2.11 Configuring Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)


In the current release, REST services are not supported on Microsoft Windows.

2.11.1 Configuring REST Using the Included ORDS

Override default ORDS configuration by setting the shell environment variables.

  • By default, Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) uses whichever port is available in the range 7080-7085. If no port in this range is available, then ORDS exits and prompts you to set the RAT_ORDS_PORT environment variable. If RAT_ORDS_PORT is already set, then ORDS uses the port specified in the RAT_ORDS_PORT environment variable.

  • By default, ORDS is setup with the administrator user ordsadmin. You can override this by specifying a different user in the RAT_ORDSADMIN_USER environment variable.

  • Depending on Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk, ORDS is started as a nologin user named either ordsorachk or ordsexachk. If you use the ORDS, which is already running, then the user is as same as who is running ORDS.

  • If Oracle Trace File Analyzer is installed, then ORDS picks JAVA_HOME from TFA_HOME. If Oracle Trace File Analyzer is not installed, then ORDS picks the default JAVA_HOME. It is a requirement that you use JDK8. However, you can override by setting the RAT_JAVAEXE environment variable.

2.11.2 Configuring REST Using an Existing ORDS Installation

  1. To add the orachk.jar file to the existing ords.war file:
    orachk -ordssetup ords_war_dir -configdir config_dir
    exachk -ordssetup ords_war_dir -configdir config_dir


    ords_war_dir is the directory that contains the ords.war file

    config_dir is an optional directory that you can specify to store the ORDS configuration files. If you do not specify the optional directory, then the configuration files are stored in the orda_war_dir directory.

    Stopping and restarting ORDS after running the -ordssetup command:
    • Adds the orachk.jar file to the existing ords.war file

    • Adds the user ordsadmin to the ords.war file, and grants ORAchk admin privileges to ordsadmin

  2. To start the Oracle ORAchk or Oracle EXAchk daemon:
    orachk -d start -ords ords_war_dir
    exachk -d start -ords ords_war_dir
After completion, open the ords_war_dir/log/ords_setup.log file to view the REST URL details.