OCI SODA Functions

The following table lists the OCI SODA functions that are described in this chapter.

Table 37-1 OCI SODA Functions

Function Purpose

Inserts a document array into a collection.


Inserts a document array into a collection and gets the result document array back.


Inserts an array of SODA documents with options.


Inserts a document array into a collection and gets the result document array back. The input documents are represented as an array of content strings and an array of keys.


Inserts an array of documents into a collection. The documents are represented as an array of content strings and an array of keys.


Creates a new document collection with default metadata settings.


Creates a new document collection with metadata.


Drops a collection from the database.


Gets the next collection from the collection cursor.


Lists the collections in the schema associated with the supplied service context handle parameter.


Opens the collection.


Gets JSON data guide information.


Gets dynamic JSON data guide with operation options.


Fetches the database timestamp value as a string.


Fetches the database SCN value.


Counts the number of documents from a collection.


Counts the number of documents in a collection based on the query-by-example filter document.


Creates a document.


Creates a document with document key and content.


Creates a document with document key, content, and media type.


Gets the next document in the collection.


Find documents in a collection.


Finds a single document in a collection.


Finds a single document in a collection given a key.


Creates an index with an index specification.

OCISodaIndexGet() Gets an index specification using its name.
OCISodaIndexList() List indexes on a collection.

Drops an index.


Inserts a document into a collection.


Inserts a document into a collection and returns a result document.

OCISodaInsertAndGetWithOpts() Inserts a SODA document with options.

Inserts a document into a collection and returns a result document. The input document is represented as a content string and a key


Inserts a document into a collection. The document is represented as a content string and a key


Removes matching documents from a collection.


Removes a document from a collection given a key.


Replaces a document in a collection.


Replaces a document in a collection. Replaces a document in a collection and returns a result document.


Replaces a document in a collection and returns the result document. The input document is represented only by the content string.


Replace a document in a collection given a key and returns the result document.


Replaces a document in a collection. The document is represented only by the content string


Replaces a document in a collection given a key.

OCISodaSave() Saves a document into a collection.
OCISodaSaveAndGet() Saves a document into a collection and returns a result document.
OCISodaSaveAndGetWithOpts() Saves a SODA document with options.
OCISodaSaveWithCtnt() Saves a document into a collection. The input document is represented as a content string and a key.
OCISodaSaveAndGetWithCtnt() Saves a document into a collection and returns a result document. The input document is represented as a content string and a key
OCISodaCollTruncate() Truncates a SODA document collection.
OCISodaOperKeysSet() Sets the array of keys on Operation Options Handle.


Inserts an array of documents into a collection.


To insert an array of documents into a collection.


OCISodaBulkInsert method must be used only with Oracle Call Interface (OCI) 18.5 release or above.


sword OCISodaBulkInsert(OCISvcCtx            *svchp,
                        OCISodaColl          *collection,
                        OCISodaDoc          **documentarray,
                        ub4                   arraylen,
                        OCISodaOutputOptions *opoptns,
                        OCIError             *errhp,
                        ub4                   mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

documentarray (IN)

Array of handles of documents to be inserted into the collection.

arrarylen (IN)

The length of the document handle array supplied in the documentarray parameter.

opoptns (OUT)
Output options handle. Valid attributes are:
  • OCI_ATTR_SODA_DOC_COUNT. — The number of documents inserted.

Note: If an error occurs, OCI_ATTR_SODA_DOC_COUNT contains the number of documents inserted before the error occurred.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document array insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document array insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Inserts an array of documents into a collection, and returns an array of result documents each containing all document components except for the content.


To insert an array of documents into a collection, and return an array of result documents, each containing all document components except for the content. The components generated by SODA during the insert, such as key (if the collection has auto-assigned keys), last-modified timestamp, created-on timestamp, and version, are returned with each result document.


OCISodaBulkInsertAndGet method must be used only with Oracle Call Interface (OCI) 18.5 release or above.


sword OCISodaBulkInsertAndGet(OCISvcCtx            *svchp,
                              OCISodaColl          *collection,
                              OCISodaDoc          **documentarray,
                              ub4                   arraylen,
                              OCISodaOutputOptions *opoptns,
                              OCIError             *errhp,
                              ub4                   mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

documentarray (IN/OUT)

Array of handles of documents to be inserted into the collection.

Note: Since the result documents are returned using the same parameter, you need to save a reference to each input document handle so that you can free it later along with each result document handle, using OCIHandleFree() method. If you do not save a reference to each input document handle, it is overwritten with a reference to the result document, and the input document handle will never be properly freed (leads to memory leak).

arrarylen (IN)

The length of the document handle array supplied in documentarray parameter.

opoptns (OUT)
Output options handle. Valid attributes are:

    The number of documents inserted. If an error occurs, OCI_ATTR_SODA_DOC_COUNT contains the number of documents inserted before the occurrence of the error.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document array insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document array insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Inserts several SODA documents with options.


To insert several SODA documents with options.


sword OCISodaBulkInsertAndGetWithOpts(OCISvcCtx                 *svchp,
                                      OCISodaColl               *collection,
                                      OCISodaDoc               **documentarray,
                                      ub4                        arraylen,
                                      OCISodaOperationOptions   *oproptns,
                                      OCISodaOutputOptions      *opoptns,
                                      OCIError                  *errhp,
                                      ub4                        mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

collection (IN)

The collection handle in which you want to insert.

documentarray (IN/OUT)

The document array to be inserted.

arrarylen (IN)

The length of the document array to be inserted.

oproptns (IN) Operation options handle.
opoptns (OUT)

Output options handle.

errhp (IN)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the documents were inserted.


Inserts an array of documents into a collection using only their contents, and returns an array of result documents containing all the document components except for the content.


To insert an array of documents into a collection using only their contents and returns an array of result documents, each document containing all document components except for the content.


OCISodaBulkInsertAndGetWithCont method must be used only with Oracle Call Interface (OCI) 18.5 release or above.


This is a convenience method for inserting JSON documents only without constructing document handles for them. The more general method is OCISodaBulkInsertAndGet.


sword OCISodaBulkInsertAndGetWithCont(OCISvcCtx             *svchp,
                                      OCISodaColl           *collection,
                                      void                 **contentStrings,
                                      ub4                   *contentStringLengths,
                                      OraText              **keys,
                                      ub4                   *keyLengths,
                                      ub4                    arrayLength,
                                      ub4                    docFlags,
                                      OCISodaDoc           **documents,
                                      OCISodaOutputOptions  *opoptns,
                                      OCIError              *errhp
                                      ub4                    mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

contentStrings (IN)

An array of strings that contains the JSON content for the documents.

Note: This method works only for JSON documents.

contentStringLengths (IN)

An array of content string lengths.

keys (IN)

An array of keys for the inserted documents. Provide the keys, if the collection has client-assigned keys. Otherwise, set to null.

keyLengths (IN)

An array of key lengths. Needs to be set only if the collection has client-assigned keys. Otherwise, must be set to null.

arrayLength (IN)

The length of the contentStrings and keys arrays.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to indicate the encoding of the supplied document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

documents (OUT)

Returns an array of result documents containing all document components except for the content. Each result document contains the components such as key (if the collection has auto-assigned keys), last-modified timestamp, created-on timestamp, and version generated by SODA insert command.

opoptns (OUT)
Specifies the output options handle. Valid attributes are:
  • OCI_ATTR_SODA_DOC_COUNT. — The number of documents inserted.

Note: If an error occurs, OCI_ATTR_SODA_DOC_COUNT contains the number of documents inserted before the error occurred.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Inserts an array of documents into a collection using only their contents.


To insert an array of documents into a collection using only their contents.


OCISodaBulkInsertWithCtnt method must be used only with Oracle Call Interface (OCI) 18.5 release or above.


This is a convenience method for inserting JSON documents only without constructing document handles for them. The more general method is OCISodaBulkInsert.


sword OCISodaBulkInsertWithCtnt(OCISvcCtx            *svchp,
                                OCISodaColl          *collection,
                                void                **contentStrings,
                                ub4                  *contentStringLengths,
                                OraText             **keys,
                                ub4                  *keyLengths,
                                ub4                   arrayLength,
                                ub4                   docFlags,
                                OCISodaOutputOptions *opoptns,
                                OCIError             *errhp, 
                                ub4                   mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

contentStrings (IN)

An array of strings that contain the JSON content for the documents. This method works only for JSON documents.

contentStringLengths (IN)

An array of content string lengths.

keys (IN)

An array of keys for the inserted documents. Provide the keys, if the collection has client-assigned keys. Otherwise, set to null.

keyLengths (IN)

An array of key lengths. Needs to be set only if the collection has client-assigned keys. Otherwise, must be set to null.

arrayLength (IN)

The length of the contentStrings and keys arrays.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to create the documents. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

opoptns (OUT)
Specifies the output options handle. Valid attributes are:
  • OCI_ATTR_SODA_DOC_COUNT. — The number of documents inserted.

Note: If an error occurs, OCI_ATTR_SODA_DOC_COUNT contains the number of documents inserted before the error occurred.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Creates a new document collection with default metadata settings.


Create a new document collection with default metadata settings.


sword OCISodaCollCreate(OCISvcCtx       *svchp,
                        const OraText   *collname,
                        ub4              collnamelen,
                        OCISodaColl    **collection,
                        OCIError        *errhp,
                        ub4              mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collname (IN)

The name of the collection.

collnamelen (IN)

The length of the collection name.

collection (OUT)

Allocates the collection handle representing the document collection that was created. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.

  • OCI_SODA_COLL_CREATE_MAP - Creates a new collection mapping to an existing table. Minimal checking is performed to ensure that the table has correct shape matching the default collection metadata. This function returns an error, if this check fails.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the collection is successfully created.

OCI_ERROR, if the collection is not created. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes

  • If the collection with the specified name already exists, then this function acts as OCISodaCollOpen() and opens the existing collection.

  • This function, unlike a SQL DDL operation, does not perform a commit operation before or after it runs. (Unless you specify OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT mode, only then is the current transaction committed after the operation runs).


Example 37-1 Creating a Collection

for examples, see Creating a Document Collection for SODA with C.


Creates a new document collection with metadata.


Create a new document collection with metadata.


sword OCISodaCollCreateWithMetadata(OCISvcCtx      *svchp,
                                    const OraText  *collname,
                                    ub4             collnamelen,
                                    OraText        *metadata,
                                    ub4             metadatalen,
                                    OCISodaColl   **collection,
                                    OCIError       *errhp,
                                    ub4             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collname (IN)

The name of the collection.

collnamelen (IN)

The length of the collection name.

metadata (IN)

The JSON string that contains the collection metadata information. If metadata is NULL, it uses the default metadata settings to create the collection.

metadatalen (IN)

The length of the metadata JSON string.

collection (OUT)

Allocates the collection handle representing the document collection that was created. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT - Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.

  • OCI_SODA_COLL_CREATE_MAP - Creates a new collection mapping to an existing table. Minimal checking is performed to ensure that the table has correct shape, matching the specified collection metadata or default metadata, if metadata parameter is NULL. This function returns an error, if this check fails.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the collection is successfully created.

OCI_ERROR, if the collection is not created. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes

  • If the collection with the specified name already exists and that collection has metadata equivalent to the supplied metadata, then this function acts as OCISodaCollOpen() and opens the existing collection. If the collection contains metadata that does not match with the specified collection name, then an error is returned.

  • This function, unlike a SQL DDL operation, does not perform a commit operation before or after it runs. (Unless you specify OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT mode, only then is the current transaction committed after the operation runs).


Drops a collection from the database.


Drop a collection from the database.


sword OCISodaCollDrop(OCISvcCtx   *svchp,
                      OCISodaColl *coll,
                      boolean     *isDropped,
                      OCIError    *errhp,
                      ub4          mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

coll (IN)

The collection to be dropped. If coll no longer references an existing collection, then no error is returned, but isDropped is FALSE indicating the drop operation was not successful after the invocation of OCISodaCollDrop().

isDropped (OUT)

Returns the status of the drop operation: TRUE if the drop operation is successful, FALSE if the drop operation is not successful.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.

  • OCI_SODA_COLL_DROP_PURGE — When this mode is set, the data table is purged.
  • OCI_SODA_COLL_DROP_MAPPED_TABLE— When this mode is set, the data table is dropped while dropping a mapped collection.


OCI_SUCCESS, if dropping the collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if dropping the collection failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes

  • This function only drops the collection; it does not free the collection handle. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection handle to avoid memory leaks.

  • This function, unlike a SQL DDL operation, does not perform a commit operation before or after it runs. (Unless you specify OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT mode, only then is the current transaction committed after the operation runs).


Gets the next collection from the collection cursor.


Get the next collection from the collection cursor.


sword OCISodaCollGetNext(OCISvcCtx                *svchp,
                         const OCISodaCollCursor  *cur,
                         OCISodaColl             **coll,
                         OCIError                 *errhp,
                         ub4                       mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

cur (IN)

The collection cursor handle remains valid when allocated by OCISodaCollList(). Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection cursor handle when it is no longer required.

coll (OUT)

Allocates the collection handle and returns it to the next collection to be found. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the next collection is returned from the specified cursor.

OCI_ERROR, if there was an error fetching the next collection. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes




Lists the collections in the schema associated with the supplied service context handle parameter.


List the collections in the schema.


sword OCISodaCollList(OCISvcCtx          *svchp,
                      const OraText      *startname,
                      ub4                 stnamelen,
                      OCISodaCollCursor **cur,
                      OCIError           *errhp,
                      ub4                 mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

startname (IN)

The collection start name. Can be set to NULL and stnamelen set to the value 0 to return all existing collections.

stnamelen (IN)

The length of the collection start name.

cur (OUT)

Allocates the collection cursor handle and returns it. The collection cursor represents the collection list. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection cursor handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaCollList() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if getting a cursor over all collections in the schema is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if getting a cursor over all collections in the schema is not successful. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Opens the collection.


Open the collection.


sword OCISodaCollOpen(OCISvcCtx      *svchp,
                      const OraText  *collname,
                      ub4             collnamelen,
                      OCISodaColl   **coll,
                      OCIError       *errhp,
                      ub4             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collname (IN)

The name assigned to the collection.

collnamelen (IN)

The length of the collection name.

coll (OUT)

Allocates the collection handle and returns it with the specified collection name. The function returns OCI_SUCCESS if there are no errors while trying to open the collection. If the collection with the supplied name is not present, that is not considered an error and returns OCI_SUCCESS, but the collection-handle pointer returns as NULL. So a way to check if the collection exists and was successfully opened, is to check that the coll (OUT) pointer is not NULL after this function returns with OCI_SUCCESS. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaCollOpen() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if there were no errors while trying to open the collection.

OCI_ERROR, if errors were encountered while trying to open the collection. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Gets JSON data guide information.


To get the JSON data guide information.


sword OCISodaDataGuideGet(OCISvcCtx           *svchp,
                           const OCISodaColl  *collection,
                           ub4                 docFlags,
                           OCISodaDoc        **doc,
                           OCIError           *errhp,
                           ub4                 mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.


The collection handle.

docFlags (IN)
The following flags control the encoding of the returned document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Document content is returned in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle).
  • OCI_SODA_AS_AL32UTF8 — Document content is returned in the character set AL32UTF8.

doc (OUT)

The document handle with content representing the JSON data guide.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaDataGuideGet() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if getting the data guide information of a specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if getting data guide information results in an error. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes


OCISodaDataGuideGetWithOpts ()

For only the documents selected from your query, a data guide is created dynamically from scratch. Dataguide enabled JSON search index is not required.


To get data guide.


sword OCISodaDataGuideGetWithOpts(OCISvcCtx                *svchp,
                                  const OCISodaColl        *collection,
                                  OCISodaOperationOptions  *optns,
                                  ub4                       format,
                                  ub4                       flags,
                                  ub4                       docFlags,
                                  OCISodaDoc              **doc,
                                  OCIError                 *errhp,
                                  ub4                       mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.


The collection handle in which you want to intert.

optns (IN) Operation options handle.
format (IN) OCI SODA DataGuide formats:
  • OCI_SODA_DG_FMT_HIERARCHICAL : Hierarchical data guide is represented in JSON as an object with nested JSON data in the same format as defined by the JSON Schema (version 4, json-schema-core).
  • OCI_SODA_DG_FMT_FLAT: A flat data guide is represented in JSON as an array of objects, each of which represents the JSON data of a specific path in the document set.
flags (IN) OCI SODA DataGuide flags:
  • OCI_SODA_DATAGUIDE_PRETTY : Use this flag bit to improve readability of the returned data guide with appropriate indentation.
  • OCI_SODA_DATAGUIDE_GEOJSON : Use this flag bit for the data guide to auto detect the GeoJSON type.
  • OCI_SODA_DATAGUIDE_GATHER_STATS: Use this flag bit for the data guide to collect statistical information.
docflags (IN) Document flags.
doc (OUT) Document.
errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if data guide is retrieved.

OCISodaAsOfTimestampGet ()

Fetches the database timestamp value as a string.


To fetch the database timestamp value as a string.


sword OCISodaAsOfTimestampGet(OCISvcCtx      *svchp,
                              void           *tstamp,
                              ub4            *tstampLen,
                              OCIError       *errhp,
                              ub4             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

tstamp (IN/OUT)

The Database timestamp value.

tstampLen (OUT)

Length of timestamp string.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)

Specifies the mode of execution.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the operation is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if getting data guide information results in an error. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes

The input timestamp buffer (tstamp) is expected to be atleast OCI_SODA_TIMESTAMP_MAXSIZE in size. If OCI_UTF16ID is specified for SQL CHAR data in the OCIEnvNlsCreate() function, then tstamp is expected to be utext array of OCI_SODA_TIMESTAMP_MAXSIZE size, that is Utext tstamp[OCI_SODA_TIMESTAMP_MAXSIZE].

OCISodaAsOfScnGet ()

Fetches the database SCN value.


To fetch the database SCN value.


sword OCISodaAsOfScnGet(OCISvcCtx        *svchp,
                          ub8            *scn,
                          OCIError       *errhp,
                          ub4             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

scn (OUT)

Database SCN value.

errhp (IN)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS if the operation is successful.


Counts the number of documents matching the attributes set in the operation options handle. If the operation options handle has no attributes set, then the function counts all the documents in the collection.


To count the number of documents matching the attributes set in the operation options handle. If the operation options handle has no attributes set, then the function counts all the documents in the collection.


sword OCISodaDocCount(OCISvcCtx                     *svchp,
                      const OCISodaColl             *coll,
                      const OCISodaOperationOptions *optns,
                      ub8                           *numdocs,
                      OCIError                      *errhp,
                      ub4                            mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

optns (IN)

The operation options handle. If skip and limit attributes are set on the operation options handle, then an error is returned.

numdocs (OUT)

The number of documents in the collection matching attributes (if any) set on the operation options handle.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaDocCount() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document count from the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document count failed due to hard errors. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



For examples, see Counting the Number of Documents Found.


Counts the number of documents matching a filter specification.


To count the number of documents matching a filter specification.


This is a convenience method for counting documents matching a filter specification. A more general method for counting documents is OCISodaDocCount() which can count documents matching a filter specification or other criteria.


sword OCISodaDocCountWithFilter(OCISvcCtx         *svchp, 
                                const OCISodaColl *coll, 
                                const OraText     *filterSpec, 
                                ub4                filterSpecLen,
                                ub8               *numdocs,
                                OCIError          *errhp,
                                ub4                mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

filterSpec (IN)

The JSON filter string used to search the documents in a collection.

filterSpecLen (IN)

The length of the filter string.

numdocs (OUT)

The number of documents in the collection matching the filter.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaDocCountWithFilter() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document count from the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document count failed due to hard errors. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Creates a document.


Create a document.


sword OCISodaDocCreate (OCIEnv            *envhp,
                        const void        *content,
                        ub4                contentLength,
                        ub4                docFlags,
                        OCISodaDoc       **document,
                        OCIError          *errhp,
                        ub4                mode);


Parameter Description
envhp (IN)

The environment handle.


A string containing the document content.

contentLength (IN)

The string length of the content parameter.

docFlags (IN)
Used to detect JSON encoding while creating a document. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

document (OUT)

Allocates and returns the document handle. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the document handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is successfully created.

OCI_ERROR, if the document creation failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Example 37-2 Creating a Document

For examples, see Creating Documents with SODA for C.


Creates a document with a document key and content.


Create a document with a document key and content.


sword OCISodaDocCreateWithKey(OCIEnv        *envhp,
                              const void    *content,
                              ub4            contentLength,
                              const OraText *key,
                              ub4            keylen,
                              ub4            docFlags,
                              OCISodaDoc   **document,
                              OCIError      *errhp,
                              ub4            mode);


Parameter Description
envhp (IN)

The environment handle.

content (IN)

A string containing the document content.

contentLength (IN)

The string length of the content parameter.

key (IN)

A string that contains the document key. The key can be NULL.

For example, in the default case, collection has auto-generated keys, so you do not want to set the key on the document (if you do, you get an error when you pass such a doc to a write operation, such as insert). You only want to set a non-NULL key if your collection is configured with client-assigned keys, which is not the default.

keylen (IN)

The length of the key string.

docFlags (IN)
The flags used to create a document. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

document (OUT)

Allocates and returns the document handle. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the document handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is successfully created.

OCI_ERROR, if the document creation failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



For examples, see Creating Documents with SODA for C.


Creates a document with a document key, content, and media type.


Create a document with a document key, content, and media type.


sword OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType(OCIEnv               *envhp,
                                      const void           *content,
                                      ub4                   contentLength,
                                      const OraText        *key,
                                      ub4                   keylen,
                                      const OraText        *mediaType,
                                      ub4                   mediaTypeLength,
                                      ub4                   docFlags,
                                      OCISodaDoc          **document,
                                      OCIError             *errhp,
                                      ub4                   mode);


Parameter Description
envhp (IN)

The environment handle.

content (IN)

A string containing the document content.

contentLength (IN)

The string length of the content parameter.

key (IN)

A string that contains the document key. The key can be NULL.

For example, in the default case, collection has auto-generated keys, so you do not want to set the key on the document (if you do, you get an error when you pass such a doc to a write operation, such as insert). You only want to set a non-NULL key if your collection is configured with client-assigned keys, which is not the default.

keylen (IN)

The length of the key string.

mediaType (IN)

A string that contains the document media type. If no media type value is specified, it defaults to "application/json". By specifying a value, you can create non-JSON documents (using a media type other than "application/json").

mediaTypeLength (IN)

The length of the media type string.

docFlags (IN)
The flags used to create the document. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

document (OUT)

Allocates and returns the document handle. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the document handle when it is no longer required.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is successfully created.

OCI_ERROR, if the document creation failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



For examples, see Creating Documents with SODA for C.


Gets the next document from the cursor.


To get the next document from the cursor.


sword OCISodaDocGetNext(OCISvcCtx                *svchp,
                        const OCISodaDocCursor   *cursor,
                        OCISodaDoc              **doc,
                        OCIError                 *errhp,
                        ub4                       mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

cursor (IN)

The cursor for the document results.

doc (OUT)

The document handle returned by the cursor.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — the default mode meaning calling this function executes its statement.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is found in the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, if the document search failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

OCI_NO_DATA, if data not found. (exit criteria).

Usage Notes



Finds the documents in a collection matching the attributes set in operation options input handle. If no conditions are set, all the documents in the collection are returned.


To find the documents in a collection matching the attributes set in operation options input handle. If no conditions are set, then all the documents in the collection are returned.


sword OCISodaFind(OCISvcCtx                      *svchp, 
                  const OCISodaColl              *coll, 
                  const OCISodaOperationOptions  *findOptions,
                  ub4                             docFlags,
                  OCISodaDocCursor              **cursor,
                  OCIError                       *errhp,
                  ub4                             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection to search for the documents.

findOptions (IN)

The operation options handle with attributes to drive the find operation. If no attributes are set, then all the documents in the collection are returned.

docFlags (IN)
The following flags control the encoding of the returned document's content. Valid flag options are
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Document content is returned in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle).
  • OCI_SODA_AS_STORED — Document content is returned in the character set in which the content was stored in the database. Use this parameter value only for BLOB content. If the content is not stored in a BLOB instance then an error is raised.

  • OCI_SODA_AS_AL32UTF8 — Document content is returned in the character set AL32UTF8.

cursor (OUT)

The cursor for the document results.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaFindOneWithKey() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is found in the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, in case of hard errors. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

OCI_NO_DATA, if data not found. (exit criteria).

Usage Notes

A call to function OCISodaFind(), prefetches multiple documents in order to reduce the number of required client-database round trips by OCISodaDocGetNext(). You can change the number of documents used for a prefetch batch by setting attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_FETCH_ARRAY_SIZE on the operation handle. The default value of attribute OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS is 100, which means that the calls to OCISodaDocGetNext() do not make round trips until the internal prefetch buffers contain 100 documents. The higher the attribute value, the fewer the number of round trips.


Finds the document in a collection matching the attributes set in operation options input handle. If more than one document in the collection matches the attributes set, then the first document is returned.


To find the document in a collection matching the attributes set in operation options input handle. If more than one document in the collection matches the attributes set, then the first document is returned.


sword OCISodaFindOne(OCISvcCtx                      *svchp, 
                     const OCISodaColl              *coll, 
                     const OCISodaOperationOptions  *findOptions,
                     ub4                             docFlags, 
                     OCISodaDoc                    **doc,
                     OCIError                       *errhp,
                     ub4                             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection to search for the documents.

findOptions (IN)

The operation options handle with attributes to drive the find operation. If more than one document in the collection matches, then the first matching document is returned.

docFlags (IN)
The following flags control the encoding of the returned document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Document content is returned in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle).
  • OCI_SODA_AS_STORED — Document content is returned in the character set in which the content was stored in the database. Use this parameter value only for BLOB content. If the content is not stored in a BLOB instance then an error is raised.

  • OCI_SODA_AS_AL32UTF8 —Document content is returned in the character set AL32UTF8.

doc (OUT)

The document found (returns NULL if no document is found).

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaFindOneWithKey() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is found in the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, if the document search failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Finds a single document in a collection, given a key.


To find a single document in a collection, given a key.


This is a convenience method for finding a document by a key. A more general method is OCISodaFindOne.


sword OCISodaFindOneWithKey(OCISvcCtx          *svchp,
                            const OCISodaColl  *coll,
                            const OraText      *key,
                            ub4                 keylen,
                            ub4                 docFlags,
                            OCISodaDoc        **doc,
                            OCIError           *errhp,
                            ub4                 mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

coll (IN)

The collection to search for the document.

key (IN)

The key used to identify the document.

keylen (IN)

The length of the key.

docFlags (IN)
The following flags control the encoding of the returned document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Document content is returned in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle).
  • OCI_SODA_AS_STORED — Document content is returned in the character set in which the content was stored in the database. Use this parameter value only for BLOB content. If the content is not stored in a BLOB instance then an error is raised.

  • OCI_SODA_AS_AL32UTF8 — Document content is returned in the character set AL32UTF8.

doc (OUT)

Allocates and returns the document handle if the document is found in the collection. If the document is not found in the collection, a NULL document is returned and the function returns OCI_NO_DATA. Call OCIHandleFree() to free the collection handle when the find operation completes.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


    OCISodaFindOneWithKey() does not make any changes to the database; however, you can use this mode to commit an existing transaction without performing another round trip.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is found in the specified collection.

OCI_NO_DATA, if the document was not found.

OCI_ERROR, if there was an error in trying to find the document. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Creates an index with an index specification.


To create an index with an index specification. The following three types of index specifications can be supplied, B-tree, JSON search index, and spatial.


sword OCISodaIndexCreate(OCISvcCtx         *svchp,
                         const OCISodaColl *coll,
                         const OraText     *indexspec,
                         ub4                speclen,
                         OCIError          *errhp,
                         ub4                mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The handle for the collection to be indexed.

indexspec (IN)

The index specification.


The index specification length.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT - Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if index creation on the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if index creation results in an error. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes

This function, unlike a SQL DDL operation, does not perform a commit operation before or after it runs. (Unless you specify OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT mode, only then is the current transaction committed after the operation runs).


Gets an index specification using its name.


To an index specification using its name.


sword OCISodaIndexGet(OCISvcCtx         *svchp,
                      const OCISodaColl *collection,
                      OraText           *indexName,
                      ub4                indexNameLen,
                      OraText           *schemaName,
                      ub4                schemaNameLen,
                      ub4                flags,
                      OCIString        **index,
                      OCIError          *errhp,
                      ub4                mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

collection (IN)

The collection handle.

indexName (IN)

Name of the index.

indexNameLen (IN)

Length of index name string.

schemaName (IN)

The Schema name. Setting the value of this parameter to null indicates that you must look for the index in the schema of the connected user.

schemaNameLen (IN) Length of the schema name string.
flags (IN) flags
OCIString (OUT) String index specification.
errhp (IN/OUT) Error handle.
mode (IN)

Specifies the mode of execution.


An OCI error code.


List indexes on a collection.


To list indexes on a collection.


sword OCISodaIndexList(OCISvcCtx         *svchp,
                       const OCISodaColl *collection,
                       ub4                flags,
                       OCIColl          **indexList,,
                       OCIError          *errhp,
                       ub4                mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

collection (IN)

The collection handle.

flags (IN) flags
indexList (OUT) An OCIColl of string index spec pointers.
errhp (IN/OUT) Error handle.
mode (IN)

Specifies the mode of execution.


An OCI error code.


Drops an index.


To drop an index.


sword OCISodaIndexDrop(OCISvcCtx   *svchp,
                       OraText     *indexname,
                       ub4          indexnamelen,
                       boolean     *isDropped,
                       OCIError    *errhp,
                       ub4          mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

indexname (IN)

The index name.


The index name length.

isDropped (OUT)

Returns the status of the drop operation: TRUE if the drop operation is successful, FALSE if the index with the specified name does not exist.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_INDEX_DROP_FORCE - Forces the index to be dropped. Should only be used for JSON Search Index or Spatial Index. Not supported for dropping B-tree indexes.

    Note: See DROP INDEX for more information about FORCE flag.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if dropping an index on specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if dropping an index results in an error. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes

This function, unlike a SQL DDL operation, does not perform a commit operation before or after it runs. (Unless you specify OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT mode, only then is the current transaction committed after the operation runs).


For example, see Dropping an Index with SODA for C.


Inserts a document into a collection.


Insert a document into a collection.


sword OCISodaInsert(OCISvcCtx   *svchp,
                    OCISodaColl *collection,
                    OCISodaDoc  *document,
                    OCIError    *errhp,
                    ub4          mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

document (IN)

The handle of the document that is to be inserted into the collection.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Inserts a document into a collection, returning a result document containing all document components except for content.


Insert a document into a collection, returning a result document containing all document components except for content. The components generated by SODA during the insert, such as key (if the collection has auto-assigned keys), last-modified timestamp, created-on timestamp, and version, are returned as part of the result document.


sword OCISodaInsertAndGet(OCISvcCtx      *svchp,
                          OCISodaColl    *collection,
                          OCISodaDoc    **document,
                          OCIError       *errhp,
                          ub4             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

document (IN/OUT)

The handle of the document that is to be inserted into the collection. Returns the result document through this same parameter as it is an IN/OUT.


Because the result document is returned using the same parameter, you need to save a reference to the input document handle so that you can free it later, along with the result document handle, using OCIHandleFree(). If you do not save a reference to the input document handle, it is overwritten with a reference to the result document, and the input document handle will never be properly freed (it's a memory leak).

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes


OCISodaInsertAndGetWithOpts ()

Inserts a SODA document with options.


To insert a SODA document with options.


sword OCISodaInsertAndGetWithOpts(OCISvcCtx                 *svchp,
                                  OCISodaColl               *collection,
                                  OCISodaDoc               **document,
                                  OCISodaOperationOptions   *oproptns,
                                  OCIError                  *errhp,
                                  ub4                        mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

The collection handle in which you want to insert.

document (IN/OUT)

Document handle to be inserted and returned.

oproptns (IN) Operation options handle
errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is inserted.


Inserts a document into a collection using just the content, returning a result document containing all document components except for content.


Insert a document into a collection using just the content, returning a result document containing all document components except for content. The components generated by SODA during the insert, such as key (if the collection has auto-assigned keys), last-modified timestamp, created-on timestamp, and version, are returned as part of the result document.


This is a convenience method for inserting a JSON document without constructing a document handle for them. A more general method is OCISodaInsertAndGet.


sword OCISodaInsertAndGetWithCtnt(OCISvcCtx        *svchp,
                                  OCISodaColl      *collection,
                                  const OraText    *key,
                                  ub4               keyLength,
                                  const void       *content,
                                  ub4               contentLength,
                                  ub4               docFlags,
                                  OCISodaDoc      **document,
                                  OCIError         *errhp,
                                  ub4               mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

key (IN)

A string that contains the document key. Must be NULL if inserting a document into a collection configured for auto-generated keys.

keyLength (IN)

The length of the key string. Must be 0 if inserting a document into a collection configured for auto-generated keys.

content (IN)

A string containing the JSON content for the document.

Note: This method works only for JSON documents.

contentLength (IN)

The string length of the content parameter.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to indicate the encoding of the supplied document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

document (OUT)

Allocates and returns a result document containing all document components except for content. The components generated by SODA during the insert, such as key (if the collection has auto-assigned keys), last-modified timestamp, created-on timestamp, and version, are returned as part of the result document.

If NULL is passed for this parameter, then the result document is not returned. (In other words, the function then behaves identically to the OCISodaInsertWithCtnt() function, which does not return a result document).

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Inserts a document into a collection using only the content.


Insert a document into a collection using only the content.


This is a convenience method for inserting a JSON document without constructing a document handle for them. A more general method is OCISodaInsert.


sword OCISodaInsertWithCtnt(OCISvcCtx           *svchp,
                            OCISodaColl         *collection,
                            const OraText       *key,
                            ub4                  keyLength,
                            const void          *content,
                            ub4                  contentLength,
                            ub4                  docFlags,
                            OCIError            *errhp,
                            ub4                  mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

key (IN)

A string that contains the document key. Must be NULL if inserting a document into a collection configured for auto-generated keys.

keyLength (IN)

The length of the key string. Must be 0 if inserting a document into a collection configured for auto-generated keys.

content (IN) A string containing the JSON content for the document.

Note: This method works only for JSON documents.

contentLength (IN)

The length of the document content.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to indicate the encoding of the supplied document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Removes the documents matching the attributes set in operation options input handle from the collection. If no attributes are set, then all the documents in the collection are removed.


To remove the documents matching the attributes set in operation options input handle from the collection. If no attributes are set, then all the documents in the collection are removed.


sword OCISodaRemove(OCISvcCtx                       *svchp,
                    const OCISodaColl               *coll,
                    const OCISodaOperationOptions   *optns,
                    ub8                             *removeCount,
                    OCIError                        *errhp,
                    ub4                              mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

optns (IN)

The operation options handle with attributes to drive the remove operation. If no attributes are set, all the documents in the collection are removed. If OCI_ATTR_SODA_SKIP and OCI_ATTR_SODA_LIMIT attributes are set on the operation options handle, then they are ignored. That is, they do not apply to write operations such as removes.

removeCount (OUT)

The number of documents removed.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if one or more documents are removed from the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, if the document removal failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Removes a document from a collection given a key.


Remove a document from a collection given a key.


This is a convenience method for removing a document with a single key. A more general method is OCISodaRemove.


sword OCISodaRemoveOneWithKey(OCISvcCtx          *svchp,
                              const OCISodaColl  *coll,
                              const OraText      *key,
                              ub4                 keylength,
                              boolean            *isRemoved,
                              OCIError           *errhp,
                              ub4                 mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

key (IN)

The key of the document to be removed.

keylength (IN)

The length of key of the document to be removed.

isRemoved (OUT)

Returns TRUE if a document was found with the specified key and removed; FALSE if no document could be found with the specified key.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document with the specified key was not found. OCI_SUCCESS is still returned (and isRemoved will be set to FALSE). Check that the isRemoved parameter is set to TRUE to know whether the document has been removed.

OCI_ERROR, if the document removal operation failed during execution due to a SQL error. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Replaces a document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle.


To replace a document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle. In order to uniquely identify the document to be replaced, at least OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY key must be set in operation options. Other attributes can also be set.


sword OCISodaReplOne(OCISvcCtx                       *svchp,
                     const OCISodaColl               *coll,
                     const OCISodaOperationOptions   *optns,
                     OCISodaDoc                      *document, 
                     boolean                         *isReplaced,
                     OCIError                        *errhp,
                     ub4                              mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

optns (IN)

The operation options handle with attributes to drive the replace operation. At least the key, OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY attribute must be set to uniquely identify the document to be replaced. Otherwise the operation returns an error. Other attributes such as OCI_ATTR_SODA_VERSION, and OCI_ATTR_SODA_FILTER can also be set. If OCI_ATTR_SODA_SKIP and OCI_ATTR_SODA_LIMIT attributes are set on the operation options handle, then they are ignored. That is, they are not applied to the write operations such as replace.

document (IN)

The document handle to use as the replacement of the document currently in the collection. Only the content and media type component from this handle is used during the replace operation (that is, this operation replaces the content and media type of the document in the collection). Other components, if set on the input document, are ignored.

isReplaced (OUT)

Whether the document is replaced or not. Returns TRUE if replaced, otherwise it returns FALSE.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT - Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, document is replaced in the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, if the document replacment failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Replaces a document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle, and returns a result document containing all document components except for the content.


To replace a document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle, and returns the handle to the result document. In order to uniquely identify the document to be replaced, at least OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY key must be set in operation options. Other attributes can also be set.


sword OCISodaReplOneAndGet(OCISvcCtx                       *svchp,
                           const OCISodaColl               *coll,
                           const OCISodaOperationOptions   *optns,
                           OCISodaDoc                     **document,
                           boolean                         *isReplaced,
                           OCIError                        *errhp,
                           ub4                              mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

optns (IN)

The operation options handle with attributes to drive the replace operation. At least the key, OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY attribute must be set to uniquely identify the document to be replaced. Otherwise the operation returns an error. Other attributes such as OCI_ATTR_SODA_VERSION, and OCI_ATTR_SODA_FILTER can also be set. If OCI_ATTR_SODA_SKIP and OCI_ATTR_SODA_LIMIT attributes are set on the operation options handle, then they are ignored. That is, they are not applied to the write operations such as replace.

document (IN/OUT)

The document handle to use as the replacement of the document currently in the collection. Only the content and media type component from this handle is used during the replace operation (that is, this operation replaces the content and media type of the document in the collection). Other components, if set on the input document, are ignored. Returns the result document through this same parameter as it is an IN/OUT.


Because the result document is returned using the same parameter, you need to save a reference to the input document handle so that you can free it later, along with the result document handle, using OCIHandleFree(). If you do not save a reference to the input document handle, it is overwritten with a reference to the result document, and the input document handle will never be properly freed (it's a memory leak).

isReplaced (OUT)

Whether the document is replaced or not. Returns TRUE if replaced, otherwise it returns FALSE.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is replaced in the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, if the document replacement failed due to hard errors. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Replaces the content of the document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle with new content, and returns a result document containing all document components except for the content.


To replace the content of the document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle with new content, and returns the handle to the result document containing all components except for the content, including the updated ones, such as the last-modified timestamp and version. In order to uniquely identify the document to be replaced, at least OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY key must be set in operation options. Other attributes can also be set.


This is a convenience method for replacing a document with a JSON document without constructing a document handle for the replacement document. A more general method is OCISodaReplOneAndGet. This method is only for JSON documents. That is, the supplied replacement document must be a JSON document and the target document that is being replaced in the collection may or may not be a JSON document.


sword OCISodaReplOneAndGetWithCtnt(OCISvcCtx                     *svchp,
                                   const OCISodaColl             *coll,
                                   const OCISodaOperationOptions *optns,
                                   const void                    *content,
                                   ub4                            contentLen,
                                   ub4                            docFlags,
                                   OCISodaDoc                   **document,
                                   boolean                       *isReplaced,
                                   OCIError                      *errhp,
                                   ub4                            mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

optns (IN)

The operation options handle with attributes to drive the replace operation. At least the key, OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY attribute must be set to uniquely identify the document to be replaced. Otherwise the operation returns an error. Other attributes such as OCI_ATTR_SODA_VERSION, and OCI_ATTR_SODA_FILTER can also be set. If OCI_ATTR_SODA_SKIP and OCI_ATTR_SODA_LIMIT attributes are set on the operation options handle, then they are ignored. That is, they are not applied to the write operations such as replace.

content (IN)

A string containing the JSON content of the document.

Note: This method works only for JSON documents.

contentLen (IN)

The length of the document content.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to indicate the encoding of the supplied document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

document (OUT)

Result document contains all components except for the content, including the updated ones, such as the last-modified timestamp and version.

isReplaced (OUT)

Whether the document is replaced or not. Returns TRUE if replaced, otherwise it returns FALSE.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is replaced in the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, if the document replacement failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Replaces a document in a collection given a key and returns a result document containing all document components except for the content.


To replace a document in a collection given a key and return the handle to the result document containing all components except content, including the updated ones, such as the last-modified timestamp and version.


This is a convenience method for replacing a document by a key. A more general method is OCISodaReplOneAndGet.


sword OCISodaReplOneAndGetWithKey(OCISvcCtx         *svchp,
                                  const OCISodaColl *coll,
                                  const OraText     *key,
                                  ub4                keylength,
                                  OCISodaDoc       **document,
                                  boolean           *isReplaced,
                                  OCIError          *errhp,
                                  ub4                mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

key (IN)

The key used to identify the document.

keylength (IN)

The length of the key.

document (IN/OUT)

The document handle to use as the replacement of the document currently in the collection. Only the content and media type component from this handle is used during the replace operation (that is, this operation replaces the content and media type of the document in the collection). Other components, if set on the input document, are ignored. Returns the result document through this same parameter as it is an IN/OUT.


Because the result document is returned using the same parameter, you need to save a reference to the input document handle so that you can free it later, along with the result document handle, using OCIHandleFree(). If you do not save a reference to the input document handle, it is overwritten with a reference to the result document, and the input document handle will never be properly freed (it's a memory leak).

isReplaced (OUT)

Returns TRUE if a document was found with the specified key and replaced; FALSE if no document could be found with the specified key.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document with the specified key was not found. OCI_SUCCESS is still returned (and isReplaced will be set to FALSE). Check that the isReplaced parameter is set to TRUE to know whether the document has been replaced.

OCI_ERROR, if the document replacement operation failed during execution due to a SQL error. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Replaces the content of the document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle with new content.


To replace the content of the document matching the attributes set in operation options input handle with new content. In order to uniquely identify the document to be replaced, at least OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY key must be set in operation options. Other attributes can also be set.


This is a convenience method for replacing a document with a JSON document without constructing a document handle for the replacement document. A more general method is OCISodaReplOne. This method is only for JSON documents. That is, the supplied replacement document must be a JSON document and the target document that is being replaced in the collection may or may not be a JSON document.


sword OCISodaReplOneWithCtnt(OCISvcCtx                       *svchp,
                             const OCISodaColl               *coll,
                             const OCISodaOperationOptions   *optns,
                             const void                      *content,
                             ub4                              contentLength,
                             ub4                              docFlags,
                             boolean                         *isReplaced,
                             OCIError                        *errhp,
                             ub4                              mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

optns (IN)

The operation options handle with attributes to drive the replace operation. At least the key, OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY attribute must be set to uniquely identify the document to be replaced. Otherwise the operation returns an error. Other attributes such as OCI_ATTR_SODA_VERSION, and OCI_ATTR_SODA_FILTER can also be set. If OCI_ATTR_SODA_SKIP and OCI_ATTR_SODA_LIMIT attributes are set on the operation options handle, then they are ignored. That is, they are not applied to the write operations such as replace.

content (IN)

A string containing the JSON content of the document.

Note: This method works only for JSON documents.

contentLength (IN)

The length of the document content.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to indicate the encoding of the supplied document's content. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is in the character set defined by the environment handle (or environment variable NLS_LANG, if not set for the handle). If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Automatically detects the encoding of the document content as either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If you use this parameter value then you are, in effect, declaring that the document content is either UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, or UTF-16 BE. If that is not the case for a given document, then the result of trying to write the document is unpredictable.

isReplaced (OUT)

Whether the document is replaced or not. Returns TRUE if replaced, otherwise it returns FALSE.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is replaced in the specified collection.

OCI_ERROR, if the document replacement failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Replaces a document in a collection given a key.


To replace a document in a collection given a key.


This is a convenience method for replacing a document by a key. A more general method is OCISodaReplOne.


sword OCISodaReplOneWithKey (OCISvcCtx           *svchp,
                             const OCISodaColl   *coll,
                             const OraText       *key,
                             ub4                  keylength,
                             OCISodaDoc          *document,
                             boolean             *isReplaced,
                             OCIError            *errhp,
                             ub4                  mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

coll (IN)

The collection handle for an existing collection.

key (IN)

The key used to identify the document.

keylength (IN)

The length of the key.

document (IN)

The document handle to use as the replacement of the document currently in the collection. Only the content and media type component from this handle is used during the replace operation (that is, this operation replaces the content and media type of the document in the collection). Other components, if set on the input document, are ignored.

isReplaced (OUT)

Returns TRUE if a document was found with the specified key and replaced; FALSE if no document could be found with the specified key.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document with the specified key was not found. OCI_SUCCESS is still returned (and isReplaced will be set to FALSE). Check that the isReplaced parameter is set to TRUE to know whether the document has been replaced.

OCI_ERROR, if the document replacement operation failed during execution due to a SQL error. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



Saves a document into a collection.


Save a document into a collection.

This function is equivalent to insert function except that if the client-assigned keys are used, or the document with the specified key already exists in the collection, then it is replaced with the input document. The key is automatically created, unless this collection is configured with client-assigned keys and the key is provided in the input document.


sword OCISodaSave(OCISvcCtx   *svchp,
                  OCISodaColl *collection,
                  OCISodaDoc  *document,
                  OCIError    *errhp,
                  ub4          mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

An opened collection.

document (IN)

The document handle that is used to insert the content into the collection.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — the default mode meaning calling this function executes its statement.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document save into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document save failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



See the example in OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType().


Saves a document into a collection, returning a document containing metadata information.


Save a document into a collection, returning a document containing metadata information, such as key, version, and timestamp information.

This function is equivalent to insert function except that if the client-assigned keys are used, or the document with the specified key already exists in the collection, then it is replaced with the input document. The key is automatically created, unless this collection is configured with client-assigned keys and the key is provided in the input document.


sword OCISodaSaveAndGet(OCISvcCtx      *svchp,
                        OCISodaColl    *collection,
                        OCISodaDoc    **document,
                        OCIError       *errhp,
                        ub4             mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

An opened collection.

document (IN/OUT)

The document structure that is saved into the collection. If the key parameter in the call to OCISodaDocCreate() is NULL, then the document parameter contains the auto-generated key as well as other information, such as version and creation timestamp.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — the default mode meaning calling this function executes its statement.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document save into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document save failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



See the example in OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType().


Saves a SODA document with options.


To save a SODA document with options.


sword OCISodaSaveAndGetWithOpts(OCISvcCtx                *svchp,
                                OCISodaColl              *collection,
                                OCISodaDoc              **document,
                                OCISodaOperationOptions  *oproptns,
                                OCIError                 *errhp,
                                ub4                       mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

The collection handle in which you want to insert.

document (IN/OUT)

The document handle to be inserted and returned.

oproptns (IN) Operation options handle.
errhp (IN)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT — When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document is saved.


Saves a document into a collection with its content.


To save the document which has specified keys.

This function is equivalent to insert function except that if the client-assigned keys are used, or the document with the specified key already exists in the collection, then it is replaced with the input document. The key is automatically created, unless this collection is configured with client-assigned keys and the key is provided in the input document.


sword OCISodaSaveWithCtnt(OCISvcCtx         *svchp, 
                          OCISodaColl       *collection, 
                          const OraText     *key, 
                          ub4                keylength, 
                          const void        *content,
                          ub4                contentlen,
                          ub4                docFlags,
                          OCIError          *errhp,
                          ub4                mode); 


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

An opened collection.

key (IN)

The specified key of the document to be saved.


The length of the key.

content (IN)

A string that contains content of the document.


The length of the content string.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to save the document. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — The default value.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Detect the JSON encoding.

  • OCI_SODA_AS_STORED — Retrieve as stored in BLOB column.

  • OCI_SODA_AS_AL32UTF8 — Retrieve as UTF-8.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — the default mode meaning calling this function executes its statement.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the collection is successfully created.

OCI_ERROR, if the collection is not created. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



See the example in OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType().


Saves a document into a collection and gets the new document handle.


Saves the document which has specified keys and new document handle to obtain the saved documents.

This function is equivalent to insert function except that if the client-assigned keys are used, or the document with the specified key already exists in the collection, then it is replaced with the input document. The key is automatically created, unless this collection is configured with client-assigned keys and the key is provided in the input document.


sword OCISodaSaveAndGetWithCont(OCISvcCtx         *svchp, 
                                OCISodaColl       *collection, 
                                const OraText     *key, 
                                ub4                keylength, 
                                const void        *content, 
                                ub4                contentlen,
                                ub4                docFlags,
                                OCISodaDoc       **document,
                                OCIError          *errhp,
                                ub4                mode);


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

An opened collection.

key (IN)

The specified key for the document to be saved.


The length of the key.

content (IN)

A string that contains content of the document.


The length of the content string.

docFlags (IN)
The encoding flags used to save the document. Valid flag options are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — The default value.
  • OCI_SODA_DETECT_JSON_ENC — Detect the JSON encoding.

  • OCI_SODA_AS_STORED — Retrieve as stored in BLOB column.

  • OCI_SODA_AS_AL32UTF8 — Retrieve as UTF-8.

document (IN/OUT)

The document handle containing metadata of the saved document.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — the default mode meaning calling this function executes its statement.

  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the document insertion into the specified collection is successful.

OCI_ERROR, if the document insertion failed. The OCIError parameter has the necessary error information.

Usage Notes



See the example in OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType().


Truncates a SODA document collection.


Truncates the document collection.

sword OCISodaCollTruncate (OCISvcCtx *svchp,
                          const OCISodaColl   *collection,
                          OCIError            *errhp,                              
                          ub4                  mode);         


Parameter Description
svchp (IN)

The service context handle.

collection (IN)

The collection handle for the collection you want to truncate.

errhp (OUT)

The error handle.

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT - When an operation executes in this mode and it completes successfully, then the current transaction is committed after completion. This commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. If the operation fails, then only changes made for the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.



An Oracle return error code.

Usage Notes



Sets an array of keys on Operation Options Handle.


Sets an array of keys on Operation Options Handle. Attributes of the operation options handle are set with standard OCIAttrSet function. The OCIAttrSet function is not used to set the array of keys, because both the array of keys and the array of key lengths need to be set.


If you use function OCIAttrSet() to set attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY on an operation-options handle, and you also use function OCISodaOperKeysSet() to set multiple keys on the same handle, then only the latest of the two settings takes effect. The effect of the first function invoked is overridden by the effect of the second.


sword OCISodaOperKeysSet (const OCISodaOperationOptions  *operhp,
                          OraText                        **keysArray,
                          ub4                            *lengthsArray,
                          ub4                             count,
                          OCIError                       *errhp,
                          ub4                             mode);         


Parameter Description
operhp (IN)

Operation options handle

keysArray (IN)

Array of oratext* keys

lengthsArray (IN)

Array of ub4 lengths corresponding to each key

count  (IN)

Number of elements in the keys array

errhp (OUT)

Error handle

mode (IN)
Specifies the mode of execution. Valid modes are:
  • OCI_DEFAULT — Is the default mode. It means execute the operation as is with no special modes.


OCI_SUCCESS, if the keys were set successfully.

Usage Notes
