E.2 Running Oracle Trace File Analyzer Administration Commands

You need root access to tfactl, or sudo access to run all administration commands.

Table E-2 Basic tfactl commands

Command Description

tfactl start

Starts the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon on the local node.

tfactl stop

Stops the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon on the local node.

tfactl enable

Enables automatic restart of the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon after a failure or system reboot.

tfactl disable

Stops any running Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon and disables automatic restart.

tfactl uninstall

Removes Oracle Trace File Analyzer from the local node.

tfactl syncnodes

Generates and copies Oracle Trace File Analyzer certificates from one Oracle Trace File Analyzer node to other nodes.

tfactl restrictprotocol

Restricts the use of certain protocols.

tfactl status

Checks the status of an Oracle Trace File Analyzer process.

The output is same as tfactl print status.

E.2.1 tfactl access

Use the tfactl access command to enable non-root users to have controlled access to Oracle Trace File Analyzer, and to run diagnostic collections.

Non-root users can run a subset of tfactl commands. Running a subset of commands enables non-root users to have controlled access to Oracle Trace File Analyzer, and to run diagnostic collections. However, root access is still required to install and administer Oracle Trace File Analyzer. Control non-root users and groups using the tfactl access command. Add or remove non-root users and groups depending upon your business requirements.


By default, all Oracle home owners, OS DBA groups, and ASM groups are added to the Oracle Trace File Analyzer Access Manager list while installing or upgrading Oracle Trace File Analyzer.


tfactl access command [options]
tfactl access lsusers [ -local ]
tfactl access add -user user_name [ -local ]
tfactl access remove -user user_name [ -all ] [ -local ]
tfactl access block -user user_name [ -local ]
tfactl access unblock -user user_name [ -local ]
tfactl access enable [ -local ]
tfactl access disable [ -local ]
tfactl access reset
tfactl access removeall


Table E-3 tfactl access Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Lists all the Oracle Trace File Analyzer users and groups.


Enables Oracle Trace File Analyzer access for non-root users.

Use the –local flag to change settings only on the local node.


Disables Oracle Trace File Analyzer access for non-root users.

However, the list of users who were granted access to Oracle Trace File Analyzer is stored, if the access to non-root users is enabled later.

Use the –local flag to change settings only on the local node.


Adds a user or a group to the Oracle Trace File Analyzer access list.


Removes a user or a group from the Oracle Trace File Analyzer access list.


Blocks Oracle Trace File Analyzer access for non-root user.

Use this command to block a specific user even though the user is a member of a group that is granted access to Oracle Trace File Analyzer.


Enables Oracle Trace File Analyzer access for non-root users who were blocked earlier.

Use this command to unblock a user that was blocked earlier by running the command tfactl access block.


Resets to the default access list that includes all Oracle Home owners and DBA groups.


Removes all Oracle Trace File Analyzer users and groups.

Remove all users from the Oracle Trace File Analyzer access list including the default users and groups.

Example E-1 tfactl access

To list all the Oracle Trace File Analyzer users and groups.
$ tfactl access lsusers

|     TFA Users in rws1270069     |
| User Name | User Type | Status  |
| oradb     | USER      | Allowed |
| oragrid   | USER      | Allowed |

To add a user, for example, abc to the Oracle Trace File Analyzer access list and enable access to Oracle Trace File Analyzer across cluster.

$ tfactl access add -user abc

To add all members of a group, for example, xyz to the Oracle Trace File Analyzer access list and enable access to Oracle Trace File Analyzer on the localhost.

$ tfactl access add -group xyz -local

To remove a user, for example, abc from the Oracle Trace File Analyzer access list.

$ tfactl access remove -user abc

To block a user, for example, xyz from accessing Oracle Trace File Analyzer.

$ tfactl access block -user xyz

To remove all Oracle Trace File Analyzer users and groups.

$ tfactl access removeall

E.2.2 tfactl availability

Use the tfactl availability command to enable or disable resources for Availability Score.


tfactl enable -key key -value value  | -list
tfactl disable -key key -value value [-for nd|D|h|H|m|M]  | -list [-for nd|D|h|H|m|M]


Table E-4 tfactl enable Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-type resource_type

Specify the resource type that you want to enable.

-key key

Specify the key of the resource that you want to enable.


Displays the list of resources that are available for enabling.


Table E-5 tfactl disable Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-type resource_type

Specify the resource type that you want to enable.

-key key

Specify the key of the resource that you want to enable.

[-for nd|D|h|H|m|M] | -list [-for nd|D|h|H|m|M]

Specify the days, hours, or minutes to determine how long the resource will be disabled. Default is 7 days.


Displays the list of resources that are available for disabling..

E.2.3 tfactl blackout

Use the tfactl blackout command to suppress diagnostic collections at a more granular level.


tfactl blackout 
[-targettype all|crs|asm|asmdg|database|listener|service|os] 
[-target all|name]
[-event all|"event_str1,event_str2"]
[-timeout nh|nd|none] 
[-reason "reason for blackout"] 


Table E-6 tfactl blackout Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Adds, removes, or prints blackout conditions.

-targettype type

Target type: all|crs|asm|asmdg|database|listener|service|os

Limits blackout only to the specified target type.

By default, the target type is set to all.

all: The whole node is under blackout . If all under blackout, then every blackout element that's shown true in the Telemetry JSON will have the reason for the blackout.

crs: Blackout the availability of the Oracle Clusterware resource or events in the Oracle Clusterware logs.

asm: Blackout the availability of Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) on this machine or events in the Oracle ASM alert logs.

asmdg: Blackout an Oracle ASM disk group.

database: Blackout the availability of an Oracle Database, Oracle Database backup, tablespace, and so on, or events in the Oracle Database alert logs.

listener: Blackout the availability of a listener.

service: Blackout the availability of a service.

os: Blackout one or more operating system records.

-target all|name

Specify the target for blackout. You can specify a comma-delimited list of targets.

By default, the target is set to all.

-events all|"str1,str2"

Limits blackout only to the availability events, or event strings, which should not trigger auto collections, or be marked as blacked out in telemetry JSON.

all: Blackout everything for the target specified.

string: Blackout for incidents where any part of the line contains the strings specified.

Specify a comma-delimited list of strings.

-timeout nh|nd|none

Specify the duration for blackout in number of hours or days before timing out. By default, the timeout is set to 24 hours (24h).


Specify if blackout should be set to cluster-wide or local.

By default, blackout is set to local.

-reason comment

Specify a descriptive reason for the blackout.


Use this option to do an automatic diagnostic collection even if a blackout is set for this target.

Example E-2 Adding Blackout details

# tfactl blackout add -targettype database -target mydb -event "ORA-00600"

Event "ORA-00600" is blacked out until Wed Feb 20 00:20:34 PST 2019 on targettype : database, target : mydb

# tfactl  blackout add -targettype database -target all  -event "ORA-04031"  -timeout 1h

Event "ORA-04031" is blacked out untill Tue Feb 19 01:21:27 PST 2019 on targettype : database, target : all

# tfactl blackout add -targettype database -target all -event "ORA-04030"  -timeout none -c

Event "ORA-04030" is blacked out untill Sun Feb 19 00:22:39 PST 2119 on targettype : database, target : all

# tfactl blackout add -targettype all -event all -target all -timeout 1h -reason "Disabling all events during patching"

Event "ALL" is blacked out untill Tue Feb 19 01:23:47 PST 2019 on targettype : all, target : all

Example E-3 Printing Blackout details

# tfactl blackout print
| Target Type | Target | Events    | Start Time                   | End Time                     | Do Collection | Reason                               |
| ALL         | ALL    | ALL       | Tue Feb 19 00:23:47 PST 2019 | Tue Feb 19 01:23:47 PST 2019 | false         | Disabling all events during patching |
| DATABASE    | ALL    | ORA-04030 | Tue Feb 19 00:22:39 PST 2019 | Sun Feb 19 00:22:39 PST 2119 | false         | NA                                   |
| DATABASE    | ALL    | ORA-04031 | Tue Feb 19 00:21:27 PST 2019 | Tue Feb 19 01:21:27 PST 2019 | false         | NA                                   |
| DATABASE    | MYDB   | ORA-00600 | Tue Feb 19 00:20:34 PST 2019 | Wed Feb 20 00:20:34 PST 2019 | false         | NA                                   |

Example E-4 Removing Blackout details

# tfactl blackout remove -targettype database -event "ORA-00600" -target all

Failed to remove Blackout details in TFA.

# tfactl blackout remove -targettype database -event "ORA-00600" -target mydb

Removed Blackouts for ORA-00600 events for targettype : database, target : mydb

# tfactl blackout remove -targettype database -event all -target mydb

Removed Blackouts for ALL events for targettype : database, target : mydb

# tfactl blackout remove -targettype all -event all -target all

Removed Blackouts for ALL events for targettype : all, target : all

E.2.4 tfactl cell

Use the tfactl cell command to print or modify various storage cell configuration.


tfactl cell -h
tfactl cell status
tfactl cell config
tfactl cell add walletpassword
tfactl cell remove walletpassword
tfactl cell configure
tfactl cell deconfigure


Table E-7 tfactl access Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Prints the current status of storage cells.


Prints the current configuration of storage cells.

add walletpassword

Adds wallet or wallet password for storage cells.

Oracle Trace File Analyzer uses an Oracle wallet to store cell user passwords. The wallet password is required to access the wallet to get these passwords when Oracle Trace File Analyzer runs. Running this command will store the password securely for use when collections are made. If the password is not stored, then it will have to be entered at collection time.

remove walletpassword

Removes wallet password.

Use this command to stop Oracle Trace File Analyzer storing the wallet password.


Configures storage cells.

Used the configure option to configure cell collections where this was not completed at installation time, was not completed due to upgrade or following a previous deconfigure.


Removes all of the storage cell configuration.

Example E-5 tfactl cell status

# tfactl cell status
| 1 | cel01 | ONLINE |
| 2 | cel02 | ONLINE |

Example E-6 tfactl cell config

# tfactl cell config
-------- ------------------------.
| Storage Cell Configuration |
| Configuration Parameter | Value |
| Exadata Support | YES |
| Configured Storage Cells | YES |
| Oracle Wallet Used | YES |
| Oracle Wallet Location | /u01/app/tfa/db01/tfa_home/internal/tfawallet |
| Oracle Wallet Password is with TFA | YES |
| Oracle Wallet Password Storage Status | Stored |

Example E-7 tfactl cell add walletpassword

# tfactl cell add walletpassword
Please Enter Password for Oracle Wallet:

Example E-8 tfactl cell remove walletpassword

# tfactl cell remove walletpassword
Please Enter Password for Oracle Wallet:
Oracle Wallet Password is successfully removed.

Example E-9 tfactl cell deconfigure

# tfactl cell deconfigure
Removing Storage Cell Configuration...
Successfully removed Storage Cell Configuration.

E.2.5 tfactl checkupload

Use the tfactl checkupload command to validate the configured upload parameters.

You can run the checkupload command as root or a non-root user.


tfactl checkupload 
[-name NAME]


Table E-8 tfactl checkupload Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Specify the name of your configuration. For example, mosconfig to upload to My Oracle Support.

E.2.6 tfactl diagnosetfa

Use the tfactl diagnosetfa command to collect Oracle Trace File Analyzer diagnostic data from the local node to identify issues with Oracle Trace File Analyzer.


tfactl diagnosetfa [-repo repository] [-tag tag_name] [-local]


Table E-9 tfactl diagnosetfa Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-repo repository

Specify the repository directory for the Oracle Trace File Analyzer diagnostic collections.

-tag tag_name

Oracle Trace File Analyzer collects the files into tag_name directory.


Runs Oracle Trace File Analyzer diagnostics only on the local node.

E.2.7 tfactl disable

Use the tfactl disable command to prevent the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon from restarting.


tfactl disable

E.2.8 tfactl enable

Use the tfactl enable command to enable automatic restart of the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon after a failure or system reboot.


tfactl enable

E.2.9 tfactl floodcontrol

Use the tfactl floodcontrol command to limit or stop Oracle Trace File Analyzer collecting the same events in a given frame of time.


tfactl floodcontrol
[-event name] 
[-limit n] 
[-limittime n] 
[-pausetime n]


Table E-10 tfactl floodcontrol Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Print, update, or clear flood control details.

event name

Flood control event name.

limit n

Flood control limit count.

limittime n

Flood control initital limit time in minutes.

pausetime n

Flood control pause time in minutes.

E.2.10 tfactl get

Use the tfactl get command to view the details of various Oracle Trace File Analyzer configuration settings.


tfactl get 
| autodiagcollect 
| trimfiles 
| reposizeMB 
| repositorydir 
| logsize 
| logcount
| maxcorefilesize 
| maxcorecollectionsize
| maxfilecollectionsize
| autopurge
| publicip 
| redact 
| minSpaceForRTScan 
| rtscan
| diskUsageMon
| diskUsageMonInterval
| manageLogsAutoPurge
| manageLogsAutoPurgeInterval 
| manageLogsAutoPurgePolicyAge 
| minfileagetopurge 
| tfaIpsPoolSize 
| tfaDbUtlPurgeAge 
| tfaDbUtlPurgeMode 
| tfaDbUtlPurgeThreadDelay
| tfaDbUtlCrsProfileDelay 
| indexRecoveryMode 
| collection.isa 
| discovery 
| inventory 
| unreachableNodeSleepTime
| unreachableNodeTimeOut 
| ipsAlertlogTrimsizeMB
| clustereventmonitor
[-match pattern]

Example E-10 tfactl get

# tfactl get collect -match
|                                testserver                                |
| Configuration Parameter                                          | Value |
| collectAllDirsByFile                                             | ON    |
| Auto Diagcollection ( autodiagcollect )                          | ON    |
| ISA Data Gathering ( collection.isa )                            | ON    |
| collectTrm                                                       | OFF   |
| Generation of Mini Collections ( minicollection )                | ON    |
| chaautocollect                                                   | ON    |
| Max File Collection Size (MB) ( maxFileCollectionSize )          | 5120  |
| Max Collection Size of Core Files (MB) ( maxCoreCollectionSize ) | 500   |
| minTimeForAutoDiagCollection                                     | 12    |
tfactl get maxcorefilesize
|                        testserver                      |
| Configuration Parameter                        | Value |
| Max Size of Core File (MB) ( maxCoreFileSize ) | 50    |
tfactl get maxcorecollectionsize
|                                 testserver                               |
| Configuration Parameter                                          | Value |
| Max Collection Size of Core Files (MB) ( maxCoreCollectionSize ) | 500   |

E.2.11 tfactl getresourcelimit

Use the tfactl getresourcelimit command to fetch the details of Oracle Trace File Analyzer CPU usage limitations.


tfactl getresourcelimit 
[-tool tool_name] 
[-resource resource_type]


Table E-11 tfactl getresourcelimit Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Currently, you can only specify tfa.


Currently, you can only specify cpu.

Example E-11 getresourcelimit Example

# tfactl getresourcelimit
Tool TFA: Resource CPU: Limit value: 1

E.2.12 tfactl getupload

Use the tfactl getupload command to fetch the details of configured upload parameters.

You can run the getupload command as root or a non-root user.


tfactl getupload 
[-name NAME] 
[-user USER]
[-server SERVER] 
[-url URL]
[-proxy PROXY]
[-noauth NOAUTH]
[-request REQUEST]
[-https_token HTTPS_TOKEN]
[-header HEADER] 
[-secure SECURE]
[-connectstring CONNECTSTRING]
[-uploadtable UPLOADTABLE]


Table E-12 tfactl getupload Command Parameters

Parameter Description


All of the parameters.


Specify the name of your configuration. For example, mosconfig.


Specify the user who has the privileges to access the endpoint. For example, upload.user@example.com.


Specify the password of the user.


Specify the name of the server to which you have uploaded files. For example, bugsftp.example.com.


Specify the target URL in case of HTTPS type. For example, https://samplehost.com.


Specify the URL of the proxy server. For example, www.example.com:80.


Specify true and false. Default value is false.

If noauth is set to true, then HTTPS upload will skip authentication.

For example, upload files to PAR, Pre Authenticated URL where no user/password authentication is required.


Specify the request type, for example, POST.


Specify any static header values while configuring. For example, set auth tokens while configuring the HTTPS end point.

You can also pass dynamic headers at upload time by passing the -https_token headers command option to tfactl upload command.

For example: -H 'X-TFA-REQUESTID: 1'.


Stores the executionId in the ahf.properties file.

For example, to set the header:tfactl setupload -name a1 -type https -header X-TFA-HEADERS:executionId=aeldb1db01_2020.06.16_19.20.55.15336025


Specify true or false. Default value is true.

Specifying the secure value checks for certificates.

If secure is set to false, the upload command will run an unsecure upload.


Specify the database connect string to log in to the database where you have uploaded files.



Specify the name of the table where you have uploaded files as BLOB type.

For example, for uploading Oracle ORAchk collections to the Collection Manager it is set to RCA13_DOCS.

E.2.13 tfactl host

Use the tfactl host command to add hosts to, or remove hosts from the Oracle Trace File Analyzer configuration.


tfactl host [add host_name | remove host_name]

Usage Notes

View the current list of hosts in the Oracle Trace File Analyzer configuration using the tfactl print hosts command. The tfactl print hosts command lists the hosts that are part of the Oracle Trace File Analyzer cluster:
$ tfactl print hosts
Host Name : node1
Host Name : node2

When you add a new host, Oracle Trace File Analyzer contacts the Oracle Trace File Analyzer instance on the other host. Oracle Trace File Analyzer authenticates the new host using certificates and both the Oracle Trace File Analyzer instances synchronize their respective hosts lists. Oracle Trace File Analyzer does not add the new host until the certificates are synchronized.

After you successfully add a host, all the cluster-wide commands are activated on all nodes registered in the Berkeley DB (BDB).

Example E-12 tfactl host

Specify a host name to add:
$ tfactl host add myhost
Specify a host name to remove:
$ tfactl host remove myhost

E.2.14 tfactl print

Use the tfactl print command to print information from the Berkeley DB (BDB).


tfactl print command [options]
tfactl print status
tfactl print components [ [component_name1] [component_name2] ... [component_nameN] ]
tfactl print config [ -node all | local | n1,n2,...  -name param]
tfactl print directories [ -node all | local | n1,n2,... ] [ -comp component_name1,component_name2,... ] [ -policy exclusions | noexclusions ] 
[ -permission public | private ]
tfactl print hosts
tfactl print actions [ -status status ] [ -since nh|d ]
tfactl print repository
tfactl print suspendedips
tfactl print protocols
tfactl print smtp


Table E-13 tfactl print Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Displays the status of Oracle Trace File Analyzer across all nodes in the cluster. Also, displays the Oracle Trace File Analyzer version and the port on which it is running.


Displays the desired components in the configuration.


Displays the current Oracle Trace File Analyzer configuration settings.


Lists all the directories that Oracle Trace File Analyzer scans for trace or log file data. Also, displays the location of the trace directories allocated for the database, Oracle ASM, and instance.


Lists the hosts that are part of the Oracle Trace File Analyzer cluster, and that can receive cluster-wide commands.


Lists all the actions submitted to Oracle Trace File Analyzer, such as diagnostic collection. By default, tfactl print commands only display actions that are running or that have completed in the last hour.


Displays the current location and amount of used space of the repository directory. Initially, the maximum size of the repository directory is the smaller of either 10 GB or 50% of available file system space. If the maximum size is exceeded or the file system space gets to 1 GB or less, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer suspends operations and closes the repository. Use the tfactl purge command to clear collections from the repository.


Lists all paused Oracle Trace File Analyzer IPS collections.


Lists all available and restricted protocols.


Displays the SMTP server configuration


Option Description

-status status

Action status can be one or more of COMPLETE, RUNNING, FAILED, REQUESTED

Specify a comma-separated list of statuses.

-since nh|d

Specify actions from past n days or n hours.

Example E-13 tfactl print smtp

tfactl print smtp

| SMTP Server Configuration |
| Parameter     | Value     |
| smtp.auth     | false     |
| smtp.from     | tfa       |
| smtp.user     | -         |
| smtp.cc       | -         |
| smtp.port     |        25 |
| smtp.bcc      | -         |
| smtp.password | *******   |
| smtp.host     | localhost |
| smtp.to       | -         |
| smtp.debug    | true      |
| smtp.ssl      | false     |

Example E-14 tfactl print protocols

tfactl print protocols

|                    node1                         |
| Protocols                                        |
| Available : [TLSv1.2]                            |
| Restricted : [SSLv3, SSLv2Hello, TLSv1, TLSv1.1] |

Example E-15 tfactl print components ASM

$ tfactl print components ASM

|                  XML Components                  |
| Field         | Value                            |
| Name          | ASM                              |
| Description   | ASM logs                         |
| Comp. Types   | collection action                |
| Configuration | all                              |
| Subcomponents | name:instance required: default: |
| Also collect  | TNS                              |
|               | AFD                              |
|               | ASMPROXY                         |
|               | ASMIO                            |

Example E-16 tfactl print components ODASTORAGE

$ tfactl print components ODASTORAGE

|               XML Components              |
| Field         | Value                     |
| Name          | ODASTORAGE                |
| Description   | ODA Storage logs and Data |
| Comp. Types   | action                    |
| Configuration | ODA                       |
| Also collect  | OS                        |
|               | ODA                       |
|               | ASM                       |
|               | DCS                       |

Example E-17 tfactl print config

tfactl print config
|                                      node1                                         |
| Configuration Parameter                                               | Value      |
| TFA Version                                                           | |
| Java Version                                                          | 1.8        |
| Public IP Network                                                     | false      |
| Automatic Diagnostic Collection                                       | true       |
| Alert Log Scan                                                        | true       |
| Disk Usage Monitor                                                    | true       |
| Managelogs Auto Purge                                                 | false      |
| Trimming of files during diagcollection                               | true       |
| Inventory Trace level                                                 | 1          |
| Collection Trace level                                                | 1          |
| Scan Trace level                                                      | 1          |
| Other Trace level                                                     | 1          |
| Granular Tracing                                                      | false      |
| Debug Mask (Hex)                                                      | 0          |
| Repository current size (MB)                                          | 146        |
| Repository maximum size (MB)                                          | 10240      |
| Max Size of TFA Log (MB)                                              | 50         |
| Max Number of TFA Logs                                                | 10         |
| Max Size of Core File (MB)                                            | 50         |
| Max Collection Size of Core Files (MB)                                | 500        |
| Max File Collection Size (MB)                                         | 5120       |
| Minimum Free Space to enable Alert Log Scan (MB)                      | 500        |
| Time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot(minutes)        | 60         |
| Time interval between consecutive Managelogs Auto Purge(minutes)      | 60         |
| Logs older than the time period will be auto purged(days[d]|hours[h]) | 30d        |
| Automatic Purging                                                     | true       |
| Age of Purging Collections (Hours)                                    | 12         |
| TFA IPS Pool Size                                                     | 5          |
| TFA ISA Purge Age (seconds)                                           | 604800     |
| TFA ISA Purge Mode                                                    | profile    |
| TFA ISA Purge Thread Delay (minutes)                                  | 60         |
| Setting for ACR redaction (none|SANITIZE|MASK)                        | none       |
| Email Notification will be sent for CHA EVENTS if address is set      | false      |
| AUTO Collection will be generated for CHA EVENTS                      | false      |

In the preceding sample output:

  • Automatic diagnostic collection: When ON (default is OFF), if scanning an alert log, then finding specific events in those logs triggers diagnostic collection.

  • Trimming of files during diagcollection: Determines if Oracle Trace File Analyzer trims large files to contain only data that is within the specified time ranges. When trimming is OFF, no trimming of trace files occurs for automatic diagnostic collection.

  • Repository current size in MB: How much space in the repository is used.

  • Repository maximum size in MB: The maximum size of storage space in the repository. Initially, the maximum size is set to the smaller of either 10 GB or 50% of free space in the file system.

  • Trace Level: 1 is the default, and the values 2, 3, and 4 have increasing verbosity. While you can set the trace level dynamically for running the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon, increasing the trace level significantly impacts the performance of Oracle Trace File Analyzer. Increase the trace level only at the request of My Oracle Support.

  • Automatic Purging: Automatic purging of Oracle Trace File Analyzer collections is enabled by default. Oracle Trace File Analyzer collections are purged if their age exceeds the value of Minimum Age of Collections to Purge, and the repository space is exhausted.

  • Minimum Age of Collections to Purge (Hours): The minimum number of hours that Oracle Trace File Analyzer keeps a collection, after which Oracle Trace File Analyzer purges the collection. You can set the number of hours using the tfactl set minagetopurge=hours command.

  • Minimum Space free to enable Alert Log Scan (MB): The space limit, in MB, at which Oracle Trace File Analyzer temporarily suspends alert log scanning until space becomes free. Oracle Trace File Analyzer does not store alert log events if space on the file system used for the metadata database falls below the limit.

E.2.15 tfactl rest

Use the tfactl rest command to configure REST service.


tfactl rest 
[-dir directory] 
[-port port] 
[-user user] 
[-debug [-level debug_level 1-6]]


You can run the REST command only as root user.


Table E-14 REST Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Prints the current status.


Starts Oracle Trace File Analyzer REST services if not already running.


Stops Oracle Trace File Analyzer REST services if running.


Checks if the configured ORDS API should be upgraded.

If the ORDS API needs upgrading, then stops ORDS, upgrades the API, and then restarts ORDS.


Removes the Oracle Trace File Analyzer REST configuration.


The directory to use to store the Oracle Trace File Analyzer REST configuration details.

Defaults to the users home directory.


The port to run ORDS on.

Defaults to 9090.


The user to start ORDS as.

Defaults to the GRID owner.


Enables debug.


The level of debug to use, where available levels are:
  • 1 – FATAL

  • 2 – ERROR

  • 3 – WARNING

  • 4 – INFO (default)

  • 5 – DEBUG

  • 6 – TRACE

E.2.16 tfactl restrictprotocol

Use the tfactl restrictprotocol command to restrict certain protocols.


tfactl restrictprotocol [-force] protocol

Example E-18 tfactl restrictprotocol

$ tfactl restrictprotocol TLSv1

E.2.17 tfactl sendmail

Use the tfactl sendmail command to send a test email to verify SMTP configuration.


tfactl sendmail email_address

E.2.18 tfactl set

Use the tfactl set command to enable or disable, or modify various Oracle Trace File Analyzer functions.


tfactl set 
[ autodiagcollect=ON|OFF 
| trimfiles=ON|OFF 
| reposizeMB=n 
| repositorydir=dir [-force] 
| logsize=n [-local] 
| logcount=n [-local] 
| port=n
| maxcorefilesize=n [-local] 
| maxcorecollectionsize=n [-local] 
| maxfilecollectionsize=n
| autopurge=ON|OFF 
| publicip=ON|OFF 
| smtp
| minSpaceForRTScan=n 
| rtscan=ON|OFF 
| diskUsageMon=ON|OFF 
| diskUsageMonInterval=n 
| manageLogsAutoPurge=ON|OFF 
| manageLogsAutoPurgeInterval=n 
| manageLogsAutoPurgePolicyAge=d|h 
| minagetopurge=n  
| tfaDbUtlPurgeAge=n 
| tfaDbUtlPurgeMode=simple|resource|profile
| tfaDbUtlPurgeThreadDelay
| tfaDbUtlCrsProfileDelay
| indexRecoveryMode 
| rediscoveryInterval] 


Table E-15 tfactl set Command Parameters

Parameter Description


When set to OFF (default) automatic diagnostic collection is disabled. If set to ON, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer automatically collects diagnostics when certain patterns occur while Oracle Trace File Analyzer scans the alert logs.

To set automatic collection for all nodes of the Oracle Trace File Analyzer cluster, you must specify the -c parameter.


When set to ON, Oracle Trace File Analyzer trims the files to have only the relevant data when diagnostic collection is done as part of a scan.

Note: When using tfactl diagcollect, you determine the time range for trimming with the parameters you specify. Oracle recommends that you not set this parameter to OFF, because untrimmed data can consume much space.


Controls the trace level of log files.

Note: Do not change the tracing level unless you are directed to do so by My Oracle Support.


Sets the maximum size in MB of the collection repository.

repositorydir=directory [-force]

Specify the collection repository directory.

Use the -force option to skip initial checks while changing the repository (Not Recommended)

logsize=n [-local]

Sets the maximum size, in MB, of each log before Oracle Trace File Analyzer rotates to a new log.

  • Default: 50 MB
  • Minimum: 10 MB
  • Maximum: 500 MB

Use the -local parameter to apply the change only to the local node.

logcount=n [-local]

Sets the maximum number of logs of specified size that Oracle Trace File Analyzer retains.

  • Default: 10
  • Minimum: 5
  • Maximum: 50

Use the -local option to apply the change only to the local node.


Specify the Oracle Trace File Analyzer port.

maxcorefilesize=n [-local]

Sets the maximum size of the core files to the size specified in MB.

Default: 50 MB


Sets the maximum collection size of the core files to the size specified in MB.

Default: 500 MB


Specify the file size in MB (5 GB by default).

When you run the tfactl diagcollect command, it adds only the last 200 KB of the files that exceed the maximum file size to the diagnostic collection. The tfactl diagcollect command adds a new file, skipped_files.txt with the list of skipped files that are too large to add to the diagnostic collection.


When set to ON, enables automatic purging of collections when Oracle Trace File Analyzer observes less space in the repository (ON by default).


Allows Oracle Trace File Analyzer to run on public network.


Specify the configuration details for the SMTP server to use for email notifications when prompted.


Specify the minimum space required to run RT scan (500 by default).


Specify to allow Oracle Trace File Analyzer to perform alert log scanning.


Turns ON or OFF monitoring disk usage and recording snapshots (ON by default).

Oracle Trace File Analyzer stores the snapshots under tfa/repository/suptools/node/managelogs/usage_snapshot/.


Specify the time interval between snapshots.

Default: 60 minutes

manageLogsAutoPurge=ON | OFF

Turns automatic purging on or off (ON by default in DSC and OFF by default elsewhere).


Specify the purge frequency.

Default: 60 minutes


Age of logs to be purged.

Default: 30 days


Set the minimum age, in hours, for a collection before Oracle Trace File Analyzer considers it for purging.

  • Default: 12 hours
  • Minimum: 12 hours
  • Maximum: 168 hours


Sets the Oracle Trace File Analyzer ISA purge age in seconds.

Default: 604800 seconds, that is, 7 days

Range: 86400 (1 day) - 2592000 (1 month)


Sets the Oracle Trace File Analyzer ISA purge mode.


Set the Oracle Trace Fils Analyzer ISA purge thread delay in minutes.

Default: 60 minutes

Range: 1 - 1440 (24 hours) minutes


Set the Oracle Trace File Analyzer ISA CRS profile delay in minutes.

Default: 30 minutes

Range: 1 - 60 minutes


Set the Lucene index recovery mode to recreate or restore.

Recreate: If there's corruption, then index will be recreated with no recovery.

Restore: If there's corruption, then index will be recovered from last backup and the latest changes are reapplied


Sets the time interval for running lite rediscovery.

Minimum: 10 minutes

Maximum: 1 day


Propagates the settings to all nodes in the Oracle Trace File Analyzer configuration.


Set the value on the local node. If the option is not included, then the value will be set on all the nodes.

Example E-19 tfactl set

$ tfactl set autodiagcollect=ON reposizeMB=20480
$ tfactl set autodiagcollect=ON
$ tfactl set autopurge=ON
$ tfactl set tracelevel=INVENTORY:DEBUG
$ tfactl set reposizeMB=20480
$ tfactl set logsize=100
$ tfactl set port=5000

Example E-20 tfactl set rediscoveryInterval

tfa/bin/tfactl set rediscoveryInterval=1m1h1d
Successfully set rediscoveryInterval=1m1h1d
|                        node1                          |
| Configuration Parameter                      | Value  |
| Rediscovery Interval ( rediscoveryInterval ) | 1m1h1d |

E.2.19 tfactl setresourcelimit

Use the tfactl setresourcelimit command to restrict the CPU usage of Oracle Trace File Analyzer.


tfactl setresourcelimit 
[-tool tool_name] 
[-resource resource_type] 
[-value value]


Table E-16 tfactl setresourcelimit Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Set the limit to a minimum of 50% of a single CPU, and a maximum of 4 or 75% of the available CPUs, whichever is lower. By default, the CPU limit is set to the maximum.

To limit TFA to a maximum of 50% of a single CPU: tfactl setresourcelimit -value 0.5


Currently, you can only specify tfa.

Default: tfa


Currently, you can only specify cpu.

Default: cpu

Example E-21 setresourcelimit Examples

On a server with 10 CPUs, the default limit will be 4 CPUs:

# tfactl setresourcelimit
Tool TFA: Resource CPU: Limit value: 4

On a server with 4 CPUs, the default limit will be 3 CPUs (75% of available CPUs):

tfactl setresourcelimit
Tool TFA: Resource CPU: Limit value: 3
# tfactl setresourcelimit -value 2
Tool TFA: Resource CPU: Limit value: 2

E.2.20 tfactl setupload

Use the tfactl setupload command to set upload parameters.

You can run the setupload command as root or a non-root user.


tfactl setupload 
[-type TYPE] 
[-name NAME] 
[-user USER]
[-server SERVER] 
[-url URL]
[-proxy PROXY]
[-noauth NOAUTH]
[-https_token HTTPS_TOKEN]
[-request REQUEST]
[-header HEADER] 
[-secure SECURE]
[-connectstring CONNECTSTRING]
[-uploadtable UPLOADTABLE]


Table E-17 tfactl setupload Command Parameters

Parameter Description


All of the parameters.


Specify the type of an endpoint. For example, https, sftp, or sqlnet.


Specify a unique descriptive name to your configuration. For example, mosconfig to upload to My Oracle Support.


Specify the user who has the privileges to access the endpoint. For example, upload.user@example.com.


Specify the password of the user.


Specify the name of the server to which you want to upload files. For example, bugsftp.example.com.


Specify the target URL to upload files in case of HTTPS type. For example, https://samplehost.com.


Specify the URL of the proxy server. For example, www.example.com:80.


Specify true and false. Default value is false.

If noauth is set to true, then HTTPS upload will skip authentication.

For example, upload files to PAR, Pre Authenticated URL where no user/password authentication is required.


Specify the request type, for example, POST.


Specify any static header values while configuring. For example, set auth tokens while configuring the HTTPS end point.

For example, tfactl setupload -name config -type https -https_token 'abc:13'.

You can also pass dynamic headers at upload time by passing the -https_token headers command option to tfactl upload command.

For example: -H 'X-TFA-REQUESTID: 1'.


Stores the executionId in the ahf.properties file.

For example, to set the header:tfactl setupload -name a1 -type https -header X-TFA-HEADERS:executionId=aeldb1db01_2020.06.16_19.20.55.15336025


Specify true or false. Default value is true.

Specifying the secure value checks for certificates.

If secure is set to false, then the upload command will run an unsecure upload.


Specify the database connect string to log in to the database where you want to upload files.



Specify the name of the table where you want to upload files as BLOB type.

For example, for uploading Oracle ORAchk collections to the Collection Manager it is set to RCA13_DOCS.

To setup MOS configuration:
tfactl setupload -name mos -type https -user sample_user@domain.com -url https://transport.oracle.com/upload/issue
To set proxy for MOS configuration:
tfactl setupload -name mos -type https -proxy www-proxy.server.com:80
To upload to MOS using tfactl upload:
tfactl upload -name mos -id 3-23104325631 -file /opt/oracle.ahf/data/repository/auto_srdc_ORA-00600_20200706T18:58:09_myserver1.zip
To upload to MOS using tfactl diagcollect:
tfactl diagcollect -upload mos -srdc ORA-00600 -id 3-23104325631
tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600 -sr 3-23104325631


Ensure that the configuration name is mos.

E.2.21 tfactl showrepo

Use the tfactl showrepo command to get the repository locations of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


tfactl showrepo 


Table E-18 tfactl showrepo Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Displays the repository locations of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


Displays the repository locations of Oracle Trace File Analyzer.


Displays the repository locations of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components.

E.2.22 tfactl start

Use the tfactl start command to start the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon on the local node, and also to start the desired support tool.


tfactl start [tool]

E.2.23 tfactl startahf

Use the tfactl startahf command to start the scheduler for Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


tfactl startahf 
[-tfa tfa_start_args] 
[-compliance compliance_autostart_args]


Table E-19 tfactl startahf Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Starts the Oracle Trace File Analyzer and Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components daemons.


Starts the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon.

-tfa tfa_start_args

Starts the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon with the option specified. You can specify all Oracle Trace File Analyzer supported options. For example:
tfactl startahf –tfa "tfa_start_args"


Starts the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components daemons.

-compliance compliance_autostart_args

Starts the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components daemons with the option specified. Prepend the argument with a space followed by an hyphen and then wrap it with double quotes. You can specify all Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk supported options. For example:
tfactl startahf –compliance " -compliance_autostart_args"
tfactl startahf -compliance -cargs " -c X4-2,EXAMAA"
tfactl startahf -compliance -cargs " -debug"
tfactl startahf -compliance -cagrs " -withisa"

E.2.24 tfactl status

Use the tfactl status command to check the run status of Oracle Trace File Analyzer.


tfactl status

E.2.25 tfactl statusahf

Use the tfactl statusahf command to check the shceduler status for Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


tfactl statusahf [-h] 


Table E-20 tfactl statusahf Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Checks and displays the status of Oracle Trace File Analyzer and Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components daemons.


Checks and displays the status of Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon.


Checks and displays the status of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components daemons.

E.2.26 tfactl stop

Use the tfactl stop command to stop the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon on the local node, and also to stop the desired support tool.


tfactl stop [tool]

E.2.27 tfactl stopahf

Use the tfactl stopahf command to stop the scheduler for Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


tfactl stopahf [-h] 


Table E-21 tfactl stopahf Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Stops the Oracle Trace File Analyzer and Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components daemons.


Stops the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon.


Stops the the Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components daemons.

E.2.28 tfactl syncnodes

Use the tfactl syncnodes command to generate and copy Oracle Trace File Analyzer certificates to other Oracle Trace File Analyzer nodes.


tfactl syncnodes [-regenerate]


Table E-22 tfactl syncnodes Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Regenerates Oracle Trace File Analyzer certificates.

E.2.29 tfactl uninstall

Use the tfactl uninstall command to uninstall Oracle Autonomous Health Framework.


Run the uninstall command as root, or install user

tfactl uninstall

E.2.30 tfactl upload

Use the tfactl upload command to upload collections or files on demand.

You can run the upload command as root or a non-root user.


tfactl upload 
[-sr sr_number]
[-name config_name] 
[-id the location or target where you want to upload your files to] 
[-file file_name]


Table E-23 tfactl upload Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sr sr_number

Specify the SR number.

-name config_name

Specify a unique name for the configuration.

-id The location or target where you want to upload your files to.

Specify the location or target where you want to upload your files to.

-file file_name

Specify the name of the file to upload.

Example E-22 Upload to MOS using tfactl upload Example

tfactl upload -name mos -id 3-23104325631 -file /opt/oracle.ahf/data/repository/auto_srdc_ORA-00600_20200706T18:58:09_myserver1.zip

Example E-23 Upload to MOS using tfactl diagcollect Example

tfactl diagcollect -upload mos -srdc ORA-00600 -id 3-23104325631
tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600 -sr 3-23104325631


Ensure that the configuration name is mos.

For more information on configuration setup, run tfactl setupload -h.

E.2.31 tfactl unsetresourcelimit

Use the tfactl unsetresourcelimit command to unset the limitations set on Oracle Trace File Analyzer CPU usage.


tfactl unsetresourcelimit 
[-tool tool_name] 
[-resource resource_type]


Table E-24 tfactl unsetresourcelimit Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Currently, you can only specify tfa.


Currently, you can only specify cpu.

Example E-24 unsetresourcelimit Example

# tfactl unsetresourcelimit -tool tfa -resource cpu

E.2.32 tfactl unsetupload

Use the tfactl unsetupload command to unset the configured upload parameters.

You can run the unsetupload command as root or a non-root user.


tfactl unsetupload 
[-name NAME] 
[-user USER]
[-server SERVER] 
[-url URL]
[-proxy PROXY]
[-noauth NOAUTH]
[-https_token HTTPS_TOKEN]
[-request REQUEST]
[-header HEADER] 
[-secure SECURE]
[-connectstring CONNECTSTRING]
[-uploadtable UPLOADTABLE]


Table E-25 tfactl unsetupload Command Parameters

Parameter Description


All of the parameters.


Specify the name of your configuration. For example, mosconfig to upload to My Oracle Support.


Specify the user who has the privileges to access the endpoint. For example, upload.user@example.com.


Specify the password of the user.


Specify the name of the server to which you have uploaded the files. For example, bugsftp.example.com.


Specify the target URL to which you have uploaded the files in case of HTTPS type. For example, https://samplehost.com.


Specify the URL of the proxy server. For example, www.example.com:80.


Specify true and false. Default value is false.

If noauth is set to true, then HTTPS upload will skip authentication.

For example, upload files to PAR, Pre Authenticated URL where no user/password authentication is required.


Specify the request type, for example, POST.


Specify any static header values while configuring. For example, set auth tokens while configuring the HTTPS end point.

You can also pass dynamic headers at upload time by passing the -https_token headers command option to tfactl upload command.

For example: -H 'X-TFA-REQUESTID: 1'.


Stores the executionId in the ahf.properties file.

For example, to set the header:tfactl setupload -name a1 -type https -header X-TFA-HEADERS:executionId=aeldb1db01_2020.06.16_19.20.55.15336025


Specify true or false. Default value is true. Specifying the secure value checks for certificates.

If secure is set to false, then the upload command will run an unsecure upload.


Specify the database connect string to log in to the database where you have uploaded files.



Specify the name of the table where you have uploaded the files as BLOB type.

For example, for uploading Oracle ORAchk collections to the Collection Manager it is set to RCA13_DOCS.

E.2.33 tfactl version

Use the tfactl version command to check the version of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


tfactl version 


Table E-26 tfactl version Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Checks and displays the version of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


Checks and displays the version of Oracle Trace File Analyzer.


Checks and displays the version of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk) components.