7 Considerations When Using LOB Storage for JSON Data

LOB storage considerations for JSON data are described, including considerations when you use a client to retrieve JSON data as a LOB instance.

General Considerations

If you use LOB storage for JSON data, Oracle recommends that you use BLOB, not CLOB storage.

This is particularly relevant if the database character set is the Oracle-recommended value of AL32UTF8. In AL32UTF8 databases CLOB instances are stored using the UCS2 character set, which means that each character requires two bytes. This doubles the storage needed for a document if most of its content consists of characters that are represented using a single byte in character set AL32UTF8.

Even in cases where the database character set is not AL32UTF8, choosing BLOB over CLOB storage has the advantage that it avoids the need for character-set conversion when storing the JSON document  (see Character Sets and Character Encoding for JSON Data).

When using large objects (LOBs), Oracle recommends that you do the following:

  • Use the clause LOB (COLUMN_NAME) STORE AS (CACHE) in your CREATE TABLE statement, to ensure that read operations on the JSON documents are optimized using the database buffer cache.

  • Use SecureFiles LOBs.

SQL/JSON functions and conditions work with JSON data without any special considerations, whether the data is stored as BLOB or CLOB. From an application-development perspective, the API calls for working with BLOB content are nearly identical to those for working with CLOB content.

A downside of choosing BLOB storage over CLOB (for JSON or any other kind of data) is that it is sometimes more difficult to work with BLOB content using command-line tools such as SQL*Plus. For instance:

  • When selecting data from a BLOB column, if you want to view it as printable text then you must use SQL function to_clob.

  • When performing insert or update operations on a BLOB column, you must explicitly convert character strings to BLOB format using SQL function rawtohex.Foot 1

See Also:

Considerations When Using a Client To Retrieve JSON Data As a LOB Instance

If you use a client, such as Oracle Call Interface (OCI) or Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), to retrieve JSON data from the database then the following considerations apply.

There are three main ways for a client to retrieve a LOB that contains JSON data from the database:

  • Use the LOB locator interface, with a LOB locator returned by a SQL/JSON operationFoot 2

  • Use the LOB data interface

  • Read the LOB content directly

In general, Oracle recommends that you use the LOB data interface or you read the content directly.

If you use the LOB locator interface:

  • Be aware that the LOB is temporary and read-only.

  • Be sure to read the content of the current LOB completely before fetching the next row. The next row fetch can render this content unreadable.

    Save this current-LOB content, in memory or to disk, if your client continues to need it after the next row fetch.

  • Free the fetched LOB locator after each row is read. Otherwise, performance can be reduced, and memory can leak.

    If your client version is 21c or later then you need not explicitly free the LOB locator — it is freed automatically by the server at the next fetch. But for more robust code, it is good practice to always free it after each row is read.

Consider also these optimizations if you use the LOB locator interface:

  • Set the LOB prefetch size to a large value, such as 256 KB, to minimize the number of round trips needed for fetching.

  • Set the batch fetch size to a large value, such as 1000 rows.

Example 7-1 and Example 7-2 show how to use the LOB locator interface with JDBC.

Example 7-3 and Example 7-4 show how to use the LOB locator interface with ODP.NET.

Each of these examples fetches a LOB row at a time. To ensure that the current LOB content remains readable after the next row fetch, it also reads the full content.

If you use the LOB data interface:

  • In OCI, use data types SQLT_BIN and SQLT_CHR, for BLOB and CLOB data, respectively.

  • In JDBC, use data types LONGVARBINARY and LONGVARCHAR, for BLOB and CLOB data, respectively.

Example 7-5 and Example 7-6 show how to use the LOB data interface with JDBC.

Example 7-7 and Example 7-8 show how to read the full LOB content directly with JDBC.

Example 7-9 and Example 7-10 show how to read the full LOB content directly with ODP.NET.

Example 7-1 JDBC Client: Using the LOB Locator Interface To Retrieve JSON BLOB Data

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_BLOB() throws Exception {
      OracleConnection conn = getConnection();
      OracleStatement stmt = (OracleStatement)conn.createStatement();
      ) {
    stmt.setFetchSize(1000); // Set batch fetch size to 1000 rows.

    // Set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.

    // Query the JSON data in column jblob of table myTab1,
    // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual BLOB instance.
    String query =
      "SELECT json_serialize(jblob RETURNING BLOB) FROM myTab1";
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

    while(rs.next()) { // Iterate over the returned rows.
      Blob blob = rs.getBlob(1);

      // Do something with the BLOB instance for the row...

      // Read full content, to be able to access past current row.
      String val =
        new String(blob.getBytes(1,
    // Free the LOB at the end of the iteration.
    // Not needed if the LOB is returned by a SQL/JSON operation.

Example 7-2 JDBC Client: Using the LOB Locator Interface To Retrieve JSON CLOB Data

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_CLOB() throws Exception {
      OracleConnection conn = getConnection();
      OracleStatement stmt = (OracleStatement)conn.createStatement();
    stmt.setFetchSize(1000); // Set batch fetch size to 1000 rows.

    // Set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.

    // Query the JSON data in column jclob of table myTab2,
    // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual CLOB instance.
    String query =
      "SELECT json_serialize(jclob RETURNING CLOB) FROM myTab2";
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

    while(rs.next()) { // Iterate over the returned rows.
      Clob clob = rs.getClob(1);

      // Do something with the CLOB instance for the row...

      // Read full content, to be able to access past current row.
      String val = clob.getSubString(1, (int)clob.length());
    // Free the LOB at the end of the iteration.
    // Not needed if the LOB is returned by a SQL/JSON operation.

Example 7-3 ODP.NET Client: Using the LOB Locator Interface To Retrieve JSON BLOB Data

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_BLOB()
    using (OracleConnection conn =
      new OracleConnection(
        "user id=<schema>;password=<password>;data source=oracle"))
      OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

      // Set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.
      cmd.InitialLOBFetchSize = 256000;

      // Query the JSON datatype data in column jblob of table myTab1,
      // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual BLOB instance.
      cmd.CommandText =
        "SELECT json_serialize(jblob RETURNING BLOB) FROM myTab1";

      OracleDataReader rs = cmd.ExecuteReader();

      // Iterate over the returned rows.
      while (rs.Read())
        OracleBlob blob = rs.GetOracleBlob(0);

        // Do something with the BLOB instance for the row...

        // Read full content, to be able to access past current row.
        String val = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(blob.Value);

  catch (Exception e)
    throw e;

Example 7-4 ODP.NET Client: Using the LOB Locator Interface To Retrieve JSON CLOB Data

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_CLOB()
    using (OracleConnection conn =
      new OracleConnection(
        "user id=<schema>;password=<password>;data source=oracle"))
      OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

      // Set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.
      cmd.InitialLOBFetchSize = 256000;

      // Query the JSON datatype data in column jclob of table myTab2,
      // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual CLOB instance.
      cmd.CommandText =
        "SELECT json_serialize(jclob RETURNING CLOB) FROM myTab2";

      OracleDataReader rs = cmd.ExecuteReader();

      // Iterate over the returned rows.
      while (rs.Read())
        OracleClob clob = rs.GetOracleClob(0);

        // Do something with the CLOB instance for the row...

        // Read full content, to be able to access past current row.
        String val = clob.Value;

  catch (Exception e)
    throw e;

Example 7-5 JDBC Client: Using the LOB Data Interface To Retrieve JSON BLOB Data

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_LONGVARBINARY() throws Exception {
      OracleConnection conn = getConnection();
      OracleStatement  stmt = (OracleStatement)conn.createStatement();

    // Query the JSON data in column jblob of table myTab1,
    // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual BLOB instance.
    String query =
      "SELECT json_serialize(jblob RETURNING BLOB) FROM myTab1";
    stmt.defineColumnType(1, OracleTypes.LONGVARBINARY, 1);
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    while(rs.next()) { // Iterate over the returned rows.
      BufferedReader br =
        new BufferedReader(
              new InputStreamReader(rs.getBinaryStream( 1 )));
      int size = 0;
      int data = 0;
      data = br.read();
      while( -1 != data ){
          System.out.print( (char)(data) );
        data = br.read();

Example 7-6 JDBC Client: Using the LOB Data Interface To Retrieve JSON CLOB Data

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_LONGVARCHAR() throws Exception {
      OracleConnection conn = getConnection();
      OracleStatement  stmt = (OracleStatement)conn.createStatement();

    // Query the JSON data in column jclob of table myTab2,
    // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual CLOB instance.
    String query =
      "SELECT json_serialize(jclob RETURNING CLOB) FROM myTab2";
    stmt.defineColumnType(1, OracleTypes.LONGVARCHAR, 1);
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    while(rs.next()) { // Iterate over the returned rows.
      Reader reader = rs.getCharacterStream(1);
      int size = 0;
      int data = 0;
      data = reader.read();
      while( -1 != data ){
        System.out.print( (char)(data) );
        data = reader.read();

Example 7-7 JDBC Client: Reading Full BLOB Content Directly with getBytes

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_BLOB_2() throws Exception {
      OracleConnection con = getConnection();
      OracleStatement stmt = (OracleStatement)con.createStatement();
    stmt.setFetchSize(1000); // Set batch fetch size to 1000 rows.

    // set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.

    // Query the JSON data in column jblob of table myTab1,
    // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual BLOB instance.
    String query =
      "SELECT json_serialize(jblob RETURNING BLOB) FROM myTab1";
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

    while(rs.next()) { // Iterate over the returned rows.
      String val = new String(rs.getBytes(1), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Example 7-8 JDBC Client:Reading Full CLOB Content Directly with getString

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_CLOB_2() throws Exception {
      OracleConnection conn = getConnection();
      OracleStatement  stmt = (OracleStatement)conn.createStatement();
    stmt.setFetchSize(1000); // Set batch fetch size to 1000 rows.

    // Set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.

    // Query the JSON data in column jclob of table myTab2,
    // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual CLOB instance.
    String query =
      "SELECT json_serialize(jclob RETURNING CLOB) FROM myTab2";
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

    while(rs.next()) { // Iterate over the returned rows.
      String val = rs.getString(1);

Example 7-9 ODP.NET Client: Reading Full BLOB Content Directly with getBytes

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_BLOB_2()
    using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=oracle"))
      OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

      // Set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.
      cmd.InitialLOBFetchSize = 256000;

      // Query the JSON datatype data in column blob of table myTab1,
      // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual BLOB instance.

      cmd.CommandText =
        "SELECT json_serialize(blob RETURNING BLOB) FROM myTab1";
      OracleDataReader rs = cmd.ExecuteReader();

      // Iterate over the returned rows.
      while (rs.Read())
        long len = rs.GetBytes(0, 0, null, 0, 0); /* Get LOB length */
        byte[] obuf = new byte[len];
        rs.GetBytes(0, 0, obuf, 0, (int)len);
        String val = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(obuf);
  catch (Exception e)
    throw e;

Example 7-10 ODP.NET Client: Reading Full CLOB Content Directly with getString

static void test_JSON_SERIALIZE_CLOB_2()
    using (OracleConnection conn =
      new OracleConnection(
        "user id=<schema>;password=<password>;data source=oracle"))
      OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

      // Set LOB prefetch size to be 256 KB.
      cmd.InitialLOBFetchSize = 256000;

      // Query the JSON datatype data in column clob of table myTab2,
      // serializing the returned JSON data as a textual CLOB instance.

      cmd.CommandText = "SELECT json_serialize(clob RETURNING CLOB) FROM myTab2";

      OracleDataReader rs = cmd.ExecuteReader();

      // Iterate over the returned rows.
      while (rs.Read())
        String val = rs.GetString(0);
  catch (Exception e)
    throw e;

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: The return value of SQL function rawtohex is limited to 32767 bytes. The value is truncated to remove any converted data beyond this length.
Footnote 2: The SQL/JSON functions that can return a LOB locator are these, when used with RETURNING CLOB or RETURNING BLOB: json_serialize, json_value, json_query, json_table, json_array, json_object, json_arrayagg, and json_objectagg.