A Mapping of APIs used before Oracle Database 10g Release 1
Here are the mappings between XML C APIs that were available in Oracle Database Oracle9i Release, and the current Unified XML C APIs that became available in subsequent Oracle Database.
See Also:
Format Models in Oracle XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide
A.1 C Package Changes
Pre-existing C APIs were available through the oraxml
package. It had the following characteristics:
Specification is limited to a one-to-one mapping between the xml context (
) and an xml document. Only one document can be accessed by DOM at any one time, however the data of multiple documents can be concurrent. -
The APIs are not always consistent, and don't always follow the declarations of the
In contrast, the new unified C APIs solve these problems:
Multiple independent documents share the
. -
All APIs conform to the declarations of the
. -
Each document can be accessed simultaneously by DOM until explicitly destroyed by an
A.2 Initializing and Parsing Sequence Changes
The initialization and parsing of documents has changed in the Unified C API.
Example A-1 Initializing and Parsing Sequence for the Pre-Unified C API, One Document at a Time
The following pseudo-code demonstrates how to initialize and parse documents, one at a time, using the old C APIs. Contrast this with Example A-2.
#include <oraxml.h> uword err; xmlctx *ctx = xmlinit(&err, options); for (;;) { err = xmlparse(ctx, URI, options); ... /* DOM operations */ ... /* recycle memory from document */ xmlclean(ctx); } xmlterm(ctx);
Example A-2 Initializing and Parsing Sequence for the Unified C API, One Document at a Time
The following pseudo-code demonstrates how to initialize and parse documents, one at a time, using the new C APIs. Contrast this with Example A-1.
#include <xml.h> xmlerr err; xmldocnode *doc; xmlctx *xctx = XmlCreate(&err, options, NULL); for (;;) { doc = XmlLoadDom(xctx, &err, "URI", URI, NULL); ... /* DOM operations */ ... XmlFreeDocument(xctx, doc); } XmlDestroy(xctx);
Example A-3 Initializing and Parsing Sequence for the Pre-Unified C API, Multiple Documents and Simultaneous DOM Access
The following pseudo-code demonstrates how to initialize and parse multiple documents with simultaneous DOM access using the old C APIs. Contrast this with Example A-4.
xmlctx *ctx1 = xmlinitenc(&err, options); xmlctx *ctx2 = xmlinitenc(&err, options); err = xmlparse(ctx1, URI_1, options); err = xmlparse(ctx2, URI_2, options); ... /* DOM operations for both documents */ ... xmlterm(ctx1); xmlterm(ctx2);
Example A-4 Initializing and Parsing Sequence for the Unified C API, Multiple Documents and Simultaneous DOM Access
The following pseudo-code example demonstrates how to initialize and parse multiple documents with simultaneous DOM access using the new C APIs. Contrast this with Example A-3.
xmldocnode *doc1; xmldocnode *doc2; xmlctx *xctx = XmlCreate(&err, options, NULL); doc1 = XmlLoadDom(xctx, &err, "URI", URI_1, NULL); doc2 = XmlLoadDom(xctx, &err, "URI", URI_2, NULL); ... /* DOM operations for both documents*/ ... XmlFreeDocument(xctx, doc1); XmlFreeDocument(xctx, doc2); ... XmlDestroy(xctx);
A.3 Datatype Mapping between oraxml and xml Packages
Table A-1 outlines the changes made to datatypes for the new C API.
Table A-1 Datatypes Supported by oraxml Package versus xml Package
oraxml Supported Datatype | xml Supported Datatype |
uword |
xmlerr |
xmlacctype |
xmlurlacc |
xmlattrnode |
xmlattrnode |
xmlcdatanode |
xmlcdatanode |
xmlcommentnode |
xmlcommentnode |
xmlctx |
xmlctx |
xmldocnode |
xmldocnode |
xmldomimp |
Obsolete.Use |
xmldtdnode |
xmldtdnode |
xmlelemnode |
xmlelemnode |
xmlentnode |
xmlentnode |
xmlentrefnode |
xmlentrefnode |
xmlflags |
ub4 |
xmlfragnode |
xmlfragnode |
xmlihdl |
xmlurlhdl |
xmlmemcb |
Use individual function pointers. |
xmlnode |
xmlnode |
xmlnodes |
xmlnodelist, xmlnamedmap |
xmlnotenode |
xmlnotenode |
xmlntype |
xmlnodetype |
xmlpflags |
ub4 |
xmlpinode |
xmlpinode |
xmlsaxcb |
xmlsaxcb |
xmlstream |
xmlistream, xmliostream |
xmltextnode |
xmltextnode |
xpctx |
xpctx |
xpexpr |
xpexpr |
xpnset |
Obsolete.Use |
xpnsetele |
Obsolete.Use |
xpobj |
xpobj |
xpobjtyp |
xmlxslobjtype |
xslctx |
xslctx |
xsloutputmethod |
xmlxsloutputmethod |
A.4 Method Mapping between oraxml and xml Packages
Table A-2 outlines the changes made to the methods of the new C API.
Table A-2 Methods of the oraxml Package versus the xml Package
Package oraxml Method | Package xml Method(s) |
appendChild() |
XmlDomAppendChild() |
appendData() |
XmlDomAppendData() |
cloneNode() |
XmlDomCloneNode() |
createAttribute() |
XmlDomCreateAttr() |
createAttributeNS() |
XmlDomCreateAttrNS() |
createCDATASection() |
XmlDomCreateCDATA() |
createComment() |
XmlDomCreateComment() |
createDocument() |
XmlCreateDocument() |
createDocumentFragment() |
XmlDomCreateFragment() |
createDocumentNS() |
XmlCreateDocument() |
createDocumentType() |
XmlCreateDTD() |
createElement() |
XmlDomCreateElem() |
createElementNS() |
XmlDomCreateElemNS() |
createEntityReference() |
XmlDomCreateEntityRef() |
createProcessingInstruction() |
XmlDomCreatePI() |
createTextNode() |
XmlDomCreateText() |
deleteData() |
XmlDomDeleteData() |
freeElements() |
XmlDomFreeNodeList() |
getAttribute() |
XmlDomGetAttr() |
getAttributeIndex() |
XmlDomGetAttrs(), XmlDomGetNodeMapItem() |
getAttributeNode() |
XmlDomGetAttrNode() |
getAttributes() |
XmlDomGetAttrs() |
getAttrLocal() |
XmlDomGetAttrLocal(), XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen() |
getAttrName() |
XmlDomGetAttrName() |
getAttrNamespace() |
XmlDomGetAttrURI(), XmlDomGetAttrURILen() |
getAttrPrefix() |
XmlDomGetAttrPrefix() |
getAttrQualifiedName() |
XmlDomGetAttrName() |
getAttrSpecified() |
XmlDomGetAttrSpecified() |
getAttrValue() |
XmlDomGetAttrValue() |
getCharData() |
XmlDomGetCharData() |
getChildNode() |
XmlDomGetChildNode() |
getChildNodes() |
XmlDomGetChildNodes() |
getContentModel() |
XmlDomGetContentModel() |
getDocType() |
XmlDomGetDTD() |
getDocTypeEntities() |
XmlDomGetDTDEntities() |
getDocTypeName() |
XmlDomGetDTDName() |
getDocTypeNotations() |
XmlDomGetDTDNotations() |
getDocument() |
Obsolete; document returned by |
getDocumentElement() |
XmlDomGetDoctElem() |
getElementByID() |
XmlDomGetElemByID() |
getElementsByTagName() |
XmlDomGetElemsByTag() |
getElementsByTagNameNS() |
XmlDomGetElemsByTag() |
getEncoding() |
XmlDomGetEncoding() |
getEntityNotation() |
XmlDomGetEntityNotation() |
getEntityPubID() |
XmlDomGetEntityPubID() |
getEntitySysID() |
XmlDomGetEntitySysID() |
getFirstChild() |
XmlDomGetFirstChild() |
getImplementation() |
Obsolete; use |
getLastChild() |
XmlDomGetLastChild() |
getNamedItem() |
XmlDomGetNamedItem() |
getNextSibling() |
XmlDomGetNextSibling() |
getNodeLocal() |
XmlDomGetNodeLocal(), XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen() |
getNodeMapLength() |
XmlDomGetNodeMapLength() |
getNodeName() |
XmlDomGetNodeName(), XmlDomGetNodeNameLen() |
getNodeNameSpace() |
XmlDomGetNodeURI(), XmlDomGetNodeURILen() |
getNodePrefix() |
XmlDomGetNodePrefix() |
getNodeQualifiedName() |
XmlDomGetNodedName(), XmlDomGetNodedNameLen() |
getNodeType() |
XmlDomGetNodeType() |
getNodeValue() |
XmlDomGetNodeValue(), XmlDomGetNodeValueLen() |
getNotationPubID() |
XmlDomGetNotationPubID() |
getNotationSysID() |
XmlDomGetNotationSysID() |
getOwnerDocument() |
XmlDomGetOwnerDocument() |
getParentNode() |
XmlDomGetParentNode() |
getPIData() |
XmlDomGetPIData() |
getPITarget() |
XmlDomGetPITarget() |
getPreviousSibling() |
XmlDomGetPrevSibling() |
getTagName() |
XmlDomGetTagName() |
hasAttributes() |
XmlDomHasAttrs() |
hasChildNodes() |
XmlDomHasChildNodes() |
hasFeature() |
XmlHasFeature() |
importNode() |
XmlDomImportNode() |
insertBefore() |
XmlDomInsertBefore() |
insertData() |
XmlDomInsertData() |
isSingleChar() |
XmlIsSimple() |
isStandalone() |
XmlDomGetDecl() |
isUnicode() |
XmlDomIsUnicode() |
nodeValid() |
XmlDomValidate() |
normalize() |
XmlDomNormalize() |
numAttributes() |
XmlDomNumAttrs() |
numChildNodes() |
XmlDomNumChildNodes() |
prefixToURI() |
XmlDomPrefixToURI() |
printBuffer() |
XmlSaveDomBuffer() |
printBufferEnc() |
XmlSaveDomBuffer() |
printCallback() |
XmlSaveDomStream() |
printCallbackEnc() |
XmlSaveDomStream() |
printSize() |
XmlSaveDomSize() |
printSizeEnc() |
XmlSaveDomSize() |
printStream() |
XmlSaveDomStdio() |
printStreamEnc() |
XmlSaveDomStdio() |
removeAttribute() |
XmlDomRemoveAttr() |
removeAttributeNode() |
XmlDomRemoveAttrNode() |
removeChild() |
XmlDomRemoveChild() |
removeNamedItem() |
XmlDomRemoveNamedItem() |
replaceChild() |
XmlDomReplaceChild() |
replaceData() |
XmlDomReplaceData() |
saveString2() |
XmlDomSaveString2() |
saveString() |
XmlDomSaveString() |
setAttribute() |
XmlDomSetAttr() |
setAttributeNode() |
XmlDomSetAttrNode() |
setAttrValue() |
XmlDomSetAttrValue() |
setCharData() |
XmlDomSetCharData() |
setNamedItem() |
XmlDomSetNamedItem() |
setNodeValue() |
XmlDomSetNodeValue(), XmlDomSetNodeValueLen() |
setPIData() |
XmlDomSetPIData() |
splitText() |
XmlDomSplitText() |
substringData() |
XmlDomSubstringData() |
xmlaccess() |
XmlAccess() |
xmlinit() |
XmlCreate() |
xmlinitenc() |
XmlCreate() |
xmlparse() |
XmlLoadDomURI() |
xmlparsebuf() |
XmlLoadDomBuffer() |
xmlparsedtd() |
Obsolete; use |
xmlparsefile() |
XmlLoadDomFile() |
xmlparsestream() |
XmlLoadDomStream() |
xmlterm() |
XmlDestroy() |
xpevalxpathexpr() |
XmlXPathEval() |
xpfreexpathctx() |
XmlXPathDeleteCtx() |
xpgetbooleanval() |
XmlXPathGetObjectBoolean() |
xpgetfirstnsetelem() |
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum() |
xpgetnextnsetelem() |
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum() |
xpgetnsetelemnode() |
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum() |
xpgetnsetval() |
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum() |
xpgetnumval() |
XmlXPathGetObjectNumber() |
xpgetrtfragval() |
XmlXPathGetObjectFragment() |
xpgetstrval() |
XmlXPathGetObjectString() |
xpgetxpobjtyp() |
XmlXPathGetObjectType() |
xpmakexpathctx() |
XmlXPathCreateCtx() |
xpparsexpathexpr() |
XmlXPathParse() |
xslgetbaseuri() |
XmlXslGetBaseURI() |
xslgetoutputdomctx() |
XmlXslGetOutputDom() |
xslgetoutputsax() |
Unnecessary |
xslgetoutputstream() |
Unnecessary |
xslgetresultdocfrag() |
XmlXslGetOutputFragment() |
xslgettextparam() |
XmlXslGetTextParam() |
xslgetxslctx() |
Unnecessary |
xslinit() |
XmlXslCreateCtx() |
xslprocess() |
XmlXslProcess() |
xslprocessex() |
XmlXslProcess() |
xslprocessxml() |
XmlXslProcess() |
xslprocessxmldocfrag() |
XmlXslProcess() |
xslresetallparams() |
XmlXslResetAllParams() |
xslsetoutputdomctx() |
XmlXslSetOutputDom() |
xslsetoutputencoding() |
XmlXslSetOutputEncoding() |
xslsetoutputmethod() |
XmlXslSetOutputMethod() |
xslsetoutputsax() |
XmlXslSetOutputSax() |
xslsetoutputsaxctx() |
XmlXslSetOutputSax() |
xslsetoutputstream() |
XmlXslSetOutputStream() |
xslsettextparam() |
XmlXslSetTextParam() |
xslterm() |
XmlXslDeleteCtx() |