13.24 GET


GET [FILE] file_name[.ext] [LIST | NOLIST]

Loads an operating system file into the SQL buffer.



Keyword to specify that the following argument is the name of the script you want to load. This optional keyword is usually omitted.

If you want to load a script with the name file, because it is a command keyword, you need to put the name file in single quotes.


Represents the file you wish to load (typically a script).


Lists the contents of the file after it is loaded. This is the default.


Suppresses the listing.


If you do not specify a file extension, SQL*Plus assumes the default command-file extension (normally SQL). For information on changing the default extension, see SET SUF[FIX] {SQL | text}.

If the filename you specify contains the word list or the word file, the name must be in double quotes. SQL*Plus searches for the file in the current working directory.

The operating system file should contain a single SQL statement or PL/SQL block. The statement should not be terminated with a semicolon. If a SQL*Plus command or more than one SQL statement or PL/SQL block is loaded into the SQL buffer from an operating system file, an error occurs when the RUN or slash (/) command is used to execute the buffer.

The GET command can be used to load files created with the SAVE command. See SAVE for more information.


To load a file called YEARENDRPT with the extension SQL into the buffer, enter