
Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  W  


  • 19c deprecated features


  • accessibility software, Java Access Bridge A
  • account control 4.3.2
  • Administrators group, requirements for Oracle installations 7.1.3
  • aliases, multiple on computers E.2
  • ASMCA 9.3.2
  • asmcmd utility 6.11
  • asmtoolg utility
  • asmtool utility
  • authentication support
    • preinstallation requirements 2.6.3
  • Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) B.1
  • Automatic Memory Management 3.1.6
  • Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM)
    • configuring Oracle Database to communicate with 8.6.10


  • backups of database
    • perform before upgrading 7.1.3
  • bind order of the adapters


  • CDBs 9.7.2, C.8.2
    • character sets 7.4
  • central inventory B.5
    • See: Oracle inventory directory
    • See also: OINSTALL directory, oraInventory
  • certification matrix 1.6
  • character sets 7.4, 7.6.4
  • client-server configurations B.2
  • clusters
    • installation guidelines 7.2
  • Cluster Verification Utility
    • download location 1.6
    • incorporated into OUI 1.6
    • overview 1.6
  • commands
  • components
    • for single Oracle homes
    • installation of single Oracle home components
  • computers, non-networked E.3
  • computers with multiple aliases E.2
  • configuration assistants 3.2
    • See also: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
    • suppressing during silent or response file installation C.5
  • configuring disks for Oracle Automatic Storage Management 7.3
  • Connection Manager
    • ports, ranges and protocol F.2
  • console mode 7.6.4
  • control files
    • about 9.12
    • using Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control with 9.12
  • copying demo directory D.3
  • cron jobs 1.6
  • custom database
    • failure groups for Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • requirements when using Oracle Automatic Storage Management


  • databases
    • control files 9.12
    • data files 9.10
    • initialization parameter file 9.9
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management requirements
    • redo log files 9.11
    • starting 9.4
    • stopping 9.4
    • tablespaces 9.10
  • Database Security
    • preinstallation requirements 2.6.3
  • Database Upgrade Assistant, computers with minimum memory 7.1.4
  • data files
    • about 9.10
    • creating separate directories for
    • minimum disk space for
    • options for placing on file systems 2.6.2
    • recommendations for file system
  • data loss
    • minimizing with Oracle ASM
  • DB_DOMAIN parameter 9.8
    • parameter 9.8
  • DBCA
    • See: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
  • dbca.rsp file
  • default control files 9.12
  • default data files 9.10
  • default initialization parameter file, init.ora 9.9
  • default tablespaces 9.10
  • deinstallation
    • files removed 10.2
  • Deinstallation Tool
  • demo directory D.3
  • deprecated features
  • description
    • database restart 6
    • Oracle Restart 6
  • device names
  • diagnostic data B.1
  • Direct NFS
    • oranfstab file 5.5
  • Direct NFS Client
  • directory
    • creating separate data file directories
    • database file directory
  • disk group
  • disk groups
  • diskpart.exe tool
  • disks
    • configuring for Oracle Automatic Storage Management 7.3
  • disk space
    • checking 2.1.3
    • Oracle ASM
    • requirements for preconfigured database in Oracle Automatic Storage Management
  • display variable 1.5
  • documentation
    • additional Oracle documentation
  • DVD drive, installing from 7.5.3


  • environment variables
    • NLS_LANG 7.6.3
      • preventing installation 7.1.3
    • TEMP and TMP
      • hardware requirements 2.1.3
    • TMP and TMPDIR 6.1.3
  • example01.DBF data file 9.10
  • examples
    • Oracle ASM failure groups
  • executeConfigTools C.10
  • external redundancy
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management level


  • failure group
    • characteristics of Oracle ASM failure group
    • examples of Oracle Automatic Storage Management failure groups
    • Oracle ASM
  • fast recovery area
    • filepath B.5
    • Grid home
  • Fast Recovery Area 8.7
  • file paths D.5
  • files
    • removed by deinstallation 10.2
    • tnsnames.ora 8.6.3
  • file systems
    • data file and recovery file placement options 2.6.2
    • system requirements 2.1.2
    • using for data files
  • Flash Recovery Area
    • See: Fast Recovery Area


  • generic documentation references
    • Windows-specific parameter file name and location 9.9
    • Windows-specific redo log file location 9.11
    • Windows-specific redo log file size 9.11
  • global database name
  • global database name, defined 9.8
  • globalization 1.6


  • host name, setting before installation E.1
  • host name resolution 2.5


  • image
  • initialization parameter file
  • installation
    • completing 7.10
    • component-specific guidelines 7.2
    • computer aliases, multiple E.2
    • configuration options, about 3.2
    • downloading software from Oracle Technology Network 7.5.1
    • DVD drive 7.5.3
    • guidelines 7.10
    • Java Access Bridge A.2
    • laptops E.3
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • overview 3
    • postinstallation tasks 8
    • preinstallation considerations 7.1
    • remote installation, DVD drive
    • remote installation with remote access software 7.5.2
    • single Oracle home components
  • installation types
    • and Oracle Automatic Storage Management
  • Installing
    • Oracle restart 6.8
  • invalid objects
    • recompiling 8.4


  • Java Access Bridge
  • Jobs system 8.6.9
  • JRE (Java Runtime Environment)


  • Kerberos Based Authentication for Direct NFS 5.8


  • languages
    • installing Oracle components in different languages 7.7
    • using Oracle components in different languages 7.6.5
  • laptops, installing Oracle Database on E.3
  • licensing 1.6
  • listeners
    • stopping existing listener process 4.2
  • local device, using for data files
  • loopback adapters E.4.1
    • See also: network adapters, primary network adapters
    • about E.4.1
    • checking if installed E.4.2
    • computers with multiple aliases E.2
    • installing E.4.1
    • installing on Windows Server 2008 E.4.3
    • non-networked computers E.3
    • removing E.4.4
  • LVM
    • recommendations for Oracle Automatic Storage Management


  • multihomed computers, installing on E.1
  • multiple aliases, computers with E.2
  • multiple Oracle homes
    • setting E.1
    • System Identifier (SID) 9.8
  • Multiple Oracle Homes Support
    • advantages B.2
  • multitenant container database
    • character sets 7.4
  • multiversioning B.2
  • My Oracle Support website


  • netca.rsp file
  • Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
    • response files C.6
    • running at command prompt C.6
    • suppressing during silent or response file installation C.5
  • Net Services Configuration Assistant, computers with minimum memory 7.1.4
  • network adapters E.2
    • See also: loopback adapters, primary network adapters
    • computers with multiple aliases E.2
    • how primary adapter is determined E.4.1
    • non-networked computers E.3
    • primary, on computers with multiple aliases E.2
  • network cards, multiple E.1
  • network protocols, supported 2.2
  • network setup
    • host name resolution 2.5
  • network topics
    • computers with multiple aliases E.2
    • laptops E.3
    • listed E
    • loopback adapters E.4.1
    • multiple network cards E.1
    • non-networked computers E.3
  • NLS_LANG environment variable 7.6.3
  • non-networked computers E.3
  • NTFS system requirements 2.1.2


  • OEM
    • See: Oracle Enterprise Manager
  • OFA B.1
    • See also: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • OINSTALL directory B.5
  • OINSTALL groupl 1.5
    • See also: Oracle Inventory directory
  • operating system
    • reviewing common practices 2.4
  • operating system privileges groups 1.5
  • operating systems, supported 2.2
  • Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • orabasehome D.4
  • orabasetab D.1.4
  • ORAchk
    • and Upgrade Readiness Assessment 1.6
  • ORACLE_HOME environment variable
    • preventing installation 7.1.3
  • ORACLE_HOSTNAME environment variable
    • computers with multiple aliases E.2
    • setting before installation E.1
  • Oracle ACFS
  • Oracle ASM
    • See: Oracle Automatic Storage Management
  • Oracle ASM disk space
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • allocation units (AU) and ASM disks
    • asmcmd utility 6.11
    • characteristics of failure groups
    • configuring disks 7.3
    • considerations before installing 6.3.2
    • disk space
    • failure groups
    • installation, testing 6.11
    • part of Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation 6.4
    • password file 6.3.2
    • redundancy levels
    • space required for preconfigured database
    • SPFILE server parameter file 6.3.2
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM)
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant 9.3.2
  • Oracle base B.1, B.5
  • Oracle base config D.1.3
  • Oracle base directory
  • Oracle base home D.1.2
  • Oracle Clusterware
    • installed before Oracle Database 7.2
  • Oracle components
    • using in different languages 7.6.5
  • Oracle Database 8.6.10
    • See also: installation, postinstallation, removing, requirements
    • Automatic Storage Management, configuring communication with 8.6.10
    • checking installed contents 9.1
    • creating data file directories
    • getting started using 9
      • accessing 9.5, 9.6
      • starting and stopping database 9.5, 9.6
    • minimum disk space requirements
    • requirements with Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • starting and stopping 9.4
    • Windows Terminal Services support 2.3.1
  • Oracle Database Advanced Queuing 8.6.1
  • Oracle Database Client
    • requirements 2.2
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
    • about 3.2
    • computers with minimum memory 7.1.4
    • suppressing during silent or response file installation C.5
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (Oracle DBCA)
    • response files C.7
  • Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant, computers with minimum memory 7.1.4
  • Oracle Database Vault
  • Oracle Disk Manager (ODM)
    • library file 5.8
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • Database Control
      • using to modify control files 9.12
      • using to modify redo log files 9.11
      • using to view control files 9.12
      • using to view redo log files 9.11
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM)
    • jobs system, setting correct credentials 8.6.9
    • preinstallation requirements 2.6.4
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express
    • logging into 9.2
    • password management 9.7.3
    • port number 9.2
  • Oracle home
    • file path B.5
    • Grid home
    • naming conventions B.4
  • Oracle home directory
    • about 3.1.2
    • multiple homes, network considerations E.1
    • multiple homes, precedence of components
    • single Oracle home components
  • Oracle host name, setting before installation E.1
  • Oracle Inventory 1.5
  • Oracle-managed files feature 2.6.5
  • Oracle Messaging Gateway feature 8.6.1
  • Oracle Net Listener
    • ports
      • ranges and protocol F.2
  • Oracle Net Services
    • configuring 8.6.3
    • postinstallation task 8.6.3
    • stopping existing listener 4.2
  • Oracle Net Services Configuration Assistant, computers with minimum memory 7.1.4
  • Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture
    • See: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • Oracle Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
    • ports
  • Oracle Provider for OLE DB
    • behavior with multiple Oracle homes
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • installed before Oracle Database 7.2
  • Oracle Restart
  • Oracle Schemas
  • Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
    • ports
      • ranges and protocol F.2
  • oracle service user 4.1.2
  • Oracle SQL Developer
    • accessing 9.6
  • Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
    • downloading software from 7.5.1
  • Oracle Text knowledge base 8.6.4
  • Oracle Universal Installer
    • location of executable C.5
    • running in different languages 7.7
  • Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
    • guidelines in using 7.2
    • installation guidelines 7.2
    • response files C
    • running at command line C.5
  • oracle user 1.5
  • Oracle XML DB
    • ports, ranges and protocol F.2
  • oraInventory B.5
  • oranfstab configuration file 5.5
  • OSDBA 1.5


  • partition
    • using with Oracle Automatic Storage Management
  • partitions
    • See also: diskpart.exe tool
  • password file for Oracle Automatic Storage Management 6.3.2
  • passwords
    • change after install 9.7.1
    • for administrative accounts 9.7
    • guidelines 9.7.2
    • managing in SQL*Plus 9.7.4
  • patch updates 8.1
  • PDBs C.8.2
  • PGA
    • and memory management 1.6
  • PL/SQL
    • external procedures postinstallation task 8.6.7
  • ports
    • Connection Manager, ranges and protocol F.2
    • default ranges F
    • Oracle Net Listener
      • ranges and protocol F.2
    • Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
    • Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server, ranges and protocol F.2
    • Oracle XML DB, ranges and protocol F.2
  • postinstallation
    • configuration of Oracle software C.10
  • postinstallation tasks 8
    • changing passwords 9.7.2
    • configuring secure sockets layer 8.5
    • database-to-Automatic Storage Management communication 8.6.10
    • getting started using Oracle Database 9
    • Jobs system 8.6.9
    • Oracle Messaging Gateway feature 8.6.1
    • Oracle Net Services 8.6.3
    • Oracle Text knowledge base 8.6.4
    • PL/SQL external procedures 8.6.7
    • setting job system credentials for Enterprise Manager 8.6.9
    • shared server support 8.6.8
  • preconfigured database
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk space requirements
    • requirements when using Oracle Automatic Storage Management
  • preinstallation
    • perform database backup 7.1.3
    • requirements for Oracle Database Security 2.6.3
    • requirements for Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.6.4
  • preinstallation considerations 7.1
  • primary network adapters E.4.1
    • See also: loopback adapters, network adapters
  • process, stopping existing listener process 4.2
  • proxy realm 1.6


  • RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
    • using for Oracle data files
  • read/write oracle home D.5
  • read only Oracle home D.2
  • read-only oracle home D.1.1, D.1.2, D.5
  • read-only Oracle home D.1, D.1.3, D.1.4, D.3, D.4
  • recommendations
    • on performing software-only installations 6.10
  • recovery files, options for placing on file system 2.6.2
  • redo log files
    • in starter database 9.11
    • using Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control with 9.11
  • redundancy level
    • and space requirements for preconfigured database
    • for Oracle Automatic Storage Management
  • Redundant Array of Independent Disks
    • See: RAID
  • releases
  • release update revisions 8.1
  • release updates 8.1
  • remote access software 7.5.2
  • remote installations
  • requirements
    • for JRE 2.1.2
    • for Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.6.4
    • hard disk space 2.1.2
    • hardware, verifying 2.1.3
    • Oracle Database Client 2.2
    • software 2.2
    • Windows Terminal Services 2.3.1
  • response file mode C.1
    • See: response file mode
    • See also: response files, silent mode
  • response files
    • about C.1
    • creating
    • dbca.rsp C.4.1
    • general procedure C.3
    • netca.rsp C.4.1
    • Net Configuration Assistant C.6
    • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) C.7
    • passing values at command line C.1
    • specifying with Oracle Universal Installer C.5
    • using C
  • response files installation
    • about C
  • roohctl -enable D.2
  • root user 7.10
  • running multiple Oracle releases B.2


  • Sample Schemas
    • tablespaces and data files 9.10
  • schemas
    • Oracle Schemas, about
    • Sample Schemas tablespaces and data files 9.10
  • seamless patching D.1.1
  • security
    • Oracle Database Security Strong Authentication requirements 2.6.3
  • server parameter file (SPFILE) 6.3.2
  • SERVICE_NAMES parameter 9.8
  • services, stopping 4.2
  • setup.exe
    • See: Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
  • SGA
    • and memory management 1.6
  • shared server support 8.6.8
  • silent mode C.1
    • See also: response file mode, response files
  • single Oracle home components
  • SPFILE server parameter file 6.3.2
  • SQL*Plus
    • accessing 9.5
    • password management 9.7.4
  • SQL Developer
    • accessing 9.6
  • sqlnet.ora file, enabling Windows native authentication 8.6.10
  • SSL 8.5
  • stopping existing services 4.2
    • tablespace, description 9.10
  • system01.dbf data file 9.10
  • system privileges accounts
    • locked after install 9.7.1
  • system requirements
    • on NTFS file systems 2.1.2


  • tablespaces 9.10
  • TEMP
    • tablespace (temp01.dbf) 9.10
  • temp01.dbf data file 9.10
  • TEMP environment variable, hardware requirements 2.1.3
  • temporary directory 2.1.3
  • temporary disk space
  • tmp directory
  • TMPDIR environment variable 6.1.3
  • TMP environment variable 6.1.3
    • hardware requirements 2.1.3
  • tnsnames.ora file 8.6.3
  • troubleshooting
    • cron jobs and installation 1.6


    • tablespace (undotbs01.dbf) 9.10
  • unsupported components
    • on Windows Terminal Services 2.3.1
  • upgrade
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management 6.4
  • upgrading
    • and ORAchk Upgrade Readiness Assessment 1.6
    • backing up before upgrading 7.1.3
  • user account control 4.3.2
  • user accounts, managing 4.3.2
  • user names
    • changing passwords 9.7.2
    • tablespace (users01.dbf) 9.10
  • utlrp.sql 8.4


  • Windows
    • compilers, supported 2.2
    • credentials for job system 8.6.9
    • network protocol, supported 2.2
    • operating systems, supported 2.2
  • Windows 7
    • user account control 4.3.2
  • Windows 8
    • user account control 4.3.2
  • Windows Server 2008
    • user account control 4.3.2
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
    • user account control 4.3.2
  • Windows Services utility, starting and stopping databases 9.4.1
  • Windows Terminal Services