OracleConfiguration High Availability Properties
High Availability properties are listed in Table 7-35.
Table 7-35 OracleConfiguration High Availability Properties
Property | Description |
This setting pauses the connection request until the migration completes or fails to migrate in the specified time, then connect to the correct shard with the data requested. Not Available in ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver |
Specifies the address that the provider listens to for all notifications sent by the database for continuous query notification feature |
Specifies the port number that the provider listens to for all notifications sent by the database for continuous query notification, Fast Connection Failover, and/or Runtime Connection Load Balancing features |
Enables the application to receive Fast Connection Failover events for maintaining application high availability |
Specifies the configuration file to define Oracle Notification Service (ONS) behavior |
Specifies the ONS daemon mode as either |
Defines whether the ONS connection uses TCP/IP or TCP/IP with SSL/TLS |
Specifies the directory location of the ONS wallets |
Returns a collection of logical ONS servers added through |
Specifies the time to wait before retrying connecting to a service that becomes unavailable. |