Export a Notebook

You can export a notebook in Zeppelin format ( .json ) file and in Jupyter format ( .ipynb ), and later import them in to the same or a different environment.

To export a notebook:
  1. In the Notebooks page, select the notebooks that you want to export. You have the option to export one or more or all the notebooks.
  2. On the top panel of the notebook editor, click Export and then click any one of the following options:
    Supported Notebook Formats for Export
    • Notebooks to Export - To export notebooks, click:
      • All - To export all the notebooks.
      • Selected - To export the selected notebooks.
    • Format - Select the format in which you want to export your notebook:
      • Zeppelin - Exports the notebook as a .json (JavaScript Object Notation) file.
      • Jupyter - Exports the notebook as a .ipynb file.
    The exported notebooks are saved either as .json files or .ipynb files in a zipped folder.