OCI String Functions

Lists and describes the OCI string functions.

Table 28-16 describes the OCI string functions that are described in this section.

Table 28-16 String Functions

Function Purpose


Get the allocated size of string memory in bytes


Assign a string to a string


Assign a text string to a string


Get a string pointer


Resize the string memory


Get the string size


Gets the allocated size of string memory in code points (Unicode) or in bytes.


Gets the allocated size of string memory in code points (Unicode) or in bytes.


sword OCIStringAllocSize ( OCIEnv              *env,
                           OCIError            *err, 
                           const OCIString     *vs,
                           ub4                 *allocsize ); 


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

vs (IN)

String whose allocated size in bytes is returned. The vs parameter must be a non-NULL pointer.

allocsize (OUT)

The allocated size of string memory in bytes is returned.


The allocated size is greater than or equal to the actual string size.


Assigns one string to another string.


Assigns one string to another string.


sword OCIStringAssign ( OCIEnv               *env, 
                        OCIError             *err, 
                        const OCIString      *rhs, 
                        OCIString           **lhs );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

rhs (IN)

Right-hand side (source) of the assignment. Can be in UTF-16 format.

lhs (IN/OUT)

Left-hand side (target) of the assignment. Its buffer is in UTF-16 format if rhs is UTF-16.


Assigns rhs string to lhs string. The lhs string can be resized depending upon the size of the rhs. The assigned string is NULL-terminated. The length field does not include the extra code point or byte needed for NULL-termination.


This function returns an error if the assignment operation runs out of space.


Assigns the source text string to the target string.


Assigns the source text string to the target string.


sword OCIStringAssignText ( OCIEnv           *env,
                            OCIError         *err, 
                            const OraText    *rhs, 
                            ub4               rhs_len,
                            OCIString       **lhs );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

rhs (IN)

Right-hand side (source) of the assignment, a text or UTF-16 Unicode string.

rhs_len (IN)

Length of the rhs string in bytes.

lhs (IN/OUT)

Left-hand side (target) of the assignment. Its buffer is in Unicode if rhs is in Unicode.


Assigns rhs string to lhs string. The lhs string may be resized depending upon the size of the rhs. The assigned string is NULL-terminated. The length field does not include the extra byte or code point needed for NULL-termination.


Gets a pointer to the text of a given string.


Gets a pointer to the text of a given string.


text *OCIStringPtr ( OCIEnv               *env,
                     const OCIString      *vs );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

vs (IN)

Pointer to the OCIString object whose character string is returned. If vs is in UTF-16 format, the returned buffer is also in UTF-16 format. To determine the encoding of the returned buffer, check the UTF-16 information in the OCIString vs itself, because it is not guaranteed that a particular OCIString will have the same setting as env does. Check an object OCI function that is designed to check member fields in objects.




Resizes the memory of a given string.


Resizes the memory of a given string.


sword OCIStringResize ( OCIEnv          *env,
                        OCIError        *err,
                        ub4              new_size,
                        OCIString      **str );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

new_size (IN)

New memory size of the string in bytes. The new_size parameter must include space for the NULL character as the string terminator.

str (IN/OUT)

Allocated memory for the string that is freed from the OCI object cache.


This function resizes the memory of the given variable-length string in the object cache. Contents of the string are not preserved. This function may allocate the string in a new memory region, in which case the original memory occupied by the given string is freed. If str is NULL, this function allocates memory for the string. If new_size is 0, this function frees the memory occupied by str and a NULL pointer value is returned.


Gets the size of the given string vs.


Gets the size of the given string vs.


ub4 OCIStringSize ( OCIEnv              *env,
                    const OCIString     *vs );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

vs (IN)

String whose size is returned, in number of bytes.


The returned size does not include an extra byte for NULL termination.