7 SDO_GEOR Package Reference

The SDO_GEOR package contains subprograms (functions and procedures) for creating, modifying, and retrieving information about GeoRaster objects. This chapter presents reference information, with one or more examples, for each subprogram.

The subprograms are presented in alphabetical order in this chapter. They can be grouped into several logical categories, as explained in GeoRaster PL/SQL API. Many of the subprograms are also discussed in GeoRaster Database Creation and Management and GeoRaster Data Query and Manipulation.

Many examples in this chapter refer to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

All SDO_GEOR subprograms can work on GeoRaster objects defined in schemas other than the current connection schema.



     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     nodata       IN NUMBER); 


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     nodata       IN SDO_RANGE_ARRAY);


Adds one or more NODATA values or value ranges, to represent NODATA cells in one layer or all layers in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Layer number in the GeoRaster object. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Either a single numeric value, or an array of numbers or number ranges. Any NODATA value range is inclusive at the lower bound and exclusive at the upper bound.

The SDO_RANGE_ARRAY type is described in NODATA Values and Value Ranges

Usage Notes

Some cells of a GeoRaster object may have no meaningful value assigned or collected. Such cells contain a NODATA value are thus called NODATA cells, which means that those cells are not semantically defined. The application is responsible for defining the meaning or significance of cells identified as NODATA cells. For more information about NODATA values and value ranges, see NODATA Values and Value Ranges.

Any NODATA values or value ranges associated with the object layer apply to all sublayers. For an explanation of layers, the object layer, and sublayers, see Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata.

NODATA values must be in the valid cell value range. Both the lower bound and the upper bound of a NODATA value range must be valid cell values as specified by the cell depth. Because NODATA value ranges are exclusive at the upper bound, if you want to specify the maximum valid cell value as NODATA, you must specify the maximum valid cell value as a single numeric NODATA value.

This procedure associates NODATA values or value ranges with a raster layer incrementally. It removes duplicate values or value ranges and combines adjacent values or value ranges to form a compact representation in the metadata whenever feasible. However, a single numeric NODATA value that is equal to the upper bound of a NODATA value range will not be combined together with the value range because it is not always feasible to calculate the new exclusive upper bound.

To delete one or more NODATA values or value ranges, use the SDO_GEOR.deleteNODATA procedure. To return the NODATA values for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getNODATA function.


The following example specifies that cells with values that are greater than or equal to 5 and less than 7, or that are equal to 9, are to be considered NODATA cells for the object layer (and thus all sublayers) of a specified GeoRaster object.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1 FOR UPDATE;
  SDO_GEOR.addNODATA(gr, 0, sdo_range_array(sdo_range(5,7), sdo_range(9,null)));
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr WHERE georid=1;

7.2 SDO_GEOR.addSourceInfo


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourceInfo  IN VARCHAR2);


Adds to the source information for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


String with source information. Cannot exceed 4096 characters.

Usage Notes

The specified sourceInfo string is added to the <sourceInfo> element in the metadata for the GeoRaster object (described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema). You can call this procedure as many times as needed to put multiple string values in the <sourceInfo> element or to add string values to any existing values.

If you want to replace any existing source information value or values, use the SDO_GEOR.setSourceInfo procedure.


The following example sets and adds some source information for a specified GeoRaster object, and then retrieves the information.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 select georaster into gr from georaster_table where georid=1 for update;
 sdo_geor.setSourceInfo(gr, 'Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle Corporation.');
 sdo_geor.addSourceInfo(gr, 'All rights reserved.');
 update georaster_table set georaster=gr where georid=1;
select * from table(select sdo_geor.getSourceInfo(georaster) from georaster_table where id=1);
Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle Corporation.
All rights reserved.

7.3 SDO_GEOR.affineTransform


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     rotateAngle   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
     reflection    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     outGeoRaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     rotateAngle   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
     reflection    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
     rasterBlob    IN OUT NOCOPY_BLOB,
     outArea       OUT SDO_GEOMTRY,
     outWindow     OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Performs affine transformation on the input GeoRaster image to produce an output GeoRaster image based on the values of the parameters translation, scales, rotatePt. rotateAngle, shear, and reflection.



GeoRaster object on which to perform the operation. It does not need to be georeferenced. (Georeferencing is explained in Georeferencing GeoRaster Objects and Advanced Georeferencing.)


When specified, should contain two integer numeric values with the number of rows and columns to be applied to the translation transformation. The values for row and columns translation are independent of each other, but positive values will translate the image to the right and to the bottom, and negative values will translate the image to the left and to the top. If this parameter is omitted, no translation is performed.


When specified, should contain two numeric values with the scale factor to be applied to the rows and columns to be applied to the scale transformation. The values for row and columns scaling are independent from each other but values between 0 and 1 will reduce the size of the image in rows and/or columns while values greater than 1 will enlarge the size of image is rows and/or columns. If this parameter is omitted, no scaling is performed.


When specified, should contain two numeric value representing the cell space coordinate (row and columns) to be used as the center of the rotation operation. In practical terms, the image feature associated with rotatePt will be the center of the new output image. If this parameter is omitted, the center of the image is assumed.


When specified, should contain a numeric value between -180 to 180 identifying the angle to be applied to the rotation transformation. A positive value indicates that the rotation will turn to the right and negative value indicates rotation to the left. See usage notes for more information. If this parameter is omitted, no rotation is performed.


When specified, should contain two numeric value between the shear factor to be applied to the x and y coordinates respectively in a shear transformation. The values for row and columns shear are independent from each other. If this parameter is omitted, no shearing is performed.


When specified, should contain the numeric values 1 or 2, representing vertical or horizontal reflection, respectively. If this parameter is omitted, no reflection is performed.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


GeoRaster object to hold the result of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster


BLOB to hold the output reflecting the rectification. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit operation. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.

Usage Notes

This procedure has two formats:

  • The first format generates a GeoRaster object for persistent storage in the database.

  • The second format generates a BLOB for temporary storage or immediate use, such as to display data on the screen.

This procedure performs the specified simple affine transformation operations individually or in combination.

For all the possible operations and combinations of operations, this procedure will transform the physical representation of the stored image and build new georeferencing information that preserves the original location of features in the image. Thus, the image might look the same when projected by a visualization tool.


In the following example, the output GeoRaster object will be generated from rotating the source image by -90 degrees (90 degrees to the left).

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;  
  select georaster into gr1 from georaster_table where georid = 1;

  insert into georaster_table values(2, 'Rotated 90 left',
         sdo_geor.init('rdt0',2)) returning georaster into gr2;

  sdo_geor.affineTransform(inGeoRaster   => gr1,
                           translation   => null,
                           scales        => null,
                           rotatePt      => null,
                           rotateAngle   => -90,
                           shear         => null,
                           reflection    => null,
                           storageParam  => 'pyramid=true',
                           outGeoraster  => gr2);

  update georaster_table set georaster = gr2 where georid = 2;

In the following example, the output GeoRaster object will be generated from enlarging the source image two times bigger while rotating it by 15 degrees to the right.

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr3 sdo_georaster;  
  select georaster into gr2 from georaster_table where georid = 1;

  insert into georaster_table values(3, 'Scaled x 2 Rotated 15',
         sdo_geor.init('rdt0',3)) returning georaster into gr3;

  sdo_geor.affineTransform(inGeoRaster   => gr1,
                           translation   => null,
                           scales        => sdo_number_array(2,2),
                           rotatePt      => null,
                           rotateAngle   => 15,
                           shear         => null,
                           reflection    => null,
                           storageParam  => 'blocksize=(512,512,3)',
                           outGeoraster  => gr3,
                           parallelParam => 'parallel=4');

  update georaster_table set georaster = gr3 where georid = 3;

In the following example, the output GeoRaster object will be generated from shearing the source image by a factor of 5 in both rows and columns:

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr4 sdo_georaster;  
  select georaster into gr2 from georaster_table where georid = 1;

  insert into georaster_table values(4, 'Shear 5,5',
         sdo_geor.init('rdt0',4)) returning georaster into gr4;

  sdo_geor.affineTransform(inGeoRaster   => gr1,
                           translation   => null,
                           scales        => null,
                           rotatePt      => null,
                           rotateAngle   => null,
                           shear         => sdo_number_array(5,5),
                           reflection    => null,
                           storageParam  => 'pyramid=true',
                           outGeoraster  => gr4,
                           parallelParam => 'parallel=4');

  update georaster_table set georaster = gr4 where georid = 4;

In the following example, the output GeoRaster object will be generated from the vertical reflection of the source image.

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr5 sdo_georaster;  
  select georaster into gr2 from georaster_table where georid = 1;

  insert into georaster_table values(5, 'Vertical reflection',
         sdo_geor.init('rdt0',5)) returning georaster into gr5;

  sdo_geor.affineTransform(inGeoRaster   => gr1,
                           translation   => null,
                           scales        => null,
                           rotatePt      => null,
                           rotateAngle   => null,
                           shear         => null,
                           reflection    => 1,
                           storageParam  => 'pyramid=true',
                           outGeoraster  => gr5,
                           parallelParam => 'parallel=4');

  update georaster_table set georaster = gr5 where georid = 5;

7.4 SDO_GEOR.calcCompressionRatio


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the compression ratio of a specified GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The compression ratio is the sum of the sizes of all raster blocks (including pyramids) in the uncompressed GeoRaster object divided by the sum of these sizes in the compressed form of the object. If the input GeoRaster object is not compressed, the compression ratio is 1 (that is, 1:1).

For a given original GeoRaster object, the greater the compression ratio, the smaller is the compressed GeoRaster object. For example, a compression ratio of 20 (that is, 20:1), the data is compressed to 5 percent of its original size.

For more information about GeoRaster compression, see Compression and Decompression.


The following example returns the compression type and compression ratio for the GeoRaster object in the GEORASTER column of table GEORASTER_TABLE where the GEORID column value is 1.

SELECT sdo_geor.getCompressionType(georaster) compType,
    sdo_geor.calcCompressionRatio(georaster) compRatio
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;

7.5 SDO_GEOR.changeCellValue


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     window       IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     newCellValue IN NUMBER, 


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     window       IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     newCellValue IN NUMBER, 


Changes the value of raster cells in a specified window of a GeoRaster object to a single new value.



GeoRaster object.


Window in which to change the values of all cells to newCellValue. The data type can be SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY or SDO_GEOMETRY. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements and other information.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


The new cell value for each cell inside the window in the specified bands or layers. The value must be in the range designated by the cellDepth value for the GeoRaster object.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes

Because this procedure overwrites data in the input GeoRaster object, you should make a copy of the original GeoRaster object and use this procedure on the copied object. After you are satisfied with the result of this procedure, you can discard the original GeoRaster object if you wish.

This procedure can be used to mask, or conceal, parts of an image. For example, you can change irrelevant parts of an image to a dull color before displaying the image, to help people to focus on the relevant parts.

If the window parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the window parameter geometry and the model space are different, the window parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If the window parameter specifies a nonrectangular SDO_GEOMETRY object, this function calculates the MBR of the geometry and update the cells inside that MBR, including the cells on the boundary of the MBR.

If the window parameter specifies a geodetic MBR, it cannot cross the date line meridian. For information about geodetic MBRs, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

If georaster is a blank GeoRaster object and the whole area is updated, the result is a blank GeoRaster object with the blankCellValue value set to newCellValue.

If georaster is a blank GeoRaster object and it is only partially updated, the result is a nonblank GeoRaster object with the original blankCellValue and newCellValue values set according to the window parameter and the bandNumbers or layerNumbers parameter.

If georaster is a nonblank GeoRaster object, the result is a nonblank GeoRaster object, even if all cells are set to the newCellValue value.

If georaster is null, this procedure performs no operation. If georaster is invalid, an exception is raised.

If any pyramids are defined on the GeoRaster object, the corresponding cell values for the pyramids are updated.

To return the value of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getCellValue function.


The following example changes the value of all cells to 151 in a specified window in band number 1. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=110 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.changeCellValue(gr, sdo_number_array(100,67,134,113), '1', 151);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr WHERE georid=110;

7.6 SDO_GEOR.changeCellValues


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     rowNumbers    IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     colNumbers    IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     newCellValues IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     ptGeom        IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumber   IN NUMBER, 
     newCellValues IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 


Changes the value of raster cells specified by row/column arrays or by a multipoint geometry to new values.



GeoRaster object.


Numbers of the rows that contains the cells whose values are to be changed.


Numbers of the columns that contains the cells whose values are to be changed.


Number of the physical band that contains the cells whose value is to be changed.


Multipoint geometry that identifies the cells whose values are to be changed.


Number of the logical layer that contains the cells whose value is to be changed. (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band number plus 1.)


The new cell value for each cell inside the window in the specified bands or layers. The value must be in the range designated by the cellDepth value for the GeoRaster object.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes

Because this procedure overwrites data in the input GeoRaster object, you should make a copy of the original GeoRaster object and use this procedure on the copied object. After you are satisfied with the result of this procedure, you can discard the original GeoRaster object if you wish.

This procedure can be used to mask, or conceal, parts of an image. For example, you can change irrelevant parts of an image to a dull color before displaying the image, to help people to focus on the relevant parts.

In the ptGeom SDO_GEOMETRY object, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the ptGeom parameter geometry and the model space are different, the ptGeom parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If georaster is null, this procedure performs no operation. If georaster is invalid, an exception is raised.

If any pyramids are defined on the GeoRaster object, the corresponding cell values for the pyramids are updated.

To return the values of cells located anywhere in the GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getCellValues function.


The following example changes the value of two cells to 151 and 152 in band number 1. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=110 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.changeCellValues(gr, sdo_number_array(100,67),sdo_number_array(134,113), 1, 
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr WHERE georid=110;

7.7 SDO_GEOR.changeFormatCopy


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


Makes a copy of an existing GeoRaster object using a different storage format (for example, changing the blocking, cell depth, or interleaving).



The SDO_GEORASTER object whose format is to be copied.


A number specifying the pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The SDO_GEORASTER object to hold the copy. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes

This procedure creates a new GeoRaster object that has the specified changes, based on the original GeoRaster object or a specified pyramid level of it. After you use this procedure, you can check to ensure that the desired changes were made in the copy, and then discard the original GeoRaster object if you wish.

If you use the format that does not include the pyramidLevel parameter, the copy is based on the original GeoRaster object (pyramidLevel=0).

If the copy is to be made from a pyramid of the original GeoRaster object (pyramidLevel > 0), and if the original GeoRaster object is georeferenced, georeferencing information is generated for the resulting GeoRaster object only when the georeference is a valid polynomial transformation. The resulting object's row and column ultCoordinates are set to (0,0).

To compress or decompress a GeoRaster object, use the compression keyword in the storageParam parameter. (There is no separate GeoRaster function or procedure for compressing or decompressing a GeoRaster object.)

If inGeoRaster is null, this procedure performs no operation.

If storageParam is null, inGeoRaster is copied to outGeoRaster.

If outGeoRaster has any raster data, it is deleted before the copy operation.

inGeoRaster and outGeoRaster must be different GeoRaster objects.

If pyramid data exists for inGeoRaster, any upper level pyramid data is copied to outGeoRaster unless the storageParam string contains pyramid=FALSE.

An exception is raised if one or more of the following are true:

  • inGeoRaster is invalid.

  • outGeoRaster has not been initialized.

  • A raster data table for outGeoRaster does not exist and outGeoRaster is not a blank GeoRaster object.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that is the same as the input object except that the block size is set to 2048 for both dimensions. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

    gr1 sdo_georaster;
    gr2 sdo_georaster;
    SELECT georaster INTO gr2 from georaster_table WHERE georid=11 FOR UPDATE;
    SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=1;
    sdo_geor.changeFormatCopy(gr1, 'blocksize=(2048,2048)', gr2);
    UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=11;

The following example creates a GeoRaster object that is the same as the input object except that raster data is compressed to deflate format and the compression process is running in parallel. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

    gr1 sdo_georaster;
    gr2 sdo_georaster;
    SELECT georaster INTO gr2 from georaster_table WHERE georid=11 FOR UPDATE;
    SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=1;
    sdo_geor.changeFormatCopy(gr1, 'compression=deflate parallel=4', gr2);
    UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=11;

7.8 SDO_GEOR.compressJP2


     inGeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     compressParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER);


Compresses the image in a GeoRaster object using JPEG 2000 compression.



The SDO_GEORASTER object whose data is to be compressed.


A string specifying one or more keywords for the compression parameter. For an explanation of the available keywords, see the table in the Usage Notes.


The SDO_GEORASTER object to hold the result of the compression. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.

Usage Notes

The output compressed image is in JPEG 2000 (JP2) file format and stored in one raster block of the outGeoRaster object. There are no pyramid raster blocks stored in the raster data table, because the pyramids are stored in the JP2 file as part of the compression.

If not specified in rlevel keyword of compressParam, the maximum number of pyramid level is calculated as: floor(log2(tsize)), where tsize is the minimal value of the tilesize parameter values for rows and columns. If the tiling parameter value isfalse, tsize is the minimal value of the image height and width.

If neither ratio nor psnr is specified, the compression is loss-less

This procedure supports 8–bit and 16–bit source GeoRaster objects. The maximum of number of tiles allowed is 65535.

The following table lists the available compressParam keywords for JPEG 2000 (JP2) compression.

Table 7-1 compressParam Keywords for JPEG 2000 (JP2) Compression

Keyword Explanation

codeBlockSize=(cbrow, cbcol)

Specifies the code block row and column size, where cbrow and cbcol are the size of the code block in rows and columns, respectively. It must be in the range of [4, 1024] and cbrow * cbcol <= 4096. By default, it is 64 x 64.

dwt=reversible | irreversible

Specifies the discrete wavelet transform, where reversible means to use the DWT 5–3 transform, and irreversible means to use the DWT 9–7 transform. Irreversible transforms always result in lossy compression.

mct=true | false

Specifies whether to use multiple component transform. By default, RGB->YCC conversion is used if there are 3 bands or more.

precinctSize=(pcrow, pccol)

Specifies the precinct size, where pcrow and pccol are the size of the precinct in rows and columns, respectively. By default it is 512 x 512 on each resolution.


Specifies the progression order: LRCP (layer-resolution-component-position progressive, or rate scalable), RLCP (resolution-layer-component-position progressive, or resolution scalable), RPCL (resolution-position-component-layer progressive), PCRL (position-component-resolution-layer progressive), or CPRL (component-position-resolution-layer) progressive. By default, it is LRCP.

psnr=(p1, p2, p3, ...)

Specifies the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), where p1, p2, p3, ... are the compression PSNR for layer 1, 2, 3, and so on of the JP2 code stream. It should be in increasing order. Example: psnr=(30, 40, 50). By default, the compression is loss-less. This parameter cannot be specified together with the ratio parameter.

ratio=(r1, r2, r3, ...)

Specifies the compression ratio, where p1, p2, p3, ... are the compression ratios for layers 1, 2, 3, and so on of the JP2 code stream. It should be in decreasing order. Example: ratio=(30, 20, 10). By default, the compression is loss-less. This parameter cannot be specified together with the psnr parameter.


Specifies the number of decompositions of the wavelet transform, and thus the number of pyramids of the image. By default, the level of decomposition is floor(log2(tileSize)).

tileSize=(trow, tcol)

trow and tcol specify the row and column size of the tile. If the tile size is greater than the image size, no tiling is applied.

tiling=true | false

Specifies whether to use tiling in the JPEG2000 compression. By default, tiling is true. If tiling is true and if tileSize is not set, the default tile size is 512 x 512.


For any numbers in string (VARCHAR2) parameters to GeoRaster subprograms, the period (.) must be used for any decimal points regardless of the locale.


The following example creates a JPEG 2000 compressed GeoRaster object from the original object. The JP2 file internal tile size is 512 by 512 and the compression ratio values for JP2 layers 1, 2, and 3 are 30, 20, and 10, respectively. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (4, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;

  sdo_geor.compressJP2(gr1,’tilesize=(512, 512), ratio=(30, 20, 10)’, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=4;

7.9 SDO_GEOR.copy


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     outGeoRaster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER);


Makes a copy of an existing GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object to be copied.


GeoRaster object to hold the result of the copy operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.

Usage Notes

The outGeoRaster object is an exact copy of the inGeoRaster object. To make any changes to the output GeoRaster object during a copy operation, use the SDO_GEOR.changeFormatCopy procedure.

If inGeoRaster is null, this procedure performs no operation.

If outGeoRaster has any raster data, it is deleted before the copy operation.

inGeoRaster and outGeoRaster must be different GeoRaster objects.

If pyramid data exists for inGeoRaster, the pyramid data is copied to outGeoRaster.

An exception is raised if one or more of the following are true:

  • inGeoRaster is invalid.

  • outGeoRaster has not been initialized.

  • A raster data table for outGeoRaster does not exist and outGeoRaster is not a blank GeoRaster object.


The following example inserts an initialized GeoRaster object (gr2) into the GEORASTER column of table GEORASTER_TABLE, makes gr2 an exact copy of another GeoRaster object (gr1), and updates the row that had been inserted using gr2 for the GEORASTER column value. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table VALUES (11, sdo_geor.init('RDT_11', 1))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=1;

  sdo_geor.copy(gr1, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=11;

7.10 SDO_GEOR.createBlank


     rasterType      IN INTEGER, 
     ultCoord        IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     dimSizes        IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     cellValue       IN NUMBER, 
     rasterDataTable IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     rasterID        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL 


Creates a blank GeoRaster object, in which all cells have the same value; the object must then be registered in the xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA views (see the Usage Notes).



The 5-digit rasterType attribute value, as specified in rasterType Attribute.


An array of the upper-left coordinate integer values for the GeoRaster object. The default value is (0,0) for a GeoRaster object without a band dimension, and (0,0,0) for a GeoRaster object with a band dimension. If this parameter is null, the default value of 0 is used for each dimension. If a value in the specified array is null, the default value of 0 is used for the corresponding dimension. The value for the band dimension must be 0, and you do not need to specify it. (If you specify an array of values, the number of values must not be less than the number of the spatial dimensions or more than the number of total dimensions.)


The number of cells along each dimension. The number of values in the array must be equal to the total number of dimensions, and the size of each dimension must be explicitly specified. The row and column dimension sizes must be greater than 1.


The cell value for all raster cells in the created GeoRaster object. Must be from 0 to 255, because the cell depth of the created GeoRaster object is 8BIT_UNSIGNED.


Name of the object table of type SDO_RASTER that stores the cell data blocks. Must not contain spaces, period separators, or mixed-case letters in a quoted string; the name is always converted to uppercase when stored in an SDO_GEORASTER object. The RDT should be in the same schema as its associated GeoRaster table. If you do not specify this parameter, GeoRaster generates a unique table name to be used for the raster data table. If you specify this parameter and the table already exists but is not an object table of type SDO_RASTER, an exception is raised.


Number that uniquely identifies the cell blocks of this GeoRaster object in the raster data table. If you do not specify this parameter, a unique sequence number is generated for the ID.

Usage Notes

After creating the blank GeoRaster object and before performing any operations on the object, you must register it in the xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA views by inserting the empty GeoRaster object into a GeoRaster table. (The xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA views are described in GeoRaster System Data Views (xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA). GeoRaster operations are described in GeoRaster Database Creation and Management and GeoRaster Data Query and Manipulation.)

The created GeoRaster object has no spatial reference information; therefore, its spatial extent geometry has a null SRID (coordinate system) value. The spatial extent geometry reflects the ultCoord and dimSizes values.

This function does not require that the specified raster data table exist. However, the table must exist before any raster data can be inserted into it.

Although the cell depth of the created GeoRaster object is 8BIT_UNSIGNED, you can change the cell depth after you create the blank GeoRaster object by calling the SDO_GEOR.changeFormatCopy procedure. You can then call the SDO_GEOR.setBlankCellValue procedure to reset the cell value in a different range.

For guidelines that apply to the SDO_GEOR.createBlank and SDO_GEOR.init functions when a table has multiple GeoRaster object columns, see the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.init function.

An exception is raised if any value for an input parameter is invalid.


The following example inserts a row containing a blank GeoRaster object into the table. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster) VALUES (
  sdo_geor.createBlank(20001, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0,0),
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1024,1024), 255, 'RDT_1')

7.11 SDO_GEOR.createTemplate


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     rasterType   IN INTEGER, 
     rasterSpec   IN VARCHAR2, 
     maskLayers   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


Populates a GeoRaster object with metadata of a general pattern, and optionally inserts entries with empty raster blocks into its raster data table.



The GeoRaster object to be updated.


The 5-digit rasterType attribute value, as specified in rasterType Attribute.


A string with raster specification parameters, as explained in the Usage Notes.


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which there are associated bitmap masks. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


The string TRUE causes the raster data table to be populated; the string FALSE causes the raster data table not to be populated. If you do not specify this parameter, the raster data table is not populated.

Usage Notes

This function populates a GeoRaster object with metadata of a general pattern and optionally inserts proper rows (with empty raster blocks) into its raster data table. If the raster data table is to be populated, the raster data table must exist and the GeoRaster object must have been registered in the GeoRaster SYSDATA table.

In general, only use this procedure with an empty GeoRaster object to populate its XML metadata and raster blocks. If you use an existing (good) GeoRaster object, the GeoRaster object will be replaced with the new template object upon update.

The rasterSpec parameter must be a quoted string that contains one or more keyword-value pairs. The following keywords are supported for this parameter:

  • blocking (for example, blocking=TRUE). For an explanation of this keyword, see Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  • blocksize (for example, blocksize=(512,512,3)). For an explanation of this keyword, see Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  • cellDepth (for example, cellDepth=8BIT_S). For an explanation of this keyword, see Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  • compression (for example, compression=JPEG-F). For an explanation of this keyword, see Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  • dimSize (for example, dimSize=(512,512,3)): Specifies the row, column, and band dimension sizes. This keyword must be specified and must be consistent with the rasterType parameter.

  • interleaving (for example, interleaving=BIP). For an explanation of this keyword, see Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  • quality (for example, quality=75). For an explanation of this keyword, see Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  • resampling (for example, resampling=NN): Specifies the resampling method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

    The resampling keyword is ignored if rLevel is not set.

  • rLevel (for example, rLevel=2): Specifies the maximum pyramid reduction level. Must be a positive integer. If you specify this keyword, the pyramid type is set to DECREASE in the metadata; otherwise, the pyramid type is set to NONE.

  • ultCoord (for example, ultCoord=(0,0,0)): Specifies the upper-left coordinate integer values for the GeoRaster object. The default value is 0 for all the dimensions. The value for the band dimension must be 0.

(Note that the following keywords in Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters are not supported for the rasterSpec parameter: bitmapmask and pyramid.)

If the compression keyword in the rasterSpec parameter is set as JP2-F, the blocking defaults to non-blocking no matter what the rasterSpec parameter specifies. If the rlevel keyword in the rasterSpec parameter is not set and compression is JP2-F, the pyramid maximum level in the GeoRaster metadata defaults to floor( log2(imageSize)), where imageSize is the minimum of the image row and column size. The pyramid maximum level should be adjusted later if the actual data has different levels of resolutions.

For more information about using this function in developing GeoRaster applications, see Using Template-Related Subprograms to Develop GeoRaster Applications.


The following example populates a GeoRaster object with metadata and initial raster data table rows.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (1, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster into gr;
  sdo_geor.createTemplate(gr, 21001,
                       'dimSize=(512,512,3) blocking=false rlevel=2',
                       null, 'TRUE');
  UPDATE georaster_table set georaster=gr where georid=1;

7.12 SDO_GEOR.decompressJP2


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER);


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER);


Decompress the JPEG 2000 compressed GeoRaster image into a GeoRaster object.



The SDO_GEORASTER object to be decompressed.


A number specifying the pyramid level to be decompressed in the source GeoRaster object.


Crop area definition. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.

If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.

Usage Notes

In the storageParam parameter, any bitmapmask, compression, quality, and pyramid keywords are ignored.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the window parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)


The following example creates an uncompressed GeoRaster object that contains only specified bands from a specified window from the original object. The original object’s raster data is compressed in JPEG 2000 compression. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor.decompressJP2(gr1, 0, sdo_geometry(2003, NULL, NULL,
                               sdo_elem_info_array(1, 1003, 3),
                  '3,1-2',’blocksize=(512, 512, 3)’, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

7.13 SDO_GEOR.deleteControlPoint


SDO_GEOR.deleteControlPoint (
     inGeoraster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     controlPointID  IN VARCHAR2);


Deletes a ground control point (GCP) that has the specified control point ID value.



GeoRaster object.


Control point ID for inGeoraster. Must be a string not more than 32 characters.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.

If the controlPointID is null, empty or not found in the existing GCPs stored in the GeoRaster object metadata, an exception is raised. If a GCP with the specified point ID is found, that GCP is deleted from the georeferencing model.


The following example deletes the GCP that has the ID value 23 in a specified GeoRaster object.

   gr1  sdo_georaster;
   SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from herman.georaster_table WHERE georid=10 FOR UPDATE;
   sdo_geor.deleteControlPoint(gr1, '23');
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr1 WHERE georid=10;

7.14 SDO_GEOR.deleteNODATA


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 
     nodata      IN NUMBER);


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 
     nodata      IN SDO_RANGE_ARRAY);


Deletes one or more NODATA values or value ranges.



GeoRaster object.


Layer number in the GeoRaster object. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Either a single numeric value, or an array of numbers or number ranges. Any NODATA value range is inclusive at the lower bound and exclusive at the upper bound.

The SDO_RANGE_ARRAY type is described in NODATA Values and Value Ranges

Usage Notes

When a NODATA value or value range is deleted, the cell depth of the GeoRaster object is taken into consideration to generate the correct new ranges. If the cell depth specifies floating cell values, you can only remove existing single numeric NODATA values or remove a sub-range from an existing NODATA value range.

For information about NODATA values and value ranges, see NODATA Values and Value Ranges.

To add one or more NODATA values or value ranges, use the SDO_GEOR.addNODATA procedure. To return the NODATA values for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getNODATA function.


The following example removes cell value 9 from the NODATA metadata associated with the object layer.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0 FOR UPDATE;
  SDO_GEOR.deleteNODATA(gr, 0, 9);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr WHERE georid=0;

7.15 SDO_GEOR.deletePyramid


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);


Deletes the pyramid data of a GeoRaster object from the given pyramid level and above.



GeoRaster object for which pyramid data is to be deleted.


The level of pyramid (and above) for which to delete pyramid data. By default, all the pyramid data is deleted.

Usage Notes

For information about pyramid data, see Pyramids.

If georaster is null or has no pyramid data, this procedure performs no operation.

An exception is raised if georaster is invalid or if the value of pyramidLevel is less than 1.


The following example deletes the pyramid data for a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr1 WHERE georid=21;

The following example deletes the pyramid data for a GeoRaster object where the pyramid level is greater than or equal to 3. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

  sdo_geor.deletePyramid(gr1, 3);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr1 WHERE georid=21;

7.16 SDO_GEOR.evaluateDouble


     georaster           IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel        IN NUMBER, 
     row                 IN NUMBER, 
     column              IN NUMBER, 
     bands               IN VARCHAR2, 
     interpolationMethod IN VARCHAR2 


     georaster           IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel        IN NUMBER, 
     ptGeom              IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layers              IN VARCHAR2, 
     interpolationMethod IN VARCHAR2 


Evaluates a direct location using a specified interpolation method, and returns the raster values (double precision numbers) for the specified bands or layers for that location.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level containing the location whose raster values are to be returned.


The row coordinate of the location whose raster values are to be returned. This can be a floating point number.


The column coordinate of the location whose raster values are to be returned. This can be a floating point number.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


Point geometry that identifies the direct location whose raster values are to be returned.


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4). (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band number plus 1.)


A quoted string containing one or more keywords, each with an appropriate value. See the Usage Notes for information about the available keywords and values.

Usage Notes

This function returns interpolated raster values in double precision. In GeoRaster, the original cell values are always associated with the center of the cells, regardless of whether the cell coordinate system type is center-based or upperleft-based.

Identify the location in the GeoRaster object either by specifying its row, column, and band numbers in cell coordinate space, or by specifying a point geometry in either model coordinate space or cell coordinate space.

interpolationMethod must be a quoted string that contains one or more of the following keywords, each with an appropriate value:

  • interpolationMethod (for example, interpolationMethod=NN): Specifies the interpolation method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

  • nodata (for example, nodata=TRUE): Specifies whether NODATA values and value ranges should be considered during the procedure. Must be either TRUE (NODATA values and value ranges should be considered) or FALSE (NODATA values and value ranges should not be considered). The default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE and the interpolation method is BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16, whenever a cell value involved in the interpolation calculation is a NODATA value, the result of the interpolation is also a NODATA value. The resulting NODATA value is the minimum NODATA value associated with the current raster layer, if multiple NODATA values or value ranges exist.

If interpolationMethod is specified as 'interpolationMethod=NN', this function is equivalent to calling the SDO_GEOR.getCellValue function.


The following examples return the raster values for a specified location in the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

The examples show the two function formats, and they return the same values for the same location specified in either cell space or model space.

SELECT SDO_GEOR.evaluateDouble(a.georaster, 0, 
    10.2, 10.3, 
  FROM georaster_table a WHERE georid=21;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(86.68, 135.68, 31.72)
1 row selected.
SELECT SDO_GEOR.evaluateDouble(a.georaster, 0, 
    SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 82394, SDO_POINT_TYPE(18492.775, 1012881.9, NULL),
                 NULL, NULL),
  FROM georaster_table a WHERE georid=21;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(86.68, 135.68, 31.72)
1 row selected.

7.17 SDO_GEOR.evaluateDoubles


     georaster           IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel        IN NUMBER, 
     rows                IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     cols                IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     band                IN NUMBER, 
     interpolationMethod IN VARCHAR2 


     georaster           IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel        IN NUMBER, 
     ptGeom              IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layer               IN NUMBER, 
     interpolationMethod IN VARCHAR2 


Evaluates multiple locations using a specified interpolation method, and returns the raster values (double precision numbers) for the specified band or layer for those locations.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level containing the locations whose raster values are to be returned.


The row coordinates of the locations whose raster values are to be returned.


The column coordinates of the locations whose raster values are to be returned.


Number of the physical band that contains the cell whose value is to be returned.


Multipoint geometry that identifies the cells whose values are to be returned.


Number of the logical layer that contains the cell whose value is to be returned. (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band number plus 1.)


A quoted string containing one or more keywords, each with an appropriate value. See the Usage Notes for information about the available keywords and values.

Usage Notes

This function returns interpolated raster values in double precision. In GeoRaster, the original cell values are always associated with the center of the cells, regardless of whether the cell coordinate system type is center-based or upperleft-based.

interpolationMethod must be a quoted string that contains one or more of the following keywords, each with an appropriate value:

  • interpolationMethod (for example, interpolationMethod=NN): Specifies the interpolation method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

  • nodata (for example, nodata=TRUE): Specifies whether NODATA values and value ranges should be considered during the procedure. Must be either TRUE (NODATA values and value ranges should be considered) or FALSE (NODATA values and value ranges should not be considered). The default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE and the interpolation method is BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16, whenever a cell value involved in the interpolation calculation is a NODATA value, the result of the interpolation is also a NODATA value. The resulting NODATA value is the minimum NODATA value associated with the current raster layer, if multiple NODATA values or value ranges exist.

If interpolationMethod is specified as 'interpolationMethod=NN', this function is equivalent to calling the SDO_GEOR.getCellValues function.


The following example returns the raster values for specified locations in the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT SDO_GEOR.evaluateDoubles(a.georaster, 0,SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(10.2,11.5),SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(9.2,8.3),0,
  FROM georaster_table a WHERE georid=21;

SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(86.68, 135.68)

1 row selected.

7.18 SDO_GEOR.exportTo


     georaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     subsetParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_destFormat  IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_destType    IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_destName    IN VARCHAR2, 
     h_destFormat  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     h_destType    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     h_destName    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     subsetParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_destFormat IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_destBLOB   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB);


     georaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     subsetParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_destFormat  IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_destBLOB    IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     h_destFormat  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


Exports a GeoRaster object or a subset of a GeoRaster object to a file or to a BLOB object.



GeoRaster object that will be exported.


String containing subset parameters, for exporting a subset of the GeoRaster object. The format and usage are as explained in Storage Parameters, although some keywords described in that section do not apply to this procedure. The following keywords are supported:

  • pLevel: Pyramid level to be exported. The default is 0.

  • cropArea: Specify the area to be exported in the format cropArea = (startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol). It identifies the upper-left (startRow, startCol) and lower-right (endRow, endCol) coordinates of a rectangular window to be exported, and raster space is assumed. If cropArea is not specified, the entire image is exported.

  • layerNumber: Layer numbers of the layers to be exported. For example, layerNumber=(3-5) exports layers 3, 4, and 5; and layerNumber=(1,3,5) exports layers 1, 3, and 5.


Raster destination format. Must be one of the following: TIFF, BMP, GeoTIFF, or PNG. (JPEG and GIF are not supported for this procedure.)


Type of destination for the export operation. Must be FILE.


Destination file name (with full path specification) if destType is FILE. Do not specify the file extension. If you are using this procedure only to export the world file, specify a null value for this parameter.


BLOB object to hold the image file resulting from the export operation.


Geoheader destination format. Must be WORLDFILE.


Geoheader type of destination for the export operation. Must be FILE.


Geoheader destination file name (with full path specification) if h_destType is FILE. Do not specify the file extension.


CLOB object to hold the geoheader file resulting from the export operation.

Usage Notes

Use a format with both r_xxx and h_xxx parameters only if the raster image and geoheader are in separate files.

This procedure does not support JPEG or GIF as a destination file format. You can use the client-side GeoRaster exporter tool, described in GeoRaster Tools: Viewer_ Loader_ Exporter, to export to a JPEG file.

This procedure does not support GeoRaster objects that have a cellDepth value of 2BIT.

GeoRaster objects with a cell depth of 8 bits or greater that have a BSQ or BIL interleaving are exported in BIP interleaved format.

The GeoTIFF PixelIsArea raster space is equivalent to the GeoRaster upperleft-based cell coordinate system. An export to GeoTiff is always in PixelIsArea raster space, with a half-pixel adjustment of the affine transformation if the GeoRaster object is in center-based cell coordinate system.

To load GeoTIFF images with the SDO_GEOR.importFrom procedure, you will need the xtiff-jai.jar and geotiff-jai.jar libraries. For more information about these GeoTIFF libraries, see Georeferencing GeoRaster Objects.

Before you call this procedure, you must have write permission on the output file or the directory to contain the files. The following example (run as user SYSTEM) grants write permission on a specified file to user HERMAN:

call dbms_java.grant_permission('HERMAN','SYS:java.io.FilePermission',
   '/mydirectory/myimages/img1.tif', 'write' );

The maximum amount of GeoRaster data that can be exported in a single operation is 67 megabytes (MB). Thus, the maximum dimensions of a GeoRaster object that can be exported at one time must be such that width*height*bands*cellDepth/8 <= 67 MB and rowBlockSize*columnBlockSize*bands*cellDepth/8 <= 67 MB. For example, for a 3-band, 8-bit GeoRaster object in which the width and height are equal:

  • The largest exportable width and height are 4728x4728.

  • The largest exportable block dimensions are 4096x4096.


The following example shows two export operations. The first operation exports an entire GeoRaster object (except for any georeferencing information) into a BMP format file. The second operation exports a subset of the GeoRaster object to a file with an ESRI world file.

  fileName VARCHAR2(1024);
  tfwName VARCHAR2(1024);
SELECT georaster INTO geor FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 1;
-- Export the whole GeoRaster object into a BMP file, excluding any
-- georeferencing information.
sdo_geor.exportTo(geor, NULL, 'BMP', 'file',
-- Export a subset to a file with a world file.
fileName := '/mydir/parrotExported';
tfwName := '/mydir/parrotWorldFile';
SELECT georaster INTO geor FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 8;
sdo_geor.exportTo(geor, 'cropArea=(0,0,500,500)', 
  'TIFF', 'file', fileName, 'WORLDFILE', 'FILE', tfwName);

The following example exports GeoRaster objects into BLOB and CLOB objects.

CREATE TABLE blob_table (blob_col BLOB, blobid NUMBER unique, clob_col CLOB);
INSERT INTO blob_table values (empty_blob(), 3, null);
INSERT INTO blob_table VALUES (empty_blob(), 4, empty_clob());
  lobd1 BLOB;
  lobd2 BLOB;
  lobd3 CLOB; 
-- Example 1: Export to BLOB.
SELECT blob_col INTO lobd1 FROM blob_table WHERE blobid=3 for update;
SELECT georaster INTO geor1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 13;
sdo_geor.exportTo(geor1, '', 'TIFF', lobd1);
UPDATE blob_table set blob_col = lobd1 WHERE blobid=3;
-- Example 2: Export GeoRaster to BLOB with world file exported to CLOB.
SELECT blob_col INTO lobd2 FROM blob_table WHERE blobid=4 for update;
SELECT clob_col INTO lobd3 FROM blob_table WHERE blobid=4 for update;
SELECT georaster INTO geor2 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 8;
sdo_geor.exportTo(geor2, 'cropArea=(0,0,500,500)', 'TIFF', lobd2,
  'WORLDFILE', lobd3);
UPDATE blob_table set blob_col = lobd2, clob_col = lobd3 WHERE blobid = 4;

7.19 SDO_GEOR.generateAreaWeightedMean


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     window      IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     nodata      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE' 


Computes the area weighted statistical mean value on a specified band of the input GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


A polygon geometry object from which to generate statistics. If it is in the model space, it is transformed into raster space. See also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsfunction for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate number of the layer for which to perform the operation.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.

Usage Notes

This function computes area weighted statistical mean value for the cells within a specific window of the input GeoRaster object. It uses the area of the cell as the weight for each cell value when computing the statistical mean value, so that all subcells cut by the window boundary are processed appropriately.


The following example computes area weighted statistical mean value for the first band of the input GeoRaster object.

SELECT sdo_geor.generateAreaWeightedMean(tmimage,sdo_geometry(2003,
          MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3),
     FROM landsat WHERE id=11;

7.20 SDO_GEOR.generateBitmapPyramid


     src_geor      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     tmp_geor      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     target_geor   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidParams IN VARCHAR2, 
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,    
     addColorMap   IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);


Generates pyramid data for a bitmap GeoRaster object.



Source GeoRaster object for which pyramid data is to be generated.


Temporary GeoRaster object used to store temporary data


Target GeoRaster object used to store the resulting GeoRaster data.


A string containing the pyramid parameters. See the Usage Notes for information about the available keywords and values.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

A number to specify whether to add a colormap to the target GeoRaster object to display roads as white. 0 (zero) does not add such a colormap; 1 (the default) or any other nonzero value adds such a colormap.

Usage Notes

For bitmap raster of points, lines, or polylines, which are typically stored in 1-bit cell depth, the pyramiding approach described in Image Pyramiding: Parallel Generation and Partial Update may not create high-quality pyramids. Distorted point patterns and dashed lines are commonly seen in those pyramids. To solve such problems, you can instead use the GeoRaster raster algebra to perform bitmap pyramiding, as explained in Bitmap Pyramiding.

pyramidParams must be a quoted string that contains one or more of the following keywords, each with an appropriate value:

  • rLevel (for example, rLevel=2): Specifies the maximum reduction level: the number of pyramid levels to create at a smaller (reduced) size than the original object. If you do not specify this keyword, pyramid levels are generated until the smaller of the number of rows or columns is between 64 and 128. The dimension sizes at each lower resolution level are equal to the truncated integer values of the dimension sizes at the next higher resolution level, divided by 2.

  • resampling (for example, resampling=NN): Specifies the resampling method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

    Note that for this procedure, BILINEAR and AVERAGE4 have the same effect.

  • nodata (for example, nodata=TRUE): Specifies whether NODATA values and value ranges should be considered during the procedure. Must be either TRUE (NODATA values and value ranges should be considered) or FALSE (NODATA values and value ranges should not be considered). The default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE and the resampling method is BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16, whenever a cell value involved in the resampling calculation is a NODATA value, the result of the resampling is also a NODATA value. The resulting NODATA value is the minimum NODATA value associated with the current raster layer, if multiple NODATA values or value ranges exist.

If you do not specify an rLevel value, the rLevel value is set to the default, which is calculated as follows:

(int)(log2(a / 64))

In the preceding calculation:

  • log2 is a logarithmic function with 2 as its base.

  • a is the smaller of the original row or column dimension size.

In the default case, the smaller of the row and column dimension sizes of the top-level overview (the smallest top-level pyramid) is between 64 and 128. If you specify an rLevel value greater than the maximum reduced-resolution level, the rLevel value is set to the maximum reduced-resolution level, which is calculated as follows:


In this case, the smaller of the row and column dimension sizes of the top-level overview is 1.


The following example generates a bitmap pyramid.

  src_gr sdo_georaster;
  tmp_gr sdo_georaster;
  target_gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO src_gr 
    FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 6;
  SELECT georaster INTO tmp_gr 
    FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 7 FOR UPDATE;
  SELECT georaster INTO target_gr 
    FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 8 FOR UPDATE;

 -- Generate bitmap pyramids.
  sdo_geor.generateBitmapPyramid(src_gr,tmp_gr,target_gr 'rLevel=5, resampling=NN');
  -- Update the target GeoRaster object.
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster =target_gr WHERE georid = 8;


7.21 SDO_GEOR.generateBlockMBR


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER);


Computes the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) for each block in a GeoRaster object, and sets the blockMBR attribute for each raster block in the raster data table.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This procedure does not change the GeoRaster object. It sets the value of the blockMBR attribute (described in blockMBR Attribute) in each row of the raster data table associated with the GeoRaster object.

If you created the GeoRaster object as described in Creating New GeoRaster Objects, the blockMBR attribute values were automatically calculated and they should not need to be validated or generated. However, if the GeoRaster object was generated by a third party, you should validate the blockMBR attribute values using the SDO_GEOR.validateBlockMBR function; and if any are not valid, call the SDO_GEOR.generateBlockMBR procedure.


The following example computes the MBR for a specified GeoRaster object and sets its blockMBR attribute.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1 FOR UPDATE;

7.22 SDO_GEOR.generatePyramid


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidParams IN VARCHAR2, 
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Generates pyramid data, which is stored together with the original data.



GeoRaster object for which pyramid data is to be generated and stored.


A string containing the pyramid parameters. See the Usage Notes for information about the available keywords and values.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.

Usage Notes

For information about pyramid data, see Pyramids.

pyramidParams must be a quoted string that contains one or more of the following keywords, each with an appropriate value:

  • rLevel (for example, rLevel=2): Specifies the maximum reduction level: the number of pyramid levels to create at a smaller (reduced) size than the original object. If you do not specify this keyword, pyramid levels are generated until the smaller of the number of rows or columns is between 64 and 128. The dimension sizes at each lower resolution level are equal to the truncated integer values of the dimension sizes at the next higher resolution level, divided by 2.

  • resampling (for example, resampling=NN): Specifies the resampling method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

    Note that for this procedure, BILINEAR and AVERAGE4 have the same effect.

  • nodata (for example, nodata=TRUE): Specifies whether NODATA values and value ranges should be considered during the procedure. Must be either TRUE (NODATA values and value ranges should be considered) or FALSE (NODATA values and value ranges should not be considered). The default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE and the resampling method is BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16, whenever a cell value involved in the resampling calculation is a NODATA value, the result of the resampling is also a NODATA value. The resulting NODATA value is the minimum NODATA value associated with the current raster layer, if multiple NODATA values or value ranges exist.

If georaster is null or is a blank GeoRaster object, or if pyramid data exists for georaster but it was created with the same pyramid parameters specified in pyramidParams, this procedure performs no operation.

If pyramid data exists for georaster and it was created using a different resampling value from that specified in pyramidParams, the old pyramid data is deleted and new pyramid data is generated. However, a different nodata specification in pyramidParams does not cause the pyramid data to be regenerated. To cause a new nodata value to take effect, you must delete the old pyramid data and then regenerate it.

If you do not specify an rLevel value, the rLevel value is set to the default, which is calculated as follows:

(int)(log2(a / 64))

In the preceding calculation:

  • log2 is a logarithmic function with 2 as its base.

  • a is the smaller of the original row or column dimension size.

In the default case, the smaller of the row and column dimension sizes of the top-level overview (the smallest top-level pyramid) is between 64 and 128. If you specify an rLevel value greater than the maximum reduced-resolution level, the rLevel value is set to the maximum reduced-resolution level, which is calculated as follows:


In this case, the smaller of the row and column dimension sizes of the top-level overview is 1.

An exception is raised if georaster is invalid.


The following example creates pyramid data for a GeoRaster object.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr 
    FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 6 FOR UPDATE;
  -- Generate pyramids.
  sdo_geor.generatePyramid(gr, 'rLevel=5, resampling=NN');
  -- Update the original GeoRaster object.
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = gr WHERE georid = 6;

7.23 SDO_GEOR.generateSpatialExtent


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     height     IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL 


Generates a spatial geometry that contains the spatial extent (footprint) of the GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Number specifying the Z value for three-dimensional (X, Y, Z) georeferencing.

Usage Notes

The returned SDO_GEOMETRY object is based on the model coordinate system of the GeoRaster object. If the GeoRaster object is not georeferenced, the SDO_GEOMETRY object has a null SDO_SRID value, which means the footprint geometry is in cell space; otherwise, the SDO_SRID value of the SDO_GEOMETRY object is the model SRID. Specifically:

  • If the GeoRaster object is not georeferenced or if the model coordinate system is projected, the spatial extent object is a single polygon derived from eight boundary points.

  • If the model coordinate system is geodetic, the spatial extent is densified according to the object's spatial footprint. If the area of the footprint is not larger than half of the Earth's surface, the result is a single geodetic polygon. Otherwise, a geodetic MBR is returned as the generated spatial extent object, and this returned object will be an invalid geometry according to Oracle Spatial validation rules, but index and query operations will work on this returned object.

The footprint is automatically adjusted, based on the GeoRaster object's model coordinate location (CENTER or UPPERLEFT), to cover the whole area in the model space. CENTER is the default model coordinate location for non-georeferenced cases.

If the model coordinate system is three-dimensional, the generated spatial extent is a three-dimensional geometry. To build a spatial index based on the generated value, you may need to convert it into a two-dimensional geometry before saving it in the spatialExtent attribute of the GeoRaster object. For more information about cross-dimensionality transformations, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

This function does not set the spatial extent of the GeoRaster object (spatialExtent attribute, described in spatialExtent Attribute). For information about setting the spatial extent, see Generating and Setting Spatial Extents.

If georaster is null, this function returns a null SDO_GEOMETRY object. If georaster is not valid, an exception is raised.


The following example generates a three-dimensional spatial extent, with a Z or height dimension value of 10, in the geographic 3D coordinate system 4327 (the model SRID). (The output is slightly reformatted.)

SELECT SDO_GEOR.generateSpatialExtent(georaster,10) spatialExtent
  FROM georaster_table where georid=10;
SDO_GEOMETRY(3003, 4327, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(.181818182, 1.1627907, 10, 12.1228111, 1.07010227, 10, 19.3902574, 1.07010229, 10, 25.1482989, 1.07010229, 10, 30.0714774, 1.07010229,
10, 34.4500035, 1.07010229, 10, 38.3920079, 1.07010229, 10, 42.0490801,
1.07010229, 10, 45.4612165, 1.07010229, 10, 48.6719786, 1.07010229, 10,
53.6193472, 1.07010229, 10, 53.6193472, 12.346373, 10, 53.6178888, 15.3903048,
10, 53.6178888, 18.3032341, 10, 50.6322061, 18.3032341, 10, 47.5331761,
18.3032341, 10, 44.2541078, 18.3032341, 10, 40.7594212, 18.3032341, 10, 37,
18.3032341, 10, 32.9046537, 18.3032341, 10, 28.3630834, 18.3032341, 10,
23.1869539, 18.3032341, 10, 17, 18.3032341, 10, -2.220E-16, 18.3032341, 10, 0,
16.3247208, 10, -2.220E-16, 13.6133114, 10, .181818182, 1.1627907, 10))

The following examples return the spatial extent geometry of GeoRaster objects in the GEORASTER column of the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (They refer to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.generateSpatialExtent(georaster) spatialExtent
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2;
AY(0, 0, 256, 0, 511, 0, 511, 256, 511, 511, 256, 511, 0, 511, 0, 256, 0, 0))
SELECT sdo_geor.generateSpatialExtent(georaster) spatialExtent
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
RAY(1828466.0909315, 646447.1932945, 1828466.0909315, 644479.85524, 1828466.0909
315, 642512.5171855, 1830433.428986, 642512.5171855, 1832400.7670405, 642512.517
1855, 1832400.7670405, 644479.85524, 1832400.7670405, 646447.1932945, 1830433.42
8986, 646447.1932945, 1828466.0909315, 646447.1932945))

7.24 SDO_GEOR.generateSpatialResolutions

Format (Procedure)

    georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
    outResolution  OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);

Format (Function)

    georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER,
    pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
    resolutionUnit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,


Generates the spatial resolution value along each spatial dimension of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Generated spatial resolutions of the GeoRaster object. It is an array of two numbers that represent spatial resolutions on the X axis and Y axis, respectively.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Coordinate system. Must be a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table. The srid value cannot be 0 (zero). If not specified, the default is the SRID associated with georaster.


Unit of measurement: a quoted string with unit=. If not specified, the unit associated with SRID is used.

Usage Notes

SDO_GEOR.generateSpatialResolutions has two formats:

  • The procedure format sets the generated spatial resolutions in the metadata for the GeoRaster object. The metadata for the GeoRaster object is updated. The GeoRaster object must be georeferenced in order to get the spatial resolution generated.

  • The function format generates and returns the spatial resolutions based on the georeferencing information in the metadata for the GeoRaster object. The metadata for the GeoRaster object is not updated.

The GeoRaster object must be georeferenced. The generated spatial resolution is the resolution at the center cell of the GeoRaster object.

In the returned array of numeric values, each value indicates the number of units of measurement associated with the data area represented by that spatial dimension of a pixel. For example, if the spatial resolution values are (10,10) and the unit of measurement for the ground data is meters, each pixel represents an area of 10 meters by 10 meters.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

See also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.getSpatialResolutions function.


The following example generates the spatial resolution value along each spatial dimension for pyramid level 2 of a specified GeoRaster object

SELECT sdo_geor.generateSpatialResolutions(georaster, 2, 4326, null) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(.000024266, .000018006)

7.25 SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics

Format (Storage in Metadata)

     georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     histogram      IN VARCHAR2, 
     layerNumbers   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     useBin         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRUE', 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE' 


     georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     histogram      IN VARCHAR2, 
     layerNumbers   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     useBin         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRUE', 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE' 

Format (No Storage in Metadata)

     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers, or with one or more layers and pyramid levels. The two sets of function formats have significant usage differences:

  • Storage in Metadata formats also set statistical data in the GeoRaster object metadata for each specified layer, and optionally for the whole raster. These formats return the string TRUE or FALSE, indicating success or failure of the operation.

  • No Storage in Metadata formats do not set any GeoRaster object metadata, and they calculate statistics for a single layer or for the aggregation of specified layers. These formats return an SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object where the numbers reflect the aggregated minimum, maximum, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and sum values.



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level on which to perform the operation.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.


Specify TRUE to cause a histogram to be computed and stored, or FALSE to cause a histogram not to be computed and stored. Histograms are discussed in SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM Object Type. The XML definitions of the <histogram> element and the histogramType complex type are included in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema.


Numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Layer 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which values are used in computing the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '0,1,3-5,7' specifies layers 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to use a provided bin function (specified in the binFunction parameter) when generating statistics. TRUE (the default) causes a bin function to be used as follows: (1) the bin function specified by the binFunction parameter, if it is not null; otherwise, (2) the bin function specified by the <binFunction> element in the GeoRaster XML metadata, if one is specified; otherwise, (3) a dynamically generated bin function, as explained in the Usage Notes. FALSE causes a dynamically generated bin function to be used, and causes the binFunction parameter and <binFunction> element to be ignored.

For information about bin functions, see the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.setBinFunction procedure.


Bin function as an array whose elements specify the bin type, total number of bins, first bin number, minimum cell value, and maximum cell value. The SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER. For more information about the bin function for SQO_GEOR.generateStatistics, see the Usage Notes. For information about bin functions and an example, see the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.setBinFunction procedure.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes and can set the statistical data described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema.

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

If histogram is TRUE, this function determines the range of each bin based on the bin function being used, and within each range it computes the count of each pixel value. The histogram and the bin function are related as follows: each bin is mapped to a (value, count) pair of the histogram, and the lower boundary of each bin is mapped to corresponding value of histogram (value, count) pair, with the following exceptions:

  • If Min_r < Min, then one more pair (Min_r, count) is added as the first pair of the histogram. (Min_r is the real minimum value of the data set computed by this function, and Min is the min value specified in the bin function.)

  • If Max_r > Max, then one more pair (Max_r, count) is added as the last pair of the histogram. (Max_r is the real maximum value of the data set computed by this function, and Max is the max value specified in the bin function.)

  • Leading and trailing count=0 pairs in the histogram are suppressed. For example:

    (1,0) (2,0) (3,11) (4,12) becomes (3,11) (4,12)
    (1,11) (2,12) (3,0) (4,0) becomes (1,11) (2,12)

If histogram is TRUE, any existing histogram in the XML metadata is replaced by the new generated histogram.

SQO_GEOR.generateStatistics supports only LINEAR bin functions (binType = 0), not LOGARITHM or EXPLICIT bin functions. (The XML definitions of all bin function types are in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema.) If the useBin parameter value is FALSE, this function ignores any binFunction parameter value and any <binFunction> element in the GeoRaster XML metadata, and it uses a LINEAR bin function in which the min and max values are the actual minimum and maximum values of the data set, and the numbins value depends on the cell depth, as follows:

  • If cellDepth = 1, numbins = 2.

  • If cellDepth = 2, numbins = 4.

  • If cellDepth = 4, numbins = 8.

  • If cellDepth >= 8, numbins = 256.

If the useBin parameter value is TRUE, this function uses a bin function as follows:

  1. If the binFunction parameter specifies a valid bin function, it is used.

  2. Otherwise, if a valid bin function is defined in the GeoRaster metadata, it is used.

  3. Otherwise, the same bin function is used as when the useBin parameter value is FALSE.

Contrast this function, which causes GeoRaster to compute and optionally set the statistics, with the SDO_GEOR.setStatistics procedure, in which you specify the statistics to be set.

To retrieve the statistical data associated with a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.getStatistics function.


The following example generates the statistical data and a histogram.

  ret VARCHAR2(256);
  window SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(20,10,50,50);
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1 FOR UPDATE;
  ret := SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics(gr, 'samplingFactor=5', window, 'TRUE',
    '1-1', 'TRUE');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr WHERE georid=1;

The following example generates the statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1; however, it does not create a histogram or modify the GeoRaster object metadata.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  window  sdo_geometry:=null;
  stat   sdo_number_array;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask, samplingWindow, and polygonClip parameters to select the pixels for the statistics calculation. The statistics are returned in an array.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window  sdo_geometry;
  stat   sdo_number_array;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;


7.26 SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsMax


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the maximum value. (It does not modify metadata in the GeoRaster object.)



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.

If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes statistical data and returns the MAX value. (The statistical data is described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema; however, this function does not update any metadata.)

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

See also the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function.


The following example computes statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1, and returns the maximum value.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 window sdo_geometry:=null;
 max number; 
 SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask and samplingWindow parameters to select the pixels for the statistics calculation. The max value is returned.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry;
  max_val number;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;

7.27 SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsMean


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mean (average) value. (It does not modify metadata in the GeoRaster object.)



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.

If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes statistical data and returns the MEAN value. (The statistical data is described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema; however, this function does not update any metadata.)

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

See also the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function.


The following example computes statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1, and returns the mean value.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry := null;
  mean number; 
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask and samplingWindow parameters to select the pixels for the statistics calculation. The mean value is returned.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry;
  mean_val number;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;

7.28 SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsMedian


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the median value. (It does not modify metadata in the GeoRaster object.)



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.

If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes statistical data and returns the MEDIAN value. (The statistical data is described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema; however, this function does not update any metadata.)

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

See also the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function.


The following example computes statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1, and returns the median value.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry:=null;
  median number; 
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask and samplingWindow parameters to select the pixels for the statistics calculation. The median value is returned.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry;
  median_val number;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;

7.29 SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsMin


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the minimum value. (It does not modify metadata in the GeoRaster object.)



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.

If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes statistical data and returns the MIN value. (The statistical data is described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema; however, this function does not update any metadata.)

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

See also the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function.


The following example computes statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1, and returns the minimum value.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 window sdo_geometry:=null;
 min number; 
 SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask and samplingWindow parameters to select the pixels for the statistics calculation. The min value is returned.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry;
  min_val number;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;

7.30 SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsMode


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the mode value (the value that occurs most frequently). (It does not modify metadata in the GeoRaster object.)



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.

If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes statistical data and returns the MODEVALUE value. (The statistical data is described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema; however, this function does not update any metadata.)

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

See also the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function.


The following example computes statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1, and returns the mode value.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry:=null;
  mode number; 
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask and samplingWindow parameters to select the pixels for the statistics calculation. The mode value is returned.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry;
  mode_val number;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;

7.31 SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsSTD


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers on a specified pyramid level, and returns the standard deviation value. (It does not modify metadata in the GeoRaster object.)



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.

If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes statistical data and returns the STD value. (The statistical data is described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema; however, this function does not update any metadata.)

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

See also the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function.


The following example computes statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1, and returns the standard deviation value.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 window sdo_geometry:=null;
 std number; 
 SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask and polygonClip parameters to select the pixels for the statistics calculation. The STD (standard deviation) value is returned.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry;
  std_val number;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;


7.32 SDO_GEOR.generateStatisticsSum


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     mask           IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     samplingFactor IN VARCHAR2, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     nodata         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FALSE',
     polygonClip    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     parallelParam  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


Computes statistical data associated with one or more layers, and returns the sum value. (It does not modify metadata in the GeoRaster object.)



GeoRaster object.


A bitmap mask stored as a GeoRaster object. It can be georeferenced or not:

  • If the mask is not georeferenced, its extent will be used as cell space coordinates.
  • If the mask is georeferenced, it must has the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.

The spatial area of the input GeoRaster object that is covered by the mask will be calculated for statistics. A cell value of 1 in the mask means the pixel at the same location of the source geoRaster will be used for the statistics calculation. The mask can be smaller or larger than the source GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the returned resolution values. The default is pyramid level 0.


Sampling factor in the format 'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed.


A sampling window for which to generate statistics, specified either as a numeric array or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY (defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER), the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, it is transformed into raster space if it is in model space, and then the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object in raster space is used as the window. The default value is the entire image.

In both cases, the intersection of the MBR of the sampling window in raster space and the MBR of the GeoRaster object in raster space is used for computing statistics. However, if polygonClip is TRUE, then the samplingWindow geometry object will be used for the operation instead of the MBR of the sampling window, in which case only cells within the samplingWindow geometry are counted.

If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for SDO_SRID requirements.


Band ordinate numbers of the layers for which to compute the statistics. This is a string that can include numbers, number ranges indicated by hyphens (-), and commas to separate numbers and number ranges. For example, '1,3-5,7' specifies layers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. If bandNumbers is null, all bands are used in computing the statistics.


Specifies whether or not to compare each cell values with NODATA values defined in the metadata when computing statistics. TRUE causes all pixels with a NODATA value not to be considered; FALSE (the default) causes pixels with NODATA values to be considered as regular pixels. NODATA values and value ranges are discussed in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The string TRUE causes the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the samplingWindow geometry object to be used for the operation.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, you cannot roll back the results of this function.

Usage Notes

This function computes statistical data and returns the SUM value. (This function does not update any metadata.)

If samplingWindow is outside the GeoRaster object or if it contains only NODATA values, the following error is raised:

ORA-13393: null or invalid samplingWindow parameter

See also the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function.


The following example computes statistical data for all bands on pyramid level 1, and returns the SUM value.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 window sdo_geometry:=null;
 sum number; 
 SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;

The following example uses the mask and samplingWindow parameters to compute statistical data using the given mask for band 0 with a samplingFactor of 2, and returns the SUM value

  gr sdo_georaster;
  maskgr sdo_georaster;
  window sdo_geometry;
  sum_val number;  
  SELECT tmimage INTO gr FROM landsat WHERE id=2021;
  SELECT mask INTO maskgr FROM masks WHERE id=1;
  SELECT geom INTO window FROM boundary WHERE id=1;

7.33 SDO_GEOR.georeference

Format (procedure)

     georaster                IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     srid                     IN NUMBER, 
     modelCoordinateLocation  IN NUMBER, 
     xCoefficients            IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     yCoefficients            IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);

Format (function)

     georaster               IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     FFMethodType            IN VARCHAR2, 
     nGCP                    IN NUMBER, 
     GCPs                    IN SDO_GEOR_GCP_COLLECTION, 
     storeGCP                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRUE', 
     srid                    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     modelCoordinateLocation IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     setResolution           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL 


     georaster               IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     gcpGeorefModel          IN SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE, 
     storeGCP                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRUE', 
     srid                    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     modelCoordinateLocation IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,    
     setResolution           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL 


     georaster               IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     FFMethodType            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     srid                    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     modelCoordinateLocation IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     setResolution           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL 


As a procedure, georeferences a GeoRaster object using specified cell-to-model transformation coefficients of an affine transformation. As a function, returns the solution of any one of the supported geometric models using ground control points (GCPs) that are either stored in the database or specified in parameters.



The SDO_GEORASTER object to be georeferenced.


Model coordinate system. For the procedure, must not be null or 0 (zero); for function, it can be null. It can be a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table. If it is not a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table, the SRID is not supported by Oracle Spatial, and some SRID-related operations may not be supported.


A value specifying the model location of the base of the area represented by a cell: 0 for CENTER or 1 for UPPERLEFT.


An array specifying the A, B, and C coefficient values in the calculation, as explained in the Usage Notes.


An array specifying the D, E, and F coefficient values in the calculation, as explained in the Usage Notes.


Polynomial or rational polynomial function used as georeference geometric model. Must be one of the following string values: Affine, QuadraticPolynomial, CubicPolynomial, DLT, QuadraticRational, or RPC.


Object containing the following: FFMethodType, nGCP, GCPs, solutionAccuracy.


Number of ground control points in the GCP collection (GCPs parameter).


The GCP collection, of type SDO_GEOR_GCP_COLLECTION (described in SDO_GEOR_GCP_ COLLECTION Collection Type).


A flag indicating whether the GCPs should be stored in the GeoRaster metadata. The string TRUE (the default) stores the points in the GeoRaster metadata; the string FALSE does not store the points in the GeoRaster metadata.


A flag indicating whether the spatial resolution is calculated and stored in the GeoRaster metadata. The string FALSE or a null value does not store the spatial resolution in the GeoRaster metadata; the string TRUE stores the spatial resolution in the GeoRaster metadata.

Usage Notes

Notes for the Procedure Format

Use this procedure to georeference a GeoRaster object based on an existing affine transformation. Georeferencing is explained in Georeferencing and Georeferencing GeoRaster Objects.

This procedure assumes that in the original georeferencing information in the source data, such as in an ESRI world file, the transformation formulas are the following:

x = A * column + B * row + C
y = D * column + E * row + F

Specify the preceding A, B, C, D, E, and F coefficients to the SDO_GEOR.georeference procedure. They are automatically adjusted internally to produce the correct georeferencing result: a, b, c, d, e, and f coefficients, as in the following formulas:

row    = a + b * x + c * y
column = d + e * x + f * y

In these formulas:

  • row = Row index of the cell in raster space.

  • column = Column index of the cell in raster space.

  • x = East-West position of the point on the ground or in model space.

  • y = North-South position of the point on the ground or in model space.

  • a, b, c, d, e, and f are coefficients, and they are stored in the GeoRaster SRS metadata.

  • b*f – c*e should not be equal to 0 (zero).

In these formulas, if b = 0, f = 0, c = -e, and both c and e are not 0 (zero), the raster data is called rectified, and the formula becomes:

row    = a + c * y
column = d - c * x

This procedure sets the spatial resolutions of the GeoRaster object.

The following also perform operations related to georeferencing:

  • The SDO_GEOR.setSRS procedure sets or deletes georeferencing information.

  • The SDO_GEOR.importFrom procedure can load an ESRI world file or a Digital Globe RPC file from a file or from a CLOB object. It also loads geometadata from a GeoTIFF file.

  • The GeoRaster loader tool (described in GeoRaster Tools: Viewer_ Loader_ Exporter) can load an ESRI world file, a Digital Globe RPC file, or a GeoTIFF file.

Notes for the Function Formats (for Use with GCPs)

This function calculates the solution of the specified geometric model (the FFMethodType) using the GCPs that are either stored in the database or specified in parameters, and it stores the solution in the GeoRaster functional fitting model.

The returned array contains RMS values and residuals, which have the following order: the solution accuracy (rowRMS, colRMS, totalRMS) computed using control points, the ground positioning accuracy (xRMS, yRMS, zRMS, modelTotalRMS) computed using check points, the ground positioning accuracy (xRMS, yRMS, zRMS, modelTotalRMS) computed using control points, and the (xResidual, yResidual) for each control point (not for check points). The ordering of the residuals is the same as the control points stored in the XML metadata (not necessarily in the sequential order of the control point ID values if the ID values are numbers).

There are always at least 17 values returned (assuming at least 3 control points). A positioning accuracy (RMS) value of –1.0 means that value does not exist. For a two-dimensional geometric model, the zRMS value is always –1.0; otherwise, zRMS values are always 0 in the current release.

The GCPs can either be retrieved from the GeoRaster metadata or provided using the GCP-related object types.

For the interface without GCP information (that is, the format without the gcpGeorefModel parameter), the GCPs are assumed to be stored in the GeoRaster object's metadata. If no GCPs are stored or if not enough GCPs are stored for the specified model, an exception is raised.

After this function call, the GeoRaster object is georeferenced and the coefficients of the functional fitting model are set in the GeoRaster SRS metadata component.

For more information about georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.


The following example georeferences a GeoRaster object directly using the cell-to-model coefficients of an affine transformation. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 1 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.georeference(gr, 82394, 0,
                        sdo_number_array(28.5, 0, 1232804.04),
                        sdo_number_array(0, -28.5, 13678.09));
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = gr WHERE georid = 1;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getSRS(georaster) SRS FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid = 1;
LL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 3,
 479.93298245614, 0, -.0350877192982456), SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1), SDO_N
UMBER_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 3, -43256.2821052632, .0350877192982456, 0), SDO_NUMBER_ARR
AY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1))

If the original raster data is rectified and if the model coordinate of the center point of the upper-left corner cell is (x0, y0) and its spatial resolution is s, you can directly use the preceding example code to georeference the GeoRaster object by replacing 28.5 with s, 1232804.04 with x0, and 13678.09 with y0. If you have other information about the GeoRaster object, such as a well-defined precise envelope of the raster or the model coordinates of the center point, you can compute the (x0, y0) and the spatial resolution s, and then use the same approach to georeference the object.

The following example georeferences a GeoRaster object, using ground control point (GCP) information.

   gr1                 sdo_georaster;
   gr2                  sdo_georaster;
   rms                  sdo_number_array;
   SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=10 FOR UPDATE;
                           SDO_GEOR_GCP('1', '', 1, 
                              2, sdo_number_array(25.625000, 73.875000),
                              2, sdo_number_array(237036.937500, 897987.187500),
                              NULL, NULL),
                              SDO_GEOR_GCP('2', '', 1, 
                              2, sdo_number_array(100.625000, 459.125000),
                              2, sdo_number_array(237229.562500, 897949.687500),
                              NULL, NULL),
                              SDO_GEOR_GCP('3', '', 1, 
                              2, sdo_number_array(362.375000, 77.875000),
                              2, sdo_number_array(237038.937500, 897818.812500),
                              NULL, NULL),
                              SDO_GEOR_GCP('4', '', 1, 
                              2, sdo_number_array(478.875000, 402.125000),
                              2, sdo_number_array(237201.062500, 897760.562500),
                              NULL, NULL),
                              SDO_GEOR_GCP('5', '', 2, 
                              2, sdo_number_array(167.470583,  64.030686),
                              2, sdo_number_array(237032.015343, 897916.264708),
                              NULL, NULL),
                              SDO_GEOR_GCP('6', '', 2, 
                              2, sdo_number_array(101.456177,  257.915534),
                              2, sdo_number_array(237128.957767, 897949.271912),
                              NULL, NULL)
   georefModel := SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE('Affine',
GCPs.count, GCPs, NULL);
   rms := sdo_geor.georeference(gr1, georefModel, 'FALSE', 26986, 1);
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr1 WHERE georid=10;

7.34 SDO_GEOR.getBandDimSize


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of bands in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of bands, see Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.


The following example returns the spatial dimension sizes and the number of bands (one in this case) for a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getSpatialDimSizes(georaster) spatialDimSizes,
       sdo_geor.getBandDimSize(georaster) bandDimSize
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

--------------------------       -----------
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(512, 512)           1

7.35 SDO_GEOR.getBeginDateTime


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the beginning date and time for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

To set the beginning date and time for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setBeginDateTime procedure.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.


The following example returns the beginning and ending dates and times for raster data collection in the metadata for the GeoRaster object in a table named GEORASTER_TABLE where the GEORID column contains the value 4. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getBeginDateTime(georaster) beginDateTime,
  sdo_geor.getEndDateTime(georaster) endDateTime
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
01-JAN-00 AM +00:00
15-NOV-02 PM +00:00

7.36 SDO_GEOR.getBinFunction


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER


Gets the bin function associated with a layer.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the bin type. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns the bin function as an array whose elements specify the bin type, total number of bins, first bin number, minimum cell value, and maximum cell value. The SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER.

If the bin type is EXPLICIT, an external bin table is used and this function returns a null value.

For a more detailed explanation of the bin function format, see the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.setBinFunction procedure.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null, negative, or greater than the maximum layer number.


The following example gets the bin function for layer 3 of a specified GeoRaster object.

SELECT sdo_geor.getBinFunction(georaster,3) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0, 10, 1, 0, 511)

7.37 SDO_GEOR.getBinTable


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 


Returns the name of the bin table associated with a layer.


GeoRaster does not perform operations using the bin table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the bin table name. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function is relevant only if the bin type is EXPLICIT. To retrieve the bin type, use the SDO_GEOR.getBinType function.

To specify a bin table for a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.setBinTable procedure.

See also the information in the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.getBinType function.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null, negative, or greater than the maximum layer number.


The following example returns the name of the bin table for layer number 4 of a specified GeoRaster object in a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getBinTable(georaster, 4) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

7.38 SDO_GEOR.getBinType


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 


Returns the bin type associated with a layer.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the bin type. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns one of the following bin type values: LINEAR, LOGARITHM, or EXPLICIT.

The LINEAR bin type is defined as follows:

binNumber = numbins * (cellValue - min) / (max - min) + firstBinNumber
if (binNumber less than 0) binNumber =  firstBinNumber
if (binNumber greater than or equal to numbins) binNumber = numbins + firstBinNumber - 1

The LOGARITHM bin type is defined as follows:

binNumber = numbins * (ln (1.0 + ((cellValue - min)/(max - min)))/ ln (2.0)) + firstBinNumber
if (binNumber less than 0) binNumber =  firstBinNumber
if (binNumber greater than or equal to numbins) binNumber = numbins + firstBinNumber - 1

The EXPLICIT bin type means that the value (or value range) for each bin is stored in a bin table (which you can set using the SDO_GEOR.setBinTable procedure and retrieve using the SDO_GEOR.getBinTable function).

A bin function maps values or value ranges of the GeoRaster cells to specific bin numbers, which are all integers. GeoRaster does not provide interfaces to manipulate and process bin functions.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null, negative, or greater than the maximum layer number.


The following example returns the bin types for layers 0 and 1 of a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.getBinType(georaster, 0),1,20) binType0,
       substr(sdo_geor.getBinType(georaster, 1),1,20) binType1
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
--------------- ---------------

7.39 SDO_GEOR.getBitmapMask


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     mask         IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER);


Gets the bitmap mask that is associated with a GeoRaster object or a layer in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


The layer on which to perform the operation. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The resulting GeoRaster object to hold the bitmap mask. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as the input GeoRaster object (georaster parameter).

Usage Notes

If no bitmap mask is associated with the specified layer of the GeoRaster object, the resulting GeoRaster object is not updated.

If the storageParam parameter is null, the resulting GeoRaster object has a celldepth value of 1BIT celldepth, has DEFLATE compression if the input GeoRaster object is compressed, and has the same interleaving type and blocking size as the input GeoRaster object. It also contains all the bitmap mask pyramids if the input GeoRaster object has pyramids built on it.

A bitmap mask may have empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). If there is reblocking that leads to partially empty raster blocks, any cells in a partially empty block that are derived from an empty raster block are filled with the value 0 (zero).

For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The following example retrieves the bitmap mask associated with the object layer of the specified GeoRaster object.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  mk sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (100, sdo_geor.init('rdt_1', 100))
    RETURNING georaster INTO mk;
  sdo_geor.getBitmapMask(gr, 0, 'compression=none', mk);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=mk WHERE georid=100;

7.40 SDO_GEOR.getBitmapMaskSubset


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     window       IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     inWindow     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     window       IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     inWindow     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Gets a subset of a bitmap mask.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer on which to perform the operation. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Pyramid level containing the specified cell.

window, inWindow

A rectangular window for the subset, specified either as a numeric array with the lower-left and upper-right coordinates or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. The SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER.


BLOB to hold the output (the resulting subset).


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.


A string specifying storage parameters to be applied in creating rasterBlob. The only storageParam keywords supported for this procedure are celldepth, compression, interleaving, and quality; all other keywords are ignored. Storage parameters are explained in Storage Parameters.

If the storageParam parameter is null, the resulting GeoRaster object has a celldepth value of 1BIT celldepth, has DEFLATE compression if the input GeoRaster object is compressed, and has the same interleaving type as the input GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

If there is no bitmap associated with the specified GeoRaster object at the specified raster layer, or the specified input window does not intersect with the spatial extent of the GeoRaster object, the procedure returns with rasterBlob truncated to length zero and the outWindow set to a null value.

This procedure operates on a single GeoRaster object. The procedure has four formats, depending on whether the input window is specified as a geometry object or as the upper-left and lower-right corners of a box, and on whether the outWindow parameter is used to return the coordinates of the output window.

If the window or inWindow parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following: null (to specify raster space) or a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table.

If the SDO_SRID values for the window or inWindow parameter geometry and the model space are different, the geometry parameter is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If the window parameter specifies a geodetic MBR, it cannot cross the date line meridian. For information about geodetic MBRs, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

After the procedure completes, the rasterBLOB parameter contains the cell (pixel) data in the cropped window without tiling. The cropped window is the overlapping portion of the specified window of interest and the source GeoRaster object's spatial extent. If the outWindow parameter is specified, after the procedure completes it contains the coordinates of the cropped window in the cell space.

A bitmap mask may have empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). Any cells in the output window that are derived from an empty raster block are filled with the value 0 in the output BLOB.

The BLOB has no padding, except when the cell depth is less than 8 bits and the total number of bits needed for the output cannot be divided by 8; in these cases, unlike normal padding, only the last byte of the result is padded with 0 (zeros) for the trailing bits.

You can specify compression regardless of whether the input GeoRaster object is compressed or not. To have decompressed output for a compressed input GeoRaster object, specify compression=NONE in the storageParam parameter. For information about GeoRaster compression and decompression, see Compression and Decompression.

For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The following example retrieves a subset of a bitmap mask associated with the object layer of a specified GeoRaster object.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  lb blob;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
  dbms_lob.createTemporary(lb, TRUE);
  sdo_geor.getBitmapMaskSubset(gr, 0, 0, sdo_number_array(0,0,99,99), lb, 'compression=none');

7.41 SDO_GEOR.getBitmapMaskValue


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     rowNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     colNumber    IN NUMBER 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     ptGeom       IN SDO_GEOMETRY 


Gets the value of a single cell from a bitmap mask.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer on which to perform the operation. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Pyramid level containing the specified cell.


Row number in cell space.


Column number in cell space.


Point geometry in cell space or model space.

Usage Notes

You can specify the cell by its row and column numbers or by a point geometry object.

If there is no bitmap associated with the specified GeoRaster object at the specified raster layer, or the specified cell is in an empty raster block, the function returns a null value.

For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The following example gets the value of four cells from the bitmap mask associated with a specified GeoRaster object.

SELECT sdo_geor.getBitmapMaskValue(georaster,0,0,0,0) c1,
       sdo_geor.getBitmapMaskValue(georaster,0,0,9,9) c2,
       sdo_geor.getBitmapMaskValue(georaster,0,0,9,10) c3,
       sdo_geor.getBitmapMaskValue(georaster,0,0,10,9) c4
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0;

7.42 SDO_GEOR.getBitmapMaskValues


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     rowNumbers   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     colNumbers   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     pyramidLevel IN VARCHAR2, 
     ptGeom       IN SDO_GEOMETRY 


Gets the values of multiple cells from a bitmap mask.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer on which to perform the operation. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Pyramid level containing the specified cell.


Numbers of the rows that contain the cells whose values are to be returned.


Numbers of the columns that contain the cells whose values are to be returned.


Multipoint geometry that identifies the cells whose values are to be returned.

Usage Notes

You can specify the cells by an array of row and column numbers or by a multipoint geometry object.

If there is no bitmap associated with the specified GeoRaster object at the specified raster layer, or the specified cell is in an empty raster block, the function returns a null value.

For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The following example gets the value of four cells from the bitmap mask associated with a specified GeoRaster object.

SELECT sdo_geor.getBitmapMaskValues(georaster,0,0,sdo_number_array(0,9,9,10),sdo_number_array(0,9,10,9))
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0;

7.43 SDO_GEOR.getBlankCellValue


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the cell value for all cells if a specified GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

In a blank GeoRaster object, all cells have the same cell value. This function returns the cell value for all cells if the specified GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object.

To set the cell value to be used if a specified GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setBlankCellValue procedure. To determine if a specified GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.isBlank function.

If georaster is null, invalid, or is not a blank GeoRaster object, the SDO_GEOR.getBlankCellValue function returns a null value.


The following example returns the blank cell values for all blank GeoRaster objects in the GEORASTER column of table GEORASTER_TABLE.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getBlankCellValue(georaster) blankValue
  FROM georaster_table WHERE sdo_geor.isBlank(georaster)='TRUE';

---------- ----------
         1        255
         2        155

7.44 SDO_GEOR.getBlockingType


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the blocking type for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns one of the following values: NONE or REGULAR:

  • NONE means that the GeoRaster object is not blocked, but is a single BLOB object.

  • REGULAR means that the GeoRaster object uses regular blocking, that is, each block has the same dimension sizes.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.


The following example returns the cell depth, interleaving type, and blocking type of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getCellDepth(georaster) CellDepth,
       substr(sdo_geor.getInterleavingType(georaster),1,8) interleavingType,
       substr(sdo_geor.getBlockingType(georaster),1,8) blocking
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

---------- -------- --------
         8 BSQ      REGULAR

7.45 SDO_GEOR.getBlockSize


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of cells for each dimension in each block of a GeoRaster object in an array showing the number of cells for each row, column, and (if relevant) band.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

If georaster or its metadata is null, or if georaster is not blocked, this function returns a null value.


The following example returns the number of cells (512 in each dimension) in each block of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getBlockSize(georaster) blockSize
   FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;


7.46 SDO_GEOR.getCellCoordinate


     georaster       IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel    IN NUMBER, 
     modelCoordinate IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     subCell         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     height          IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     vert_id         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     ellipsoidal     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL 


     georaster       IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel    IN NUMBER, 
     modelCoordinate IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     cellCoordinate  OUT SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     subCell         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     height          IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     vert_id         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 
     ellipsoidal     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster            IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourcePyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     sourceCellCoordinate IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     targetPyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     subCell              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


     georaster            IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourcePyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     sourceCellCoordinate IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     targetPyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     subCell              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


Returns the coordinates in the cell (raster) coordinate system associated with the geometry at the specified model (ground) coordinates (first two formats), or converts cell coordinates between pyramid levels (last two formats).

Note that the second format is a procedure; the other formats are functions.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level containing the cell specified in modelCoordinate.


The geometry that is to be converted.


The output geometry in the cell space of the GeoRaster object.

sourcePyramidLevel (last two formats)

Pyramid level with which the input cell coordinate is associated.

sourceCellCoordinate (last two formats)

Input cell coordinates to be converted. Must be a two-dimensional geometry, and its SDO_SRID value must be null.

targetPyramidLevel (last two formats)

Pyramid level of the returned (target) GeoRaster object.


String (TRUE or FALSE) specifying whether to return the cell coordinates in sub-pixel (floating) values.


Number specifying the Z value for three-dimensional (X, Y, Z) georeferencing.


Number specifying the vertical reference ID.


String specifying whether the vertical reference system is ellipsoidal (TRUE) or not ellipsoidal (FALSE).

Usage Notes

The first two formats of this function return the coordinates in the cell (raster) coordinate system associated with the geometry at the specified model (ground) coordinates:

  • Use the first format (a function without the cellCoordinate parameter) to transform a point in the ground coordinate system (a longitude, latitude pair) to the location of a point on the GeoRaster image.

  • Use the second format (a procedure with the cellCoordinate parameter) to transform a geometry in the ground coordinate system to the location of a geometry in the raster space of the GeoRaster object. The conversion is done by converting the coordinates of each vertex of the input geometry from the ground coordinate system to the raster space of the GeoRaster object.

The last two formats of this function convert cell coordinates between pyramid levels. If the type of the sourceCellCoordinate parameter is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, it specifies the <row,column> pair for a point in the cell space at the source pyramid level. If the type of the sourceCellCoordinate parameter is SDO_GEOMETRY, it specifies a geometry in the cell space at the source pyramid level. The coordinates of each vertex of the input geometry are converted according to the specified pyramid levels.

  • Use the first format (without the cellCoordinate parameter) to transform a point in the ground coordinate system (a longitude, latitude pair) to the location of a point on the GeoRaster image.

  • Use the second format (with the cellCoordinate parameter) to transform a geometry in the ground coordinate system to the location of a geometry in the raster space of the GeoRaster object. The conversion is done by converting the coordinates of each vertex of the input geometry from the ground coordinate system to the raster space of the GeoRaster object.

If the SDO_SRID value of the modelCoordinate geometry is null, the parameter specifies a geometry in the raster space; otherwise, it specifies a point in a ground coordinate system. If the ground coordinate system is different from the model coordinate system, the modelCoordinate parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed.

Contrast this function with SDO_GEOR.getModelCoordinate, which returns a point geometry containing the coordinates in the model (ground) coordinate system associated with the point at the specified cell coordinates.


The following example returns the cell coordinates in the raster image associated with model coordinate values (32343.64,7489527.23) in a specified GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getCellCoordinate(georaster, 0, sdo_geometry(2001,82394,
  sdo_point_type(32343.64,7489527.23,null), null,null)) coord
FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

The following example returns the geometry at pyramid level 0 that is associated with the specified geometry at pyramid level 2, assuming the geometry is not georeferenced (the model coordination location is CENTER) and the ultCoordinate is (100,-100,0).

SELECT sdo_geor.getCellCoordinate(georaster, 2, 
                0, 'true') coord
FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;
AY(104.7, -99.3, 582.1, 302.7))

7.47 SDO_GEOR.getCellDepth


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the cell depth in bits.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The cell depth determines the precision and the data size of an image. As the cell depth value decreases, less disk space is needed to store the image; as the cell depth value increases, more disk space is needed to store the image.

To return the cell depth as a string (such as 32BIT_S) instead of a number, you can use the XMLType PL/SQL interface extract. The possible string values are listed in the cellDepthType definition in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema. The following example returns a string value for the cell depth of the GeoRaster object with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table:

SELECT t.georaster.metadata.extract(
  FROM georaster_table t WHERE t.georid=21;


The following example returns the cell depth, interleaving type, and blocking type of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getCellDepth(georaster) CellDepth,
       substr(sdo_geor.getInterleavingType(georaster),1,8) interleavingType,
       substr(sdo_geor.getBlockingType(georaster),1,8) blocking
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

---------- -------- --------
         8 BSQ      REGULAR

7.48 SDO_GEOR.getCellValue


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     rowNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     colNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     bandNumber   IN NUMBER 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     rowNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     colNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     bands        IN VARCHAR2 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     ptGeom       IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     ptGeom       IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layers       IN VARCHAR2 


Returns the value of a single cell located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row, column, and band number or numbers in its cell coordinate system, or by specifying a point geometry in its model coordinate system and its logical layer number or numbers.

If the specified cell is in an empty raster block, the function returns a null value.

To change the value of raster data cells in a specified window of a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.changeCellValue procedure.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level containing the cell whose value is to be returned.


Number of the row that contains the cell whose value is to be returned.


Number of the column that contains the cell whose value is to be returned.


Number of the physical band that contains the cell whose value is to be returned.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation or operations are to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


Point geometry that identifies the cell whose value is to be returned.


Number of the logical layer that contains the cell whose value is to be returned. (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band number plus 1.)


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation or operations are to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4). (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band number plus 1.)

Usage Notes

This function returns the original cell value stored in the raster object. It does not do any interpolation using cell values. (To evaluate a point location using an interpolation method, use the SDO_GEOR.evaluateDouble function.) It does not apply the scaling function defined in the metadata (which is typically used to scale the original cell data to a desired value or range of values), and it does not apply the bin function. To get the scaled cell value, follow these steps:

  1. Call the SDO_GEOR.getCellValue function to return the original cell value.

  2. Call the SDO_GEOR.getScaling function to return the coefficients of the scaling function (a0, a1, b0, b1).

  3. Using PL/SQL or another programming language, calculate the result using the following formula:

    value = (a0 + a1 * cellvalue) / (b0 + b1 * cellvalue)


The following example returns the values of four cells of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getCellValue(georaster,0,383,47,0) V383_47,
       sdo_geor.getCellValue(georaster,0,47,383,0) V47_383,
       sdo_geor.getCellValue(georaster,0,128,192,0) V128_192,
       sdo_geor.getCellValue(georaster,0,320,256,0) V320_256
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

   V383_47    V47_383   V128_192   V320_256
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        48         55         52         53

The following example returns the values of the cells in bands 0, 1, and 2 for row number 10, column number 10 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 1 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getcellvalue(a.georaster,0,10,10,'0-2')
  FROM georaster_table a WHERE georid=1;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(88, 137, 32)

7.49 SDO_GEOR.getCellValues


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     rowNumbers   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     colNumbers   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumber   IN NUMBER 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     ptGeom       IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns the values of one or more cells located anywhere in the GeoRaster object by specifying its row/column/band numbers in its cell coordinate space, or by specifying a multipoint geometry in either model coordinate space or cell coordinate space and its logical layer number.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level containing the cells whose values are to be returned.


Numbers of the rows that contains the cells whose values are to be returned.


Numbers of the columns that contains the cells whose values are to be returned.


Number of the physical band that contains the cells whose values are to be returned.


Multipoint geometry that identifies the cell whose value is to be returned.


Number of the logical layer that contains the cells whose values are to be returned. (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band number plus 1.)

Usage Notes

This function returns the original cell values stored in the raster object. It does not do any interpolation using cell values. (To evaluate a point location using an interpolation method, use the SDO_GEOR.evaluateDoubles function.) It does not apply the scaling function defined in the metadata (which is typically used to scale the original cell data to a desired value or range of values), and it does not apply the bin function.


The following example returns the values of four cells of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getCellValues(georaster,0,SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(383,47,128,320),SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(47,383,192,256),0) 
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;


7.50 SDO_GEOR.getColorMap


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 


Returns the colormap for pseudocolor display of a layer in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the colormap. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns an object of type SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP. SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP Object Type describes colormaps and this object type.

To set the colormap for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setColorMap procedure.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null, negative, or greater than the maximum layer number.


The following example returns the colormap for layer 1 of a GeoRaster object. (Part of the output is omitted.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getColorMap(georaster, 1) FROM georaster_table
   WHERE georid = 4;
SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP(SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,
 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158,
159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174,
175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190,
191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206,
207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222,
223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238,
239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254,
255), SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 18
0, 127, 127, 100, 50, 50, 127, 159, 191, 223, 255, 255, 255, 255, 218, 182, 145,
 109, 72, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 36, 72, 109, 145, 182, 218, 255, 200, 206, 212, 218, 224, 230, 236, 242,
248, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
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127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 180, 127, 50, 100, 50, 127,
159, 191, 223, 255, 200, 150, 100, 122, 144, 166, 188, 210, 232, 255, 255, 255,
248, 241, 234, 227, 220, 213, 206, 200, 150, 100, 87, 75, 62, 50, 37, 25, 12, 0,
200, 127, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 56, 85, 113, 141, 170, 198, 226, 255,
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7.51 SDO_GEOR.getColorMapTable


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 


Returns the colormap table for pseudocolor display of a layer in a GeoRaster object.


GeoRaster does not perform operations using the colormap table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the colormap table. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns the name of a user-defined colormap table. For information about colormaps, see SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP Object Type.

To set the colormap table for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setColorMapTable procedure.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null, negative, or greater than the maximum layer number.


The following example returns the colormap table for layer 2 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getColorMapTable(georaster, 2) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
1 row selected.

7.52 SDO_GEOR.getCompressionType


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the compression type for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function can return DEFLATE, JPEG-F, or NONE (the latter value meaning that the GeoRaster object is not compressed). For information about GeoRaster compression, see Compression and Decompression.


The following example returns the compression type for the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.getCompressionType(georaster),1,20) compressionType
  FROM georaster_table;

---------- --------------------
         2 DEFLATE
         4 JPEG-F

7.53 SDO_GEOR.getControlPoint


SDO_GEOR.getControlPoint (
     inGeoraster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     controlPointID  IN VARCHAR2 


Returns the ground control point (GCP) that has the specified control point ID value.



GeoRaster object.


Control point ID of inGeoraster. Must be a string not more than 32 characters.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.

This function returns an object of type SDO_GEOR_GCP, which is described in SDO_GEOR_GCP Object Type.

In the control point ID is null, empty, or missing in inGeoraster, an exception is raised.


The following example returns the GCP that has the ID value 25 in a specified GeoRaster object.

SELECT sdo_geor.getControlPoint(georaster, '25') FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid =10;

SDO_GEOR_GCP('25', NULL, 2, 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(167.470583, 64.030686), 2, SDO_N
UMBER_ARRAY(237032.015, 897916.265), NULL, NULL)

7.54 SDO_GEOR.getDefaultAlpha


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of the layer to be used for the alpha color component (in the RGBA color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object. If this value is not set in the metadata, a null value is returned.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, blue, and alpha values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

You can return the layer numbers for all four color components (RGBA) by using the SDO_GEOR.getDefaultColorLayer function.


The following example returns the layer numbers for the red, green, blue, and alpha color components for displaying the GeoRaster objects in the table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getDefaultRed(georaster) red,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultGreen(georaster) green,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultBlue(georaster) blue,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultAlpha(georaster) alpha
FROM georaster_table;
    GEORID        RED      GREEN       BLUE      ALPHA
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          2          3          4
         3         31         20         13         10

7.55 SDO_GEOR.getDefaultBlue


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of the layer to be used for the blue color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, and blue values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

You can return the layer numbers for all three color components (RGB) by using the SDO_GEOR.getDefaultColorLayer function.


The following example returns the layer numbers for the red, blue, and green color components for displaying the GeoRaster objects in the table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getDefaultRed(georaster) red,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultGreen(georaster) green,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultBlue(georaster) blue
FROM georaster_table;
    GEORID        RED      GREEN       BLUE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          2          3
         3         31         20         13

7.56 SDO_GEOR.getDefaultColorLayer


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the default numbers of the layers to be used for the red, green, blue, and alpha color components, respectively, for displaying a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The RGB layer numbers returned are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays.

You can return the layer number for each color component (RGBA) by using the SDO_GEOR.getDefaultRed, SDO_GEOR.getDefaultGreen, SDO_GEOR.getDefaultBlue, and SDO_GEOR.getDefaultAlpha functions.

The alpha color component is optional. If the default alpha color component exists in the metadata, this functions returns an array of four numbers identifying the red, green, blue, and alpha color components, respectively. If only the default red, green, and blue color components exist in the metadata, this functions returns an array of three numbers identifying the red, green, and blue color components respectively.


The following example sets the default red, green, and blue color layers for the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in table GEORASTER_TABLE, and it returns an array with the layer numbers for the red, green, and blue color components for displaying these GeoRaster objects. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setDefaultRed(grobj, 2);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultGreen(grobj, 3);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultBlue(grobj, 1);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultAlpha(grobj, 4);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

SELECT sdo_geor.getDefaultColorLayer(georaster) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(2, 3, 1, 4)
1 row selected.

7.57 SDO_GEOR.getDefaultGreen


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of the layer to be used for the green color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, and blue values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

You can return the layer numbers for all three color components (RGB) by using the SDO_GEOR.getDefaultColorLayer function.


The following example returns the layer numbers for the red, blue, and green color components for displaying the GeoRaster objects in the table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getDefaultRed(georaster) red,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultGreen(georaster) green,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultBlue(georaster) blue
FROM georaster_table;
    GEORID        RED      GREEN       BLUE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          2          3
         3         31         20         13

7.58 SDO_GEOR.getDefaultPyramidLevel


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of the default pyramid level for displaying a GeoRaster object. If this value is not set in the metadata, a null value is returned.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

Pyramid levels represent reduced or increased resolution images that require less or more storage space, respectively. For information about pyramids and pyramid levels, see Pyramids.

You can set the default pyramid level by using the SDO_GEOR.setDefaultPyramidLevel procedure.


The following example returns the default pyramid level for displaying a specified GeoRaster object in the table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getDefaultPyramidLevel(georaster) plevel,
FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 6;
---------- ----------
         6          3

7.59 SDO_GEOR.getDefaultRed


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of the layer to be used for the red color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, and blue values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

You can return the layer numbers for all three color components (RGB) by using the SDO_GEOR.getDefaultColorLayer function.


The following example returns the layer numbers for the red, blue, and green color components for displaying the GeoRaster objects in the table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getDefaultRed(georaster) red,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultGreen(georaster) green,
  sdo_geor.getDefaultBlue(georaster) blue
FROM georaster_table;
    GEORID        RED      GREEN       BLUE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          2          3
         3         31         20         13

7.60 SDO_GEOR.getEndDateTime


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER


Returns the ending date and time for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

To set the ending date and time for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setEndDateTime procedure.

If georaster or its metadata is null, this function returns a null value.


The following example returns the beginning and ending dates and times for raster data collection in the metadata for the GeoRaster object in a table named GEORASTER_TABLE where the GEORID column contains the value 4. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getBeginDateTime(georaster) beginDateTime,
  sdo_geor.getEndDateTime(georaster) endDateTime
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
01-JAN-00 AM +00:00
15-NOV-02 PM +00:00

7.61 SDO_GEOR.getGCPGeorefMethod


     inGeoraster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the ground control point (GCP)-based georeferencing geometric model type of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.

If inGeoraster does contains valid georeferencing model information, it returns one of the following values: Affine, QuadraticPolynomial, CubicPolynomial, DLT, QuadraticRational, or RPC.

If inGeoraster does not contain any georeferencing model information, this function returns a null value.


The following example returns the GCP-based georeferencing model information in a specified GeoRaster object. (The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getGCPGeorefMethod(georaster) FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid =10;


7.62 SDO_GEOR.getGCPGeorefModel


     inGeoraster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns all information about the ground control point (GCP)-based georeferencing model in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.

The SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE object type is defined in SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE Object Type.

If inGeoraster does not contain any georeferencing model information, this function returns a null value.


The following example returns the GCP-based georeferencing model information in a specified GeoRaster object. (The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getGCPGeorefModel(georaster) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=10;
SDO_GEOR_GCP('21', NULL, 1, 2,SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(25.625, 73.875), 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(237036.938,897987.188), NULL, NULL), 
SDO_GEOR_GCP('22', NULL, 1, 2,SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(100.625, 459.125), 2,SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(237229.563, 897949.688), NULL, NULL), 
SDO_GEOR_GCP('23', NULL, 1, 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(362.375, 77.875), 2, 
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(237038.938, 897818.813), NULL, NULL), 
SDO_GEOR_GCP('24', NULL, 1, 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(478.875, 402.125), 2, 
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(237201.063, 897760.563), NULL, NULL), 
SDO_GEOR_GCP('25', NULL, 2, 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(167.470583, 
64.030686), 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(237032.015, 897916.265), NULL, NULL), 
SDO_GEOR_GCP('26', NULL, 2, 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(101.456177, 
257.915534), 2, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(237128.958, 897949.272), NULL, NULL)), 

7.63 SDO_GEOR.getGeoreferenceType


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns a number that indicates the georeference type for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns one of the following numbers to indicate the georeference type: 1 for unknown type or null GeoRaster object, 2 for affine transform, 3 for direct linear transform (DLT), 4 for rational polynomial coefficient (RPC), 5 for cubic polynomial, 6 for quadratic rational polynomial, or 7 for quadratic polynomial.

For an explanation of georeferencing, see Georeferencing.


The following example returns the georeference type for the GeoRaster objects in a table named GEORASTER_TABLE. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT georid,sdo_geor.getGeoreferenceType(a.georaster)
  FROM georaster_table a ORDER BY georid;
---------- -----------------------------------------
         1                                         1
         2                                         1
         3                                         1
         4                                         1
         5                                         1
         7                                         1
         8                                         2
         9                                         1
        10                                         1
        12                                         1
        13                                         1
        14                                         2
        15                                         1
        16                                         1
        17                                         1
        18                                         1
        19                                         2
        20                                         2
        21                                         4
        22                                         4

7.64 SDO_GEOR.getGrayScale


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns the grayscale mappings for a layer in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the grayscale mappings. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns an object of type SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE. SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE Object Type describes grayscale display and this object type.

To set the grayscale mappings for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setGrayScale procedure.


The following example returns the grayscale mappings for layer 0 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 0 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getGrayScale(georaster, 0) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0;
230, 250))

7.65 SDO_GEOR.getGrayScaleTable


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns the grayscale mapping table for a layer in a GeoRaster object.


GeoRaster does not perform operations using the grayscale mapping table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the grayscale mapping table. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns the name of a user-defined grayscale table. SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE Object Type describes grayscale display.

To set the grayscale mapping table for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setGrayScaleTable procedure.


The following example returns the grayscale mapping tables for layers 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.getGrayScaleTable(georaster, 0),1,20) grayScaleTable0,
       substr(sdo_geor.getGrayScaleTable(georaster, 1),1,20) grayScaleTable1,
       substr(sdo_geor.getGrayScaleTable(georaster, 2),1,20) grayScaleTable2,
       substr(sdo_geor.getGrayScaleTable(georaster, 3),1,20) grayScaleTable3
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------------
SCL0                 SCL1                 SCL2                 SCL3

7.66 SDO_GEOR.getHistogram


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns the histogram for a layer in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the histogram. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns an object of type SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM. SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM Object Type describes this object type and briefly discusses histograms.


The following example returns the histogram for layer 1 of a 4-bit GeoRaster object in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getHistogram(georaster, 1) layer1
 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=17;
SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM(SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13,
 14, 15), SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(10, 18, 10, 110, 200, 120, 130, 150, 160, 103, 106,
 190, 12, 17, 10, 5))

7.67 SDO_GEOR.getHistogramTable


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns the histogram table for a layer in a GeoRaster object.


GeoRaster does not perform operations using the histogram table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the name of the histogram table. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns a user-defined histogram table. SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM Object Type briefly discusses histograms.

To set the name of the histogram table for a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.setHistogramTable procedure.


The following example returns the histogram tables for layers 0 (the whole object), 1, 2, and 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.getHistogramTable(georaster, 0),1,20) histogramTable0,
       substr(sdo_geor.getHistogramTable(georaster, 1),1,20) histogramTable1,
       substr(sdo_geor.getHistogramTable(georaster, 2),1,20) histogramTable2,
       substr(sdo_geor.getHistogramTable(georaster, 3),1,20) histogramTable3
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------------
HIST0                HIST1                HIST2                HIST3

7.68 SDO_GEOR.getID


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the user-defined identifier value associated with a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

To set a user-defined identifier value for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setID procedure.


The following example returns the user-defined identifier values of the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.getID(georaster),1,50) GEOR_ID
  FROM georaster_table;

---------- --------------------------------------------------
         2 TM_102
         4 TM_104

7.69 SDO_GEOR.getInterleavingType


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the interleaving type for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns one of the following values: BSQ (band sequential), BIL (band interleaved by line), or BIP (band interleaved by pixel).

To change the interleaving type for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.changeFormatCopy procedure, and use the interleaving keyword in the storageParam parameter string.


The following example returns the cell depth, interleaving type, and blocking type of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getCellDepth(georaster) CellDepth,
       substr(sdo_geor.getInterleavingType(georaster),1,8) interleavingType,
       substr(sdo_geor.getBlockingType(georaster),1,8) blocking
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

---------- -------- --------
         8 BSQ      REGULAR

7.70 SDO_GEOR.getJP2TileSize


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER


Returns an array showing the size of tiles in the JPEG2000 compressed GeoRaster image, in row and column order.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

If there is no tiling in the JPEG2000 compressed GeoRaster image, null is returned.


The following example returns the tile size in the JPEG2000 compressed GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getJP2TileSize(georaster) JP2TileSize
   FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;


7.71 SDO_GEOR.getLayerDimension


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the dimension that is mapped as the logical layer dimension of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The layer dimension refers to the physical entity associated with the logical term layer. For the current release, the only supported layer dimension is BAND: that is, the logical concept layer is associated with the physical term band, as shown in Figure 1-5 in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata. In this case, layers will be mapped to the BAND dimension, so that the first layer is band 0, the second layer is band 1, and so on.


The following example returns the layer dimension of each GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. (The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getLayerDimension(georaster) FROM georaster_table;

---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------

7.72 SDO_GEOR.getLayerID


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 


Returns the user-defined identifier value associated with a layer in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the user-defined identifier value. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

To set a user-defined identifier value for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setLayerID procedure.


The following example returns the user-defined identifier values of layers 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.getLayerID(georaster, 0),1,12) layerID0,
       substr(sdo_geor.getLayerID(georaster, 1),1,12) layerID1,
       substr(sdo_geor.getLayerID(georaster, 2),1,12) layerID2,
       substr(sdo_geor.getLayerID(georaster, 3),1,12) layerID3
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
TM543        TM3          TM4          TM5

7.73 SDO_GEOR.getLayerOrdinate


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER,
    layerNumber IN NUMBER


Returns the band ordinate for a layer in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the physical band ordinate. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

The returned number refers to the physical band that a layer (layerNumber parameter value) is associated with. For the current release, by default the associations are as shown in Figure 1-5 in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata: layer 1 is band 0, layer 2 is band 1, and so on.

To set the band ordinate value for a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.setLayerOrdinate procedure.


The following example returns the band numbers associated with layers 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT sdo_geor.getLayerOrdinate(georaster, 0) layerOrdinate0,
       sdo_geor.getLayerOrdinate(georaster, 1) layerOrdinate1,
       sdo_geor.getLayerOrdinate(georaster, 2) layerOrdinate2,
       sdo_geor.getLayerOrdinate(georaster, 3) layerOrdinate3
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                            0              1              2

7.74 SDO_GEOR.getModelCoordinate


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     cellCoordinate IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     height         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, 


     georaster       IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel    IN NUMBER, 
     cellCoordinate  IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     modelCoordinate OUT SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     height          IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);


Returns a geometry associated with the specified cell (raster) coordinates at the specified pyramid level.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level containing the cell specified in cellCoordinate.


If the type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, cellCoordinate is an array of two coordinates identifying the point in the cell coordinate system: the two coordinates are the row number and column number of the point. If the type is SDO_GEOMETRY, cellCoordinate specifies a geometry in the cell coordinate system


The output geometry.


Number specifying the Z value for three-dimensional (X, Y, Z) georeferencing.

Usage Notes

SDO_GEOR.getModelCoordinate has two formats:

  • Use the first format (a function without the modelCoordinate parameter) to transform the location of a point in the GeoRaster object's raster space.

  • Use the second format (a procedure with the modelCoordinate parameter) to transform a geometry in the raster space of the GeoRaster object. The conversion is done by converting the coordinates of each vertex of the input geometry. Use an appropriate input geometry so that the output geometry will be valid. For example, if the model coordinate system is geodetic, the input geometry should not contain any arcs.

Use SDO_GEOR.getModelCoordinate to transform the location of a point on the GeoRaster object to the longitude and latitude coordinates of its associated point in the ground coordinate system.

If the GeoRaster object is georeferenced, the output geometry contains the coordinates in the model (ground) coordinate system. If the GeoRaster object is not georeferenced, the output geometry contains cell coordinates at the original image level.

If the GeoRaster object is georeferenced, the SDO_SRID value of the output geometry is the same as the model SRID of the GeoRaster object.

Contrast SDO_GEOR.getModelCoordinate with SDO_GEOR.getCellCoordinate, which returns the coordinates in the cell (raster) coordinate system associated with the point at the specified model (ground) coordinates.


The following example returns a point geometry object containing the model coordinates associated with cell coordinates (100,100) in a specified GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getModelCoordinate(georaster, 0,
sdo_number_array(100,100)) mcoord
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 82394, SDO_POINT_TYPE(347.666315789474, 43274.9052631579, NUL

7.75 SDO_GEOR.getModelCoordLocation


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the model coordinate location value for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns a null value if the GeoRaster object is not georeferenced or if the modelCoordinateLocation element is not specified in the SRS metadata. Otherwise, it returns the modelCoordinateLocation element value specified in the SRS metadata.

A null return value or a value of CENTER means that the cell coordinate system is center-based. A value of UPPERLEFT means that the cell coordinate system is based on the upper-left corner.

To set or delete the model coordinate location value for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setModelCoordLocation procedure.

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.


The following example returns the model coordinate location of a specified GeoRaster object.

SELECT sdo_geor.getModelCoordLocation(georaster) modelCoordLocation
  FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid = 1;

7.76 SDO_GEOR.getModelSRID


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the coordinate system (SDO_SRID value) associated with the model (ground) space for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns a null value if no coordinate system is associated with the model space.

To set the coordinate system (SDO_SRID value) associated with the model space, use the SDO_GEOR.setModelSRID procedure.


The following example returns the SDO_SRID values associated with the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getModelSRID(georaster) SRID FROM georaster_table;

    GEORID       SRID
---------- ----------
         2       82394
         4       82394



     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 


Returns the values or value ranges that represent NODATA cells in a GeoRaster object (in ascending order, without duplicates).



GeoRaster object.


Layer number in the GeoRaster object. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

Some cells of a GeoRaster object may have no meaningful value assigned or collected. Such cells contain a NODATA value are thus called NODATA cells, which means that those cells are not semantically defined. The application is responsible for defining the meaning or significance of cells identified as NODATA cells. For more information about NODATA values and value ranges, see NODATA Values and Value Ranges.

This function returns all the NODATA values and value ranges associated with a specified raster layer of the specified GeoRaster object, in ascending order and in a compact form with duplicates eliminated. The set of NODATA values and value ranges associated with a sublayer (layerNumber > 0) is always a superset of the values and value ranges of the object layer (layerNumber = 0). The result for a sublayer is the combination of the NODATA metadata entries for the specified sublayer, the object layer, and any pre-release 11g NODATA metadata stored as part of the raster description information.

If the specified GeoRaster object or layer has more than one NODATA value, you must use the function format that returns an SDO_RANGE_ARRAY object. The SDO_RANGE_ARRAY type is described in NODATA Values and Value Ranges.

If this function returns a null value, it means that all cells of the GeoRaster object or of the specified layer are defined and have a meaningful cell value.

To specify the NODATA values for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.addNODATA procedure.


The following example returns the value to be used for NODATA cells in the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in table GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT SDO_GEOR.getNODATA(georaster, 0) NODATA FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0;


7.78 SDO_GEOR.getPyramidMaxLevel


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the level number of the top pyramid of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

For information about pyramids, see Pyramids.


The following example returns the pyramid type and level number of the top pyramid for the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with an GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.getPyramidType(georaster),1,10) pyramidType,
       sdo_geor.getPyramidMaxLevel(georaster) maxLevel
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

---------- ----------
DECREASE            3

7.79 SDO_GEOR.getPyramidType


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the pyramid type for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The pyramid type can be NONE (no pyramids) or DECREASE.

For information about pyramids, see Pyramids.


The following example returns the pyramid type and level number of the top pyramid for the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with an GEORID column value of 21 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.getPyramidType(georaster),1,10) pyramidType,
       sdo_geor.getPyramidMaxLevel(georaster) maxLevel
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

---------- ----------
DECREASE            3

7.80 SDO_GEOR.getRasterBlockLocator


     georaster         IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel      IN NUMBER, 
     bandBlockNumber   IN NUMBER, 
     rowBlockNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     columnBlockNumber IN NUMBER, 
     loc               IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     isBitmapMask      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     lock_for_write    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     rowNumber      IN NUMBER, 
     colNumber      IN NUMBER, 
     bandNumber     IN NUMBER, 
     offset         OUT NUMBER, 
     loc            IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     isBitmapMask   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     lock_for_write IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     ptGeom         IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     offset         OUT NUMBER, 
     loc            IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     isBitmapMask   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     lock_for_write IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


This procedure has three formats:

  • The first listed format returns the LOB locator of a raster block by specifying the pyramidLevel, bandBlockNumber, rowBlockNumber, and columnBlockNumber parameters.

  • The second and third listed formats return the LOB locator of a raster block that contains a specific single cell and the offset of the cell within the raster block. The specific single cell is identified by the pyramidLevel, rowNumber, columnNumber, and bandNumber parameters or by a point geometry parameter (ptGeom) in either the cell coordinate space or the model coordinate space.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level of the block.


Band number of the block.


Band number of the cell.


Row number of the block.


Row number of the cell.


Column number of the block.


Column number of the cell.


Point geometry that locates the cell.


Number of the logical layer that contains the cell whose value is to be returned. (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band ordinate number plus 1.


Output parameter to contain the offset (in bytes) of the cell inside the raster block that is located. If the raster block is compressed, it always refers to the offset of the cell in the decompressed version of the block.


LOB locator.


The string TRUE specifies that a bitmap mask block will be accessed; the string FALSE specifies that a regular raster block will be accessed. If you do not specify this parameter, a regular raster block will be accessed. For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The string TRUE locks the row in the raster data table so that other users cannot lock or update that row until the current transaction ends; the string FALSE does not lock the row in the raster data table. If you do not specify this parameter, the row is not locked.

Usage Notes

This procedure gets the raster block locator (and for some formats, the offset) using the specified parameters. The LOB locator is not opened, and no data is read or processed. You should use standard LOB operations to open and close the LOB locator and to read data from and write data to the LOB locator.

To ensure that data is read or written correctly, you must understand the physical storage of the raster data (described in GeoRaster Physical Storage), and you must compress and decompress the raster data as needed.

For information about LOB locators, see Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide.


The following example gets the LOB locators of two raster blocks, the first a regular raster block and the second a bitmap mask block. Both calls to the SDO_GEOR.getRasterBlockLocator procedure lock the row in the raster data table.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  lb blob;
  offset number;
  select georaster into gr from georaster_table where georid=1;
  sdo_geor.getRasterBlockLocator(gr, 0, 0, 0, 0, offset,lb, null, 'TRUE');
  sdo_geor.getRasterBlockLocator(gr, 0, 0, 0, 0, offset,lb, 'TRUE', 'TRUE');

7.81 SDO_GEOR.getRasterBlocks


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     window       IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     window       IN SDO_GEOMETRY 


Returns an object of the SDO_RASTERSET collection type that identifies all blocks of a specified pyramid level that have any spatial interaction with a specified window.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level from which to return the blocks that have any spatial interaction with the specified window.


Window from which to return the blocks that are in pyramidLevel. The data type can be SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY or SDO_GEOMETRY. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.

Usage Notes

The SDO_RASTERSET collection type is described in SDO_RASTERSET Collection Type.

If the window parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the window parameter geometry and the model space are different, the window parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)


The following example returns a collection set that identifies all raster blocks that have any spatial interaction with the specified window. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  ds sdo_rasterset;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2;
  ds := sdo_geor.getRasterBlocks(gr, 0, sdo_number_array(11,65,192,244));

7.82 SDO_GEOR.getRasterData


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


Creates a single BLOB object that contains all raster data of the input GeoRaster object at the specified pyramid level.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level for which to perform the operation.


BLOB object to hold the result.


A string specifying storage parameters to be applied in creating rasterBlob. The only storageParam keywords supported for this procedure are celldepth, compression, interleaving, and quality; all other keywords are ignored. Storage parameters are explained in Storage Parameters.

If storageParam is null or not specified, the cell depth, interleaving, and compression type (and compression quality, if applicable) are the same as for the input GeoRaster object.


Background values for filling sparse data. The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

This parameter is useful when the source has empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). If this parameter is not specified, any cells that are derived from an empty raster block are filled with the value 0 in the output BLOB.

Usage Notes

If the GeoRaster object is blocked, the mosaic of all blocks of the specified pyramid level is returned.

After the procedure completes, the rasterBlob object contains the cell (pixel) data without tiling.

You can specify compression even if the input GeoRaster object is not compressed or is compressed in a different format from what you specify in the storageParam parameter. To have decompressed output for a compressed input GeoRaster object, specify compression=NONE in the storageParam parameter. For information about GeoRaster compression and decompression, see Compression and Decompression.


The following example creates a BLOB object, using full-format baseline JPEG (JPEG-F) compression, with all raster data from the GeoRaster object whose ID value is 2 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. The definition of this table is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  lb blob;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2;
  dbms_lob.createTemporary(lb, FALSE);
  sdo_geor.getRasterData(gr, 0, lb, 'compress=JPEG-F');

7.83 SDO_GEOR.getRasterRange


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0 


Computes and returns the minimum and maximum cell values of a specified layer of a GeoRaster object or of the GeoRaster object itself (the object layer).



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the range of cell values. A value of 0 (zero, the default) indicates the object layer. (As mentioned in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata, the logical layer number is the physical band number plus 1.)

Usage Notes

This function goes through all cell values of a specified layer of a GeoRaster object, and returns an SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object with two values: the minimum and maximum cell values.

If the GeoRaster object already has statistical metadata generated, you can call the SDO_GEOR.getStatistics function to quickly retrieve the minimum and maximum values directly for the raster range.

For information about bands and layers, see Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata.


The following example computes and returns the raster range for the whole GeoRaster object.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  range sdo_number_array;
  select georaster into gr from georaster_table where georid=1;
  range:=sdo_geor.getRasterRange(gr, 0);

7.84 SDO_GEOR.getRasterSubset


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     window       IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     inWindow     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     window       IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     polygonClip  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     inWindow     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     polygonClip  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     inWindow     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterData   IN OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     inWindow     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterData   IN OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     polygonClip  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


FUNCTION SDO_GEOR.getRasterSubset(
     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, 
     pointPolygon IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, 
     polygonClip  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL


The procedure formats create a single BLOB object or a single SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object containing all cells of a specified pyramid level that are inside or on the boundary of either a specified rectangular window or polygon geometry object. The function format returns a nested table that holds the cell value, pyramid, row, column, layer, and area or point geometry of all cells inside and touching the specified window.



GeoRaster object.


Pyramid level on which to perform the operation.

window, inWindow

A rectangular window or a polygon geometry object from which to crop the cells. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY and the polygonClip value is FALSE, the MBR of the geometry object is used as the window; if the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY and the polygonClip value is TRUE, the polygon geometry object (if valid) is used as the window. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.

If window or inWindow is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers; if window or inWindow is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers.


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation or operations are to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4). If you specify a null value for this parameter, the operation or operations are performed on all layers.


For the function format, the layer number on which to perform the operation. The default value is 1.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation or operations are to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3). If you specify a null value for this parameter, the operation or operations are performed on all bands.


BLOB object to hold the result (the mosaicked raster subset) of the operation. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object to hold the result (the mosaicked raster subset) of the operation.

(Note: The upper limit of element numbers in an SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object is 1048576.)


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.


A string specifying storage parameters to be applied in creating rasterBlob. The only supported storageParam keywords supported for this procedure are celldepth, compression, interleaving, and quality; all other keywords are ignored. Storage parameters are explained in Storage Parameters.

If storageParam is null or not specified, the cell depth, interleaving, and compression type (and compression quality, if applicable) are the same as for the input GeoRaster object.


If 0, the function returns a boundary polygon geometry for each cell; if 1 (the default), the function returns the central point geometry for each cell.


Background values for filling sparse data. The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

This parameter is useful when the source has empty raster blocks and the output window intersects any empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). If this parameter is not specified, any cells in the output window that are derived from an empty raster block are filled with the value 0 in the output BLOB.


The string TRUE causes the window or inWindow geometry object to be used for the subset operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the window or inWindow geometry object to be used for the subset operation.

Usage Notes

This subprogram has several procedure formats and a function format. The procedure format to use depends whether the input window is specified as a geometry object or as the upper-left and lower-right corners of a box, whether the result of the operation is a BLOB or SDO_NUMEBR_ARRAY object, and on whether the outWindow parameter is used to return the coordinates of the output window.

If the window or inWindow parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the window parameter geometry and the model space are different, the window parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If the window or inWindow parameter specifies a geodetic MBR, it cannot cross the date line meridian. For information about geodetic MBRs, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

After the procedure completes, the rasterBLOB parameter contains the cell (pixel) data in the cropped window without tiling. The cropped window is the overlapping portion of the specified window of interest and the source GeoRaster object's spatial extent. If the outWindow parameter is specified, after the procedure completes it contains the coordinates of the cropped window in the cell space.

The BLOB has no padding, except when the cell depth is less than 8 bits and the total number of bits needed for the output cannot be divided by 8; in these cases, unlike normal padding, only the last byte of the result is padded with 0 (zeros) for the trailing bits.

If polygonClip is TRUE, and if this procedure creates a rectangular image subset but the geometry is not a rectangle, check the validity of the inWindow geometry object with the function SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT. For an invalid geometry, this procedure operates as if the polygonClip value is FALSE or a null value.

You can specify compression even if the input GeoRaster object is not compressed or is compressed in a different format from what you specify in the storageParam parameter. To have decompressed output for a compressed input GeoRaster object, specify compression=NONE in the storageParam parameter. For information about GeoRaster compression and decompression, see Compression and Decompression.

If you want to get a subset and reproject it to another coordinate system, do not use this procedure, but instead use the SDO_GEOR.reproject procedure using a format that includes the rasterBlob parameter, so that this BLOB holds the desired subset.

The SDO_GEOR_CELL_TABLE type for the result of the function format has the following definition:

Name                           Null?     Type
------------------------------ --------  ----------------------------
VALUE                                    NUMBER
PYRAMIDLEVEL                             NUMBER
ROWNUMBER                                NUMBER
COLNUMBER                                NUMBER
LAYERNUMBER                              NUMBER
GEOM                                     MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY


The following two examples retrieve raster data of a specified pyramid level inside a specified window into a BLOB object and an SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object. (They refer to the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  lb blob;
  win sdo_number_array;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
  dbms_lob.createTemporary(lb, TRUE);
  win := sdo_number_array(-21,100,100,200);
  sdo_geor.getRasterSubset(gr, 0, win, null, lb);

  gr sdo_georaster;
  data sdo_number_array;
  win sdo_number_array;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
  win := sdo_number_array(-21,100,100,200);
  sdo_geor.getRasterSubset(gr, 0, win, null, data);

The following example demonstrates how to get the window for the cropping.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  lb blob;
  win1 sdo_geometry;
  win2 sdo_number_array;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
  dbms_lob.createTemporary(lb, TRUE);
  win1 := sdo_geometry(2003,82263,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3),
  sdo_geor.getRasterSubset(gr, 0, win1, '1-3', lb, win2, 'compression=NONE');
    dbms_output.put_line('output window: (' || win2(1) || ',' ||
                          win2(2) || ',' || win2(3) || ',' || win2(4) || ')');

The following example demonstrates how to do clipping while querying a subset using a polygon.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  lb blob;
  win1 sdo_geometry;
  win2 sdo_number_array;
  dbms_lob.createTemporary(lb, TRUE);
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM rstpoly_table WHERE georid=1;
  -- querying/clipping polygon
  win1 := sdo_geometry(2003, 26986, null, sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,1),
                sdo_ordinate_array(237040,   897924, 
                                   237013.3, 897831.6,
                                   237129,   897840,
                                   237182.5, 897785.5, 
                                   237239.9, 897902.7,
                                   237223,   897954,
                                   237133,   897899,
                                   237040,   897924));
  sdo_geor.getRasterSubset(gr, 0, win1, '1-3', 
                           lb, win2, NULL, NULL, 'TRUE');
  -- Then work on the resulting subset stored in lb.

7.85 SDO_GEOR.getScaling


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns the coefficients of the scaling function for a layer of a GeoRaster object.


GeoRaster does not perform operations using the scaling function in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the coefficients. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

The scaling function is as follows:

value = (a0 + a1 * cellvalue) / (b0 + b1 * cellvalue)

The order of the coefficients is: a0, a1, b0, b1.


The following example returns the scaling coefficients for layer number 0 (the whole object) of a specified GeoRaster object in a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. It scales original value range 0.0 to 1000.0 to be in the range 0.0 to 250.0.

SELECT sdo_geor.getScaling(georaster, 0) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0.0, 0.25, 1, 0.0)

7.86 SDO_GEOR.getSourceInfo


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


Gets the source information for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns the source information stored in the <sourceInfo> element in the metadata for the GeoRaster object (described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema).

The SDO_STRING2_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(2147483647) OF VARCHAR2(4096).

To replace or delete source information, use the SDO_GEOR.setSourceInfo procedure. To add source information, use the SDO_GEOR.addSourceInfo procedure.


The following example sets and adds some source information for a specified GeoRaster object, and then retrieves the information.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 select georaster into gr from georaster_table where georid=1 for update;
 sdo_geor.setSourceInfo(gr, 'Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle Corporation.');
 sdo_geor.addSourceInfo(gr, 'All rights reserved.');
 update georaster_table set georaster=gr where georid=1;
select * from table(select sdo_geor.getSourceInfo(georaster) from georaster_table where id=1);
Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle Corporation.
All rights reserved.

7.87 SDO_GEOR.getSpatialDimNumber


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of spatial dimensions of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

For the current release, this function always returns 2.

To return the number of cells in each spatial dimension of a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getSpatialDimSizes function.


The following example returns the GEORID column value, the number of spatial dimensions, and the number of cells in each spatial dimension for the GeoRaster objects in the table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. (The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getSpatialDimNumber(georaster) spatialDim,
           sdo_geor.getSpatialDimSizes(georaster) spatialDimSizes
   FROM georaster_table;
---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------
         0          2 SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1024, 1024)
         1          2 SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(384, 251)
         2          2 SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(512, 512)
         4          2 SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(512, 512)
        11          2 SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(7957, 5828)

7.88 SDO_GEOR.getSpatialDimSizes


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the number of cells in each spatial dimension of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

To return the number of spatial dimensions for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getSpatialDimNumber function.


The following example returns the spatial dimension sizes and the number of bands for a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getSpatialDimSizes(georaster) spatialDimSizes,
       sdo_geor.getBandDimSize(georaster) bandDimSize
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=21;

--------------------------       -----------
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(512, 512)           1

7.89 SDO_GEOR.getSpatialResolutions


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the spatial resolution value along each spatial dimension of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

Each value indicates the number of units of measurement associated with the data area represented by that spatial dimension of a pixel. For example, if the spatial resolution values are (10,10) and the unit of measurement for the ground data is meters, each pixel represents an area of 10 meters by 10 meters.

The spatial resolutions may be inconsistent with the georeferencing information, especially when the GeoRaster object is not georectified. You can use the SDO_GEOR.setSpatialResolutions procedure to set the spatial resolutions to be the average resolutions for an image or the resolutions when the data was collected. In this case, georeferencing information should be used for precise measurement.


The following example returns the spatial resolution values along the column and row (X and Y) dimensions of a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getSpatialResolutions(georaster) spatialResolution
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=42;

SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(28.5, 28.5)

7.90 SDO_GEOR.getSpectralResolution


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the spectral resolution of a GeoRaster object if it is a hyperspectral or multiband image.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

Taken together, the spectral unit and spectral resolution identify the wavelength interval for a band. For example, if the spectral resolution value is 2 and the spectral unit value is MILLIMETER, the wavelength interval for a band is 2 millimeters.

To set the spectral resolution for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setSpectralResolution procedure.


The following example returns the spectral unit and spectral resolution for all spatially referenced GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.getSpectralUnit(georaster),1,20) spectralUnit,
               sdo_geor.getSpectralResolution(georaster) spectralResolution
  FROM georaster_table
 WHERE sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(georaster)='TRUE';

---------- -------------------- ------------------
         4 MILLIMETER                        0.075

7.91 SDO_GEOR.getSpectralUnit


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the unit of measurement for identifying the wavelength interval for a band.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function can return one of the following values: METER, MILLIMETER, MICROMETER, NANOMETER.

Taken together, the spectral unit and spectral resolution identify the wavelength interval for a band. For example, if the spectral resolution value is 2 and the spectral unit value is MILLIMETER, the wavelength interval for a band is 2 millimeters.

To set the spectral unit for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setSpectralUnit procedure.


The following example returns the spectral unit and spectral resolution for all spatially referenced GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.getSpectralUnit(georaster),1,20) spectralUnit,
               sdo_geor.getSpectralResolution(georaster) spectralResolution
  FROM georaster_table
 WHERE sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(georaster)='TRUE';

---------- -------------------- ------------------
         4 MILLIMETER                        0.075

7.92 SDO_GEOR.getSRS


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns an object of type SDO_GEOR_SRS containing information related to the spatial referencing of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The SDO_GEOR_SRS object type is described in SDO_GEOR_SRS Object Type.


The following example returns information related to the spatial referencing of all spatially referenced GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getSRS(georaster) SRS 
  FROM georaster_table
  WHERE sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(georaster)='TRUE';
LL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 3,
 32631.5614, 0, -.03508772), SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1), SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1
, 2, 1, 3, -7894.7544, .035087719, 0), SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1) , NULL, 

7.93 SDO_GEOR.getStatistics


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns statistical data associated with a layer.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the statistics. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns statistical data described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema. The function returns an array with the following values: MIN, MAX, MEAN, MEDIAN, MODEVALUE, and STD.

To set the statistical data associated with a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.setStatistics procedure.


The following example returns statistical data for layer 1 of a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getStatistics(georaster, 1) layer1
FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0, 255, 100, 127, 95, 25)

7.94 SDO_GEOR.getTotalLayerNumber


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the total number of layers in a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

For information about layers, see Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata.


The following example returns the total number of layers in each GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getTotalLayerNumber(georaster) totalLayerNumber
  FROM georaster_table;

---------- ----------------
         2                1
         4                3

7.95 SDO_GEOR.getULTCoordinate


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the cell coordinates of the upper-left corner of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns two or three numbers. If it returns two numbers, they are row and column ordinates. If it returns three numbers, they are row, column, and band ordinates.


The following example returns the row, column, and band ordinates for the upper-left corner of a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT sdo_geor.getULTCoordinate(georaster) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=23;


7.96 SDO_GEOR.getVAT


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Returns the name of the value attribute table (VAT) associated with a layer of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the VAT. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

For more information about value attribute tables, see Geographic Information Systems.

To set the name of the value attribute table to be associated with a layer of a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setVAT procedure.


The following example returns the value attribute tables for layers 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.getVAT(georaster, 0),1,20) vatTable0,
       substr(sdo_geor.getVAT(georaster, 1),1,20) vatTable1,
       substr(sdo_geor.getVAT(georaster, 2),1,20) vatTable2,
       substr(sdo_geor.getVAT(georaster, 3),1,20) vatTable3
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

VATTABLE0            VATTABLE1            VATTABLE2            VATTABLE3
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
VAT0                 VAT1                 VAT2                 VAT1

7.97 SDO_GEOR.getVersion


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the user-specified version of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The version returned is in the format major-version.minor-version.

To set the user-specified version of a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setVersion procedure.


The following example returns the user-specified version of the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. (The output is reformatted for readability.)

SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getVersion(georaster) version FROM georaster_table;

---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
         2  10.1
         4  9i.2

7.98 SDO_GEOR.hasBitmapMask


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Checks if a GeoRaster object or layer has an associated bitmap mask.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to check. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns the string TRUE if the GeoRaster object or layer has an associated bitmap mask, or FALSE if it does not have an associated bitmap mask.

For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The following example checks if layers 0 through 4 of a specified GeoRaster object have associated bitmap masks.

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.hasBitmapMask(georaster,0),1,12) BM0,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasBitmapMask(georaster,1),1,12) BM1,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasBitmapMask(georaster,2),1,12) BM2,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasBitmapMask(georaster,3),1,12) BM3
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0;

7.99 SDO_GEOR.hasGrayScale


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Checks if a layer of a GeoRaster object has grayscale information.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to check. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns the string TRUE if the layer has grayscale information, or FALSE if the layer does not use grayscale representation. SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE Object Type describes grayscale display.

If the layer has grayscale information, you can get and set the grayscale mappings and the grayscale mapping table name. See the following: SDO_GEOR.getGrayScale and SDO_GEOR.getGrayScaleTable functions, and SDO_GEOR.setGrayScale and SDO_GEOR.setGrayScaleTable procedures.


The following example checks if layers 0 and 1 of a specified GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) have grayscale information. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.hasGrayScale(georaster, 0),1,15) hasGrayScale0,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasGrayScale(georaster, 1),1,15) hasGrayScale1
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

--------------- ---------------
TRUE            FALSE

7.100 SDO_GEOR.hasNODATAMask


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 


Checks if a GeoRaster object or layer has an associated NODATA bitmap mask.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to check. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns the string TRUE if the GeoRaster object or layer has an associated NODATA bitmap mask, or FALSE if it does not have an associated NODATA bitmap mask.

For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The following example checks if layers 0 through 4 of a specified GeoRaster object have associated NODATA bitmap masks.

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.hasNODATAMask(georaster,0),1,12) BM0,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasNODATAMask(georaster,1),1,12) BM1,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasNODATAMask(georaster,2),1,12) BM2,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasNODATAMask(georaster,3),1,12) BM3
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0;

7.101 SDO_GEOR.hasPseudoColor


     georaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER 


Checks if a layer of a GeoRaster object has pseudocolor information.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to check. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.

Usage Notes

This function returns the string TRUE if the layer has pseudocolor information, or FALSE if the layer does not have pseudocolor information (that is, does not use pseudocolor representation). SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP Object Type describes colormaps and pseudocolor display.

If the layer has pseudocolor information, you can get and set the colormap and colormap table name. See the following: SDO_GEOR.getColorMap and SDO_GEOR.getColorMapTable functions, and SDO_GEOR.setColorMap and SDO_GEOR.setColorMapTable procedures.


The following example checks if layers 0 and 1 of a specified GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) have pseudocolor information. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT substr(sdo_geor.hasPseudoColor(georaster, 0),1,15) hasPseudoColor0,
       substr(sdo_geor.hasPseudoColor(georaster, 1),1,15) hasPseudoColor1
  FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

--------------- ---------------
FALSE           TRUE

7.102 SDO_GEOR.importFrom


     georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_sourceFormat IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_sourceType   IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_sourceName   IN VARCHAR2, 
     h_sourceFormat IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     h_sourceType   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     h_sourceName   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_sourceFormat IN VARCHAR2, 
     r_sourceBLOB   IN BLOB, 
     h_sourceFormat IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     h_sourceCLOB   IN CLOB DEFAULT NULL);


Imports an image file or BLOB object into a GeoRaster object stored in the database.



GeoRaster object to hold the result of the operation.


String containing storage parameters. The format and usage are as explained in Storage Parameters. Currently, the keywords supported for this operation are:

  • blocking: (See the explanation in Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  • blocksize: (See the explanation in Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  • compression: (See the explanation in Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.) The default value is NONE, which causes the raw data to be loaded without any compression.

  • quality: (See the explanation in Table 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  • raster: TRUE (the default) causes the raster image data in a GeoTIFF format file to be loaded along with the georeferencing information; FALSE causes only the georeferencing information to be loaded from the GeoTIFF format file, without the raster image data, into an existing GeoRaster object.

  • spatialExtent: FALSE (the default) causes a spatial extent not to be generated; TRUE causes a spatial extent to be generated if the SRID is nonzero and matches the SRID of any existing spatial extent index.

  • srid: Coordinate system SRID numeric value, identifying an optional backup SRID, relevant when loading a GeoTIFF format file. This SRID value is used if the GeoTIFF configuration values do not match any SRID values recognized by Oracle Spatial.


Raster source format. Must be one of the following: TIFF, GIF, BMP, GeoTIFF, or PNG. (JPEG is not supported for this procedure; however, you can use the client-side GeoRaster loader tool, described in GeoRaster Tools: Viewer_ Loader_ Exporter, to import a JPEG file.)


Type of source for the import operation. Must be FILE.


Source file name (with full path specification) if r_sourceType is FILE. If you are using this procedure only to load the world file into an existing GeoRaster object, specify a null value for this parameter.


Raster source object of type BLOB.


Geoheader source format. Must be WORLDFILE.


Geoheader type of source for the import operation. Must be FILE.


Geoheader source file name (with full path specification) if h_sourceType is FILE., and optionally an SRID value. To specify the SRID value, add it after the file name, separated by a comma. Example: '/mypath/mydir/worldfile.tfw,82934' (UNIX or Linux) or 'C:\mypath\mydir\worldfile.tfw,82934' (Windows)


Geoheader source as an object of type CLOB.

Usage Notes

For information about using this procedure or the GeoRaster loader tool to load raster data, see Loading Raster Data.

If you receive an "insufficient memory" error when loading a very large image, see Reformatting the Source Raster Before Loading.

When loading an image into a GeoRaster database, you should always specify a block size, and it should generally be 512x512 or larger.

Specify values for the parameters with names that start with r_ and h_ only if the raster image and the geoheader are in separate files or objects.

This procedure can load an ESRI world file from a file or from a CLOB object.

This procedure does not support JPEG as a source file format. You can use the client-side GeoRaster loader tool, described in GeoRaster Tools: Viewer_ Loader_ Exporter, to import a JPEG file.

The GeoTIFF PixelIsArea raster space is equivalent to the GeoRaster upperleft-based cell coordinate system. An import from GeoTIFF is always to the GeoRaster center-based cell coordinate system, with a half-pixel adjustment of the affine transformation if the GeoTIFF file is specified in PixelIsArea raster space.

To load GeoTIFF images with the SDO_GEOR.importFrom procedure, you will need the xtiff-jai.jar and geotiff-jai.jar libraries. For more information about these GeoTIFF libraries, see Georeferencing GeoRaster Objects.

This procedure does not support raster data that has a cell depth value of 2BIT or source multiband raster data with BIL and BSQ interleaving types.

The imported GeoRaster object has the BIP interleaving type.

Before this procedure is called, the calling user and the MDSYS user must have read permission on the files to be imported or the directory that contains the files. The following example (run as user SYSTEM) grants read permission on a file to users HERMAN and MDSYS:

call dbms_java.grant_permission('HERMAN','SYS:java.io.FilePermission',
  '/mydirectory/myimages/img1.tif', 'read' );
call dbms_java.grant_permission('MDSYS','SYS:java.io.FilePermission',
  '/mydirectory/myimages/img1.tif', 'read' );


The following example initializes an empty GeoRaster object into which an external image in TIFF format is to be imported, and then imports the image. The example grants the necessary permissions at the beginning and revokes them at the end.

connect / as sysdba

call dbms_java.grant_permission('HERMAN','SYS:java.io.FilePermission',
  '/mydirectory/myimages/img1.tif', 'read' );
call dbms_java.grant_permission('MDSYS','SYS:java.io.FilePermission',
  '/mydirectory/myimages/img1.tif', 'read' );

connect herman/<password>

-- Initialize an empty GeoRaster object into which the external image
-- is to be imported. 
INSERT INTO georaster_table
   values( 1, 'TIFF', sdo_geor.init('rdt_1') );  

-- Import the TIFF image. 
SELECT georaster INTO geor FROM georaster_table 
   WHERE georid = 1 FOR UPDATE; 
sdo_geor.importFrom(geor, 'blocking=OPTIMALPADDING,blocksize=(512,512,3)', 'TIFF', 'file', 
UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = geor WHERE georid = 1;  

connect / as sysdba

call dbms_java.revoke_permission('HERMAN','SYS:java.io.FilePermission',
  '/mydirectory/myimages/img1.tif', 'read' );
call dbms_java.revoke_permission('MDSYS','SYS:java.io.FilePermission',
  '/mydirectory/myimages/img1.tif', 'read' );

The following example imports an image from a BLOB and an ESRI world file from a CLOB. The image and the ESRI world file are stored in the BLOB and CLOB columns defined in the table blob_table.

CREATE TABLE blob_table (blob_col BLOB, blobid NUMBER unique, clob_col CLOB);

  lobd1 BLOB;
  lobd2 CLOB; 

-- Get the image and world file from BLOB and CLOB, respectively.
SELECT clob_col into lobd2 from blob_table WHERE blobid = 2 ;
SELECT blob_col into lobd1 from blob_table WHERE blobid = 2 ;
-- Then, import this BLOB into a GeoRaster object.
SELECT georaster INTO geor1 from georaster_table WHERE georid = 14 for update;
sdo_geor.importFrom(geor1,'', 'TIFF', lobd1, 'WORLDFILE', lobd2);
sdo_geor.setModelSRID(geor1, 82394);
UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = geor1 WHERE georid = 14;

7.103 SDO_GEOR.init


     rasterDataTable IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     rasterID        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL 


Initializes an empty GeoRaster object, which must then be registered n the xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA views (see the Usage Notes).



Name of the object table of type SDO_RASTER that stores the cell data blocks. Must not contain spaces, period separators, or mixed-case letters in a quoted string; the name is always converted to uppercase when stored in an SDO_GEORASTER object. The RDT should be in the same schema as its associated GeoRaster table. If you do not specify this parameter, GeoRaster generates a unique table name to be used for the raster data table. If you specify this parameter and the table already exists but is not an object table of type SDO_RASTER, an exception is raised.


Number that uniquely identifies the blocks of this GeoRaster object in its raster data table. If you do not specify this parameter, a unique sequence number is generated for the ID.

Usage Notes

After initializing the empty GeoRaster object and before performing any operations on the object, you must register it in the xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA views by inserting the empty GeoRaster object into a GeoRaster table. (The xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA views are described in GeoRaster System Data Views (xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA). GeoRaster operations are described in GeoRaster Database Creation and Management and GeoRaster Data Query and Manipulation.)

This function returns an empty SDO_GEORASTER object with its rasterDataTable and rasterID attributes set. All other attributes of the SDO_GEORASTER object are null.

This function does not require that the specified raster data table exist. However, the table must exist before any data can be inserted into it, and you must create the table.

If a table has multiple GeoRaster object columns, and if for each column you plan to call the SDO_GEOR.init or SDO_GEOR.createBlank function with identical parameter values that contain a null rasterDataTable or rasterID parameter value, do not try to use the SDO_GEOR.init or SDO_GEOR.createBlank function on all such columns with a single INSERT or UPDATE statement. For example, assuming a table named LSAT_TABLE containing the columns (georid NUMBER, type VARCHAR2(32), image_date VARCHAR2(32), image_15m SDO_GEORASTER, image_30m SDO_GEORASTER, image_60m SDO_GEORASTER), do not use a statement like the following:

INSERT INTO lsat_table VALUES(1, 'L1G', '2004-02-25',
  sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'), sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'),

Instead, in cases such as this, do either of the following:

  • Always specify a rasterID parameter value when calling the function. The following example specifies raster ID values of 1, 2, and 3 for the GeoRaster objects being inserted into the last three columns:

    INSERT INTO lsat_table VALUES(1, 'L1G', '2004-02-25',
      sdo_geor.init('RDT_1', 1), sdo_geor.init('RDT_1', 2),
      sdo_geor.init('RDT_1', 3));
  • Use the function with only one GeoRaster object with each INSERT or UPDATE statement. The following example inserts a row initializing one GeoRaster object column and specifying the other two as null, and then updates the row twice to initialize the second and third GeoRaster object columns:

    INSERT INTO lsat_table VALUES(1, 'L1G', '2004-02-25',
      sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'), null, null);
    UPDATE lsat_table SET image_30m = sdo_geor.init('RDT_1') 
      WHERE georid = 1;
    UPDATE lsat_table SET image_60m = sdo_geor.init('RDT_1') 
      WHERE georid = 1;


The following example inserts an initialized GeoRaster object into the GEORASTER_TABLE table. The raster data table associated with the GeoRaster object is RDT_1. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
  VALUES (1, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'));

7.104 SDO_GEOR.isBlank


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the string TRUE if the GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object, or FALSE if the GeoRaster object is not a blank GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

In a blank GeoRaster object, all cells have the same cell value.

To change the cell value of an existing blank GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.setBlankCellValue procedure. To return the cell value of a specified GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getBlankCellValue function.


The following example determines whether or not each GeoRaster object in the GEORASTER column of the GEORASTER_TABLE table is a blank GeoRaster object. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.isBlank(georaster),1,7) isBlank
  FROM georaster_table;

---------- -------
         2 FALSE
         4 FALSE

7.105 SDO_GEOR.isOrthoRectified


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the string TRUE if the GeoRaster object is identified as orthorectified, or FALSE if the GeoRaster object is not identified as orthorectified.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function checks the GeoRaster metadata for the object to see if it is specified as orthorectified. It does not check if the object is actually orthorectified. Users are responsible for validating the GeoRaster object and ensuring that orthorectification is performed.

To specify that a GeoRaster object is orthorectified, use the SDO_GEOR.setOrthoRectified procedure.


The following example checks if the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table are specified as spatially referenced, rectified, and orthorectified. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(georaster),1,20)
           substr(sdo_geor.isRectified(georaster),1,20) isRectified,
           substr(sdo_geor.isOrthoRectified(georaster),1,20) isOrthoRectified
  FROM georaster_table;

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
         2 TRUE                 TRUE                 TRUE
         4 TRUE                 TRUE                 FALSE

7.106 SDO_GEOR.isRectified


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the string TRUE if the GeoRaster object is identified as rectified, or FALSE if the GeoRaster object is not identified as rectified.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function checks the GeoRaster metadata for the object to see if it is specified as rectified. Users are responsible for validating the GeoRaster object and ensuring that rectification is performed.

To specify that a GeoRaster object is rectified, use the SDO_GEOR.setRectified procedure.


The following example checks if the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table are specified as spatially referenced, rectified, and orthorectified. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(georaster),1,20)
           substr(sdo_geor.isRectified(georaster),1,20) isRectified,
           substr(sdo_geor.isOrthoRectified(georaster),1,20) isOrthoRectified
  FROM georaster_table;

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
         2 TRUE                 TRUE                 TRUE
         4 TRUE                 TRUE                 FALSE

7.107 SDO_GEOR.isSpatialReferenced


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Returns the string TRUE if the GeoRaster object is spatially referenced, or FALSE if the GeoRaster object is not spatially referenced.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object must have been validated.


The following example checks if the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table are specified as spatially referenced, rectified, and orthorectified. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

SELECT georid, substr(sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(georaster),1,20)
           substr(sdo_geor.isRectified(georaster),1,20) isRectified,
           substr(sdo_geor.isOrthoRectified(georaster),1,20) isOrthoRectified
  FROM georaster_table;

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
         2 TRUE                 TRUE                 TRUE
         4 TRUE                 TRUE                 FALSE

The following example searches for all empty and nongeoreferenced GeoRaster objects.

SELECT georid FROM georaster_table a
   WHERE sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(a.georaster) IS NULL OR
         sdo_geor.isSpatialReferenced(a.georaster) = 'FALSE'; 

7.108 SDO_GEOR.mask


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     bandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     mask          IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     zeroMapping   IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, 
     oneMapping    IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, 


Applies a mask to specified layers of an existing (input) GeoRaster object. The mask GeoRaster object and the input GeoRaster object can have the same storage format or different storage formats, and you can specify storage format options for the output GeoRaster object (for example, to change the blocking, cell depth, or interleaving).

For information about how to determine the mask value to use, see the Usage Notes.



The SDO_GEORASTER object on which the mask operation is to be performed to create the new object.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for the second, third, and forth layers).


The SDO_GEORASTER object to be used as a mask on the input GeoRaster object for generating the output GeoRaster object. If this parameter is specified as null, then available attached masks of the input GeoRaster object are applied to the specified layers.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The new SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the mask operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.

If the output GeoRaster object has any existing raster data, it is deleted before the mask operation is performed. The output GeoRaster object is overwritten as a result of this function.


Value used for mask cell value 0 (zero). The default value is 0.


Value used for mask cell value 1 (one). The default value is 1.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all layers) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each layer, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first layer with 1, the second layer with 5, and the third layer with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes

To determine the mask value to use with the mask parameter, apply the following logic:

   cellValue_target=cellValue_source * zeroMapping;      
   cellValue_target=cellValue_source * oneMapping;


  • cellValue_source is the cell value of inGeoraster at coordinate (x,y).

  • cellValue_target is the cell value of outGeoraster at coordinate (x,y).

  • cellValue_mask is the cell value of mask at coordinate (x,y).

If inGeoRaster is null, no operation is performed.

If pyramid data exists for inGeoRaster, then the mask GeoRaster object must have at least the same number of pyramid levels as inGeoRaster.

If mask is not null, its dimension (row and column) size must be equal to that of inGeoRaster, and mask must overlap on inGeoRaster. (You can check for overlap using the SDO_GEOR_RA.isOverlap function.)

If mask is null and if no attached mask is available for the specified layers, then inGeoRaster is copied to outGeoRaster, which is also modified as specified by any storageParam specifications.

Contrast this function with the SDO_GEOR.setBitmapMask function: SDO_GEOR.mask calculates cell values in layers and stores them in the target GeoRaster object, whereas SDO_GEOR.setBitmapMask associates mask data with specified layers of the source GeoRaster object.

An exception is raised if one or more of the following are true:

  • inGeoRaster is invalid.

  • outGeoRaster has not been initialized.

  • A raster data table for outGeoRaster does not exist and outGeoRaster is not a blank GeoRaster object.


The following example applies mask GeoRaster object gr2 to the source GeoRaster object gr1. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  gr3 sdo_georaster;
  select tmimage into gr1 from landsat where id=103;
  select tmimage into gr3 from landsat where id=1015;
  select grobj into gr2 from grtab where id=1;
  update landsat set tmimage=gr3 where id=1007;  

The following example applies the attached mask of the source GeoRaster object gr1 to its second layer.

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  gr3 sdo_georaster;
  select tmimage into gr1 from landsat where id=103;
  select tmimage into gr3 from landsat where id=1015;
  update landsat set tmimage=gr3 where id=1007;  

7.109 SDO_GEOR.mergeLayers


     targetGeoRaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourceGeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourceLayerNumbers IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     bgValues           IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL);


     source1GeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     source1LayerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     source2GeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     source2LayerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam        IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster        IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     bgValues            IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, 
     pyramidLevel        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);


Merges the layers of two GeoRaster objects, either by appending source layers to a target GeoRaster object (first format) or by performing a union operation (second format).



GeoRaster object to which layers in sourceGeoRaster are to be appended. Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as sourceGeoRaster. (Be sure to make a copy of this object before calling this procedure.)


GeoRaster object in which specified layers are to be appended to targetGeoRaster.


String specifying one or more layer numbers of layers in sourceGeoRaster to be appended to targetGeoRaster. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: '1,3-5,7' for layers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.


One GeoRaster object in which specified layers are to be joined in a union operation with layers from source2GeoRaster in the output GeoRaster object outGeoRaster.


String specifying one or more layer numbers of layers in source1GeoRaster to be joined in a union operation with layers from source2GeoRaster in the output GeoRaster object outGeoRaster. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: '1,3-5,7' for layers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.


One GeoRaster object in which specified layers are to be joined in a union operation with layers from source1GeoRaster in the output GeoRaster object outGeoRaster.


String specifying one or more layer numbers of layers in source2GeoRaster to be joined in a union operation with layers from source1GeoRaster in the output GeoRaster object outGeoRaster. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: '1,3-5,7' for layers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.


A string specifying storage parameters to be applied in creating outGeoRaster. Storage parameters are explained in Storage Parameters.


The new SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the union operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as source1GeoRaster or source2GeoRaster.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.


A number specifying the pyramid level at which the source GeoRaster objects are merged. If not specified, pyramid level 0 is used.

Usage Notes


Be sure to make a copy of the targetGeoRaster object before you call this procedure, because the changes made to this GeoRaster object might not be reversible after the procedure completes.

The resulting GeoRaster object (georaster or outGeoRaster parameter) must not be the same GeoRaster object as sourceGeoRaster, source1GeoRaster, or source2GeoRaster.

The two GeoRaster objects to be appended or unioned together must have the same spatial dimension sizes and cover the same area. If one of the GeoRaster objects is georeferenced, the other one must also be georeferenced, have the same model SRID and spatial resolutions, and cover the same area in the model space. If neither GeoRaster object is georeferenced, their ultCoordinates must be the same.


The following example merges specified layers of two GeoRaster objects into a third GeoRaster object, by performing a union operation.

 gr1 sdo_georaster;
 gr2 sdo_georaster;
 gr3 sdo_georaster;
 select georaster into gr1 from georaster_table where georid=1;
 select georaster into gr2 from georaster_table where georid=2;
 insert into georaster_table(georid, georaster) values (3, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    returning georaster into gr3;
 sdo_geor.mergeLayers(gr1, '3', gr2, '2,1', 'blocking=false', gr3);
 update georaster_table set georaster=gr3 where georid=3;

For an example of using SDO_GEOR.mergLayers to append several layers to an existing GeoRaster object., see the example in Band Merging.

7.110 SDO_GEOR.mosaic


     georasterTableName  IN VARCHAR2, 
     georasterColumnName IN VARCHAR2, 
     georaster           IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam        IN VARCHAR2, 
     bgValues            IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL);


Mosaics a set of source GeoRaster objects that are rectified, are geospatially aligned under the same SRID, and have the same resolution.



Name of the table or view containing all source GeoRaster objects.


Column of type SDO_GEORASTER in georasterTableName.


GeoRaster object to hold the result of the mosaic operation. Cannot be the same as any GeoRaster object in georasterColumnName in georasterTableName.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters. If this parameter is null, the resulting GeoRaster object has the same storage parameters (blockSize, cellDepth, interleaving, and compression) as the upper-left corner source GeoRaster object in the model space (if applicable) or cell space. However, it is recommended that you specify the storage parameters, particularly the blocking size, as appropriate for the size of the output mosaic, unless you want the mosaic to have the same storage parameters as those of the upper-left corner GeoRaster object to be mosaicked.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks), which could happen when the source GeoRaster objects have empty raster blocks or when the source GeoRaster objects do not cover the whole area. The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes

This procedure has limited mosaicking capabilities, and works well for preprocessed and perfectly aligned source GeoRaster objects only. It does not work on unrectified rasters and does not support parallel processing. For advanced mosaicking capabilities, including parallel processing, use the SDO_GEOR_AGGR.mosaicSubset procedure. See Large-Scale Image Mosaicking for more information.

For this procedure, the source GeoRaster objects must be prepared images or raster data so that they can be mosaicked directly. The GeoRaster objects to be mosaicked must:

  • Not be a mixture of georeferenced and nongeoreferenced objects. Either all of the objects are georeferenced, or none of the objects is georeferenced.

  • Have the same SRID value if the objects are georeferenced, and the georeferencing method must be affine transformation. The affine transformations of the GeoRaster objects must have the same set of coefficients (A, B, D and E) or (b, c, e, f). This means that the images must have the same X resolution and Y resolution (although the X and Y resolutions do not have to be the same), the same rotation angle, and the same skewing factor; in other words, the images must have the same resolutions, and be rotated and skewed in the same way if the images are rotated and skewed.

  • Have the same number of layers or bands. There is no restriction on the row and column dimension sizes of the source objects; for example, they do not need to be a power of 2.

  • Have the same mapping between band number and layers.

If the GeoRaster objects to be mosaicked are georeferenced, they are co-located according to their georeferencing information. If the GeoRaster objects are not georeferenced, they are co-located according to their ULTCoordinate values. (The ULTCoordinate is explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If applicable, the resulting GeoRaster object takes the spatial reference metadata information from the upper-left corner source GeoRaster object in the model space. It also takes the cell space and any default storage attributes from the upper-left corner source GeoRaster object in the model space.

If the source GeoRaster objects have empty raster blocks or do not cover the whole area, the mosaicked result GeoRaster object may have empty or partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). A result raster block that is not covered by any of the source GeoRaster objects is kept empty. Any partially empty raster blocks are filled with the values specified in the bgValues parameter, or with 0 if the bgValues parameter is not specified.

If the source GeoRaster objects overlap, data of the overlapping area comes from the source object that covers it and that has the largest ultCoordinate in the cell space where all the source objects are co-located.

Any bitmap masks associated with the source GeoRaster objects are not considered, and the bitmapmask parameter is ignored if it is specified in the storageParam string.

If all source GeoRaster objects are blank and have the same blankCellValue value, the resulting GeoRaster object is blank and has that blankCellValue value; otherwise, the resulting GeoRaster object is not blank.

The GeoRaster object to contain the results of the mosaic operation (georaster parameter) must not be any of the source GeoRaster objects (the objects on which the mosaic operation is performed).

The mosaic operation performs internal commit operations at regular intervals, and thus it cannot be rolled back. If the operation is interrupted, dangling raster blocks may exist in the raster data table. You can handle dangling raster blocks by maintaining GeoRaster objects and system data in the database, as explained in Maintaining GeoRaster Objects and System Data in the Database.


The following example inserts an initialized GeoRaster object into the GEORASTER_TABLE table, returns the GeoRaster object into a variable named gr, mosaics all the GeoRaster objects in the GROBJ column of a table named GRTAB, and stores the resulting mosaicked GeoRaster object in the same variable. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters. The GRTAB table definition is not important to the example and is not presented here.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster) 
      VALUES (12, sdo_geor.init('rdt_1'))
      RETURNING georaster INTO gr;
  sdo_geor.mosaic('grtab', 'grobj', gr, 'blocking=optimalpadding blocksize=(512,512,1)');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr WHERE id=12;

7.111 SDO_GEOR.rectify


     inGeoRaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel     IN NUMBER, 
     elevationParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     DEM              IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     outSRID          IN NUMBER, 
     outModelCoordLoc IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea         IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     polygonClip      IN VARCHAR2, 
     layerNumbers     IN VARCHAR2, 
     outResolutions   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     resolutionUnit   IN VARCHAR2, 
     referencePoint   IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     resampleParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam     IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     parallelParam    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel     IN NUMBER, 
     elevationParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     DEM              IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     outSRID          IN NUMBER, 
     outModelCoordLoc IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea         IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     polygonClip      IN VARCHAR2, 
     layerNumbers     IN VARCHAR2, 
     outResolutions   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     resolutionUnit   IN VARCHAR2, 
     referencePoint   IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     resampleParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam     IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob       IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outArea          OUT SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     outWindow        OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 


Perform rectification on all or part of a georeferenced GeoRaster object. The resulting object can be a new GeoRaster object (for persistent storage) or a BLOB (for temporary use). If the input model coordinate system (SRID) is three-dimensional, the average elevation or a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be used to perform the orthorectification.



GeoRaster object on which to perform the operation. It must be georeferenced (see the SDO_GEOR.georeference subprogram).


Pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object for the operation.

  • For BLOB output, this parameter is required.

  • For SDO_GEORASTER output, if this parameter is null and the storageParam pyramid value is FALSE, only the pyramid level 0 is rectified and the output will have only level 0. If this parameter is null and the storageParam pyramid value is TRUE, all the pyramid levels from the input are rectified.

  • If the number 0 or greater is specified, only that pyramid level is used for the rectification, producing a result in scale based on that pyramid level image.


A string containing one or more of the elevation parameters average (average surface height), scale (scale value applied to all DEM values), and offset (offset applied to all DEM values), where the new value is (value + offset) * scale. This parameter must be a quoted string that contains one or more keyword=value pairs (for example, 'average=800 scale=3.2808399 offset=10'). If this parameter is null, 0 is assumed for average and offset, and 1 is used for scale. Any scale and offset values are ignored if DEM is not specified.

The use of the elevationParam parameter requires that the input GeoRaster object have a 3D model SRID.

When the input GeoRaster object has a 3D model SRID, the average elevation is important for defining the extents of the output image. If that information is available, it should be specified even if DEM is also specified. If the average elevation is not specified, the procedure will calculate an approximate value for the average elevation.


For any numbers in string (VARCHAR2) parameters to GeoRaster subprograms, the period (.) must be used for any decimal points regardless of the locale.


GeoRaster object with a digital elevation model (DEM); used to perform orthorectification, as explained in the Usage Notes. Must have the same SRID as outGeoRaster. The DEM area should cover the entire outGeoRaster area, or the cropArea if used. The elevation data is assumed to be on the first layer of the DEM GeoRaster object. If this parameter is null, the elevationParam value is used. For best results, the resolution of the DEM GeoRaster object should be close to the resolution of the input GeoRaster object.

The use of the DEM parameter requires that the input GeoRaster object have a 3D model SRID.

When the input GeoRaster object has a 3D model SRID, the average elevation is important for defining the extents of the output image. If that information is available, it should be specified in the elevationParam parameter even if DEM is also specified. If the average elevation is not specified, the procedure will calculate an approximate value for the average elevation.


Coordinate system for the output GeoRaster object. Must be either null or a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table. If it is null, the output GeoRaster object will have the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.


A value specifying the model location of the base of the area represented by a cell: 0 for CENTER or 1 for UPPERLEFT. If null, CENTER is used.


Crop area definition. If null, no cropping is performed, and polygonClip is ignored.

If polygonClip is FALSE, the MBR of the cropArea is used to crop the output image. If polygonClip is TRUE, the geometry of the cropArea is used to crop the output image. Areas outside the crop area are filled with the background value


Ignored if cropArea is null. Otherwise, the string TRUE causes the cropArea value to be used to crop the mosaicked data; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR of cropArea to be used to crop the output image.


A string identifying the logical layer numbers for the rectification and the output to outGeoRaster. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


An array of numeric values, one for each spatial dimension. Each value indicates the number of units of measure associated with the data area represented by that spatial dimension of a pixel. For example, if the spatial resolution values are (10,10) and the unit of measure for the ground data is meters, each pixel represents an area of 10 meters by 10 meters. If null, the default is the resolution of the source data at the specified pyramid level.


The unit of the outResolutions parameter. If resolutionUnit is different from the outGeoRaster SRID unit, an appropriate conversion is computed (the value of the output resolution is calculated by converting the outResolutions value in resolutionUnit to the unit of the output SRID) . If resolutionUnit is null, the default is the unit of the output SRID. If specified, it must be a quoted string in the format "unit=value" where value is the unit name. This parameter is ignored if outResolutions is null.


A point of type SDO_GEOMETRY indicating a reference to where the outGeoRaster object should be aligned so that the distance between the referencePoint and the upper-left corner of the output will have an integer number of pixels.


A comma-separated quoted string of keyword=value pairs for specifying resampling parameters. See the Usage Notes for more information.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


GeoRaster object to hold the result of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster


BLOB to hold the output reflecting the rectification. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit operation. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.

Usage Notes

This procedure has two formats:

  • One format generates a GeoRaster object for persistent storage in the database.

  • The other format generates a BLOB for temporary storage or immediate use, such as to display data on the screen.

This procedure uses a non-parametric rectification method that takes the georeferencing polynomials from the input GeoRaster object to transform the original image space into the target image space. Therefore, the input GeoRaster object must be georeferenced (see the SDO_GEOR.georeference subprogram).

Orthorectification can be performed if the input GeoRaster object has a 3D model SRID. A digital elevation model (DEM) GeoRaster object can be used to improve the accuracy of the orthorectification. If the DEM parameter is not specified, the elevationParam average value is used as the height for the whole target area. If the elevationParam average value is not specified, it is estimated based on the SRS and DEM information (see Image Orthorectification).

resampleParam, if specified, must be a quoted string that contains one or more of the following keywords, each with an appropriate value:

  • resampling (for example, resampling=NN): Specifies the resampling method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

  • nodata (for example, nodata=TRUE): Specifies whether NODATA values and value ranges should be considered during the procedure. Must be either TRUE (NODATA values and value ranges should be considered) or FALSE (NODATA values and value ranges should not be considered). The default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE and the resampling method is BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16, whenever a cell value involved in the resampling calculation is a NODATA value, the result of the resampling is also a NODATA value. The resulting NODATA value is the minimum NODATA value associated with the current raster layer, if multiple NODATA values or value ranges exist.


In the following example, the input GeoRaster object is rectified to the same SRID. The input GeoRaster object was georeferenced using GCPs with SRID 32619.

The layerNumbers parameter indicates the order of selection of three bands of the seven bands from the input GeoRaster object, producing a three-band output GeoRaster object.

  gr1   sdo_georaster;
  gr2   sdo_georaster;
  select raster into gr1 from georaster_table where georid = 1;
  insert into georaster_table values(2, 'Rectified image',
         sdo_geor.init('georaster_rdt')) returning raster into gr2;
  sdo_geor.rectify(inGeoRaster       => gr1,
                   pyramidLevel      => null,
                   elevationParam    => null,
                   dem               => null,
                   outSRID           => null,
                   outModelCoordLoc  => null,
                   cropArea          => null,
                   polygonClip       => null,
                   layerNumbers      => '2,4,5',
                   outResolutions    => null,
                   resolutionUnit    => null,
                   referencePoint    => null,
                   resampleParam     => null,
                   storageParam      => null,
                   outGeoraster      => gr2);
  update georaster_table set georaster = gr2 where georid = 2;

In the following example, the input GeoRaster object was georeferenced using 3D GCPs with SRID 32619, and the function produces an orthorectified GeoRaster with SRID 4326.

  • The dem parameter specifies the GeoRaster object gr3 as the digital elevation model for providing height values for each pixel for the orthorectification.

  • resampleParam specifies the resampling method as BILINEAR.

  • The storageParam parameter specifies the interleaving as BSQ and the compression as DEFLATE.

  • The specified outResolutions value has the same unit of measurement as the output GeoRaster SRID because resolutionUnit is null.

  • The point geometry specified by referencePoint causes the output image upper-left corner to be aligned with that coordinate, with a integer number of pixel (rows and columns resolution) in between them.

  gr1   sdo_georaster;
  gr2   sdo_georaster;
  gr3   sdo_georaster;
  pto   sdo_geometry;
  pto := sdo_geometry(2001, 4326, sdo_point_type(-71.50,42.0, null));
  select raster into gr1 from georaster_table where georid = 1;
  select raster into gr1 from georaster_table where georid = 3;
  insert into georaster_table values(2, 'Rectified image',
         sdo_geor.init('georaster_rdt')) returning raster into gr2;
  sdo_geor.rectify(inGeoRaster       => gr1,
                   pyramidLevel      => 1,
                   elevationParam    => null,
                   dem               => gr3,
                   outSRID           => 4326,
                   outModelCoordLoc  => null,
                   cropArea          => null,
                   polygonClip       => null,
                   layerNumbers      => null,
                   outResolutions    => sdo_number_array(0.0025,0.0025),
                   resolutionUnit    => null,
                   referencePoint    => pto,
                   resampleParam     => 'resampling=BILINEAR',
                   storageParam      => 'interleaving=BSQ compress=DEFLATE',
                   outGeoraster      => gr2);
  update georaster_table set georaster = gr2 where georid = 2;

In the following example, the input GeoRaster object was georeferenced using GCPs with SRID 32619, and the output GeoRaster object is projected to SRID 4326.

  • resampleParam specifies the resampling method as CUBIC.

  • The storageParam parameter specifies blockSize as (512,512,3). Because interleaving is not specified, the interleaving method for inGeoRaster is used.

  • outResolutions and resolutionUnit are specified in meters, which is a different unit from outSRID 4316. In this case, the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY values (30,30) are converted to degrees.

  • The SDO_GEOMETRY polygon specified for cropArea is used to crop the output area to the extents of that polygon; and because polygonClip is TRUE, the area of the image outside of the polygon is set to background values.

  • The model coordinate location of the output object is UpperLeft because outModelCoordLoc is specified as 1.

  gr1   sdo_georaster;
  gr2   sdo_georaster;
  pol   sdo_geometry;
  pol := sdo_geometry(2003,4326,NULL,sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,1),
           sdo_ordinate_array(-70.869495075803073, 42.349420282160885,
                              -70.468523716196913, 42.813138293441916,
                              -70.957334345349082, 43.218053058782452,
                              -71.350984405166344, 42.736563729419181,
                              -70.869495075803073, 42.349420282160885));
  select raster into gr1 from georaster_table where georid = 1;
  insert into georaster_table values(2, 'Rectified image',
         sdo_geor.init('georaster_rdt')) returning raster into gr2;
  sdo_geor.rectify(inGeoRaster       => gr1,
                   pyramidLevel      => 0,
                   elevationParam    => null,
                   dem               => null,
                   outSRID           => 4326,
                   outModelCoordLoc  => 1,
                   cropArea          => pol,
                   polygonClip       => 'true',
                   layerNumbers      => null,
                   outResolutions    => sdo_number_array(30,30),
                   resolutionUnit    => 'unit=meter',
                   referencePoint    => null,
                   resampleParam     => 'resampling=CUBIC',
                   storageParam      => 'blocking=optimalpadding blockSize=(512,512,3)',
                   outGeoraster      => gr2);
  update georaster_table set georaster = gr2 where georid = 2;

7.112 SDO_GEOR.reproject


     inGeoRaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     resampleParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     outSRID         IN NUMBER, 
     outGeoraster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


     inGeoRaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel    IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea        IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers    IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     outSRID         IN NUMBER, 
     outGeoraster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


     inGeoRaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel    IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea        IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers     IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     outSRID         IN NUMBER, 
     outGeoraster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


     inGeoRaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel    IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea        IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers    IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     outSRID         IN NUMBER, 
     rasterBlob      IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outArea         OUT SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     outWindow       OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 


     inGeoRaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel    IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea        IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers     IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     outSRID         IN NUMBER, 
     rasterBlob      IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outArea         OUT SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     outWindow       OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 


Reprojects all or part of a GeoRaster object to a different Oracle Spatial coordinate system (specified by the outSRID parameter). The resulting object can be a new GeoRaster object (for persistent storage) or a BLOB (for temporary use).



The SDO_GEORASTER object on which the reprojection operation is to be performed to create the new object.


A number specifying the pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object.


Crop area definition. If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string containing the resampling parameters. See the Usage Notes for information about the available keywords and values.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The new SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the scaling operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


BLOB to hold the output reflecting the new coordinate system. It must exist or have been initialized before the reprojection operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes

This procedure has two general kinds of interfaces:

  • The first three formats generate a persistent GeoRaster object for storage in the database.

  • The remaining formats generate a BLOB for temporary storage for immediate use, such as to display data on the screen.

inGeoRaster should be georeferenced and have a SRID value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table. outSRID should be different from the SRID of inGeoRaster. In some cases, the reprojection is inappropriate, such as reprojecting a GeoRaster object in NAD83, Massachusetts Mainland (SRID = 26986) to coordinate system NAD 27, UTM zone 49N (SRID = 2032649). In this case, the reprojection would result in a large distortion and thus is not performed.

inGeoRaster and outGeoRaster must be different GeoRaster objects. After the operation, the ULT coordinates of the resulting GeoRaster object are set to zero (0).

If the source or destination object has a three-dimensional coordinate system, the height (Z) values are set to zero (0).

If you use the format that includes the pyramidLevel parameter and you specify a value greater than zero (0), the reprojection is based on the specified pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object; otherwise, the reprojection is based on the original GeoRaster object (pyramidLevel=0). The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid data.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, its SDO_SRID value must be a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table. If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the inGeoraster object model space are different, the cropArea parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If the cropArea parameter specifies a geodetic MBR, it cannot cross the date line meridian. (For information about geodetic MBRs, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.) Only the overlapping portion of the specified crop area and the spatial extent of the source GeoRaster object is reprojected.

resampleParam must be a quoted string that contains one or more of the following keywords, each with an appropriate value:

  • resampling (for example, resampling=NN): Specifies the resampling method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

  • nodata (for example, nodata=TRUE): Specifies whether NODATA values and value ranges should be considered during the procedure. Must be either TRUE (NODATA values and value ranges should be considered) or FALSE (NODATA values and value ranges should not be considered). The default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE and the resampling method is BILINEAR, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16, whenever a cell value involved in the resampling calculation is a NODATA value, the result of the resampling is also a NODATA value. The resulting NODATA value is the minimum NODATA value associated with the current raster layer, if multiple NODATA values or value ranges exist.


The following example reprojects a GeoRaster object into the coordinate system defined by SRID 32618. The result is another GeoRaster object.

   gr1 sdo_georaster;
   gr2 sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=10;
  INSERT INTO reproject_table VALUES (21, 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 18N',
                                      SDO_GEOR.init('rdt_5', 21))
  RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;
  sdo_geor.Reproject(gr1, 0, 0, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0, 0, 517, 517),
                             null, null, 'blocking=optimalpadding, blocksize=(512,512,3),
                             interleaving=BSQ', 32618, gr2);
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=21;

The following example reprojects a GeoRaster object into the coordinate system defined by SRID 32618. The result is temporary BLOB containing data in JPEG-F format.

   gr1 sdo_georaster;
   lob1 BLOB;
   outArea SDO_Geometry;
   outWindow SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY;
   SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=10;
   dbms_lob.createTemporary(lob1, TRUE);
   sdo_geor.Reproject(gr1, 0, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0, 0, 120, 300),
                              '0',  null, 'compression = JPEG-F', 32618,
                              lob1, outArea, outWindow);

7.113 SDO_GEOR.scaleCopy


     inGeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     scaleParam     IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


     inGeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     scaleParam     IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


Scales a GeoRaster object by enlarging or reducing the image along row and column dimensions, and puts the result into a new object that reflects the scaling.



The SDO_GEORASTER object on which the scaling operation is to be performed to create the new object (outGeoRaster).


A number specifying the pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object.


A string specifying a scaling parameter keyword and its associated value. The keyword must be one of the following:


For any numbers in string (VARCHAR2) parameters to GeoRaster subprograms, the period (.) must be used for any decimal points regardless of the locale.

  • scaleFactor, to reduce or enlarge as a multiple of the original size. This keyword must have a numeric value greater than 0 (zero) (for example, 'scaleFactor=0.75'). A value of 1.0 will not change the current size; a value less than 1 will reduce the image; a value greater than 1 will enlarge the image. The number of cells along each dimension is the original number multiplied by scaleFactor. For example, if the scaleFactor value is 2 and the GeoRaster object has X and Y dimensions, the number of cells along each dimension is doubled.

  • maxDimSize, to specify a size in terms of the maximum number of cells for each dimension. This keyword must have a numeric value for each dimension (for example, 'maxDimSize=(512,512)'). The aspect ratio is not changed.

  • rowMaxDimSize and columnMaxDimSize, to specify sizes in terms of the maximum number of cells for row and column dimensions. This pair of keywords must have numeric values for each dimension (for example, 'rowMaxDimSize=512,columnMaxDimSize=256'). The aspect ratio can be changed, and the two keywords must be specified together.

  • rowScaleFactor and columnScaleFactor, to reduce or enlarge as a multiple of the original size. This pair of keywords must have numeric values greater than 0 (zero). A value of 1.0 will not change the current size; a value less than 1 will reduce the image; a value greater than 1 will enlarge the image. The number of cells along row dimension is the original number multiplied by rowScaleFactor. The number of cells along column dimension is the original number multiplied by columnScaleFactor. rowScaleFactor and columnScaleFactor can be different numbers, but must be specified together.


A string containing the resampling parameters. See the Usage Notes for information about the available keywords and values.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The new SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the scaling operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes

Use this procedure to create a new GeoRaster object reflecting the specified scaling, based on the original GeoRaster object or a specified pyramid level of the GeoRaster object. After you use this procedure, you can check to ensure that the desired changes were made in the copy of the original GeoRaster object, and then discard the original GeoRaster object if you wish.

If you use the format that does not include the pyramidLevel parameter, the scaling is based on the original GeoRaster object (pyramidLevel=0).

If you need to get the scaled cell values, use the procedure described in the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.getCellValue function.

inGeoRaster and outGeoRaster must be different GeoRaster objects.

resampleParam must be a quoted string that contains one or more of the following keywords, each with an appropriate value:

  • resampling (for example, resampling=NN): Specifies the resampling method. Must be one of the following: NN, BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16. For more information, see Resampling and Interpolation.

  • nodata (for example, nodata=TRUE): Specifies whether NODATA values and value ranges should be considered during the procedure. Must be either TRUE (NODATA values and value ranges should be considered) or FALSE (NODATA values and value ranges should not be considered). The default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE and the resampling method is BILINEAR, BIQUADRATIC, CUBIC, AVERAGE4, or AVERAGE16, whenever a cell value involved in the resampling calculation is a NODATA value, the result of the resampling is also a NODATA value. The resulting NODATA value is the minimum NODATA value associated with the current raster layer, if multiple NODATA values or value ranges exist.

Any upper-level pyramid data in the input GeoRaster object is not considered during this operation, and the output GeoRaster object has no pyramid data.

After the operation, the row and column ULT coordinates are always set to 0 (zero), even if no scaling is performed (that is, even if scaleFactor=1).

This procedure does not scale along the band dimension.

If the source GeoRaster object is georeferenced with a valid polynomial transformation, the georeferencing information for the resulting GeoRaster object is generated accordingly; otherwise, the result GeoRaster object contains no spatial reference information.

An exception is raised if one or more of the following are true:

  • inGeoRaster is invalid.

  • outGeoRaster has not been initialized.

  • A raster data table for outGeoRaster does not exist and outGeoRaster is not a blank GeoRaster object.


The following example reduces an image to three-fourths (0.75) size, specifies AVERAGE4 resampling, and specifies an optimized block size around 512 for each dimension in the storage parameters. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster) 
    VALUES (21, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2;

  sdo_geor.scaleCopy(gr1, 'scaleFactor=0.75', 'resampling=AVERAGE4',
                     'blocking=optimalpadding blocksize=(512,512)', gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=21;

7.114 SDO_GEOR.schemaValidate


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Validates a GeoRaster object's metadata against the GeoRaster XML schema.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function returns the string TRUE if the metadata is valid, a null value if the GeoRaster object or its metadata is null, or one or more Oracle error codes indicating why the metadata is not valid and the exact location of the errors.

Use this function with the SDO_GEOR.validateGeoRaster function. If the SDO_GEOR.validateGeoRaster function identifies a GeoRaster object as invalid with an error code of 13454, the object's metadata is not valid according to the GeoRaster XML schema. If this happens, call the SDO_GEOR.schemaValidate function to get specific information, including the location in the metadata, about the errors.


The following example validates a GeoRaster object's metadata.

SELECT t.georid,
  FROM georaster_table t 
  WHERE t.georid = 1;

7.115 SDO_GEOR.setBeginDateTime


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


Sets the beginning date and time for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null beginTime parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Time specification.

Usage Notes

To see the current beginning date and time (if any) in the metadata for the GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getBeginDateTime function.

An exception is raised if beginTime is later than the ending date and time specified in the metadata for the GeoRaster object (see the SDO_GEOR.setEndDateTime procedure).

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.


The following example sets the beginning and ending dates and times for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setBeginDateTime(grobj, timestamp '2002-11-15 15:00:00');
  sdo_geor.setEndDateTime(grobj, timestamp '2002-11-15 15:00:10');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.116 SDO_GEOR.setBinFunction


     georaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 
     binFunction  IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Sets the bin function associated with a layer.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to return the bin type. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Bin function as an array whose elements specify the bin type, total number of bins, first bin number, minimum cell value, and maximum cell value. The SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER. See the Usage Notes for more information and an example.

Usage Notes

A bin function maps values or value ranges of the GeoRaster cells to specific bin numbers, which are all integers. If a bin function of type LINEAR is defined, it is used by the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function for calculating statistics on cell values. GeoRaster does not provide interfaces to manipulate and process bin functions.

The binFunction parameter specifies an array of five numbers, which have the following meaning:

  • The first number identifies the bin type, and must be 0 (LINEAR) or 1 (LOGARIGHM).

  • The second number identifies the total number of bins.

  • The third number identifies the number of the first bin.

  • The fourth number is the minimum cell value in the range.

  • The fifth number is the maximum cell value in the range.

For example, if binFunction is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0,10,1,0,511), the bin type is LINEAR, there are 10 bins numbered 1 through 10 (that is, starting at 1), and cell values from 0 through 511 are uniformly distributed to bins 1 through 10.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null, negative, or greater than the maximum layer number.


The following example sets the bin function for layer 3 of a specified GeoRaster object, using the binFunction parameter value explained in the Usage Notes.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
 sdo_geor.setBinFunction(gr, 3, sdo_number_array(0,10,1,0,511));
 UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr WHERE georid=4;

7.117 SDO_GEOR.setBinTable


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     tableName    IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the name of the bin table associated with a layer, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null tableName parameter.


GeoRaster does not perform operations using the bin table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to set the bin table name. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Name of the bin table associated with a layer.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

This procedure is relevant only if the bin type is EXPLICIT. To retrieve the bin type, use the SDO_GEOR.getBinType function.

To return the bin table for a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.getBinTable function.

See also the information in the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.getBinType function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, or if tableName is an empty string ('').


The following example sets BINT1 as the name of the bin table for layer number 3 of a specified GeoRaster object in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setBinTable(grobj, 3, 'BINT1');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.118 SDO_GEOR.setBitmapMask


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber IN NUMBER, 
     mask        IN SDO_GEORASTER, 


Attaches a bitmap mask to a GeoRaster object, or replaces or removes the current bitmap mask.



GeoRaster object.


Layer with which to associate the bitmap mask. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


The bitmap mask to be attached to the GeoRaster object. If this parameter is null, any existing bitmap mask associated with the specified layer of the GeoRaster object is removed.


Specifies whether mask is to be interpreted as a NODATA mask. The string TRUE causes mask to be interpreted as a NODATA mask; any other value (including null) causes mask not to be interpreted as a NODATA mask.

Usage Notes

If the specified GeoRaster object or layer already has an associated bitmap mask, this procedure replaces it with the specified mask, or removes it if the mask parameter specifies a null value.

If the mask parameter value is not null, the bitmap mask must be a valid 1BIT GeoRaster object with only one band, and the row and column dimension sizes of the bitmap mask must be the same as those of the target GeoRaster object. It cannot be the same GeoRaster object as the input GeoRaster object (georaster parameter).

This procedure raises an exception if the target GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object.

For an explanation of bitmap masks, see Bitmap Masks.


The following example uses a GeoRaster object in the table GRTAB (where id=1) as the bitmap mask to be attached to layer number 1 of an GeoRaster object in the GEORASTER_TABLE (where georid=1). The bitmap mask will be interpreted as a NODATA mask.

  gr sdo_georaster;
  mk sdo_georaster;
  select georaster into gr from georaster_table where georid=1 for update;
  select grobj into mk from grtab where id=1;
  sdo_geor.setBitmapMask(gr, 1, mk, 'true');
  update georaster_table set georaster=gr where georid=0;

7.119 SDO_GEOR.setBlankCellValue


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     value      IN NUMBER);


Sets (modifies) the cell value to be used for all cells if a specified GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Cell value to be used for the blank GeoRaster object. Cannot be a null value.

Usage Notes

In a blank GeoRaster object, all cells have the same cell value.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the blank cell value of a blank GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getBlankCellValue function. To determine if a specified GeoRaster object is a blank GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.isBlank function.

An exception is raised if value is null or inconsistent with the cellDepth specification, or if the GeoRaster object is not blank.


The following example specifies a value of 255 to be used for all cells in the GeoRaster object column (GEORASTER) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table for the row with an GEORID column value of 1. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setBlankCellValue(grobj, 255);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=1;

7.120 SDO_GEOR.setColorMap


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     colorMap     IN SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP);


Sets the colormap for a layer in a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null colorMap parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to perform the operation.


Colormap object of type SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP, which is described in SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP Object Type.

Usage Notes

The following must be true of the specified colormap object:

  • The cellValue values are consistent with and in the value range for the cellDepth value of the GeoRaster object.

  • The red, green, blue, and alpha values are integers from 0 to 255.

  • The cellValue array contains no duplicate entries.

  • The entries in the cellValue array are in ascending order.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

You can create a colormap or retrieve a colormap from an existing GeoRaster object for use. To return the colormap for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getColorMap function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, or if any of the following exist in colorMap: the red, green, blue, or alpha value is null or out of scope; duplicate values exist in the cellValue array, or any cellValue values are null, out of scope, or out of order.


The following example sets the colormap for layer 2 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. It assumes that the GeoRaster object is a bitmap. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  cmobj sdo_geor_colormap;
  cmobj := sdo_geor_colormap(sdo_number_array(0, 1),
                             sdo_number_array(0, 255),
                             sdo_number_array(0, 0),
                             sdo_number_array(0, 0),
                             sdo_number_array(255, 255));

  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setColorMap(grobj, 2, cmobj);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.121 SDO_GEOR.setColorMapTable


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     tableName    IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the colormap table for a layer in a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null tableName parameter.


This procedure registers the colormap table name with GeoRaster; however, GeoRaster does not perform operations using the colormap table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to perform the operation.


Name of the user-defined colormap table. SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP Object Type describes colormaps.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the colormap table for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getColorMapTable function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, or if tableName is an empty string ('').


The following example sets the colormap table to be null for layer 2 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setColorMapTable(grobj, 2, null);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.122 SDO_GEOR.setControlPoint


SDO_GEOR.setControlPoint (
     inGeoraster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     controlPoint IN SDO_GEOR_GCP);


Adds a ground control point (GCP) for the GeoRaster object, or replaces an existing GCP if it has the same ID value as the input control point.



GeoRaster object.


GCP to be added for inGeoraster. Must be an object of type SDO_GEOR_GCP, which is described in SDO_GEOR_GCP Object Type.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.

If the controlPoint is null, the function returns without performing any action. If a GCP is found in the GeoRaster object metadata with the same point ID as defined in controlPoint, that GCP is replaced; otherwise, this GCP is added to the georeferencing model.


The following example adds a GCP for a specified GeoRaster object.

   gr1            sdo_georaster;
   GCP         SDO_GEOR_GCP;
   SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=10 FOR UPDATE;
   GCP := SDO_GEOR_GCP('21', 'Updated', 1, 
                       2, sdo_number_array(25.625000, 73.875000),
                       2, sdo_number_array(237036.937500, 897987.187500),
                       NULL, NULL);
   sdo_geor.setControlPoint(gr1, GCP);
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr1 WHERE georid=10;

7.123 SDO_GEOR.setDefaultAlpha


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     defaultAlpha  IN NUMBER);


Sets the number of the layer to be used for the alpha color component (in the RGBA color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null defaultAlpha parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to be used for the alpha color component (in the RGBA color space) for displaying the specified GeoRaster object. Must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the highest layer number in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, blue, and alpha values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

An exception is raised if you are trying to set the number of the layer to be used for the alpha color component only, or if defaultAlpha is not a valid layer number for the GeoRaster object.


The following example sets the default red, green, blue, and alpha color layers for the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, and it returns an array with the layer numbers for the red, green, blue, and alpha color components for displaying these GeoRaster objects. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setDefaultRed(grobj, 5);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultGreen(grobj, 4);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultBlue(grobj, 3);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultAlpha(grobj, 2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

SELECT sdo_geor.getDefaultColorLayer(georaster) FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid=4;
SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(5, 4, 3, 2)
1 row selected.

7.124 SDO_GEOR.setDefaultBlue


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     defaultBlue  IN NUMBER);


Sets the number of the layer to be used for the blue color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null defaultBlue parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to be used for the blue color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying the specified GeoRaster object. Must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the highest layer number in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, and blue values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

An exception is raised if you are trying to set or remove the number of the layer to be used for the blue color component only, or if defaultBlue is not a valid layer number for the GeoRaster object.


The following example sets the default red, green, and blue color layers for the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, and it returns an array with the layer numbers for the red, green, and blue color components for displaying these GeoRaster objects. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setDefaultRed(grobj, 5);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultGreen(grobj, 4);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultBlue(grobj, 3);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

SELECT sdo_geor.getDefaultColorLayer(georaster) FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid=4;
1 row selected.

7.125 SDO_GEOR.setDefaultColorLayer


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     defaultRGB  IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Sets the default numbers of the layers to be used for the red, green, blue, and alpha color components, respectively, for displaying a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing values if you specify a null defaultRGB parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Array of three or four numbers identifying the red, green, blue, and alpha color components, respectively, for displaying the specified GeoRaster object. Each number must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the highest layer number in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The RGBA layer numbers specified are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

You can set the layer number for each color component (RGB) by using the SDO_GEOR.setDefaultRed, SDO_GEOR.setDefaultGreen, SDO_GEOR.setDefaultBlue, and SDO_GEOR.setDefaultAlpha procedures.

The default RGBA layer numbers must be set or removed at the same time. The default alpha layer number is optional. If the default red, green, and blue layer numbers are set, the default alpha layer number can be set. If the default red, green, and blue layer numbers are removed, the default alpha layer number must also be removed.

Because the default alpha layer is optional, you can either (A) set the default red, green, and blue color components only by providing three numbers to this procedure or (B) set the default red, green, blue, and alpha color components by providing four numbers to this procedure. If defaultRGB is an array of three numbers, it identifies the red, green and blue color components only. If defaultRGB is an array of four numbers, it identifies the red, green, blue, and alpha components.

An exception is raised if defaultRGB is of the wrong size or if any elements in it are null or are invalid layer numbers for the GeoRaster object.


The following example specifies that layer number 1 is to be used for the red, green, blue. and alpha color components for displaying the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with an GEORID column value of 2 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setDefaultColorLayer(grobj, sdo_number_array(1,1,1,1));
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=2;

7.126 SDO_GEOR.setDefaultGreen


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     defaultGreen  IN NUMBER);


Sets the number of the layer to be used for the green color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null defaultGreen parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to be used for the green color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying the specified GeoRaster object. Must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the highest layer number in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, and blue values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

An exception is raised if you are trying to set or remove the number of the layer to be used for the green color component only, or if defaultGreen is not a valid layer number for the GeoRaster object.


The following example sets the default red, green, and blue color layers for the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, and it returns an array with the layer numbers for the red, green, and blue color components for displaying these GeoRaster objects. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setDefaultRed(grobj, 5);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultGreen(grobj, 4);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultBlue(grobj, 3);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

SELECT sdo_geor.getDefaultColorLayer(georaster) FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid=4;
1 row selected.

7.127 SDO_GEOR.setDefaultPyramidLevel


     georaster            IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     defaultPyramidLevel  IN NUMBER);


Sets the number of the layer to be used for the default pyramid level for displaying a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null defaultPyramidLevel parameter.



GeoRaster object.


The default pyramid level for displaying the specified GeoRaster object. Must be greater than or equal to 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the maximum pyramid level in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

Pyramid levels represent reduced or increased resolution images that require less or more storage space, respectively. For information about pyramids and pyramid levels, see Pyramids.

Specifying a default pyramid level is an optional operation, and is intended for use only when visualizing GeoRaster objects with pyramids generated.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

When pyramids are removed from a GeoRaster object by any other operation (such as SDO_GEOR.deletePyramid or SDO_GEOR.subset), the default pyramid level for the object is also removed from the metadata.

An exception is raised if there are no pyramids generated for the GeoRaster object, or if defaultPyramidLevel is not a valid pyramid level number for the GeoRaster object.

You can get the default pyramid level by using the SDO_GEOR.getDefaultPyramidLevel function.


The following example generates the pyramids and sets the default pyramid level for a specified GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, and it returns the default pyramid level set for the GeoRaster object. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=6 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.generatePyramid(grobj, 'rLevel=5, resampling=NN');
  sdo_geor.setDefaultPyramidLevel(grobj, 3);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=6;
SELECT georid, sdo_geor.getDefaultPyramidLevel(georaster) FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid=6;
-------------- ---------- 
             6          3

7.128 SDO_GEOR.setDefaultRed


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     defaultRed  IN NUMBER);


Sets the number of the layer to be used for the red color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null defaultRed parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer to be used for the red color component (in the RGB color space) for displaying the specified GeoRaster object. Must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the highest layer number in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The default red, green, and blue values are used for true-color displays, not for pseudocolor or grayscale displays. These values are optional, and they are intended for use only when visualizing multilayer or hyperspectral GeoRaster objects.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

An exception is raised if you are trying to set or remove the number of the layer to be used for the red color component only, or if defaultRed is not a valid layer number for the GeoRaster object.


The following example sets the default red, green, and blue color layers for the GeoRaster objects (GEORASTER column) in the GEORASTER_TABLE table, and it returns an array with the layer numbers for the red, green, and blue color components for displaying these GeoRaster objects. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setDefaultRed(grobj, 5);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultGreen(grobj, 4);
  sdo_geor.setDefaultBlue(grobj, 3);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

SELECT sdo_geor.getDefaultColorLayer(georaster) FROM georaster_table
  WHERE georid=4;
1 row selected.

7.129 SDO_GEOR.setEndDateTime


     georaster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


Sets the ending date and time for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null endTime parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Time specification.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To see the current ending date and time (if any) in the metadata for the GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getEndDateTime function.

An exception is raised if endTime is earlier than the beginning date and time specified in the metadata for the GeoRaster object (see the SDO_GEOR.setBeginDateTime procedure).


The following example sets the beginning and ending dates and times for raster data collection in the metadata for a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setBeginDateTime(grobj, timestamp '2002-11-15 15:00:00');
  sdo_geor.setEndDateTime(grobj, timestamp '2002-11-15 15:00:10');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.130 SDO_GEOR.setGCPGeorefMethod


     inGeoraster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER 
     gcpGeorefMethod IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the GCP-based georeferencing geometric model type of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Georeferencing geometric model type to set for the GeoRaster object. Its value must be one of following strings: Affine, QuadraticPolynomial, CubicPolynomial, DLT, QuadraticRational, or RPC.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.

If inGeoraster does not contain GCP-based georeferencing information, no action is performed; otherwise, the existing model type is replaced with the specified gcpGeorefMethod value.

The procedure just set the model type value; no new solution is calculated. To get the solution for the newly set model type, use the SDO_GEOR.georeference function.


The following example sets the GCP-based georeferencing geometric model type of a specified GeoRaster object, and updates the object.

   gr1  sdo_georaster;
   SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from georaster_table WHERE georid=10 FOR UPDATE;
   sdo_geor.setGCPGeorefMethod(gr1, 'DLT');
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr1 WHERE georid=10;

7.131 SDO_GEOR.setGCPGeorefModel


     inGeoraster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER 
     gcpGeorefModel  IN SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE);


Sets the GCP-based georeferencing model information for a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Object containing the following: FFMethodType, nGCP, GCPs, solutionAccuracy.

Usage Notes

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.

The SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE object type is defined in SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE Object Type.

This procedure stores the GCP information in the GeoRaster SRS metadata component. If gcpGeorefModel is null and if the GeoRaster object has a georeferencing model, this model information will be deleted.

If there are not enough GCPs specified in gcpGeorefModel for the geometric model specified, the function will still succeed, but an exception will be raised if the SDO_GEOR.georeference is called specifying this GeoRaster object.


The following example sets the GCP-based georeferencing model information in a specified GeoRaster object.

   gr1          sdo_georaster;
   rms          sdo_number_array;
   SELECT georaster INTO gr1 from herman.georaster_table WHERE georid=10 FOR UPDATE;
                    SDO_GEOR_GCP('21', '', 1, 
                            2, sdo_number_array(25.625000, 73.875000),
                            2, sdo_number_array(237036.937500, 897987.187500),
                            NULL, NULL),
                     SDO_GEOR_GCP('22', '', 1, 
                            2, sdo_number_array(100.625000, 459.125000),
                            2, sdo_number_array(237229.562500, 897949.687500),
                            NULL, NULL),
                      SDO_GEOR_GCP('23', '', 1, 
                            2, sdo_number_array(362.375000, 77.875000),
                            2, sdo_number_array(237038.937500, 897818.812500),
                                NULL, NULL),
                       SDO_GEOR_GCP('24', '', 1, 
                             2, sdo_number_array(478.875000, 402.125000),
                             2, sdo_number_array(237201.062500, 897760.562500),
                             NULL, NULL),
                        SDO_GEOR_GCP('25', '', 2, 
                             2, sdo_number_array(167.470583,  64.030686),
                             2, sdo_number_array(237032.015343, 897916.264708),
                             NULL, NULL),
                         SDO_GEOR_GCP('26', '', 2, 
                             2, sdo_number_array(101.456177,  257.915534),
                             2, sdo_number_array(237128.957767, 897949.271912),
                             NULL, NULL)
   georefModel := SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE('Affine',
                                                                             GCPs.count, GCPs, rms);
   sdo_geor.setGCPGeorefModel(gr1, georefModel);
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr1 WHERE georid=10;

7.132 SDO_GEOR.setGrayScale


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     grayScale    IN SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE);


Sets the grayscale mappings for a layer in a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing values if you specify a null grayScale parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to set the grayscale mappings. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


An object of type SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE, which is described in SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE Object Type.

Usage Notes

The following must be true of the specified SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE object:

  • The cellValue values are consistent with and in the value range for the cellDepth value of the GeoRaster object.

  • The gray value is an integer from 0 to 255.

  • The cellValue array contains no duplicate entries.

  • The entries in the cellValue array are in ascending order.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the grayscale mappings for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getGrayScale function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, any gray values are null or out of scope, the cellValue array contains any duplicate values, or any cellValue values are null, out of scope, or out of order.


The following example sets the grayscale mappings for layer 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  gsobj sdo_geor_grayscale;
  gsobj := sdo_geor_grayscale(sdo_number_array(1, 10, 20, 30, 255),
                         sdo_number_array(0, 180, 210, 230, 250));
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setGrayScale(grobj, 3, gsobj);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.133 SDO_GEOR.setGrayScaleTable


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     tableName    IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the grayscale mapping table for a layer in a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null tableName parameter.


This procedure registers the grayscale mapping table name with GeoRaster; however, GeoRaster does not perform operations using the grayscale mapping table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to set the grayscale mapping table. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Name of the grayscale mapping table for a layer in the specified GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE Object Type describes grayscale display.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the grayscale mapping table for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getGrayScaleTable function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, or if tableName is an empty string ('').


The following example sets GST1 as the grayscale mapping table for layer 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setGrayScaleTable(grobj, 3, 'GST1');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.134 SDO_GEOR.setHistogramTable


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER 
     tableName    IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the histogram table for a layer in a GeoRaster object.


This procedure registers the histogram table name with GeoRaster; however, GeoRaster does not perform operations using the histogram table in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to set the name of the histogram table. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


Name of the histogram table. If this parameter is null, the metadata information for any existing histogram table (but not the actual table) is deleted. If there is no statistics information for the layer, this parameter must be null. The parameter value cannot be an empty string (that is, it cannot be '').

Usage Notes

This procedure specifies a user-defined histogram table. SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM Object Type briefly discusses histograms.

To return the name of the histogram table for a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.getHistogramTable function.

An exception is raised if one or more of the following are true:

  • layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object,.

  • tableName is an empty string ('').

  • The statistical data associated with the specified layer is not set.

    To set the statistical data for a layer, call the SDO_GEOR.setStatistics procedure.


The following example sets HIST1 as the histogram table for layer 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setHistogramTable(grobj, 3, 'HIST1');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.135 SDO_GEOR.setID


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     id         IN VARCHAR2);


Sets a user-defined identifier to be associated with a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null id parameter.



GeoRaster object.


ID value to be associated with the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This procedure is useful for assigning unique meaningful alphanumeric identifiers to GeoRaster objects, so that users and applications can easily identify the objects.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the user-defined identifier value for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getID function.


The following example sets newid as the user-defined identifier value of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 2 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setID(grobj, 'newid');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=2;

7.136 SDO_GEOR.setLayerID


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     id           IN VARCHAR2);


Sets a user-defined identifier to be associated with a layer in a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null id parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to perform the operation.


ID value to be associated with the specified layer in the GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the user-defined identifier value for a layer in a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getLayerID function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, or if id is null yet the corresponding layer information does exist.


The following example sets TM_Band_2 as the user-defined identifier value of layer 2 in the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setLayerID(grobj, 2, 'TM_Band_2');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.137 SDO_GEOR.setLayerOrdinate


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     ordinate     IN NUMBER);


Sets the band ordinate value for a specified layer in a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null ordinate parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to perform the operation.


Band ordinate value of the layer along the band dimension.

Usage Notes

The band ordinate of the layer refers to the physical band that a layer (layerNumber parameter value) is associated with. For the current release, the associations must be as shown in Figure 1-5 in Bands_ Layers_ and Metadata: layer 1 is band 0, layer 2 is band 1, and so on.

The band ordinate for the object layer is ignored by GeoRaster.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the band ordinate value for a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.getLayerOrdinate function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, if ordinate is null, or if ordinate does not equal layerNumber-1 when layerNumber does not specify the object layer.


The following example sets the band ordinate value for layer 1 to be 0 (zero) in the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setLayerOrdinate(grobj, 1, 0);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.138 SDO_GEOR.setModelCoordLocation


     georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER 
     modelCoordLoc  IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the model coordinate location value for a GeoRaster object, or deletes the current model coordinate location value (if any) if the modelCoordLoc parameter is specified as null.



GeoRaster object.


Model coordinate location to set for the GeoRaster object. It must be specified as either null (to delete any current model coordinate location value) or one of the following string values: CENTER (the cell coordinate system is center-based) or UPPERLEFT (the cell coordinate system is based on the upper-left corner).

Usage Notes

This procedure enables you to change the cell coordinate system from CENTER to UPPERLEFT or from UPPERLEFT to CENTER.

This procedure applies only to georeferenced GeoRaster objects, and it automatically adjusts the functional fitting coefficients of the GeoRaster SRS accordingly to reflect the change (to ensure that the relationship between cell coordinates and model coordinates does not change).

To get the model coordinate location value for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getModelCoordLocation function.

For an explanation of georeferencing using GCPs, see Ground Control Point (GCP) Georeferencing Model.


The following example changes the cell coordinate system to CENTER for a GeoRaster object.

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setModelCoordLocation(grobj, 'CENTER');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.139 SDO_GEOR.setModelSRID


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     srid       IN NUMBER);


Sets the coordinate system (SDO_SRID value) for the model (ground) space for a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null srid parameter and the GeoRaster metadata does not contain spatial reference information.



GeoRaster object.


Coordinate system. Must be a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table if the GeoRaster metadata contains spatial reference information; or must be null (causing no coordinate system associated with the model space) if the GeoRaster metadata does not contain spatial reference information. The srid value cannot be 0 (zero).

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

If the original GeoRaster object had a different model space SRID value, this procedure does not change the raster data itself and it does not adjust the georeferencing coefficients accordingly. In other words, this procedure does not cause any reprojection or resampling on the cell data of the GeoRaster object, and you must specify the correct SRID.

To return the coordinate system (SDO_SRID value) associated with the model space for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getModelSRID function.


The following example changes the coordinate system for a GeoRaster object to Longitude / Latitude (WGS 66), which is the coordinate system associated with SRID value 82394 in the MDSYS.CS_SRS system table. (The example refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setModelSRID(grobj, 82394);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.140 SDO_GEOR.setNODATAMask


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber   IN NUMBER, 
     isNODATAMask  IN VARCHAR2);


Specifies whether a bitmap mask of the specified GeoRaster layer is a NODATA mask, and updates the GeoRaster metadata accordingly.



GeoRaster object.


Layer with the relevant bitmap mask. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


The bitmap mask to be attached to the GeoRaster object. If this parameter is null, any existing bitmap mask associated with the specified layer of the GeoRaster object is removed.


Specifies whether the bitmap mask of the layerNumber layer is to be interpreted as a NODATA mask. The string TRUE causes that bitmap mask to be interpreted as a NODATA mask; the string FALSE causes that bitmap mask not to be interpreted as a NODATA mask.

Usage Notes

For information about a bitmap mask being treated as a special type of NODATA, that is, a NODATA mask specifying one or more irregular areas as NODATA areas, see NODATA Values and Value Ranges.


The following example sets the bitmap mask of sublayer 1 to be a NODATA mask.

    gr sdo_georaster;
     select georaster into gr from georaster_table where georid=1 for update;
     sdo_geor.setNODATAMask(gr, 1, 'true');
      update georaster_table set georster=gr where georid=1;

7.141 SDO_GEOR.setOrthoRectified


     georaster         IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     isOrthoRectified  IN VARCHAR2);


Specifies whether or not a GeoRaster object is orthorectified, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null isOrthoRectified parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Specify TRUE to specify that the GeoRaster object is orthorectified, FALSE to specify that the GeoRaster object is not orthorectified, or null if the GeoRaster metadata does not contain spatial reference information. Must be TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive) if the GeoRaster metadata contains spatial reference information.

Usage Notes

This procedure modifies the GeoRaster metadata for the object. It does not actually orthorectify the object. Users are responsible for ensuring that orthorectification is performed.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To be set as orthorectified, a GeoRaster object must be spatially referenced and rectified.


The following example identifies the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table as orthorectified. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setOrthoRectified(grobj, 'TRUE');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.142 SDO_GEOR.setRasterType


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     rasterType  IN NUMBER);


Sets the raster type of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


Numeric value to be set as the rasterType attribute of the GeoRaster object. Must be a valid 5-digit numeric value, in the format described in rasterType Attribute.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

An exception is raised if rasterType is null or if the first three digits of the existing rasterType value are changed.


The following example sets the rasterType attribute value of a GeoRaster object to 20001. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setRasterType(grobj, 20001);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=2;

7.143 SDO_GEOR.setRectified


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     isRectified IN VARCHAR2);


Specifies whether or not a GeoRaster object is rectified, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null isRectified parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Specify TRUE to specify that the GeoRaster object is rectified, FALSE to specify that the GeoRaster object is not rectified, or null if the GeoRaster metadata does not contain spatial reference information. Must be TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive) if the GeoRaster metadata contains spatial reference information.

Usage Notes

This procedure modifies the GeoRaster metadata for the object. It does not actually rectify the object. Users are responsible for ensuring that rectification is performed. (To rectify or orthorectify a GeoRaster object, you can use the SDO_GEOR.rectify procedure.)

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

A GeoRaster object must be spatially referenced if you want to set isRectified to TRUE (see the SDO_GEOR.setSpatialReferenced procedure).


The following example identifies the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table as not rectified. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setRectified(grobj, 'false');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.144 SDO_GEOR.setScaling


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     scalingFunc  IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Sets the scaling function associated with a layer, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null scalingFunc parameter.


GeoRaster does not perform operations using the scaling function in the current release.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to perform the operation.


An array of numeric values, with one value for each coefficient in the scaling function. The scaling function is as follows:

value = (a0 + a1 * cellvalue) / (b0 + b1 * cellvalue)

The order of the coefficients is: a0, a1, b0, b1.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object; if scalingFunc is of the wrong array size; if one of a0, a1, b0, and b1 is null; or if both b0 and b1 are 0 (zero).


The following example sets the coefficients of the scaling function for layer 2 of a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setScaling(grobj, 2, sdo_number_array(1, 0.5, 1, 0));
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.145 SDO_GEOR.setSourceInfo


     georaster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourceInfo  IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the source information for a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null sourceInfo parameter.



GeoRaster object.


String with source information. Cannot exceed 4096 characters.

Usage Notes

The specified sourceInfo string is stored in the <sourceInfo> element in the metadata for the GeoRaster object (described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema).

This procedure replaces any existing source information value or values. If you want to keep any existing values and add one or more values, use the SDO_GEOR.addSourceInfo procedure.


The following example sets and adds some source information for a specified GeoRaster object, and then retrieves the information.

 gr sdo_georaster;
 select georaster into gr from georaster_table where georid=1 for update;
 sdo_geor.setSourceInfo(gr, 'Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle Corporation.');
 sdo_geor.addSourceInfo(gr, 'All rights reserved.');
 update georaster_table set georaster=gr where georid=1;
select * from table(select sdo_geor.getSourceInfo(georaster) from georaster_table where id=1);
Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle Corporation.
All rights reserved.

7.146 SDO_GEOR.setSpatialReferenced


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     isReferenced  IN VARCHAR2);


Specifies whether or not a GeoRaster object is spatially referenced, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null isReferenced parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Specify TRUE to specify that the GeoRaster object is spatially referenced, FALSE to specify that the GeoRaster object is not spatially referenced, or null if the GeoRaster metadata does not contain spatial reference information. Must be TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive) if the GeoRaster metadata contains spatial reference information.

Usage Notes

This procedure sets the GeoRaster object to be spatially referenced or not spatially referenced.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.


The following example sets the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table as not spatially referenced. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setSpatialReferenced(grobj, 'FALSE');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.147 SDO_GEOR.setSpatialResolutions


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     resolutions  IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Sets the spatial resolution value along each spatial dimension of a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing values if you specify a null resolutions parameter.



GeoRaster object.


An array of numeric values, one for each spatial dimension. Each value indicates the number of units of measurement associated with the data area represented by that spatial dimension of a pixel. For example, if the spatial resolution values are (10,10) and the unit of measurement for the ground data is meters, each pixel represents an area of 10 meters by 10 meters.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

If resolutions is not null and if the GeoRaster metadata currently does not contain spatial reference information, this procedure adds spatial reference information with minimum default values.

See also the Usage Notes for the SDO_GEOR.getSpatialResolutions function.


The following example sets the spatial resolution values along the column and row (X and Y) dimensions of a GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setSpatialResolutions(grobj, sdo_number_array(28.5,28.5));
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.148 SDO_GEOR.setSpectralResolution


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     resolution IN NUMBER);


Sets the spectral resolution of a GeoRaster object if it is a hyperspectral or multiband image, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null resolution parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Spectral resolution value. Must be null if the GeoRaster metadata does not contain band reference information.

Usage Notes

Taken together, the spectral unit and spectral resolution identify the wavelength interval for a band. For example, if the spectral resolution value is 2 and the spectral unit value is MILLIMETER, the wavelength interval for a band is 2 millimeters.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the spectral resolution for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getSpectralResolution function.


The following example sets 0.5 as the spectral resolution value for the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setSpectralResolution(grobj, 0.5);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.149 SDO_GEOR.setSpectralUnit


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     unit       IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the unit of measurement for identifying the wavelength interval for a band, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null unit parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Spectral unit. Must be one of the following values if the GeoRaster metadata contains band reference information: METER, MILLIMETER, MICROMETER, NANOMETER. Must be null if the GeoRaster metadata does not contain band reference information.

Usage Notes

Taken together, the spectral unit and spectral resolution identify the wavelength interval for a band. For example, if the spectral resolution value is 2 and the spectral unit value is MILLIMETER, the wavelength interval for a band is 2 millimeters.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the spectral unit for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getSpectralUnit function.


The following example sets MICROMETER as the spectral unit for the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setSpectralUnit(grobj, 'micrometer');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.150 SDO_GEOR.setSRS


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     srs        IN SDO_GEOR_SRS);


Sets the spatial reference information of a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing information if you specify a null srs parameter.



GeoRaster object.


An object of type SDO_GEOR_SRS. The SDO_GEOR_SRS object type and its constructor are described in SDO_GEOR_SRS Object Type.

In this object, isReferenced, isRectified, and isOrthoRectified must be TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive); spatialResolution must be an array of the correct size; the spatial tolerance cannot be negative; CoordLocation must be 0 or 1; and the polynomial parameters cannot be null.

Usage Notes

You can use this procedure to set the GeoRaster SRS for any functional fitting georeferencing models, including the affine transformation, DLT, and RPC models.

For the stored function (GCP) model only, you may find it more convenient not to use this procedure, but instead to use the SDO_GEOR.setGCPGeorefModel procedure to set the stored function (GCP) model.

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

To return the SDO_GEOR_SRS information for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getSRS function.


The following examples specify spatial reference attributes of a GeoRaster object, and updates the GeoRaster object. (They refer to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.) Notes explain the operations in more detail.

The first example shows how to set an affine transformation model to a GeoRaster object.

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  srs   sdo_geor_srs;
SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
srs := sdo_geor_srs('TRUE', 'TRUE', null, 82262,
                       sdo_number_array(28.5, 28.5),0.5,0,
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 3, 32631.5614, 0, -.03508772),
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1),
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 3, -7894.7544, .03508772, 0),
                       SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 0, 0, 1, 1));
sdo_geor.setSRS(grobj, srs);
UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

In the preceding example, the GeoRaster object has the following affine transformation:

row = 32631.5614 + 0 * x + (-0.03508772) * y
col = -7894.7544 + 0.03508772 * x + 0 * y

To use the generic functional fitting georeferencing model described in Functional Fitting Georeferencing Model, the values of SRS attributes are as follows:

polynomial p : pType=1, nVars=2, order=1, nCoefficients= 3
polynomial q : pType=1, nVars=0, order=0, nCoefficients= 1
polynomial r : pType=1, nVars=2, order=1, nCoefficients= 3
polynomial s : pType=1, nVars=0, order=0, nCoefficients= 1
rowNumerator = 32631.5614, 0, -0.03508772
rowDenominator =  1
columnNumerator = -7894.7544, 0.03508772, 0
columnDenominator = 1

In the SRS structure, the rowNumerator, rowDenominator, columnNumerator, and columnDenominator elements are used to specify pType, nVars, order, and nCoefficients, and the remaining elements are used to specify coefficients of each polynomial.

The second example shows how to set a DLT model to a GeoRaster object. In a typical photogrammetry application, the interior orientation parameters and exterior orientation parameters of an oriented digital aerial photo can be used to derive a DLT model, which is widely used to simplify and approximate the rigorous model. The following is an example of a DLT model derived from a standard frame camera model.

row = (-46507111.2127784 + 65.81484127*X + 13.13186856*Y - 49.62133265*Z) / (-41.47013322 + 0.00004128*X + 0.00009740*Y - 0.00655704*Z)

col = (-5259855.00453679 - 12.07452653*X + 66.23319061*Y - 49.45792766*Z) / (-41.47013322 + 0.00004128*X + 0.00009740*Y - 0.00655704*Z)

For this example, the corresponding GeoRaster SRS parameters and coefficients are:

rowOff=0, colOff=0; rowScale = colScale = 1;
xOff = 0, yOff = 0, zOff = 0; xScale = yScale = zScale =1;
polynomial p : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
polynomial q : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
polynomial r : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
polynomial s : pType=1, nVars=3, order=1, nCoefficients= 4
rowNumerator = -5259855.00453679, -12.07452653, 66.23319061, -49.45792766
rowDenominator = -41.47013322, 0.00004128, 0.00009740, -0.00655704
columnNumerator = -46507111.2127784, 65.81484127, 13.13186856, -49.62133265
columnDenominator = -41.47013322, 0.00004128, 0.00009740, -0.00655704

The following sets up the DLT model for the GeoRaster object. It uses the SDO_GEOR_SRS constructor to create an instance of the SDO_GEOR_SRS type, and then sets the appropriate attributes.

   grobj sdo_georaster;
   srs sdo_geor_srs;
   SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 101;
   -- Initiate the SRS object.
   -- Fill the parameters of the SRS object.
   srs.isReferenced := 'TRUE';
   srs.isRectified := 'FALSE';
   srs.isOrthoRectified := 'FALSE';
   srs.srid := 7406;
   srs.spatialResolution := sdo_number_array(0.07, 0.07);
   srs.coordLocation := 1;
   srs.rowOff := 0;
   srs.columnOff := 0;
   srs.xOff := 0;
   srs.yOff := 0;
   srs.zOff := 0;
   srs.rowScale := 1;
   srs.columnScale := 1;
   srs.xScale := 1;
   srs.yScale := 1;
   srs.zScale := 1;
   srs.rowNumerator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4, -5259855.00453679,
   srs.rowDenominator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4, -41.4701332195,
     0.0000412763, 0.0000974018, -0.0065570398);
   srs.columnNumerator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4,
     -46507111.2127784, 65.81484127, 13.13186856, -49.62133265);
   srs.columnDenominator := SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1, 3, 1, 4,
     -41.4701332195, 0.0000412763, 0.0000974018, -0.0065570398);
   -- Set the SRS metadata to the GeoRaster object.
   UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid= 101;

7.151 SDO_GEOR.setStatistics


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     statistics   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


     georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     statistics     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     histogram      IN SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM, 
     samplingFactor IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, 


     georaster      IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber    IN NUMBER, 
     statistics     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     histogram      IN SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM, 
     samplingFactor IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, 
     samplingWindow IN SDO_GEOMETRY DEFAULT NULL);


Sets statistical data associated with a layer.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to set the statistics. A value of 0 (zero) indicates the object layer.


An array with the following numeric values: MIN, MAX, MEAN, MEDIAN, MODEVALUE, STD. You must specify non-null values for all values in the array. The SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER.

If this parameter is null, all statistical information associated with the layer is deleted.


Histogram of type SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM. SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM Object Type describes this object type and briefly discusses histograms.


Sampling factor. The denominator n in 1/n, representing the number of cells sampled in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-fourth of the cells were sampled. The default is 1; that is, all cells were sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they were computed.


Sampling window: a rectangular window for which to set statistics, specified either as a numeric array with the lower-left and upper-right coordinates or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. The SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER. The window must be inside the extent in cell space. The default for this parameter is the entire image.

Usage Notes

This procedure sets statistical data described by the <statisticDatasetType> element in the GeoRaster metadata XML schema, which is described in GeoRaster Metadata XML Schema.

If histogram is specified as null, and if there is an existing histogram and you set the statistics using a different sampling factor or sampling window, the existing histogram is removed.

Contrast this procedure, in which you specify the statistics to be set, with the SDO_GEOR.generateStatistics function, which causes GeoRaster to compute and set the statistics.

To retrieve the statistical data associated with a layer, use the SDO_GEOR.getStatistics function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, or if statistics is of the wrong array size or has any null array elements.


The following example sets the statistical data for layer 0 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setStatistics(grobj, 0, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(0, 255, 100, 127, 95, 25));
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.152 SDO_GEOR.setULTCoordinate


     georaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     ultCoord   IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Sets or adjusts the cell coordinate values of the upper-left corner of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


An array of two numbers (row and column ordinates) if the rasterType value is 20001, or three numbers (row, column, and band ordinates) if the rasterType value is 21001. If you specify three numbers, the third one (band number) must be 0. For more information about the ULTCoordinate, see GeoRaster Data Model.

Usage Notes

If the metadata contains spatial reference information and the GeoRaster object is georeferenced, the spatial reference information is checked for validity. If it is valid, the spatial reference information including the georeferencing information is updated and adjusted according to the new ULT coordinates; otherwise, an exception is raised.

To return the upper-left coordinate values for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getULTCoordinate function.

An exception is raised if ultCoord is null or of the wrong array size or has any null array elements.


The following example sets the row and column ordinates of the upper-left corner of a GeoRaster object, with logic to handle whether the rasterType value is 20001 or 21001. (The example refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

 grobj sdo_georaster;
 SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1 FOR UPDATE;
 if grobj.rasterType = 20001 then
      sdo_geor.setULTCoordinate(grobj, sdo_number_array(0, 0));
 elsif grobj.rasterType = 21001 then
      sdo_geor.setULTCoordinate(grobj, sdo_number_array(0, 0, 0));
 end if;
 UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=1;

7.153 SDO_GEOR.setVAT


     georaster    IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     layerNumber  IN NUMBER, 
     vatName      IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the name of the value attribute table (VAT) associated with a layer of a GeoRaster object, or deletes the existing value if you specify a null vatName parameter.



GeoRaster object.


Number of the layer for which to perform the operation.


Name of the value attribute table.

Usage Notes

The GeoRaster object is automatically validated after the operation completes.

For more information about value attribute tables, see Geographic Information Systems.

To return the name of the value attribute table associated with a layer of a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getVAT function.

An exception is raised if layerNumber is null or invalid for the GeoRaster object, or if vatName is an empty string ('').


The following example specifies VATT1 as the value attribute table to be associated with layer 3 of the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setVAT(grobj, 3, 'VATT1');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.154 SDO_GEOR.setVersion


     georaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     majorVersion  IN VARCHAR2, 
     minorVersion  IN VARCHAR2);


Sets the user-specified version of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.


String representing the major version of the GeoRaster object. For example, if the complete version string is 15a.beta1, specify the majorVersion value as 15a.

If the parameter value is null, any existing majorVersion value in the GeoRaster object is deleted.


String representing the minor version of the GeoRaster object. For example, if the complete version string is 15a.beta1, specify the minorVersion value as beta1.

If the parameter value is null, any existing minorVersion value in the GeoRaster object is deleted.

Usage Notes

The major and minor version strings can reflect any versioning scheme that you choose. The majorVersion and minorVersion values can be any string, except that neither can be an empty string (that is, neither can be '').

To retrieve the version string for a GeoRaster object, use the SDO_GEOR.getVersion function, which returns the version in the format major-version.minor-version.


The following example sets 15a.beta1 as the version for the GeoRaster object (GEORASTER column) in the row with the GEORID column value of 4 in the GEORASTER_TABLE table. (The GEORASTER_TABLE table definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  grobj sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO grobj FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4 FOR UPDATE;
  sdo_geor.setVersion(grobj, '15a', 'beta1');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = grobj WHERE georid=4;

7.155 SDO_GEOR.subset


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     polygonClip   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     polygonClip   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 


Performs either or both of the following operations: (1) spatial crop, cut, or clip, or (2) layer or band subset or duplicate.



The SDO_GEORASTER object on which the operation or operations are to be performed.


A number specifying the pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object.


Crop area definition. If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.

If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation or operations are to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation or operations are to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The new SDO_GEORASTER object. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.


The string TRUE causes the clipping window (cropArea geometry object) to be used for the subset operation; the string FALSE or a null value causes the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of the clipping window to be used for the subset operation.

Usage Notes

This procedure has a variety of possible uses. For example, you can call it to crop a small area or obtain a subset of a few layers of a GeoRaster object, you can duplicate layers, and you can specify storage parameters such as blocking and interleaving for the resulting object.

If you use the format that includes the pyramidLevel parameter and specify a value greater than zero (0), the cropping is done based on the specified pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object; otherwise, the cropping is done based on the original source GeoRaster object (pyramidLevel = 0).

If the source GeoRaster object is georeferenced and the pyramidLevel parameter value is greater than 0, the georeferencing information is generated for the resulting GeoRaster object only when the georeference is a valid polynomial transformation.

Any upper-level pyramid data in the input GeoRaster object is not considered in this operation, and the output GeoRaster object has no pyramid data.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the window parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If the cropArea parameter specifies a geodetic MBR, it cannot cross the date line meridian. For information about geodetic MBRs, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

To be able to use the clipping window geometry object itself to subset the GeoRaster object, the geometry object must be a valid two-dimensional polygon geometry, simple or multipolygon, with an SDO_GTYPE value in the form 2nn3 or 2nn7. For any other SDO_GTYPE value, the MBR of the geometry object is used regardless of the value of the polygonClip parameter. (For an explanation of SDO_GTYPE values, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.)

If the clipping window geometry object itself is applied to the subset process, all cells inside the polygon or touched by the polygon edges are returned; other cells within the MBR of the geometry object are clipped, that is, filled by the specified or default bgValues parameter values.

If polygonClip is TRUE, and if this procedure creates a rectangular image subset but the geometry is not a rectangle, check the validity of the inWindow geometry object with the function SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT. For an invalid geometry, this procedure operates as if the polygonClip value is FALSE or a null value.

inGeoRaster and outGeoRaster must be different GeoRaster objects.

Only the overlapping portion of the specified window of interest and the source GeoRaster object's spatial extent is copied.

If you want to reproject the output GeoRaster object to a different coordinate system, use the SDO_GEOR.reproject procedure.

An exception is raised if one or more of the following are true:

  • inGeoRaster is invalid.

  • outGeoRaster has not been initialized.

  • A raster data table for outGeoRaster does not exist and outGeoRaster is not a blank GeoRaster object.

  • The specified window of interest falls outside of the GeoRaster object's spatial extent.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that contains only specified bands from a specified window from the original object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor.subset(gr1, sdo_geometry(2003, NULL, NULL,
                               sdo_elem_info_array(1, 1003, 3),
                  '3,1-2', null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following example demonstrates how to do clipping while subsetting a GeoRaster object using a polygon. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  grsub sdo_georaster;
  win1 sdo_geometry;
  Delete from georaster_table where georid = 111;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table VALUES (111, 'ClippedImage', 
     sdo_geor.init('georaster_RDT', 111))
     RETURNING georaster INTO grsub;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;
  win1 := sdo_geometry(2003, 26986, null, sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,1),
                sdo_ordinate_array(237040,   897924, 
                                   237013.3, 897831.6,
                                   237129,   897840,
                                   237182.5, 897785.5, 
                                   237239.9, 897902.7,
                                   237223,   897954,
                                   237133,   897899,
                                   237040,   897924));
  sdo_geor.subset(gr, 0, win1, '1-3', 
                  'interleaving = BIL, compression=DEFLATE',
                  grsub, NULL, 'TRUE');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=grsub WHERE georid=111;

7.156 SDO_GEOR.updateRaster


     targetGeoRaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     targetPyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     targetLayerNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     targetArea          IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     sourceGeoRaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourcePyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     sourceLayerNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     updateUpperPyramids IN VARCHAR2, 
     bgValues            IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL);


     targetGeoRaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     targetPyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     targetBandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     targetArea          IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     sourceGeoRaster     IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     sourcePyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     sourceBandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     updateUpperPyramids IN VARCHAR2, 
     bgValues            IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL);


Updates a specified pyramid of a specified area or the overlapping parts of one GeoRaster object with selected pyramid and selected bands or layers of another GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object to be updated. (Be sure to make a copy of this object before you update it.)


Number specifying the pyramid level of the target GeoRaster object to be updated.


String specifying one or more layer numbers of layers in targetGeoRaster to be updated. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: '1,3-5,7' for layers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.


String specifying one or more band numbers of bands in targetGeoRaster to be updated. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: '0,3-5,7' for bands 0, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Any bands that you specify for this parameter must be compatible with the bands to be updated in the target GeoRaster object.


Area to be updated in targetGeoRaster: a rectangular window, specified either as a numeric array with the lower-left and upper-right coordinates or as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. The SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY type is defined as VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBER.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the target area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.

If targetArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the targetLayerNumbers and sourceLayerNumbers parameters to specify one or more layer numbers; if targetArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the targetBandNumbers and sourceBandNumbers parameters to specify one or more band numbers.

If the specified area does not intersect with the spatial extent of targetGeoRaster, no update is performed. If this parameter is specified as null, all of the overlapping area is updated.

For more information about using this parameter, see Image Pyramiding: Parallel Generation and Partial Update.


GeoRaster object in which specified layers are to be used to update targetGeoRaster.


Number specifying the pyramid level of the sourceGeoRaster object.


String specifying one or more layer numbers of layers in sourceGeoRaster to be used to update targetGeoRaster. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: '1,3-5,7' for layers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.

Any layers that you specify for this parameter must be compatible with the layers to be updated in the target GeoRaster object.


String specifying one or more band numbers of bands in sourceGeoRaster to be used to update targetGeoRaster. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: '0,3-5,7' for bands 0, 3, 4, 5, and 7.

Any bands that you specify for this parameter must be compatible with the bands to be updated in the target GeoRaster object.


String (TRUE or FALSE) specifying whether to update upper-level pyramids. (This parameter has no default value; you should always specify it.) For more information about using this parameter, see Image Pyramiding: Parallel Generation and Partial Update.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.

Usage Notes


Be sure to make a copy of the targetGeoRaster object before you call this procedure, because the changes made to this GeoRaster object might not be reversible after the procedure completes.

If both GeoRaster objects are georeferenced, they must use the same coordinate system, have the same cell depth, and have the same spatial resolutions at the specified pyramid levels; however, the targetPyramidLevel and sourcePyramidLevel values can be different. If both GeoRaster objects are not georeferenced, the ULTCoordinates will be considered to co-locate them into each other.

The two GeoRaster objects can have different dimensions and sizes.

If the targetArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the window parameter geometry and the model space are different, the window parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If the targetArea parameter specifies a geodetic MBR, it cannot cross the date line meridian. For information about geodetic MBRs, see Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

Any existing bitmap masks are not updated.

If the source GeoRaster object is not large enough to fill in the target area, the uncovered area will not be updated.

If the target GeoRaster object has pyramids or is compressed, or both, the updates will be reflected in the pyramids and the compression.

To update upper-level pyramids, you must specify the updateUpperPyramids parameter as 'TRUE'. (This parameter has no default value; you should always specify 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.)


The following example updates a specified area in band 1 of the specified target GeoRaster object with band 0 of the same area of another GeoRaster object.

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  area sdo_number_array := sdo_number_array(-200,-50,201,162);
  SELECT georaster INTO gr2 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0 FOR UPDATE;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;
  SDO_GEOR.updateRaster(gr2, 0, '1', area, gr1, 0, '0', 'true');
  UPDATE GEORASTER_TABLE SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=0;

7.157 SDO_GEOR.validateBlockMBR


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Validates the blockMBR attribute of each block of a GeoRaster object.



GeoRaster object.

Usage Notes

This function checks the blockMBR attribute (described in blockMBR Attribute) in each row of the raster data table associated with the specified GeoRaster object to see if its geometry is the actual minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of that block.

This function returns the string TRUE if the blockMBR attribute is the MBR of each block, a null value if the GeoRaster object is null, an Oracle error code if the error is known, or FALSE for an unknown error.

If you created the GeoRaster object as described in Creating New GeoRaster Objects, the blockMBR attribute values were automatically calculated and they should not need to be validated or generated. However, if the GeoRaster object was generated by a third party, you should validate the blockMBR attribute values using this function; and if any are not valid, call the SDO_GEOR.generateBlockMBR procedure.


The following example validates the blockMBR attribute of each block of a specified GeoRaster object.

SELECT sdo_geor.validateBlockMBR(georaster) FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;

7.158 SDO_GEOR.validateGeoRaster


     georaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER 


Validates a GeoRaster object, checking its raster data and metadata.



GeoRaster object to be checked for validity.

Usage Notes

This function returns the string TRUE if the GeoRaster object is valid, a null value if the GeoRaster object is null, an Oracle error code if the error is known, or FALSE for an unknown error.You should use this function after you create, load, or modify a GeoRaster object, to ensure that it is valid before you process it further.

If this function identifies a GeoRaster object as invalid with an error code of 13454, the object's metadata is not valid according to the GeoRaster XML schema. If this happens, call the SDO_GEOR.schemaValidate function to find specific locations and other information about the errors.

This function not only validates GeoRaster metadata against the GeoRaster XML schema, but it also enforces restrictions and requirements in the current release that are not described in the XML schema. The following are some of the restrictions and requirements enforced by this function:

  • Layer numbers must be from 1 to n where n is the total number of layers.

  • The cellRepresentationType value must be UNDEFINED.

  • If totalBandBlocks or bandBlockSize is specified in the metadata, both must be specified. If there is only one band, no band blocking is allowed.

  • The total number of blocks times the blocking size along a dimension must match the dimension size plus padding size, and the size of each cell data BLOB object must match the metadata description in terms of blocking or nonblocking, or of empty or not empty.

  • The size and number of GeoRaster data blocks stored in the raster data table must be consistent with the metadata description. For cell data, the number and size of the blocks are checked; the content of the blocks is not checked.

  • The only pyramid types supported are NONE (no pyramids) and DECREASE. (For more information about pyramids, see Pyramids.)

  • The name of the raster data table must not contain spaces, period separators, or mixed-case letters in a quoted string, and all the alphanumeric characters must be uppercase.

  • The raster data table must be an object table of SDO_RASTER type, and the table must exist if the GeoRaster object is not blank. To use GeoRaster with Oracle Workspace Manager or Oracle Label Security (OLS), you can define an object view of SDO_RASTER type and use the object view as the raster storage.

  • There must be an entry for the GeoRaster object in the ALL_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view.

  • Each associated bitmap mask must have the correct number of rows in the RDT.

  • Any NODATA values and value ranges are in the valid cell value range as designated by the cell depth.

  • For an uncompressed GeoRaster object, the size of the BLOB object in each raster block is checked based on the blocking size and cell depth. However, for a compressed GeoRaster object, the size of the BLOB object in each raster block is not checked. Thus, when a compressed GeoRaster object is decompressed, the data might not be valid with respect to size. (A BLOB with zero length is valid; it is an empty raster block.)

  • For an uncompressed GeoRaster object, the raster block size of each bitmap mask is checked, based on the blocking size and 1BIT cell depth. (A BLOB with zero length is valid; it is an empty bitmap mask raster block.)

  • A generic functional fitting polynomial model is supported, as described in Functional Fitting Georeferencing Model. The limitations on offsets, scales, RMS values, pType, nVars, and number of coefficients of the polynomials are described in Functional Fitting Georeferencing Model and Table 2-4 in SDO_GEOR_SRS Object Type.

  • The SRID in the GeoRaster SRS metadata is not checked against the CS_SRS table and is not validated. To validate the SRID, call SDO_GEOR.getModelSRID and SDO_CS.VALIDATE_WKT (the latter described in Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide). The verticalSRID value is not used in the current release.

  • Ground control points (GCPs), as the StoredFunction georeferencing model, are supported. The gcpGeoreferenceModel in the metadata should follow the definition of the SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE type as described in SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE Object Type, and each GCP should follow the specification of the SDO_GEOR_GCP type as described in SDO_GEOR_GCP Object Type. The number of GCPs is not checked against the FFMethod attribute, so you can have the flexibility to add GCPs gradually.

  • The RigorousModel georeferencing model is not supported. If the functional polynomial coefficients are set, the modelType value must be set to FunctionalFitting and the isReferenced value is set as TRUE. If are GCPs are stored in the metadata, the modelType value must be set to StoredFunction. If both conditions are true, two modelType values are added to contain both StoredFunction and FunctionalFitting values.

  • Spatial resolutions can be inconsistent with the affine transformation scales if the GeoRaster object is georeferenced.

  • GeoRaster temporal referencing and band referencing are not supported, although in the temporal reference system (TRS) and band reference system (BRS) you can store the beginning and ending date and time, the spectral resolution, the spectral unit, and related descriptive information.

  • Only one layerInfo element is supported. A layer can be defined only along one dimension, and this dimension must be BAND. However, within the layerInfo element, the number of subLayer elements is limited only by the total number of layers. The layer number for the objectLayer elements is 0, and the layer numbers for subLayer elements are 1 to n where n is the total number of layers.

  • The scaling function, bin function, and statistical data or histogram can be stored in the GeoRaster metadata and must be valid against the XML schema, but the value ranges for these items are not restricted. GeoRaster interfaces that use this metadata are limited. Applications should validate this optional metadata before using it.

  • The numbers of colormap values and grayscale mapping values are not restricted, but there must be no duplicate colormap or grayscale values, and the values in each array must be consistent with the cellDepth value of the GeoRaster object and must be in ascending order. The value range of the red, green, blue, alpha, and gray components must be integers from 0 to 255.

  • Complex cellDepth values are not supported.

  • This function does not check any external tables (such as a bin table, histogram table, grayscale table, or colormap table) whose names are registered in the XML metadata.

  • This function does not validate the spatial extent geometry, or whether or not the spatial relationship between the geometry and the raster data is correct. To validate the spatial extent geometry, use the SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT or SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_LAYER_WITH_CONTEXT procedure, which are documented in Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

  • This function does not validate the geometry specified in the blockMBR attribute in raster data tables, or whether or not the geometry precisely encloses the raster blocks. (The blockMBR attribute is described in blockMBR Attribute.) To validate the blockMBR geometries, use the SDO_GEOR.validateBlockMBR function.

If there is no entry for the GeoRaster object in the ALL_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view (described in GeoRaster System Data Views (xxx_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA)), this procedure returns an error stating that the GeoRaster object is not registered. To prevent this error, be sure that the GeoRaster object is inserted into a GeoRaster table and that this table has the required GeoRaster DML trigger created on it. To enable cross-schema access, you must also ensure that users calling this procedure have an appropriate privilege on both the GeoRaster table and the associated raster data table.


The following example validates the GeoRaster objects in a table.

SELECT t.georid,
       sdo_geor.validategeoraster(t.georaster) isvalid
  from georaster_table t order by georid;

    GEORID ISVALID                                                              
---------- ----------                                                           
         3 TRUE                                                                 
         4 TRUE

7.159 SDO_GEOR.warp


     inGeoRaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel     IN NUMBER, 
     outSRS           IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea         IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     dimensionSize    IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     layerNumbers     IN VARCHAR2, 
     elevationParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam     IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoRaster     IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     parallelParam    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster      IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel     IN NUMBER, 
     outSRS           IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea         IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     dimensionSize    IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     layerNumbers     IN VARCHAR2, 
     elevationParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     resampleParam    IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam     IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob       IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, 
     outArea          OUT SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     outWindow        OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     parallelParam    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Perform geometric transformation on the input GeoRaster object to produce an output GeoRaster object with the specified output spatial reference system.



GeoRaster object on which to perform the operation. It must be georeferenced (see Georeferencing GeoRaster Objects and Advanced Georeferencing).


Pyramid level of the source GeoRaster object for the operation.

  • For BLOB output, this parameter is required.

  • For SDO_GEORASTER output, if this parameter is null, all pyramid levels from the input GeoRaster object are processed.

  • If the number 0 or greater is specified, only that pyramid level is used for the rectification, producing a result in scale based on that pyramid level image.


Coordinate system (spatial reference system) for the output GeoRaster object. Must be either null or a value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table. If it is null, the output GeoRaster object will have the same SRID as the input GeoRaster object.


Defines the shape of the area to be covered by the output image. Areas outside this polygon will be filled with the background value. If this parameter is not specified, no cropping is performed.


Dimension size array of the GeoRaster object. Defines the extent of the image in cell space.


String specifying one or more numbers of layers from inGeoRaster to be transferred to outGeoRaster. Use commas to delimit numbers or ranges, and use a hyphen to indicate a range. Example: ’1,3-5,7’ for layers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7. If this parameter is null (the default), all the layers will be processed.


A string containing one or more of the elevation parameters average (average surface height), scale (scale value applied to all DEM values), and offset (offset applied to all DEM values), where the new value is (value + offset) * scale. This parameter must be a quoted string that contains one or more keyword=value pairs (for example, 'average=800 scale=3.2808399 offset=10'). If this parameter is null, 0 is assumed for average and offset, and 1 is used for scale. Any scale and offset values are ignored if DEM is not specified.

The use of the elevationParam parameter requires that the input GeoRaster object have a 3D model SRID.

When the input GeoRaster object has a 3D model SRID, the average elevation is important for defining the extents of the output image. If that information is available, it should be specified even if DEM is also specified. If the average elevation is not specified, the procedure will calculate an approximate value for the average elevation.


For any numbers in string (VARCHAR2) parameters to GeoRaster subprograms, the period (.) must be used for any decimal points regardless of the locale.


A comma-separated quoted string of keyword=value pairs for specifying resampling parameters. See the Usage Notes for more information.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


GeoRaster object to hold the result of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster


BLOB to hold the output reflecting the rectification. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.


Background values for filling partially empty raster blocks. It is only useful when the source GeoRaster object has empty raster blocks and the current operation leads to partially empty raster blocks (see Empty Raster Blocks). The number of elements in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object must be either one (same filling value used for all bands) or the band dimension size (a different filling value for each band, respectively). For example, SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY(1,5,10) fills the first band with 1, the second band with 5, and the third band with 10. The default bgValues are zero (0).

The filling values must be valid cell values as specified by the target cell depth background values for filling sparse data.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit operation. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.

Usage Notes

This procedure has two formats:

  • One format generates a GeoRaster object for persistent storage in the database.

  • The other format generates a BLOB for temporary storage or immediate use, such as to display data on the screen.

This procedure uses a non-parametric rectification method that takes the georeferencing polynomials from the input GeoRaster object to transform the original image space into the georeferencing polynomials given by the outSRS parameter. Therefore, the input GeoRaster object must be georeferenced (see the SDO_GEOR.georeference subprogram).

For more information, see Image Warping.


In the following example, the output (generated) GeoRaster object will have the same spatial reference system (coordinate system) as outSRS. The input GeoRaster object is a fully georeferenced image.

  srs sdo_geor_srs;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  gr3 sdo_georaster;
  gr4 sdo_georaster;
  select georaster into gr2 from georaster_table where georid = 2;
  srs := sdo_geor.getSRS(gr2);
  select georaster into gr3 from georaster_table where georid = 3;

  insert into georaster_table values(4, 'Warped',
         sdo_geor.init('warp_rdt',4)) returning raster into gr4;

  sdo_geor.warp( inGeoRaster      => gr3,
                 pyramidLevel     => null,
                 outSRS           => srs,
                 cropArea         => null,
                 dimensionSize    => sdo_number_array(518,518),
                 layerNumbers     => ‘4,5,3’,
                 elevationParam   => `average=300`,
                 resampleParam    => ‘resampling=AVERAGE4’,
                 storageParam     => ‘pyramid=true’,
                 outGeoRaster     => gr4,
                 bgValues         => sdo_number_array(0,0,0),
                 parallelParam    => ‘parellel=4’ );

  update georaster_table set georaster = gr4 where georid = 4;