B Reserved Words, Keywords, and Namespaces
Topics in this appendix include:
B.1 Reserved Words and Keywords
Some words are reserved by Oracle. That is, they have a special meaning to Oracle and cannot be redefined. For this reason, you cannot use them to name database objects such as columns, tables, or indexes. To view the lists of the Oracle reserved words for SQL and PL/SQL, see the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference and the Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference.
Like COBOL keywords, you cannot use Pro*COBOL keywords as variables in your program(s). Otherwise, an error will be generated. An error may result if they are used as the name of a database object such as a column. Here are the keywords used in Pro*COBOL.
Keywords | Keywords | Keywords |
all |
allocate |
alter |
analyze |
and |
any |
append |
arraylen |
as |
asc |
assign |
at |
audit |
authorization |
avg |
begin |
between |
bind |
both |
break |
buffer |
buffering |
by |
call |
cast |
char |
character |
character_set_name |
charf |
charz |
check |
chunksize |
close |
collection |
comment |
commit |
connect |
constraint |
constraints |
context |
continue |
convbufsz |
copy |
count |
create |
current |
currval |
cursor |
data |
database |
date |
dateformat |
datelang |
datetime_interval_code |
datetime_interval_precision |
day |
deallocate |
dec |
decimal |
declare |
default |
define |
delete |
deref |
desc |
describe |
descriptor |
directory |
disable |
display |
distinct |
do |
double |
drop |
eject |
else |
enable |
end |
endif |
end-exec |
erase |
escape |
exec |
execute |
exists |
explain |
extract |
fetch |
file |
fileexists |
filename |
first |
float |
flush |
for |
force |
found |
free |
from |
function |
get |
global |
go |
goto |
grant |
group |
having |
hold |
host_stride_length |
hour |
iaf |
identified |
ifdef |
ifndef |
immediate |
in |
include |
indicator |
indicator_stride_length |
input |
insert |
integer |
internal_length |
intersect |
interval |
into |
is |
isopen |
istemporary |
last |
leading |
length |
level |
like |
list |
load |
lob |
local |
lock |
long |
max |
message |
min |
minus |
minute |
mode |
month |
multiset |
name |
national_character |
nchar |
nchar_cs |
next |
nextval |
noaudit |
not |
notfound |
nowait |
null |
nullable |
number |
numeric |
nvarchar |
nvarchar2 |
object |
ocibfilelocator |
ocibloblocator |
ocicloblocator |
ocidate |
ociextproccontext |
ocinumber |
ociraw |
ocirowid |
ocistring |
octet_length |
of |
one |
only |
open |
option |
or |
oracle |
order |
output |
overlaps |
overpunch |
package |
partition |
perform |
precision |
prepare |
prior |
procedure |
put |
raw |
read |
real |
ref |
reference |
register |
release |
rename |
replace |
return |
returned_length |
returned_octet_length |
returning |
revoke |
role |
rollback |
rowid |
rownum |
savepoint |
scale |
second |
section |
select |
set |
skip1 |
skip2 |
skip3 |
smallint |
some |
sql |
sql-context |
sql-cursor |
sqlerror |
sqlwarning |
start |
statement |
stddev |
stop |
string |
sum |
sysbackup sysdate |
sysdba |
sysoper |
table |
temporary |
threads |
time |
timestamp |
timezone_hour |
timezone_minute |
to |
tools |
title |
trailing |
transaction |
trigger |
trim |
truncate |
type |
uid |
ulong_varchar |
union |
unique |
unsigned |
user_defined_type_name |
user_defined_type_name_length |
user_defined_type_schema |
user_defined_type_schema_length |
user_defined_type_version |
update |
use |
user |
using |
validate |
value |
values |
var |
varchar |
varchar2 |
variables |
variance |
varnum |
varraw |
view |
whenever |
where |
with |
work |
write |
year |
zone |
B.2 Reserved Namespaces
Table B-1 contains a list of namespaces that are reserved by Oracle. The initial characters of subprogram names in Oracle libraries are restricted to the character strings in this list. Because of potential name conflicts, use subprogram names that do not begin with these characters.
For example, the Oracle Net Transparent Network Service functions all begin with the characters "NS," so avoid writing subprograms with names beginning with "NS."
Table B-1 Reserved Namespaces
Namespace | Library |
XA |
external functions for XA applications only |
SQ |
external SQLLIB functions used by Oracle Precompiler and SQL*Module applications |
O, OCI |
external OCI functions internal OCI functions |
function names from the Oracle UPI layer |
Oracle Net Native services product Oracle Net RPC project Oracle Net Directory Oracle Net Network Library layer Oracle Net Net Management Project Oracle Net Interchange Oracle Net Transparent Network Service Oracle Net Drivers Oracle Net Security Service Oracle Net V1 Oracle Net Two task |
Core library functions |
LI, LM, LX |
function names from the Oracle Globalization Support layer |
S |
function names from system-dependent libraries |