16 Configuring Oracle Data Redaction Policies

An Oracle Data Redaction policy defines how to redact data in a column based on the table column type and the type of redaction you want to use.

About Oracle Data Redaction Policies

An Oracle Data Redaction policy defines the conditions in which redaction must occur for a table or view.

A Data Redaction policy has the following characteristics:

  • The Data Redaction policy defines the following: What kind of redaction to perform, how the redaction should occur, and when the redaction takes place. Oracle Database performs the redaction at execution time, just before the data is returned to the application.

  • A Data Redaction policy can fully redact values, partially redact values, or randomly redact values. In addition, you can define a Data Redaction policy to not redact any data at all, for when you want to test your policies in a test environment.

  • A Data Redaction policy can be defined with a policy expression which allows for different application users to be presented with either redacted data or actual data, based on whether the policy expression returns TRUE or FALSE. Redaction takes place when the boolean result of evaluating the policy expression is TRUE. For security reasons, the functions and operators that can be used in the policy expression are limited to SYS_CONTEXT and a few others. User-created functions are not allowed. Policy expressions can make use of the SYS_SESSION_ROLES namespace with the SYS_CONTEXT function to check for enabled roles.

  • Different Data Redaction policy expressions can be created and then applied individually for different columns within the same table or view.

Table 16-1 lists the procedures in the DBMS_REDACT package.

Table 16-1 DBMS_REDACT Procedures

Procedure Description


Adds a Data Redaction policy to a table or view


Modifies a Data Redaction policy


Applies a Data Redaction policy expression to a table or view column


Creates a Data Redaction policy expression


Disables a Data Redaction policy


Drops a Data Redaction policy


Drops a Data Redaction policy expression


Enables a Data Redaction policy


Globally updates the full redaction value for a given data type. You must restart the database instance before the updated values can be used.


Updates a Data Redaction policy expression

Who Can Create Oracle Data Redaction Policies?

Because data redaction involves the protection of highly sensitive data, only trusted users should create Oracle Data Redaction policies.

To create redaction policies, you must have the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package. To find the privileges that a user has been granted, you can query the DBA_SYS_PRIVS data dictionary view.

You do not need any privileges to access the underlying tables or views that will be protected by the policy.

Planning an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

Before you create a Oracle Data Redaction policy, you should plan the data redaction policy that best suits your site’s needs.

  1. Ensure that you have been granted the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.

  2. Determine the data type of the table or view column that you want to redact.

  3. Determine if the base object to which you want to add the Data Redaction policy has dependent objects. If it does have dependent objects, then these objects will become invalid when the Data Redaction policy is added to the base object, and these objects will be recompiled automatically when they are used.

    Alternatively, you can proactively recompile them yourself by using an ALTER ... COMPILE statement. Be aware that invalidating dependent objects (by adding a Data Redaction policy on their base object) and causing them to need to be recompiled can decrease performance in the overall system. Oracle recommends that you only add a Data Redaction policy to an object that has dependent objects during off-peak hours or during a scheduled downtime.

  4. Ensure that this column is not used in an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) row filtering condition. That is, it must not be part of the VPD predicate generated by the VPD policy function.

  5. Decide on the type of redaction that you want to perform: full, random, partial, regular expressions, or none.

  6. Decide which users to apply the Data Redaction policy to.

  7. Based on this information, create the Data Redaction policy by using the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure.

  8. Configure the policy to have additional columns to be redacted.

After you create the Data Redaction policy, it is automatically enabled and ready to redact data.

General Syntax of the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY Procedure

To create a Data Redaction policy, you must use the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure.

The complete syntax for the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure is as follows:

 object_schema               IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 object_name                 IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 policy_name                 IN VARCHAR2, 
 policy_description          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 column_name                 IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 column_description          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 function_type               IN BINARY_INTEGER := DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
 function_parameters         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 expression                  IN VARCHAR2,
 enable                      IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
 regexp_pattern              IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 regexp_replace_string       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
 regexp_position             IN BINARY_INTEGER :=1,
 regexp_occurrence           IN BINARY_INTEGER :=0,
 regexp_match_parameter      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);

In this specification:

  • object_schema: Specifies the schema of the object on which the Data Redaction policy will be applied. If you omit this setting (or enter NULL), then Oracle Database uses the current user's name. Be aware that the meaning of "current user" here can change, depending on where you invoke the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure.

    For example, suppose user mpike grants user fbrown the EXECUTE privilege on a definer's rights PL/SQL package called mpike.protect_data in mpike's schema. From within this package, mpike has coded a procedure called protect_cust_data, which invokes the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure. User mpike has set the object_schema parameter to NULL.

    When fbrown invokes the protect_cust_data procedure in the mpike.protect_data package, Oracle Database attempts to define the Data Redaction policy around the object cust_data in the mpike schema, not the cust_data object in the schema that belongs to fbrown.

  • object_name: Specifies the name of the table or view to which the Data Redaction policy applies.

  • policy_name: Specifies the name of the policy to be created. Ensure that this name is unique in the database instance. You can find a list of existing Data Redaction policies by querying the POLICY_NAME column of the REDACTION_POLICIES data dictionary view.

  • policy_description: Specifies a brief description of the purpose of the policy.

  • column_name: Specifies the column whose data you want to redact. Note the following:

    • You can apply the Data Redaction policy to multiple columns. If you want to apply the Data Redaction policy to multiple columns, then after you use DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY to create the policy, run the DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure as many times as necessary to add each of the remaining required columns to the policy. See Altering an Oracle Data Redaction Policy.

    • Only one policy can be defined on a table or view. You can, however, create a new view on the table, and by defining a second redaction policy on this new view, you can choose to redact the columns in a different way when a query is issued against this new view. When deciding how to redact a given column, Oracle Database uses the policy of the earliest view in a view chain.

    • If you do not specify a column (for example, by entering NULL), then no columns are redacted by the policy. This enables you to create your policies so that they are in place, and then later on, you can add the column specification when you are ready.

    • Do not use a column that is currently used in an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) row filtering condition. In other words, the column should not be part of the VPD predicate generated by the VPD policy function. (See Oracle Data Redaction and Oracle Virtual Private Database for more information about using Data Redaction with VPD.)

    • You cannot define a Data Redaction policy on a virtual column. In addition, you cannot define a Data Redaction policy on a column that is involved in the SQL expression of any virtual column.

  • column_description: Specifies a brief description of the column that you are redacting.

  • function_type: Specifies a function that sets the type of redaction. See the following sections for more information:

    If you omit the function_type parameter, then the default redaction function_type setting is DBMS_REDACT.FULL.

  • function_parameters: Specifies how the column redaction should appear for partial redaction. See Syntax for Creating a Partial Redaction Policy.

  • expression: Specifies a Boolean SQL expression to determine how the policy is applied. Redaction takes place only if this policy expression evaluates to TRUE. See Using Expressions to Define Conditions for Data Redaction Policies.

  • enable: When set to TRUE, enables the policy upon creation. When set to FALSE, it creates the policy as a disabled policy. The default is TRUE. After you create the policy, you can disable or enable it. See the following sections:

  • regexp_pattern, regexp_replace_string, regexp_position, regexp_position, regexp_occurrence, regexp_match_parameter: Enable you to use regular expressions to redact data, either fully or partially. If the regexp_pattern does not match anything in the actual data, then full redaction will take place, so be careful when specifying the regexp_pattern. Ensure that all of the values in the column conform to the semantics of the regular expression you are using. See Syntax for Creating a Regular Expression-Based Redaction Policy for more information.

Using Expressions to Define Conditions for Data Redaction Policies

The expression parameter in the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure sets the conditions to which the policy applies.

About Using Expressions in Data Redaction Policies

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY and DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY expression parameter defines a Boolean expression that must evaluate to TRUE to enable a redaction.

The expression that is defined in the expression parameter is the default expression for the Oracle Data Redaction policy. If you apply a named policy expression for the columns that will be redacted by the Data Redaction policy, then the named policy expression takes precedence over the expression defined in the Data Redaction policy.

You can create expressions that make use of other Oracle Database features. For example, you can create expressions that are based on a user’s environment (using the SYS_CONTEXT and XS_SYS_CONTEXT functions), character string functions, the Oracle Label Security label dominance functions, or Oracle Application Express functions.

Follow these guidelines when you write the expression:

  • Use only the following operators: AND, OR, IN, NOT IN, =, !=, <>, <, >, >=, <=

  • Because the expression must evaluate to TRUE for redaction, be careful when making comparisons with NULL. Remember that in SQL the value NULL is undefined, so comparisons with NULL tend to return FALSE.

  • Do not use user-created functions in the expression parameter; this is not permitted.

  • Remember that for user SYS and users who have the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY privilege, all of the Data Redaction policies are bypassed, so the results of their queries are not redacted. When you exempt a user from a Data Redaction policy, you should be aware of how the exemption is affected by users with specific privileges (such as the DBA role) and by Oracle Data Pump.

Supported Functions for Data Redaction Expressions

You can create expressions that use functions to return specific types of data, such as SYS_CONTEXT namespaces.

Expressions Using Namespace Functions

You can use the SYS_CONTEXT and XS_SYS_CONTEXT namespace functions in Data Redaction expressions.

Table 16-2 Expressions Using Namespace Functions

Namespace Function Description


Returns the value associated with a namespace. The following namespace functions are valid:

  • USERENV (default namespace), which includes values such as SESSION_USER and CLIENT_IDENTIFIER.

  • SYS_SESSION_ROLES, which contains attributes for each role

  • XS$SESSION, which contains attributes for the user session.

  • User-defined namespaces, but these must exist in the DBA_CONTEXT catalog view before the policy expression is created.


Similar to SYS_CONTEXT but designed for an Oracle Real Application Security environment.

XS_SYS_CONTEXT supports the same namespaces that SYS_CONTEXT supports.

Expressions Using the SUBSTR Function

You can use the SUBSTR function, which returns portion (such as characters 1–3) of the character string specified, in Data Redaction expressions. The first parameter must be a constant string or a call to the SYS_CONTEXT function or the XS_SYS_CONTEXT function.

Table 16-3 Expressions Using SUBSTR String Functions

SUBSTR String Function Description


Returns a portion of the input char value, beginning at character position, substring_length characters long. SUBSTR calculates length using characters as defined by the input character set.


Returns the specified portion of the input value in bytes


Returns the specified portion of the input value in Unicode complete characters


Returns the specified portion of the input value in UCS2 code points


Returns the specified portion of the input value in UCS4 code points

Expressions Using Length of Character String Functions

You can use the following functions, which return the length of character strings, in Data Redaction expressions. Oracle Database also checks that the arguments to each of these operators is either a constant string or a call to the SYS_CONTEXT or XS_SYS_CONTEXT function.

Table 16-4 Expressions Using Character String Functions

Character String Function Description


Returns the length of the input char value. LENGTH calculates length using characters as defined by the input character set.


Returns the length of the input value in bytes


Returns the length of the input value in Unicode complete characters


Returns the length of the input value in UCS2 code points


Returns the length of the input value in UCS4 code points

Expressions Using Oracle Application Express Functions

You can use Oracle Application Express functions in Data Redaction expressions.

Table 16-5 Oracle Application Express Functions

Oracle Application Express Function Description


Returns the session state for an item. It is a wrapper for the APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_STATE function


Returns the numeric value for a numeric item. It is a wrapper for the APEX_UTIL.GET_NUMERIC_SESSION_STATE function

Expressions Using Oracle Label Security Functions

You can use Oracle Label Security functions with Data Redaction expressions.

For the functions in the bold font, Oracle Data Redaction checks that their parameters are either constants or calls to only one of the SA_UTL.NUMERIC_LABEL, CHAR_TO_LABEL, and SA_SESSION.LABEL functions, and that the arguments to those functions are constant.

Table 16-6 Oracle Label Security Functions

Oracle Label Security Function Description


Checks if the session label of an Oracle Label Security policy dominates or is equal to another OLS label


Checks if one OLS label is dominant to a second OLS label.

Deprecated in Oracle Database 12c release 1 (12.1); use the OLS_DOMINATES or OLS_DOM function instead.


Checks if one OLS label is dominant to a second OLS label


Checks if one OLS label is dominant to a second OLS label


Checks if one OLS label is dominant to a second OLS label


Checks if one OLS label is dominant to a second OLS label and is not equal to it


Checks if one OLS label is dominant to a second OLS label and is not equal to it


Checks if one OLS label is dominant to a second OLS label and is not equal to it.

Deprecated in Oracle Database 12c release 1 (12.1); use the OLS_DOMINATES or OLS_DOM function instead.


Checks if one OLS label dominates a second OLS label or if the session label for a given OLS policy dominates an OLS label


Checks if a user can read a policy-protected row


Returns the current session OLS label


Converts a character string to an OLS label tag


Returns the label that is associated with the specified OLS policy

Applying the Redaction Policy Based on User Environment

You can apply a Data Redaction policy based on the user’s environment, such as the session user name or a client identifier.

  • Use the USERENV namespace of the SYS_CONTEXT function in the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY expression parameter to apply the policy based on a user’s environment.
    For example, to apply the policy only to the session user name psmith:
    expression  => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''PSMITH'''

Applying the Redaction Policy Based on Database Roles

You can apply a Data Redaction policy based on a database role, such as the DBA role.

  • Use the SYS_SESSION_ROLES namespace in the SYS_CONTEXT function to apply the policy based on a user role.
    This namespace contains attributes for each role. The value of the attribute is TRUE if the specified role is enabled for the querying application user; the value is FALSE if the role is not enabled.
    For example, suppose you wanted only supervisors to be allowed to see the actual data. The following example shows how to use the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY expression parameter to set the policy to show the actual data to any application user who has the supervisor role enabled, but redact the data for all of the other application users.
    expression  => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''SYS_SESSION_ROLES'',''SUPERVISOR'') = ''FALSE'''

Applying the Redaction Policy Based on Oracle Label Security Label Dominance

You can set a condition on which to apply a Data Redaction policy based on the dominance of Oracle Label Security labels.

  • Use the public standalone function OLS_LABEL_DOMINATES to check the dominance of a session label.
    This function returns 1 (TRUE) if the session label of the specified policy_name value dominates or is equal to the label that is specified by the label parameter; otherwise, it returns 0 (FALSE).
    For example, to apply a Data Redaction policy only in cases where the session label for the policy hr_ols_pol does not dominate nor is equal to label hs:
    expression  => 'OLS_LABEL_DOMINATES (''hr_ols_pol'',''hs'') = 0'

Applying the Redaction Policy Based on Application Express Session States

You can apply a Data Redaction policy based on an Oracle Application Express (APEX) session state.

  • Use either of the following public Application Express APIs in the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY expression parameter to apply the policy on an Oracle Application Express session state:
    • V, which is a synonym for the APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_STATE function
    • NV, which is a synonym for the APEX_UTIL.GET_NUMERIC_SESSION_STATE function

    For example, to set the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY expression parameter if you wanted redaction to take place when the application item called G_JOB has the value CLERK:

    expression => 'V(''APP_USER'') != ''mavis@example.com'' or V(''APP_USER'') is null'

    You can, for example, use these functions to redact data based on a job or a privilege role that is stored in a session state in an APEX application.

    If you want redaction to take place when the querying user is not within the context of an APEX application (when the query is issued from outside the APEX framework, for example directly through SQL*Plus), then use an IS NULL clause as follows. This policy expression causes actual data to be shown to user mavis only when her query comes from within an APEX application. Otherwise, the query result is redacted.

Applying the Redaction Policy to All Users

You can apply the policy irrespective of the context to any user, with no filtering.

However, be aware that user SYS and users who have the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY privilege are always except from Oracle Data Redaction policies.
  • To apply the policy to users who are not SYS or have been granted the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY privilege, write the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY expression parameter to evaluate to TRUE.
    For example:
    expression  => '1=1'

Creating and Managing Multiple Named Policy Expressions

A named, centrally managed Oracle Data Redaction policy expression can be used in multiple redaction policies and applied to multiple tables or views.

About Data Redaction Policy Expressions to Define Conditions

A named Oracle Data Redaction policy expression is designed to work as an alternative to the policy expression that is used in existing Data Redaction policies.

A named policy expression enables you to redact data based on runtime conditions. This type of policy can only affect whether or not redaction takes place on columns of the table or view on which the redaction policy is defined. By default, a Data Redaction policy expression applies to all the columns of a table or view. Alternatively, you can choose to create and associate a policy expression for individual columns of a table or view. These column level expressions are called as named policy expressions; in other words, a policy expression with a name. A named policy expressions has the following properties:

You can use Data Redaction policy expressions in the following ways.:

  • A single Data Redaction policy expression can be shared by more than one Data Redaction policy by applying it to columns that are a part of separate Data Redaction policies.

  • Each named policy expression can be associated with multiple columns of the same or different tables or views.

  • Each named policy expression can be associated with columns within the same or different Data Redaction policies.

  • The named policy expression overrides the default policy expression of the associated columns. The default policy expression still applies to redaction columns that have no named policy expressions applied to them.

  • Any updates made to a named policy expression apply to all of the column associations of the expression.

  • You cannot associate multiple named policy expressions for the same column.

  • In a multitenant environment, you cannot associate named policy expressions with columns in a different pluggable database (PDB).

The column to which you apply a named policy expression must already be redacted by a Data Redaction policy. After the named policy expression is applied, the result of its evaluation takes precedence over that of the default policy expression when deciding whether or not to redact the column. When you modify a named policy expression, the changes are applied to all the tables and views that use it. In a multitenant environment, as with Data Redaction policies, a named policy expression is valid only in the PDB in which it was created, and can only be applied to columns of objects within the PDB in which it was created.

Table 16-7 describes the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL procedures that you can use to create and manage named policy expressions. To find information about policy expressions, query the REDACTION_EXPRESSIONS data dictionary view.

Table 16-7 DBMS_REDACT Policy Expression Procedures

Procedure Description


Creates a Data Redaction policy expression


Updates a Data Redaction policy expression


Applies a Data Redaction policy expression to a table or a view column


Drops a Data Redaction policy expression

Creating and Applying a Named Data Redaction Policy Expression

The DBMS_REDACT.CREATE_POLICY_EXPRESSION and DBMS_REDACT.APPLY_POLICY_EXPR_TO_COL enable you to create and apply a named Data Redaction policy expression.

  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Ensure that the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to or later.
    To find the current COMPATIBLE setting, use the SHOW PARAMETER command.
  3. To create the policy expression, run the DBMS_REDACT.CREATE_POLICY_EXPRESSION procedure.

    For example:

      policy_expression_name        => 'redact_pol',
      expression                    => '1=1',
      policy_expression_description => 'Determines whether the column will be redacted');
  4. Run the DBMS_REDACT.APPLY_POLICY_EXPR_TO_COL procedure to apply the policy expression to a table or view column.

    For example, assume that you have already created a Data Redaction policy on the SALARY column of the HR.EMPLOYEES table, as follows:

       object_schema           => 'hr',
       object_name             => 'employees',
       policy_name             => 'overall_policy',
       expression              => '1=0'); 
       object_schema           => 'hr',
       object_name             => 'employees' ,
       policy_name             => 'overall_policy',
       function_type           => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
       action                  => DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN,
       column_name             => 'SALARY );

    Then you can apply the policy expression to the SALARY table as follows:

       object_schema           => 'hr',
       object_name             => 'employees',
       column_name             => 'salary',
       policy_expression_name  => 'redact_pol');

    In this specification:

    • object_schema: Specifies the schema of the object on which the policy expression will be used. If you omit this setting (or enter NULL), then Oracle Database uses the name of the current schema.

    • object_name: Specifies the name of the table or view to be used for the policy expression.

    • column_name: Specifies the column to which you want to apply the policy expression.

    • policy_expression_name: Specifies the name of the policy expression.

    After you create an Oracle Data Redaction policy expression, you can apply it to a column of a table or view which is part of an existing Data Redaction policy.

Updating a Named Data Redaction Policy Expression

You can use the DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_POLICY_EXPRESSION procedure to update a Data Redaction policy expression. The update takes place immediately and is reflected in all columns that use the policy expression.

You can query the REDACTION_EXPRESSIONS data dictionary view to find existing Data Redaction policy expressions.
  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Ensure that the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to or later.
    To find the current COMPATIBLE setting, use the SHOW PARAMETER command.
  3. Run the DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_POLICY_EXPRESSION procedure to perform the update.

    For example:

      policy_expression_name => 'redact_pol',
      expression             => '1=0');

Dropping a Named Data Redaction Expression Policy

You can use the DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY_EXPRESSION procedure to drop a Data Redaction expression policy.

You can query the REDACTION_EXPRESSIONS data dictionary view to find existing Data Redaction policy expressions.
  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Ensure that the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to or later.
    To find the current COMPATIBLE setting, use the SHOW PARAMETER command.
  3. Remove the named policy expression's association with any table or view column.
    You cannot drop a policy expression if it is associated with an existing table or view column. To remove a given column’s association with a named policy expression (to revert to redacting that column based on the evaluation result of the default policy expression), you must set the policy_expression_name parameter of the DBMS_REDACT.APPLY_POLICY_EXPR_TO_COL procedure to NULL.

    For example:

       object_schema          => 'hr',
       object_name            => 'employees', 
       column_name            => 'salary',
       policy_expression_name =>  null);
  4. Run DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY_EXPRESSION to drop the policy expression.

    For example:

      policy_expression_name  => 'redact_pol');

Tutorial: Creating and Sharing a Named Data Redaction Policy Expression

This tutorial shows how to create an Oracle Data Redaction policy expression, apply it to multiple tables, and centrally manage the policy expression.

Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial

You must create two users for this tutorial: dr_admin, who will create the Oracle Data Redaction policies, and hr_clerk, who will test them.

Before you begin this tutorial, ensure that the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to at least You can check this setting by using the SHOW PARAMETER command.
  1. Connect to a PDB as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege.
    CONNECT sys@pdb_name AS SYSDBA
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the dr_admin and hr_clerk user accounts.
  3. Grant the EXECUTE privilege to the dr_admin user.
  4. Connect as user HR.
    CONNECT HR@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  5. Grant hr_clerk the SELECT privilege on the EMPLOYEES and JOBS tables.
    GRANT SELECT on EMPLOYEES to hr_clerk;
    GRANT SELECT on JOBS to hr_clerk;
Step 2: Create an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

User dr_admin is ready to create an Oracle Data Redaction policy to protect the HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOBS tables.

  1. Connect to the PDB as user dr_admin.
    CONNECT dr_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the hr_emp_redact_comp_pol policy, which will perform full redaction of the HR.EMPLOYEES.SALARY column.
       object_schema       => 'hr', 
       object_name         => 'employees', 
       column_name         => 'salary',
       policy_name         => 'hr_emp_redact_comp_pol', 
       function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
       expression          => '1=1');
  3. Alter the hr_redact_comp_pol policy to also redact the COMMISSION_PCT column of the HR.EMPLOYEES table.
       object_schema       => 'hr', 
       object_name         => 'employees', 
       policy_name         => 'hr_emp_redact_comp_pol', 
       action              => DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN,
       column_name         => 'commission_pct',
       function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
       expression          => '1=1');
  4. Create the hr_jobs_redact_comp_pol policy for the max_salary column of the HR.JOBS table.
       object_schema       => 'hr', 
       object_name         => 'jobs', 
       column_name         => 'max_salary',
       policy_name         => 'hr_jobs_redact_comp_pol', 
       function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
       expression          => '1=1');
At this stage, the data in the HR.EMPLOYEES.SALARY, HR.EMPLOYEES.COMMISSION_PCT, and HR.JOBS.MAX_SALARY columns are redacted.
Step 3: Test the Oracle Data Redaction Policy

User hr_clerk is ready to query the tables that have redacted data.

  1. Connect as user hr_clerk.
    CONNECT hr_clerk@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES table.
    The output should be as follows:
    ---------- --------------
  3. Query the HR.JOBS table.
    The output should be as follows:
Step 4: Create and Apply a Policy Expression to the Redacted Table Columns

Next, user dr_admin is ready to create a Data Redaction policy expression and apply it to two of the three redacted table columns.

This policy expression will enable user hr_clerk to view the redacted data.
  1. Connect as user dr_admin.
    CONNECT dr_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the policy expression.
       policy_expression_name  => 'hr_redact_pol',
       expression              => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') != ''HR_CLERK''');

    This expression returns FALSE for the hr_clerk user, which enables the hr_clerk user to view actual data in the HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOBS tables that are subject to the Data Redaction policies.

  3. Apply the hr_redact_pol policy expression to the HR.EMPLOYEES.SALARY column.
       object_schema          => 'hr',
       object_name            => 'employees', 
       column_name            => 'salary',
       policy_expression_name => 'hr_redact_pol');
  4. Apply the hr_redact_pol policy expression to the HR.JOBS.MAX_SALARY column.
       object_schema          => 'hr',
       object_name            => 'jobs', 
       column_name            => 'max_salary',
       policy_expression_name => 'hr_redact_pol');
User hr_clerk can view data in the HR.EMPLOYEES.SALARY and HR.JOBS.MAX_SALARY, but the data in the HR.EMPLOYEES.COMMISSION_PCT column will still be redacted for this user.
Step 5: Test the Data Redaction Policy Expression

User hr_clerk is now ready to test the hr_redact_pol policy expression.

  1. Connect as user hr_clerk.
    CONNECT hr_clerk@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES table.
    The output should be as follows:
    ---------- --------------

    User hr_clerk now can view the SALARY column data, but still has not access to the COMMISSION_PCT column data.

  3. Query the HR.JOBS table.
    The output should be as follows:

    User hr_clerk now can view the MAX_SALARY column data.

Step 6: Modify the Data Redaction Policy Expression

User dr_admin decides to modify the Data Redaction policy expression so that user HR will have access to the redacted data, not user hr_clerk.

  1. Connect as user dr_admin.
    CONNECT dr_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Modify the hr_redact_pol policy as follows:
      policy_expression_name => 'hr_redact_pol',
      expression             => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') != ''HR''');
Step 7: Test the Modified Policy Expression

Users HR and hr_clerk are ready to test the modified Data Redaction policy expression.

  1. Connect as user HR.
    CONNECT HR@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES table.
    The output should be as follows:
    ---------- --------------

    User HR now has access to the redacted data. A query by HR on the HR.JOBS.MAX_SALARY column will produce similar results.

  3. Connect as user hr_clerk.
    CONNECT hr_clerk@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  4. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOBS tables and then observe the results.
    ---------- --------------
Step 8: Remove the Components of This Tutorial

If you do not need the components of this tutorial, then you can remove them.

  1. Connect as user dr_admin.
    CONNECT dr_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Modify the policy expression so that it is no longer associated with the table columns that are associated with the expression.
    To do so, you must set the policy_expression_name parameter to NULL.
       object_schema          => 'hr',
       object_name            => 'employees', 
       column_name            => 'salary',
       policy_expression_name =>  null);
       object_schema          => 'hr',
       object_name            => 'jobs', 
       column_name            => 'max_salary',
       policy_expression_name =>  null);
  3. Drop the policy expressions.
      policy_expression_name  => 'hr_redact_pol');
  4. Drop the hr_emp_redact_comp_pol and hr_jobs_redact_comp_pol Data Redaction policies.
        object_schema  => 'hr',
        object_name    => 'employees',
        policy_name    => 'hr_emp_redact_comp_pol');
        object_schema  => 'hr',
        object_name    => 'jobs',
        policy_name    => 'hr_jobs_redact_comp_pol');
  5. Connect as the SYSTEM user or a user who has privileges to drop user accounts.

    For example:

    CONNECT SYSTEM@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  6. Drop the dr_admin and hr_clerk user accounts.
    DROP USER dr_admin;
    DROP USER hr_clerk;

Creating a Full Redaction Policy and Altering the Full Redaction Value

You can create a full redaction policy to redact all contents in a data column, and optionally, you can alter the default full redaction value.

Creating a Full Redaction Policy

A full data redaction policy redacts all the contents of a data column.

About Creating Full Data Redaction Policies

To set a redaction policy to redact all data in the column, you must set the function_type parameter to DBMS_REDACT.FULL.

By default, NUMBER data type columns are replaced with zero (0) and character data type columns are replaced with a single space ( ). You can modify this default by using the DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_FULL_REDACTION_VALUES procedure.

Syntax for Creating a Full Redaction Policy

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure enables you to create a full redaction policy.

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY fields for creating a full data redaction policy are as follows:

   object_schema           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   object_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   column_name             IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   policy_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   function_type           IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   expression              IN VARCHAR2,
   enable                  IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);

In this specification:

Example: Full Redaction Policy

You can use the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY PL/SQL procedure to create a full redaction policy.

Example 16-1 shows how to use full redaction for all the values in the HR.EMPLOYEES table COMMISSION_PCT column. The expression parameter applies the policy to any user querying the table, except for users who have been granted the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege.

Example 16-1 Full Data Redaction Policy

   object_schema    => 'hr', 
   object_name      => 'employees', 
   column_name      => 'commission_pct',
   policy_name      => 'redact_com_pct', 
   function_type    => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
   expression       => '1=1');

Query and redacted result:


Example: Fully Redacted Character Values

You can use the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY PL/SQL procedure to create a policy that fully redacts character values.

Example 16-2 shows how to redact fully the user IDs of the user_id column in the mavis.cust_info table. The user_id column is of the VARCHAR2 data type. The output is a blank string. The expression setting enables users who have the MGR role to view the user IDs.

Example 16-2 Fully Redacted Character Values

   object_schema   => 'mavis', 
   object_name     => 'cust_info', 
   column_name     => 'user_id',
   policy_name     => 'redact_cust_user_ids', 
   function_type   => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
   expression      => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''SYS_SESSION_ROLES'',''MGR'') = ''FALSE''');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT user_id FROM mavis.cust_info;


Altering the Default Full Data Redaction Value

The DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_FULL_REDACTION_VALUES procedure alters the default full data redaction value.

About Altering the Default Full Data Redaction Value

You can alter the default displayed values for full Data Redaction polices.

By default, 0 is the redacted value when Oracle Database performs full redaction (DBMS_REDACT.FULL) on a column of the NUMBER data type. If you want to change it to another value (for example, 7), then you can run the DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_FULL_REDACTION_VALUES procedure to modify this value. The modification applies to all of the Data Redaction policies in the current database instance. After you modify a value, you must restart the database for it to take effect. You can find the current values by querying the REDACTION_VALUES_FOR_TYPE_FULL data dictionary view.

Be aware that this change affects all Data Redaction policies in the database that use full data redaction. Before you alter the default full data redaction value, examine the affect that this change would have on existing full Data Redaction policies.


The DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_FULL_REDACTION_VALUES procedure accommodates the standard supported Oracle Database data types.

The syntax is as follows:

 number_val       IN NUMBER                    NULL,
 binfloat_val     IN BINARY_FLOAT              NULL,
 bindouble_val    IN BINARY_DOUBLE             NULL,
 char_val         IN CHAR                      NULL,
 varchar_val      IN VARCHAR2                  NULL,
 nchar_val        IN NCHAR                     NULL,
 nvarchar_val     IN NVARCHAR2                 NULL,
 date_val         IN DATE                      NULL,
 ts_val           IN TIMESTAMP                 NULL,
 blob_val         IN BLOB                      NULL,
 clob_val         IN CLOB                      NULL,
 nclob_val        IN NCLOB                     NULL);

In this specification:

  • number_val modifies the default value for columns of the NUMBER data type.

  • binfloat_val modifies the default value for columns of the BINARY_FLOAT data type.

  • bindouble_val modifies the default value for columns of the BINARY_DOUBLE data type.

  • char_val modifies the default value for columns of the CHAR data type.

  • varchar_val modifies the default value for columns of the VARCHAR2 data type.

  • nchar_val modifies the default value for columns of the NCHAR data type.

  • nvarchar_val modifies the default value for columns of the NVARCHAR2 data type.

  • date_val modifies the default value for columns of the DATE data type.

  • ts_val modifies the default value for columns of the TIMESTAMP data type.

  • tswtz_val modifies the default value for columns of the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.

  • blob_val modifies the default value for columns of the BLOB data type.

  • clob_val modifies the default value for columns of the CLOB data type.

  • nclob modifies the default value for columns of the NCLOB data type.

Modifying the Default Full Data Redaction Value

To modify the default full data redaction value, use the DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_FULL_REDACTION_VALUES procedure.

  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package and who has administrative privileges, such as users who have been granted the DBA role.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Check the value that you want to change.
    For example, to check the current value for columns that use the NUMBER data type:
  3. Run the DBMS_REDACT.UPDATE_FULL_REDACTION_VALUES procedure to modify the value.
    For example:
  4. Close and then re-open the PDB.

Creating a DBMS_REDACT.NULLIFY Redaction Policy

You can create Oracle Data Redaction policies that return null values for the displayed value of the table or view column.

About Creating a Policy That Returns Null Values

The DBMS_REDACT.NULLIFY function_type parameter redacts all the data in a column and replace it with null values.

You can use this function type on all supported column types that the DBMS_REDACT.FULL function type supports. It also supports the CLOB and NCLOB data types. To use the DBMS_REDACT.NULLIFY function, you must first ensure that the COMPATIBLE parameter is set at a minimum to

Syntax for Creating a Policy That Returns Null Values

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a redaction policy that performs a full redaction and displays null values for the redacted columns.

The syntax for using DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY to return null values is as follows:

   object_schema           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   object_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   column_name             IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   policy_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   function_type           IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   expression              IN VARCHAR2,
   enable                  IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);

In this specification:

Example: Redaction Policy That Returns Null Values

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure will return null values for the COMMISSION_PCT column of the HR.EMPLOYEES table.

The expression parameter applies the policy to any user who queries the table, except for users who have been granted the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege.

Example 16-3 shows how to create the Oracle Data Redaction policy.

Example 16-3 Redaction Policy That Returns Null Values

   object_schema    => 'hr', 
   object_name      => 'employees', 
   column_name      => 'commission_pct',
   policy_name      => 'nullify_com_pct', 
   function_type    => DBMS_REDACT.NULLIFY,
   expression       => '1=1');

Query and redacted result:



Creating a Partial Redaction Policy

In partial data redaction, you can redact portions of data, and for different kinds of data types.

About Creating Partial Redaction Policies

In partial data redaction, only a portion of the data, such as the first five digits of an identification number, are redacted.

For example, you can redact most of a credit card number with asterisks (*), except for the last 4 digits. You can create policies for columns that use character, number, or date-time data types. For policies that redact character data types, you can use fixed character redaction formats. If you have the Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database plug-in deployed on your system, then you can also create and save custom redaction formats.


In previous releases, the term shortcut was used for the term format.

Syntax for Creating a Partial Redaction Policy

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY statement enables you to create policies that redact specific parts of the data returned to the application.

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY fields for creating a partial redaction policy are as follows:

   object_schema           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   object_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   column_name             IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   policy_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   function_type           IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   function_parameters     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   expression              IN VARCHAR2,
   enable                  IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);

In this specification:

Creating Partial Redaction Policies Using Fixed Character Formats

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY function_parameters parameter enables you to use fixed character formats.

Settings for Fixed Character Formats

Oracle Data Redaction provides special predefined formats to configure policies that use fixed characters.

Table 16-8 describes DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY function_parameters parameter formats that you can use for commonly redacted identity numbers (such as Social Security numbers or Canadian Social Insurance Numbers), postal codes, and credit cards that use either the VARCHAR2 or NUMBER data types for their columns.

Table 16-8 Partial Fixed Character Redaction Formats

Format Description


Redacts the first 5 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes XXX-XX-4320.


Redacts the last 4 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes 987-65-XXXX.


Redacts the entire Social Security number when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes XXX-XX-XXXX.


Redacts the first 5 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes XXXXX4320.


Redacts the last 4 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes 98765XXXX.


Redacts the entire Social Security number when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes XXXXXXXXX.


Redacts the Canadian Social Insurance number by replacing the first 6 digits by 9 (number). For example, 123456789 is redacted to 999999789.


Redacts the Canadian Social Insurance number by replacing the first 6 digits by X (string). For example, 123456789 is redacted to XXXXXX789.


Redacts the Canadian Social Insurance Number by replacing the first 6 digits by X (string). For example, 123-456-789 is redacted to XXX-XXX-789.


Redacts the UK National Insurance number by replacing the first 6 digits by X (string) but leaving the alphabetic characters as is. For example, ET 27 02 23 D is redacted to ET XX XX XX D.


Redacts the UK National Insurance number by replacing the first 6 digits by X (string) and leaving the alphabetic characters as is. For example, ET270223D is redacted to ETXXXXXXD.


Redacts the credit card number (other than American Express) by replacing everything but the last 4 digits by *. For example, the credit card number 5105–1051–0510–5100 is redacted to ****—****—****—5100.


Redacts the credit card number (other than American Express) by replacing everything but the last 4 digits by 0. For example, the credit card number 5105105105105100 is redacted to ************5100.


Redacts a 16-digit credit card number (other than American Express), leaving the last 4 digits displayed. For example, 5105 1051 0510 5100 becomes ****-****-****-5100.


Redacts the American Express credit card number by replacing the digits with * except the last 5 digits. For example, the credit card number 3782 822463 10005 is redacted to **** ****** 10005.


Redacts the American Express Credit Card Number by replacing the digits with 0 except the last 5 digits. For example, the credit card number 3782 822463 10005 is redacted to 0000 000000 10005.


Redacts a 5-digit postal code when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, 95476 becomes XXXXX.


Redacts a 5-digit postal code when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, 95476 becomes XXXXX.


Redacts all dates to 01-JAN-70.


Redacts the North American phone number by leaving the area code, but replacing everything else with X. For example, 650-555–0100 is redacted to 650-XXX-XXXX.


Redacts the North American phone number by leaving the area code, but replacing everything else with 0. For example, 6505550100 gets redacted to 650000000.


Redacts the North American phone number by leaving the area code, but replacing everything else with X. For example, 6505550100 is redacted to 650XXXXXXX.


Redacts dates that are in the DD-MON-YY format to 01-JAN-00 (January 1, 2000).

Example: Partial Redaction Policy Using a Fixed Character Format

You can use the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY PL/SQL procedure to create a partial redaction policy that uses a fixed character format.

Example 16-4 shows how Social Security numbers in a VARCHAR2 data type column and can be redacted using the REDACT_US_SSN_F5 format.

Example 16-4 Partially Redacted Character Values

   object_schema       => 'mavis', 
   object_name         => 'cust_info', 
   column_name         => 'ssn',
   policy_name         => 'redact_cust_ssns3', 
   function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
   function_parameters => DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_US_SSN_F5,
   expression          => '1=1',
   policy_description  => 'Partially redacts 1st 5 digits in SS numbers',
   column_description  => 'ssn contains Social Security numbers');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT ssn FROM mavis.cust_info;


Creating Partial Redaction Policies Using Character Data Types

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY function_parameters parameter enables you to redact character data types.

Settings for Character Data Types

Oracle Data Redaction provides special settings to configure policies that use character data types.

When you set the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY function_parameters parameter to define partial redaction of character data types, enter values for the following settings in the order shown. Separate each value with a comma


Be aware that you must use a fixed width character set for the partial redaction. In other words, each character redacted must be replaced by another of equal byte length. If you want to use a variable-length character set (for example, UTF-8), then you must use a regular expression-based redaction.

The settings are as follows:

  1. Input format: Defines how the data is currently formatted. Enter V for each character that potentially can be redacted, such as all of the digits in a credit card number. Enter F for each character that you want to format using a formatting character, such as hyphens or blank spaces in the credit card number. Ensure that each character has a corresponding V or F value. (The input format values are not case-sensitive.)

  2. Output format: Defines how the displayed data should be formatted. Enter V for each character to be potentially redacted. Replace each F character in the input format with the character that you want to use for the displayed output, such as a hyphen. (The output format values are not case-sensitive.)

  3. Mask character: Specifies the character to be used for the redaction. Enter a single character to use for the redaction, such as an asterisk (*).

  4. Starting digit position: Specifies the starting V digit position for the redaction.

  5. Ending digit position: Specifies the ending V digit position for the redaction. Do not include the F positions when you decide on the ending position value.

For example, the following setting redacts the first 12 V digits of the credit card number 5105 1051 0510 5100, and replaces the F positions (which are blank spaces) with hyphens to format it in a style normally used for credit card numbers, resulting in ****-****-****-4320.

function_parameters  => 'VVVVFVVVVFVVVVFVVVV,VVVV-VVVV-VVVV-VVVV,*,1,12',
Example: Partial Redaction Policy Using a Character Data Type

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY PL/SQL procedure can create a partial redaction policy that uses a character data type.

Example 16-5 shows how to redact Social Security numbers that are in a VARCHAR2 data type column and to preserve the character hyphens in the Social Security number.

Example 16-5 Partially Redacted Character Values

   object_schema       => 'mavis', 
   object_name         => 'cust_info', 
   column_name         => 'ssn',
   policy_name         => 'redact_cust_ssns2', 
   function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
   function_parameters => 'VVVFVVFVVVV,VVV-VV-VVVV,*,1,5',
   expression          => '1=1',
   policy_description  => 'Partially redacts Social Security numbers',
   column_description  => 'ssn contains character Social Security numbers');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT ssn FROM mavis.cust_info;


Creating Partial Redaction Policies Using Number Data Types

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY function_parameters parameter can redact number data types.

Settings for Number Data Types

When you set values for the number data type, you must specify a mask character, a starting digit position, and ending digit position.

For partial redaction of number data types, you can enter values for the following settings for the function_parameters parameter of the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure, in the order shown.

  1. Mask character: Specifies the character to display. Enter a number from 0 to 9.

  2. Starting digit position: Specifies the starting digit position for the redaction, such as 1 for the first digit.

  3. Ending digit position: Specifies the ending digit position for the redaction.

For example, the following setting redacts the first five digits of the Social Security number 987654321, resulting in 999994321.

function_parameters  => '9,1,5',
Example: Partial Redaction Policy Using a Number Data Type

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a partial redaction policy that uses a number data type.

Example 16-6 shows how to partially redact a set of Social Security numbers in the mavis.cust_info table, for any application user who logs in. (Hence, the expression parameter evaluates to TRUE.)

This type of redaction is useful when the application is expecting a formatted number and not a string. In this scenario, the Social Security numbers are in a column of the data type NUMBER. In other words, the ssn column contains numbers only, not other characters such as hyphens or blank spaces.

Example 16-6 Partially Redacted Data Redaction Numeric Values

   object_schema       => 'mavis', 
   object_name         => 'cust_info', 
   column_name         => 'ssn',
   policy_name         => 'redact_cust_ssns1', 
   function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
   function_parameters => '7,1,5',
   expression          => '1=1',
   policy_description  => 'Partially redacts Social Security numbers',
   column_description  => 'ssn contains numeric Social Security numbers');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT ssn FROM mavis.cust_info;


Creating Partial Redaction Policies Using Date-Time Data Types

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY function_parameters parameter can redact date-time data types.

Settings for Date-Time Data Types

Oracle Data Redaction provides special settings for configuring date-time data types.

For partial redaction of date-time data types, enter values for the following DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY function_parameters parameter settings.

Enter these values in the order shown:

  1. m: Redacts the month. To redact with a month name, append 112 to lowercase m. For example, m5 displays as MAY. To omit redaction, enter an uppercase M.

  2. d: Redacts the day of the month. To redact with a day of the month, append 131 to a lowercase d. For example, d7 displays as 07. If you enter a higher number than the days of the month (for example, 31 for the month of February), then the last day of the month is displayed (for example, 28). To omit redaction, enter an uppercase D.

  3. y: Redacts the year. To redact with a year, append 19999 to a lowercase y. For example, y1984 displays as 84. To omit redaction, enter an uppercase Y.

  4. h: Redacts the hour. To redact with an hour, append 023 to a lowercase h. For example, h20 displays as 20. To omit redaction, enter an uppercase H.

  5. m: Redacts the minute. To redact with a minute, append 059 to a lowercase m. For example, m30 displays as 30. To omit redaction, enter an uppercase M.

  6. s: Redacts the second. To redact with a second, append 059 to a lowercase s. For example, s45 displays as 45. To omit redaction, enter an uppercase S.

Example: Partial Redaction Policy Using Date-Time Data Type

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a partial redaction policy that uses the date-time data type.

Example 16-7 shows how to partially redact a date. This example redacts the birth year of customers; replacing it with 13, but retaining the remaining values.

Example 16-7 Partially Redacted Data Redaction Using Date-Time Values

   object_schema       => 'mavis', 
   object_name         => 'cust_info', 
   column_name         => 'birth_date',
   policy_name         => 'redact_cust_bdate', 
   function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
   function_parameters => 'mdy2013HMS',
   expression          => '1=1',
   policy_description  => 'Replaces birth year with 2013',
   column_description  => 'birth_date contains customer's birthdate');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT birth_date FROM mavis.cust_info;

07-DEC-13 AM
12-OCT-13 AM

Creating a Regular Expression-Based Redaction Policy

A regular expression-based redaction policy enables you to redact data based on a search-and-replace model.

About Creating Regular Expression-Based Redaction Policies

Regular expression-based redaction enables you to search for patterns of data to redact.

For example, you can use regular expressions to redact email addresses, which can have varying character lengths. It is designed for use with character data only. You can use formats for the search and replace operation, or you can create custom pattern formats.

You cannot use regular expressions to redact a subset of the values in a column. The REGEXP_PATTERN (regular expression pattern) must match all of the values in order for the REGEXP_REPLACE_STRING setting to take effect, and the REGEXP_REPLACE_STRING must change the value.

For rows where the REGEXP_PATTERN fails to match, Data Redaction performs DBMS_REDACT.FULL redaction. This mitigates the risk of a mistake in the REGEXP_PATTERN which causes the regular expression to fail to match all of the values in the column, from showing the actual data for those rows which it failed to match.

In addition, if no change to the value occurs as a result of the REGEXP_REPLACE_STRING setting during regular expression replacement operation, Data Redaction performs DBMS_REDACT.FULL redaction.

Syntax for Creating a Regular Expression-Based Redaction Policy

The regexp_* parameters of the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a regular expression-based redaction policy.

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY fields for creating a regular expression-based data redaction policy are as follows:

   object_schema           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   object_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   column_name             IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   policy_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   function_type           IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   expression              IN VARCHAR2,
   enable                  IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   regexp_pattern          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   regexp_replace_string   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   regexp_position         IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
   regexp_occurrence       IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
   regexp_match_parameter  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);

In this specification:

  • object_schema, object_name, column_name, policy_name, expression, enable: See General Syntax of the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY Procedure.

  • function_type: Specifies the type of redaction. For regular expression based redaction, use either DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP or DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP_WIDTH.

    If you use the DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP redaction type, then no truncation occurs. This applies even if the redacted value is wider than the column width, and if the Oracle Call Interface width attribute (OCI_ATTR_CHAR_SIZE) of the column is not preserved. (It becomes 4000, just as it does when the REGEXP_REPLACE SQL operator is used on a column.)

    Using the DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP_WIDTH redaction type truncates any redacted value that exceeds the width of the column, and ensures that the OCI width attribute of the column (OCI_ATTR_CHAR_SIZE) remains unchanged.

    Note the following:

    • Use the DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP_WIDTH function type if your applications depend on the value of the OCI_ATTR_CHAR_SIZE attribute. For example, applications that are built using the Oracle OLE DB Provider interface are sensitive to the value of the OCI_ATTR_CHAR_SIZE attribute. If you use DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP as the redaction type, then the OCI_ATTR_CHAR_SIZE always becomes 4000. This setting makes it unsuitable as the redaction type of policies on tables that are used by Oracle OLE DB based applications. See Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide for more information about Oracle Call Interface parameter attributes.

    • When you set the function_type parameter to DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP or DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP_WIDTH, omit the function_parameters parameter from the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure.

    • Specify the regular expression parameters in much the same way that you specify the pattern, replace, position, occurrence, and match_parameter arguments to the REGEXP_REPLACE SQL function. See Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about the REGEXP_REPLACE SQL function.

  • regexp_pattern: Describes the search pattern for data that must be matched. If it finds a match, then Oracle Database replaces the data as specified by the regexp_replace_string setting. See the following sections for more information:

  • regexp_replace_string: Specifies how you want to replace the data to be redacted. See the following sections for more information:

  • regexp_position: Specifies the starting position for the string search. The value that you enter must be a positive integer indicating the character of the column_name data where Oracle Database should begin the search. The default is 1 or the DBMS_REDACT.RE_BEGINNING format, meaning that Oracle Database begins the search at the first character of the column_name data.

  • regexp_occurrence: Specifies how to perform the search and replace operation. The value that you enter must be a nonnegative integer indicating the occurrence of the replace operation:

    • If you specify 0 or the DBMS_REDACT.RE_ALL format, then Oracle Database replaces all the occurrences of the match.

    • If you specify the DBMS_REDACT.RE_FIRST format, then Oracle Database replaces the first occurrence of the match.

    • If you specify a positive integer n, then Oracle Database replaces the nth occurrence of the match.

    If the occurrence is greater than 1, then the database searches for the second occurrence beginning with the first character following the first occurrence of pattern, and so forth.

  • regexp_match_parameter: Specifies a text literal that lets you change the default matching behavior of the function. The behavior of this parameter is the same for this function as for the REGEXP_REPLACE SQL function. See Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for detailed information.

    To filter the search so that it is not case sensitive, specify the RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE format.

Regular Expression-Based Redaction Policies Using Formats

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure regexp_pattern and regexp_replace_string parameters both support formats.

Regular Expression Formats

The regular expression formats represent commonly used expressions, such as the replacement of digits within a credit card number.

Table 16-9 describes the formats that you can use with the regexp_pattern parameter in the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure.

Table 16-9 Formats for the regexp_pattern Parameter

Format Description


Searches for any digit. Replaces the identified pattern with the characters specified by theregexp_replace_string parameter. The DBMS_REDACT.RE_PATTERN_ANY_DIGIT is commonly used with the following values of the regexp_replace_string parameter:

regexp_replace_string => DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_WITH_SINGLE_X, 

This setting replaces any matched digit with the X character.

The following setting replaces any matched digit with the 1 character.

regexp_replace_string => DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_WITH_SINGLE_1, 


Searches for the middle digits of any credit card (other than American Express) that has 6 leading digits and 4 trailing digits. Replaces the identified pattern with the characters specified by the regexp_replace_string parameter.

The appropriate regexp_replace_string setting to use with this format is DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_CC_MIDDLE_DIGITS, which finds any credit card that could have 6 leading and 4 trailing digits left as actual data. It then redacts the middle digits.


Matches credit card numbers other than American Express credit card numbers. The appropriate regexp_replace_string setting to use with this format is DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_CCN. The end result is a redaction of all the digits except the last 4.


Matches American Express credit card numbers. The appropriate regexp_replace_string setting to use with this format is DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_AMEX_CCN. The end result is a redaction of all the digits except the last 5.


Searches for any U.S. telephone number. Replaces the identified pattern with the characters specified by theregexp_replace_string parameter

The appropriate regexp_replace_string setting to use with this format is DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_US_PHONE_L7, which finds United States phone numbers and then redacts the last 7 digits.


Searches for any email address. Replaces the identified pattern with the characters specified by theregexp_replace_string parameter

The appropriate regexp_replace_string settings that you can use with this format are as follows:

RE_REDACT_EMAIL_NAME, which finds any email address and redacts the email user name

RE_REDACT_EMAIL_DOMAIN, which finds any email address and redacts the email domain

RE_REDACT_EMAIL_ENTIRE, which finds any email address and redacts the entire email address


Searches for an IP address. Replaces the identified pattern with the characters specified by theregexp_replace_string parameter.

The appropriate regexp_replace_string setting to use with this format is DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_IP_L3, which replaces the last section of the dotted decimal string representation of an IP address with the characters 999 to indicate that it was redacted.

Table 16-10 describes formats that you can use with the regexp_replace_string parameter in the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure.

Table 16-10 Formats for the regexp_replace_string Parameter

Format Description


Replaces the data with a single X character for each of the actual data characters. For example, the credit card number 5105 1051 0510 5100 could be replaced with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.


Replaces the data with a single 1 digit for each of the actual data digits. For example, the credit card number 5105 1051 0510 5100 could be replaced with 1111 1111 1111 1111.


Redacts the middle digits in credit card numbers, as specified by setting the regexp_pattern parameter with the RE_PATTERN_CC_L6_T4 format. The redaction replaces each redacted character with an X. For example, the credit card number 5105 1051 0510 5100 could be replaced with 5105 10XX XXXX 5100.


Redacts the first 12 digits of a credit card number other than an American Express card number. For example, 4012888888881881 is redacted to ************1881.


Redacts the first 10 digits of an American Express number. For example, 378282246310005 is redacted to **********10005.


Redacts the last 7 digits of U.S. telephone numbers, as specified by setting the regexp_pattern parameter with the RE_PATTERN_US_PHONE format. The redaction replaces each redacted character with an X. This setting only applies to hyphenated phone numbers, not phone numbers with spaces. For example, the telephone number 415-555-0100 could be replaced with 415-XXX-XXXX.


Redacts the email name as specified by setting the regexp_pattern parameter with the RE_PATTERN_EMAIL_ADDRESS format. The redaction replaces the email user name with four x characters. For example, the email address psmith@example.com could be replaced with xxxx@example.com.


Redacts the email domain name as specified by setting the regexp_pattern parameter with the RE_PATTERN_EMAIL_ADDRESS format. The redaction replaces the domain with five x characters. For example, the email address psmith@example.com could be replaced with psmith@xxxxx.com.


Redacts the last three digits of the IP address as specified by setting the regexp_pattern parameter with the RE_PATTERN_IP_ADDRESS format. For example, the IP address could be replaced with, which is an invalid IP address.

Example: Regular Expression Redaction Policy Using Formats

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a regular expression redaction policy that uses formats.

Example 16-8 shows how to use regular expression formats to redact credit card numbers.

Example 16-8 Regular Expression Data Redaction Character Values

   object_schema          => 'mavis', 
   object_name            => 'cust_info', 
   column_name            => 'cc_num',
   policy_name            => 'redact_cust_cc_nums', 
   function_type          => DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP,
   function_parameters    => NULL,
   expression             => '1=1',
   regexp_pattern         => DBMS_REDACT.RE_PATTERN_CC_L6_T4,
   regexp_replace_string  => DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_CC_MIDDLE_DIGITS,
   regexp_position        => DBMS_REDACT.RE_BEGINNING,
   regexp_occurrence      => DBMS_REDACT.RE_FIRST,
   regexp_match_parameter => DBMS_REDACT.RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
   policy_description     => 'Regular expressions to redact credit card numbers',
   column_description     => 'cc_num contains customer credit card numbers');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT cc_num FROM mavis.cust_info;


Custom Regular Expression Redaction Policies

You can customize regular expressions in Data Redaction policies.

Settings for Custom Regular Expressions

Oracle Data Redaction provides special settings to configure policies that use regular expressions.

To create custom regular expression redaction policies, you use the following parameters in the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure:

  • regexp_pattern: This pattern is usually a text literal and can be of any of the data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2. The pattern can contain up to 512 bytes. For further information about writing the regular expression for the regexp_pattern parameter, see the description of the pattern argument of the REGEXP_REPLACE SQL function in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference, because the support that Data Redaction provides for regular expression matching is similar to that of the REGEXP_REPLACE SQL function.

  • regexp_replace_string: This data can be of any of the data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2. The regexp_replace_string can contain up to 500 back references to subexpressions in the form \n, where n is a number from 1 to 9. If you want to include a backslash (\) in the regexp_replace_string setting, then you must precede it with the escape character, which is also a backslash. For example, to literally replace the matched pattern with \2 (rather than replace it with the second matched subexpression of the matched pattern), you enter \\2 in the regexp_replace_string setting. For more information, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

See Also:

General Syntax of the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY Procedure for information about other DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY parameters

Example: Custom Regular Expression Redaction Policy

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure regexp* parameters can create a custom regular expression redaction policy.

Example 16-9 shows how to use regular expressions to redact the emp_id column data. In this example, taken together, the regexp_pattern and regexp_replace_string parameters do the following: first, find the pattern of 9 digits. For reference, break them into three groups that contain the first 3, the next 2, and then the last 4 digits. Then, replace all 9 digits with XXXXX concatenated with the third group (the last 4 digits) as found in the original pattern.

Query and redacted result:

SELECT emp_id FROM mavis.cust_info;


Example 16-9 Partially Redacted Data Redaction Using Regular Expressions

   object_schema          => 'mavis', 
   object_name            => 'cust_info', 
   column_name            => 'emp_id',
   policy_name            => 'redact_cust_ids', 
   function_type          => DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP,
   expression             => '1=1',
   regexp_pattern         => '(\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)',
   regexp_replace_string  => 'XXXXX\3',
   regexp_position        => 1,
   regexp_occurrence      => 0,
   regexp_match_parameter => 'i',
   policy_description     => 'Redacts customer IDs using regular expression',
   column_description     => 'emp_id contains employee ID numbers');

Creating a Random Redaction Policy

A random redaction policy presents redacted data as randomly generated values, such as Ukjsl32[[]]]s.

Syntax for Creating a Random Redaction Policy

A random redaction policy presents the redacted data to the querying application user as randomly generated values, based on the column data type.

Be aware that LOB columns are not supported.

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY fields for creating a random redaction policy are as follows:

   object_schema           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   object_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   column_name             IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   policy_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   function_type           IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   expression              IN VARCHAR2,
   enable                  IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);

In this specification:

Example: Random Redaction Policy

You can use the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY PL/SQL procedure create a random redaction policy.

Example 16-10 shows how to generate random values. Each time you run the SELECT statement, the output will be different.

Example 16-10 Randomly Redacted Data Redaction Values

   object_schema   => 'mavis', 
   object_name     => 'cust_info', 
   column_name     => 'login_username',
   policy_name     => 'redact_cust_rand_username', 
   function_type   => DBMS_REDACT.RANDOM,
   expression      => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''APP_USER''');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT login_username FROM mavis.cust_info;


Creating a Policy That Uses No Redaction

You can create policies that use no redaction at all, for when you want to test the policy in a development environment.

Syntax for Creating a Policy with No Redaction

The None redaction type option can be used to test the internal operation of redaction policies.

The None redaction type has no effect on the query results against tables that have policies defined on them. You can use this option to test the redaction policy definitions before applying them to a production environment. Be aware that LOB columns are not supported.

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY fields for creating a policy with no redaction are as follows:

   object_schema           IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   object_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   column_name             IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   policy_name             IN VARCHAR2,
   function_type           IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   expression              IN VARCHAR2,
   enable                  IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);

In this specification:

  • object_schema, object_name, column_name, policy_name, expression, enable: See General Syntax of the DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY Procedure.

  • function_type: Specifies the functions used to set the type of data redaction. Enter DBMS_REDACT.NONE.

    If you omit the function_type parameter, then the default redaction function_type setting is DBMS_REDACT.FULL.

Example: Performing No Redaction

The DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY procedure can create a policy that performs no redaction.

Example 16-11 shows how to create a Data Redaction policy that does not redact any of the displayed values.

Example 16-11 No Redacted Data Redaction Values

   object_schema    => 'mavis', 
   object_name      => 'cust_info', 
   column_name      => 'user_name',
   policy_name      => 'redact_cust_no_vals', 
   function_type    => DBMS_REDACT.NONE,
   expression       => '1=1');

Query and redacted result:

SELECT user_name FROM mavis.cust_info;


Exemption of Users from Oracle Data Redaction Policies

You can exempt users from having Oracle Data Redaction policies applied to the data they access.

To do so, you should grant the users the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege. Grant this privilege to trusted users only.

In addition to users who were granted this privilege, user SYS is also exempt from all Data Redaction policies. The person who creates the Data Redaction policy is by default not exempt from it, unless this person is user SYS or has the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege.

Note the following:

  • Users who have the INSERT privilege on a table can insert values into a redacted column, regardless of whether a Data Redaction policy exists on the table. Data Redaction only affects SQL SELECT statements (that is, queries) issued by a user, and has no effect on any other SQL issued by a user, including INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements. (See the next bullet for exceptions to this rule.)

  • Users cannot perform a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT where any of the columns being selected (source columns) is protected by a Data Redaction policy (and similarly, any DML operation where the source is a redacted column), unless the user was granted the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege.

  • The EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege is included in the DBA role, but this privilege must be granted explicitly to users because it is not included in the WITH ADMIN OPTION for DBA role grants. Users who were granted the DBA role are exempt from redaction policies because the DBA role contains the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, which is granted the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege.

Altering an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

The DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure enables you to modify Oracle Data Redaction policies.

About Altering Oracle Data Redaction Policies

The DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure alters a Data Redaction policy.

If the policy is already enabled, then you do not need to disable it first, and after you alter the policy, it remains enabled.

You can find the names of existing Data Redaction policies by querying the POLICY_NAME column of the REDACTION_POLICIES data dictionary view, and information about the columns, functions, and parameters specified in a policy by querying the REDACTION_COLUMNS view. To find the current value for policies that use full data redaction, you can query the REDACTION_VALUES_FOR_TYPE_FULL data dictionary view.

The action parameter specifies the type of modification that you want to perform. At a minimum, you must include the object_name and policy_name parameters when you run this procedure.

Syntax for the DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY Procedure

The DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure syntax can be used to alter all types of the Data Redaction policies.

The syntax for the DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure is as follows:

   object_schema          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   object_name            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   policy_name            IN VARCHAR2, 
   action                 IN BINARY_INTEGER := DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN,
   column_name            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   function_type          IN BINARY_INTEGER := DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
   function_parameters    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   expression             IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   regexp_pattern         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   regexp_replace_string  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   regexp_position        IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   regexp_occurrence      IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
   regexp_match_parameter IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   policy_description     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   column_description     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);

In this specification:

  • action: Enter one of the following values to define the kind of action to use:

    • DBMS_REDACT.MODIFY_COLUMN if you plan to change the column_name value.

    • DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN if you plan to add a new column (in addition to columns that are already protected by the policy) for redaction. This setting is the default for the action parameter.

    • DBMS_REDACT.DROP_COLUMN if you want to remove redaction from a column.

    • DBMS_REDACT.MODIFY_EXPRESSION if you plan to change the expression value. Each policy can have only one policy expression. In other words, when you modify the policy expression, you are replacing the existing policy expression with a new policy expression.

    • DBMS_REDACT.SET_POLICY_DESCRIPTION if you want to change the description of the policy.

    • DBMS_REDACT.SET_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION if you want to change the description of the column.

Parameters Required for DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY Actions

The DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure provides parameters than can perform various actions, such as adding or modifying a column.

Table 16-11 shows the combinations of these parameters.

Table 16-11 Parameters Required for Various DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY Actions

Desired Alteration Parameters to Set

Add or modify a column


  • column_name

  • function_type

  • function_parameters (if necessary)

  • regexp* (if necessary)

Change the policy expression


  • expression

Change the description of the policy


  • policy_description

Change the description of the column


  • column_description

Drop a column


  • column_name

Tutorial: Altering an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

You can redact multiple columns in a table or view, with each column having its own redaction setting.

The exercise in this section shows how to modify a Data Redaction policy so that multiple columns are redacted. It also shows how to change the expression setting for the policy. To accomplish this, you must run the DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure in stages.

  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has privileges to create users and grant them privileges.

    For example:

    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the following users:

  3. Grant EXECUTE on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package to user dr_admin:

  4. Connect as user OE.

    CONNECT OE@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  5. Create and populate a table that contains customer credit card information.

    CREATE TABLE cust_order_info(
     first_name varchar2(20),
     last_name varchar2(20),
     address varchar2(30),
     city varchar2(30),
     state varchar2(3),
     zip varchar2(5),
     cc_num varchar(19),
     cc_exp varchar2(7));
    INSERT INTO cust_order_info VALUES ('Jane','Dough','39 Mockingbird Lane', 'San Francisco', 'CA', 94114, '5105 1051 0510 5100', '10/2018');
    INSERT INTO cust_order_info VALUES ('Mary','Hightower','2319 Maple Street', 'Sonoma', 'CA', 95476, '5111 1111 1111 1118', '03/2019'); 
    INSERT INTO cust_order_info VALUES ('Herbert','Donahue','292 Winsome Way', 'San Francisco', 'CA', 94117, '5454 5454 5454 5454', '08/2018'); 
  6. Grant the SELECT privilege on the cust_order_info table to the sales_rep and support_rep users.
    GRANT SELECT ON cust_order_info TO sales_rep, support_rep;
  7. Connect as user dr_admin.

    CONNECT dr_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  8. Create and enable policy to redact the credit card number.

        object_schema              => 'oe',
        object_name                => 'cust_order_info',
        column_name                => 'cc_num',
        policy_name                => 'redact_cust_cc_info',
        function_type              => DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP,
        function_parameters        => NULL,
        expression                 => '1=1',
        regexp_pattern             => DBMS_REDACT.RE_PATTERN_CCN,
        regexp_replace_string      => DBMS_REDACT.RE_REDACT_CCN,
        regexp_position            => NULL,
        regexp_occurrence          => NULL,
        regexp_match_parameter     => NULL,
        policy_description         => 'Partially redacts credit card info',
        column_description         => 'cc_num_number lists credit card numbers');
  9. Modify the policy to include redaction of the expiration date.
        object_schema     => 'oe',
        object_name       => 'cust_order_info',
        policy_name       => 'redact_cust_cc_info',
        action            => DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN,
        column_name       => 'cc_exp',
        function_type     => DBMS_REDACT.RANDOM,
        expression        => '1-1');
  10. Modify the policy again, to use a condition so that the sales_rep user views the redacted values and the support_rep user views the actual data.

       object_schema     => 'oe',
       object_name       => 'cust_order_info',
       policy_name       => 'redact_cust_cc_info',
       action            => DBMS_REDACT.MODIFY_EXPRESSION,
       expression        => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''SALES_REP''');
  11. To test the policy, have the two users query the cust_order_info table.

    CONNECT support_rep@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
    SELECT cc_num, cc_exp FROM OE.cust_order_info;
    CC_NUM               CC_EXP
    -------------------  -------
    5105 1051 0510 5100  10/2018
    5111 1111 1111 1118  03/2019
    5454 5454 5454 5454  08/2018

    User support_rep can view the actual data.

    CONNECT sales_rep@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
    SELECT cc_num, cc_exp FROM OE.cust_order_info;
    CC_NUM             CC_EXP
    ----------------   -------
    ************5100   lST=033
    ************1119   OZA.w4C
    ************5454   B(9+;O1

    The actual data is redacted using for user sales_rep.

  12. Alter the cust_order_info to include a condition so that only support_rep can see the redacted data but sales_rep cannot.

    CONNECT dr_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
       object_schema      => 'oe',
       object_name        => 'cust_order_info',
       policy_name        => 'redact_cust_cc_info',
       action             => DBMS_REDACT.MODIFY_EXPRESSION,
       expression         => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''SUPPORT_REP''');
  13. Have the users test the policy again.

    CONNECT support_rep@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
    SELECT cc_num, cc_exp FROM OE.cust_order_info;
    CC_NUM             CC_EXP
    ----------------   -------
    ************5100   1^XMF~`
    ************1119   qz+9=#S
    ************5454   *KCaUkm

    User support_rep can no longer view the actual data; it is now redacted.

    CONNECT sales_rep@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
    SELECT cc_num, cc_exp FROM OE.cust_order_info;
    CC_NUM               CC_EXP
    -------------------  -------
    5105 1051 0510 5100  10/2018
    5111 1111 1111 1118  03/2019
    5454 5454 5454 5454  08/2018

    User sales_rep now can view the actual data.

  14. If you do not need the components of this tutorial, then you can remove them as follows:

    CONNECT dr_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
        object_schema  => 'oe',
        object_name    => 'cust_order_info',
        policy_name    => 'redact_cust_cc_info');
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
    DROP USER dr_admin;
    DROP USER sales_rep;
    DROP USER support_rep;
    CONNECT OE@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
    DROP TABLE cust_order_info;

Redacting Multiple Columns

You can redact more than one column in a Data Redaction policy.

Adding Columns to a Data Redaction Policy for a Single Table or View

You can redact columns of different data types, using different redaction types, for one table or view.

  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the policy for the first column that you want to redact.
  3. Use the DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure to add the next column to the policy.
    As necessary, set the action, column_name, function_type, and function_parameters (or the parameters that begin with regexp_) parameters to define the redaction for the new column, but do not change the object_schema, object_name, policy_name, or expression parameters. Each redacted column continues to have the same redaction parameters that were used to create it.

Example: Redacting Multiple Columns

The DBMS_REDACT.ALTER_POLICY procedure can redact multiple columns.

Example 16-12 shows how to add a column to an existing Data Redaction policy. In this example, the action parameter specifies that a new column must be added, using DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN. The name of the new column, card_num, is set by the column_name parameter.

Example 16-12 Adding a Column to a Data Redaction Policy

  object_schema       => 'mavis', 
  object_name         => 'cust_info', 
  policy_name         => 'redact_cust_user_ids', 
  action              => DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN,
  column_name         => 'card_num',
  function_type       => DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
  function_parameters => '',
  expression          => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''SYS_SESSION_ROLES'',''ADM'') = ''TRUE''');

Disabling and Enabling an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

You can disable and then reenable Oracle Data Redactions policies as necessary.

Disabling an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

The DBMS_REDACT.DISABLE_POLICY procedure disables Oracle Data Redaction policies.

You can find the names of existing Data Redaction policies and whether they are enabled by querying the POLICY_NAME and ENABLE columns of the REDACTION_POLICIES view. However, as long as the policy still exists, you cannot create another policy for that table or view, even if the original policy is disabled. In other words, if you want to create a different policy on the same table column, then you must drop the first policy before you can create and use the new policy.
  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Run the DBMS_REDACT.DISABLE_POLICY procedure, using the following syntax:
       object_schema       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
       object_name         IN VARCHAR2, 
       policy_name         IN VARCHAR2);

    In this specification:

    • object_schema: Specifies the schema of the object on which the Data Redaction policy will be applied. If you omit this setting (or enter NULL), then Oracle Database uses the name of the current schema.

    • object_name: Specifies the name of the table or view to be used for the Data Redaction policy.

    • policy_name: Specifies the name of the policy to be disabled.

    For example:

        object_schema  => 'mavis',
        object_name    => 'cust_info',
        policy_name    => 'redact_cust_user_ids');

Enabling an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

The DBMS_REDACT.ENABLE_POLICY procedure enables Oracle Data Redaction policies.

Immediately after you create a new policy, you do not need to enable it; the creation process handles that for you. To find the names of existing Data Redaction policies and whether they are enabled, you can query the POLICY_NAME and ENABLE columns of the REDACTION_POLICIES view. After you run the procedure to enable the policy, the enablement takes effect immediately.
  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Run the DBMS_REDACT.ENABLE_POLICY procedure, using the following syntax.
       object_schema       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
       object_name         IN VARCHAR2, 
       policy_name         IN VARCHAR2);

    In this specification:

    • object_schema: Specifies the schema of the object on which the Data Redaction policy will be applied. If you omit this setting (or enter NULL), then Oracle Database uses the name of the current schema.

    • object_name: Specifies the name of the table or view to be used for the Data Redaction policy.

    • policy_name: Specifies the name of the policy to be enabled.

    For example:

        object_schema  => 'mavis',
        object_name    => 'cust_info',
        policy_name    => 'redact_cust_user_ids');

Dropping an Oracle Data Redaction Policy

The DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY procedure drops Oracle Data Redaction policies.

You can drop an Oracle Data Redaction policy whether it is enabled or disabled. You can find the names of existing Data Redaction policies, by querying the POLICY_NAME column of the REDACTION_POLICIES view. When you drop a table or view that is associated with an Oracle Data Redaction policy, the policy is automatically dropped. As a best practice, drop the policy first, and then drop the table or view afterward.
  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Run the DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY procedure.
    Use the following syntax:
       object_schema       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
       object_name         IN VARCHAR2,
       policy_name         IN VARCHAR2);

    In this specification:

    • object_schema: Specifies the schema of the object to which the Data Redaction policy applies. If you omit this setting (or enter NULL), then Oracle Database uses the name of the current schema.

    • object_name: Specifies the name of the table or view to be used for the Data Redaction policy.

    • policy_name: Specifies the name of the policy to be dropped.

    For example:

        object_schema  => 'mavis',
        object_name    => 'cust_info',
        policy_name    => 'redact_cust_user_ids');
After you run the DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY procedure, the drop takes effect immediately.

Tutorial: SQL Expressions to Build Reports with Redacted Values

SQL expressions can be used to build reports based on columns that have Oracle Data Redaction policies defined on them.

The values used in the SQL expression will be redacted. This redaction occurs in such a way that the redaction takes place before the SQL expression is evaluated: the result value that is displayed in the report is the end result of the evaluated SQL expression over the redacted values, rather than the redacted result of the SQL expression as a whole.
  1. Connect to the PDB as a user who has the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_REDACT PL/SQL package.
    For example:
    CONNECT sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the following Data Redaction policy for the HR.EMPLOYEES table.
    This policy will replace the first 4 digits of the value from the SALARY column with the number 9 and the first digit of the value from the COMMISSION_PCT column with a 9.
       object_schema          => 'HR', 
       object_name            => 'EMPLOYEES', 
       column_name            => 'SALARY',
       column_description     => 'emp_sal_comm shows employee salary and commission',
       policy_name            => 'redact_emp_sal_comm', 
       policy_description     => 'Partially redacts the emp_sal_comm column',
       function_type          => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
       function_parameters    => '9,1,4',
       expression             => '1=1');
       object_schema          => 'HR',
       object_name            => 'EMPLOYEES',
       policy_name            => 'redact_emp_sal_comm',
       action                 => DBMS_REDACT.ADD_COLUMN,
       column_name            => 'COMMISSION_PCT',
       function_type          => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
       function_parameters    => '9,1,1',
       expression             => '1=1');
  3. Connect as the HR user and then run the following report.
    This report will use the SQL expression (SALARY + COMMISSION_PCT) to combine the employees' salaries and commissions.
    SELECT (SALARY + COMMISSION_PCT) total_emp_compensation
  4. Use SQL expressions for the report, including concatenation.
    For example:
    SELECT 'Employee ID '          || EMPLOYEE_ID ||
           ' has a salary of '     || SALARY || 
           ' and a commission of ' || COMMISSION_PCT || '.' detailed_emp_compensation
    Employee ID 150 has a salary of 99990 and a commission of .9.
    Employee ID 151 has a salary of 9999 and a commission of .95.
    Employee ID 152 has a salary of 9999 and a commission of .95.
  5. Connect the user who created the redact_emp_sal_comm Data Redaction policy.
  6. Run the following statement to drop the policy.
        object_schema => 'HR',
        object_name   => 'EMPLOYEES',
        policy_name   => 'redact_emp_sal_comm');

Oracle Data Redaction Policy Data Dictionary Views

Oracle Database provides data dictionary views that list information about Data Redaction policies.

Before you can query these views, you must be granted the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role.

Table 16-12 lists the Data Redaction data dictionary views.

Table 16-12 Data Redaction Views

View Description


Describes all of the redacted columns in the database, providing the the owner of the table or view within which the column resides, the object name, the column name, the type of redaction function, the parameters to the redaction function (if any), and a description of the redaction policy. If a policy expression has been created, displays the default object-wide policy expression’s SQL expression.


Displays the names of existing policy expressions and their SQL expressions


Describes all of the data redaction policies in the database. It includes information about the object owner, object name, policy name, policy expression, whether the policy is enabled, and a description of the Data Redaction policy.


Shows the current redaction values for Data Redaction policies that use full redaction