E.1 Oracle Autonomous Health Framework Installation Command-Line Options

Understand the options that you can supply to the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework installer script to customize the installation.

The Oracle Autonomous Health Framework installer script:

  • Takes you through an interview process if you do not specify any installation parameters.
  • Appends /oracle.ahf to -ahf_loc if it does not already exist.
  • Appends /oracle.ahf/data to -data_dir if it does not already exist.
  • Writes the log to the /tmp/ahf_install_timestamp.log file, for example, /tmp/ahf_install_9263_2018_09_25-07_55_52.log.


[-ahf_loc AHF Location]
[-data_dir AHF Repository]
[-nodes node1,node2]
[-tmp_loc directory]
[-debug [-level 1-6]]


Table E-1 ahf_setup Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Specify the installation directory. Ensure that this directory exists before trying this option.


Specify the data directory where Oracle Autonomous Health Framework stores all the collections, metadata, and so on. Ensure that this directory exists before trying this option.


By default, Oracle Autonomous Health Framework is installed on all the cluster nodes. Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes where you want to install AHF.


Extracts the files from the installer. This option is default for non-root users.

Specify the -notfasetup option just to extract and not to configure Oracle Trace File Analyzer.

Run the ahf_setup -extract [exachk|orachk] command to install a local copy of Oracle ORAchk or Oracle EXAchk without installing the rest of AHF.


The -force option is applicable only when you specify the compliance type orachk or exachk with the -extract option else the installer script ignores the -force option.
-extract orachk|exachk


Installs only on the local node.


Use this option for the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework installer script not to prompt any installation questions.

If you use -silent option, then ensure that you use -data_dir option. The installer script fails if you do not use -data_dir option.


Specify a temporary location for the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework installer script to extract the install archive. Ensure that this directory exists before trying this option.

Default: /tmp.


Specify a custom location for Perl binaries.


Debugs the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework installer script.


Specify the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework Install debug level. Default 4 with option -debug.

  • 1 - FATAL
  • 2 - ERROR
  • 3 - WARNING
  • 4 - INFO
  • 5 - DEBUG
  • 6 - TRACE

Understanding the Location of the Data Directory

  • If you install Oracle Autonomous Health Framework using the -data_dir option, then the installer script uses the location that you specify. The installer script will not create the specified data directory so ensure that this directory exists before trying the -data_dir option. You can specify a new data directory either under the current Oracle Trace File Analyzer install location or under a different directory.
  • If you install Oracle Autonomous Health Framework using the -silent option, then ensure that you use the -data_dir option, otherwise, the installer script will fail.
  • If you install Oracle Autonomous Health Framework without the -data_dir option, then the installer script will list all possible options:
    • Oracle Autonomous Health Framework installation location (-ahf_loc) if the free space is more than 5 GB
    • Oracle Trace File Analyzer repository if installed outside the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home
    • Directory one level above the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Base
    • Option to enter a different directory
  • If you do not use the -silent option and do not specify –ahf_loc and –data_dir, then the installer script displays the default options for you to confirm.

    For example:
    # /tmp/ahf_setup -nodes node1
    AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_15992_2019_10_10-08_07_38.log
    Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation
    AHF Version: 193000 Build Date: 201910100757
    Default AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf
    Do you want to update default AHF Location ? Y|[N] : 
    AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf
    Choose Data Directory from below options : 
    1. /u01/app [Free Space : 6742 MB]
    2. Enter a different Location
    Choose Option [1 - 2] : 1
    AHF Data Directory : /u01/app/oracle.ahf/data
    Do you want to add AHF Notification Email IDs ? [Y]|N : n
    Extracting AHF to /opt/oracle.ahf