10 Managing Oracle ASM with ASMCMD

Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) Command-Line Utility (ASMCMD) provides commands for managing Oracle ASM.

This chapter describes the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) Command-Line Utility (ASMCMD). This chapter contains the following topics:

See Also:

Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System Administrator's Guide for information about ASMCMD commands to manage Oracle ADVM volumes


Oracle does not recommend using identifiers for Oracle Database object names that must be quoted. While the use of quoted identifiers may be valid as names in some command-line tools or in SQL statements, such as CREATE DISKGROUP "1DATA", the names may not be valid when using other tools that manage the object. For more information about naming Oracle Database objects, refer to Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

ASMCMD Audit Files Management Commands

This document describes the ASMCMD Oracle ASM audit files management commands.

The following table provides a summary of ASMCMD audit files management commands.

Table 10-1 Summary of ASMCMD audit files management commands

Command Description


Deletes the audit files of the specified audit trail type.


Clears the value for the specified audit property.


Clears the last archive timestamp set by “audsettimestamp” command.


Creates a purge job for specified audit trail type.


Drops the specified audit purge job.


Sets the tracing to the specified debug level.


Sets the job interval for the specified audit purge job.


Sets the status of the specified purge job to either “enable” or “disable” state.


Sets the value of specified audit property for given audit trail type.


Sets the last archive timestamp for specified audit trail type.


Displays the last archive timestamps set by "audsettimestamp" command.


Displays the configured audit trail purge jobs.


Displays the configured audit trail properties for the given audit trail type.



Deletes the audit files of the specified audit trail type. The command will delete the files based on Last Archive Timestamp set using “audsettimestamp" command, if --useTimestamp option is specified. Else, it will delete all the files that are not being actively written to.

Syntax and Description

audcleanaudittrail {--os|--uni} [--useTimestamp]

Options for the audcleanaudittrail command

Table 10-2 Options for the audcleanaudittrail command

Option Description


Cleans up audit files of OS audit trail type.


Cleans up audit files of Unified audit trail type.


If specified, uses last archive timestamp in cleaning up the audit records.


The following are examples of audcleanaudittrail command.

In the example below, the audit files of OS audit trail type that are older than the timestamp specified by "audsettimestamp" command will be deleted.

Example 10-1 Using the ASMCMD audcleanaudittrail command

ASMCMD> audcleanaudittrail --os --useTimestamp

In the example below, the audit files of Unified audit trail type that are older than the timestamp specified by "audsettimestamp" command will be deleted

Example 10-2 Using the ASMCMD audcleanaudittrail command

ASMCMD> audcleanaudittrail --uni --useTimestamp



Clears the value for the specified audit property. When --use_def argument is used, the value of the property is set to its respective default value.

Syntax and Description

audclearproperty {--file_max_size|--file_max_age} [--use_def] {--os|--uni}

Options for the audclearproperty command

Table 10-3 Options for the audclearproperty command

Option Description


Maximum audit file size


For more details, see Administering Oracle ASM audit trail


Maximum audit file age


For more details, see Administering Oracle ASM audit trail


Resets or sets the value back to default value.


Clears property of OS audit trail type.


Clears property of Unified audit trail type.


The default value for the age of an audit file is 5 Days and the default value for the size of an audit file is 10 MB.


The following are examples of audclearproperty command.

The example below sets the file_max_size property for the audit files of OS audit trail type to its default value.

Example 10-3 Using the ASMCMD audclearproperty command

ASMCMD> audclearproperty --file_max_size --use_def --os

The example below specifies to clear the file_max_age property for the audit files of Unified audit trail type. In other words, it sets file_max_age property to zero.

Example 10-4 Using the ASMCMD audclearproperty command

ASMCMD> audclearproperty --file_max_age --uni



Clears the last archive timestamp set by audsettimestamp.

Syntax and Description

audcleartimestamp {--os  --inst <instancenumber> |--uni}

Options for the audcleartimestamp command

Table 10-4 Options for the audcleartimestamp command

Option Description


Clears the last archive timestamp set for OS audit trail type.


Clears the last archive timestamp set for Unified audit trail type.

--inst <instancenumber>

Instance number


The following are examples of audcleartimestamp command.

The example below clears the last archive timestamp set for instance number 1 of OS audit trail type.

Example 10-5 Using the ASMCMD audcleartimestamp command

ASMCMD> audcleartimestamp --os --inst 1

The example below clears the last archive timestamp set for Unified audit trail type.

Example 10-6 Using the ASMCMD audcleartimestamp command

ASMCMD> audcleartimestamp --uni



Creates a purge job for specified audit trail type. The purge job runs at a frequency specified by --int and purges the audit files.

Syntax and Description

audcreatejob --name <job_name> --int <purge_int> {--os | --uni} [--use_ts]

Options for the audcreatejob command.

Table 10-5 Options for the audcreatejob command

Option Description

--name <job_name>

Name of the purge job

--int <purge_int>

Purge interval in hours


Purge job for OS audit trail type


Purge job for Unified audit trail type


When specified, the purge will be based on the last archive timestamp set by audsettimestamp command.


The following are examples for audcreatejob command.

The example below creates a job called OSAUD_PURGE with purge interval 10 hours for OS audit trail type and the job will use the timestamp, set earlier using audsettimestamp, while purging audit files (since --use_ts is specified).

Example 10-7 Using the ASMCMD audcreatejob command

ASMCMD> audcreatejob --name OSAUD_PURGE --int 10 --os --use_ts

The example below creates a job called OSAUD_NOTS with purge interval 10 hours for OS audit trail type and the job will NOT use the timestamp, set earlier using audsettimestamp, while purging audit files (since --use_ts is NOT specified).

Example 10-8 Using the ASMCMD audcreatejob command

ASMCMD> audcreatejob --name OSAUD_NOTS --int 10 –os



Drops the specified audit purge job. This command does not require any audit trail type information.

Syntax and Description

auddropjob --name <job_name>

Options for the auddropjob command.

Table 10-6 Options for the auddropjob command

Option Description

--name <job_name>

Name of the purge job


The following drops the audit purge job OSAUD_PURGE.

Example 10-9 Using the ASMCMD auddropjob command

ASMCMD> auddropjob --name OSAUD_PURGE



Sets the tracing to the specified debug level.

Syntax and Description

audsetdebug {--debug | --error}

Options for the audsetdebug command.

Table 10-7 Options for the audsetdebug command

Option Description


Dumps all debug information into the traces.


Dumps only error information into the traces.


The default debug level is "error".


The following example sets the debug level to "debug".

Example 10-10 Using the ASMCMD audsetdebug command

ASMCMD> audsetdebug --debug



Sets the job interval for the specified audit purge job.

Syntax and Description

audsetjobinterval --name <job_name>  --int <interval>

Options for the audsetjobinterval command.

Table 10-8 Options for the audsetjobinterval command

Option Description

--name <job_name>

Name of audit purge job

--int <interval>

Interval in hours


The following example sets the interval of audit cleanup job OSAUD_PURGE to 10 hours.

Example 10-11 Using the ASMCMD audsetjobinterval command

ASMCMD> audsetjobinterval --name OSAUD_PURGE --int 10



Sets the status of the specified purge job to enabled or disabled state.

Syntax and Description

audsetjobstatus --name <job_name>  {--disable | --enable}

Options for the audsetjobstatus command.

Table 10-9 Options for the audsetjobstatus command

Option Description

--name <job_name>

Audit purge job name


Enables or disables the given job.


Audit purge job, when disabled, will not purge audit files periodically.


The following example disables the audit job OSAUD_PURGE.

Example 10-12 Using the ASMCMD audsetjobstatus command

ASMCMD> audsetjobstatus --name OSAUD_PURGE --disable



Sets the value of specified audit property for given audit trail type.

Syntax and Description

audsetproperty {--file_max_size | --file_max_age } --val <value> {--os | --uni}

Options for the audsetproperty command.

Table 10-10 Options for the audsetproperty command

Option Description


Maximum size of the audit file


The value for file_max_size property must be in range [1,2000000] KB.


Maximum age of the audit file


The value for file_max_age property must be in range [1, 497] days.

--val <value>

Value of the property


Sets property for OS audit trail type.


Sets property for Unified audit trail type.


The following are examples of the audsetproperty command.

The example below sets the file_max_size property for the audit files of OS audit trail type audit file to 10 KB.

Example 10-13 Using the ASMCMD audsetproperty command

ASMCMD> audsetproperty --file_max_size --val 10 --os

The example below sets the file_max_age property for the audit files of Unified audit trail type to 10 Days.

Example 10-14 Using the ASMCMD audsetproperty command

ASMCMD> audsetproperty --file_max_age --val 10 --uni



Sets the last archive timestamp for specified audit trail type. This timestamp will be used by the audit purge job and audcleanaudittrail command, if they are configured with --useTimestamp option. In case of OS audit trail type, instance number is required.

Syntax and Description

audsettimestamp {--os|--uni} [--inst <id>] <timestamp>

Options for the audsettimestamp command.

Table 10-11 Options for the audsettimestamp command

Option Description


Last archive timestamp for OS audit trail type


Last archive timestamp for Unified audit trail type

--inst <id>

Instance number




The following example sets the last archive timestamp of OS audit trail type in instance number 1.

Example 10-15 Using the ASMCMD audsettimestamp command

ASMCMD> audsettimestamp --os --inst 1 22-AUG-2012 07:48:53



Displays the last archive timestamp set using "audsettimestamp" command.

Syntax and Description

audshowtimestamp [{--os|--uni}] [-g]

Options for the audshowtimestamp command.

Table 10-12 Options for audshowtimestamp command

Option Description


Displays last archive timestamp set for OS audit trail type.


Displays last archive timestamp set for Unified audit trail type.


Displays clusterwide timestamp information.


The following are examples of the audshowtimestamp command.

The example below displays the last archive timestamp set for OS audit trail type.

Example 10-16 Using the ASMCMD audshowtimestamp command

ASMCMD> audshowtimestamp --os

The example below displays the clusterwide timestamp information for OS audit trail type.

Example 10-17 Using the ASMCMD audshowtimestamp command

ASMCMD> audshowtimestamp --os -g

See Also:



Displays the configured audit trail purge jobs.

Syntax and Description

lsaudcleanupjobs [--os |--uni]

Options for the lsaudcleanupjobs command.

Table 10-13 Options for lsaudcleanupjobs command

Option Description


Displays only the purge job configured for OS audit trail type.


Displays only the purge job configured for Unified audit trail type.


lsaudcleanupjobs displays the purge jobs configured for both OS and Unified audit trail types, when no audit trail option is provided.


The following example queries audit cleanup jobs configured for OS audit trail type.

Example 10-18 Using the ASMCMD lsaudcleanupjobs command

ASMCMD> lsaudcleanupjobs --os

See Also:



Displays the configured audit trail properties for the given audit trail type.

Syntax and Description

lsaudconfigparams [{--os|--uni}]

Options for the lsaudconfigparams command.

Table 10-14 Options for lsaudconfigparams command

Option Description


Displays only the audit trail properties of OS audit trail type.


Displays only the audit trail properties of unified audit trail type.


lsaudconfigparams displays the audit configuration properties for both OS and Unified audit trail type, when no audit trail type option is provided.


The following example queries audit configuration parameters for OS audit trail type.

Example 10-19 Using the ASMCMD lsaudconfigparams command

ASMCMD> lsaudconfigparams --os

See Also: