16.3 DBFS File System Access

This section describes the various interfaces through which you can access the DBFS File System.

16.3.1 DBFS Client Prerequisites

The DBFS File System client side application, which is named dbfs_client, runs on each system that will access to DBFS.

The prerequisites for the DBFS File System Client, dbfs_client, are:

  • The dbfs_client host must have the Oracle client libraries installed.

  • The dbfs_client can be used as a direct RDBMS client using the DBFS Command Interface on Linux, Linux.X64, Solaris, Solaris64, AIX, HPUX and Windows platforms.

  • The dbfs_client can only be used as a mount client on Linux, Linux.X64, and Solaris 11 platforms. The dbfs_client host must have the FUSE Linux package or the Solaris libfuse package installed.

    See Also:

    DBFS Mounting Interface (Linux and Solaris Only) for further details.

The DBFS client command-line interface allows you to perform many pre-defined commands, such as copy files in and out of the DBFS filesystem from any host on the network.

The command-line interface has slightly better performance than the DBFS client mount interface because it does not mount the file system, thus bypassing the user space file system. However, it is not transparent to applications.

The DBFS client mount interface allows DBFS to be mounted through a file system mount point thus providing transparent access to files stored in DBFS with generic file system operations.

To run DBFS commands, specify --command to the DBFS client.

16.3.2 Multiple Mount Points on DBFS Client

Starting from Oracle Database Release 21c, a single Database File System (DBFS) client instance can mount multiple DBFS, owned by different database users across different database instances.

To enable access to multiple database users, the DBFS client has to manage multiple mount points. Each mount point enables one database user to access DBFS.

When the DBFS client provides access to a single database user through a single mount point, it is termed as Single User Mount Version (SUMV) mode and when the DBFS client provides access to multiple database users through multiple mount points, it is termed as Multi User Mount Version (MUMV) mode.

You can start a DBFS client in either of these modes. However, once you start the client in any mode, you cannot switch to the other mode without restarting the client. If a DBFS client is started in the MUMV mode, then the client creates a pseudo file system called Manager File System (MFS), which acts as an interface between the OS user and the DBFS client.

You can start the MUMV mode in two variants, one that can mount DBFS across multiple container databases or one that can mount only DBFS belonging to different pluggable databases of a single container database. The MUMV variant that mounts DBFS from multiple databases is termed as the Cross-Database variant and the one that mounts DBFS for multiple PDBs of a single container database as the CDB variant. Both the variants are started by specifying only the MFS mount points during start up. The DBFS mounts are added by setting extended attributes on the MFS mount point. MUMV for CDB Variant

The CDB variant of the Multi User Mount Version (MUMV) mode manages the mount points of Database File System (DBFS) that belong to different pluggable databases (PDBs) of a single container database (CDB).

Remember the following points while working with the CDB variant of the MUMV mode:

  • The DBFS client, managing multiple DBFS mount points of a single container, should be provided with the credentials to connect to a common user of the CDB at CDB$ROOT. The DBFS to be mounted, should be created in or exported to this common user in the PDBs.
  • A mount point must be specified for the DBFS in every PDB in the given container. The DBFS client connects to the CDB$ROOT, using common user credentials, and then switches to the required PDB to access the DBFS through the specified mount point. MUMV for Cross-Database Variant

The Cross-Database variant of the Multi User Mount Version (MUMV) mode manages mount points for Database File System (DBFS) in multiple databases.

Remember the following points while working with the Cross-Database variant of the MUMV mode:

  • The DBFS client must have the credentials of a database user on each database to manage the respective DBFS mount points.
  • A DBFS mount point must be specified for each database user and a DBFS must be created in their respective schemas.

16.3.3 Manager File System

The Manager File System is the interface between the OS user and the DBFS Client. The OS user can communicate with the Client through limited File System commands.

The Manager File System (MFS) is enabled only in the Multi User Mount Version (MUMV) mode. It treats the various mount points managed by the DBFS Client as files. The MFS provides an easy interface for the OS users to manage multiple mount points.

The MFS does not create or store files on the disk. Only a limited file system operations are allowed on the MFS mount point.

No OS user can create files or directories under the MFS. Adding a DBFS Mount Point

You can add DBFS mount points by specifying extended attributes on the MFS mount points.


The MUMV mode works only in wallet mode, even if you do not specify the -o wallet option. As there is no way to provide passwords in the DBFS commend-line interface, you must add all the credentials required by the DBFS client in the wallet.

While using a CDB variant of the MUMV mode, add the mount points for each of the PDB in the CDB by setting the extended attribute on the /mnt/mfs directory, where /mnt/mfs is the MFS mount point.

Defining the Mount Points in a CDB Variant

Perform the following steps to define the mount points in a CDB variant of the MUMV mode:

  1. Start the DBFS client to connect to the common user at the CDB$ROOT, specifying the MFS mount point and the wallet alias at the start up:
    % dbfs_client -o mfs_mount=/mnt/mfs -o cdb=inst_cdb

    Where, /mnt/mfs is the MFS mount point. It can be any empty directory of your choice. inst_cdb is the alias insert into the wallet that can connect to the common user in CDB$ROOT.

  2. Add a DBFS mount point by setting an extended attribute in the following way:
    % setfattr -n mount_pdb -v " pdb1 /mnt/mp1" /mnt/mfs/


    • mount_pdb is the name of the extended attribute to mount a DBFS mount point in CDB variant
    • pdb1 is the name of the PDB in the particular CDB, which is pointed to by inst_cdb
    • /mnt/mp1 is the mount directory, where the DBFS present in the common user in the PDB pdb1, should be mounted
    • /mnt/mfs is the MFS mount directory that was used during the start up of the dbfs_client command
  3. (Optional) Add more DBFS mount points by setting the same extended attribute with different arguments in the following way:
       % setfattr -n mount_pdb  -v " pdb2 /mnt/mp2" /mnt/mfs 
       % setfattr -n mount_pdb  -v " pdb3 /mnt/mp3" /mnt/mfs 

    Where, pdb2 and pdb3 are the actual names of the PDBs in the container.

Defining the Mount Points in a Cross-Database Variant

Perform the following steps to define the mount points in a Cross-Database variant of the MUMV mode:

  1. Start the DBFS client in MUMV Cross-Database variant by specifying the MFS mount point at the start up in the following way:
    % dbfs_client -o mfs_mount=/mnt/mfs

    Where, /mnt/mfs is the MFS mount point. It can be any empty directory of your choice

  2. Add a DBFS mount point by setting an extended attribute in the following way:
    % setfattr -n mount -v " inst1 /mnt/mp1" /mnt/mfs/


    • mount is the name of the extended attribute to mount a DBFS mount in Cross-Database variant
    • inst1 is the wallet alias that connects to the DB user, for which DBFS needs to be mounted
    • /mnt/mp1 is the mount directory, where the DBFS should be mounted
    • /mnt/mfs is the MFS mount directory that was used during the start up of the dbfs_client command
  3. (Optional) Add more DBFS mount points by setting the same extended attribute with different arguments in the following way:
    % setfattr -n mount -v "inst2 /mnt/mp2" /mnt/mfs/
    % setfattr -n mount -v "inst3 /mnt/mp3" /mnt/mfs/

    Where, inst2 and inst3 are aliases that must exist in the wallet. The DBFS client must have the credentials to connect to the user in the database and they should have at least one DBFS created in their schema. Listing DBFS Mount Points

Each DBFS mount point has a corresponding file under the MFS directory, /mnt/mfs. So, you can use the standard Linux command ls to list the DBFS mount points.

The following code snippet shows how to list all the DBFS mount points:
% ls  -l  /mnt/mfs

The content of each file under the /mnt/mfs directory, provides details about the parameters used in the corresponding mount point.

The MFS is a read-only file system. You cannot create any file or directory within it using any application, apart from the DBFS Client. Anything that appears as a file or a directory under the MFS, is defined by the DBFS Client. Unmounting a DBFS Mount Point

The procedure to unmount a DBFS mount point is the same for both the CDB variant and the Cross-Database variant of the MUMV mode.

You must unmount a mount point using the FUSE executable file, fusermount. The following code snippet shows how to drop a DBFS mount point:

% fusermount –u /mnt/mp1 Configuration Parameters of DBFS Client

All configuration parameters of DBFS client in Single User Mount Version (SUMV) mode can also be used with the DBFS client in Multi User Mount Version (MUMV) mode at the time of start up.

All the command-line options passed to the DBFS client in the MUMV mode are inherited by all the DBFS mount points that may be added later. For example, for the following dbfs_client command, the DBFS mounted at the /mnt/mp1 mount point automatically inherits the spool_max value as 32 and the max_threads value as 16:

% dbfs_client -o mfs_mount=/mnt/mfs -o spool_max=32 -o max_threads=16
% setfattr -n mount -v "inst1 /mnt/mp1" /mnt/mfs

If you want to configure a mount point differently than the DBFS client, then use the setfattr command in the following way:

% sefattr -n mount -v "inst2 /mnt/mp2 -o trace_file=/tmp/clnt.trc,trace_level=1" /mnt/mfs

The preceding command enables only the trace for the DBFS client at the /mnt/mp2 mount point, but does not inherit the spool_max and max_threads arguments that were specified at the time of start up. The values specified with the setfattr command overwrite the values specified during start up. Diagnosability of DBFS Client

Starting from Oracle Database Release 21c, the DBFS Client writes an alert file in the client trace directory of the configured Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) base.

The alert files are generated for every instance of the DBFS client and can be found under the clients/DBFS/DBFS/trace directory of the ADR base. The file name is of the format dbfs_alert_<client_pid>.trc.

The alert file is different from the trace file. It is always enabled and only important activities of the DBFS clients are written to the alert file.

16.3.4 DBFS Client Command-Line Interface Operations

The DBFS client command-line interface allows you to directly access files stored in DBFS. About the DBFS Client Command-Line Interface

The DBFS client command-line interface allows you to perform many pre-defined commands, such as copy files in and out of the DBFS filesystem from any host on the network.

The command-line interface has slightly better performance than the DBFS client mount interface because it does not mount the file system, thus bypassing the user space file system. However, it is not transparent to applications.

The DBFS client mount interface allows DBFS to be mounted through a file system mount point thus providing transparent access to files stored in DBFS with generic file system operations.

To run DBFS commands, specify --command to the DBFS client.

All DBFS content store paths , in command-line interface ,must be preceded by dbfs: .This is an example: dbfs:/staging_area/file1. All database path names specified must be absolute paths.

dbfs_client db_user@db_server--command command [switches] [arguments]


  • command is the executable command, such as ls, cp, mkdir, or rm.
  • switches are specific for each command.
  • arguments are file names or directory names, and are specific for each command.

Note that dbfs_client returns a nonzero value in case of failure. Listing a Directory

You can use the ls command to list the contents of a directory.

Use this syntax:

dbfs_client db_user@db_server --command ls [switches] target


  • target is the listed directory.

  • switches is any combination of the following:

    • -a shows all files, including '.' and '..'.

    • -l shows the long listing format: name of each file, the file type, permissions, and size.

    • -R lists subdirectories recursively.

For example:

$ dbfs_client ETLUser@DBConnectString --command  ls dbfs:/staging_area/dir1


$ dbfs_client ETLUser@DBConnectString --command  ls -l -a -R dbfs:/staging_area/dir1 Copying Files and Directories

You can use the cp command to copy files or directories from the source location to the destination location.

The cp command also supports recursive copy of directories.

dbfs_client db_user@db_server --command cp [switches] source destination


  • source is the source location.

  • destination is the destination location.

  • switches is either -R or -r, the options to recursively copy all source contents into the destination directory.

The following example copies the contents of the local directory, 01-01-10-dump recursively into a directory in DBFS:

$ dbfs_client ETLUser@DBConnectString --command cp -R  01-01-10-dump dbfs:/staging_area/

The following example copies the file hello.txt from DBFS to a local file Hi.txt:

$ dbfs_client ETLUser@DBConnectString --command cp dbfs:/staging_area/hello.txt Hi.txt Removing Files and Directories

You can use the command rm to delete a file or directory.

The command rm also supports recursive delete of directories.

dbfs_client db_user@db_server --command rm [switches] target


  • target is the listed directory.

  • switches is either -R or -r, the options to recursively delete all contents.

For example:

$ dbfs_client ETLUser@DBConnectString --command rm  dbfs:/staging_area/srcdir/hello.txt


$ dbfs_client ETLUser@DBConnectString --command rm -R  dbfs:/staging_area/dir1

16.3.5 DBFS Mounting Interface (Linux and Solaris Only)

You can mount DBFS using the dbfs_client in Linux and Solaris only.

The instructions indicate the different requirements for the Linux and Solaris platforms. Installing FUSE on Solaris 11 SRU7 and Later

You can use dbfs_client as a mount client in Solaris 11 SRU7 and later, if you install FUSE

Install FUSE to use dbfs_client as a mount client in Solaris 11 SRU7 and later.

  • Run the following package as root.

    pkg install libfuse Solaris-Specific Privileges

On Solaris, the user must have the Solaris privilege PRIV_SYS_MOUNT to perform mount and unmount operations on DBFS filesystems.

Give the user the Solaris privilege PRIV_SYS_MOUNT .

  1. Edit /etc/user_attr.

  2. Add or modify the user entry (assuming the user is Oracle) as follows:

    oracle::::type=normal;project=group.dba;defaultpriv=basic,priv_sys_mount;;auth s=solaris.smf.* About the Mount Command for Solaris and Linux

The dbfs_client mount command for Solaris and Linux uses specific syntax.


dbfs_client db_user@db_server [-o option_1 -o option_2 ...] mount_point

where the mandatory parameters are:

  • db_user is the name of the database user who owns the DBFS content store file system.

  • db_server is a valid connect string to the Oracle Database server, such as hrdb_host:1521/hrservice or an alias specified in the tnsnames.ora.

  • mount_point is the path where the Database File System is mounted. Note that all file systems owned by the database user are visible at the mount point.

The options are:

  • direct_io: To bypass the OS page cache and provide improved performance for large files. Programs in the file system cannot be executed with this option. Oracle recommends this option when DBFS is used as an ETL staging area.

  • wallet: To run the DBFS client in the background. The Wallet must be configured to get its credentials.

  • failover: To fail over the DBFS client to surviving database instances without data loss. Expect some performance cost on writes, especially for small files.

  • allow_root: To allow the root user to access the filesystem. You must set the user_allow_other parameter in the /etc/fuse.conf configuration file.

  • allow_other: To allow other users to access the filesystem. You must set the user_allow_other parameter in the /etc/fuse.conf configuration file.

  • rw: To mount the filesystem as read-write. This is the default setting.

  • ro: To mount the filesystem as read-only. Files cannot be modified.

  • trace_level=n sets the trace level. Trace levels are:

    • 1 DEBUG

    • 2 INFO

    • 3 WARNING

    • 4 ERROR: The default tracing level. It outputs diagnostic information only when an error happens. It is recommended that this tracing level is always enabled.

    • 5 CRITICAL

  • trace_file=STR: Specifies the tracing log file, where STR can be either a file_name or syslog.

  • trace_size=trcfile_size: Specifies size of the trace file in MB. By default, dbfs_client rotates tracing output between two 10MB files. Specifying 0 for trace_size sets the maximum size of the trace file to unlimited. Mounting a File System with a Wallet

You can mount a file system with a wallet after configuring various environment variables.

You must first configure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ORACLE_HOME environment variables and sqlnet.ora correctly before mounting a file system with a wallet.

  1. Login as admin user.
  2. Mount the DBFS store. (Oracle recommends that you do not perform this step as root user.)
    % dbfs_client @/dbfsdb -o wallet,rw,user,direct_io /mnt/dbfs
  3. [Optional] To test if the previous step was successful, as admin user, list the dbfs directory.
    $ ls /mnt/tdbfs

    Using the wallet option runs the dbfs_client in the background Mounting a File System with Password at Command Prompt

You must enter a password at the command prompt to mount a file system using dbfs_client.

  • Execute the following command at the command prompt and provide the password:

    $ dbfs_client ETLUser@DBConnectString /mnt/dbfs
      password: xxxxxxx

    The dbfs_client runs in the foreground after the password is provided at the command prompt. Unmounting a File System

In Linux, you can run fusermount to unmount file systems.

To run fusermount in Linux, do the following:

  • Run the following:

     $ fusermount -u <mount point>

In Solaris, you can run umount to unmount file systems.

  • Run the following:

     $ umount -u <mount point> Mounting DBFS Through fstab Utility for Linux

In Linux, you can configure fstab utility to use dbfs_client to mount a DBFS filesystem.

To mount DBFS through /etc/fstab, you must use Oracle Wallet for authentication.

  1. Login as root user.
  2. Change the user and group of dbfs_client to user root and group fuse.
    # chown root.fuse $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfs_client
  3. Set the setuid bit on dbfs_client and restrict execute privileges to the user and group only.
    # chmod u+rwxs,g+rx-w,o-rwx dbfs_client
  4. Create a symbolic link to dbfs_client in /sbin as "mount.dbfs".
    $ ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfs_client /sbin/mount.dbfs
  5. Create a new Linux group called "fuse".
  6. Add the Linux user that is running the DBFS Client to the fuse group.
  7. Add the following line to /etc/fstab:
    /sbin/mount.dbfs#db_user@db_server mount_point fuse rw,user,noauto 0 0

    For example:

    /sbin/mount.dbfs#/@DBConnectString /mnt/dbfs fuse rw,user,noauto 0 0
  8. The Linux user can mount the DBFS file system using the standard Linux mount command. For example:
    $ mount /mnt/dbfs

    Note that FUSE does not currently support automount. Mounting DBFS Through the vfstab Utility for Solaris

On Solaris, file systems are commonly configured using the vfstab utility.

  1. Create a mount shell script mount_dbfs.sh to use to start dbfs_client. All the environment variables that are required for Oracle RDBMS must be exported. These environment variables include TNS_ADMIN, ORACLE_HOME, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example:
    export TNS_ADMIN=/export/home/oracle/dbfs/tnsadmin
    export ORACLE_HOME=/export/home/oracle/11.2.0/dbhome_1
    export DBFS_USER=dbfs_user
    export DBFS_PASSWD=/tmp/passwd.f
    export DBFS_DB_CONN=dbfs_db
    export O=$ORACLE_HOME
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$O/lib:$O/rdbms/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export NOHUP_LOG=/tmp/dbfs.nohup
    (nohup $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfs_client $DBFS_USER@$DBFS_DB_CONN < $DBFS_PASSWD
             2>&1 & ) &
  2. Add an entry for DBFS to /etc/vfstab. Specify the mount_dbfs.sh script for the device_to_mount. Specify uvfs for the FS_type. Specify no formount_at_boot. Specify mount options as needed. For example:
    /usr/local/bin/mount_dbfs.sh - /mnt/dbfs uvfs - no rw,allow_other
  3. User can mount the DBFS file system using the standard Solaris mount command. For example:
    $ mount /mnt/dbfs
  4. User can unmount the DBFS file system using the standard Solaris umount command. For example:
    $ umount /mnt/dbfs Restrictions on Mounted File Systems

DBFS supports most file system operations with exceptions.

The exceptions are:

  • ioctl

  • range locking (file locking is supported)

  • asynchronous I/O through libaio

  • O_DIRECT file opens

  • hard links

  • other special file modes

Memory-mapped files are supported except in shared-writable mode. For performance reasons, DBFS does not update the file access time every time file data or the file data attributes are read.

You cannot run programs which user Memory mapped files from a DBFS-mounted file system if the direct_io option is specified.

Oracle does not support exporting DBFS file systems using NFS or Samba. Restrictions on Types of Files Stored at DBFS Mount Points

DBFS should be avoided in scenarios that can cause a file operation on the DBFS files resulting in more data to be written back to the DBFS.

The following scenarios are not exhaustive but provide examples of operations that can make the DBFS and the database interdependent and hence should be avoided:

  • Sample Scenario 1: DBFS is the destination for the trace files generated by the same database that is hosting the DBFS.

    For example: The act of writing the trace file into the DBFS could generate more trace data to be written back into DBFS.

  • Sample Scenario 2: The trail file of a database replication is in a DBFS and the DBFS is in the SAME database that is being replicated.

    For example: The act of writing into the trail by the replication process generates redo. This redo could feed back into the replication.

  • Sample Scenario 3: DBFS is the destination of any database files of the same database.

    For example: The data files, control files, redo log files could make the DBFS and the database inter dependent.

16.3.6 File System Security Model

The database manages security in DBFS. It does not use the operating system security model. About the File System Security Model

DBFS operates under a security model where all file systems created by a user are private to that user, by default.

Oracle recommends maintaining this model. Because operating system users and Oracle Database users are different, it is possible to allow multiple operating system users to mount a single DBFS filesystem. These mounts may potentially have different mount options and permissions. For example, OS user1 may mount a DBFS filesystem as READ ONLY, and OS user2 may mount it as READ WRITE. However, Oracle Database views both users as having the same privileges because they would be accessing the filesystem as the same database user.

Access to a database file system requires a database login as a database user with privileges on the tables that underlie the file system.The database administrator grants access to a file system to database users, and different database users may have different READ or UPDATE privileges to the file system. The database administrator has access to all files stored in the DBFS file system.

On each client computer, access to a DBFS mount point is limited to the operating system user that mounts the file system. This, however, does not limit the number of users who can access the DBFS file system, because many users may separately mount the same DBFS file system.

DBFS only performs database privilege checking. Linux performs operating system file-level permission checking when a DBFS file system is mounted. DBFS does not perform this check either when using the command interface or when using the PL/SQL interface directly. Enabling Shared Root Access

As an operating system user who mounts the file system, you can allow root access to the file system by specifying the allow_root option.

This option requires that the /etc/fuse.conf file contain the user_allow_other field, as demonstrated in Example 16-1.

Example 16-1 Enabling Root Access for Other Users

# Allow users to specify the 'allow_root' mount option.
user_allow_other About DBFS Access Among Multiple Database Users

DBFS allows multiple users to share a subset of the filesystem state.

A Single filesystem may be accessed by multiple database users. For example, the database user that owns the filesystem may be a privileged user and sharing its user credentials may pose a security risk. To mitigate this, DBFS allows multiple database users to share a subset of the filesystem state.

While DBFS registrations and mounts made through the DBFS Content API are private to each user, the underlying filesystem and the tables on which they rely may be shared across users. After this is done, the individual filesystems may be independently mounted and used by different database users, either through SQL/PLSQL, or through dbfs_client. Establishing DBFS Access Sharing Across Multiple Database Users

Learn about sharing access of DBFS to multiple database users in this section.

In the following example, user user1 is able to modify the filesystem, and user user2 can see these changes. Here, user1 is the database user that creates a filesystem, and user2 is the database user that eventually uses dbfs_client to mount and access the filesystem. Both user1 and user2 must have the DBFS_ROLE privilege.

  1. Connect as the user who creates the filesystem.
    sys@tank as sysdba> connect user1
  2. Create the filesystem user1_FS, register the store, and mount it as user1_mt.
    user1@tank> exec dbms_dbfs_sfs.createFilesystem('user1_FS');
    user1@tank> exec dbms_dbfs_content.registerStore('user1_FS', 'posix', 'DBMS_DBFS_SFS');
    user1@tank> exec dbms_dbfs_content.mountStore('user1_FS', 'user1_mnt');
    user1@tank> commit;
  3. [Optional] You may check that the previous step has completed successfully by viewing all mounts.
    user1@tank> select * from table(dbms_dbfs_content.listMounts);
    ---------------------|- ---------|------------------------------------------
    user1_FS             | 1362968596|posix
    "DBMS_DBFS_SFS"      | 3350646887|0.5.0                | 12714135  141867344
    01-FEB-10 PM
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('principal', (null), 9),
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('owner', (null), 9), 
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('acl', (null), 9), 
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('asof', (null), 187),
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('read_only', '0', 2))

  4. [Optional] Connect as the user who will use the dbfs_client.
    user1@tank> connect user2
  5. [Optional] Note that user2 cannot see user1's DBFS state, as he has no mounts.
    user2@tank> select * from table(dbms_dbfs_content.listMounts);
  6. While connected as user1, export filesystem user1_FS for access to any user with DBFS_ROLE privilege.
    user1@tank> exec dbms_dbfs_sfs.exportFilesystem('user1_FS');
    user1@tank> commit;
  7. Connect as the user who will use the dbfs_client.
    user1@tank> connect user2
  8. As user2, view all available tables.
    user2@tank> select * from table(dbms_dbfs_sfs.listTables);
    SCHEMA_NAME                |TABLE_NAME                 |PTABLE_NAME
    user1                        |SFS$_FST_11                |SFS$_FSTP_11
    01-FEB-10 PM
    01-FEB-10 PM
  9. As user2, register and mount the store, but do not re-create the user1_FS filesystem.
    user2@tank> exec dbms_dbfs_sfs.registerFilesystem(
       'user2_FS', 'user1', 'SFS$_FST_11');
    user2@tank> exec dbms_dbfs_content.registerStore(
       'user2_FS', 'posix', 'DBMS_DBFS_SFS');
    user2@tank> exec dbms_dbfs_content.mountStore(
       'user2_FS', 'user2_mnt');
    user2@tank> commit;
  10. [Optional] As user2, you may check that the previous step has completed successfully by viewing all mounts.
    user2@tank> select * from table(dbms_dbfs_content.listMounts);
    ---------------------|- ---------|------------------------------------------
    user2_FS             | 1362968596|posix
    "DBMS_DBFS_SFS"      | 3350646887|0.5.0                | 12714135  141867344
    01-FEB-10 PM
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('principal', (null), 9),
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('owner', (null), 9), 
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('acl', (null), 9), 
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('asof', (null), 187),
      DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT_PROPERTY_T('read_only', '0', 2))

  11. [Optional] List path names for user2 and user1. Note that another mount, user2_mnt,for store user2_FS, is available for user2. However, the underlying filesystem data is the same for user2 as for user1.
    user2@tank> select pathname from dbfs_content;
    user2@tank> connect user1
    user1@tank> select pathname from dbfs_content;
  12. In filesystem user1_FS, user1 creates file xxx.
    user1@tank> declare
                    data blob;
                    properties dbms_dbfs_content.properties_t;
                    properties('posix:mode') := dbms_dbfs_content.propNumber(33188);
                    dbms_dbfs_content.createFile('/user1_mnt/xxx', properties => properties, content => data);
  13. [Optional] Write to file xxx, created in the previous step.
    user1@tank> var buf varchar2(100);
    user1@tank> exec :buf := 'hello world';
    user1@tank> exec dbms_lob.writeappend(:data, length(:buf), utl_raw.cast_to_raw(:buf));
    user1@tank> commit;
  14. [Optional] Show that file xxx exists, and contains the appended data.
    user1@tank> select pathname, utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(filedata) 
      from dbfs_content where filedata is not null;
    hello world
  15. User user2 sees the same file in their own DBFS-specific path name and mount prefix.
    user1@tank> connect user2
    user2@tank> select pathname, utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(filedata) from
      dbfs_content where filedata is not null;
    hello world

After the export and register pairing completes, both users behave as equals with regard to their usage of the underlying tables. The exportFilesystem() procedure manages the necessary grants for access to the same data, which is shared between schemas. After user1 calls exportFilesystem(), filesystem access may be granted to any user with DBFS_ROLE. Note that a different role can be specified to exportFilesystem.

Subsequently, user2 may create a new DBFS filesystem that shares the same underlying storage as the user1_FS filesystem, by invoking dbms_dbfs_sfs.registerFilesystem(), dbms_dbfs_sfs.registerStore(), and dmbs_dbfs_sfs.mountStore() procedure calls.

When multiple database users share a filesystem, they must ensure that all database users unregister their interest in the filesystem before the owner (here, user1) drops the filesystem.

Oracle does not recommend that you run the DBFS as root.

16.3.7 HTTP, WebDAV, and FTP Access to DBFS

Components that enable HTTP, WebDAV, and FTP access to DBFS over the Internet use various XML DB server protocols. Internet Access to DBFS Through XDB

To provide database users who have DBFS authentication with a hierarchical file system-like view of registered and mounted DBFS stores, stores are displayed under the path /dbfs.

The /dbfs folder is a virtual folder because the resources in its subtree are stored in DBFS stores, not the XDB repository. XDB issues a dbms_dbfs_content.list() command for the root path name "/" (with invoker rights) and receives a list of store access points as subfolders in the /dbfs folder. The list is comparable to store_mount parameters passed to dbms_dbfs_content.mountStore(). FTP and WebDAV users can navigate to these stores, while HTTP and HTTPS users access URLs from browsers.

Note that features implemented by the XDB repository, such as repository events, resource configurations, and ACLs, are not available for the /dbfs folder.

DBFS Content API for guidelines on DBFS store creation, registration, deregistration, mount, unmount and deletion Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Access

WebDAV is an IETF standard protocol that provides users with a file-system-like interface to a repository over the Internet.

WebDAV server folders are typically accessed through Web Folders on Microsoft Windows (2000/NT/XP/Vista/7, and so on). You can access a resource using its fully qualified name, for example, /dbfs/sfs1/dir1/file1.txt, where sfs1 is the name of a DBFS store.

You need to set up WebDAV on Windows to access the DBFS filesystem.

The user authentication required to access the DBFS virtual folder is the same as for the XDB repository.

When a WebDAV client connects to a WebDAV server for the first time, the user is typically prompted for a username and password, which the client uses for all subsequent requests. From a protocol point-of-view, every request contains authentication information, which XDB uses to authenticate the user as a valid database user. If the user does not exist, the client does not get access to the DBFS store or the XDB repository. Upon successful authentication, the database user becomes the current user in the session.

XDB supports both basic authentication and digest authentication. For security reasons, it is highly recommended that HTTPS transport be used if basic authentication is enabled. FTP Access to DBFS

FTP access to DBFS uses the standard FTP clients found on most Unix-based distributions. FTP is a file transfer mechanism built on client-server architecture with separate control and data connections.

FTP users are authenticated as database users. The protocol, as outlined in RFC 959, uses clear text user name and password for authentication. Therefore, FTP is not a secure protocol.

The following commands are supported for DBFS:

  • USER: Authentication username

  • PASS: Authentication password

  • CWD: Change working directory

  • CDUP: Change to Parent directory

  • QUIT: Disconnect

  • PORT: Specifies an address and port to which the server should connect

  • PASV: Enter passive mode

  • TYPE: Sets the transfer mode, such as, ASCII or Binary

  • RETR: Transfer a copy of the file

  • STOR: Accept the data and store the data as a file at the server site

  • RNFR: Rename From

  • RNTO: Rename To

  • DELE: Delete file

  • RMD: Remove directory

  • MKD: Make a directory

  • PWD: Print working directory

  • LIST: Listing of a file or directory. Default is current directory.

  • NLST: Returns file names in a directory

  • HELP: Usage document

  • SYST: Return system type

  • FEAT: Gets the feature list implemented by the server

  • NOOP: No operation (used for keep-alives)

  • EPRT: Extended address (IPv6) and port to which the server should connect

  • EPSV: Enter extended passive mode (IPv6) HTTP Access to DBFS

Users have read-only access through HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

Users point their browsers to a DBFS store using the XDB HTTP server with a URL such as https://hostname:port/dbfs/sfs1 where sfs1 is a DBFS store name.