Manual Non-CDB Oracle Database Release Upgrades to Multitenant Architecture

To manage your non-CDB Oracle Database upgrade manually by using scripts, learn about upgrade scenarios and procedures.

Starting with Oracle Database 21c, non-CDB architecture is desupported. You must upgrade a non-CDB Oracle Database to a PDB on a CDB. You have two manual upgrade options available:

  • Plug in the non-CDB Oracle Database to an Oracle Database 21c container database (CDB), and open the PDB in read-write, non-restricted mode. When the PDB is opened, the database is upgraded, and the data dictionary is converted from a non-CDB to a PDB.
  • Plug in the non-CDB Oracle Database to a same-release Oracle Database CDB, and convert the data dictionary from a non-CDB to a PDB. Then, upgrade the CDB and PDBs to Oracle Database 21c.

About Adopting a Non-CDB as a PDB Using a PDB Plugin

To manually adopt a non-CDB as a PDB, you generate an XML file that describes a non-CDB, and use the DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE procedure. Afterward, plug in the non-CDB, just as you plug in an unplugged PDB.

If you choose not to use the Capture Replay method of automatically adopting and upgrading a non-CDB to a PDB, then you can use the manual procedure of describing the non-CDB, and then adopting the non-CDB to a PDB. Create the PDB with the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ... USING statement. When the non-CDB is plugged in to a CDB, it is a new PDB, but not usable until the data dictionary is converted, using the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql script.

Figure 5-1 Plug In a Non-CDB Using the DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE Procedure

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 Plug In a Non-CDB Using the DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE Procedure"

You can use the same technique to create a new application PDB in an application container.

Adopting a Non-CDB as a PDB

You can adopt (move) a non-CDB into a PDB by using the DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE procedure.

This procedure enables you to update your non-CDB Oracle Database to a PDB on a CDB. To use this procedure, you must first install a new Oracle Database release with a CDB.
  1. Create the CDB if it does not exist.

  2. Ensure that the non-CDB is in a transactionally-consistent state.

  3. Place the non-CDB in read-only mode.

  4. Connect to the non-CDB, and run the DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE procedure to construct an XML file that describes the non-CDB.

    The current user must have SYSDBA administrative privilege. The user must exercise the privilege using AS SYSDBA at connect time.

    For example, to generate an XML file named ncdb.xml in the /disk1/oracle directory, run the following procedure:

        pdb_descr_file => '/disk1/oracle/ncdb.xml');

    After the procedure completes successfully, you can use the XML file and the non-CDB database files to plug the non-CDB into a CDB.

  5. Run the DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY function to determine whether the non-CDB is compatible with the CDB.

    When you run the function, set the following parameters:

    • pdb_descr_file - Set this parameter to the full path to the XML file.

    • pdb_name - Specify the name of the new PDB. If this parameter is omitted, then the PDB name in the XML file is used.

    For example, to determine whether a non-CDB described by the /disk1/oracle/ncdb.xml file is compatible with the current CDB, run the following PL/SQL block:

      compatible CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := 
               pdb_descr_file => '/disk1/oracle/ncdb.xml',
               pdb_name       => 'NCDB')
        ELSE 'NO'

    If the output is YES, then the non-CDB is compatible, and you can continue with the next step. If the output is NO, then the non-CDB is not compatible, and you can check the PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS view to see why it is not compatible. All violations must be corrected before you continue. For example, any version or patch mismatches should be resolved by running an upgrade or the datapatch utility. After correcting the violations, run DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY again to ensure that the non-CDB is compatible with the CDB.

  6. Shut down the non-CDB.

  7. Plug in the non-CDB.

    For example, the following SQL statement plugs in a non-CDB, copies its files to a new location, and includes only the tbs3 user tablespace from the non-CDB:

    CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ncdb USING '/disk1/oracle/ncdb.xml'
      FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/disk1/oracle/dbs/', '/disk2/oracle/ncdb/')

    If there are no violations, then do not open the new PDB. You will open it in the following step.

    The USER_TABLESPACES clause enables you to separate data that was used for multiple tenants in a non-CDB into different PDBs. You can use multiple CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statements with this clause to create other PDBs that include the data from other tablespaces that existed in the non-CDB.

  8. Run the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql script. This script must be run before the PDB can be opened for the first time.

    If the PDB was not a non-CDB, then running the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script is not required. To run the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script, complete the following steps:

    1. Access the PDB.

      The current user must have SYSDBA administrative privilege, and the privilege must be either commonly granted or locally granted in the PDB. The user must exercise the privilege using AS SYSDBA at connect time.

    2. Run the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script:


    The script opens the PDB, performs changes, and closes the PDB when the changes are complete.

  9. Open the new PDB in read/write mode.

    You must open the new PDB in read/write mode for Oracle Database to complete the integration of the new PDB into the CDB. An error is returned if you attempt to open the PDB in read-only mode. After the PDB is opened in read/write mode, its status is NORMAL.

  10. Back up the PDB.

    A PDB cannot be recovered unless it is backed up.


    If an error is returned during PDB creation, then the PDB being created can be in an UNUSABLE state. To check the state of a PDB, query the CDB_PDBS or DBA_PDBS view. You can learn more about PDB creation errors by checking the alert log. An unusable PDB can only be dropped. You must drop an unusable PDB before you try to create a PDB with the same name as the unusable PDB can be created.

Oracle Label Security Integration in a Multitenant Environment

You can use Oracle Label Security in a multitenant environment.


A multitenant container database is the only supported architecture in Oracle Database 21c. While the documentation is being revised, legacy terminology may persist. In most cases, "database" and "non-CDB" refer to a CDB or PDB, depending on context. In some contexts, such as upgrades, "non-CDB" refers to a non-CDB from a previous release.

In a multitenant environment, pluggable databases (PDBs) can be plugged in and out of a multitenant container database (CDB) or an application container.

  • rdbms/admin/catols.sql script on the database to install the label-based framework, data dictionary, data types, and packages. This script creates the LBACSYS account.

  • Because Oracle Label Security policies are scoped to individual PDBs, you can create individual policies for each PDB. A policy defined for a PDB can be enforced on the local tables and schema objects contained in the PDB.

  • In a single CDB, there can be multiple PDBs, each configured with Oracle Label Security.

  • You cannot create Oracle Label Security policies in the CDB root or the application root.

  • You cannot enforce a local Oracle Label Security policy on a common CDB object or a common application object.

  • You cannot assign Oracle Label Security policy labels and privileges to common users and application common users in a pluggable database.

  • You cannot assign Oracle Label Security privileges to common procedures or functions and application common procedures or functions in a pluggable database.

  • If you are configuring Oracle Label Security with Oracle Internet Directory, then be aware that the same configuration must be used throughout with all PDBs contained in the CDB. You can determine if your database is configured for Oracle Internet Directory by querying the DBA_OLS_STATUS data dictionary view as follows from within any PDB:


    If it returns TRUE, then Oracle Label Security is Internet Directory-enabled. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

Plugging In an Unplugged PDB

You can create a PDB by plugging an unplugged PDB into a CDB.

Manually Upgrading Non-CDB Architecture Oracle Databases

Use this procedure after you have installed a CDB to upgrade an earlier release non-CDB architecture Oracle Database, making it a PDB, and plugging the PDB into a CDB.


Starting with Oracle Database 21c, non-CDB architecture is desupported. You must upgrade a non-CDB Oracle Database to a PDB on a CDB.

Before using this procedure, complete the following steps:

  • Install the new release Oracle Database software

  • Prepare the new multitenant architecture Oracle home

  • Run AutoUpgrade with the preupgrade parameter, to check your source database system's readiness for upgrade to the new release.


  1. If you have not done so, run AutoUpgrade using the preupgrade parameter. Review the output, and correct all issues noted in the output before proceeding.

  2. Ensure that you have a proper backup strategy in place.

  3. If you have not done so, prepare the new Oracle home.

  4. (Conditional) For Oracle RAC environments only, enter the following commands to set the initialization parameter value for CLUSTER_DATABASE to FALSE:

  5. Shut down the database. For example:

  6. If your operating system is Windows, then complete the following steps:

    1. Stop the OracleServiceSID Oracle service of the database you are upgrading, where SID is the instance name. For example, if your SID is ORCL, then enter the following at a command prompt:

      C:\> NET STOP OracleServiceORCL
    2. Delete the Oracle service at a command prompt using ORADIM.

      For example, if your SID is ORCL, then enter the following command.

    3. Create the service for the new release Oracle Database at a command prompt using the ORADIM command of the new Oracle Database release.

      Use the following syntax, where SID is your database SID, PASSWORD is your system password, USERS is the value you want to set for maximum number of users, and ORACLE_HOME is your Oracle home:


      Most Oracle Database services log on to the system using the privileges of the Oracle software installation owner. The service runs with the privileges of this user. The ORADIM command prompts you to provide the password to this user account. You can specify other options using ORADIM.

      In the following example, if your SID is ORCL, your password (SYSPWD) is TWxy5791, the maximum number of users (MAXUSERS) is 10, and the Oracle home path is C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\21.0.0\DB, then enter the following command:


      ORADIM writes a log file to the ORACLE_HOME\database directory. The log file contains the name of the PDB in the multitenant container database.


      If you use an Oracle Home User account to own the Oracle home, then the ORADIM command prompts you for that user name and password.

      The following table describes the variables for using ORADIM when upgrading manually:

      Table 5-2 ORADIM Variables and Functions

      ORADIM Variable Description
      -SID sid The same SID name as the SID for the database that you are upgrading
      -SYSPWD password

      The SYS password for the upgraded Oracle Database instance. This is the password for the user connected with SYSDBA privileges.

      Default Oracle Database Security settings require that passwords must be at least eight characters. You are not permitted to use passwords such as welcome and oracle.

      - MAXUSERS value

      The maximum number of user accounts that can be granted SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges.

      -PFILE oracle-home-path

      The location of the parameter file (PFILE) in the Oracle home location for the upgraded Oracle Database release. Ensure that you specify the full path name with the -PFILE option, including the drive letter of the Oracle home location.

  7. If your operating system is Linux or UNIX, then perform the following checks:

    1. Your ORACLE_SID is set correctly

    2. The oratab file points to the new Oracle home

    3. The following environment variables point to the new Oracle Database directories:


      • PATH

    4. Any scripts that clients use to set the $ORACLE_HOME environment variable must point to the new Oracle home.


    If you are upgrading an Oracle Real Application Clusters database, then perform these checks on all Oracle Grid Infrastructure nodes where the Oracle Real Application Clusters database has instances configured.

  8. Log in to the system as the Oracle installation owner for the new Oracle Database release.

  9. Copy the SPFILE.ORA or INIT.ORA file from the old Oracle home to the new Oracle home.

  10. Start SQL*Plus in the new Oracle home from the admin directory in the new Oracle home directory.

    For example:

    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    $ pwd
    $ ./sqlplus
  11. Connect to the database that you want to upgrade using an account with SYSDBA privileges:
    Enter user-hame: connect / as sysdba
  12. Start the non-CDB Oracle Database in upgrade mode:

    SQL> startup upgrade

    If errors appear listing desupported initialization parameters, then make a note of the desupported initialization parameters and continue with the upgrade. Remove the desupported initialization parameters the next time you shut down the database.


    Starting up the database in UPGRADE mode enables you to open a database based on an earlier Oracle Database release. It also restricts log-ins to AS SYSDBA sessions, disables system triggers, and performs additional operations that prepare the environment for the upgrade.

  13. Exit SQL*Plus.

    For example:

  14. Run the Parallel Upgrade Utility ( script, using the upgrade options that you require for your upgrade.

    You can run the Parallel Upgrade Utility as a command-line shell command by using the dbupgrade shell command, which is located in Oracle_home/bin. If you set the PATH environment variable to include Oracle_home/bin, then you can run the command directly from your command line. For example:

    $ dbupgrade

    Otherwise, run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbupgrade.


    • When you run the Parallel Upgrade Utility command, use the -l option to specify the directory that you want to use for spool log files.

  15. The database is shut down after a successful upgrade. Restart the instance so that you reinitialize the system parameters for normal operation. For example:


    This restart, following the database shutdown, flushes all caches, clears buffers, and performs other housekeeping activities. These measures are an important final step to ensure the integrity and consistency of the upgraded Oracle Database software.


    If you encountered a message listing desupported initialization parameters when you started the database, then remove the desupported initialization parameters from the parameter file before restarting it. If necessary, convert the SPFILE to a PFILE, so that you can edit the file to delete parameters.

  16. Run to start utlrp.sql, and to recompile any remaining invalid objects.

    For example:

    $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl -n 1 -e -b utlrp -d '''.''' utlrp.sql

    Because you run the command using -b utlrp, the log file utlrp0.log is generated as the script is run. The log file provides results of the recompile.

  17. Run the AutoUpgrade utility (autoupgrade.jar) with the option -preupgrade using the mode postfixups.

    For example:

    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -preupgrade -mode postfixups
  18. Run utlusts.sql. The script verifies that all issues are fixed.

    For example:

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlusts.sql

    The log file utlrp0.log is generated as the script is run, which provides the upgrade results. You can also review the upgrade report in upg_summary.log.

    To see information about the state of the database, run utlusts.sql as many times as you want, at any time after the upgrade is completed. If the utlusts.sql script returns errors, or shows components that do not have the status VALID, or if the version listed for the component is not the most recent release, then refer to the troubleshooting section in this guide.

  19. Ensure that the time zone data files are current by using the DBMS_DST PL/SQL package to upgrade the time zone file. You can also adjust the time zone data files after the upgrade.

  20. Exit from SQL*Plus

    For example:

  21. (Conditional) If you are upgrading an Oracle Real Application Clusters database, then use the following command syntax to upgrade the database configuration in Oracle Clusterware:

    srvctl upgrade database -db db-unique-name -oraclehome oraclehome

    In this syntax example, db-unique-name is the database name (not the instance name), and oraclehome is the Oracle home location in which the database is being upgraded. The SRVCTL utility supports long GNU-style options, in addition to short command-line interface (CLI) options used in earlier releases.

  22. (Conditional) For Oracle RAC environments only, after you have upgraded all nodes, enter the following commands to set the initialization parameter value for CLUSTER_DATABASE to TRUE, and start the database, where db_unique_name is the name of the Oracle RAC database:

    srvctl start database -db db_unique_name

Your database is now upgraded. You are ready to complete post-upgrade procedures.


If you retain the old Oracle software, then never start the upgraded database with the old software. Only start Oracle Database using the start command in the new Oracle Database home.

Before you remove the old Oracle environment, relocate any data files in that environment to the new Oracle Database environment.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for information about relocating data files