE | RESTRICTED | PUBLISHED}


Table A-32 rhpctl promote image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to promote.


Specify one of the following as the name of the state of the image:



To promote an image named PRODIMAGE:
$ rhpctl promote image -image PRODIMAGE -state RESTRICTED

rhpctl uninstantiate image

Stops updates for previously requested images from a peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


rhpctl uninstantiate image -server server_cluster_name {-image image_name
  | -series series_name | -imagetype image_type | -all}


Table A-33 rhpctl uninstantiate image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-server server_cluster_name

Specify a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster from which you want to stop updates.

-image image_name | -series series_name | -imagetype image_type | -all

You can updates from a peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, specifically, by image name, series name, or image type. Alternatively, you can use the -all parameter to stop updates from the peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning server.

If you choose to stop updates by image type, then specify ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle Database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, and SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.