Patching Oracle Database with the Independent Automaton

The independent local-mode automaton updates Oracle Database homes, including Oracle Database single-instance databases in a cluster or standalone (with no Oracle Grid Infrastructure), an Oracle RAC database, or an Oracle RAC One Node database.

  • The independent automaton for Oracle Database patching performs all of the steps necessary to switch from one home to another. Because the automaton is not aware of gold images, moving the database requires two home paths, as follows:
    $ rhpctl move database -sourcehome Oracle_home_path -desthome destination_oracle_home_path
Use the following rhpctl move database command parameters for any of the patching scenarios:
  • -dbname: If the database home is hosting more than one database, you can move specific databases by specifying a comma-delimited list with this parameter. Databases not specified are not moved. If you do not use this parameter, then RHPCTL moves all databases.


    If you are moving a non-clustered (single-instance) database, then, for the value of the -dbname parameter, you must specify the SID of the database instead of the database name.
  • -ignorewcpatches: By default, Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning will not perform the move operation if the destination home is missing any patches present in the source home. You can override this functionality by using this parameter, for example, to move back to a previous source home if you must undo an update.

The following parameters apply only to clustered environments:
  • -node: If the home you are moving is a database home installed on more than one node, then the default operation is a rolling update on all nodes. To apply a patch to just one node, specify the name of that node with this parameter.

  • -nonrolling: If the home you are moving is a database home installed on more than one node, then the default operation is a rolling update on all nodes. To patch all nodes in a nonrolling manner, use this parameter instead of the -node parameter.

-disconnect and -noreplay: Applies to single-instance Oracle Databases, and Oracle RAC, and Oracle RAC One Node database. Use the -disconnect parameter to disconnect all sessions before stopping or relocating services. If you choose to use -disconnect, then you can choose to use the -noreplay parameter to disable session replay during disconnection.

-drain_timeout: Applies to single-instance Oracle Databases, Oracle RAC, and Oracle RAC One Node database. Use this parameter to specify the time, in seconds, allowed for session draining to be completed from each node. Accepted values are an empty string (""), 0, or any positive integer. The default value is an empty string, which means that this parameter is not set. This is applicable to older versions to maintain traditional behavior. If it is set to 0, then the stop option is applied immediately.

The draining period is intended for planned maintenance operations. During the draining period, on each node in succession, all current client requests are processed, but new requests are not accepted.

-stopoption: Applies to single-instance Oracle Databases, Oracle RAC, and Oracle RAC One Node database. Specify a stop option for the database. Stop options include: ABORT, IMMEDIATE, NORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL, and TRANSACTIONAL_LOCAL.


The rhpctl move database command is Oracle Data Guard-aware, and will not run Datapatch if the database is an Oracle Data Guard standby.

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