5 Get Started with Jobs

Jobs allow you to schedule the running of notebooks. In the Jobs page, you can create jobs, duplicate jobs, start and stop jobs, delete jobs, and monitor job status by viewing job logs, which are read-only notebooks.

About Jobs

The Jobs page lists all the jobs created, along with the job name, notebook, owner of the job, last start date, next run date, status, and schedule.

You can perform the following tasks:

Figure 5-1 Jobs


  • Edit jobs: You can edit the metadata of any job listed in the Jobs page. Click Edit to edit the selected job.

  • Create jobs. Click Create to create a new job to schedule your Notebook.

  • Duplicate jobs: You can create a copy of an existing job listed in the Jobs page. Click Duplicate to make a copy of the selected job.

  • Stop jobs: Click Stop to terminate a job that is currently running.

  • Start jobs: The Start button is enabled only for jobs that are in Scheduled status. Click Start to start a scheduled job. The Start option is not applicable for the following conditions:
    • Jobs that have already completed its scheduled run cannot be re-started.
    • Jobs that have failed more than the allowed number of times, and are currently in Broken status, cannot be re-started.
  • Delete jobs: Click Delete to delete any job listed in the Jobs page.

Create Jobs to Schedule Notebooks

You can create jobs to schedule your notebook with preferred scheduling settings.

To create jobs, enter the following details in the Create Jobs dialog box:
  1. In the Jobs page, click Create. The Create Jobs dialog box opens.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the job. The number of characters in the job name must not exceed 128 bytes.
  3. In the Notebook field, click the search icon to select a notebook to create a job.


    Only notebooks that are owned by the user or shared are available for selection.
  4. In the Start Date field, click the date-time editor to set the date and time for your job to commence. Based on the selected date and time, the next run date is computed.
  5. Optionally, in the Repeat section, select:
    • Frequency: To set the repeat settings and frequency. You can set the frequency in minutes, hours, days, week, and month.
    • Custom: To customize the job settings.
  6. Optionally, in Advanced Settings, select one or more of the following options:
    • Maximum Number of Runs: To specify the maximum number of times the job must run before it is stopped. When the job reaches the maximum run limit, it will stop.

    • Maximum Failures Allowed: To specify the maximum number of times a job can fail on consecutive scheduled runs. When the maximum number of failures is reached, the next run date column in the Jobs UI will show an empty value to indicate the job is no longer scheduled to run. The Status column may show the status as Failed.

    • Timeout in Minutes: To specify the maximum amount of time a job should be allowed to run.

  7. Click OK.

View Job Logs

You can view the historical logs of any particular job in the Job Log interface.

You can view a log in the read-only Notebook. To view job logs:
  1. To view the history of a job, select the job and click view icon.
  2. To delete a particular job log, select it and click delete icon.