ASMCMD Oracle ASM Filter Driver Management Commands

This topic provides a summary of the ASMCMD Oracle ASM filter driver (Oracle ASMFD) management commands.

See Also:

Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for your operating system for information about installing and configuring Oracle Grid Infrastructure

Table 10-43 lists the Oracle ASM Filter Driver management commands with brief descriptions.

Table 10-43 Summary of ASMCMD Oracle ASM Filter Driver management commands

Command Description


Configures Oracle ASM Filter Driver.


Deconfigures Oracle ASM Filter Driver.


Manipulates the data integrity state in the Oracle ASM Filter Driver.


Retrieves the Oracle ASM Filter Driver diskstring value.


Sets the Oracle ASM Filter Driver diskstring value.


Sets the Oracle ASM Filter Driver mode on a given disk path.


Sets an Oracle ASM Filter Driver label to a disk.


Lists Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks.


Lists the disks that contain Oracle ASM Filter Driver labels.


Refreshes Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks using the AFD discovery string.


Scans for Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks.


Returns the state of Oracle ASM Filter Driver.


Clears an existing Oracle ASM Filter Driver label.



Configures Oracle ASM Filter Driver.

Syntax and Description

# asmcmd afd_configure  [-d | -e] [-f]

The following table lists the options for the afd_configure command.

Table 10-44 Options for the afd_configure command

Option Description


Disables Oracle ASMFD filtering mode.


Enables Oracle ASMFD filtering mode.


Force Oracle ASMFD configuration.

The afd_configure command must be run noninteractively as a root user. Before running the command on a node, the Oracle Clusterware stack must be shut down on that node. After the afd_configure command has been run, restart Oracle Clusterware on each node. After running afd_configure, the default filtering state is enabled.


The following example configures Oracle ASM Filter Driver on the node on which the command was run. $ORACLE_HOME in the example refers to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

Example 10-52 Using the afd_configure command

# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_configure

See Also:



Deconfigures Oracle ASM Filter Driver.

Syntax and Description

# asmcmd afd_deconfigure [-f]

The following table lists the options for the afd_deconfigure command.

Table 10-45 Options for the afd_deconfigure command

Option Description


Force Oracle ASMFD deconfiguration.

The afd_deconfigure command must be run noninteractively as a root user. Before running the command on a node, the Oracle Clusterware stack must be shut down on that node. After the afd_deconfigure command has been run, restart Oracle Clusterware on each node.


The following example deconfigures Oracle ASM Filter Driver on the node on which the command was run. $ORACLE_HOME in the example refers to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

Example 10-53 Using the afd_deconfigure command

# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_deconfigure

See Also:



Manipulates the data integrity state in the Oracle ASM Filter Driver (Oracle ASMFD).

Syntax and Description

afd_di {-e | -d | -q}

The following table lists the options for the afd_di command.

Table 10-46 Options for the afd_di command

Option Description


Enables data integrity in Oracle ASMFD.


Disables data integrity in Oracle ASMFD.


Queries data integrity in Oracle ASMFD.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Administering Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example shows the use of the afd_di command to enable data integrity in the Oracle ASMFD driver

Example 10-54 Using the ASMCMD afd_di command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_di -e



Retrieves the Oracle ASM Filter Driver discovery diskstring value.

Syntax and Description


For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example returns the current Oracle ASM Filter Driver discovery diskstring value.

Example 10-55 Using the afd_dsget command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_dsget
AFD discovery string: /dev/rdsk/mydisks/*



Sets the Oracle ASM Filter Driver discovery diskstring value.

Syntax and Description

afd_dsset afd_diskstring

The syntax options for the afd_dsset command are described in Table 10-47.

Table 10-47 Options for the afd_dsset command

Option Description


Specifies the value for the Oracle ASM Filter Driver discovery diskstring.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example sets the current Oracle ASM Filter Driver discovery diskstring value.

Example 10-56 Using the afd_dsset command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_dsset /dev/rdsk/mydisks/*



Sets the Oracle ASM Filter Driver filtering mode on a given disk path.

Syntax and Description

afd_filter {-e | -d } [disk_path]

The syntax options for the afd_filter command are described in the following table.

Table 10-48 Options for the afd_filter command

Option Description


Enables Oracle ASM Filter Driver mode.


Disables Oracle ASM Filter Driver mode.


Specifies the path to the disks.

If the command is executed without specifying a disk path, then filtering is set at the node level.


The following example uses afd_filter to enable Oracle ASM Filter Driver filtering on a specified disk path.

Example 10-57 Using the afd_filter command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_filter -e /dev/sdq



Sets an Oracle ASM Filter Driver (Oracle ASMFD) label to the specified disk.

Syntax and Description

afd_label afd_label disk_path [--migrate | --rename] [--init]

The syntax options for the afd_label command are described in Table 10-49.

Table 10-49 Options for the afd_label command

Option Description


Specifies an Oracle ASM Filter Driver label.


Specifies the path to the disks to which the label is applied.


Specifies to migrate Oracle ASM Filter Driver disk labels to all disks in the disk_path..


Specifies to label a disk that was previously labeled.


Specifies to set an Oracle ASMFD label during the initialize stage. This option is not allowed if Oracle ASMFD is already loaded.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Administering Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example sets an Oracle ASM Filter Driver label to a specified disk.

Example 10-58 Using the afd_label command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_label 'disk0' '/dev/rdsk/mydisks/disk0'



Lists Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks.

Syntax and Description

afd_lsdsk [--all]

The following table lists the options for the afd_lsdsk command.

Table 10-50 Options for the afd_lsdsk command

Option Description


Lists all Oracle ASMFD disks clusterwide.


The following example lists Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks.

Example 10-59 Using the afd_lsdsk commmand

ASMCMD [+] > afd_lsdsk
Label                     Filtering   Path
DISK0                       ENABLED   /dev/sdd
DISK1                      DISABLED   /dev/sdm
DISK2                       ENABLED   /dev/sdq



Scans operating system disks using the specified discovery string and lists the disks that contain Oracle ASM Filter Driver labels.

Syntax and Description

afd_lslbl [disk_string]

The following table lists the options for the afd_lslbl command.

Table 10-51 Options for the afd_lslbl command

Option Description


Specifies an optional disk path string for filtering.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Administering Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example shows the use of the afd_lslbl command to list disks that contain Oracle ASMFD labels.

Example 10-60 Using the ASMCMD afd_lslbl command

ASMCMD [+]> afd_lslbl '/dev/sd*' 

Label                 Duplicate  Path 
DISK0                 /dev/sdd 
DISK1                 /dev/sdm



Refreshes Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks using the AFD discovery string.

Syntax and Description

afd_refresh [--all]

The following table lists the options for the afd_refresh command.

Table 10-52 Options for the afd_refresh command

Option Description


Specifies a clusterwide refresh.

If the Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks are owned by the root user, then you must run afd_refresh --all as root to ensure that accurate disk sizes are displayed in the V$ASM_DISK view.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to Administering Oracle ASM Filter Driver.


The following example uses afd_refresh to refresh Oracle ASMFD disks

Example 10-61 Using the ASMCMD afd_refresh command

ASMCMD [+]> afd_refresh



Scans for Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks.

Syntax and Description

afd_scan [afd_diskstring] [--all]

The syntax options for the afd_scan command are described in Table 10-53.

Table 10-53 Options for the afd_scan command

Option Description


Specifies the value for the Oracle ASM Filter Driver discovery diskstring.


Specifies a clusterwide scan for Oracle ASMFD disks.

afd_scan scans for Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks using the specified discovery string. If the command is executed without specifying a disk string, then afd_scan uses the Oracle ASM Filter Driver discovery diskstring value in the afd.conf file.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example scans for Oracle ASM Filter Driver disks with a specified diskstring.

Example 10-62 Using the afd_scan command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_scan /dev/sd*



Returns the state of Oracle ASM Filter Driver.

Syntax and Description

afd_state [--all]

Table 10-54 lists the options for the afd_state command.

Table 10-54 Options for the afd_state command

Option Description


The --all option runs a clusterwide check.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example returns the current state of Oracle ASM Filter Driver.

Example 10-63 Using the afd_state command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_state
ASMCMD-9526: The AFD state is 'LOADED' and filtering is 'DEFAULT' on host 'myhost'



Clears a specified Oracle ASM filter driver (Oracle ASMFD) label.

Syntax and Description

afd_unlabel afd_label {afd_label | 'disk_path'} [-f] [--init]

The syntax options for the afd_unlabel command are described in Table 10-55.

Table 10-55 Options for the afd_unlabel command

Option Description


Specifies an existing Oracle ASM Filter Driver label to clear.


Specifies to clear a label determined by an existing disk path. If a disk needs to be unlabeled during the initialization stage, then it can be done only by using its disk path.


Forces the clearing of the label if the disk is an Oracle ASM member disk and there are no pending opens of the disk.


Specifies to clear an Oracle ASMFD label during the initialize stage. This option is not allowed if Oracle ASMFD is already loaded.

For information about Oracle ASM Filter Driver, refer to "Administering Oracle ASM Filter Driver".


The following example clears an existing Oracle ASM Filter Driver label.

Example 10-64 Using the afd_unlabel command

ASMCMD [+] > afd_unlabel 'disk0'