4 Sharded Database Deployment

Create and configure a sharded database, beginning with host provisioning, and continuing through software configuration, database setup, sharding metadata creation, and schema creation. This process is known as deployment.

The following topics explain the concepts and tasks to deploy a sharded database:

Introduction to Sharded Database Deployment

Oracle Sharding provides the capability to automatically deploy the sharded database, which includes both the shards and the replicas.

The sharded database administrator defines the topology (regions, shard hosts, replication technology) and invokes the DEPLOY command with a declarative specification using the GDSCTL command-line interface.

Before You Begin

Note that there are many different configurations and topologies that can be used for a sharded database. Your particular sharded database may employ a variety of Oracle software components such as Oracle Data Guard and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) along with different sharding methodologies including system-managed, composite, and user-defined sharding.

Depending on your application’s particular architecture and system requirements, you may have several choices from which to choose when designing your system. Familiarize yourself with Oracle Sharding Architecture and Concepts before proceeding with deployment.

Sharded Database Deployment Roadmap

At a high level, the deployment steps are:

  1. Set up the components.
  2. Create databases needed to store the sharding metadata and the application data.
    • Create a database that will become the shard catalog along with any desired replicas for disaster recovery (DR) and high availability (HA) (see Create the Shard Catalog Database).
    • Create databases that will become the shards in the configuration including any standby databases needed for DR and HA (see Create the Shard Databases).
  3. Specify the sharding topology using some or all the following commands from the GDSCTL command line utility, among others (see Configure the Sharded Database Topology).
    • ADD GSM
  4. Run DEPLOY to deploy the sharding topology configuration (see Deploy the Sharding Configuration).
  5. Add the global services needed to access any shard in the sharded database (see Create and Start Global Database Services).
  6. Verify the status of each shard (see Verify Shard Status).

When the sharded database configuration deployment is complete and successful, you can create the sharded schema objects needed for your application. See Sharded Database Schema Objects.

The topics that follow describe each of the deployment tasks in more detail along with specific requirements for various components in the system. These topics can act as a reference for the set up and configuration of each particular step in the process. However, by themselves, they will not produce a fully functional sharding configuration since they do not implement a complete sharding scenario, but only provide the requirements for each step.

Example Sharded Database Deployment walks you through a specific deployment scenario of a representative reference configurations. This section provides examples of every command needed to produce a fully functional sharded databases once all the steps are completed.

Planning Your Sharded Database Deployment

Many decisions need to be made when planning your sharded database deployment including the sharded database topology, replication method, and the sharding methodology.

There are many different configurations and topologies that can be used for a sharded database. Your particular sharded database may employ a variety of Oracle software components such as Oracle Data Guard and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) along with different sharding methodologies including system-managed, composite, and user-defined sharding.

Depending on which sharding method you choose (system, composite, or user-defined sharding), you can further refine your topology planning with decisions about considerations such as the number of chunks, shardgroups or shardspaces, regions, standbys, and open as opposed to mounted databases, and so on.

See Oracle Sharding Architecture and Concepts for information pertaining to these topology options.

Plan the Sharded Database Configuration

To plan your Oracle Sharding configuration you need an understanding of the objects that make up a sharded database configuration, so that you can best configure and deploy them to meet your requirements.

The sharded database configuration consists of the sharding method, replication (high availability) technology, the default number of chunks to be present in the sharded database, the location and number of shard directors, the numbers of shardgroups, shardspaces, regions, and shards in the sharded database, and the global services that will be used to connect to the sharded database.

Oracle Database Global Data Services Architecture

Because the Oracle Sharding feature is built on the Oracle Database Global Data Services feature, to plan your Oracle Sharding topology you might benefit from an understanding of the Global Data Services architecture. See Introduction to Global Data Services for conceptual information about Global Data Services.

Provision and Configure Hosts and Operating Systems

Before you install any software, review these hardware, network, and operating system requirements for Oracle Sharding.

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition is required when running an Oracle Sharded Database.

  • Hardware and operating system requirements for shards are the same as those for Oracle Database. See your Oracle Database installation documentation for these requirements.

  • Hardware and operating system requirements for the shard catalog and shard directors are the same as those for the Global Data Services catalog and global service manager. See Oracle Database Global Data Services Concepts and Administration Guide for these requirements.

  • Network Low Latency GigE is strongly recommended

  • Port communication requirements are as follows.

    • Each and every shard must be able to reach each and every shard director's listener and ONS ports. The shard director listener ports and the ONS ports must also be opened to the application/client tier, all of the shards, the shard catalog, and all other shard directors.

      The default listener port of the shard director is 1522, and the default ONS ports on most platforms are 6123 for the local ONS and 6234 for remote ONS.

    • Each and every shard must be able to reach the TNS Listener port (default 1521) of the shard catalog (both primary and standbys).

    • The TNS Listener port of each shard must be opened to all shard directors and the shard catalog.

    • All of the port numbers listed above are modifiable during the deployment configuration. However, the port numbers to be used must be known before setting up the host software.

  • Host name resolution must be successful between all of the shard catalog, shards, and shard director hosts. Operating system commands such as ‘ping’ must succeed from a given host to any other host when specifying any host names provided during sharded database configuration commands.

Number and Sizing of Host Systems

Depending on your specific configuration, the hosts that are needed may include the following:

  • Shard catalog host. The shard catalog host runs the Oracle Database that serves as the shard catalog. This database contains a small amount of sharding topology metadata and any duplicated tables that are created for your application. In addition, the shard catalog acts as a multi-shard query coordinator for cross-shard queries and services connections for applications that have not been written to be sharding-aware. In general, the transaction workload and size of this database are not particularly large.

  • Shard catalog database standbys (replicas). At least one more host to contain a replica or standby of the primary shard catalog database is recommended. This host is necessary in case of a failure of the primary catalog host. In addition, while acting as a standby database, this host can also be configured to be a query coordinator for cross-shard queries.

  • Shard director host. The shard director (global service manager) software can reside on a separate host, or it can be co-located on the same host as the shard catalog. This component of the sharding system is comprised of a network listener and several background processes used to monitor and configure a sharded configuration. If it is co-located on the same host as the catalog database, the shard director must be installed in a separate Oracle Home from the catalog database, because the installation package is different than the one used for Oracle Database.

  • Multiple shard directors. For high-availability purposes, it is recommended that you have more than one shard director running in a sharded system. Any additional shard directors can run on their own hosts or on the hosts running the standby shard catalog databases.

  • Shards. In addition to the above hosts, each shard that is configured in the system should also run on its own separate host. The hosts and their configurations chosen for this task should be sized in the same way as a typical Oracle Database host depending on how much load is put on each particular shard.

  • Shard standbys (replicas). Again, for high-availability and disaster recovery purposes, use Oracle Data Guard and replicas created for all sharded data. Additional hosts will be needed to run these replica or standby databases.


    Oracle GoldenGate replication support for Oracle Sharding High Availability is deprecated in Oracle Database 21c.

When the number of hosts and capacity requirements for each host have been determined, provision your hardware resources as appropriate for your environment using whatever methodologies you choose.

Before installing any software, you must confirm that the hosts can communicate with each other though the ports as described above. Because a sharding configuration is inherently a distributed system, it is crucial that this connectivity between and among all of the hosts is confirmed before moving on to the next steps in the deployment process. Failure to set up port access correctly will lead to failures in subsequent commands.

Multi-Shard Query Coordinator Availability and Scalability

The multi-shard query coordinator, a component of the shard catalog, can be kept highly available and scaled to meet its workload with these recommendations.

The availability of the multi-shard coordinator impacts proxy-routing based workloads, so it is highly recommended that the coordinator be protected with Data Guard in Maximum Availability protection mode (zero data loss failover) with fast-start failover enabled. The coordinator may optionally be Oracle RAC-enabled for additional availability and scalability.

To improve the scalability and availability of multi-shard query workloads, Oracle Active Data Guard standby shard catalog databases in read-only mode can act as multi-shard query coordinators. For each active replica of the catalog database, a special coordinator service, GDS$COORDINATOR.cloud_name (where cloud_name is the value specified for the configname parameter in the GDSCTL CREATE SHARDCATALOG command, and is oradbcloud by default) is running and registered on all shard directors.

Clients can connect to this service on any of the replicas and perform multi-shard queries, allowing shard directors to distribute the multi-shard query workload with respect to runtime load balancing and decrease the load on in the primary shard catalog, which is the central component of the Oracle Sharding framework.

Additionally, if the database’s region is set, and the client specifies the region in the connection string, a shard director routes a connection with respect to regional affinity.

Availability of the multi-shard query coordinator has zero impact on workloads using direct routing.

Install the Oracle Database Software

Install Oracle Database on each system that will host the shard catalog, a database shard, or their replicas.

Aside from the requirement that the shard catalog and all of the shards in an Oracle Sharding configuration require Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, there are no other special installation considerations needed for sharding as long as the installation is successful and all post-install scripts have been run successfully.

See your platform’s installation guide at https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/ for information about configuring operating system users.

Install the Shard Director Software

Install the global service manager software on each system that you want to host a shard director.

Note that this software installation is distinct from an Oracle Database installation. If you choose to co-locate the shard director software on the same host as the shard catalog database, it must be installed in a separate Oracle Home.

See Oracle Database Global Data Services Concepts and Administration Guide for information about installing the global service manager software.

Create the Shard Catalog Database

Use the following information and guidelines to create the shard catalog database.

The shard catalog database contains a small amount of sharding topology metadata and also contains all the duplicated tables that will be created for use by your sharded application. The shard catalog database also acts as a query coordinator to run cross-shard queries that select and aggregate data from more than one shard.

From a sharding perspective, the way in which you create or provision the catalog database is irrelevant. The database can be created with the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), manually using SQL*Plus, or provisioned from cloud infrastructure tools.

As long as you have a running Oracle Database Enterprise Edition instance on the shard catalog host with the following characteristics, it can used as the shard catalog.

  • Create a pluggable database (PDB) for use as the shard catalog database. Using the root container (CDB$ROOT) of a container database (CDB) as the shard catalog database is not supported.

  • Your shard catalog database must use a server parameter file (SPFILE). This is required because the sharding infrastructure uses internal database parameters to store configuration metadata, and that data needs to persist across database startup and shutdown operations.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> show parameter spfile
    NAME     TYPE      VALUE
    -------- --------- ------------------------------------
    spfile   string    /u01/app/oracle/dbs/spfilecat.ora 
  • The database character set and national character set must be the same, because it is used for all of the shard databases. This means that the character set chosen must contain all possible characters that will be inserted into the shard catalog or any of the shards.

    This requirement arises from the fact that Oracle Data Pump is used internally to move transportable tablespaces from one shard to another during sharding MOVE CHUNK commands. A requirement of that mechanism is that character sets must match on the source and destination.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=catalog_pdb_name;
    SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters 
      2  where parameter like '%CHARACTERSET';
    PARAMETER                                VALUE
    ---------------------------------------- --------------------
    NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET                   AL16UTF16
    NLS_CHARACTERSET                         WE8DEC
  • Because the shard catalog database can run multi-shard queries which connect to shards over database links, the OPEN_LINKS and OPEN_LINKS_PER_INSTANCE database initialization parameter values must be greater than or equal to the number of shards that will be part of the sharded database configuration.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba	
    SQL> alter session set container=catalog_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter open_links
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------
    open_links                           integer     20
    open_links_per_instance              integer     20
  • Set the DB_FILES database initialization parameter greater than or equal to the total number of chunks and/or tablespaces in the system.

    Each data chunk in a sharding configuration is implemented as a tablespace partition and resides in its own operating system data file. As a result, the DB_FILES database initialization parameter must be greater than or equal to the total number of chunks (as specified on the CREATE SHARDCATALOG or ADD SHARDSPACE commands) and/or tablespaces in the system.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba	
    SQL> alter session set container=catalog_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter db_files
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------
    db_files                             integer     1024
  • To support Oracle Managed Files, which is used by the sharding chunk management infrastructure, the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST database parameter must be set to a valid value.

    This location is used during chunk movement operations (for example MOVE CHUNK or automatic rebalancing) to store the transportable tablespaces holding the chunk data. In addition, files described in Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide, "Using Oracle Managed Files," are also stored in this location as is customary for any Oracle database using Oracle Managed Files.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba	
    SQL> alter session set container=catalog_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter db_create_file_dest
    NAME                  TYPE      VALUE
    --------------------- --------- -----------------------------
    db_create_file_dest   string    /u01/app/oracle/oradata 
  • If a standby catalog database will be part of the sharding configuration, the STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT database parameter should be set to in order to automatically create new database files on any standby catalog databases.

    If this parameter is set to MANUAL (which is the default), then new database files created during CREATE TABLESPACE commands, for example, will not be created on the standby. This will cause data unavailability and application errors if the standby ever becomes a primary database.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=catalog_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter standby_file_management
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------
    standby_file_management stirng AUTO
  • An Oracle-provided user account named GSMCATUSER must be unlocked and assigned a password inside the PDB designated for the shard catalog. This account is used by the shard director processes to connect to the shard catalog database and perform administrative tasks in response to sharding commands.

    Note that GSMCATUSER is a common user in the container database. As a result, its password is the same for CDB$ROOT and all PDBs in the CDB. If multiple PDBs in a single CDB are to be used as catalog databases for different sharding configurations, they will all share the same GSMCATUSER password which can be a security concern. To avoid this potential security concern, configure a separate CDB to host each shard catalog. Each CDB should contain only a single shard catalog PDB so that no other PDBs in the CDB can share the common GSMCATUSER password. In this way, multiple shard catalogs can be configured across several CDBs, each having different GSMCATUSER passwords.

    The password you specify is used later during sharding topology creation in any ADD GSM commands that are issued. It never needs to be specified again because the shard director stores it securely in an Oracle Wallet and decrypts it only when necessary.

    The MODIFY GSM command can be used to update the stored password if it is later changed on the shard catalog database.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter user gsmcatuser account unlock;
    User altered.
    SQL> alter user gsmcatuser identified by gsmcatuser_password;
    User altered.
    SQL> alter session set container=catalog_pdb_name;
    SQL> alter user gsmcatuser account unlock;
    User altered.
  • A shard catalog administrator account must be created, assigned a password, and granted privileges inside the PDB designated as the shard catalog.

    This account is the administrator account for the sharding metadata in the shard catalog database. It is used to access the shard catalog using the GDSCTL utility when an administrator needs to makes changes to the sharded database topology or perform other administrative tasks.

    GDSCTL connects as this user to the shard catalog database when GDSCTL commands are run. The user name and password specified are used later in the CREATE SHARDCATALOG command. As with the GSMCATUSER account above, the user name and password are stored securely in an Oracle Wallet for later use. The stored credentials can be updated by issuing an explicit CONNECT command from GDSCTL to reset the values in the wallet.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=catalog_pdb_name;
    SQL> create user mysdbadmin identified by mysdbadmin_password;
    User created.
    SQL> grant gsmadmin_role to mysdbadmin;
    Grant succeeded.
  • Set up and run an Oracle Net TNS Listener at your chosen port (default is 1521) that can service incoming connection requests for the shard catalog PDB.

    The TNS Listener can be created and configured in whatever way you wish. Depending on how the database was created, it may be necessary to explicitly create a database service that can allow for direct connection requests to the PDB without the need to use ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER.

    To validate that the listener is configured correctly, do the following using your newly created mysdbadmin account above and an appropriate connect string. Running LSNRCTL SERVICES lists all services currently available using the listener.

    $ sqlplus mysdbadmin/mysdbadmin_password@catalog_connect_string
    SQL> show con_name

    Once you confirm connectivity, make note of the catalog_connect_string above. It is used later in the configuration process in the GDSCTL CREATE SHARDCATALOG command. Typically, it will be of the form host:port/service_name (for example, cathost.example.com:1521/catalog_pdb.example.com).

After all of the above requirements have been met, the newly created database can now be the target of a GDSCTL CREATE SHARDCATALOG command.

For high availability and disaster recovery purposes, it is highly recommended that you also create one or more standby shard catalog databases. From a sharding perspective, as long as the above requirements are also met on the standby databases, and all changes to the primary shard catalog database are consistently applied to the standbys, there are no further sharding-specific configuration steps required.

Create the Shard Databases

The databases that will be used as shards should be created on their respective hosts.

As with the shard catalog database, the way in which you create or provision the shard databases is irrelevant from a sharding perspective. The database can be created with the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), manually using SQL*Plus, or provisioned from cloud infrastructure tools.

As long as you have a running Oracle Database Enterprise Edition instance on each shard host, with the following characteristics, it can be used as a shard.

  • An Oracle-provided user account named GSMROOTUSER must be unlocked and assigned a password inside CDB$ROOT of the database designated for a shard. In addition, this user must be granted the SYSDG and SYSBACKUP system privileges.

    The GSMROOTUSER account is used by GDSCTL and the shard director processes to connect to the shard database to perform administrative tasks in response to sharding commands. The password specified is used by GDSCTL during sharding topology creation in any ADD CDB commands that are issued. It is also be used by the shard director during the DEPLOY command to configure Oracle Data Guard (as necessary) on the shard databases. It never needs to be specified again by the user, because GDSCTL and the shard director store it securely in an Oracle Wallet and decrypt it only when necessary. The MODIFY CDB command can be used to update the stored password if it is later changed on the shard database.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter user gsmrootuser account unlock;
    User altered.
    SQL> alter user gsmrootuser identified by gsmrootuser_password;
    User altered.
    SQL> grant SYSDG, SYSBACKUP to gsmrootuser;
    Grant succeeded.
  • Create a pluggable database (PDB) for use as the shard database. Using the root container (CDB$ROOT) of a container database (CDB) as a shard is not supported.

  • Your shard database must use a server parameter file (SPFILE). The SPFILE is required because the sharding infrastructure uses internal database parameters to store configuration metadata, and that data must persist through database startup and shutdown operations.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter spfile
    NAME     TYPE      VALUE
    -------- --------- ------------------------------------
    spfile   string    /u01/app/oracle/dbs/spfileshard.ora
  • The database character set and national character set of the shard database must be the same as that used for the shard catalog database and all other shard databases. This means that the character set you choose must contain all possible characters that will be inserted into the shard catalog or any of the shards.

    This requirement arises from the fact that Oracle Data Pump is used internally to move transportable tablespaces from one shard to another during sharding MOVE CHUNK commands. A requirement of that mechanism is that character sets must match on the source and destination.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters 
      2  where parameter like '%CHARACTERSET';
    PARAMETER                                VALUE
    ---------------------------------------- --------------------
    NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET                   AL16UTF16
    NLS_CHARACTERSET                         WE8DEC
  • The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter must be set to at least 12.2.0.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter compatible
    NAME                   TYPE        VALUE
    ---------------------- ----------- -----------------
    compatible             string      20.0.0
  • Enable Flashback Database if your sharded database will use standby shard databases.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> select flashback_on from v$database;
  • FORCE LOGGING mode must be enabled if your shard database will use standby shard databases.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> select force_logging from v$database;
  • Set the DB_FILES database initialization parameter greater than or equal to the total number of chunks and/or tablespaces in the system.

    Each data chunk in a sharding configuration is implemented as a tablespace partition and resides in its own operating system datafile. As a result, the DB_FILES database initialization parameter must be greater than or equal to the total number of chunks (as specified in the CREATE SHARDCATALOG or ADD SHARDSPACE commands) and/or tablespaces in the system.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba	
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter db_files
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------
    db_files                             integer     1024
  • To support Oracle Managed Files, used by the sharding chunk management infrastructure, the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST database parameter must be set to a valid value.

    This location is used during chunk movement operations (for example MOVE CHUNK or automatic rebalancing) to store the transportable tablespaces holding the chunk data. In addition, files described in Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide, "Using Oracle Managed Files," are also stored in this location as is customary for any Oracle database using Oracle Managed Files.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba	
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter db_create_file_dest
    NAME                  TYPE      VALUE
    --------------------- --------- -----------------------------
    db_create_file_dest   string    /u01/app/oracle/oradata
  • A directory object named DATA_PUMP_DIR must be created and accessible in the PDB from the GSMADMIN_INTERNAL account.

    GSMADMIN_INTERNAL is an Oracle-supplied account that owns all of the sharding metadata tables and PL/SQL packages. It should remain locked and is never used to login interactively. It’s only purpose is to own and control access to the sharding metadata and PL/SQL.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba	
    SQL> create or replace directory DATA_PUMP_DIR as ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata’;
    Directory created.
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> grant read, write on directory DATA_PUMP_DIR to gsmadmin_internal;
    Grant succeeded.
  • To support file movement from shard to shard, the DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT database parameter must be set to a valid value. This location is used when standby databases are in use, as is typical with non-sharded databases, and the location can also be used during chunk movement operations. For regular file system locations, it is recommended that this parameter end with a trailing slash (/).

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter db_file_name_convert
    ---------------------- --------- -----------------------------
    db_file_name_convert   string    /dbs/SHARD1/, /dbs/SHARD1S/
  • If a standby shard databases will be part of the sharding configuration, the STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT database parameter should be set to AUTO to automatically create new database files on any standby shard databases.

    If this parameter is set to MANUAL (which is the default), then new database files created during CREATE TABLESPACE commands, for example, will not be created on the standby. This will cause data unavailability and application errors if the standby ever becomes a primary database.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> show parameter standby_file_management
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------
    standby_file_management string AUTO
  • An Oracle-provided user account named GSMUSER must be unlocked and assigned a password inside the PDB designated as the shard database. In addition, this user must be granted the SYSDG and SYSBACKUP system privileges.

    Note that GSMUSER is a common user in the container database. As a result, its password is the same for CDB$ROOT and all PDBs in the CDB, which can be a security concern. To avoid this, host only one shard PDB per CDB, and do not unlock the GSMUSER account in any other PDBs.

    This account is used by the shard director processes to connect to the shard database and perform administrative tasks in response to sharding commands. The password specified is used later during sharding topology creation in any ADD SHARD commands that are issued. The password never needs to be specified again because the shard director stores it securely in an Oracle Wallet and only decrypts it when necessary. You can update the stored password using the MODIFY SHARD command if the password is later changed on the shard database.

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter user gsmuser account unlock;
    User altered.
    SQL> alter user gsmuser identified by gsmuser_password;
    User altered.
    SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
    SQL> alter user gsmuser account unlock;
    User altered.
    SQL> grant SYSDG, SYSBACKUP to gsmuser;
    Grant succeeded.
  • Set up and run an Oracle Net TNS Listener at your chosen port (default is 1521) that can service incoming connection requests for the shard PDB.

    The TNS Listener can be created and configured in whatever way you wish. Depending on how the database was created, it may be necessary to explicitly create a database service that can allow for direct connection requests to the PDB without the need to use ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER.

    To validate that the listener is configured correctly, run the following command using your newly unlocked GSMUSER account and an appropriate connect string. Running LSNRCTL SERVICES lists all services currently available using the listener.

    $ sqlplus gsmuser/gsmuser_password@shard_connect_string
    SQL> show con_name

    Once you confirm connectivity, make note of the shard_connect_string above. It is used later in the configuration process in the GDSCTL ADD SHARD command. Typically, the connect string is in the form host:port/service_name (for example, shardhost.example.com:1521/shard_pdb.example.com).

Validate the Shard Database

To validate that all of the above requirements have been met, you can run an Oracle-supplied procedure, validateShard, that inspects the shard database and reports any issues encountered. This procedure is read-only and makes no changes to the database configuration.

The validateShard procedure can and should be run against primary, mounted (unopened) standby, and Active Data Guard standby databases that are part of the sharded database configuration. You can run validateShard multiple times and at any time during the sharded database life cycle, including after upgrades and patching.

To run the validateShard package, do the following:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> alter session set container=shard_pdb_name;
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> execute dbms_gsm_fix.validateShard

This procedure will produce output similar to the following:

INFO: Data Guard shard validation requested.
INFO: Database role is PRIMARY.
INFO: Database name is SHARD1.
INFO: Database unique name is shard1.
INFO: Database ID is 4183411430.
INFO: Database open mode is READ WRITE.
INFO: Database in archivelog mode.
INFO: Flashback is on.
INFO: Force logging is on.
INFO: Database platform is Linux x86 64-bit.
INFO: Database character set is WE8DEC. This value must match the character set of the catalog database.
INFO: 'compatible' initialization parameter validated successfully.
INFO: Database is a multitenant container database.
INFO: Current container is SHARD1_PDB1.
INFO: Database is using a server parameter file (spfile).
INFO: db_create_file_dest set to: '/u01/app/oracle/dbs'
INFO: db_recovery_file_dest set to: '/u01/app/oracle/dbs'
INFO: db_files=1000. Must be greater than the number of chunks and/or
tablespaces to be created in the shard.
INFO: dg_broker_start set to TRUE.
INFO: remote_login_passwordfile set to EXCLUSIVE.
INFO: db_file_name_convert set to: '/dbs/SHARD1/, /dbs/SHARD1S/'
INFO: GSMUSER account validated successfully.
INFO: DATA_PUMP_DIR is '/u01/app/oracle/dbs/9830571348DFEBA8E0537517C40AF64B'.

All output lines marked INFO are for informational purposes and should be validated as correct for your configuration.

All output lines marked ERROR must be fixed before moving on to the next deployment steps. These issues will cause errors for certain sharding operations if they are not resolved.

All output lines marked WARNING may or may not be applicable for your configuration. For example, if standby databases will not be used for this particular deployment, then any warnings related to standby databases or recovery can be ignored. This is especially true for non-production, proof-of-concept, or application development deployments. Review all warnings and resolve as necessary.

Once all of the above steps have been completed, the newly created database can now be the target of a GDSCTL ADD SHARD command.

For high availability and disaster recovery purposes, it is highly recommended that you also create one or more standby shard databases. From a sharding perspective, as long as the above requirements are also met on the standby databases, and all changes to the primary shard database are applied to the standbys, the standby database only needs to be added to the sharding configuration with an ADD SHARD command.

Configure the Sharded Database Topology

After the databases for the shard catalog and all of the shards are configured, along with corresponding TNS listeners, you can add the sharding metadata to the shard catalog database using GDSCTL. The sharding metadata describes the topology used for the sharded database.

The sharded database topology consists of the sharding method, replication (high availability) technology, the default number of chunks to be present in the sharded database, the location and number of shard directors, the numbers of shardgroups, shardspaces, regions, and shards in the sharded database, and the global services that will be used to connect to the sharded database.

Keep the Global Data Services Control Utility (GDSCTL) Command Reference in the Oracle Database Global Data Services Concepts and Administration Guide on hand for information about usage and options for the GDSCTL commands used in the configuration procedures.

Follow the procedures listed below, in order, to complete your sharded database topology configuration.

Run the commands from a shard director host, because the GDSCTL command line interface is installed there as part of the shard director (global service manager) installation.

Create the Shard Catalog

Use the GDSCTL CREATE SHARDCATALOG command to create metadata describing the sharded database topology in the shard catalog database.

Note that once you run CREATE SHARDCATALOG, and the rest of the sharding metadata has been created, there are several metadata properties that cannot be modified without recreating the entire sharded database from scratch. These include the sharding method (system-managed, composite, user-defined), replication technology (Oracle Data Guard, Oracle GoldenGate), default number of chunks in the database, and others. Make sure that you consult the GDSCTL reference documentation for the complete list of possible command options and their defaults.


Oracle GoldenGate replication support for Oracle Sharding High Availability is deprecated in Oracle Database 21c.

Consult the GDSCTL documentation or run GDSCTL HELP CREATE SHARDCATALOG for more details about the command usage.

Shard Catalog Connect String

When you run the CREATE SHARDCATALOG command, GDSCTL connects to the shard catalog database with the user name and connect string specified.

If your shard catalog database has an associated standby database for high availability or disaster recovery purposes, the connection string, catalog_connect_string in the examples that follow, should specify all primary and standby databases. If you don't include the standby databases in the connect string, then the shard director processes will not be able to connect to the standby if the primary shard catalog is unavailable.

Note that catalog_connect_string should specify the PDB for the shard catalog database, not the CDB$ROOT.

The following is a simple tnsnames.ora entry.

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = primary_catalog)(PORT = 1521))
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = standby_catalog)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = catpdb.example.com)
  • Run CREATE SHARDCATALOG with the settings appropriate for your planned sharding topology.

    System-Managed Sharding Method

    In the following example, the sharded database metadata is created for a system-managed sharding configuration with two regions named region1 and region2. Because system-managed is the default sharding method, it does not need to be specified with the -sharding parameter.

    GDSCTL> create shardcatalog -database catalog_connect_string
     -user mysdbadmin/mysdbadmin_password -repl DG -region region1,region2

    Note also that if -shardspace is not specified, a default shardspace named shardspaceora is created. If -region is not specified, the default region named regionora is created. If the single default region is created along with the default shardspace, then a default shardgroup named shardspaceora_regionora is also created in the shardspace.

    Composite Sharding Method

    The following example shows you how to create shard catalog metadata for a composite sharded database with Data Guard replication in MaxAvailability protection mode, 60 chunks per shardspace, and two shardspaces.

    GDSCTL> create shardcatalog -database catalog_connect_string
     -user mysdbadmin/mysdbadmin_password -sharding composite -chunks 60 
     -protectmode maxavailability -shardspace shardspace1,shardspace2

    User-Defined Sharding Method

    The next example shows you how to create shard catalog metadata for a user-defined sharded database with Data Guard replication.

    GDSCTL> create shardcatalog -database catalog_connect_string
     -user mysdbadmin/mysdbadmin_password -sharding user
     -protectmode maxperformance 

Future Connections to the Shard Catalog

GDSCTL stores the credentials for the shard catalog administrator in a wallet on the local host. However, for subsequent GDSCTL sessions on other hosts, it may be necessary to explicitly connect to the shard catalog in order to perform administrative tasks by running the GDSCTL CONNECT command, as shown here.

GDSCTL> connect mysdbadmin/mysdbadmin_password@catalog_connect_string

Add and Start Shard Directors

Add to the configuration the shard directors, which will monitor the sharding system and run background tasks in response to GDSCTL commands and other events, and start them.

The following commands must be run on the host where the shard director processes are to run. This can be the shard catalog host or a dedicated host for the shard director processes.

  1. Add and start a shard director (GSM), as shown in the following example.
    GDSCTL> connect mysdbadmin/mysdbadmin_password@catalog_connect_string
    GDSCTL> add gsm -gsm sharddirector1 -catalog catalog_connect_string -pwd gsmcatuser_password
    GDSCTL> start gsm -gsm sharddirector1

    The value for the -gsm parameter is the name that you will be using to reference this shard director in later GDSCTL commands. The values for the -catalog and -pwd parameters should be the same used when you created the shard catalog database.

    Use the -listener, -localons, and -remoteons parameters as described in the GDSCTL reference to override the default port numbers of 1522, 6123, and 6234, respectively. Always confirm that the port numbers to be used, whether default or user-specified, are available on the host and do not conflict with other running software or Oracle listeners.

  2. Repeat the ADD GSM and START GSM commands for any additional shard directors on each shard director host.

    Replace the shard director name (that is, sharddirector1 in the example) with an appropriate value for each shard director.

    If more than one shard director is used, then multiple regions must have been created for them in the CREATE SHARDCATALOG command, or you can add them later by running ADD REGION.

    Specify a region for each shard director with the -region parameter on each ADD GSM command, as shown here.

    GDSCTL> add gsm -gsm sharddirector2 -catalog catalog_connect_string -pwd gsmcatuser_password -region dc2

For later GDSCTL sessions, you might need to explicitly specify the shard director to be administered. If an error message is shown referencing the default GSMORA shard director, run GDSCTL SET GSM before continuing, as shown here.

GDSCTL> set gsm -gsm sharddirector1

Add Shardspaces If Needed

If you are using composite or user-defined sharding, and you need to add more shardspaces to complete your desired sharding topology, use the ADD SHARDSPACE command to add additional shardspaces.

  • Run ADD SHARDSPACE as shown here.
    GDSCTL> add shardspace -shardspace shardspace2 

    By default, the ADD SHARDSPACE command inherits the -chunks and -protectmode values that you used in the CREATE SHARDCATALOG command. You can specify, on a per-shardspace basis,the number of chunks and the Data Guard protection mode by using the -chunks and -protectmode parameters with ADD SHARDSPACE.

Add Shardgoups If Needed

If your sharded database topology uses the system-managed or composite sharding method, you can add any necessary additional shardgroups for your application.

Each shardspace must contain at least one primary shardgroup and may contain any number or type of standby shardgroups. Shardgroups are not used in the user-defined sharding method.

  • Run ADD SHARDGROUP to add shardgroups to the configuration.
    GDSCTL> add shardgroup -shardgroup shardgroup_primary -shardspace shardspace1
     -deploy_as primary -region region1
    GDSCTL> add shardgroup -shardgroup shardgroup_standby -shardspace shardspace1
     -deploy_as active_standby -region region2

    Note that when you run ADD SHARDGROUP you can specify one of three types of shardgroups: primary, standby (mounted, not open), and active_standby (open, available for queries) using the -deploy_as parameter (the default is standby).

    Any shards subsequently added to the shardgroup must be opened in the mode corresponding to the -deploy_as setting for the shardgroup. For example, read-write for primary shardgroups, mounted for standby shardgroups, or read-only with apply for active standby shardgroups.

    After shards are deployed, their current mode is monitored by the shard directors and communicated to the shard catalog such that it is possible and expected that shards of different open modes may be in the same shardgroup, depending upon subsequent switchover or failover operations.

Verify the Sharding Topology

Before adding information about your shard databases to the catalog, verify that your sharding topology is correct before proceeding by using the various GDSCTL CONFIG commands.

Once shards are added and deployed, it is no longer possible to change much of the shard catalog metadata, so validating your configuration is an important task at this point.

  • Run GDSCTL CONFIG to view overall configuration information.
    GDSCTL> config
    Sharded Database
    Shard Groups
    Shard spaces
    GDSCTL pending requests
    Command                   Object                  Status
    -------                   ------                  ------
    Global properties
    Name: oradbcloud
    Master GSM: sharddirector1
    DDL sequence #: 0

    You can use the various GDSCTL CONFIG commands to display more information about shardspaces, shardgroups, and other shard catalog objects. For a complete list of GDSCTL CONFIG command variants, see the GDSCTL reference documentation or run GDSCTL HELP.

Add the Shard CDBs

Add the CDBs containing the shard PDBs to the sharding configuration with the ADD CDB command.

  1. Run the ADD CDB command as shown here.
    GDSCTL> add cdb -connect cdb_connect_string -pwd gsmrootuser_password

    This command causes GDSCTL to connect to GSMROOTUSER/gsmrootuser_password@cdb_connect_string as SYSDG to validate settings and to retrieve the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the CDB, which will become the CDB name in the shard catalog.

  2. Repeat the ADD CDB command for all of the CDBs that contain a shard PDB in the configuration.
  3. When all of the CDBs are added, run GDSCTL CONFIG CDB to display a list of CDBs in the catalog.
    GDSCTL> config cdb

Add the Shard PDBs

Use the ADD SHARD command to add the shard PDB information to the shard catalog, then verify it with the CONFIG SHARD command.

  1. Run ADD SHARD with the usage appropriate to your sharding method, as shown in the following examples.

    For system-managed or composite sharding, run ADD SHARD with the parameters shown here.

    GDSCTL> add shard -connect shard_connect_string -pwd gsmuser_password 
    -shardgroup shardgroup_name -cdb cdb_name

    For user-defined sharding, the command usage is slightly different.

    GDSCTL> add shard -connect shard_connect_string -pwd gsmuser_password 
    -shardspace shardspace_name -deploy_as db_mode -cdb cdb_name

    The -cdb parameter specifies the name of the CDB in which the shard PDB exists, -shardgroup or -shardspace specifies the location of the shard in your sharding topology, and -deploy_as specifies the open mode (primary, standby, active_standby) of the shard.


    It is highly recommended that you set server=dedicated in the connect string.

    When you run ADD SHARD, GDSCTL connects to GSMUSER/gsmuser_password@shard_connect_string as SYSDG to validate the settings on the shard, re-runs dbms_gsm_fix.validateShard to check for errors, and constructs the shard name using the convention db_unique_name_of_CDB_PDB_name (for example cdb1_pdb1).

    Finally, the metadata that describes the shard is added to the shard catalog.

  2. Run GDSCTL CONFIG SHARD to view the shard metadata on the shard catalog.
    GDSCTL> config shard
    Name      Shard Group          Status    State    Region    Availability
    --------- -------------------  ------    -----    ------    ------------
    cdb1_pdb1 shardgroup_primary   U         none     region1   -
    cdb2_pdb1 shardgroup_standby   U         none     region2   -
    cdb3_pdb2 shardgroup_primary   U         none     region1   -
    cdb4_pdb2 shardgroup_standby   U         none     region2   -

    Note that the value for Status is U for “undeployed”, and State and Availability are none and - until the DEPLOY command is successfully run.

Add Host Metadata

Add all of the host names and IP addresses of your shard hosts to the shard catalog.

As part of the deployment process, the shard director contacts the shards and directs them to register with the shard director’s TNS listener process. This listener process only accepts incoming registration requests from trusted sources and will reject registration requests from unknown hosts.

If your shard hosts have multiple host names or network interfaces assigned to them, it is possible that the incoming registration request to the shard director may come from a host that was not automatically added during ADD SHARD. In this case, the registration request is rejected and the shard will not deploy correctly. The visible symptom of this problem will be that CONFIG SHARD shows PENDING for the shard’s Availability after DEPLOY has completed.

To avoid this issue, use the GDSCTL ADD INVITEDNODE command to manually add all host names and IP addresses of your shard hosts to the shard catalog metadata.

  1. View a list of trusted hosts.

    By default, the ADD SHARD command adds the default host name of the shard host to the shard catalog metadata, so that any registration requests from that host to the shard director will be accepted. You can view the list of trusted hosts by running the GDSCTL CONFIG VNCR command.

    GDSCTL> config vncr
  2. Ping from all of the hosts in the configuration to verify successful host name resolution.

    Any hosts listed in the CONFIG VNCR output must be reachable by name from all of the other hosts in the topology. Use the ping command from the shard, shard catalog, and shard director hosts to verify that hostname resolution succeeds for all of the host names listed.

    To resolve any issues, use operating system commands or settings to ensure that all of the host names can be resolved.

  3. Run the REMOVE INVITEDNODE command to manually remove any host names that are not necessary and cannot be resolved from all of the hosts.
  4. Run the ADD INVITEDNODE command to manually add all host names and IP addresses of your shard hosts to the shard catalog metadata.
    GDSCTL> add invitednode

Deploy the Sharding Configuration

When the sharded database topology has been fully configured with GDSCTL commands, run the GDSCTL DEPLOY command to deploy the sharded database configuration.

When you run the GDSCTL DEPLOY command the output looks like the following.

GDSCTL> deploy
deploy: examining configuration...
deploy: requesting Data Guard configuration on shards via GSM
deploy: shards configured successfully
The operation completed successfully

What Happens During Deployment

As you can see, when you run DEPLOY several things happen.

  • GDSCTL calls a PL/SQL procedure on the shard catalog that examines the sharded database topology configuration to determine if there are any undeployed shards present that are able to be deployed.
  • For shards that need to be deployed, the shard catalog sends requests to the shard director to update database parameters on the shards, populate topology metadata on the shard, and direct the shard to register with the shard director.
  • If Oracle Data Guard replication is in use, and standby databases are present to deploy, then the shard director calls PL/SQL APIs on the primary shards to create a Data Guard configuration, or to validate an existing configuration on the primary and standby sets. Fast Start Failover functionality is enabled on all of the shards and, in addition, the shard director starts a Data Guard observer process on its host to monitor the Data Guard configuration.
  • If new shards are being added to an existing sharded database that already contains deployed shards (called an incremental deployment), then any DDL statements that have been run previously are run on the new shards to ensure that the application schemas are identical across all of the shards.
  • Finally, in the case of an incremental deployment on a sharded database using system-managed or composite sharding methods, automatic chunk movement is scheduled in the background, which is intended to balance the number of chunks distributed among the shards now in the configuration. This process can be monitored using the GDSCTL CONFIG CHUNKS command after the DEPLOY command returns control to GDSCTL.

What Does a Successful Deployment Look Like?

Following a successful deployment, the output from CONFIG SHARD should look similar to the following, if Data Guard active standby shards are in use.

GDSCTL> config shard
Name      Shard Group          Status   State     Region   Availability
--------- -------------------  -------  --------  -------  ------------
cdb1_pdb1 shardgroup_primary   Ok       Deployed  region1  ONLINE
cdb2_pdb1 shardgroup_standby   Ok       Deployed  region2  READ ONLY
cdb3_pdb2 shardgroup_primary   Ok       Deployed  region1  ONLINE
cdb4_pdb2 shardgroup_standby   Ok       Deployed  region2  READ ONLY

If mounted, non-open standbys are in use, the output will be similar to the following, because the shard director is unable to log in to check the status of a mounted database.

GDSCTL> config shard
Name      Shard Group         Status        State     Region   Availability
--------- ------------------  ------------- --------  -------  ------------
cdb1_pdb1 shardgroup_primary  Ok            Deployed  region1  ONLINE
cdb2_pdb1 shardgroup_standby  Uninitialized Deployed  region2  -
cdb3_pdb2 shardgroup_primary  Ok            Deployed  region1  ONLINE
cdb4_pdb2 shardgroup_standby  Uninitialized Deployed  region2  -

What To Do If Something Is Not Right

If any shards are showing an availability of PENDING, confirm that all steps related to ADD INVITEDNODE and CONFIG VNCR from the topology configuration were completed. If not, complete them now and run GDSCTL SYNC DATABASE -database shard_name to complete shard deployment.

Create and Start Global Database Services

After the shards are successfully deployed, and the correct status has been confirmed, create and start global database services on the shards to service incoming connection requests from your application.

As an example, the commands in the following examples create read-write services on the primary shards in the configuration and read-only services on the standby shards. These service names can then be used in connect strings from your application to appropriately route requests to the correct shards.

Example 4-1 Add and start a global service that runs on all of the primary shards

The following commands create and start a global service named oltp_rw_srvc that a client can use to connect to the sharded database. The oltp_rw_srvc service runs read/write transactions on the primary shards.

GDSCTL> add service -service oltp_rw_srvc -role primary
GDSCTL> start service -service oltp_rw_srvc

Example 4-2 Add and start a global service for the read-only workload to run on the standby shards

The oltp_ro_srvc global service is created and started to run read-only workloads on the standby shards. This assumes that the standby shards are Oracle Active Data Guard standby shards which are open for read-only access. Mounted, non-open standbys cannot service read-only connections, and exist for disaster recovery and high availability purposes only.

GDSCTL> add service -service oltp_ro_srvc -role physical_standby
GDSCTL> start service -service oltp_ro_srvc

Example 4-3 Verify the status of the global services

GDSCTL> config service 

Name         Network name                    Pool    Started Preferred all
----         ------------                    ----    ------- -------------
oltp_rw_srvc oltp_rw_srvc.orasdb.oracdbcloud orasdb  Yes     Yes
oltp_ro_srvc oltp_ro_srvc.orasdb.oracdbcloud orasdb  Yes     Yes

GDSCTL> status service
Service "oltp_rw_srvc.orasdb.oradbcloud" has 2 instance(s). Affinity: ANYWHERE
   Instance "orasdb%1", name: "cdb1_pdb1", db: "cdb1_pdb1", region: "region1", status: ready.
   Instance "orasdb%21", name: "cdb3_pdb2", db: "cdb3_pdb2", region: "region1", status: ready.
Service "oltp_ro_srvc.orasdb.oradbcloud" has 2 instance(s). Affinity: ANYWHERE
   Instance "orasdb%11", name: "cdb2_pdb1", db: "cdb2_pdb1", region: "region2", status: ready.
   Instance "orasdb%31", name: "cdb4_pdb2", db: "cdb4_pdb2", region: "region2", status: ready.

Verify Shard Status

Once you complete the DEPLOY step in your sharding configuration deployment, verify the detailed status of a shard

  1. Run GDSCTL CONFIG SHARD to see the detailed status of each shard.
    GDSCTL> config shard -shard cdb1_pdb1
    Name: cdb1_pdb1
    Shard Group: shardgroup_primary
    Status: Ok
    State: Deployed
    Region: region1
    Connection string:shard_connect_string
    SCAN address:
    ONS remote port: 0
    Disk Threshold, ms: 20
    CPU Threshold, %: 75
    Failed DDL:
    DDL Error: ---
    Management error:
    Failed DDL id:
    Availability: ONLINE
    Supported services
    Name Preferred Status
    ---- --------- ------
    oltp_ro_srvc Yes Enabled
    oltp_rw_srvc Yes Enabled 

Example Sharded Database Deployment

This example explains how to deploy a typical system-managed sharded database with multiple replicas, using Oracle Data Guard for high availability.

To deploy a system-managed sharded database you create shardgroups and shards, create and configure the databases to be used as shards, execute the DEPLOY command, and create role-based global services.

You are not required to map data to shards in system-managed sharding, because the data is automatically distributed across shards using partitioning by consistent hash. The partitioning algorithm evenly and randomly distributes data across shards. For more conceptual information about the system-managed sharded Database, see System-Managed Sharding.

Example Sharded Database Topology

Consider the following system-managed sharded database configuration, where shardgroup sg1 contains the primary shards, while shardgroups sg2 and sg3 contain standby replicas.

In addition, let’s assume that the replicas in shardgroup sg2 are Oracle Active Data Guard standbys (that is, databases open for read-only access), while the replicas in shardgroup sg3 are mounted databases that have not been opened.

Table 4-1 Example System-Managed Topology Host Names

Topology Object Description
Shard Catalog Database

Every sharded database topology requires a shard catalog. In our example, the shard catalog database has 2 standbys, one in each data center.


  • Data center = 1
  • Host name = cathost
  • DB_UNIQUE_NAME = catcdb
  • PDB name = catpdb
  • Connect service name = catpdb

Active Standby

  • Data center = 1
  • Host name = cathost1


  • Data center = 2
  • Host name = cathost2

Because there are two datacenters involved in this configuration, there are two corresponding regions created in the shard catalog database.

Data center 1

  • Region name = dc1

Data center 2

  • Region name = dc2
Shard Directors (global service managers)

Each region requires a shard director running on a host within that data center.

Data center 1

  • Shard director host name = gsmhost1
  • Shard director name = gsm1

Data center 2

  • Shard director hast name = gsmhost2
  • Shard director name = gsm2

Data center 1

  • sg1
  • sg2

Data center 2

  • sg3
  • Host names = shardhost1, …, shardhost9
  • DB_UNIQUE_NAME = cdb1, …, cdb9
  • PDB names = pdb1, pdb2, pdb3

    PDB names on standby replicas are the same as the PDB names on their corresponding primaries

Deploy the Example Sharded Database

Do the following steps to deploy the example system-managed sharded database with multiple replicas, using Oracle Data Guard for high availability.

  1. Provision and configure the following hosts: cathost, cathost1, cathost2, gsmhost1, gsmhost2, and hosts shardhost1 through shardhost9.
  2. Install the Oracle Database software on the following hosts: cathost, cathost1, cathost2, and shardhost1 through shardhost9.
  3. Install the shard director software on hosts gsmhost1 and gsmhost2.
  4. Create the shard catalog database and start an Oracle TNS Listener on cathost.

    Additionally, create standby replicas of the catalog on cathost1 and cathost2, and verify that changes made to the primary catalog are applied on these standbys.

    See Create the Shard Catalog Database for details.

  5. Create the 3 primary databases that will contain the sharded data on hosts shardhost1, shardhost2 and shardhost3.

    Create the corresponding replicas, located and named as listed here.

    • shardhost1 (cdb1/pdb1) replicas on shardhost4 (cdb4) and shardhost7 (cdb7)
    • shardhost2 (cdb2/pdb2) replicas on shardhost5 (cdb5) and shardhost8 (cdb8)
    • shardhost3 (cdb3/pdb3) replicas on shardhost6 (cdb6) and shardhost9 (cdb9)

    The db_unique_name of the 9 container databases (CDB) should be cdb1 through cdb9, in which the PDB names should be pdb1, pdb2 and pdb3 on the three primaries and their replicas.

    The service names for the CDBs should be cdb1 through cdb9, which the service names for the PDB shards are pdb1, pdb2, and pdb3.

    See Create the Shard Databases for details.

  6. Assuming that all port numbers are the defaults, to configure the sharded database topology, issue the following GDSCTL commands, replacing domains and passwords with the appropriate values.
    1. On host gsmhost1, run the following commands in GDSCTL.

      create shardcatalog -database cathost.example.com:1521/catpdb.example.com -user mydbsadmin/mydbsadmin_password -region dc1,dc2
      add gsm -gsm gsm1 -region dc1 -catalog cathost.example.com:1521/catpdb.example.com -pwd gsmcatuser_password
      start gsm -gsm gsm1

      See Create the Shard Catalog and Add and Start Shard Directors for details.

    2. On host gsmhost2, run the following commands in GDSCTL.

      connect mydbsadmin/mydbsadmin_password@cathost.example.com:1521/catpdb.example.com
      add gsm -gsm gsm2 -region dc2 -catalog cathost.example.com:1521/catpdb.example.com -pwd gsmcatuser_password
      start gsm -gsm gsm2

      See Add and Start Shard Directors for details.

    3. Back on host gsmhost1, run the following from GDSCTL to complete the sharded database setup.

      add shardgroup -shardgroup sg1 -deploy_as primary -region dc1
      add shardgroup -shardgroup sg2 -deploy_as active_standby -region dc1
      add shardgroup -shardgroup sg3 -deploy_as standby -region dc2
      add cdb -connect shardhost1.example.com:1521/cdb1.example.com -pwd gsmrootuser_password
      add cdb -connect shardhost2.example.com:1521/cdb2.example.com -pwd gsmrootuser_password

      Repeat the ADD CDB command for shardhost3 through shardhost9 and cdb3 through cdb9, then run the following commands.

      add shard -connect shardhost1.example.com:1521/pdb1.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg1 -cdb cdb1
      add shard -connect shardhost2.example.com:1521/pdb2.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg1 -cdb cdb2
      add shard -connect shardhost3.example.com:1521/pdb3.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg1 -cdb cdb3
      add shard -connect shardhost4.example.com:1521/pdb1.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg2 -cdb cdb4
      add shard -connect shardhost5.example.com:1521/pdb2.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg2 -cdb cdb5
      add shard -connect shardhost6.example.com:1521/pdb3.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg2 -cdb cdb6
      add shard -connect shardhost7.example.com:1521/pdb1.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg3 -cdb cdb7
      add shard -connect shardhost8.example.com:1521/pdb2.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg3 -cdb cdb8
      add shard -connect shardhost9.example.com:1521/pdb3.example.com -pwd gsmuser_password -shardgroup sg3 -cdb cdb9

      See Add Shardgoups If Needed, Add the Shard CDBs, and Add the Shard PDBs for details.

    4. Use the CONFIG VNCR and ADD INVITEDNODE commands to validate that all of the VNCR entries are valid and sufficient for a successful deployment.

      See Add Host Metadata for details.

    5. Run DEPLOY from GDSCTL to complete the configuration of the sharded database.

      See Deploy the Sharding Configuration for details.

    6. Add and start services for read-write and read-only access to the sharded database.

      add service -service oltp_rw_srvc -role primary
      start service -service oltp_rw_srvc
      add service -service oltp_ro_srvc -role physical_standby
      start service -service oltp_ro_srvc

      See Create and Start Global Database Services for details.

  7. You can use the GDSCL CONFIG, CONFIG SHARD, and CONFIG SERVICE commands to validate that all of the shards and services are online and running.

    See Verify Shard Status for details.