Example of Manual Upgrade of Windows Non-CDB Oracle Database

These examples show the steps to complete preupgrade checks, upgrade, and postupgrade checks for an Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( upgrade to Oracle Database 19c.

The specific examples in these topics show an upgrade on the Microsoft Windows platform. They use tools specific to the Windows environment. However, these example provide an overview of a manual installation experience.

Preparing to Upgrade Windows Non-CDB Using Command-Line Utilities

Complete the required preupgrade steps before upgrading Non-CDB Oracle Database 11g release 2 ( databases to a Non-CDB Oracle Database 12c and later releases.

This procedure provides an example of how to use command-line utilities to prepare your system to carry out a manual upgrade of a Non-CDB Oracle Database to a current release Non-CDB Oracle Database on Microsoft Windows. In this example, the Oracle Database that you are upgrading is Oracle Database 11g release 2 (

Log in as a user that is a member of the ORA_DBA group. Oracle recommends that you install the new release Oracle Database binaries on the server. Refer to the Oracle Database installation guide for Windows to complete that procedure.

The Preupgrade consists of the following steps:

  1. Reset the user environment variables from the new release Oracle home to the Oracle home for the Oracle Installation Owner User Account (Oracle user).

  2. Test the connection to the Oracle Database.

  3. Run the following command:

    autoupgrade.jar -mode analyze
  4. Review autoupgrade.jar reports.

  5. Back up your database.

These examples use the following systems, paths, and users:

Oracle Database 11g release 2 (

  • Oracle Installation Owner user account: oracle1, which is a member of the ORA_DBA group.

  • Oracle home: C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1

Oracle Database 19c

  • Oracle Installation Owner user account: oracle2, which is a member of the ORA_DBA group.

  • Oracle home: C:\app\oracle1\product\19\dbhome_1

Example 4-18 Resetting the User Environment Variables

This example shows how to change the environment variables from values set for the Oracle Database 19c installation:

C:\app\oracle1\product\19\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin>set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle2\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1
C:\app\oracle1\product\19\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin>set ORACLE_SID=orcl11

Example 4-19 Testing the Connection to the Database

This example shows how to test the connection to the database, and ensure that you are connecting to the release database that you want to upgrade.

C:\app\oracle1\product\19\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin>sqlplus / as sysdba

	SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Dec 11 12:14:49 2018

	Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

	Connected to:
	Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
	With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

	SQL> select version from v$instance;



Example 4-20 Manually Removing Oracle Enterprise Manager (em_present)

The autoupgrade.jar -mode analyze log file provides you with instructions to remove Oracle Enterprise Manager manually (em_present):

+ Remove the EM repository.
		 - Copy the rdbms/admin/emremove.sql script from the target
		 ORACLE_HOME into the source ORACLE_HOME.
		 Step 1: If database control is configured, stop EM Database Control,
		 using the following command
		   $> emctl stop dbconsole
		 Step 2: Connect to the database using the SYS account AS SYSDBA

		Step 1 - Stop dbconsole:

			C:\app\oracle1\product\19\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin> emctl stop dbconsole

			Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
			Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
			The OracleDBConsoleorcl11 service is stopping...........
			The OracleDBConsoleorcl11 service was stopped successfully.
		Step 2 - Remove em (provide credentials if needed)


			Dropping synonym : SETEMVIEWUSERCONTEXT ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_AVAIL_OBJ ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_DELETE_REC_ARRAY ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY_ARRAY ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_NVPAIR ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY_ARRAY ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_TARGET_OBJ ...
			Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_TARGET_OBJ_ARRAY ...
			Finished phase 5
			Starting phase 6 : Dropping Oracle Enterprise Manager related other roles ...
			Finished phase 6
			The Oracle Enterprise Manager related schemas and objects are dropped.
			Do the manual steps to studown the DB Control if not done before running this
			script and then delete the DB Control configuration files

			PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Example 4-21 Manually Removing the OLAP Catalog (amd_exists)

The preupgrade_fixups.sql log file provides you with instructions to remove the OLAP catalog manually (amd_exists):

 + Remove OLAP Catalog by running the SQL script
     $ORACLE_HOME/olap/admin/catnoamd.sql script.  
     The OLAP Catalog component, AMD, exists in the database.
	 sqlplus / as sysdba @%ORACLE_HOME%\olap\admin\catnoamd.sql
		Synonym dropped.

		User dropped.

		Role dropped.


Example 4-22 Granting the ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER privilege (trgowner_no_admndbtrg)

The autoupgrade.jar -mode analyze report provides you with instructions to grant the ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER privilege (trgowner_no_admndbtrg):

+ Directly grant ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER privilege to the owner of the
		 trigger or drop and re-create the trigger with a user that was granted
		 directly with such. You can list those triggers using "SELECT OWNER,

			OWNER                          TRIGGER_NAME
			------------------------------ ------------------------------
			MDSYS                          SDO_DROP_USER
			MDSYS                          SDO_ST_SYN_CREATE
			MDSYS                          SDO_TOPO_DROP_FTBL
			MDSYS                          SDO_GEOR_BDDL_TRIGGER
			MDSYS                          SDO_GEOR_ADDL_TRIGGER
			MDSYS                          SDO_NETWORK_DROP_USER

			6 rows selected.


			Grant succeeded.	

Example 4-23 Refreshing Materialized Views (mv_refresh)

The autoupgrade.jar -mode analyze log file provides you with instructions to refresh materialized views (mv_refresh):

+ Please make sure that all the MVs are refreshed and sys.sumdelta$
		 becomes empty before doing upgrade, unless you have strong business
		 reasons not to do so. You can use dbms_mview.refresh() to refresh the
		 MVs except those stale ones  to be kept due to business need. If there
		 are any stale MVs depending on changes in sys.sumdelta$, do not truncate
		 it, because doing so will cause wrong results after refresh.   	
			SQL> declare
			  2  num_failures integer(3) :=0;
			  3  begin
			  4  DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH_ALL_MVIEWS(num_failures,'C','', TRUE, FALSE);
			  5  end;
			  6  /

			PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

			SQL> select count(1) from sumdelta$;



Example 4-24 Upgrading Oracle Application Express (apex_upgrade_msg)

The autoupgrade.jar -mode analyze report recommends to you that you can upgrade Oracle Application Express (apex_upgrade_msg). Running this upgrade can reduce the downtime required for the Oracle Database upgrades. The log file provides you with information about how to complete that upgrade:
+ Consider upgrading APEX manually, before the database upgrade.  
		 The database contains APEX version and will need to be
		 upgraded to at least version
		 To reduce database upgrade time, you can upgrade APEX manually before
		 the database upgrade.  Refer to My Oracle Support Note 1088970.1 for
		 information on APEX installation upgrades.
		Download: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/downloads/index.html provide credentials.
		Then go to: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/upgrade-apex-for-xe-154969.html and
					https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E59726_01/install.50/e39144/toc.htm to guide you to do the upgrade.
		Once downloaded, please go to the directory and unzip the files, run the apex upgrade from there.
			Completing registration process. 12:07:41
			Validating installation.  12:07:41
			...Starting validation 12:07:41
			...Database user "SYS", database schema "APEX_050000", user# "90" 12:07:41
			...272 packages
			...265 package bodies
			...465 tables
			...8 functions
			...16 procedures
			...4 sequences
			...497 triggers
			...1582 indexes
			...0 libraries
			...14 types
			...5 type bodies
			...0 operators
			...0 index types
			...Begin key object existence check 12:07:53
			...Completed key object existence check 12:07:54
			...Setting DBMS Registry 12:07:54
			...Setting DBMS Registry Complete 12:07:54
			...Exiting validate 12:07:54

			PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

			timing for: Validate Installation
			Elapsed: 00:00:13.00

			Session altered.

			timing for: Complete Installation
			Elapsed: 00:18:40.49


After you complete preupgrade steps, Oracle recommends that you back up your database before proceeding with the upgrade.

Manually Upgrading Windows Non-CDB Using Command-Line Utilities

These examples show upgrade steps to upgrade a Non-CDB Oracle Database 11g release 2 ( to a Non-CDB Oracle Database

After you complete running preupgrade steps, you can upgrade the Non-CDB Oracle Database to the new release Non-CDB Oracle Database. Before starting the upgrade, you must stop the database services. You can stop database services either by using command-line commands, or by using Microsoft Windows PowerShell scripting.

The sequence of steps to complete the upgrade is as follows:
  1. Stop the database service, using either command-line commands, or PowerShell.

  2. Delete the database service from the earlier release Oracle home.

  3. Stop the listener from the earlier release Oracle home

  4. Set the environment variables to the new Oracle home.

  5. Copy database files, such as tnsnames.ora, listener.ora, password files, wallets, and other similar files to the new Oracle home.

  6. Copy the PFILE to the new Oracle Database Oracle home, and create a new service using the Oracle Database binary in the new Oracle home. (In this example, we assume that the PFILE is compatible. It is possible that your PFILE is not compatible with the new release.)

  7. Start the database upgrade.

  8. Complete the post-upgrade steps.

Example 4-25 Stopping the Database Service Using Command-Line Commands

  1. If you do not know the service name, then identify the service name.

    c:\apex\apex>sc query type= service | find /i "orcl11"
    				SERVICE_NAME: OracleServiceORCL11
    				DISPLAY_NAME: OracleServiceORCL11
  2. Using the service name, find out what the status is of the service.

    c:\apex\apex>sc query  OracleServiceORCL11
    				SERVICE_NAME: OracleServiceORCL11
    					TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
    					STATE              : 4  RUNNING
    					WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
    					SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
    					CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
    					WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
  3. Stop the service

    c:\apex\apex>sc stop  OracleServiceORCL11
    				SERVICE_NAME: OracleServiceORCL11
    					TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
    					STATE              : 3  STOP_PENDING
    					WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
    					SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
    					CHECKPOINT         : 0x5
    					WAIT_HINT          : 0x15f90		
  4. Wait for a few minutes, and then check the status.

    c:\apex\apex>sc query  OracleServiceORCL11
    				SERVICE_NAME: OracleServiceORCL11
    					TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
    					STATE              : 1  STOPPED
    					WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
    					SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
    					CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
    					WAIT_HINT          : 0x0		

    After the services are stopped, you can proceed to delete the services.

Example 4-26 Stopping the Database Service Using Microsoft Windows PowerShell Scripting

  1. Check the status of the service.

    PS C:\app\oraclbm\cfgtoollogs\orcl\preupgrade> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.Contains("ORCL11")}
    				Status   Name               DisplayName
    				------   ----               -----------
    				Stopped  OracleJobSchedu... OracleJobSchedulerORCL11
    				Running  OracleServiceOR... OracleServiceORCL11
    				Running  OracleVssWriter... Oracle ORCL11 VSS Writer Service
  2. Stop the service.

    PS C:\app\oraclbm\cfgtoollogs\orcl\preupgrade> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.Contains("ORCL11")} | Stop-Ser
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...
    				WARNING: Waiting for service 'OracleServiceORCL11 (OracleServiceORCL11)' to stop...

    After the services are stopped, you can proceed to delete the database service.

Example 4-27 Deleting the Database Service from the Earlier Release Oracle Home

For Oracle Database 11g release 2 ( on Windows, use ORADIM from the earlier release Oracle home. ORADIM is a Windows-specific utility that you can use to administer the Windows service.

c:\apex\apex>oradim -delete -sid orcl11
			Unable to stop service, OS Error = 1062
			Instance deleted.

Example 4-28 Stopping the Listener for the Earlier Release Oracle Home

c:\apex\apex>lsnrctl status

			LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 13-JUL-2016 13:58:52

			Copyright (c) 1991, 2012, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

			Alias                     LISTENER
			Version                   TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
			Start Date                05-JUL-2018 10:01:30
			Uptime                    8 days 3 hr. 57 min. 23 sec
			Trace Level               off
			Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
			SNMP                      OFF
			Listener Parameter File   C:\app\oracle2\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\listener.ora
			Listener Log File         C:\app\oracle2\diag\tnslsnr\slc01auu\listener\alert\log.xml
			Listening Endpoints Summary...
			Services Summary...
			Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
			  Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
			The command completed successfully

c:\apex\apex>lsnrctl stop

			LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 13-JUL-2018 13:59:00

			Copyright (c) 1991, 2012, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

			The command completed successfully	

Example 4-29 Setting the environment variables to the new Oracle home

c:\apex\apex>set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle1\product\18.1.0\dbhome_1


c:\apex\apex>SET ORACLE_SID=ORCL11	

Example 4-30 Copying the PFILE to the New Oracle home, and Creating a New Service Using the New Oracle Database binary

This example shows how to use the Windows-specific ORADIM utility to create a new database service. In this example, the PFILE from the earlier release is compatible with the new release.

c:\apex\apex>C:\app\oracle1\product\18.1.0\dbhome_1\bin\oradim -new -sid orcl11 -syspwd 
My-sys-password -maxusers 1000 -startmode auto -pfile  C:\app\oracle1\product\18.1.0\dbhome_1\database\initorcl11.ora

			Enter password for Oracle service user:
			Instance created.

Example 4-31 Starting the Database Upgrade

Start the upgrade using the Parallel Upgrade Utility.


You can find that you have to change the folder symbolic links on the PFILE for paths such as DIAGNOSTIC_DEST. If this is the case, then you see errors such as the following examples:

ORA-48173: error checking directory existence during ADR initialization [C:\app\oracle2\diag\rdbms\orcl11]
ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info

If you see these errors, then grant permissions to the user on the earlier release Oracle home, and on all the related folders with inheritance. Make this change also on any access control list (ACL) that the database accesses, such as wallet files. This step is particularly necessary if you are using the earlier release Oracle home as an ORADATA location.

If you are using the built-in account, then the service runs as LocalSystem. If you are using a virtual account, then services run using the Windows virtual accounts, with names derived from the service name. If the Oracle Database 19c binaries owner is a virtual account, then you must add that virtual account to the group ORA_Homename_SVCAACCTS, instead of adding the Oracle Home User.

Oracle Database 19c includes a shell script, dbupgrade. The shell script calls the Parallel Upgrade Utility (catctl.pl), so that you can run the upgrade as a command. This example shows the upgrade of Oracle Database from release to release 19c. The upgrade time for your system can vary from the results in this example.

				C:\app\oracle1\product\19.1.0\dbhome_1\bin>REM Batch file to execute catctl.pl

				Argument list for [C:\app\oracle1\product\19\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin\catctl.pl]
				Run in                c = 0
				Do not run in         C = 0
				Input Directory       d = 0
				Echo OFF              e = 1
				Simulate              E = 0
				Forced cleanup        F = 0
				Log Id                i = 0
				Child Process         I = 0
				Log Dir               l = c:\temp2
				Priority List Name    L = 0
				Upgrade Mode active   M = 0
				SQL Process Count     n = 4
				SQL PDB Process Count N = 0
				Open Mode Normal      o = 0
				Start Phase           p = 0
				End Phase             P = 0
				Reverse Order         r = 0
				AutoUpgrade Resume    R = 0
				Script                s = 0
				Serial Run            S = 0
				RO User Tablespaces   T = 0
				Display Phases        y = 0
				Debug catcon.pm       z = 0
				Debug catctl.pl       Z = 0

				catctl.pl VERSION: []
                    STATUS: [production]
                    BUILD: [RDBMS_MAIN_WINDOWS.X64_160624]

				C:\app\oracle1\product\19.1.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin\orahome.exe = [C:\app\oracle1\product\19.1.0\dbhome_1]
				C:\app\oracle1\product\19.1.0\dbhome_1\bin\orabasehome.exe = [C:\app\oracle1\product\189.1.0\dbhome_1]
				catctlGetOrabase = [C:\app\oracle1\product\19.1.0\dbhome_1]

				Analyzing file C:\app\oracle1\product\19.1.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\admin\catupgrd.sql

				Log file directory = [c:\temp2]

				catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [c:\temp2/catupgrd_catcon_3252.lst]
				catcon: See [c:\temp2/catupgrd*.log] files for output generated by scripts
				catcon: See [c:\temp2/catupgrd_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

				Number of Cpus        = 2
				Database Name         = orcl11
				DataBase Version      =
				Parallel SQL Process Count            = 4
				Components in [orcl11]
				Not Installed [DV EM MGW ODM OLS RAC WK]

				Phases [0-109]         Start Time:[2018_12_13 15:49:40]
				***********   Executing Change Scripts   ***********
				Serial   Phase #:0    [orcl11] Files:1			

				Phases [0-109]         End Time:[2018_12_13 16:53:27]

				Grand Total Time: 3830s

				 LOG FILES: (c:\temp2\catupgrd*.log)

				Upgrade Summary Report Located in:

				Grand Total Upgrade Time:    [0d:1h:3m:50s]

Example 4-32 Completing the Post-Upgrade Checks

Start the upgraded Oracle Database, and check the version and status.

C:\app\oracle1\product\19.1.0\dbhome_1\bin>sqlplus / as sysdba

				SQL*Plus: Release 19.1.0 Production on Thu Dec 13 09:38:50 201

				Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

				Connected to an idle instance.

				SQL> startup
				ORACLE instance started.

				Total System Global Area 1828716544 bytes
				Fixed Size                  8740096 bytes
				Variable Size             503317248 bytes
				Database Buffers         1308622848 bytes
				Redo Buffers                8036352 bytes
				Database mounted.
				Database opened.
				SQL> select open_mode from v$database;


				SQL> select version from v$instance;



After the upgrade is complete, carry out post-upgrade checks to ensure that objects are valid, and that there are no remaining issues.