9 Tutorial: Configuring Compartments in Oracle Label Security

This tutorial demonstrates how to create Oracle Label Security compartments.

About This Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will use the HR schema to learn how to use Oracle Label Security compartments.

This tutorial builds on the previous tutorial, which demonstrates how to create Oracle Label Security levels to control the access that two users, Susan Mavris and Ida Neau, have to the records in the HR.EMPLOYEES schema. For this tutorial, a third user, Lily Leagull, is an attorney with the company's legal department. Two former employees are suing the company, and she must have access to their records. She must not have access to any other records. The access to the former users is set by the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level, which you created in the previous tutorial. Access to the records of the two suing former employees will be possible through the use of a compartment within the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE data set, called LEGAL.

Step 1: Create an Account for Lily Leagull

Lily Leagull will initially have the same privileges as Susan Mavris and Ida Neau.

  1. Log in to a PDB as a user who has privileges to create user accounts and grant them roles.
    For example:
    sqlplus sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password

    To find the available PDBs, query the PDB_NAME column of the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current container, run the show con_name command.

  2. Create the account for Lily Leagull and grant her the HR_ROLE role as follows:

Step 2: Authorize Lily Leagull for the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE Level

After the lleagull account has been created, you can authorize it to use the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level.

  1. Connect as a user who can create and manage Oracle Label Security policies.
    For example:
    sqlplus psmith_ols@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Authorize lleagull to use the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level.
    The short name for HIGHLY_SENSITIVE is HS.
          policy_name  => 'HR_OLS_POL',
          user_name    => 'LLEAGULL', 
          max_level    => 'HS',
          min_level    => 'S');

Step 3: Create Two Compartments for the Oracle Label Security Policy

All three users (Susan Mavris, Ida Neau, and Lily Leagull) will use compartments to access their data.

The two HR employees, Susan Mavris and Ida Neau, will use the HR compartment. The Legal department employee, Lily Leagull, will use the LEGAL (LEG) compartment.
  1. If necessary, connect as a user who can create and manage Oracle Label Security policies.
    For example:
    sqlplus psmith_ols@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the compartments as follows:
        policy_name      => 'HR_OLS_POL',
        long_name        => 'HR',
        short_name       => 'HR',
        comp_num         =>  1000);
        policy_name      => 'HR_OLS_POL',
        long_name        => 'LEGAL',
        short_name       => 'LEG',
        comp_num         =>  2000);

    In this specification, the comp_num does not denote hierarchy as the level_num setting does with levels. It is only used to help identify the compartment.

Step 4: Create the Data Labels for the Compartments

You will create three data labels for the compartments.

In this procedure, the data labels will designate the rows that users Susan Mavris, Ida Neau, and Lily Leagull will see in the HR.EMPLOYEES table.
  1. If necessary, connect as a user who can create and manage Oracle Label Security policies.
    For example:
    sqlplus psmith_ols@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Create the data labels as follows:
          policy_name  => 'HR_OLS_POL',
          label_tag    => 1100,
          label_value  => 'S:HR:', -- SENSITIVE level for the HR compartment
          data_label   => TRUE);
          policy_name  => 'HR_OLS_POL',
          label_tag    => 1200,
          label_value  => 'HS:HR:', -- HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level for the HR compartment
          data_label   => TRUE);
          policy_name  => 'HR_OLS_POL',
          label_tag    => 1300,
          label_value  => 'HS:LEG:', --HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level for the LEG compartment
          data_label   => TRUE);

    In this specification:

    • label_value S:HR will be assigned to the records of all current employees.
    • label_value HS:HR will be assigned to the records all current and former employees.
    • label_value HS:LEG will be assigned to the records of former employees who are suing the company.

Step 5: Assign the Labels to the Users

Assigning the labels to the users will designate the rows to which these users will have access.

  1. If necessary, connect as a user who can create and manage Oracle Label Security policies.
    For example:
    sqlplus psmith_ols@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Assign the labels to the users as follows:
          policy_name    => 'HR_OLS_POL',
          user_name      => 'ineau', 
          max_read_label => 'S:HR:');
          policy_name    => 'HR_OLS_POL',
          user_name      => 'smavris', 
          max_read_label => 'HS:HR,LEG:');
          policy_name    => 'HR_OLS_POL',
          user_name      => 'lleagull', 
          max_read_label => 'HS:LEG:');

    In this specification:

    • User ineau (Ida Neau), who is authorized for the HR compartment, will continue to have access to all current employees, but not the former or suing employees.
    • User smavris (Susan Mavris), who is authorized for both the HR and LEG compartments, will continue to have access to all current and former employees, and former employees who are suing the company.
    • User lleagul (Lily Leagul), who is authorized for the LEG compartment, will have access only to former employees who are suing the company.

Step 6: Add the Policy Labels to the HR.EMPLOYEES Table Data

The HR user will add the policy labels to the HR.EMPLOYEES table data in the EMPLOYEE_ID column.

  1. Connect as the HR user.
    connect hr@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Perform the following UPDATE statement to apply the SENSITIVE level and the HR compartment to the employee IDs of users who are still currently employed with the company.
    This UPDATE statement controls the access that Ida Neau will have to the HR.EMPLOYEES table because she is authorized for the SENSITIVE level and the HR compartment.
    UPDATE employees
    SET    ols_col = CHAR_TO_LABEL('HR_OLS_POL','S:HR')
    WHERE  UPPER(employee_id) NOT IN (200, 101, 102, 176, 201, 122, 114);
  3. Perform the following UPDATE statement to apply the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level and HR compartment to the employee IDs of current and former employees.
    This UPDATE statement controls the access that Susan Mavris will have to the HR.EMPLOYEES table because she is authorized for the SENSITIVE level and the HR and LEG compartments.
    UPDATE employees
    SET    ols_col = CHAR_TO_LABEL('HR_OLS_POL','HS:HR,LEG')
    WHERE  UPPER(employee_id) IN (200, 101, 102, 176, 201, 122, 114);
  4. Perform the following UPDATE statement to apply the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level and LEG compartment to the employee IDs of former employees who are suing the company.
    This UPDATE statement controls the access that Lily Leagull will have to the HR.EMPLOYEES table because she is authorized for the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE level and the LEG compartment.
    UPDATE employees
    SET    ols_col = CHAR_TO_LABEL('HR_OLS_POL','HS:LEG')
    WHERE  UPPER(employee_id) IN (200, 101);

Step 7: Test the Oracle Label Security Policy

To test the policy, each user will try to query the HR.EMPLOYEES table.

  1. Connect as user Ida Neau.
    connect ineau@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Set column widths for the table output.
    column first_name format a25
    column last_name format a25
    column ols_label format a10
  3. Execute the following query:

    The output should be similar to the following:

    FIRST_NAME                LAST_NAME                 EMPLOYEE_ID OLS_LABEL
    ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------
    Steven                    King                              100 S:HR
    Alexander                 Hunold                            103 S:HR
    Bruce                     Ernst                             104 S:HR
    David                     Austin                            105 S:HR
    Valli                     Pataballa                         106 S:HR
    Diana                     Lorentz                           107 S:HR
    Nancy                     Greenberg                         108 S:HR
    Daniel                    Faviet                            109 S:HR
    John                      Chen                              110 S:HR
    Ismael                    Sciarra                           111 S:HR
    100 rows selected

    Because Ida Neau was assigned the SENSITIVE (S) label and the HR compartment, the output in the column OLS_LABEL is S:HR. 100 rows are returned.

    Note that the Oracle Label Security policy restriction applies to any SELECT query the user makes. For example, if Ida Neau performs a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM HR.EMPLOYEES; query, then it would return 100 rows, not the full 107.

  4. Connect as user Susan Mavris.
    connect smavris
    Enter password: password
  5. Execute the same query that Ida Neau executed.

    The output should be similar to the following:

    FIRST_NAME                LAST_NAME                 EMPLOYEE_ID OLS_LABEL
    ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------
    Steven                    King                              100 S:HR
    Alexander                 Hunold                            103 S:HR
    Bruce                     Ernst                             104 S:HR
    David                     Austin                            105 S:HR
    Valli                     Pataballa                         106 S:HR
    Jennifer                  Whalen                            200 HS:LEG
    Neena                     Kochhar                           101 HS:LEG
    Michael                   Hartstein                         201 HS:HR,LEG
    Jonathon                  Taylor                            176 HS:HR,LEG
    Den                       Raphaely                          114 HS:HR,LEG
    Lex                       De Haan                           102 HS:HR,LEG
    Payam                     Kaufling                          122 HS:HR,LEG
    107 rows selected

    Because Susan Mavris was assigned the HIGHLY_SENSITIVE (HS) level with the HR and LEG compartments, the output in the column OLS_LABEL is as follows:

    • S:HR to capture all current employees
    • HS:HR, LEG to capture all former employees
    • HS:LEG to capture former employees who are suing.

    107 rows are returned.

  6. Connect as user Lily Leagull.
    connect lleagull
    Enter password: password
  7. Execute the same query that Susan Mavris executed.

    The output should be similar to the following:

    FIRST_NAME                LAST_NAME                 EMPLOYEE_ID OLS_LABEL
    ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------
    Jennifer                  Whalen                            200 HS:LEG
    Neena                     Kochhar                           101 HS:LEG
    107 rows selected

    Because Lily Leagull was assigned the HS level with the LEG compartment, only former users who are suing are returned for her query.

Step 8: Optionally, Remove the Oracle Label Security Policy Components

You can remove the Oracle Label Security policy, HR_ROLE role, and users Ida Neau, Susan Mavris, and Lily Leagull.

  1. Connect as a user who can create and manage Oracle Label Security policies.
    For example:
    sqlplus psmith_ols@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  2. Drop the Oracle Label Security policy.
    This procedure also removes the levels, compartments, and from the HR.EMPLOYEES table, the OLS_COL column.
        policy_name  => 'HR_OLS_POL',
        drop_column  => TRUE);
  3. Connect as user who has privileges to drop roles and user accounts.
    For example:
    connect sec_admin@pdb_name
    Enter password: password
  4. Drop the HR_ROLE role.
  5. Drop the ineau, smavris, and lleagull accounts.