13 User-Defined Callback Functions in OCI

Oracle Call Interface can execute user-specific code in addition to OCI calls.

You can use this functionality for:

  • Adding tracing and performance measurement code to enable users to tune their applications

  • Performing preprocessing or postprocessing code for specific OCI calls

  • Accessing other data sources with OCI by using the native OCI interface for Oracle Databases and directing the OCI calls to use user callbacks for non-Oracle data sources

The OCI callback feature provides support for calling user code before or after executing the OCI calls. It also allows the user-defined code to be executed instead of executing the OCI code.

The user callback code can be registered dynamically without modifying the source code of the application. The dynamic registration is implemented by loading up to five user-created dynamically linked libraries after the initialization of the environment handle during the OCIEnvCreate() call. These user-created libraries (such as dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) on Windows, or shared libraries on Solaris, register the user callbacks for the selected OCI calls transparently to the application.

Sample Application

For a listing of the complete demonstration programs that illustrate the OCI user callback feature, see Appendix B.

About Registering User Callbacks in OCI

An application can register user callback libraries with the OCIUserCallbackRegister() function.

Callbacks are registered in the context of the environment handle. An application can retrieve information about callbacks registered with a handle with the OCIUserCallbackGet() function.

A user-defined callback is a subroutine that is registered against an OCI call and an environment handle. It can be specified to be either an entry callback, a replacement callback, or an exit callback.

  • If it is an entry callback, it is called when the program enters the OCI function.

  • Replacement callbacks are executed after entry callbacks. If the replacement callback returns a value of OCI_CONTINUE, then a subsequent replacement callback or the normal OCI-specific code is executed. If a replacement callback returns anything other than OCI_CONTINUE, then subsequent replacement callbacks and the OCI code do not execute.

  • After a replacement callback returns something other than OCI_CONTINUE, or an OCI function successfully executes, program control transfers to the exit callback (if one is registered).

If a replacement or exit callback returns anything other than OCI_CONTINUE, then the return code from the callback is returned from the associated OCI call.

A user callback can return OCI_INVALID_HANDLE when either an invalid handle or an invalid context is passed to it.


If any callback returns anything other than OCI_CONTINUE, then that return code is passed to the subsequent callbacks. If a replacement or exit callback returns a return code other than OCI_CONTINUE, then the final (not OCI_CONTINUE) return code is returned from the OCI call.


A user callback is registered using the OCIUserCallbackRegister() call.

Currently, OCIUserCallbackRegister() is only registered on the environment handle. The user's callback function of typedef OCIUserCallback is registered along with its context for the OCI call identified by the OCI function code, fcode. The type of the callback, whether entry, replacement, or exit, is specified by the when parameter.

For example, the stmtprep_entry_dyncbk_fn entry callback function and its context dynamic_context, are registered against the environment handle hndlp for the OCIStmtPrepare2() call by calling the OCIUserCallbackRegister() function with the following parameters.

OCIUserCallbackRegister( hndlp, 
                         (OCIUcb*) NULL);

User Callback Function

Details about the user callback function.

The user callback function must use the following syntax:

typedef sword (*OCIUserCallback)
     (void *ctxp,      /* context for the user callback*/
      void *hndlp,     /* handle for the callback, env handle for now */
      ub4 type,         /* type of handlp, OCI_HTYPE_ENV for this release */
      ub4 fcode,        /* function code of the OCI call */
      ub1 when,         /* type of the callback, entry or exit */
      sword returnCode, /* OCI return code */
      ub4 *errnop,      /* Oracle error number */
      va_list arglist); /* parameters of the oci call */

In addition to the parameters described in the OCIUserCallbackRegister() call, the callback is called with the return code, errnop, and all the parameters of the original OCI as declared by the prototype definition.

The return code is always passed in as OCI_SUCCESS and *errnop is always passed in as 0 for the first entry callback. Note that *errnop refers to the content of errnop because errnop is an IN/OUT parameter.

If the callback does not want to change the OCI return code, then it must return OCI_CONTINUE, and the value returned in *errnop is ignored. If, however, the callback returns any return code other than OCI_CONTINUE, the last returned return code becomes the return code for the call. At this point, the value returned for *errnop is set in the error handle, or in the environment handle if the error information is returned in the environment handle because of the absence of the error handle for certain OCI calls such as OCIHandleAlloc().

For replacement callbacks, the returnCode is the non-OCI_CONTINUE return code from the previous callback or OCI call, and *errnop is the value of the error number being returned in the error handle. This allows the subsequent callback to change the return code or error information if needed.

The processing of replacement callbacks is different in that if it returns anything other than OCI_CONTINUE, then subsequent replacement callbacks and OCI code are bypassed and processing jumps to the exit callbacks.

Note that if the replacement callbacks return OCI_CONTINUE to allow processing of OCI code, then the return code from entry callbacks is ignored.

All the original parameters of the OCI call are passed to the callback as variable parameters, and the callback must retrieve them using the va_arg macros. The callback demonstration programs provide examples.

A null value can be registered to deregister a callback. That is, if the value of the callback (OCIUserCallback()) is NULL in the OCIUserCallbackRegister() call, then the user callback is deregistered.

When using the thread-safe mode, the OCI program acquires all mutexes before calling the user callbacks.

User Callback Control Flow

Shows the control flow for a user callback.

Example 13-1 shows pseudocode that describes the overall processing of a typical OCI call.

Example 13-1 Pseudocode That Describes the Overall Processing of a Typical OCI Call

 Acquire mutexes on handles;
 retCode = OCI_SUCCESS;
 errno = 0;
 for all ENTRY callbacks do
     EntryretCode = (*entryCallback)(..., retcode, &errno, ...);
     if (retCode != OCI_CONTINUE)
         set errno in error handle or environment handle;
         retCode = EntryretCode;
  for all REPLACEMENT callbacks do
   retCode = (*replacementCallback) (..., retcode, &errno, ...);
   if (retCode != OCI_CONTINUE)
       set errno in error handle or environment handle
       goto executeEXITCallback;

   retCode = return code for XyzCall; /* normal processing of OCI call */

   errno = error number from error handle or env handle;

   for all EXIT callbacks do
       exitRetCode = (*exitCallback)(..., retCode, &errno,...);
       if (exitRetCode != OCI_CONTINUE)
           set errno in error handle or environment handle;
           retCode = exitRetCode;
    release mutexes;
    return retCode

User Callback for OCIErrorGet()

If the callbacks are a total replacement of the OCI code, then they usually maintain their own error information in the call context and use that to return error information in bufp and errcodep parameters of the replacement callback of the OCIErrorGet() call.

If, however, the callbacks are either partially overriding OCI code, or just doing some other postprocessing, then they can use the exit callback to modify the error text and errcodep parameters of the OCIErrorGet() call by their own error message and error number. Note that the *errnop passed into the exit callback is the error number in the error or the environment handle.

See Also:


Errors from Entry Callbacks

If an entry callback wants to return an error to the caller of the OCI call, then it must register a replacement or exit callback.

This is because if the OCI code is executed, then the error code from the entry callback is ignored. Therefore, the entry callback must pass the error to the replacement or exit callback through its own context.

Dynamic Callback Registrations

Because user callbacks are expected to be used for monitoring OCI behavior or to access other data sources, it is desirable that the registration of the callbacks be done transparently and nonintrusively.

This is accomplished by loading user-created dynamically linked libraries at OCI initialization time. These dynamically linked libraries are called packages. The user-created packages register the user callbacks for the selected OCI calls. These callbacks can further register or deregister user callbacks as needed when receiving control at runtime.

A makefile (ociucb.mk on Solaris) is provided with the OCI demonstration programs to create the package. The exact naming and location of this package is operating system-dependent. The source code for the package must provide code for special callbacks that are called at OCI initialization and environment creation times.

Setting an operating system environment variable, ORA_OCI_UCBPKG, controls the loading of the package. This variable names the packages in a generic way. The packages must be located in the $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory.

About Loading Multiple Packages

The ORA_OCI_UCBPKG variable can contain a semicolon-separated list of package names. The packages are loaded in the order they are specified in the list.

For example, in the past the package was specified as:

setenv ORA_OCI_UCBPKG mypkg

Currently, you can still specify the package as before, but in addition multiple packages can be specified as:

setenv ORA_OCI_UCBPKG "mypkg;yourpkg;oraclepkg;sunpkg;msoftpkg"

All these packages are loaded in order. That is, mypkg is loaded first and msoftpkg is loaded last.

A maximum of five packages can be specified.


The sample makefile ociucb.mk creates ociucb.so.1.0 on a Solaris or ociucb.dll on a Windows system. To load the ociucb package, the environmental variable ORA_OCI_UCBPKG must be set to ociucb. On Solaris, if the package name ends with .so, OCIEnvCreate() or OCIEnvNlsCreate() fails. The package name must end with .so.1.0.

For further details about creating the dynamic-link libraries, read the Makefiles provided in the demo directory for your operating system. For further information about user-defined callbacks, see your operating system-specific documentation on compiling and linking applications.

Package Format

The package source must provide two functions.

In the past, a package had to specify the source code for the OCIEnvCallback() function. However, the OCIEnvCallback() function is obsolete. Instead, the package source must provide two functions. The first function must be named as packagename suffixed with the word Init. For example, if the package is named foo, then the source file (for example, but not necessarily, foo.c) must contain a fooInit() function with a call to OCISharedLibInit() function specified exactly as:

sword fooInit(metaCtx, libCtx, argfmt, argc, argv)
      void *     metaCtx;         /* The metacontext */
      void *     libCtx;          /* The context for this package. */
      ub4        argfmt;          /* package argument format */
      sword      argc;            /* package arg count*/
      void *     argv[];          /* package arguments */
  return  (OCISharedLibInit(metaCtx, libCtx, argfmt, argc, argv,

The last parameter of the OCISharedLibInit() function, fooEnvCallback() in this case, is the name of the second function. It can be named anything, but by convention it is named packagename suffixed with the word EnvCallback.

This function is a replacement for OCIEnvCallback(). Currently, all the dynamic user callbacks must be registered in this function. The function must be of type OCIEnvCallbackType, which is specified as:

typedef sword (*OCIEnvCallbackType)(OCIEnv *env, ub4 mode,
                                    size_t xtramem_sz, void *usrmemp,
                                    OCIUcb *ucbDesc);

When an environment handle is created, then this callback function is called at the very end. The env parameter is the newly created environment handle.

The mode, xtramem_sz, and usrmempp are the parameters passed to the OCIEnvCreate() call. The last parameter, ucbDesc, is a descriptor that is passed to the package. The package uses this descriptor to register the user callbacks as described later.

A sample ociucb.c file is provided in the demo directory. The makefile ociucb.mk is also provided (on Solaris) in the demo directory to create the package. Please note that this may be different on other operating systems. The demo directory also contains full user callback demo programs (cdemoucb.c, cdemoucbl.c) illustrating this.

User Callback Chaining

User callbacks can be registered statically in the application itself or dynamically at runtime in the DLLs.

A mechanism is needed to allow the application to override a previously registered callback and then later invoke the overridden one in the newly registered callback to preserve the behavior intended by the dynamic registrations. This can result in chaining of user callbacks.

The OCIUserCallbackGet() function determines which function and context is registered for an OCI call.

About Accessing Other Data Sources Through OCI

Because Oracle Database is the predominant database software accessed, applications can take advantage of the OCI interface to access non-Oracle data by using the user callbacks to access them.

This allows an application written in OCI to access Oracle data without any performance penalty. Drivers can be written that access the non-Oracle data in user callbacks. Because OCI provides a very rich interface, there is usually a straightforward mapping of OCI calls to most data sources. This solution is better than writing applications for other middle layers such as ODBC that introduce performance penalties for all data sources. Using OCI does not incur any penalty to access Oracle data sources, and incurs the same penalty that ODBC does for non-Oracle data sources.

Restrictions on Callback Functions

Details the restrictions on callback functions.

There are certain restrictions on the usage of callback functions, including OCIEnvCallback():

  • A callback cannot call other OCI functions except OCIUserCallbackRegister(), OCIUserCallbackGet(), OCIHandleAlloc(), and OCIHandleFree(). Even for these functions, if they are called in a user callback, then callbacks on them are not called to avoid recursion. For example, if OCIHandleFree() is called in the callback for OCILogoff(), then the callback for OCIHandleFree() is disabled during the execution of the callback for OCILogoff().

  • A callback cannot modify OCI data structures such as the environment or error handles.

  • A callback cannot be registered for the OCIUserCallbackRegister() call itself, or for any of the following calls:

    • OCIUserCallbackGet()

    • OCIEnvCreate()

    • OCIInitialize() (Deprecated)

    • OCIEnvNlsCreate()

Example of OCI Callbacks

Shows examples of using OCI callbacks.

Suppose that there are five packages each registering entry, replacement, and exit callbacks for the OCIStmtPrepare2() call. That is, the ORA_OCI_UCBPKG variable is set as shown in Example 13-2.

In each package pkgN (where N can be 1 through 5), the pkgNInit() and PkgNEnvCallback() functions are specified, as shown in Example 13-3.

Example 13-4 shows how the pkgNEnvCallback() function registers the entry, replacement, and exit callbacks.

Finally, Example 13-5 shows how in the source code for the application, user callbacks can be registered with the NULL ucbDesc.

Example 13-6 shows that when the OCIStmtPrepare2() call is executed, the callbacks are called in the following order.


The exit callbacks are called in the reverse order of the entry and replacement callbacks.

The entry and exit callbacks can return any return code and the processing continues to the next callback. However, if the replacement callback returns anything other than OCI_CONTINUE, then the next callback (or OCI code if it is the last replacement callback) in the chain is bypassed and processing jumps to the exit callback. For example, if pkg3_replace_callback_fn() returned OCI_SUCCESS, then pkg4_replace_callback_fn(), pkg5_replace_callback_fn(), and the OCI processing for the OCIStmtPrepare2() call are bypassed. Instead, pkg5_exit_callback_fn() is executed next.

Example 13-2 Environment Variable Setting for the ORA_OCI_UCBPKG Variable

setenv ORA_OCI_UCBPKG "pkg1;pkg2;pkg3;pkg4;pkg5" 

Example 13-3 Specifying the pkgNInit() and PkgNEnvCallback() Functions

pkgNInit(void *metaCtx, void *libCtx, ub4 argfmt, sword argc, void **argv)
  return OCISharedLibInit(metaCtx, libCtx, argfmt, argc, argv, pkgNEnvCallback);

Example 13-4 Using pkgNEnvCallback() to Register Entry, Replacement, and Exit Callbacks

pkgNEnvCallback(OCIEnv *env, ub4 mode, size_t xtramemsz,
                                void *usrmemp, OCIUcb *ucbDesc)
  OCIHandleAlloc((void *)env, (void **)&errh, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, (size_t) 0,
        (void **)NULL);

  OCIUserCallbackRegister(env, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, errh, pkgN_entry_callback_fn,

  OCIUserCallbackRegister(env, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, errh, pkgN_replace_callback_fn,

  OCIUserCallbackRegister(env, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, errh, pkgN_exit_callback_fn,

  return OCI_CONTINUE;

Example 13-5 Registering User Callbacks with the NULL ucbDesc

  OCIUserCallbackRegister(env, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, errh, static_entry_callback_fn,

  OCIUserCallbackRegister(env, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, errh, static_replace_callback_fn,

  OCIUserCallbackRegister(env, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, errh, static_exit_callback_fn,

Example 13-6 Using the OCIStmtPrepare() Call to Call the Callbacks in Order

      OCI code for OCIStmtPrepare call 


See Also:


OCI Callbacks from External Procedures

Provides additional reference information about using OCI callbacks from external procedures.

There are several OCI functions that you can use as callbacks from external procedures.

See Also: