4 Package IO APIs for C++
The IO Package for C++ APIs describes the input/output IO
datatypes and InputSource
4.1 IO Datatypes
Table 4-1 summarizes the datatypes of the IO package.
Table 4-1 Summary of Datatypes; IO Package
Datatype | Description |
Defines input source types. |
4.2 InputSource Interface
Table 4-2 summarizes the methods available through the IO interface
Table 4-2 Summary of IO Package Interfaces
Function | Summary |
Get the base URI. |
Get the input source type. |
Set the base URI. |
4.2.1 getBaseURI()
Gets the base URI. It is used by some input sources such as File and URI.
oratext* getBaseURI() { return baseURI; }
base URI
4.2.2 getISrcType()
Gets the input source type.
InputSourceType getISrcType() const { return isrctype; }
input source type