C Initialization Parameters

The Oracle database initialization parameters in the init.ora file are distinct from gateway initialization parameters. Set the gateway parameters in the initialization parameter file using an agent-specific mechanism, or set them in the Oracle data dictionary using the DBMS_HS package. The gateway initialization parameter file must be available when the gateway is started. Changes made to the initialization parameters only take effect in the next gateway session.

The following topics contain a list of the gateway initialization parameters that can be set for each gateway and their description. It also describes the initialization parameter file syntax.

Initialization Parameter File Syntax

The syntax for the initialization parameter file is as follows:

  1. The file is a sequence of commands.

  2. Each command should start on a separate line.

  3. End of line is considered a command terminator (unless escaped with a backslash).

  4. If there is a syntax error in an initialization parameter file, none of the settings take effect.

  5. Set the parameter values as follows:

    [SET][PRIVATE] parameter=value


    parameter is an initialization parameter name. It is a string of characters starting with a letter and consisting of letters, digits and underscores. Initialization parameter names are case sensitive.

    value is the initialization parameter value. It is case-sensitive. An initialization parameter value is either:

    1. A string of characters that does not contain any backslashes, white space or double quotation marks (")

    2. A quoted string beginning with a double quotation mark and ending with a double quotation mark. The following can be used inside a quoted string:

      • backslash (\) is the escape character

      • \n inserts a new line

      • \t inserts a tab

      • \" inserts a double quotation mark

      • \\ inserts a backslash

      A backslash at the end of the line continues the string on the next line. If a backslash precedes any other character then the backslash is ignored.

    For example, to enable tracing for an agent, set the HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL initialization parameter as follows:


    SET and PRIVATE are optional keywords. You cannot use either as an initialization parameter name. Most parameters are needed only as initialization parameters, so you usually do not need to use the SET or PRIVATE keywords. If you do not specify either SET or PRIVATE, the parameter is used only as an initialization parameter for the agent.

    SET specifies that, in addition to being used as an initialization parameter, the parameter value is set as an environment variable for the agent process. Use SET for parameter values that the drivers or non-Oracle system need as environment variables.

    PRIVATE specifies that the initialization parameter should be private to the agent and should not be uploaded to the Oracle database. Most initialization parameters should not be private. If, however, you are storing sensitive information like a password in the initialization parameter file, then you may not want it uploaded to the server because the initialization parameters and values are not encrypted when uploaded. Making the initialization parameters private prevents the upload from happening and they do not appear in dynamic performance views. Use PRIVATE for the initialization parameters only if the parameter value includes sensitive information such as a user name or password.

    SET PRIVATE specifies that the parameter value is set as an environment variable for the agent process and is also private (not transferred to the Oracle database, not appearing in dynamic performance views or graphical user interfaces).


Property Description

Default value for '[+|-]hh:mm'

Derived from the NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter

Range of values for '[+|-]hh:mm'

Any valid datetime format mask

Specifies the default local time zone displacement for the current SQL session. The format mask, [+|-]hh:mm, is specified to indicate the hours and minutes before or after UTC (Coordinated Universal Time—formerly Greenwich Mean Time). For example:

HS_TIME_ZONE = [+ | -] hh:mm


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values


Enables return values from functions. By default, all stored procedures and functions do not return a return value to the user.


If you set this initialization parameter, you must change the syntax of the procedure execute statement for all existing stored procedures to handle return values.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values


Enables result sets to be returned from stored procedures. By default, all stored procedures do not return a result set to the user.


If you set this initialization parameter, you must do the following:

  • Change the syntax of the procedure execute statement for all existing stored procedures, to handle result sets

  • Work in the sequential mode of Heterogeneous Services


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values

Not applicable

Specifies the full path name to the ODBC driver manager.

This is a required parameter, whose format is:


where odbc_installation_path is the path where the ODBC driver is installed.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values


Enables Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server, Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC, and Oracle Database Gateway for Sybase treat SINGLE FLOAT PRECISION fields as DOUBLE FLOAT PRECISION fields.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

Not applicable

Specifies the remote functions that can be referenced in SQL statements. The value is a list of remote functions and their owners, separated by semicolons, in the following format:


For example:


If an owner name is not specified for a remote function, the default owner name becomes the user name used to connect to the remote database (specified when the Heterogeneous Services database link is created or taken from user session if not specified in the DB link).

The entries for the owner names and the function names are case-sensitive.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

1 to 199 characters

Specifies a unique network sub-address for a non-Oracle system. The HS_DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter is similar to the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter, described in the Oracle Database Reference. The HS_DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter is required if you use the Oracle Names server. The HS_DB_NAME and HS_DB_DOMAIN initialization parameters define the global name of the non-Oracle system.


The HS_DB_NAME and HS_DB_DOMAIN initialization parameters must combine to form a unique address in a cooperative server environment.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

1 to 16 hexadecimal characters

Specifies a unique hexadecimal number identifying the instance to which the Heterogeneous Services agent is connected. This parameter's value is used as part of a transaction ID when global name services are activated. Specifying a nonunique number can cause problems when two-phase commit recovery actions are necessary for a transaction.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

1 to 8 characters

Specifies a unique alphanumeric name for the data store given to the non-Oracle system. This name identifies the non-Oracle system within the cooperative server environment. The HS_DB_NAME and HS_DB_DOMAIN initialization parameters define the global name of the non-Oracle system.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

1 to 4000

Specifies the maximum number of entries in the describe cache used by Heterogeneous Services. This limit is known as the describe cache high water mark. The cache contains descriptions of the mapped tables that Heterogeneous Services reuses so that it does not have to re-access the non-Oracle data store.

If you are accessing many mapped tables, increase the high water mark to improve performance. Increasing the high water mark improves performance at the cost of memory usage.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

Any valid language name (up to 255 characters)

Provides Heterogeneous Services with character set, language, and territory information of the non-Oracle data source. The value must use the following format:



The globalization support initialization parameters affect error messages, the data for the SQL Service, and parameters in distributed external procedures.

Character Sets

Ideally, the character sets of the Oracle database and the non-Oracle data source are the same. In almost all cases, HS_LANGUAGE should be set exactly the same as Oracle database character set for optimal character set mapping and performance. If they are not the same, Heterogeneous Services attempts to translate the character set of the non-Oracle data source to the Oracle database character set, and back again. The translation can degrade performance. In some cases, Heterogeneous Services cannot translate a character from one character set to another.


The specified character set must be a superset of the operating system character set on the platform where the agent is installed.

As more Oracle databases and non-Oracle databases use Unicode as database character sets, it is preferable to also run the gateway in Unicode character set. To do so, you must set HS_LANGUAGE=AL32UTF8. However, when the gateway runs on Windows, the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager interface can exchange data only in the double-byte character set, UCS2. This results in extra ratio expansion of described buffer and column sizes. Refer to HS_FDS_REMOTE_DB_CHARSET for instruction on how to adjust to correct sizes.


The language component of the HS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter determines:

  • Day and month names of dates

  • AD, BC, PM, and AM symbols for date and time

  • Default sorting mechanism

Note that Oracle does not determine the language for error messages for the generic Heterogeneous Services messages (ORA-25000 through ORA-28000). These are controlled by the session settings in the Oracle database.


The territory clause specifies the conventions for day and week numbering, default date format, decimal character and group separator, and ISO and local currency symbols. Note that the level of globalization support between the Oracle database and the non-Oracle data source depends on how the gateway is implemented.


The parameter is also used to indicate corresponding DB2 target set for Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA.


Property Description

Default value

64 KB

Range of values

Any value up to 2 GB

Sets the size of the piece of LONG data being transferred. A smaller piece size means less memory requirement, but more round-trips to fetch all the data. A larger piece size means fewer round-trips, but more of a memory requirement to store the intermediate pieces internally. Thus, the initialization parameter can be used to tune a system for the best performance, with the best trade-off between round-trips and memory requirements, and network latency or response time.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

1 to the value of OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter of Oracle database

Defines the maximum number of cursors that can be open on one connection to a non-Oracle system instance.

The value never exceeds the number of open cursors in the Oracle database. Therefore, setting the same value as the OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter in the Oracle database is recommended.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values


Controls whether Heterogeneous Services attempts to optimize performance of data transfer between the Oracle database and the Heterogeneous Services agent connected to the non-Oracle data store.

The following values are possible:

  • OFF disables reblocking of fetched data so that data is immediately sent from agent to server.

  • ON enables reblocking, which means that data fetched from the non-Oracle system is buffered in the agent and is not sent to the Oracle database until the amount of fetched data is equal to or higher than the value of HS_RPC_FETCH_SIZE initialization parameter. However, any buffered data is returned immediately when a fetch indicates that no more data exists or when the non-Oracle system reports an error.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

1 to 10000000

Tunes internal data buffering to optimize the data transfer rate between the server and the agent process.

Increasing the value can reduce the number of network round-trips needed to transfer a given amount of data, but also tends to increase data bandwidth and to reduce latency as measured between issuing a query and completion of all fetches for the query. Nevertheless, increasing the fetch size can increase latency for the initial fetch results of a query, because the first fetch results are not transmitted until additional data is available.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values


Specifies the type of transaction model that is used when the non-Oracle database is updated by a transaction.

The following values are possible:

  • COMMIT_CONFIRM provides read and write access to the non-Oracle database and allows the gateway to be part of a distributed update. To use the commit-confirm model, the following items must be created in the non-Oracle database:

    • Transaction log table. The default table name is HS_TRANSACTION_LOG. A different name can be set using the HS_FDS_TRANSACTION_LOG parameter. The transaction log table must be granted SELECT, DELETE, and INSERT privileges set to public.

    • Recovery account. The account name is assigned with the HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT parameter.

    • Recovery account password. The password is assigned with the HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD parameter.

      COMMIT_CONFIRM does not apply to Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC. The default value for Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC is SINGLE_SITE.

  • READ_ONLY provides read access to the non-Oracle database.

  • READ_ONLY_AUTOCOMMIT provides read access to the non-Oracle database that do not have logging. READ_ONLY_AUTOCOMMIT does not apply to Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC.

  • SINGLE_SITE provides read and write access to the non-Oracle database. However, the gateway cannot participate in distributed updates.

  • SINGLE_SITE_AUTOCOMMIT provides read and write access to the non-Oracle database which do not have logging. Any update is committed immediately, and the gateway cannot participate in distributed updates. SINGLE_SITE_AUTOCOMMIT does not apply to Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC.


Property Description

Default value


Range of values

Valid parameter file names

Use the IFILE initialization parameter to embed another initialization file within the current initialization file. The value should be an absolute path and should not contain environment variables. The three levels of nesting limit do not apply.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values

Not applicable

HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO that describes the connection to the non-Oracle system.

The default initialization parameter file already has an entry for this parameter. This release of gateway can support IPv6. If IPv6 address format is to be specified, you would need to wrap square brackets around the IPv6 specification to indicate the sepraration from the port number.

For example,


The syntax for HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO for the gateways are as follows:

For Oracle Database Gateway for Sybase:


where, host_name is the host name or IP address of the machine hosting the Sybase database, port_number is the port number of the Sybase database server, and database_name is the Sybase database name.

For Oracle Database Gateway for Informix:


where, host_name is the host name or IP address of the machine hosting the Informix database, port_number is the port number of the Informix database server, server_name is the name of the server machine for the Informix data, and database_name is the Informix database name.

For Oracle Database Gateway for Teradata:


where, host_alias is the host alias name or IP address of the machine hosting the Teradata database, port_number is the port number of the Teradata database server, and database_name is the Teradata database name. The database_name variable is optional.

For Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server:


where, host_name is the host name or IP address of the machine hosting the SQL Server database, port_number is the port number of the SQL Server database server, instance_name is the instance of SQL Server running on the machine, and database_name is the SQL Server database name. Either of the variables port_number or instance_name can be used, but not both together. Optionally, they both can be omitted. The variable database_name is always optional. The slash (/) is required when a particular value is omitted. For example, all of the following entries are valid:


For Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC:


where dsn_value is the data source name configured in the odbc.ini file.

For Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA:


where IP_address is the hostname or ip address of the DB2 DRDA server

Port_number is the port number of the DB2 DRDA server.

Database_name is the database name of teh DB2 server

Type (case insensitive) is oneof the following:

  • ZOS (DB2 UDB for z/OS),

  • IOS (DB2 UDB for iSeries), or

  • LUW (DB2 UDB for Linux, Unix, or Windows)

For example,



Property Description

Default Value


Range of values

Any valid user ID

Specifies the name of the recovery account used for the commit-confirm transaction model. An account with user name and password must be set up at the non-Oracle system. For more information about the commit-confirm model, see the HS_TRANSACTION_MODEL parameter.

For DRDA, HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT specifies the user ID that is used by the gateway if a distributed transaction becomes in doubt. This user ID must have execute privileges on the package and must be defined to the IBM database.

If a distributed transaction becomes in doubt, then the Oracle database determines the status of the transaction by connecting to the IBM database, using the HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT. If this parameter is missing, then the gateway attempts to connect to a user ID of RECOVER.

The name of the recovery account is case-sensitive.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values

Any valid password

Specifies the password of the recovery account used for the commit-confirm transaction model set up at the non-Oracle system. For more information about the commit-confirm model, see the HS_TRANSACTION_MODEL parameter.

HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD is used with the HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT. The recovery user connects to the IBM database if a distributed transaction is in doubt.

See Also:

Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA User's Guide for more information.

The name of the password of the recovery account is case-sensitive.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values


Specifies whether error tracing is turned on or off for gateway connectivity.

The following values are valid:

  • OFF disables the tracing of error messages.

  • ON enables the tracing of error messages that occur when you encounter problems. The results are written by default to a gateway log file in LOG directory where the gateway is installed.

  • DEBUG enables the tracing of detailed error messages that can be used for debugging.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values

Any valid table name

Specifies the name of the table created in the non-Oracle system for logging transactions. For more information about the transaction model, see the HS_TRANSACTION_MODEL parameter.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values

Any integer between 1 and 1000



HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS specifies the fetch array size. This is the number of rows to be fetched from the non-Oracle database and to return to Oracle database at one time. This parameter will be affected by the HS_RPC_FETCH_SIZE and HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING parameters.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values

Refer to Chapter 4, "Developing Applications" in Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA User's Guide



If the HS_FDS_CAPABILITY is set to ON then the specified function will be sent to DB2 for processing. In other words, post processing will be not needed for that function.

If the HS_FDS_CAPABILITY is set to OFF then the specified function will be not be sent to DB2 for processing. In other words, it will be post processed.

If the HS_FDS_CAPABILITY is set to SKIP then the specified function will be stripped from the SQL statement sent to DB2. In other words the function will be ignored.


Property Description

Default Value

CHG for DB2 UDB for iSeries, CS for DB2 UDB for z/OS, DB2 UDB for Linux, Unix, and Windows

Range of Values




HS_FDS_ISOLATION_LEVEL specifies the isolation level that is defined to the package when it is created. All SQL statements that are sent to the remote DRDA database are executed with this isolation level. Isolation level seriously affects performance of applications. Use caution when specifying an isolation level other than the default. For information on isolation levels, refer to your IBM database manuals.

The following table lists the isolation levels and their descriptions. The levels are specified in ascending order of control, with CHG having the least reliable cursor stability and RR having the most. Note that higher stability uses more resources on the server and can lock those resources for extended periods.

Level Description


Change (default for DB2 UDB for iSeries)


Cursor Stability (default for DB2 UDB for Linux, Unix, and Windows, and DB2 UDB for z/OS)


Repeatable Read




No Commit


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values

An alphanumeric string 1 to 18 characters in length



HS_FDS_PACKAGE_COLLID specifies the package collection ID. Note that in DB2 UDB for iSeries, the collection ID is actually the name of an AS/400 library.


Any change to this parameter will cause a new package to be implicitly bound by the gateway. For DB2 for UDB iSeries, prior to attempting a connection, one should use the iSeries SQL command CREATE SCHEMA or CREATE COLLECTION to create an iSeries library with the name as specified for HS_FDS_PACKAGE_COLLID. This COLLECTION or SCHEMA should be created under the id specified in the CONNECT TO phrase of the Oracle SQL command CREATE DATABASE LINK.


Property Description

Default Value

0 (no timeout)

Range of Values

0-9999 (minutes)



Specify the read timeout value of HS RPC calls for Oracle gateways running on TCP protocol.

When there is no activity for a connected gateway session for this specified time period, the gateway session would be terminated automatically with pending update (if any) rolled back.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values




If set to TRUE, any single-byte character meant to insert to DB2 (var)graphic column would be converted to equivalent double-byte value before the insert operation.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values




If set to TRUE, any double-byte characters in DB2 (var)graphic column that can have equivalent single-byte equivalent would be translated to equivalent single-byte before sending to the user.


Property Description

Default Value

DATE (except for DB2 which uses CHAR as default)

Range of Values




If set to CHAR , then non-Oracle target timestamp would be mapped to CHAR(26). If set to DATE (default), then non-Oracle target timestamp would be mapped to Oracle DATE. If set to TIMESTAMP, then non-Oracle target timestamp would be mapped to Oracle TIMESTAMP.


Property Description

Default Value

DATE (except for Teradata which uses CHAR as default)

Range of Values




If set to CHAR, then non-oracle target date would be mapped to CHAR(10). If set to DATE, then non-Oracle target date would be mapped to Oracle date.


Property Description

Default Value

TRUE (except for Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA which uses FALSE as default)

Range of values




If set to TRUE, the gateway will use array operations for insert, update, delete statements containing binds against the remote data source. The array size is determined by the value of the HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS init parameter.

If set to FALSE, the gateway will not use array operations for insert, update, and delete statements. Instead, a single statement will be issued for every value.


Property Description

Default Value

Range of Values




By default, the gateway will quote identifiers if the FDS supports it. However, we give the user the ability to overwrite the behavior.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




This release of gateway has Character Semantics functionality equivalent to the Oracle database Character Semantics (i.e., NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS). When HS_NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS is set to CHAR, the (var)char and (var)graphic columns of DB2 are to be interpreted as having CHAR semantics. For example, DB2 CHAR(10) would be described to Oracle as CHAR(10 CHAR) assuming there is no ratio expansion from Gateway character set to Oracle character set. The only situation the gateway doesn't honor the HS_NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR setting is when both Oracle and gateway are on the same Multi-byte character set.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of Values




Parameter type


HS_KEEP_REMOTE_COLUMN_SIZE specifies whether to suppress ratio expansion when computing the length of (VAR)CHAR datatypes during data conversion from non-Oracle database to Oracle database. When it is set to REMOTE, the expansion is suppressed between the non-Oracle database to the gateway. When it is set to LOCAL, the expansion is suppressed between the gateway and Oracle database. When it is set to ALL, the expansion is suppressed from the non-Oracle database to the Oracle database.

When the parameter is set, the expansion is suppressed when reporting the remote column size, calculating the implicit resulting buffer size, and instantiating in the local Oracle database. This has effect only for remote column size from the non-Oracle database to Oracle database. If the gateway runs on Windows and HS_LANGUAGE=AL32UTF8, then you must not specify this parameter, as it would influence other ratio related parameter operation. It has no effect for calculating ratio for data moving from Oracle database to non-Oracle database through gateway during INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




Enables result sets to be returned from stored procedures. By default, all stored procedures do not return a result set to the user.


If you set this initialization parameter, you must do the following:

  • Change the syntax of the procedure execute statement for all existing stored procedures, to handle result sets.

  • Work in the sequential mode of Heterogeneous Services.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values

Not Applicable



This parameter is valid only when HS_LANGUAGE is set to AL32UTF8 and the gateway runs on Windows. As more Oracle databases and non-Oracle databases use Unicode as database character sets, it is preferable to also run the gateway in Unicode character set. To do so, you must set HS_LANGUAGE=AL32UTF8. However, when the gateway runs on Windows, the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager interface can exchange data only in the double-byte character set, UCS2. This results in extra ratio expansion of described buffer and column sizes. To compensate, the gateway can re-adjust the column size if HS_FDS_REMOTE_DB_CHARSET is set to the corresponding non-Oracle database character set. For example, HS_FDS_REMOTE_DB_CHARSET=KO16KSC5601.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




We gather statistics from the non-Oracle database by default. You can choose to disable the gathering of remote database statistics by setting the HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS parameter to FALSE.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




When set to TRUE, the gateway returns the row counts of DML statements that are executed inside a stored procedure. The row count is returned as a single row, single column result set of type signed integer.

When set to FALSE, the gateway skips the row counts of DML statements that are executed inside a stored procedure. This is the default behavior, and it is the behavior of 11.1 and older gateways.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




This parameter is only valid for 64 bit platforms. ODBC standard specifies SQLLEN (of internal ODBC construct) being 64 bit on 64 bit platforms, but some ODBC driver managers and drivers violate this convention, and implement it as 32 bit. In order for the gateway to compensate their behavior, you need to specify HS_FDS_SQLLEN_INTERPRETATION=32 if you use these types of driver managers and driver.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




Specifies the way in which userid and password are sent to the remote DB2 server and authenticated. Valid values are:

  • CLEARTEXT : user ID and password are sent in clear text to server (default).

  • ENCRYPT : password is sent encrypted to server.

  • ENCRYPT_BOTH : user ID and password are sent encrypted to server.

  • CLIENT : userid is validated on the client side instead of by the server.

  • KERBEROS : uses Kerberos to authenticate user ID.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




Specifies the way the session to DB2 is encrypted. Valid values are:

  • NONE : data session is not encrypted (default).

  • SSL : Use SSL to encrypt data session (supported only by DB2 for iSeries).

  • DB2 : Use DB2 encryption protocol for data session (supported only by DB2 for LUW and DB2 for z/OS, and can be used only when authentication is CLEARTEXT, ENCRYPT, or ENCRYPT_BOTH).


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values

path to truststore file


HS_FDS_TRUSTSTORE_FILE = path to truststore file

Specifies the path that specifies the location of the truststore file. The truststore file contains a list of the valid Certificate Authorities (CAs) that are trusted by the client machine for SSL server authentication.


Property Description

Default Value


Range of values




Specifies the password required to access the truststore.