Package oracle.sql


  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleNumber

    public class NUMBER
    extends Datum
    implements oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleNumber
    NUMBER Class

    The NUMBER class provides converisons between the Oracle Number (lnxnum_t) data type and Java types byte[], byte, short, integer, long, float, double, String, BigInteger. and BigDecimal.

    The internal data for this object is stored as a byte array in the super class' storage area.

    Static methods are used for conversions.

    The LNX length included format is not supported. The byte array passed to or returned by any method is assumed to have the proper length accessible by the byte[].length instance variable.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to zero.
      NUMBER​(boolean boolNum)
      Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified boolean value.
      NUMBER​(byte byteNum)
      Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified byte value.
      NUMBER​(byte[] num)
      Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the value specified by the byte array.
      NUMBER​(double doubleNum)
      Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified double value.
      NUMBER​(float floatNum)
      Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified float value.
      NUMBER​(int intNum)
      Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified integer value.
      NUMBER​(long longNum)
      Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified long value.
      NUMBER​(short shortNum)
      Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified short value.
      NUMBER​(Object obj)
      Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the value specified by the object
      NUMBER​(String StringNum, int scale)
      Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified String value.
      NUMBER​(BigDecimal BigDecNum)
      Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified BigDecimal value.
      NUMBER​(BigInteger BigIntNum)
      Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified BigInteger value.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      NUMBER abs()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the absolute value of NUMBER.
      NUMBER acos()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc cosine value of NUMBER.
      NUMBER add​(NUMBER n)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of the addition of the NUMBER value and n.
      NUMBER asin()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc sine value of NUMBER.
      NUMBER atan()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc tangent value of NUMBER.
      NUMBER atan2​(NUMBER x)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of atan2(NUMBER/x).
      BigDecimal bigDecimalValue()
      Calls toBigDecimalto convert internal Oracle Number into a Java BigDecimal.
      BigInteger bigIntegerValue()
      Calls toBigInteger to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java BigInteger.
      boolean booleanValue()
      Calls toBoolean to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java boolean.
      byte byteValue()
      Calls toByte to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java byte.
      NUMBER ceil()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the ceiling of NUMBER value.
      int compareTo​(NUMBER n)
      Returns -1 if NUMBER is less than n, 0 if NUMBER and n are equal (==), 1 if NUMBER is greater than n.
      NUMBER cos()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the cosine value of NUMBER.
      NUMBER cosh()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic cosine value of NUMBER.
      NUMBER decrement()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value decremented by 1.
      NUMBER div​(NUMBER n)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the division of NUMBER value by n.
      double doubleValue()
      Calls toDouble to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java double.
      static NUMBER e()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of e.
      NUMBER exp()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of e raised to NUMBER value.
      NUMBER floatingPointRound​(int precision)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to Number rounded to precision significant decimal digits.
      float floatValue()
      Calls toFloat to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java float.
      NUMBER floor()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the floor of NUMBER value.
      static NUMBER formattedTextToNumber​(String num, String fmt, String lang)
      Returns a NUMBER converted from Num controlled by the format fmt.
      NUMBER increment()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value incremented by 1.
      int intValue()
      Calls toInt to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java int.
      boolean isConvertibleTo​(Class<?> cls)
      Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
      boolean isInf()
      Returns true if NUMBER value is positive or negative infinity and a false otherwise.
      boolean isInt()
      Returns true if NUMBER value is finite and integral.
      boolean isNegInf()
      Returns returns true if NUMBER is negative infinity and false otherwise.
      boolean isPosInf()
      Returns true if NUMBER is positive infinity and false otherwise.
      static boolean isValid​(byte[] num)
      Checks if a given Oracle Number is valid
      boolean isZero()
      Returns true if NUMBER is zero.
      NUMBER ln()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the natural logarithm of the NUMBER value.
      static NUMBER ln10()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of ln(10).
      NUMBER log​(NUMBER base)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the logarithm to the base base of the NUMBER value.
      long longValue()
      Calls toLong to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java long.
      Object makeJdbcArray​(int arraySize)
      Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
      NUMBER mod​(NUMBER n)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the remainder of the division of NUMBER/n.
      NUMBER mul​(NUMBER n)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to product of NUMBER and n.
      NUMBER negate()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the negated NUMBER value.
      static NUMBER negInf()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to negative infinity.
      static NUMBER pi()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of pi.
      static NUMBER posInf()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to positive infinity.
      NUMBER pow​(int exp)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to NUMBER value raised to the exp power.
      NUMBER pow​(NUMBER exp)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of NUMBER value raised to the exp power.
      NUMBER round​(int decimal_place)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value rounded to specified decimal place decimal_place.
      NUMBER scale​(int left, int right, boolean[] big)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value determined by the rounding performed based on the right parameter below.
      NUMBER shift​(int digits)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized the NUMBER value shifted digits decimal places.
      short shortValue()
      Calls toShort to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java short.
      int sign()
      Returns -1 if the sign of NUMBER is negative, 0 if NUMBER is 0, and > 0 if NUMBER is positive.
      NUMBER sin()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the sine of the NUMBER.
      NUMBER sinh()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic sine of NUMBER.
      NUMBER sqroot()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the square root of NUMBER.
      String stringValue()
      Calls toString to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java String.
      NUMBER sub​(NUMBER n)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the difference of NUMBER and n.
      NUMBER tan()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the tangent of NUMBER.
      NUMBER tanh()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic tangent of Number.
      static NUMBER textToPrecisionNumber​(String num, boolean precflag, int preclen, boolean scaleflag, int scalelen, String lang)
      Returns a NUMBER object initialized to the value in num as described below.
      static BigDecimal toBigDecimal​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java BigDecimal.
      static BigInteger toBigInteger​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java BigInteger.
      static boolean toBoolean​(byte[] num)
      Convert an Oracle Number to a Java boolean.
      static byte toByte​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java byte.
      byte[] toBytes()
      Returns the internal Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(boolean boolNum)
      Converts a Java boolean to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(byte byteNum)
      Converts a Java byte to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(double doubleNum)
      Converts a Java double to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(float floatNum)
      Converts a Java float to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(int intNum)
      Converts a Java int to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(long longNum)
      Converts a Java long to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(short shortNum)
      Converts a Java short to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(String StringNum, int scale)
      Converts a Java String to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(BigDecimal BigDecNum)
      Converts a Java BigDecimal to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static byte[] toBytes​(BigInteger BigIntNum)
      Converts a Java BigInteger to an Oracle Number byte array.
      static double toDouble​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java double.
      static float toFloat​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java float.
      String toFormattedText​(String fmt, String lang)
      Returns a new String based on the format specified in fmt and NUMBER.
      static int toInt​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java int.
      Object toJdbc()
      Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
      static long toLong​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java long.
      static short toShort​(byte[] num)
      Converts an Oracle Number into a Java xemacs short.
      static String toString​(byte[] num)
      Convert an Oracle Number to a Java String.
      String toText​(int outStringLength, String lang)
      Returns a String with the unformatted representation of NUMBER.
      NUMBER truncate​(int decimal_place)
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value truncated to specified decimal place decimal_place.
      static NUMBER zero()
      Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to zero.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER()
        Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to zero.
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(byte[] num)
        Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the value specified by the byte array. Assumes length separate format where a.length is the length of the Oracle Number in bytes.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(byte byteNum)
        Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified byte value.
        byteNum - The Java byte value
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(int intNum)
        Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified integer value.
        intNum - The Java integer value
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(long longNum)
        Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified long value.
        longNum - The Java long value
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(short shortNum)
        Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified short value.
        shortNum - The Java short value
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(float floatNum)
        Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified float value.
        floatNum - The Java float value
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(double doubleNum)
               throws SQLException
        Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified double value.
        doubleNum - The Java double value
        SQLException - on over/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent and on overflow of the mantissa.
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(BigDecimal BigDecNum)
               throws SQLException
        Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified BigDecimal value. Throws a SQLException on over/underflow of the exponent and/or mantissa.

        Since there doesn't seem to be a way to represent +-inf using a BigDecimal this condition isn't considered.


        • This method may not preserve the scaling of the BigDecimal, since scaling information is not part of an Oracle number.
        • A BigDecimal distinguishes between 0 and -0. This method will not preserve the signedness of zero.
        • At present, this method does not round. If the BigDecimal has more digits than will fit into the mantissa of an Oracle number, an exception is thrown.
        BigDecNum - The BigDecimal used to initialize NUMBER.
        SQLException - on over/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent and on overflow of the mantissa.
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(BigInteger BigIntNum)
               throws SQLException
        Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified BigInteger value. Throws a SQLException on overflow of the exponent and/or mantissa.
        BigIntNum - The Java BigInteger from which to construct the Oracle number.
        SQLException - on overflow of the Oracle Number exponent and on overflow of the mantissa.
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(String StringNum,
                      int scale)
               throws SQLException
        Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified String value. Throws a SQLException on overflow of the exponent and/or mantissa.
        StringNum - The Java String from which to construct the Oracle number.
        scale - scale to use
        SQLException - on over/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent and on overflow of the mantissa.
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(boolean boolNum)
        Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified boolean value.
        boolNum - The Java boolean value
      • NUMBER

        public NUMBER​(Object obj)
               throws SQLException
        Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the value specified by the object
        obj - Object value
        SQLException - if initialization is not allowed
    • Method Detail

      • toDouble

        public static double toDouble​(byte[] num)
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java double. The resultant double will be rounded on loss of precision. Note that the exponent range of an IEEE double is greater than that of an Oracle number so an exponent over/underflow cannot occur.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java double value
      • toFloat

        public static float toFloat​(byte[] num)
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java float.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java float value
      • toLong

        public static long toLong​(byte[] num)
                           throws SQLException
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java long.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java long value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • toInt

        public static int toInt​(byte[] num)
                         throws SQLException
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java int.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java int value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • toShort

        public static short toShort​(byte[] num)
                             throws SQLException
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java xemacs short.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java short value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • toByte

        public static byte toByte​(byte[] num)
                           throws SQLException
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java byte.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java byte value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • toBigInteger

        public static BigInteger toBigInteger​(byte[] num)
                                       throws SQLException
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java BigInteger.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java BigInteger value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • toBigDecimal

        public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal​(byte[] num)
                                       throws SQLException
        Converts an Oracle Number into a Java BigDecimal.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java BigDecimal value
        SQLException - on over/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent and on overflow of the mantissa.
      • toString

        public static String toString​(byte[] num)
        Convert an Oracle Number to a Java String. Negative numbers are represented by a leading "-". No sign is added for positive numbers. The output will always be in fixed decimal format.
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        fixed point decimal string
      • toBoolean

        public static boolean toBoolean​(byte[] num)
        Convert an Oracle Number to a Java boolean. A zero value translates to false and non-zero values translate to true,
        num - Oracle Number in byte array format
        a Java boolean value
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(double doubleNum)
                              throws SQLException
        Converts a Java double to an Oracle Number byte array.
        doubleNum - Java double value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
        SQLException - on over/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent and on overflow of the mantissa.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(float floatNum)
        Converts a Java float to an Oracle Number byte array.
        floatNum - Java float value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(long longNum)
        Converts a Java long to an Oracle Number byte array.
        longNum - Java long value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(int intNum)
        Converts a Java int to an Oracle Number byte array.
        intNum - Java int value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(short shortNum)
        Converts a Java short to an Oracle Number byte array.
        shortNum - Java short value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(byte byteNum)
        Converts a Java byte to an Oracle Number byte array.
        byteNum - Java byte value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(BigInteger BigIntNum)
                              throws SQLException
        Converts a Java BigInteger to an Oracle Number byte array. Rounding will occur on loss of precision. Positive and Negative Infinity are not considered.
        BigIntNum - Java BigInteger value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
        SQLException - will be thrown if the Oracle Number exponent or mantissa overflows.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(BigDecimal BigDecNum)
                              throws SQLException
        Converts a Java BigDecimal to an Oracle Number byte array.
        BigDecNum - Java BigDecimal value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
        SQLException - on overflow/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent or mantissa.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(String StringNum,
                                     int scale)
                              throws SQLException
        Converts a Java String to an Oracle Number byte array. Converts a fixed point number string. Negative numbers will begin with a - sign and numbers less than zero will begin with "0.".


        • This method may not preserve scale since scaling information is not part of an Oracle number.
        • This method will not preserve the signedness of zero.
        StringNum - Java String value
        scale - scale to use
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
        SQLException - on over/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(boolean boolNum)
        Converts a Java boolean to an Oracle Number byte array. A true value translates to 1 and a false value translates to 0.
        boolNum - Java boolean value
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
      • toBytes

        public byte[] toBytes()
        Returns the internal Oracle Number byte array.
        Specified by:
        toBytes in interface oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleNumber
        a Java byte array in Oracle Number length separate format. The length instance variable holds Oracle Number length in bytes.
      • doubleValue

        public double doubleValue()
        Calls toDouble to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java double.
        doubleValue in class Datum
        a Java double value
      • floatValue

        public float floatValue()
        Calls toFloat to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java float.
        floatValue in class Datum
        a Java float value
      • longValue

        public long longValue()
                       throws SQLException
        Calls toLong to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java long.
        longValue in class Datum
        a Java long value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • intValue

        public int intValue()
                     throws SQLException
        Calls toInt to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java int.
        intValue in class Datum
        a Java int value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • shortValue

        public short shortValue()
                         throws SQLException
        Calls toShort to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java short.
        a Java short value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • byteValue

        public byte byteValue()
                       throws SQLException
        Calls toByte to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java byte.
        byteValue in class Datum
        a Java byte value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • bigIntegerValue

        public BigInteger bigIntegerValue()
                                   throws SQLException
        Calls toBigInteger to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java BigInteger.
        a Java BigInteger value
        SQLException - if the Oracle Number exponent is out of range.
      • bigDecimalValue

        public BigDecimal bigDecimalValue()
                                   throws SQLException
        Calls toBigDecimalto convert internal Oracle Number into a Java BigDecimal.
        bigDecimalValue in class Datum
        a Java BigDecimal value
        SQLException - on over/underflow of the Oracle Number exponent and on overflow of the mantissa.
      • stringValue

        public String stringValue()
        Calls toString to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java String.
        Specified by:
        stringValue in interface oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleNumber
        stringValue in class Datum
        a Java String value
      • booleanValue

        public boolean booleanValue()
        Calls toBoolean to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java boolean.
        booleanValue in class Datum
        a Java boolean value
      • toJdbc

        public Object toJdbc()
                      throws SQLException
        Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
        Specified by:
        toJdbc in class Datum
        an object containing the JDBC value
        SQLException - if conversion to JDBC representation results in an error
      • makeJdbcArray

        public Object makeJdbcArray​(int arraySize)
        Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
        Specified by:
        makeJdbcArray in class Datum
        arraySize - size of the array
        an object containing the JDBC array value
        SQLException - if conversion to JDBC array representation results in an error
      • isConvertibleTo

        public boolean isConvertibleTo​(Class<?> cls)
        Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
        Specified by:
        isConvertibleTo in class Datum
        cls - Class to convert to
        true, if conversion to cls is permitted false, if conversion to cls is not permitted
      • abs

        public NUMBER abs()
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the absolute value of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • acos

        public NUMBER acos()
                    throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc cosine value of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • add

        public NUMBER add​(NUMBER n)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of the addition of the NUMBER value and n.
        n - input Oracle Number
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • asin

        public NUMBER asin()
                    throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc sine value of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • atan

        public NUMBER atan()
                    throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc tangent value of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • atan2

        public NUMBER atan2​(NUMBER x)
                     throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of atan2(NUMBER/x).
        x - input Oracle Number
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • ceil

        public NUMBER ceil()
                    throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the ceiling of NUMBER value.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • cos

        public NUMBER cos()
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the cosine value of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • cosh

        public NUMBER cosh()
                    throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic cosine value of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • decrement

        public NUMBER decrement()
                         throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value decremented by 1. Assumption: the NUMBER value represents a positive integer
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • div

        public NUMBER div​(NUMBER n)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the division of NUMBER value by n.
        n - input Oracle Number
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • exp

        public NUMBER exp()
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of e raised to NUMBER value.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • floatingPointRound

        public NUMBER floatingPointRound​(int precision)
                                  throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to Number rounded to precision significant decimal digits.
        precision - input precision
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • floor

        public NUMBER floor()
                     throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the floor of NUMBER value.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • increment

        public NUMBER increment()
                         throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value incremented by 1. It is assumed the NUMBER value is in the range between 0 and 100^(LNXDIGS+1)-2. If the input is not in that range, it will be treated as if it were 0 and the result will be 1. It is assumed the input will be an integer. If it is not then the results are undefined.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • ln

        public NUMBER ln()
                  throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the natural logarithm of the NUMBER value.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • log

        public NUMBER log​(NUMBER base)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the logarithm to the base base of the NUMBER value.
        base - Base for calculating logarithm
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • mod

        public NUMBER mod​(NUMBER n)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the remainder of the division of NUMBER/n.
        n - input Oracle Number
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • mul

        public NUMBER mul​(NUMBER n)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to product of NUMBER and n.
        n - input Oracle Number
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • negate

        public NUMBER negate()
                      throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the negated NUMBER value.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • pow

        public NUMBER pow​(NUMBER exp)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of NUMBER value raised to the exp power.
        exp - input Oracle Number exponent
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • pow

        public NUMBER pow​(int exp)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to NUMBER value raised to the exp power. exp is an integer value.
        exp - input integral exponent
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • round

        public NUMBER round​(int decimal_place)
                     throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value rounded to specified decimal place decimal_place.
        decimal_place - decimal place to round to
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • scale

        public NUMBER scale​(int left,
                            int right,
                            boolean[] big)
                     throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value determined by the rounding performed based on the right parameter below.
        left - maximum number of decimal digits to the left of the decimal point. It will not effect the number but big will return true if this value is exceeded.
        right - maximum number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point. The number is rounded at this point. Negative values are allowed.
        big - set to true if the number of left-hand-side digits is exceeded and false otherwise. If big is null, it is left unset.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • shift

        public NUMBER shift​(int digits)
                     throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized the NUMBER value shifted digits decimal places.
        digits - number of decimal places to shift. Can be negative. Positive values shift the decimal place to the right and negative values to the left. For example, if NUMBER corresponds to 1234.5 and digits == -1, the new NUMBER object will correspond to 123.45.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • sin

        public NUMBER sin()
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the sine of the NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • sinh

        public NUMBER sinh()
                    throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic sine of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • sqroot

        public NUMBER sqroot()
                      throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the square root of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • sub

        public NUMBER sub​(NUMBER n)
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the difference of NUMBER and n.
        n - input Oracle Number
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • tan

        public NUMBER tan()
                   throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the tangent of NUMBER.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • tanh

        public NUMBER tanh()
                    throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic tangent of Number.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • truncate

        public NUMBER truncate​(int decimal_place)
                        throws SQLException
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value truncated to specified decimal place decimal_place.
        decimal_place - decimal place to truncate to
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • formattedTextToNumber

        public static NUMBER formattedTextToNumber​(String num,
                                                   String fmt,
                                                   String lang)
                                            throws SQLException
        Returns a NUMBER converted from Num controlled by the format fmt.
        num - input string representing a numeric value
        fmt - format string [see "Oracle 8 Server Concepts Manual" or "CORE User's Guide Appendix D"]
        lang - the NLS language the conversion is to be performed in, null indicates use default.
        a new NUMBER Object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • textToPrecisionNumber

        public static NUMBER textToPrecisionNumber​(String num,
                                                   boolean precflag,
                                                   int preclen,
                                                   boolean scaleflag,
                                                   int scalelen,
                                                   String lang)
                                            throws SQLException
        Returns a NUMBER object initialized to the value in num as described below.
        num - input string representing a numeric value
        precflag - if true, then a precision restriction should be applied
        preclen - the maximum number of the decimal digits the NUMBER may have, subject to the scale requirement. The number is NOT rounded if more than preclen decimal digits must be placed in the number to meet the scale requirement. ncp is set to 0 if the precision restriction is violated. preclen is ignored if precflag is false.
        scaleflag - if true then scale restriction should be applied
        scalelen - the maximum number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point in the NUMBER Negative values are allowed. Any excess digits are rounded off, this is not reported. If enough digits are available in the input, the maximum digits will be written to the right of the decimal place even if the percussion restriction is violated. scalelen is ignored if scaleflag is false. if precision is specified but scale is not, the scale is assumed to be 0.
        lang - the NLS language the conversion is to be performed in, null indicates use default.
        a new NUMBER object
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • toFormattedText

        public String toFormattedText​(String fmt,
                                      String lang)
                               throws SQLException
        Returns a new String based on the format specified in fmt and NUMBER.

        For pure Java implementation only Notes:

        • This method does not support NLS strings yet. Only ASCII.
        • Unimplemented exception is thrown for Hexadecimal & Roman Numbers
        fmt - format string [see "Oracle 8 Server Concepts Manual" or "CORE User's Guide Appendix D"]
        lang - the NLS language the conversion is to be performed in, null indicates use default.
        a new String
      • toText

        public String toText​(int outStringLength,
                             String lang)
                      throws SQLException
        Returns a String with the unformatted representation of NUMBER.
        outStringLength - |outStringLength| is the length of the result string. If outStringLength < 0, the result string is in scientific notation.
        lang - the NLS language the conversion is to be performed in, null indicates use default.
        a new String
        SQLException - if Java implementation is not available
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(NUMBER n)
        Returns -1 if NUMBER is less than n, 0 if NUMBER and n are equal (==), 1 if NUMBER is greater than n.
        n - input Oracle Number
        integer result of comparison
      • isInf

        public boolean isInf()
        Returns true if NUMBER value is positive or negative infinity and a false otherwise.
      • isNegInf

        public boolean isNegInf()
        Returns returns true if NUMBER is negative infinity and false otherwise.
      • isPosInf

        public boolean isPosInf()
        Returns true if NUMBER is positive infinity and false otherwise.
      • isInt

        public boolean isInt()
        Returns true if NUMBER value is finite and integral.
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(byte[] num)
        Checks if a given Oracle Number is valid
        num - input Oracle Number
      • isZero

        public boolean isZero()
        Returns true if NUMBER is zero.
      • e

        public static NUMBER e()
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of e.
        a new NUMBER object
      • ln10

        public static NUMBER ln10()
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of ln(10).
        a new NUMBER object
      • negInf

        public static NUMBER negInf()
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to negative infinity.
        a new NUMBER object
      • pi

        public static NUMBER pi()
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of pi.
        a new NUMBER object
      • posInf

        public static NUMBER posInf()
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to positive infinity.
        a new NUMBER object
      • zero

        public static NUMBER zero()
        Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to zero.
        a new NUMBER object
      • sign

        public int sign()
        Returns -1 if the sign of NUMBER is negative, 0 if NUMBER is 0, and > 0 if NUMBER is positive.
        int representing the sign