Call the Markdown Interpreter and Generate Static html from Markdown Plain Text

Use the Markdown interpreter and generate static html from Markdown plain text.

To call the Markdown interpreter and generate static html from Markdown plain text:
  1. In your notebook, type %md and press Enter.
  2. Type "Hello World!" and click Run. The static html text is generated, as seen in the screenshot below.
    Static html text
  3. You can format the text in bold. To display the text in bold, write the same text inside two asterisks pair and click Run.
    Text in bold
  4. To display the text in italics, write the same text inside an asterisk pair or underscore pair as shown in the screenshot, and click Run.
    Text in italics
  5. To display the text in a bulleted list, prefix *(asterisk) to the text, as shown in the screenshot below:
    Text in bulleted points
  6. To display the text in heading1, heading 2 and heading 2, prefix # (hash) to the text and click Run. For H1, H2, and H3, you must prefix one, two, and three hashes respectively.