series Commands

Use commands with the series keyword to add, delete, subscribe, and manage a series.

rhpctl add series

Adds a series to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl add series -series series_name [-image image_name]


Table A-51 rhpctl add series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify a name for the series that you want to add.

-image image_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a configured image. This image becomes the first in the series.


To add a series:
$ rhpctl add series –series DB12_series

rhpctl delete series

Deletes a series from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl delete series -series series_name [-force]

Usage Notes

  • Specify the name of the series that you want to delete.

  • Use -force to delete an image series even if the series includes images.

  • Before deleting an image series, you must first remove all images from the series by using the rhpctl deleteimage series command.

  • This command does not delete images, only series.


The following example deletes a series called PRODDBSERIES:

$ rhpctl delete series -series PRODDBSERIES

rhpctl deleteimage series

Deletes an image from a series.


rhpctl deleteimage series -series series_name -image image_name


Table A-52 rhpctl deleteimage series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the name of the series from which you want to delete an image.

-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to delete from a series.


The following command deletes an image called PRODIMAGEV0 from a series called PRODDBSERIES:
$ rhpctl deleteimage series -series PRODDBSERIES -image PRODIMAGEV0

rhpctl insertimage series

Inserts an existing image into a series.


A single image can belong to one or more series.


rhpctl insertimage series -series series_name -image image_name
   [-before image_name]


Table A-53 rhpctl insertimage series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the name of the series into which you want to insert an image.

-image image_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to insert into a series.

-before image_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of an image before which you want to insert the new image.


To insert an image into a series:

rhpctl insertimage series -series DB12_series -image DB12102_PSU

rhpctl query series

Displays the configuration of a series.


rhpctl query series [-series series_name | -image image_name]
  [-server server_cluster_name] [-rhpserver rhps_regex]


Table A-54 rhpctl query series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the name of the series for which you want to display the configuration.

-image image_name

Alternatively, you can specify the name of a configured image.

-server server_cluster_name

Specify the name of the server cluster to which the image corresponds.

-rhpserver rhps_regex

Specify a regular expression to match the cluster name of the servers where the operation must be executed.

Usage Notes

If you do not specify a series or an image by name, then CRSCTL returns information for all series.

The -rhpserver parameter indicates where the operation should be executed and -server indicates who the operation should be about. When -rhpserver is used, the command is executed on the servers whose name matches the regular expression provided. When -server is used, the command will be about the server provided. For example:

  • The following command executes locally and lists the series that have been replicated to peerA
    rhpctl query series -server peerA
  • The following command executes on peerA and lists the series have been configured on peerA
    rhpctl query series -rhpserver peerA 
  • The following command executes on all servers and lists the series that each server has replicated on peerA
    rhpctl query series -server peerA -rhpserver .+' 

When issuing a command for a peer server using the -rhpserver option, the user running the command must be an existing user of the peer server and the user must have a required role. To enable a user from a peer server to run commands on the local server, run the rhpctl grant role command to grant a required role to the peer server user and to specify the cluster name of the peer server to which the user belongs. For example:

$ rhpctl grant role -role role_name -user user_name -client cluster_name

To add multiple users, run the following command:

$ rhpctl grant role -client cluster_name -maproles role=user_name[+user_name...][,role=user_name[+user_name...]...]

For information about granting roles with RHPCTL, refer to rhpctl grant role


This command returns output similar to the following:
$ rhpctl query series

Image series: DB12_series
Image series: GRID_series
Image series: DB112_series

rhpctl subscribe series

Subscribes a specific user to an image series.


rhpctl subscribe series -series series_name [-user user_name [-client cluster_name]]


Table A-55 rhpctl subscribe series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the image series to which you want to subscribe a user.

-user user_name

Specify an operating system user to whom you are subscribing the image series.

-client cluster_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which the operating system user belongs.

rhpctl unsubscribe series

Unsubscribes a user from an image series.


rhpctl unsubscribe series -series series_name [-user user_name [-client cluster_name]]


Table A-56 rhpctl unsubscribe series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name

Specify the image series from which you want to unsubscribe a user.

-user user_name

Specify an operating system user from whom you are unsubscribing the image series.

-client cluster_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which the operating system user belongs.