12 CTX_QUERY Package

This chapter describes the CTX_QUERY PL/SQL package you can use for generating query feedback, counting hits, and creating stored query expressions.

The CTX_QUERY package includes the following procedures and functions:

Name Description


Returns the words around a seed word in the index.


Returns the number hits to a query.


Generates query expression parse and expansion information.


Generates hierarchical query feedback information (broader term, narrower term, and related term).


Removes a specified stored query expression from the SQL tables.


Executes a query and generates a result set.


Executes a query and generates a result set based on a CLOB query parameter.


Holds the result set document after the CONTAINS query cursor is explicitly closed and if the query template has the <ctx_result_set_descriptor> element.


Executes a query and stores the results in stored query expression tables.


You can use this package only when your index type is CONTEXT. This package does not support the CTXCAT index type.

The APIs in the CTX_QUERY package do not support identifiers that are prefixed with the schema or the owner name.


This procedure enables you to browse words in an Oracle Text index. Specify a seed word and BROWSE_WORDS returns the words around it in the index, and an approximate count of the number of documents that contain each word.

This feature is useful for refining queries. You can identify the following words:

  • Unselective words (words that have low document count)

  • Misspelled words in the document set

Syntax 1: To Store Results in Table

index_name  IN   VARCHAR2, 
seed        IN   VARCHAR2, 
restab      IN   VARCHAR2, 
browse_id   IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT 0, 
numwords    IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT 10, 

Syntax 2: To Store Results in Memory

index_name  IN      VARCHAR2, 
seed        IN      VARCHAR2, 
resarr      IN OUT  BROWSE_TAB, 
numwords    IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT 10, 
part_name   IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL 

Specify the name of the index. You can specify schema.name. Must be a local index.


Specify the seed word. This word is lexed before browse expansion. The word need not exist in the token table. seed must be a single word. Using multiple words as the seed will result in an error.


Specify the name of the result table. You can enter restab as schema.name. The table must exist before you call this procedure, and you must have INSERT permissions on the table. This table must have the following schema.

Column Datatype







Existing rows in restab are not deleted before BROWSE_WORDS is called.


Specify the name of the result array. resarr is of type ctx_query.browse_tab.

type browse_rec is record (
   word varchar2(64),
   doc_count number
type browse_tab is table of browse_rec index by binary_integer;

Specify a numeric identifier between 0 and 232. The rows produced for this browse have a value of in the browse_id column in restab. When you do not specify browse_id, the default is 0.


Specify the number of words returned.


Specify the direction for the browse. You can specify one of:

value behavior


Browse seed word and words alphabetically before the seed.


Browse seed word and words alphabetically before and after the seed.


Browse seed word and words alphabetically after the seed.

Symbols CTX_QUERY.BROWSE_BEFORE, CTX_QUERY.BROWSE_AROUND, and CTX_QUERY.BROWSE_AFTER are defined for these literal values as well.


Specify the name of the index partition to browse.


Browsing Words with Result Table


select word, doc_count from myres order by word;

--------   ----------
CZAR       15
DOC        73
DUNK       100
EAR        3

Browsing Words with Result Array

set serveroutput on;
  resarr ctx_query.browse_tab;
for i in 1..resarr.count loop
  dbms_output.put_line(resarr(i).word || ':' || resarr(i).doc_count);
end loop;


Returns the number of hits for the specified query. You can call COUNT_HITS in exact or estimate mode. Exact mode returns the exact number of hits for the query. Estimate mode returns an upper-bound estimate but runs faster than exact mode.


Syntax 1

    index_name  IN VARCHAR2, 
    text_query  IN VARCHAR2, 
    exact       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
    part_name   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Syntax 2

    index_name  IN VARCHAR2,
    text_query  IN CLOB,
    exact       IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
    part_name   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Specify the index name.


Specify the query.


Specify TRUE for an exact count. Specify FALSE for an upper-bound estimate.

Specifying FALSE returns a less accurate number but runs faster. Specifying FALSE might return a number which is too high if rows have been updated or deleted since the last FULL index optimize. Optimizing in full mode removes these false hits, and then EXACT set to FALSE will return the same number as EXACT set to TRUE.


Specify the name of the index partition to query.


If the query contains structured criteria, then you should use SELECT COUNT(*).

If the index was created with the TRANSACTIONAL parameter, then COUNT_HITS will include pending rowids as well as those that have been synchronized.


Use CTX_QUERY.EXPLAIN to generate explain plan information for a query expression. The EXPLAIN plan provides a graphical representation of the parse tree for a Text query expression. This information is stored in a result table.

This procedure does not execute the query. Instead, this procedure can tell you how a query is expanded and parsed before you enter the query. This is especially useful for stem, wildcard, thesaurus, fuzzy, soundex, or about queries. Parse trees also show the following information:

  • Order of execution (precedence of operators)

  • ABOUT query normalization

  • Query expression optimization

  • Stop-word transformations

  • Breakdown of composite-word tokens

Knowing how Oracle Text evaluates a query is useful for refining and debugging queries. You can also design your application so that it uses the explain plan information to help users write better queries.


Syntax 1

    index_name     IN VARCHAR2,
    text_query     IN VARCHAR2,
    explain_table  IN VARCHAR2,
    sharelevel     IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
    explain_id     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    part_name      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Syntax 2

    index_name     IN VARCHAR2,
    text_query     IN CLOB,
    explain_table  IN VARCHAR2,
    sharelevel     IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
    explain_id     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    part_name      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Specify the name of the index to be queried.


Specify the query expression to be used as criteria for selecting rows.

When you include a wildcard, fuzzy, or soundex operator in text_query, this procedure looks at the index tables to determine the expansion.

Wildcard, fuzzy (?), and soundex (!) expression feedback does not account for lazy deletes as in regular queries.


Specify the name of the table used to store representation of the parse tree for text_query. You must have at least INSERT and DELETE privileges on the table used to store the results from EXPLAIN.

See Also:

"EXPLAIN Table" in Oracle Text Result Tables for more information about the structure of the explain table.


Specify whether explain_table is shared by multiple EXPLAIN calls. Specify 0 for exclusive use and 1 for shared use. Default is 0 (single-use).

When you specify 0, the system automatically truncates the result table before the next call to EXPLAIN.

When you specify 1 for shared use, this procedure does not truncate the result table. Only results with the same explain_id are updated. When no results with the same explain_id exist, new results are added to the EXPLAIN table.


Specify a name that identifies the explain results returned by an EXPLAIN procedure when more than one EXPLAIN call uses the same shared EXPLAIN table. Default is NULL.


Specify the name of the index partition to query.


Creating the Explain Table

To create an explain table called test_explain for example, use the following SQL statement:

create table test_explain(
         explain_id varchar2(30),
         id number,
         parent_id number,
         operation varchar2(30),
         options varchar2(30),
         object_name varchar2(255),
         position number,
         cardinality number);


To obtain the expansion of a query expression such as comp% OR ?smith, use CTX_QUERY.EXPLAIN as follows:

         index_name => 'newindex',
         text_query => 'comp% OR ?smith',
         explain_table => 'test_explain',
         sharelevel => 0,
         explain_id => 'Test');

Retrieving Data from Explain Table

To read the explain table, you can select the columns as follows:

select explain_id, id, parent_id, operation, options, object_name, position
from test_explain order by id;

The output is ordered by ID to simulate a hierarchical query:

----------- ---- --------- ------------ ------- ----------- -------- 
Test           1         0 OR           NULL    NULL          1 
Test           2         1 EQUIVALENCE  NULL    COMP%         1
Test           3         2 WORD         NULL    COMPTROLLER   1 
Test           4         2 WORD         NULL    COMPUTER      2 
Test           5         1 EQUIVALENCE  (?)     SMITH         2 
Test           6         5 WORD         NULL    SMITH         1 
Test           7         5 WORD         NULL    SMYTHE        2 


CTX_QUERY.EXPLAIN does not support the use of query templates.

You cannot use CTX_QUERY.EXPLAIN with remote queries.


In English or French, this procedure generates hierarchical query feedback information (broader term, narrower term, and related term) for the specified query.

Broader term, narrower term, and related term information is obtained from the knowledge base. However, only knowledge base terms that are also in the index are returned as query feedback information. This increases the chances that terms returned from HFEEDBACK produce hits over the currently indexed document set.

Hierarchical query feedback information is useful for suggesting other query terms to the user.


Syntax 1

           index_name     IN VARCHAR2,
           text_query     IN VARCHAR2,
           feedback_table IN VARCHAR2,
           sharelevel     IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
           feedback_id    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
           part_name      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Syntax 2

           index_name     IN VARCHAR2,
           text_query     IN CLOB,
           feedback_table IN VARCHAR2,
           sharelevel     IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
           feedback_id    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
           part_name      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Specify the name of the index for the text column to be queried.


Specify the query expression to be used as criteria for selecting rows.


Specify the name of the table used to store the feedback terms.

See Also:

"HFEEDBACK Table" in Oracle Text Result Tables for more information about the structure of the explain table.


Specify whether feedback_table is shared by multiple HFEEDBACK calls. Specify 0 for exclusive use and 1 for shared use. Default is 0 (single-use).

When you specify 0, the system automatically truncates the feedback table before the next call to HFEEDBACK.

When you specify 1 for shared use, this procedure does not truncate the feedback table. Only results with the same feedback_id are updated. When no results with the same feedback_id exist, new results are added to the feedback table.


Specify a value that identifies the feedback results returned by a call to HFEEDBACK when more than one HFEEDBACK call uses the same shared feedback table. Default is NULL.


Specify the name of the index partition to query.


Create HFEEDBACK Result Table

Create a result table to use with CTX_QUERY.HFEEDBACK as follows:

  CREATE TABLE restab ( 
    feedback_id VARCHAR2(30), 
    id          NUMBER, 
    parent_id   NUMBER, 
    operation   VARCHAR2(30), 
    options     VARCHAR2(30), 
    object_name VARCHAR2(80), 
    position    NUMBER, 
    bt_feedback ctxsys.ctx_feedback_type, 
    rt_feedback ctxsys.ctx_feedback_type, 
    nt_feedback ctxsys.ctx_feedback_type, 
    NESTED TABLE bt_feedback STORE AS res_bt, 
    NESTED TABLE rt_feedback STORE AS res_rt, 
    NESTED TABLE nt_feedback STORE AS res_nt

CTX_FEEDBACK_TYPE is a system-defined type in the CTXSYS schema.

See Also:

"HFEEDBACK Table" in Oracle Text Result Tables for more information about the structure of the HFEEDBACK table.


The following code calls the HFEEDBACK procedure with the query computer industry.

ctx_query.hfeedback (index_name     => 'my_index', 
                     text_query     => 'computer industry', 
                     feedback_table => 'restab', 
                     sharelevel     => 0, 
                     feedback_id    => 'query10' 

Select From the Result Table

The following code extracts the feedback data from the result table. It extracts broader term, narrower term, and related term feedback separately from the nested tables.

  i NUMBER; 
  FOR frec IN ( 
    SELECT object_name, bt_feedback, rt_feedback, nt_feedback  
    FROM restab 
    WHERE feedback_id = 'query10' AND object_name IS NOT NULL 
  ) LOOP 
    dbms_output.put_line('Broader term feedback for ' || frec.object_name || 
    i := frec.bt_feedback.FIRST; 
      i := frec.bt_feedback.NEXT(i); 
    END LOOP; 
    dbms_output.put_line('Related term feedback for ' || frec.object_name || 
    i := frec.rt_feedback.FIRST; 
      i := frec.rt_feedback.NEXT(i); 
    END LOOP; 
    dbms_output.put_line('Narrower term feedback for ' || frec.object_name || 
    i := frec.nt_feedback.FIRST; 
      i := frec.nt_feedback.NEXT(i); 
    END LOOP; 

Sample Output

The following output is for the preceding example, which queries on computer industry:

Broader term feedback for computer industry: 
hard sciences 
Related term feedback for computer industry: 
computer networking 
library science 
optical technology 
satellite technology 
semiconductors and superconductors 
symbolic logic 
telecommunications industry 
Narrower term feedback for computer industry: 
ABEND - abnormal end of task 
AT&T Starlans 
ATI Technologies, Incorporated 
Actrade International Ltd. 
Alta Technology 
Amiga Format 
Amiga Library Services 
Amiga Shopper 
Amstrat Action 
Apple Computer, Incorporated


The HFEEDBACK information you obtain depends on the contents of your index and knowledge base and as such might differ from the sample shown.


CTX_QUERY.HFEEDBACK does not support the use of query templates.


The CTX_QUERY.REMOVE_SQE procedure removes the specified stored query expression.

CTX_QUERY.REMOVE_SQE can be used to remove both session-duration and persistent SQEs. See "STORE_SQE".

Since the query_name namespace is shared between the persistent and session-duration SQEs, it is unnecessary to specify the duration of the SQE to be removed.


          query_name IN VARCHAR2

Specify the name of the stored or session-duration query expression to be removed.




This procedure executes an XML or JSON query and generates a result set in XML or JSON. The Result Set Interface can return data views that are difficult to express in SQL.

See Also:

Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide for details on how to use the Result Set Interface


   index_name            IN VARCHAR2,
   query                 IN VARCHAR2,
   result_set_descriptor IN CLOB,
   result_set            IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
   part_name             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,

Specify the index against which to execute the query.


Specify the query string.


Specify the result set descriptor in XML or JSON. It describes what the result set should contain.


Specify the output result set. If this variable is NULL on input, a session-duration temporary lob will be allocated and returned to the user. The user is responsible for deallocating this temporary lob.


Specify the index partition name. If the index is global, part_name must be NULL. If the index is partitioned and part_name is not NULL, then the query will only be evaluated for the given partition. If the index is partitioned and part_name is NULL, then the query will be evaluated for all partitions.


Specify the format for the result set descriptor. Use CTX_QUERY.XML_FORMAT for XML format and CTX_QUERY.JSON_FORMAT for JSON format. The default is CTX_QUERY.XML_FORMAT.

The Input Result Set Descriptor

The result set descriptor is an XML message or JSON object which describes what to calculate for the result set. The elements present in the result set descriptor and the order in which they occur serve as a simple template, specifying what to include in the output result set. That is, there should be the list of hit rowids, then a count, then a token count, and so on. The attributes of the elements specify the parameters and options to the specific operations, such as number of hits in the list of rowids, estimate versus exact count, and so on.

The XML Format Input Result Set Descriptor

The result set descriptor itself is XML conforming to the following DTD:

<!DOCTYPE ctx_result_set_descriptor [
<!ELEMENT ctx_result_set_descriptor (hitlist?, group*, count?, collocates?)>
<!ELEMENT hitlist (rowid?, score?, sdata*, snippet*, sentiment?)>
<!ELEMENT group (count?, group_values?)>
<!ELEMENT group_values (value*)>
<!ELEMENT sentiment (item*)>
<!ELEMENT collocates EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST sentiment classifier CDATA "DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER">
<!ATTLIST item type (about|exact) "exact">
<!ATTLIST item radius CDATA "50">
<!ATTLIST item max_inst CDATA "5">
<!ATTLIST item starttag CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST collocates radius CDATA "20">
<!ATTLIST collocates max_words CDATA "10">
<!ATTLIST collocates use_tscore (TRUE|FALSE) "TRUE">
<!ATTLIST collocates use_hits CDATA "10">

<!ATTLIST group bucketby CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST group sortby CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST hitlist start_hit_num CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST hitlist end_hit_num CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST hitlist order CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST count exact (TRUE|FALSE) "FALSE">

<!ATTLIST snippet radius CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST snippet max_length CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST snippet starttag CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST snippet endtag CDATA #IMPLIED>

The following is a description of the possible XML elements for the result set descriptor:

  • ctx_result_set_descriptor

    This is the root element for the result set descriptor. The parent element is none, as are the available attributes.

    The possible child elements are:

    • Zero or more hitlist elements.

    • Zero or more group elements.

    • At most one count element.

  • group

    The group element causes the generated result set to include a group breakdown. In other words, a breakdown of the results by SDATA section values. The group element is also used to obtain facet counts for faceted navigation support. The parent element is ctx_result_set_descriptor, and the available attributes are:

    • sdata

      Specifies the name of the SDATA section to use for grouping. It is required.

    • bucketby

      Determines how group values are bucketed for counting. The single attribute displays each unique facet value along with its count. Starting with Oracle Database Release 21c, the custom attribute value is also supported which displays a range of numeric facets along with their count.

    • topn

      Restricts the maximum number of facet values that are returned. It sorts by descending group count by default. Valid attribute values are positive integers larger than zero.

    • sortby

      Valid attribute values are value and count. Value sorts using the value themselves, as appropriate for each data type. Count (default) sorts using the counts for each group.

    • order

      Order can be ascending or descending.

    Possible child elements of group are:

    • count

    • range

  • hitlist

    The hitlist element controls inclusion of a list of hit documents. The parent element is ctx_result_set_descriptor, and the available attributes are:

    The possible child elements of order are:

    • start_hit_num

      This specifies the starting document hit to be included in the generated result set. This can be set to any positive integer less than or equal to 16000. For example, if start_hit_num is 21, then the result set will include document hits starting from the 21st document hit. This element is required.

    • end_hit_num

      This specifies the last document hit to be included in the generated result set. This can be set to any positive integer less than or equal to 48000. For example, if end_hit_num is 40, then the result set will include document hits up to the 40th document hit. This element is required.

      The possible child elements for hitlist are:

    • At most one rowid element.

    • At most one score element.

    • At most one sdata element.

    • At most one snippet element.

    • order

      This is an optional attribute that specifies the order for the documents in the generated result set. The value is a list similar to a SQL ORDER BY statement, except that, instead of column names, they can either be SCORE or SDATA section names. In the following example, MYDATE and MYPRICE are the SDATA section names:

    • At most one rowid element.

    • At most one score element.

    • At most one sdata element.

  • count

    This element causes the generated result set to include a count of the number of hit documents. The parent elements are:

    • ctx_result_set_descriptor

    • group

    The available attributes for count are:

    • exact

      This is to estimate mode. Set to true or false. It is required, and the default is false.

    The possible child elements for count are none.

  • rowid

    This child element causes the generated result set to include rowid information for each hit. The parent element is hitlist. There are no attributes and no possible child elements.

  • score

    This child element causes the generated result set to include score information for each hit.

    • The parent element is hitlist.

    • There are no available attributes, and no possible child elements.

  • sdata

    This child element causes the generated result set to include sdata values for each hit.

    • The parent element is hitlist.

    • The available attribute is name. This specifies the name of the sdata section. It is required.

    • There are no child elements.

  • sentiment

    This element controls the inclusion of sentiment classification results for each document returned as a part of the hitlist. There can be only one sentiment element in the hitlist element.

    The parent element is hitlist.

    The attribute available for this element is classifier, which specifies the sentiment classifier that is used to perform sentiment analysis. If no classifier is specified, then the CTXSYS.DEFAULT_SENTIMENT_CLASSIFIER is used. If a specified classifier is not available, then an error is displayed.

  • item

    This element specifies keywords or concepts for which sentiment information must be fetched for the returned set of documents. Each sentiment element must contain at least one child item element. The maximum is 10 child item elements. If you specify an empty item element (without any attributes), it indicates that sentiment score for entire document must be returned.

    The parent element is sentiment.

    The available attributes for item are:

    • topic

      This specifies the topic for which sentiment analysis must be performed.

    • type

      If this attribute value is set to ABOUT, then the classifier treats the specified topic as a concept rather than a keyword. The default is EXACT.

    • agg

      Determines whether the sentiment score must be aggregated and presented as a single score for the entire document. The possible values are TRUE or FALSE. TRUE indicates that the per text segment scores will be aggregated and text segments will not be returned in the output resultset, only the aggregated score will be returned. The default value is FALSE.

    • radius

      This specifies the radius of the surrounding text to be identified during sentiment classification for that keyword. The default value is 50.

    • max_inst

      This specifies how many instances of text excerpts related to the specified topic must be analyzed for sentiment classification. The default value is 5.

    • starttag

      This specifies the starting tag for topic highlighting.

    • endtag

      This specifies the ending tag for topic highlighting.

  • collocates

    This element controls the generation of related keywords or concepts associated with the collection of documents retrieved by the query.

    The parent element is hitlist.

    The available attributes for collocates are:

    • radius

      This specifies the radius of the surrounding text to be identified for collocates. The default value is 20.

    • max_words

      This specifies the maximum number of collocates to return for the given query. The default value is 10.

    • use_tscore

      This specifies whether to use T-score for scoring the collocates. The possible values are TRUE or FALSE, with the default being TRUE.

      Set this attribute to TRUE to identify collocates that are common tokens. Set this attribute to FALSE to identify collocates that emphasize unique words.

The Output Result Set XML

The output result set XML is XML conforming to the following DTD:

<!DOCTYPE ctx_result_set [
<!ELEMENT ctx_result_set (hitlist?, groups*, count? , collocates?)>
<!ELEMENT hitlist (hit*)>
<!ELEMENT hit (rowid?, score?, snippet*, sdata*, sentiment?)>
<!ELEMENT groups (group*)>
<!ELEMENT group (count?)>
<!ELEMENT count (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT rowid (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT score (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT snippet (segment*)>
<!ELEMENT sdata (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT sentiment (item*)>
<!ELEMENT item (segment*, score*, doc?)>
<!ELEMENT segment (segment_text?, segment_score?)>
<!ELEMENT segment_text (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT segment_score (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT doc (score?)>
<!ELEMENT collocates (collocation*)>
<!ELEMENT collocation (word?, score?)>

<!ATTLIST group single CDATA #IMPLIED>

The following is a description of the list of possible XML elements for the output result set:

  • ctx_result_set

    This is the root element for the generated result set. There are no attributes. The parent is none. The possible child elements are:

    • At most one hitlist element.

    • Zero or more groups elements.

  • groups

    This delimits the start of a group breakdown section. The parent element is ctx_result_set. The available attributes are:

    • sdata

      This is the name of the sdata section used for grouping.

    The possible child elements are:

    • Zero or more group elements.

  • group

    This delimits the start of a GROUP BY value. The parent element is the groups element. The available attributes are:

    • value

      This is the value of the sdata section.

    The possible child elements are at most one count element.

  • hitlist

    This delimits the start of hitlist information. The parent element is ctx_result_set, while the children are zero or more hit elements. There are no attributes.

  • hit

    This delimits the start of the information for a particular document within a hitlist. The parent element is hitlist, and there are no available attributes. The possible child elements are:

    • Zero or one rowid elements.

    • Zero or one score element.

    • Zero or one sdata element.

    • Zero or one snippet element.

  • rowid

    This is the rowid of the document, so the content is the rowid of the document. The parent element is the hit element. There are no child elements, and no available attributes.

  • score

    This is the score of the document. The parent element is the hit element. The content is the numeric score. There are no available attributes, and no possible child elements.

  • sdata

    This is the SDATA value or values for the document. The parent element is the hit element, and the available attribute is name, which is the name of the sdata section. There are no possible child elements available. The content is the SDATA section value, which, for DATE values, is in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS", depending upon the actual values being stored.

  • count

    This is the document hit count. The parent element is the ctx_result_set element or the group element. It contains the numeric hit count, has no attributes, and no possible child elements.

  • sentiment

    This delimits the sentiment element for the hitlist document. Its child element is item and parent is hitlist. It contains no attributes in the output result set.

  • item

    This delimits the item element for the hitlist document. Parent element is sentiment and child elements are segment, score, and doc. It has one attribute called topic.

  • segment

    This delimits an instance of segment element in a hit. Parent element is item. Child elements are segment_text and segment_score. It contains no attributes.

  • segment_text

    This specifies the text segment for the given item topic. Parent element is segment. It has no child elements or attributes.

  • segment_score

    This specifies the sentiment score for the segment. Parent element is segment. It has no child elements or attributes.

  • score

    This specifies the sentiment score for the document or for the parent item topic. When present within collocation it specifies the collocation score for the particular collocation keyword. Parent element is doc or collocation. It has no child elements or attributes

  • doc

    This denotes the sentiment score is for the entire document. Its parent element is item and child element is score. It has no attributes.

  • collocates

    This delimits the collocates element for the result set output. Parent element is ctx_result_set and child element is collocation. It has no attributes.

  • collocation

    This denotes a single collocation. Parent element is collocates and child elements are word and score. It has no attributes.

  • word

    This specifies the collocates token. Its parent element is collocation. It has no child elements or attributes.


This call to CTX_QUERY.RESULT_SET with the specified XML result_set_descriptor will generate the following information in the form of XML:

  • top 5 hits displaying, score, rowid, author SDATA section value, and pubDate SDATA section value, order by pubDate SDATA section value DESC and score DESC

  • total doc hit count for the text query

  • counts group by pubDate SDATA section values

  • counts group by author SDATA section values

  rs clob;
  dbms_lob.createtemporary(rs, true, dbms_lob.session);
  ctx_query.result_set('docidx', 'oracle', '
   <hitlist start_hit_num="1" end_hit_num="5" order="pubDate desc, score desc">
     <sdata name="author"/>
     <sdata name="pubDate"/>
   <group sdata="pubDate">
   <group sdata="author">
', rs);
  when others then

The XML output store in the result set output clob will resemble the following:

      <sdata name="AUTHOR">John</sdata>
      <sdata name="PUBDATE">2001-01-03 00:00:00</sdata>
      <sdata name="AUTHOR">John</sdata>
      <sdata name="PUBDATE">2001-01-03 00:00:00</sdata>
      <sdata name="AUTHOR">John</sdata>
      <sdata name="PUBDATE">2001-01-03 00:00:00</sdata>
      <sdata name="AUTHOR">John</sdata>
      <sdata name="PUBDATE">2001-01-03 00:00:00</sdata>
      <sdata name="AUTHOR">John</sdata>
      <sdata name="PUBDATE">2001-01-03 00:00:00</sdata>
  <groups sdata="PUBDATE">
    <group value="2001-01-01 00:00:00"><count>25</count></group>
    <group value="2001-01-02 00:00:00"><count>50</count></group>
    <group value="2001-01-03 00:00:00"><count>25</count></group>
  <groups sdata="AUTHOR">
    <group value="John"><count>50</count></group>
    <group value="Mike"><count>25</count></group>
    <group value="Steve"><count>25</count></group>

The JSON Format Input Result Set Descriptor

The JSON format result set descriptor consists of $query, $search, and $facet parts. You can use the JSON format result set descriptor to query context indexes and JSON search index. It is of the following format:

  "$query": <text query and filter conditions>,
  "$search": <search result specifications>,
  "$facet": <faceted result specifications>	
  • $query

    Use $query to specify a search query, the path constraints, and additional path based filter conditions. When $query is specified, the query parameter of CTX_QUERY.RESULT_SET procedure is ignored.


    The $query part is supported only when a JSON search index exists on the column. You can not specify the $query part when there is an Oracle Text index.

    $query is a subset of Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) filter specification, also known as a query-by-example (QBE) or simply a filter. The following clauses are only supported:
    • Contains Clause - A contains clause is a field followed by an object with one $contains operator, whose value is a string. It matches a document only if a string or number in the field value matches the string operand somewhere, including in array elements. Matching is Oracle Text full-text. You can use a contains clause only in the outermost condition of a QBE. You can also have multiple contains clauses only at the top level within a $and operator.

      For example, this QBE checks for a "name" field that contains the word "doe" and an "address" field that contains the number 10 or the string "10" as a word:

        "$and" : [
        {"name": { "$contains" : "doe" } }, 
           {  "address" : { "$contains" : "10" } }


      • Wildcard field steps (*) are allowed for paths in contains clause.

      • You can use a $contains field condition only as a part of a simple $contains query or as a part of the outermost $and condition. You cannot use it as a part of a $or condition or an inner $and condition.

    • Field-Condition Clause - A field-condition clause is JSON-object member whose field is not an operator and whose value is an object with one or more members, each of which is a condition-operator clause:

      field : { condition-operator-clause ... }
      The following condition operators are only supported:
      • $eq - Matches document only if field value equals operand value. The operand must be a JSON scalar value.

      • $gt - Matches document only if field value is greater than operand value. The operand must be a JSON number or string.

      • $gte - Matches document only if field value is greater than or equal to operand value. The operand must be a JSON number or string.

      • $lt - Matches document only if field value is less than operand value. The operand must be a JSON number or string.

      • $lte - Matches document only if field value is less than or equal to operand value. The operand must be a JSON number or string.


      • Wildcard field steps (*) and array steps ([ and ]) are not supported.

      • To support field conditions on string values, a JSON search index with search_on text_value_string is required.

    • Logical Combining Clause - A logical combining clause combines the effects of multiple non-empty filter conditions. A logical combining clause is a logical combining operator  — $and or $or — followed by a non-empty array of one or more non-empty filter conditions. The values of the operator clauses can only be numbers or string values.

    The following is an example of a $query part with the supported clauses:

    "$query" :
      "$and" : [
        { "book.*.summary" : {  "$contains" : "(Music or Song) and Dance"  } },
        { "book.*.review" : {  "$contains" : "(Good or excellent) and interesting"  } },
        { "$or" : [
          { "book.rating" : { "$gte" : 4.5 } },
          { "$and" : [  { "book.price" : { "$lte" : 100 } },  { "book.author" : { "$eq" : "Doe" } } ] }
  • $search

    Use $search to display the score ranked search results and their count. For a non-JSON Oracle Text full-text index, you can also specify the SDATA sections to project for the search results.

    You can use the following attributes:
    • start and end - Specify the range of the search result. For example, for start = 1 and end = 10, the first 10 documents are returned.

    • project - Specify the list of SDATA sections to project for the search results. This attribute is supported only for a non-JSON Oracle Text full-text index.

  • $facet

    Use $facet to specify the facets for various paths of a JSON document or SDATA sections of a context indexed document. Facets bucketed by a single unique value and facets per user specified range buckets are supported. The facets can also be one of the aggregations like COUNT, MIN, etc.

    You can specify a facet object in the following ways:
    • A field as a string or numeric value for which the output has facet group counts for each single unique value of the specified field:

      { "$uniqueCount": { "path/sdata" : field,  "type" (Optional) : "string/number" } }
      • field refers to a SODA path for querying using a JSON search index when you use path and SDATA section name for querying using a context index when you use sdata.

      • type is either string (default) or number. When you are using sdata, the type parameter is not allowed as each sdata already has a predefined type.

    • A field only for string values when using a JSON search index where field refers to a SODA path for querying using a JSON search index:

      { "$uniqueCount": field }
    • A field for computing aggregations on facet groups using bucket ranges:

        "$op : {
           "path/sdata" : field ,
           "bucket <Optional>" : [ { "$gt/$gte (Optional)" : <lower bound 1>, 
                                     "$lt/$lte (Optional)" : <upper bound 1>}, ... ],
           "type" <Optional> : "string/number"
      • $op is one of $sum, $min, $max, $avg, or $count.
      • field refers to a SODA path for querying using a JSON search index when you use path and SDATA section name for querying using a context index when you use sdata.

      • Each range bucket must have at-most one lower bound ($gt or $gte) and upper bound ($lt or $lte).

      • type is either number (default) or string. When you are using sdata, the type parameter is not allowed as each sdata already has a predefined type.


      $sum and $avg aggregations are only supported when the value of type parameter is number or sdata is of number type. You can only use $count, $min, and $max for string type.

    • A field only for computing aggregations on numeric facets without using bucket ranges:

      { "$op" : <field> }

      $op is one of $sum, $min, $max, $avg, or $count.

    The following is an example for $facet part:

    "$facet": [
              "$sum" : { 
                        "path" : "book.price", 
                        "bucket" : [ { "$lt" : 100 }, { "$gte" : 100, "$lt" : 150 }, { "$gte" : 150 } ]
              "$count" : { 
                          "path" : "book.author", 
                          "bucket" : [ {"$lt" : "G"}, {"$gte" : "G", "$lt" : "S"}, {"$gte" : "S"} ],
                          "type" : "string"
              { "$uniqueCount" : "book.author" },
              { "$uniqueCount " : { "path" : "book.rating", "type" : "number" } },
              { "$avg" :  "book.sales" }
              { "$min" :  "book.name",  "type" : "string" }
    This example generates the following:
    • Sum of prices for each bucket range of the specified book.price

    • Total number of authors in the given specified ranges

    • A group count of every unique value of book.author

    • A group count of every book.rating treating the rating as a number

    • Average of the book sales for all the books that satisfied the query

    • The author's name that is lexicographically smallest


    To support facets on string values, a JSON search index with search_on text_value_string is required.

The JSON Format Result Set Output

The JSON format result set output is a JSON object that consists of the following parts:

"$count" : number
"$hit" : [ <hit_object_1>, ..., <hit_object_i> , ... ]
"$facet": [ <facet_object_1>, ..., <facet_object_i>, ...]
The following is a description of the list of possible JSON objects for the output result set:
  • $count

    The $count JSON object shows the total number of hits for the query.

  • $hit

    The $hit JSON object shows an array of search hit objects sorted in descending order of search score depending on how many hits were specified using start and end in the $search part of the input query. It has the following attributes:
    • score

      The score attribute shows the score information for each hit.

    • rowid

      The rowid attribute shows the rowid information for each hit.

    • project

      The project attribute shows the sdata values that were specified in the $search part of the input query. The project attribute is supported only for a non-JSON Oracle Text full-text index.

  • $facet

    The $facet JSON object shows an array of facet responses for every facet specified in the $facet part of the input query.

    For enumerating counts for each unique input string or numeric value, the output is of the following format:

    { "<field>" : [ ..., { "value" : <value_i>, "$uniqueCount" : <group_count_i>}, ...  ]}

    For enumerating counts for the buckets specified in input to compute aggregations for facet groups, the output is of the following format:

    { "<field>" : [ ..., { "bucket" : <bucket_object_i>, "<op>" : <group_count_i>}, ...  ]}


    For bucket outputs, if either lower bound ( $gt or $gte ) or upper bound ( $lt or $lte ) are not specified in the input, then the minimum or maximum value is discovered and displayed in the output.

    For enumerating counts for computing aggregations on numeric facets without using buckets, the output is of the following format:

    { "<field>" : { "<op>" : <actual_value of the aggregation> } }

Example 12-1 Using the JSON format Result Set Interface with CONTEXT Index

This example shows you how to use the JSON format result set interface with CONTEXT index.

Create a table and populate it with values:

drop table zebra_table;
create table zebra_table(id number, details clob);

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (1,'  Zebra details : <price>2000</price><price>1000</price>

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (2,'  Zebra details : <rating>5</rating> <price>1000</price>
                             <handler>Jane Doe</handler>

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (3,'  Zebra details : <rating>4.5</rating> <price>3000</price>
                             <handler>Jane Doe</handler>

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (4,'  Zebra details : <rating>4.5</rating> <price>3000</price>
                             <handler>Jane Doe</handler> <sold></sold>');

Create a section group named mysecgrp and enable the optimized_for search attribute for each column to be treated as a facet:

exec ctx_ddl.drop_section_group   ('mysecgrp')
exec ctx_ddl.create_section_group ('mysecgrp', 'BASIC_SECTION_GROUP')

exec ctx_ddl.add_sdata_section    ('mysecgrp', 'rating', 'rating', 'NUMBER')
exec ctx_ddl.set_section_attribute('mysecgrp', 'rating', 'optimized_for', 'search')

exec ctx_ddl.add_sdata_section    ('mysecgrp', 'price', 'price', 'NUMBER')
exec ctx_ddl.set_section_attribute('mysecgrp', 'price', 'optimized_for', 'search')

exec ctx_ddl.add_sdata_section    ('mysecgrp', 'name', 'name', 'VARCHAR2')
exec ctx_ddl.set_section_attribute('mysecgrp', 'name', 'optimized_for', 'search')

exec ctx_ddl.add_sdata_section    ('mysecgrp', 'stripes', 'stripes', 'VARCHAR2')
exec ctx_ddl.set_section_attribute('mysecgrp', 'stripes', 'optimized_for', 'search')

exec ctx_ddl.add_sdata_section    ('mysecgrp', 'handler', 'handler', 'VARCHAR2')
exec ctx_ddl.set_section_attribute('mysecgrp', 'handler', 'optimized_for', 'search')

exec ctx_ddl.add_sdata_section    ('mysecgrp', 'sold', 'sold', 'VARCHAR2')
exec ctx_ddl.set_section_attribute('mysecgrp', 'sold', 'optimized_for', 'search')

Create a CONTEXT index on details and specify the preferences by using the parameters clause:

create index zebra_idx on zebra_table(details)
indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters('section group mysecgrp');
A call to CTX_QUERY.RESULT_SET with the specified JSON result_set_descriptor generates the following information in the form of JSON:
  • Rowids, names, and handlers for the first two hits

  • Total number of unique zebra names

  • Total number of sold and unsold zebras

  • Total number of zebras according to their prices

  • Sum of prices and average rating between a price range for the total hits and unique counts based on the sum of prices and average rating

  • Total number of zebras grouped by their handler name within certain ranges

variable rs_output clob;

  qry varchar2(4000);
  rs_descriptor clob;
  qry := 'zebra details';
  rs_descriptor := '
  "$search" : { "start" : 1,  "end" : 2, "project" : [ "name", "handler" ] },
  "$facet" : [ 
                   { "$uniqueCount" : "name" },
                   { "$uniqueCount" : "sold" },
                   { "$uniqueCount" : { "sdata" : "price" } },
                   { "$sum" : { "sdata" : "price", 
                                "bucket" : 
                                  [ { "$lt" : 3000 }, { "$gte" : 3000 } ] 
                   { "$avg" : "rating" },
                     "$count" : { "sdata" : "handler",   
                                  "bucket" : 
                                    [ { "$lte" : "C" }, { "$gt" : "C" } ]  
  dbms_lob.createtemporary( :rs_output, true );
  ctx_query.result_set( 'zebra_idx', qry, rs_descriptor, :rs_output, 
                        format => CTX_QUERY.JSON_FORMAT );

select json_query(:rs_output, '$' pretty) from dual;

The following is output:

  "$count" : 4,
  "$hit" :
      "score" : 3,
      "rowid" : "AAASxXAABAAAY95AAA",
      "project" :
	"NAME" : "Storm",
	"HANDLER" : "Bob"
      "score" : 3,
      "rowid" : "AAASxXAABAAAY95AAB",
      "project" :
	"NAME" : "Snowy",
	"HANDLER" : "Jane Doe"
  "$facet" :
      "NAME" :
	  "value" : "Zigs",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2
	  "value" : "Snowy",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1
	  "value" : "Storm",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1
      "SOLD" :
	  "value" : "true",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2
	  "value" : "false",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1
      "PRICE" :
	  "value" : 1000,
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2
	  "value" : 3000,
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2
	  "value" : 2000,
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1
      "PRICE" :
	  "bucket" :
	    "$gte" : 1000,
	    "$lt" : 3000
	  "$sum" : 4000
	  "bucket" :
	    "$gte" : 3000,
	    "$lte" : 3000
	  "$sum" : 6000
      "RATING" :
	"$avg" : 4.66666666666666666667
      "HANDLER" :
	  "bucket" :
	    "$gte" : "Bob",
	    "$lte" : "C"
	  "$count" : 1
	  "bucket" :
	    "$gt" : "C",
	    "$lte" : "Jane Doe"
	  "$count" : 3

Example 12-2 Using the JSON format Result Set Interface with JSON Search Index

This example shows you how to use the JSON format result set interface with JSON search index.

Create a table and populate it with values:

drop table zebra_table;
create table zebra_table(id number, details clob check(details is json));

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (1,'{ "zebra" : { "price" : [2000,1000],
                       "name" : "Storm",   
                       "stripes" : ["Black","White"],  
                       "handler" : "Bob", "sold" : true }}');

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (2,'{ "zebra" : { "rating": 5, "price" : 1000,
                       "name" : "Zigzag",   
                       "stripes" : ["White","Grey"],  
                       "handler" : "Jane Doe", "sold" : "true" }}');

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (3,'{ "zebra" : { "rating": 4.5, "price" : 3000,
                       "name" : "Zigs",   
                       "stripes" : ["Grey","Black"],  
                       "handler" : "Jane Doe", "sold" : false }}');

INSERT INTO zebra_table
VALUES (4,'{ "zebra" : { "rating": "4.5", "price" : "3000",
                       "name" : "Zigs",
                       "stripes" : ["Grey","Black"],
                       "handler" : "Jane Doe", "sold" : null }}');

Create a JSON search index on details and specify the preferences by using the parameters clause:

create search index zebra_idx on zebra_table(details) for json
parameters('search_on text_value_string');
A call to CTX_QUERY.RESULT_SET with the specified JSON result_set_descriptor generates the following information in the form of JSON:
  • Total number of zebras that have names which satisfy the given condition

  • Rowids for the first two hits that have names which satisfy the given condition

  • Total number of unique zebra names

  • Total number of sold and unsold zebras

  • Total number of zebras according to their prices

  • Sum of prices and average rating between a price range for the total hits and unique counts based on the sum of prices and average rating

  • Total number of zebras grouped by their handler name within certain ranges

variable rs_output clob;

  rs_descriptor clob;
  rs_descriptor := '
  "$query" : { "zebra.*.name" : { "$contains" : "sto% or zig%" } },
  "$search" : { "start" : 1,  "end" : 2 },
  "$facet" : [ 
                   { "$uniqueCount" : "zebra.name" },
                   { "$uniqueCount" : "zebra.sold" },
                   { "$uniqueCount" : 
                       { "path" : "zebra.price", "type" : "number" }
                   { "$sum" : { "path" : "zebra.price", 
                                "bucket" : 
                                  [ { "$lt" : 3000 }, { "$gte" : 3000 } ] 
                   { "$avg" : "zebra.rating" },
                     "$count" : { "path" : "zebra.handler", 
                                  "type" : "string",  
                                  "bucket" : 
                                    [ { "$lte" : "C" }, { "$gt" : "C" } ]  
  dbms_lob.createtemporary( :rs_output, true );
  ctx_query.result_set( 'zebra_idx', null, rs_descriptor, :rs_output, 
                        format => CTX_QUERY.JSON_FORMAT );

select json_query(:rs_output, '$' pretty) from dual;

The following is output:

  "$count" : 4,
  "$hit" :
      "score" : 4,
      "rowid" : "AAASwtAABAAAY95AAB"
      "score" : 4,
      "rowid" : "AAASwtAABAAAY95AAC"

  "$facet" :
      "zebra.name" :
	  "value" : "Zigs",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2

	  "value" : "Zigzag",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1
	  "value" : "Storm",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1

      "zebra.sold" :
	  "value" : "true",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2
	  "value" : "null",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1
	  "value" : "false",
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1
      "zebra.price" :
	  "value" : 1000,
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2

	  "value" : 3000,
	  "$uniqueCount" : 2
	  "value" : 2000,
	  "$uniqueCount" : 1

      "zebra.price" :
	  "bucket" :
	    "$gte" : 1000,
	    "$lt" : 3000
	  "$sum" : 4000

	  "bucket" :
	    "$gte" : 3000,
	    "$lte" : 3000
	  "$sum" : 6000
      "zebra.rating" :
	"$avg" : 4.66666666666666666667
      "zebra.handler" :
	  "bucket" :

	    "$gte" : "Bob",
	    "$lte" : "C"
	  "$count" : 1
	  "bucket" :
	    "$gt" : "C",
	    "$lte" : "Jane Doe"
	  "$count" : 3

Limitations and Restrictions

The following limitations and restrictions apply for RESULT_SET.

  • The Result Set Interface (RSI) is not supported with Virtual Private Database. (VPD is supported with the regular CONTAINS query, but not with RSI.)

  • In order to execute the function, you must be able to query the base table.

  • If a VPD policy is active on the base table, the documents portion of the result set will not show any documents to which you are not entitled.

  • When a VPD policy is being used, aggregate measures such as count may not be accurate.

See Also:


This procedure executes an XML or JSON query and generates a result set based on a CLOB query parameter in XML or JSON.


The RESULT_SET_CLOB_QUERY procedure is identical to the RESULT_SET procedure except that the datatype of its query parameter is CLOB instead of VARCHAR2 to handle longer queries.

   index_name            IN VARCHAR2,
   query                 IN CLOB,
   result_set_descriptor IN CLOB,
   result_set            IN OUT CLOB,
   part_name             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 

See Also:

RESULT_SET for the description of these parameters


RESULT_SET_DOCUMENT holds the result set document after the CONTAINS query cursor is explicitly closed and if the query template has the <ctx_result_set_descriptor> element.


   index_name            IN VARCHAR2,
   query                 IN VARCHAR2,
   result_set_descriptor IN CLOB,
   result_set            IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
   part_name             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

Specify the index against which to execute the query.


Specify the query string.


Specify the result set descriptor in XML or JSON. It describes what the result set should contain.


Specify the output result set. If this variable is NULL on input, a session-duration temporary lob will be allocated and returned to the user. The user is responsible for deallocating this temporary lob.


Specify the index partition name. If the index is global, part_name must be NULL. If the index is partitioned and part_name is not NULL, then the query will only be evaluated for the given partition. If the index is partitioned and part_name is NULL, then the query will be evaluated for all partitions.

Related Topics



This procedure creates either a stored or session-duration query expression (SQE). Only the query definition is stored.

SQEs are used to store the definition of a query without storing any results. Referencing the query with the CONTAINS SQL operator references the definition of the query. In this way, SQEs make it easy for defining long or frequently used query expressions. Creating a session-duration SQE is useful for when you do not want the maintenance overhead of deleting unused or no longer needed SQEs.

Supported Operators

Stored query expressions support all of the CONTAINS query operators. Stored query expressions also support all of the special characters and other components that can be used in a query expression, including other stored query expressions.


Users are permitted to create and remove stored query expressions owned by them. Users are permitted to use stored query expressions owned by anyone. The CTXSYS user can create or remove stored query expressions for any user.


Syntax 1

           query_name      IN VARCHAR2,
           text_query      IN VARCHAR2, 
           duration        IN NUMBER default CTX_QUERY.DURATION_PERSISTENT

Syntax 2

           query_name      IN VARCHAR2, 
           text_query      IN CLOB,      
           duration        IN NUMBER default CTX_QUERY.DURATION_PERSISTENT

Specify the name of the stored query expression to be created.


Specify the query expression to be associated with query_name.



  • When duration is to set to DURATION_SESSION, the stored query expression is stored in a PL/SQL package variable and is available for the session.

  • When duration is to set to DURATION_PERSISTENT, the stored query expression is stored in a database table, and can be referenced by other database sessions.

  • The query_name namespace is shared between the persistent and session-duration SQEs. If you try to add a persistent or session-duration SQE with a name that is already used by another persistent or session-duration SQE, then an error will be raised.


When there is a CLOB query, specify that the duration is stored in a database table. This SQE must be deleted when it is no longer needed.

  • The query_name namespace is shared between the persistent and session-duration SQEs. If you try to add a persistent or session-duration SQE with a name that is already used by another persistent or session-duration SQE, then an error will be raised.


  ctx_query.store_sqe('dis1', 'flood', CTX_QUERY.DURATION_SESSION);
  ctx_query.store_sqe('dis2', 'tornado', CTX_QUERY.DURATION_PERSISTENT);
  ctx_query.store_sqe('dis3', 'fire')