The DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package, one of a set of Oracle Replication packages, provides administrative interfaces for configuring a propagation from a source queue to a destination queue.

This chapter contains the following topics:


This package provides interfaces to start, stop, and configure a propagation.

140.2 DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM Security Model

Security on this package can be controlled by granting EXECUTE on this package to selected users or roles, or by granting EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE to selected users or roles.

If subprograms in the package are run from within a stored procedure, then the user who runs the subprograms must be granted EXECUTE privilege on the package directly. It cannot be granted through a role.

When the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package is used to manage an Oracle Replication configuration, it requires that the user is granted the privileges of an Oracle Replication administrator.

140.3 Summary of DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM Subprograms

This table lists the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM subprograms and briefly describes them.

Table 140-1 DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM Package Subprograms

Subprogram Description


Adds, alters, or removes a rule set for a propagation


Creates a propagation and specifies the source queue, destination queue, and rule set for the propagation


Drops a propagation


Starts a propagation


Stops a propagation


All subprograms commit unless specified otherwise.

140.3.1 ALTER_PROPAGATION Procedure

This procedure adds, alters, or removes a rule set for a propagation.


     propagation_name          IN  VARCHAR2,
     rule_set_name             IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
     remove_rule_set           IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
     negative_rule_set_name    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
     remove_negative_rule_set  IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE);


Table 140-2 ALTER_PROPAGATION Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the propagation you are altering. You must specify an existing propagation name. Do not specify an owner.


The name of the positive rule set for the propagation. The positive rule set contains the rules that instruct the propagation to propagate messages.

If you want to use a positive rule set for the propagation, then you must specify an existing rule set in the form [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to specify a positive rule set in the hr schema named prop_rules, enter hr.prop_rules. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

An error is returned if the specified rule set does not exist. You can create a rule set and add rules to it using the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

If you specify NULL and the remove_rule_set parameter is set to FALSE, then the procedure retains any existing positive rule set. If you specify NULL and the remove_rule_set parameter is set to TRUE, then the procedure removes any existing positive rule set.


If TRUE, then the procedure removes the positive rule set for the specified propagation. If you remove a positive rule set for a propagation, and the propagation does not have a negative rule set, then the propagation propagates all messages.

If you remove a positive rule set for a propagation, and a negative rule set exists for the propagation, then the propagation propagates all messages in its queue that are not discarded by the negative rule set.

If FALSE, then the procedure retains the positive rule set for the specified propagation.

If the rule_set_name parameter is non-NULL, then this parameter should be set to FALSE.


The name of the negative rule set for the propagation. The negative rule set contains the rules that instruct the propagation to discard messages.

If you want to use a negative rule set for the propagation, then you must specify an existing rule set in the form [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to specify a negative rule set in the hr schema named neg_rules, enter hr.neg_rules. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

An error is returned if the specified rule set does not exist. You can create a rule set and add rules to it using the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

If you specify NULL and the remove_negative_rule_set parameter is set to FALSE, then the procedure retains any existing negative rule set. If you specify NULL and the remove_negative_rule_set parameter is set to TRUE, then the procedure removes any existing negative rule set.

If you specify both a positive and a negative rule set for a propagation, then the negative rule set is always evaluated first.


If TRUE, then the procedure removes the negative rule set for the specified propagation. If you remove a negative rule set for a propagation, and the propagation does not have a positive rule set, then the propagation propagates all messages.

If you remove a negative rule set for a propagation, and a positive rule set exists for the propagation, then the propagation propagates all messages in its queue that are not discarded by the positive rule set.

If FALSE, then the procedure retains the negative rule set for the specified propagation.

If the negative_rule_set_name parameter is non-NULL, then this parameter should be set to FALSE.

140.3.2 CREATE_PROPAGATION Procedure

This procedure creates a propagation and specifies the source queue, destination queue, and any rule set for the propagation. A propagation propagates messages in a local source queue to a destination queue. The destination queue might or might not be in the same database as the source queue.


     propagation_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
     source_queue               IN  VARCHAR2,
     destination_queue          IN  VARCHAR2,
     destination_dblink         IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
     rule_set_name              IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
     negative_rule_set_name     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
     queue_to_queue             IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL,
     original_propagation_name  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
     auto_merge_threshold       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL);


Table 140-3 CREATE_PROPAGATION Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the propagation you are creating. A NULL setting is not allowed. Do not specify an owner.

Note: The propagation_name setting cannot be altered after the propagation is created.


The name of the source queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the source queue.

For example, to specify a source queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the destination queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name.

For example, to specify a destination queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the database link that will be used by the propagation. The database link is from the database that contains the source queue to the database that contains the destination queue.

If NULL, then the source queue and destination queue must be in the same database.

Note: Connection qualifiers are not allowed.


The name of the positive rule set for the propagation. The positive rule set contains the rules that instruct the propagation to propagate messages.

If you want to use a positive rule set for the propagation, then you must specify an existing rule set in the form [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to specify a positive rule set in the hr schema named prop_rules, enter hr.prop_rules. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

An error is returned if the specified rule set does not exist. You can create a rule set and add rules to it using the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

If you specify NULL, and no negative rule set exists for the propagation, then the propagation propagates all messages in its queue.

If you specify NULL, and a negative rule set exists for the propagation, then the propagation propagates all messages in its queue that are not discarded by the negative rule set.


The name of the negative rule set for the propagation. The negative rule set contains the rules that instruct the propagation to discard messages.

If you want to use a negative rule set for the propagation, then you must specify an existing rule set in the form [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to specify a negative rule set in the hr schema named neg_rules, enter hr.neg_rules. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

An error is returned if the specified rule set does not exist. You can create a rule set and add rules to it using the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

If you specify NULL, and no positive rule set exists for the propagation, then the propagation propagates all messages in its queue.

If you specify NULL, and a positive rule set exists for the propagation, then the propagation propagates all messages in its queue that are not discarded by the positive rule set.

If you specify both a positive and a negative rule set for a propagation, then the negative rule set is always evaluated first.


If TRUE or NULL, then the propagation is a queue to queue propagation. A queue-to-queue propagation always has its own propagation job and uses a service for automatic failover when the destination queue is a buffered queue in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

If FALSE, then the propagation is a queue-to-dblink propagation. A queue-to-dblink propagation can share a propagation job with other propagations that use the same database link and does not support automatic failover in an Oracle RAC environment.


Specify the original propagation name if the propagation being created is part of a split and merge operation. The split operation clones the original propagation under a new name. The name of the original propagation is important when the cloned propagation is copied back to the original stream.

Specify NULL if the propagation being created is not part of a split and merge operation.


Specify a positive number if both of the following conditions are met:

  • The propagation being created is part of a split and merge operation.

  • The stream will be merged back to the original stream automatically.

Specify NULL if either of the following conditions are met:

  • The propagation being created is not part of a split and merge operation.

  • The propagation being created is part of a split and merge operation, but the stream being split off will not be merged back to the original stream automatically.

Usage Notes

This procedure starts propagation and might create a propagation job. If this procedure creates a propagation job, then it establishes a default schedule for the propagation job. Each propagation job is an Oracle Scheduler job. You can adjust the schedule of a propagation job using Oracle Scheduler.

The user who owns the source queue is the user who propagates messages. This user must have the necessary privileges to propagate messages.

See Also:


140.3.3 DROP_PROPAGATION Procedure

This procedure drops a propagation and deletes all messages for the destination queue in the source queue. This procedure also removes the schedule for propagation from the source queue to the destination queue.


   propagation_name       IN  VARCHAR2,
   drop_unused_rule_sets  IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);


Table 140-4 DROP_PROPAGATION Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the propagation you are dropping. You must specify an existing propagation name. Do not specify an owner.


If TRUE, then the procedure drops any rule sets, positive and negative, used by the specified propagation if these rule sets are not used by any other Oracle Replication client, which includes capture processes, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients. If this procedure drops a rule set, then this procedure also drops any rules in the rule set that are not in another rule set.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not drop the rule sets used by the specified propagation, and the rule sets retain their rules.

Usage Notes

When you use this procedure to drop a propagation, information about rules created for the propagation is removed from the data dictionary views for Oracle Replication rules. Information about such a rule is removed even if the rule is not in either rule set for the propagation.

The following are the data dictionary views for Oracle Replication rules:








    When you drop a propagation, the propagation job used by the propagation is dropped automatically, if no other propagations are using the propagation job.

140.3.4 START_PROPAGATION Procedure

This procedure starts a propagation.


   propagation_name  IN  VARCHAR2);


Table 140-5 START_PROPAGATION Procedure Parameter

Parameter Description


The name of the propagation you are starting. You must specify an existing propagation name. Do not specify an owner.

Usage Notes

The propagation status is persistently recorded. Hence, if the status is ENABLED, then the propagation is started upon database instance startup.

140.3.5 STOP_PROPAGATION Procedure

This procedure stops a propagation.


   propagation_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   force             IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);


Table 140-6 STOP_PROPAGATION Procedure Parameter

Parameter Description


The name of the propagation you are stopping. You must specify an existing propagation name. Do not specify an owner.


If TRUE, then the procedure stops the propagation and clears the statistics for the propagation.

If FALSE, then the procedure stops the propagation without clearing the statistics for the propagation.

Usage Notes

The propagation status is persistently recorded. Hence, if the status is DISABLED or ABORTED, then the propagation is not started upon database instance startup.