Provides the classes necessary for the support for application migration feature. It enables non-oracle dialect queries to be run with Oracle Database by auto-translating the queries and errors internally.
On activation of the feature the driver goes through this package and automatically proxyfies all the required objects to support for auto translation of queries from other dialects to oracle dialect and vice versa for error codes based on the translation profile. Except for setting the connection properties to activate the feature, for the most part this package's functionality is intended to be transparent to the user so that there is minimal changes required to existing user code.
The following properties are required
<!DOCTYPE LocalTranslationProfile[ <!ELEMENT LocalTranslationProfile (Exception+)> <!ELEMENT Exception (ORAError, ErrorCode, SQLState )> <!ELEMENT ORAError (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT ErrorCode (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT SQLState (#PCDATA)> ]>
Class | Description |
BabelfishCallableStatement |
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.CallableStatement interface.
BabelfishConnection |
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.Connection interface.
BabelfishGenericProxy |
Defines the common behavior needed by all the babelfish proxies to support auto translation of queries or errors.
BabelfishPreparedStatement |
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.PreparedStatement interface.
BabelfishStatement |
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.Statement interface.
TranslationManager |
Provides the translator for a connection.
Translator |
Translates queries and errors.