14 SQL*Plus Error Messages
This appendix lists error messages with prefixes SP2- and CPY- generated by SQL*Plus:
For error messages with prefixes such as ORA-, TNS- and PLS- generated by Oracle Database, see the Oracle Database Error Messages guide.
14.1 SQL*Plus Error Messages
- SP2-0002 ACCEPT statement must specify a variable name
Cause: Required variable name was missing after the ACCEPT command.
- SP2-0003 Ill-formed ACCEPT command starting as command_string
Cause: An invalid option was used in the ACCEPT command.
- SP2-0004 Nothing to append
Cause: There was no specified text entered after the APPEND command.
- SP2-0006 not enough room to format computations
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to format computations.
- SP2-0015 no break(s) defined
Cause: There was no break defined.
- SP2-0016 break specification must start with ON/BY or ACROSS keyword
Cause: An invalid option was used in the BREAK command.
- SP2-0017 missing column name after keyword_name keyword
Cause: There was no column name after the specified keyword.
- SP2-0019 invalid numeric argument to option_name option
Cause: An invalid numeric argument was used in the specified option.
- SP2-0020 no storage available for column_name
Cause: An error has occurred. SQL*Plus was unable to allocate memory for a BREAK command.
- SP2-0022 cannot allocate space to modify the buffer_name buffer variable
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- SP2-0023 String not found
Cause: The search string specified was not found.
- SP2-0024 Nothing to change
Cause: There was nothing in the SQL buffer when using the CHANGE command.
- SP2-0025 Invalid change string
Cause: An invalid option was used in the CHANGE command.
- SP2-0026 No lines to delete
Cause: There was nothing in the SQL buffer when using the DEL command.
- SP2-0027 Input is too long (> max_characters characters) - line ignored
Cause: The input value specified was too long.
- SP2-0029 command buffer space exhausted
Cause: A large SQL or PL/SQL script is being executed from SQL*Plus.
- SP2-0030 no room for another line
Cause: The maximum number of lines in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block has been exceeded.
- SP2-0038 Command too long. (max_characters characters)
Cause: The specified command entered was too long.
- SP2-0039 command-line overflow while substituting into command_name
Cause: The maximum length of the command line has been exceeded.
- SP2-0042 unknown command command_name - rest of line ignored
Cause: The command entered was not valid.
- SP2-0044 For a list of known commands enter HELP and to leave enter EXIT
Cause: An unknown command was entered.
- SP2-0045 no column_name defined
Cause: No columns have been defined.
- SP2-0046 column_name not defined
Cause: The column name specified was not defined.
- SP2-0047 Invalid number for option_name option
Cause: An invalid number was used for this option.
- SP2-0052 like column_name, column_name not defined
Cause: The column which the format is based on was not defined.
- SP2-0054 no room to allocate definition_name definition. Ignored
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COLUMN command.
- SP2-0055 out of room while allocating portion of new definition_name. Old definition (if any) retained
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to store the new definition.
- SP2-0080 no COMPUTES currently defined
Cause: No COMPUTE definition.
- SP2-0081 maximum of number COMPUTE functions allowed at a time
Cause: The maximum number of COMPUTE functions has been exceeded.
- SP2-0082 no COMPUTE functions requested
Cause: No COMPUTE functions requested.
- SP2-0083 warning: COMPUTE option function_name specified number times
Cause: A label or a function was specified more than once.
- SP2-0084 COMPUTE ON keyword specified already
Cause: The ON keyword was specified more than once.
- SP2-0085 COMPUTE OF keyword specified already
Cause: The OF keyword was specified more than once.
- SP2-0087 no room to allocate COMPUTE control block for column_name
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.
- SP2-0088 missing keyword_name keyword. Usage: STORE {SET} filename[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]]
Cause: Missing a keyword in the statement.
- SP2-0092 missing columns for keyword_name keyword
Cause: The column name was not specified for the keyword.
- SP2-0096 no more room to allocate INTO variable variable_name
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.
- SP2-0097 no storage to allocate ON column column_name
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.
- SP2-0098 no storage to allocate COMPUTE block for column_name
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.
- SP2-0103 Nothing in SQL buffer to run
Cause: Nothing was in the SQL buffer to run.
- SP2-0105 Illegal, or missing, entity name
Cause: File name was not specified in the GET or SAVE commands.
- SP2-0107 Nothing to save
Cause: Nothing in the SQL buffer when attempting to save the content to a file.
- SP2-0108 The filenames CREATE, REPLACE, APPEND, FILE and abbreviations may not be used
Cause: An attempt was made to enter a filename using the word FILE, or one of the command keywords CREATE, REPLACE, APPEND, or one of their abbreviations. The filename specified in the command was not permitted.
- SP2-0109 Cannot append to file file_name
Cause: An attempt was made to append the content of the SQL buffer to a file and the file could not be written. Possible causes:
An error was encountered when creating the destination file.
A directory name specified in the SAVE statement was not found.
A system error made it impossible to open the file.
- SP2-0110 Cannot create save file file_name
Cause: An attempt was made to save the content of the SQL buffer to a file and the file could not be written. Possible causes:
An error was encountered when creating the destination file.
A directory name specified in the SAVE statement was not found.
A system error made it impossible to open the file.
- SP2-0111 Cannot close save file file_name
Cause: The file was in use.
- SP2-0116 Illegal SAVE command
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SAVE command.
- SP2-0134 no symbols currently defined
Cause: No DEFINE symbols were defined.
- SP2-0135 Symbol symbol_name is UNDEFINED
Cause: The specified symbol was undefined.
- SP2-0136 DEFINE requires an equal sign (=)
Cause: Expecting an equal sign after a symbol or variable name in the DEFINE command.
- SP2-0137 DEFINE requires a value following equal sign
Cause: There was no value for the variable or symbol. SQL*Plus expected a value to be assigned to a symbol or variable name after the equal sign.
- SP2-0138 no room to add substitution variable variable
Cause: Maximum number of variables that can be defined in a SQL*Plus session was exceeded.
- SP2-0146 Unable to allocate dynamic space needed (number_of_bytes bytes) - exiting
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- SP2-0152 ORACLE may not be functioning properly
Cause: Unable to initialize a session to the Oracle instance.
- SP2-0157 unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after 3 attempts, exiting SQL*Plus
Cause: Unable to connect to Oracle after three attempts.
- SP2-0158 unknown command_name option "option_name"
Cause: An invalid option was specified for the given command.
- SP2-0160 Unable to open file_name
Cause: Possible causes:
The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location.
File lacked the necessary privileges to open the file.
A system error made it impossible to open the file.
- SP2-0161 line line_number truncated
Cause: The line in the file was too long.
- SP2-0162 unable to close file_name
Cause: Unable to close the specified file as it was being used.
- SP2-0171 HELP system not available
Cause: Command-line SQL*Plus help is not installed in this Oracle instance.
- SP2-0172 No HELP matching this topic was found.
Cause: There is no help information available for the specified command.
- SP2-0176 Option ? Is invalid
Cause: The option ? is not valid in this command.
- SP2-0187 error in variable assignment
Cause: The assignment for the specified variable was incorrect.
- SP2-0223 No lines in buffer_name buffer
Cause: There are no lines stored in the buffer.
- SP2-0224 invalid starting line number
Cause: The line number specified was incorrect.
- SP2-0225 invalid ending line number
Cause: The line number specified was incorrect.
- SP2-0226 Invalid line number current_line_number
Cause: Invalid line number was specified.
- SP2-0232 Input too long. Must be less than number_of_characters characters
Cause: The input value was too long.
- SP2-0233 Unable to obtain userid after number_of_attempts attempts. Retry command
Cause: SQL*Plus was unable to login after three attempts.
- SP2-0240 Enter value for variable_name:
Cause: SQL*Plus was unable to find a value for a substitution variable.
- SP2-0241 No room for symbol symbol_name (not defined)
Cause: Unable to allocate memory for the symbol.
- SP2-0244 Cannot issue a PRINT command within a PAGE break
Cause: The PRINT command is not allowed within a PAGE break.
- SP2-0245 Unable to allocate temporary storage for printing
Cause: Unable to allocate temporary storage for printing.
- SP2-0246 Illegal FORMAT string column_ format_name
Cause: An invalid format was specified for the column.
- SP2-0249 variable_name not a valid variable type for printing
Cause: The specified variable is not valid for printing.
- SP2-0253 data item line_number (data_item_name) will not fit on line
Cause: The current line size setting is too small to fit the specified data item on a line.
- SP2-0258 could not create variable variable_name for column column_name
Cause: The specified variable could not be created for column – internal error or out of memory.
- SP2-0259 could not create variable variable_name for COMPUTE INTO
Cause: The specified variable could not be created.
- SP2-0260 computation for column column_name not uniquely qualified. could be for table table_name or table_name. computation ignored.
Cause: The specified column was not uniquely qualified in the statement.
- SP2-0262 no room to allocate CCBDEF pointer array
Cause: An internal memory error occurred.
- SP2-0263 no room to allocate COMPUTE block for column_name ON page/report/column_name
Cause: Insufficient memory allocated to the COMPUTE block.
- SP2-0265 option_name must be set ON or OFF
Cause: An invalid SET option name was specified.
- SP2-0266 internal error: buffer (buffer_size) smaller than l (buffer_limit)
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- SP2-0267 option_name option parameter_number out of range (lower_range through upper_range)
Cause: A value for a parameter was out of the specified range.
- SP2-0268 option_name option not a valid number
Cause: Non-numeric value (integer) was entered for a parameter.
- SP2-0271 variable_name is not a buffer variable
Cause: The specified variable was not defined as a buffer.
- SP2-0272 character_name character cannot be alphanumeric or white-space
Cause: The specified character in the SET command cannot be alphanumeric or white-space.
- SP2-0277 entered_value value not valid
Cause: The value entered was incorrect.
- SP2-0281 option_name missing set option Usage: SET SHIFT[INOUT] [VIS[IBLE|INV[ISIBLE]] or Usage: SET MARKUP HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text] [ENTMAP [ON|OFF]] [SPOOL [ON|OFF]] [PRE[FORMAT] [ON|OFF]] [-M[ARKUP] \"HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text]
Cause: SET option was missing in the command.
- SP2-0306 Invalid option Usage: CONN[ECT] [login] [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER}] Where <login> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_string>] | / or Usage: CONN[ECT] username/password[@connect_identifier] [AS {SYSOPER|SYSDBA}]or: CONN[ECT] /[@connect_identifier] AS {SYSOPER|SYSDBA}
Cause: Invalid option was specified for the command.
- SP2-0308 cannot close spool file
Cause: The file is currently being used.
- SP2-0309 SQL*Plus command procedures may only be nested to a depth of number_of_nested_procedures
Cause: Maximum number of nested procedures or scripts was reached.
- SP2-0310 unable to open file file_name
Cause: Unable to open the specified file.
- SP2-0311 string expected but not found
Cause: SQL*Plus was expecting a string at the end of the command, but could not find it.
- SP2-0312 missing terminating quote (quote_type)
Cause: The DESCRIBE command schema or object did not have a terminating quote.
- SP2-0317 expected symbol name is missing
Cause: SQL*Plus was expecting a symbol, but it was not specified.
- SP2-0318 symbol name beginning variable_name.. is too long (max max_name_length) Illegal variable name variable_name
Cause: Specified variable name exceeded the maximum name length.
- SP2-0323 no room to add timing element - request denied
Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the TIMING command.
- SP2-0324 operating system timing error error_option_number - request denied
Cause: The TIMING command failed to initialize due to a possible operating system error.
- SP2-0325 no timing elements to option_name
Cause: There are no timers recorded to SHOW or STOP.
- SP2-0328 no room to allocate title buffer
Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the TTITLE or BTITLE command.
- SP2-0331 SPOOL OUT disabled
Cause: An attempt was made to use SPOOL OUT where it is not supported.
- SP2-0332 Cannot create spool file
Cause: Possible causes:
Insufficient privileges to create a file.
A system error made it impossible to create a file.
- SP2-0333 Illegal spool file name: spool_name (bad character: 'character_name')
Cause: An invalid filename was entered in the SPOOL command.
- SP2-0341 line overflow during variable substitution (>number_of_characters characters at line line_number)
Cause: The maximum number of characters was exceeded in the SQL buffer after the substitution variable was expanded.
- SP2-0357 Out of temporary storage
Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the command.
- SP2-0359 memory exhausted
Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the command.
- SP2-0381 command_name is not available
Cause: The command specified is not implemented.
- SP2-0382 The command_name command is not available
Cause: The command was not recognized, or it is disabled. This occurs if it is a command that does not have any meaning in SQL*Plus (such as a SQL buffer editing command), or it is not allowed for security reasons.
- SP2-0392 Cannot UNDEFINE the current edit buffer
Cause: The current edit buffer cannot be undefined.
- SP2-0394 Illegal buffer name: buffer_name
Cause: A buffer name contained an illegal character, for example hyphen (-).
- SP2-0423 Illegal GET command
Cause: An invalid option was used in the GET command.
- SP2-0425 value is not a valid datatype
Cause: The value entered in the ACCEPT command was not valid for the specified datatype.
- SP2-0426 Input truncated to number_of_characters characters
Cause: There was no carriage return at the last line of the SQL statement.
- SP2-0495 FROM and TO clauses both missing; specify at least one
Cause: The FROM and TO clauses were missing from the COPY statement.
- SP2-0496 Misplaced FROM clause
Cause: The FROM keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.
- SP2-0497 Misplaced TO clause
Cause: The TO keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.
- SP2-0498 Missing parenthetical column list or USING keyword
Cause: A parenthetical list was missing in the column list or the USING keyword is missing in the COPY command.
- SP2-0499 Misplaced APPEND keyword
Cause: The APPEND keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.
- SP2-0501 Error in SELECT statement: Oracle_database_error_message
Cause: Invalid SELECT statement found in the COPY command.
- SP2-0513 Misplaced CREATE keyword
Cause: The CREATE keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.
- SP2-0514 Misplaced REPLACE keyword
Cause: The REPLACE keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.
- SP2-0515 Maximum number of columns (max_num_columns) exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of columns was exceeded in the COPY command.
- SP2-0516 Invalid command_name name NULL encountered
Cause: An invalid or null column name was specified in either the COLUMN or the ATTRIBUTE command.
- SP2-0517 Missing comma or right parenthesis
Cause: A missing right parenthesis was identified in the COPY command.
- SP2-0518 Missing USING clause
Cause: USING keyword is missing in the USING clause of the COPY command.
- SP2-0519 FROM string missing Oracle Net @database specification
Cause: Missing connect string for the database that contains the data to be copied from in the COPY command.
- SP2-0520 TO string missing Oracle Net @database specification
Cause: Missing connect string for the database containing the destination table in the COPY command.
- SP2-0526 Misplaced INSERT keyword
Cause: The INSERT keyword was misplaced in the COPY command.
- SP2-0540 File file_name already exists. Use SAVE filename[.ext] REPLACE
Cause: The file specified already exists.
- SP2-0544 Command command_name disabled in Product User Profile
Cause: An attempt was made to use a command that has been explicitly disabled for your schema in this database.
- SP2-0545 SET command requires an argument
Cause: An argument was missing in the SET command.
- SP2-0546 User requested Interrupt or EOF detected
Cause: Either end-of-file was reached, or CTRL-C was entered to cancel the process.
- SP2-0547 option_name option value out of range (lower_value through upper_value)
Cause: The specified SET option was out of range.
Cause: Incorrect syntax for the VARIABLE command was entered.
- SP2-0549 Usage: PRINT [:<variable> ...]
Cause: Incorrect syntax for the PRINT command was entered.
Cause: Incorrect syntax for the SHOW ERRORS command was entered.
- SP2-0552 Bind variable variable_name not declared
Cause: The specified bind variable was not declared.
- SP2-0556 Invalid file name Usage: STORE {SET} filename[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]] or Unable to complete EDIT command
Cause: Missing file name or an invalid file name specified.
- SP2-0559 Usage: EXEC[UTE] statement
Cause: Incorrect syntax for the EXECUTE command was entered.
- SP2-0560 Usage: DESCRIBE [schema.]object[.subobject|@db_link] [column]
Cause: Incorrect syntax for the DESCRIBE command was entered.
- SP2-0561 Object does not exist
Cause: The specified object you tried to DESCRIBE does not exist in the database.
- SP2-0562 Object does not exist in package
Cause: The specified object you tried to DESCRIBE does not exist in the package.
- SP2-0564 Object object_name is INVALID, it may not be described
Cause: The specified object you tried to DESCRIBE is invalid.
- SP2-0565 Illegal identifier
Cause: An invalid character was used in the DESCRIBE command.
- SP2-0566 Illegal sub-object specification
Cause: Invalid sub-object specification in the DESCRIBE command.
- SP2-0567 Illegal column specification for PL/SQL object
Cause: A column was described within an object in the DESCRIBE command.
- SP2-0568 No bind variables declared
Cause: There are no bind variables declared.
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET SERVEROUTPUT command.
- SP2-0575 Use of Oracle SQL feature not in SQL92 Entry |Intermediate|Full Level
Cause: A SQL statement was attempted that is not FIPS compliant. May also occur if a SQL*Plus feature, for example SET AUTOTRACE, that uses Oracle-specific SQL was turned on when you are using FIPS flagging.
Cause: An invalid option was specified in the SET FLAGGER command.
- SP2-0581 Object object_name is a package; use 'DESCRIBE <package>.<procedure>'
Cause: A attempt was made to describe a package as stand-alone, no sub-object such as a procedure was supplied.
- SP2-0582 Usage: {EXIT | QUIT} [SUCCESS | FAILURE | WARNING | n |<variable> | :<bindvariable>] [COMMIT | ROLLBACK]
Cause: An option to EXIT was invalid in SQL*Plus.
- SP2-0584 EXIT variable variable_name was non-numeric
Cause: The specified EXIT variable is non-numeric.
- SP2-0590 A COMPUTE function must appear before each LABEL keyword
Cause: The function COMPUTE must appear before each LABEL keyword.
- SP2-0591 Unable to allocate dynamic space needed (number_of_bytes bytes) Try reducing ARRAYSIZE or the number of columns selected
Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the command.
- SP2-0593 Label text must follow the LABEL keyword
Cause: Missing label text about the LABEL keyword in the COMPUTE command.
- SP2-0594 Usage: SET COLSEP {" " | text}
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET COLSEP command.
- SP2-0596 Usage: SET AUTO[COMMIT] {OFF | ON | IMM[EDIATE] | n}
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET AUTO[COMMIT] command.
- SP2-0597 datatype _name is not a valid datatype _name format
Cause: The value entered in the ACCEPT command was not in the specified datatype.
- SP2-0598 value_name does not match input format "format_name"
Cause: The value entered in the ACCEPT command was not in the specified format.
- SP2-0599 Usage: SET EDITF[ILE] filename[.ext]
Cause: Required filename was missing after the SET EDITFILE command.
- SP2-0603 Usage: Illegal STORE command. Usage: STORE {SET} filename[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]]
Cause: An invalid option was used in the STORE command.
- SP2-0605 File file_name already exists. Use another name or STORE {SET} filename[.ext] REPLACE
Cause: The file specified in the STORE command already exists.
- SP2-0606 Cannot create file_name file
Cause: The STORE command was unable to create the specified file. There may be insufficient disk space, too many open files, or read-only protection on the output directory.
- SP2-0607 Cannot close file_name file
Cause: The STORE command was unable to close the specified file. Another resource may have locked the file.
- SP2-0608 Object object_name is a remote object, cannot further describe
Cause: Unable to DESCRIBE the remote object.
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET AUTOTRACE command.
- SP2-0610 Error initializing feature_name
Cause: Not enough memory to enable this feature.
- SP2-0612 Error generating report_name report
Cause: Unable to generate the report using AUTOTRACE.
- SP2-0613 Unable to verify PLAN_TABLE format or existence Error enabling autotrace_report report
Cause: An AUTOTRACE command was issued by a user with insufficient privileges, or who did not have a PLAN_TABLE.
- SP2-0614 Server version too low for this feature
Cause: The current version of the Oracle Server is too low for this feature.
- SP2-0617 Cannot construct a unique STATEMENT_ID
Cause: Unable to construct a unique statement ID in AUTOTRACE.
- SP2-0618 Cannot find the Session Identifier. Check PLUSTRACE role is enabled Error enabling autotrace_report report
Cause: Unable to find the session identifier.
- SP2-0619 Error while connecting
Cause: An error occurred while AUTOTRACE attempted to make a second connection to the database instance.
- SP2-0620 Error while disconnecting
Cause: An error occurred while AUTOTRACE attempted to disconnect from the database instance.
- SP2-0621 Error ORA -error_number while gathering statistics
Cause: No data was found in the PLAN_TABLE while gathering statistics using AUTOTRACE.
- SP2-0622 Starting line number must be less than ending line number
Cause: The starting line number specified is larger than the ending number.
- SP2-0623 Error accessing PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE. Warning: Product user profile information not loaded! You may need to run PUPBLD.SQL as SYSTEM
Cause: The PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table has not been built in the SYSTEM account.
- SP2-0625 Error printing variable variable_name
Cause: Error encountered while printing the specified variable.
- SP2-0626 Error accessing package DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO You may need to install the Oracle Procedural option SET APPINFO requires Oracle Server Release 7.2 or later
Cause: This message is followed by a successful login to the Oracle Server. The DBMS_APPLICATION package is used to maintain on-line information about a particular application logged onto Oracle. SET APPINFO could not be initialized.
- SP2-0631 String beginning string_name is too long. Maximum size is 1 characteror Maximum size is string_length characters
Cause: The string specified was too long.
- SP2-0640 Not connected.
Cause: The PASSWORD command was issued when there was no connection to the Oracle instance.
- SP2-0641 command_name requires connection to server
Cause: SQL*Plus was unable to execute the command because there was no connection to a database.
- SP2-0642 SQL*Plus internal error state error_state context error_number. Unsafe to proceedor Unable to proceed
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- SP2-0645 Operating System error occurred Unable to complete EDIT command
Cause: An operating system error occurred with the EDIT command.
- SP2-0650 New passwords do not match
Cause: The new passwords entered did not match.
- SP2-0659 Password unchanged
Cause: The PASSWORD command failed to change passwords because:
No passwords were given.
The new passwords did not match.
- SP2-0666 WARNING: SHIFTINOUT only affects shift sensitive character sets
Cause: The NLS character set used in this session does not contain shift sensitive characters. The SET SHIFTINOUT command is unnecessary.
- SP2-0667 Message file facility<lang>.msb not found
Cause: The SP1, SP2, or CPY message file could not be found. SQL*Plus cannot run.
- SP2-0668 Invalid variable name
Cause: An invalid character was specified as part of the variable name.
- SP2-0669 Valid characters are alphanumerics and '_'
Cause: An invalid character was specified as part of the variable name.
- SP2-0670 Internal number conversion failed
Cause: A conversion request could not be performed because the string contained alphanumeric characters.
- SP2-0675 COPY command not available
Cause: The COPY command is not available in this version of SQL*Plus.
- SP2-0676 Bind variable length cannot exceed variable_length units_of_variable
Cause: The length of the bind variable datatype was exceeded.
- SP2-0678 Column or attribute type can not be displayed by SQL*Plus
Cause: The type specified is not supported.
- SP2-0685 The date entered_variable is invalid or format mismatched format
Cause: An invalid date was entered or does not match the format.
- SP2-0686 Usage: DESCRIBE [schema.]object[@db_link]
Cause: An invalid option was used in the DESCRIBE command.
- SP2-0692 Usage: CONN[ECT] [logon] [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER}] Where <logon> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_string>] | /
Cause: An invalid option was entered for the SQL*Plus CONNECT command.
- SP2-0714 Invalid combination of STARTUP options
Cause: The specified options of the STARTUP command cannot be used simultaneously.
- SP2-0715 Invalid combination of SHUTDOWN options
Cause: The specified options of the SHUTDOWN command cannot be used simultaneously.
- SP2-0716 Invalid combination of ARCHIVE LOG options
Cause: The specified options of the ARCHIVE LOG command cannot be used simultaneously.
- SP2-0717 Illegal SHUTDOWN option
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SHUTDOWN command.
- SP2-0718 Illegal ARCHIVE LOG option
Cause: An invalid option was used in the ARCHIVE LOG command.
- SP2-0728 Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
Cause: This is a RECOVER DATABASE command prompt, prompting for the redo log files to be applied.
- SP2-0729 Cannot SET INSTANCE while connected to a database
Cause: There was a problem with the connection instance while issuing the SET INSTANCE command.
- SP2-0733 Invalid connect string
Cause: An invalid connect string was specified.
- SP2-0734 Unknown command beginning command_name ... - rest of line ignored
Cause: The command entered was invalid.
- SP2-0735 Unknown command_name option beginning option_name
Cause: An invalid option was specified for a given command.
- SP2-0736 Command line overflow while substituting into line beginning string_name
Cause: The maximum length of the command line was exceeded.
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET DESCRIBE command.
- SP2-0738 Restricted command command_name not available
Cause: For security reasons, the command was restricted by the -RESTRICT command-line option.
- SP2-0745 Usage: SET SQLPLUSCOMPAT[IBILITY] version.release.[update]
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET SQLPLUSCOMPAT[IBLITY] command.
- SP2-0746 command_option option out of range (lower through upper )
Cause: The specified value was not in the range.
- SP2-0747 PAGESIZE must be at least max_page_size to run this query with LINESIZE line_size
Cause: The PAGESIZE setting was too small to display the specified LINESIZE.
- SP2-0749 Cannot resolve circular path of synonym synonym_name
Cause: An attempt was made to use a synonym to point to an object that no longer exists where the synonym had the same name as the base object, or an attempt was made to use a synonym that has a circular path that points back to itself.
- SP2-0750 ORACLE_HOME may not be set
Cause: SQL*Plus was unable to find a message file during program initialization, and could not display error messages or text required for normal operation. The most common cause is that ORACLE_HOME has not been set. Other possible causes are a corrupt or unreadable message file. On Windows the SQLPLUS registry entry may be invalid.
This message is hard coded (in English) in the SQL*Plus source code so it can be displayed on message file error. It could never be read from this message file because the error occurs only when the message files cannot be opened. This entry in the message file is for documentation purposes only.
- SP2-0751 Unable to connect to Oracle. Exiting SQL*Plus
Cause: No connection to an Oracle server could be made.
- SP2-0752 Usage: -C[OMPATIBILITY] version.release.[update]
Cause: An invalid option was used in the -C[OMPATIBILITY] command option.
- SP2-0753 STARTUP with MIGRATE only valid with Oracle 9.2 or greater
Cause: STARTUP MIGRATE was used to try to startup an Oracle server for a release prior to 9.2.
- SP2-0754 FROM clause cannot contain AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER
Cause: The COPY command does not support AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER connections.
- SP2-0755 TO clause cannot contain AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER
Cause: The COPY command does not support AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER connections.
- SP2-0756 FROM clause length clause_len bytes exceeds maximum length max_len
Cause: The FROM clause is too long.
- SP2-0757 TO clause length clause_len bytes exceeds maximum length max_len
Cause: The TO clause is too long.
- SP2-0758 FROM clause missing username or connection identifier
Cause: The COPY command FROM clause must include a username and a connection identifier.
- SP2-0759 TO clause missing username or connection identifier
Cause: The COPY command TO clause must include a username and a connection identifier.
- SP2-0762 Mismatched quotes in SHOW ERRORS [object]
Cause: Invalid syntax was found in the object name submitted as an argument to SHOW ERRORS.
- SP2-0768 Illegal SPOOL command
Cause: An invalid option was used in the SPOOL command.
- SP2-0769 Usage: SPOOL { <file> | OFF | OUT }
where <file> is file_name[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]]
- SP2-0771 File filename already exists. Use another name or "SPOOL filename[.ext] REPLACE"
Cause: The file specified in the SPOOL command already exists.
- SP2-0772 Automatic Storage Manager instance started
Cause: Document: Feedback message
- SP2-0773 Automatic Storage Manager diskgroups mounted
Cause: Document: Feedback message
- SP2-0774 Automatic Storage Manager instance shutdown
Cause: Document: Feedback message
- SP2-0775 Automatic Storage Manager diskgroups dismounted
Cause: Document: Feedback message
- SP2-0776 Invalid schema and object separator in SHOW ERRORS [object]
Cause: Invalid syntax was found in the object name submitted as an argument to SHOW ERRORS.
- SP2-0777 Invalid single quotes in SHOW ERRORS [object]
Cause: Invalid syntax was found in the object name submitted as an argument to SHOW ERRORS.
- SP2-0778 Script filename and arguments too long
Cause: The combined length of the script filename and script arguments is too long for SQL*Plus.
- SP2-0780 Value entered is not a valid datatype
Cause: The value entered in the ACCEPT command was not valid for the specified datatype.
- SP2-0781 command option option_name out of range (min through max)
Cause: Attempted to enter a value outside the allowed range for the command option.
- SP2-0782 Prelim connection established
Cause: Document: Feedback message
- SP2-0783 Cannot SET variable while connected to a database
Cause: Attempted to set a system variable that cannot be set while still connected to a database instance.
- SP2-0784 Invalid or incomplete character beginning byte returned
Cause: Attempted to return a string from the database that contained an invalid or incomplete character.
- SP2-0804 Procedure created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL procedure has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL procedure.
- SP2-0805 Procedure altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL procedure has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL procedure.
- SP2-0806 Function created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL function has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL function.
- SP2-0807 Function altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL function has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL function.
- SP2-0808 Package created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL package has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL package.
- SP2-0809 Package altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL package has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL package.
- SP2-0810 Package Body created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL package body has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL package body.
- SP2-0811 Package Body altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL package body has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL package body.
- SP2-0812 View created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL view has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL view.
- SP2-0813 View altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL view has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL view.
- SP2-0814 Trigger created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL trigger has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL trigger.
- SP2-0815 Trigger altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL trigger has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL trigger.
- SP2-0816 Type created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL type has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL type.
- SP2-0817 Type altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL type has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL type.
- SP2-0818 Type Body created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL type body has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL type body.
- SP2-0819 Type Body altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL type body has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL type body.
- SP2-0820 Library created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL library has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL library.
- SP2-0821 Library altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL library has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL library.
- SP2-0822 Java created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL java has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL java.
- SP2-0823 Java altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL java has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL java.
- SP2-0824 PL/SQL compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL block has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL block.
- SP2-0825 Dimension created with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL dimension has been created, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL dimension.
- SP2-0826 Dimension altered with compilation warnings
Cause: The PL/SQL dimension has been altered, but has one or more warnings, informational messages or performance messages that may help you to improve your PL/SQL dimension.
- SP2-0827 Procedure created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL procedure has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0828 Procedure altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL procedure has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0829 Function created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL function has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0830 Function altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL function has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0831 Package created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL package has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0832 Package altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL package has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0833 Package Body created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL package body has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0834 Package Body altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL package body has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0835 View created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL view has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0836 View altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL view has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0837 Trigger created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL trigger has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0838 Trigger altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL trigger has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0839 Type created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL type has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0840 Type altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL type has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0841 Type Body created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL type body has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0842 Type Body altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL type body has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0843 Library created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL library has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0844 Library altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL library has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0845 Java created with compilation error
Cause: The PL/SQL java has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0846 Java altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL java has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0847 PL/SQL compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL block has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0848 Dimension created with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL dimension has been created, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-0849 Dimension altered with compilation errors
Cause: The PL/SQL dimension has been altered, but has one or more error messages.
- SP2-1500 STARTUP with UPGRADE only valid with Oracle 9.2 or greater
Cause: STARTUP UPGRADE was used to try to startup an Oracle server for a release prior to 9.2.
- SP2-1501 STARTUP with DOWNGRADE only valid with Oracle 9.2 or greater
Cause: STARTUP DOWNGRADE was used to try to startup an Oracle server for a release prior to 9.2.
- SP2-1502 The HTTP proxy server specified by http_proxy is not accessible
Cause: The HTTP proxy server used by SQL*Plus cannot be accessed. SQL*Plus will be unable to run scripts located on a web server.
- SP2-1503 Unable to initialize Oracle call interface
Cause: Indicates a library used by SQL*Plus to communicate with the database failed to initialize correctly.
- SP2-1504 Cannot print uninitialized LOB variable
Cause: The specified LOB variable should be initialized before printing.
- SP2-1505 Invalid COL or TAB position entered
Cause: The BTITLE, TTITLE, REPHEADER or REPFOOTER command you entered attempts to use a COL or TAB value greater than 240, or a COL or TAB value greater than LINESIZE if LINESIZE is greater than 240.
- SP2-1507 Errorlogging table, role or privilege is missing or not accessible
Cause: Errorlogging table/role/privilege is missing or not accessible.
- SP2-1508 Invalid option for SET ERRORLOGGING OFF
Cause: An attempt was made to issue the SET ERRORLOGGING OFF command with additional options. SET ERRORLOGGING OFF accepts no other options.
- SP2-1509 Invalid option for SET ERRORLOGGING ON
Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid option for SET ERRORLOGGING ON.
- SP2-1510 Invalid option option_name for SET ERRORLOGGING ON
Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid option for SET ERRORLOGGING ON.
- SP2-1511 Missing table name for SET ERRORLOGGING ON TABLE
Cause: Either no table name was entered, or an invalid table or schema name was entered with the SET ERRORLOGGING ON TABLE command. The table name is assumed to be in the current schema unless another schema is specified with the syntax schema.table.
- SP2-1512 Unable to set table_name as table name for SET ERRORLOGGING ON TABLE
Cause: Either no table name was entered, or an invalid table or schema name was entered with the SET ERRORLOGGING ON TABLE command. The table name is assumed to be in the current schema unless another schema is specified with the syntax schema.table.
- SP2-1513 Invalid file name file_name for SET ERRORLOGGING ON FILE
Cause: Either no file name was entered, or an invalid file name or path was entered with the SET ERRORLOGGING ON FILE command.
- SP2-1514 Invalid identifier identifier for SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER
Cause: Either no identifier string was entered, or an invalid identifier string was entered with the SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER command. The identifier string cannot contain special characters.
- SP2-1515 Invalid identifier identifier for SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER
Cause: Either no identifier string was entered, or an invalid identifier string was entered with the SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER command. The identifier string cannot contain special characters.
- SP2-1516 Unmatched quotes in identifier identifier for SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER
Cause: An invalid string was found in the SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER command. The identifier string must be contained in single or double quotes.
- SP2-1517 Unable to flush the error log table schema.table
Cause: User may have insufficient privileges to flush the error log table.
- SP2-1518 Errorlogging table table_name does not exist in schema schema_name
Cause: Attempted to write to a non-existent error log table.
- SP2-1519 Unable to write to the error log table schema.table
Cause: User may have insufficient privileges to write to the error log table.
- SP2-01538 Edition only valid when connected to Oracle Database
Cause: Attempted to connect to an Edition session when database unavailable.
- SP2-01539 Edition requires Oracle Database 11g or later
Cause: Attempted to connect to an Edition session on Oracle Database earlier than 11g.
14.2 COPY Command Messages
- CPY-0002 Illegal or missing APPEND, CREATE, INSERT, or REPLACE option
Cause: An internal COPY function has invoked COPY with a create option (flag) value that is out of range.
- CPY-0003 Internal Error: logical host number out of range
Cause: An internal COPY function has been invoked with a logical host number value that is out of range.
- CPY-0004 Source and destination table and column names don't match
Cause: On an APPEND operation or an INSERT (when the table exists), at least one column name in the destination table does not match the corresponding column name in the optional column name list or in the SELECT command.
- CPY-0005 Source and destination column attributes don't match
Cause: On an APPEND operation or an INSERT (when the table exists), at least one column in the destination table does not have the same datatype as the corresponding column in the SELECT command.
- CPY-0006 Select list has more columns than destination table
Cause: On an APPEND operation or an INSERT (when the table exists), the number of columns in the SELECT command is greater than the number of columns in the destination table.
- CPY-0007 Select list has fewer columns than destination table
Cause: On an APPEND operation or INSERT (when the table exists), the number of columns in the SELECT command is less than the number of columns in the destination table.
- CPY-0008 More column list names than columns in the destination table
Cause: On an APPEND operation or an INSERT (when the table exists), the number of columns in the column name list is greater than the number of columns in the destination table.
- CPY-0009 Fewer column list names than columns in the destination table
Cause: On an APPEND operation or an INSERT (when the table exists), the number of columns in the column name list is less than the number of columns in the destination table.
- CPY-0012 Datatype cannot be copied
Cause: An attempt was made to copy a datatype that is not supported in the COPY command. Datatypes supported by the COPY command are CHAR, DATE, LONG, NUMBER and VARCHAR2.